Cool Karl Vs the Jocks

By Nick Cramer

Published on Jun 4, 2008


In this final part of the story, consensual anal sex is described. Do not read further if this would upset you.

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Nicky takes over the narration. _______

I've fantasized about sexy Robby often enough. But now the real thing ...! It is so lightyears better than any fantasy. I could spend hours just exploring every nook and cranny of those awesome thighs, that taut stomach, that stupendous cock and dangling balls. His hard belly with its trail of tiny hairs leading down from his navel to that big curly dark bush -- then, in contrast, the smoothness of his hairless inner thighs -- silky soft but oh so powerful! ... And his cock! Every bit as perfect as the rest of him! It only needs a little coaxing from me to transform the yielding indolent curve of it into an upright battering-ram, its skin stretched to bursting. Swollen veins snake up towards the encircling ring of the foreskin, out of which the purple flesh swells like some fearsome pagan idol. An imperious idol demanding tribute -- every sort of tribute that my humble lips and tongue and fingers can pay ...

I get to work. From Robby's eager quivering responsiveness I can tell I am doing exactly the right things. Thanks to me, Robby is coming to appreciate new rewards of his devotion to body-sculpture -- new blissful, intimate rewards ...

And my master Karl is guiding Robby towards the same goal! At last ... fountains of sperm from both of them at once, capitulating, exulting, defeated, victorious, all at the same time!

Oh my. But I must come down to earth, or I'll never finish telling the story.

It's true, as Robby said (unusually insightful of him): here I am, with a rock- hard aching cock, happy enough to have participated in all this exciting action, but still ... a solitary release later on will be an anticlimax. So what ...? Then I know in a flash. I would never dare to suggest it, except for today's revelations. Karl and I could go on in the same old way for weeks. But now ... I deserve a reward from Karl, that's what Robby has said. Yes, but my brave strong master deserves a reward too ... I know exactly what to say.

'It's Karl who deserves a reward from me, I think! He's so brave, he's so tough ... Remember, he defeated Pete, he defeated Steve, he nearly defeated Brad -- well, he would've nearly defeated Brad, except he was tired by then, poor guy, he's awesome, but he's not Superman! So I'd just like to, ah ... pay tribute to Karl in exactly the way Pete paid tribute to Steve! I'd like to contribute my ... well, my manhood to Karl! Yeah, I want my cock inside him! I want my cum to fuel him! I may be small, but what little strength I have I want to add to my master's! I want to gaze up into Karl's face while my cock humbly enters his sweet glorious ass. Then I want every drop of my cum to shoot yet more strength into mighty Karl Spivak!'

For three seconds, no one says anything. Karl stares at me, blushing red, his mouth open (even more open than usual, that is), but I can tell he isn't angry, just surprised. I think to myself: he knows he'll enjoy it, or, even if he doesn't think he will, he knows he ought to let me, even so ...

It is Pete who breaks the silence -- Pete in his new role as the practised expert in sexual techniques. 'You want to gaze UP into Karl's face, you said?'

'Yes, I mean, my master's got to be on top, I couldn't possibly ...'

'Yeah, OK. But look, if you're new to this, could I suggest ... I mean, you're pretty expert with your tongue, Nick. What I want to suggest is, maybe first you ... y'know, to get him used to ... ah, what the hell!' Pete started off all business-like, but now he is getting tongue-tied. 'I'm suggesting you rim him! Lick his asshole first!'

'Pete, what do YOU know about Nicky being expert with his tongue?' This is Karl, grinning mischievously. His blush has subsided and I am relieved that he seems relaxed now. 'It's Robby and me who can tell you about that! So ... you ready, Nicky? I'm gonna treat these guys to the sight of Spivak naked!'

Standing, he quickly pushes down his briefs (sticky with cum, I notice) and kicks them aside. Then he poses jokingly, flexing his biceps, grinning. (Oh Karl, Robby is beautiful, but please never think for a moment that I ... I mean, you have something more than beauty, it's ... well, it's what I know's inside you. And anyway, you're body is beautiful too, so much more real, even its imperfections aren't imperfections, they turn me on all the more ...)

What the sight of Spivak nude does for the other guys I don't know. And don't care. Because (have you forgotten, Karl?) this is the first time for me too! I've never before seen you with absolutely nothing on! And it makes me want to ... I don't know ... you in nothing but your skin, smiling at me in that tender goofy way, you look so kinda vulnerable ... that body of yours, it's strong, and yet ... all naked, it needs protection. And (though I know it makes no sense) I want Nicholas Briar to be the one to protect it.

My cock is aching all the more. But Karl doesn't keep me waiting. He gets down on all fours, grinning back at me.

'That's right,' says Pete. 'Now, Nicky, get your clothes off and get round the back of him ...'

I don't need urging. I've never undressed so fast in my life.

Karl's scrotum I'm familiar with, but now I have a new view of it, hanging low between his thighs. And just above it, that small hole that I've never seen before -- all unprotected now, shyly waiting for me! And his ass cheeks look vulnerable too, white and almost hairless.

Oh yeeah! Well, Spivak, you asked for it! I grab those ass cheeks, not too gently, and knead those muscular buttocks while my tongue and nose explore ... first the dark soft flesh of the dangling nutsack, then the inch or two of paler skin between it and that fascinating hole with its pinkish opening. My nose explores as well as my tongue, for sure, because there's that smell ... in other circumstances it would be revolting, but here and now it's confirmation that what I am getting at last is ALL of Karl. My generous master has put no inch of his body off-limits to me, every part of him will feel my warm breath as I gratefully give pleasure with my fingers and lips and tongue ...

My tongue probes, prods, tries to push inside. My hands are now squeezing Karl's waist at its narrowest part. I sense deep tremors inside Karl as at first he seems to resist. And surely he'll be able to resist me if he wants to, he's so strong and I'm so weak. But then I hear him gasp. My insistent tongue has overpowered his instinctive defences. His rectum relaxes, and suddenly I'm welcomed in.

'Aaaah!' A long shuddering sigh escapes from Karl. There's amazement in it -- delighted amazement. He's trusting me in a way he's never trusted anyone, and he's realizing that his reward will be a whole new horizon of intense sensations.

'OK, now, Nicky, on your back.' It's Pete, in a businesslike whisper. Somehow (I have to give Pete credit for this) he manages not to break the mood. Perhaps he's been moonlighting as an attendant in some ultra-high-class sauna. 'Now Karl, kneel astride him, knees forward, that's right, while I ...' I feel something being placed over my erect penis -- it's a condom! And some lubricant is being applied too. Hey, uuh ...

But before I can even think about losing my erection, there's Karl above me now, smiling down at me, his beautiful brown eyes aglow, his blond hair dangling, his hands supporting him on either side of my head. My hands reach up to grip his upper arms. I stroke his shoulders. On my own face, I can tell -- well, if I've been disrespectful in describing my darling Karl as goofy sometimes, I've got my come-uppance, because I'm sure no one has ever grinned more goofily than I am grinning now.

It's Karl's turn to be insistent. The tip of my cock -- then not just the tip but the upper part of the shaft -- it's Karl who is pressing his asshole down over it!

'Oooh, yeah! Give it to me, Nicky! Give me more of it!'

I thrust upwards and forwards with my hips, gently at first. Karl responds with downward pressure. A brief frown, then his face is clear again. If my cock has hurt him, it was only for a moment. Now there's a look of concentration on his face -- ecstatic concentration. We get into a rhythm. It's an excitement I've never known before. How come I haven't shot my load already? Yet my body seems to know, somehow, how to keep the precious fluid inside -- to hold on -- while the pumping gets more confident, more powerful.

By this time Karl has lowered his body so that his chest is only an inch above mine. My hands are on Karl's face now, fondling his jaw, his neck, his lips, his cheeks, his forehead, his eyebrows ... Every little pimple, every bristle - - my fingers are hungry for every tiny detail, sucking delight out each sensation just because it is a sensation of Karl -- of Karl who encloses me, who is my universe ...

Karl's face changes again. He is looking down at me now with what might almost be fear, but I know it is not fear. It is just awe at the climax that he feels building inside him. And then ... 'AAAAAHH' Karl flings his head up, clenching his teeth, his lips drawn back. A vein in his neck looks as if it is engorged to bursting point. His chest rears up above me. It's the chest of a tough young streetfighter, the same as it always has been, with those enticing nipples and pectoral bulges. Yet suddenly, as Karl's body convulses, that sweaty quivering chest looks like it's under unbearable strain -- a strain much worse than when Karl was fighting Steve, or even when he was struggling to hold on against the man-mountain Brad ...

Then for me too there is a moment when the world seems to stop. My own body is enveloped in one huge spasm ... a spasm that, so long as it lasts, seems to last for ever. At last my tribute to Karl is paid.

And it dawns on me. It's not just me that has been paying tribute to Karl. Karl too has dug deep in himself for my sake. It's incredible: even after my master's stupendous 'defeat' by Robby, my belly is slick with his generous cum.

Karl is now a dead weight, exhausted, as he lies on top of me. He's got no energy to do more than turn his head and kiss the side of my neck, just below my right ear. But that he does repeatedly, delicately, tenderly. Oh bliss! For the first time! And I feel his fingers in my hair too. True, he's ruffled my hair before, but always roughly or jokingly -- not like now ...

Dimly I remember, like it was in a past life, that time I accidentally tripped Karl in class. The best thing I ever did. But I don't wanna trip anyone else, not now, not ever!


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