Corey and Eddy

By Ryan Jones

Published on Jan 17, 1997



NOTICE This story contains teenage boys and men engaging in sexual activities. If this doesn't interest you,it's time to go ahead and exit now.

If this story does interest you,I'd appreciate any comments you have. This is the fifth one in my "Real Life" series,using teen stars of today and yesterday in fantasy situations.

AUTHOR'S NOTE This story is set in 1991. It stars Corey Haim,you'll remember him from the previous story. I decided to put myself in this one also since it actually was a true life experience. The locations described is this story are true places and should be fairly easy to find,if you want to have some fun also. The drug Xtasy is very real,use of it could cause events described in this story to happen to you,in fact all the drugs used are real and are a large part of the scene in Amsterdam,even now.

This story was originally posted in 1995 under the name Eddy Van through before I felt comfotable enough to post directly to the newsgroup.

Corey and Eddy

by Corey Haim

Corey had been in Amsterdam for a couple of days and he was starting to get bored. This wasn't like Hollywood,no. Not a bit like it was there. A town filled with gorgeous guys,maybe too many of them. Too much competition. Too little recognition.

It slowly got dark outside the window of his room at the Holiday Inn,Crowne Plaza and he watched the traffic below. Across the street he could see groups of people heading down the alley that led to Spuistraat. Looking at them reminded him that he was almost out of hash,so he decided to head to the coffeeshop Magnolia to restock.

As he entered the place he saw that,as usual,there were a number of boys in it,all between 15-20 with a couple of men scattered about at the tables or playing the slots.

He had been in a couple of other coffeeshops in the city in the past couple of days but this one seemed most active,especially as it got dark outside. Something about the atmosphere,the reggae and pop music intermixed,that made him feel right at home.

He looked around and saw no faces he recognized from prior visits to Magnolia,except for the man with the bong at the window,playing chess with a really pretty boy. He smiled at the man and the man waved at him and smiled back.

Corey went up to the counter.

Behind the bar was a dark haired girl."Hi there! What can I get for you?" she almost had to yell to get over the music.

"I need some hash please,50 guilders worth."

"Okay,anything to drink?"

Normally Corey had just bought and left but tonight he felt like something different. "Cappucino,thanks."

The girl started heating the block of hash,preparing to cut it and then started up the coffee. After she finished the coffee she handed it to Corey and then cut a large chunk of hash off and handed it to him. Corey paid for the hash and coffee and took it back to the area by the window,where the man was just finishing up destroying the boy he was playing.

The boy laughed and resigned the game. "You're just too good,wasted or not wasted."

"You're good too Paul,thanks for the game." said the man,smiling at the boy and,as the boy put on his coat to leave,he came back to the man and kissed him quickly and said goodnight to the coffeeshop,getting waves from everyone there except Corey,who smiled at him as he left.

The man looked around at Corey and his eyes narrowed. He shook his head and smiled,leaning over to Corey. "I'm so wasted,it's incredible. And it's only about 8pm."

Reaching over to the bowl in front of him he pulled a large clump of tobacco and hash mixture and put it in the bong. "I saw you get some hash at the counter and you don't look wasted. You take the first one."

"Thanks a lot man" Corey said with a smile and he fired it up but the hit was too much for the first one and he lost it about two thirds of the way through and started coughing.

"Hey,sorry. Was that too much for you?" the man asked.

"No,not at all.." Corey said,still coughing,then laughing along with the man next to him. "That was just the first one in awhile."

"Cool" the man answered,taking a huge hit himself.

He and Corey took another few hits of the hash mixture,watching the street traffic and listening to the new Seal video that MTV was playing.

"I guess we haven't been introduced yet" the man said "my name is Eddy. As you may have guessed,I'm American."

"You act like a native" Corey answered "my name is Corey. American."

At that moment a short,young blond boy came into the coffeeshop.

"Hi Eddy!" the boy said,coming over and giving him a kiss that wasn't just the normal one but a kiss of more passion.

"Hi Alan. How are you?"

"Just fine,just got back here from Rotterdam. Who's your friend?"

"This is Corey. Corey,meet Alan,a good friend of mine."

"Hi" Corey answered,a little shyly,putting out his hand.

Alan took the proffered hand but also leaned in to kiss him,this time the more traditional one,both cheeks and then a quick peck on the lips.

"Gotta run,people are waiting!" Alan said,heading for the counter to pick up some hash.

"Later lover" Eddy answered.

"I guess you know that boy" Corey asked.

"Yeah,we had an affair,for awhile,then he went to work for me."

"So you're gay?"

"Sure,as are most all the people in here."

"All these boys are gay?"

"At least bisexual."

Corey thought quickly to himself. Was this what he wanted to do,the type of people he wanted to hang around with?

Eddy broke in on his reverie "I've got the munchies,want to come to dinner with me? I'll treat!"

"Sure,why not? Sounds like a plan to me."

Eddy got up and made the rounds of the coffeeshop,saying goodbye for now to a lot of the boys there,kissing some of them perfunctorily and some of them more thoroughly. He then kissed the woman behind the counter and,grabbing his coat and Corey's arm,headed out the door.

"Do you eat beef?" Eddy asked.

"Sure,I love steak!" Corey answered.

Eddy took Corey a block down Spui to Gauchos,one of the better places in Amsterdam to get good steaks. Expensive,but good.

Corey felt strange,this wasn't like a normal day. Here he had taken up a total stranger on a dinner invitation,not just a stranger but a gay stranger. But there was something about Eddy that appealed to a hidden area of Corey.

"So Eddy,what do you do,for a living?"

"Well,I have some business interests here in the city. Back in the US I'm a management consultant. How about you?"

Doesn't he recognize me,Corey wondered. "I do some modeling work in the Los Angeles area." he hedged,not wanting to say movie star.

"Cool,I used to do that,probably when I was your age."

"How old do you think I am?" Corey asked.

"You're about 20,or so. At least that's in my professional opinion. And to save you any awkwardness,I'll tell you my age. I'm 40."

Corey looked over the table at Eddy,measuring him. The man was 6' tall,about 170 lbs. Not muscled,not fat. Kinda normal build. There was nothing spectacular about his looks,until you got to his eyes. His eyes were a piercing blue,when he looked at Corey occasionally, it seemed to Corey as if those eyes looked at his soul.

Eddy was returning the inspection. Corey was about 5'9",maybe 140 lbs. Blond tinted hair,blue eyes,a truly beautiful face. A face that seemed to Eddy to be so familiar but he couldn't quite place it. When the boy smiled,it seemed to Eddy as if the whole place lit up.

"So Corey,is this your first time to Amsterdam?"

"Yeah,Eddy. I had heard about the place and decided to see it."

"So what do you think,so far?"

"Well,I don't know. On one hand,you can get drugs,no problems. But I thought there was a real nightlife here and I haven't seen it yet."

"What are your plans for tonight?"

"Nothing set,I was going to see what happened."

"Why not come with me? I can assure you you'll see the nightlife of Amsterdam,just don't plan on getting back to your hotel until morning."

"Man,that sounds cool to me. I think I'll take you up on it. Should I go back to the hotel and get dressed?"

"Not just yet. No need to get the best clothes all sweaty now. Where are you staying?"

"I'm at the Holiday Inn,across the street from here."

"Hey,that's cool. I have an apartment a block over from here on the Singel. So we can both go change,when the time is right."

"I have to ask you,since you're an American and I don't know how you feel about things. What's your opinion on clubs? Do you have a problem going to a mostly gay disco? It's the best one in Amsterdam,much better than the straight ones."

"I don't really have a problem personally. Do you think I'll cause any problems there?" Corey asked.

"You'll be with me,so nobody will cause you problems. But there's no commitment,if you get a better offer,feel free to take it! I'd suggest that for the first time there,you'd better stay with me for the first few hours at the disco and let me guide you."

"I'd like that" and Corey realized he meant it. He had just met this Eddy but already he trusted him.

They finished their dinner,then walked back down Spui towards the coffeeshop. It was about 9pm and the Magnolia was rocking. Even though it was a little cold outside,the doors were open and "Boys Don't Cry" by The Cult was blasting out into the street.

Eddy and Corey walked in the coffeeshop,Eddy heading for his usual place by the window,guiding Corey by the arm. Eddy waved at the boys there and a few of them came up and kissed him hello.

"You sure know a lot of boys" Corey said to Eddy,with a grin.

Eddy blushed "Well,I have lots of friends."

One of the boys overheard this comment and leaned over and said to Corey "Don't listen to Eddy. We don't just like him,most of us would drop everything to go with him,I know I would." then with a sly wink he added "Besides,he's very good in bed." and he broke up laughing.

Corey laughed also,looking at Eddy,who was smiling but still seemed a little embarrassed by the attention.

"Let's get restarted" Eddy said,pulling out the bong and the hash mixture. "We need to get a good base for later!"

"Yeah,cool. I want to get really wasted tonight."

"Is hash the only drug you use?"

"I've done other ones but hash is all I've seen here."

"I'll tell you what. I'll be in charge of drugs tonight,okay? If I do,or take something,you do it also. But you don't have to. I mean, you're young,maybe you can't take it!" Eddy said this,daring Corey to take him up on it.

"Well,if you can do them,I can do them. After all,I am young and strong." Corey said this laughing,the first bong hit already starting to hit him.

"Now you're in for it" the same boy said to Corey. He got up and motioned to the girl to turn the music down for a minute,then he retold the conversation Eddy and Corey had to the rest of the people there. All the boys laughed,and looked at Corey,who smiled at them all and then looked at Eddy.

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Well,I do have a really high tolerance,for everything but alcohol. But I'll take it easy on you tonight,that is if you need any slack."

"I won't. So,what's the next step?"

"You don't mind,we're going to stay in gay clubs tonight?"

"Not at all,just please don't leave me alone there,without telling me you're leaving."

"I assure you I won't leave you! Let's go."

Eddy got up and waved at everyone. "See you all later. We're going to Club 21 then we'll head out to The It later. I want to see all of you there,once you get off work!"

Eddy took Corey by the arm and they went next door,up the flight of stairs and rang the bell. A man came down and opened the door.

"Hi Eddy. Come on in,bring your friend!"

Eddy and Corey took the winding stairs up to the next level where they could hear the disco music playing and men talking. They went through the curtain,Eddy opening it for Corey.

Corey stopped in amazement. There was a darkhaired boy who looked about 14,on a small stage in the front corner,dancing to the music and stripping off his clothes. There were other boys scattered about the room,along with 5 or 6 men,all eyes were riveted on the boy dancing on the stage.

The bartender came out and kissed Eddy and smiled at Corey,guiding them to a couple of seats at the bar.

"What can I get for you two?"

"We'll take a couple of beers and,do you have any coke?"

The bartender got the beers and brought back a small package. "How much did you want?"

Eddy looked at Corey "Hmm,better give me a couple of cooked grams. It could be a very busy night."

"Going out later" the bartender asked,archly.

"Yeah" Corey answered at him,with a smile. "We're going out all night tonight!" and he reached over and put a hand on Eddy's shoulder,giving him a squeeze.

They sat there and watched the boy,who stripped down and danced like a dervish to the Eartha Kitt song.

"Come on,finish up the beer" Eddy said. "We have to get going so we can get stocked up. You don't want to run out,do you?"

"No,tonight I want everything!" Corey exclaimed and he realized that he really meant it. The atmosphere in this club was stimulating,the naked boy dancing on stage and when he brought his eyes back to Eddy he could remember what the boy in the coffeeshop said about him,that he was very good in bed.

They left the club and walked out again to the street.

"Come on over to my apartment for a little while. We'll do up some of the coke and I'll get dressed for the evening. Then we'll stop by your hotel so you can get ready. After that,we're off!"

Corey nodded his agreement and they walked over a block to Singel and turned right. About halfway through the block Eddy stopped and pulled out a key.

"Here we are!"

Eddy opened the door and Corey followed him in. Man,Corey thought. This is something else. There was painting after painting covering almost all the wall space,with a huge entertainment center on the one wall.

"Have you ever mixed coke and hash?" Eddy asked.


"Let me show you the proper ratio,we'll do a couple of hits,then I'll go get dressed. You can make up a few ounces of mixture,we can take that with us to the disco."

Eddy sat down on the couch,pulling Corey down with him. He took a block of hash off the table and lit the end of it,getting it hot enough to crumble. Then he took it between his fingers and crumbled it down into a small dish on the table.

"You take about this much hash,then mix the coke with it and add enough tobacco to give it body. Mix it thorougly together."

Corey and Eddy Part 2

by Corey Haim

Once he finished he took up a smaller than normal amount and put it in the bong on the table. "Make sure you use a smaller amount or you'll never hold it in."

Corey watched Eddy as he took his hit,then filled up the bong and passed it to Corey. Corey tried to emulate him but the addition of the coke made the smoke seem to expand so much that he couldn't hold it and he started coughing again.

Eddy laughed "Try a little smaller hit. I'm going to get dressed,it won't take but a minute."

Corey experimented with the bong until he felt comfortable and took another hit or two while waiting for Eddy. Eddy came out and Corey had to do a doubletake.

Eddy had dressed in some skintight pants that looked like they were made of leather. He had on a white shirt that was opened down the front,with a sportcoat over it. He had put on some type of cologne that was incredibly sexy smelling. Corey looked at Eddy and smiled shyly,there was almost a sexual heat that emanated from the man,one that Corey could tangibly feel.

"Do you like it?" Eddy asked him.

"Man,that's an intense outfit. I'm impressed."

Eddy grabbed up the bong and did another hit. "Yeah,this is my "I'm available and I'm good" outfit." he said,looking at Corey and smiling.

Eddy scooped up all the mixture and put it in a film case,slipping it into his pocket.

"Now,let's get to your hotel and get you dressed!"

Corey smiled at him,the coke making him lightheaded slightly and increasing his body temperature. They walked quickly over to the Holiday Inn and Corey took Eddy up to his suite on the 5th floor.

"Man,a suite? Are you here alone?" Corey nodded yes. "You must be a rich kid then. This place is expensive!"

Corey didn't answer but smiled at Eddy. He then went into the bedroom to change. Eddy put some lines out on the table for Corey and sniffed some of the coke himself. The coke hit him like usual,seeming to sharpen his senses and making him very horny. Eddy wasn't sure how long it had been,felt like hours but was probably about 5 minutes when Corey walked back into the room.

Eddy felt his breath catch in his throat. Surely this had to be a vision,nobody could look this good. Corey had put on a pair of black silk pants that were also very tight. He had on a white ruffled shirt that was opened to the bottom button,showing his smooth chest. He had also put on a black sportcoat.

Eddy almost couldn't speak. "Man,you're incredible. You're the best looking person I've seen here in a long,long time. So sexy!"

Corey blushed a little at the compliment. "Thanks. I just tried to match your outfit,as best I could. This way people will know that we're together."

Together,Eddy thought? I hope we end up together later but,we'll worry about that come morning.

"Here's a couple of lines for you. Do them and let's get down to The It and start the night off right!"

Corey leaned over and snorted up the coke,feeling it hit him almost immediately,like good coke is supposed to work. Looking at the clock he noticed it was about 10:30pm. Eddy noticed him glance over at the clock.

"We'll be a little early for the crowds. That way I can show you around the place."

"I'm ready to go" Corey said as he stretched out like a cat,his body almost rippling.

They caught a taxi outside the hotel and went to Rembrandtsplein.

The driver let them off in front of a large building. A huge sign outside identified the place as The It. Eddy walked up to the door and went in,Corey following him. They walked through a bar area and then into the main disco.

The bass beat seemed to take Corey and almost move him. He backed into Eddy's side,watching the dancers below. Eddy took him by the arm and they walked through the dancers,to the back of the disco where there was a huge bar,in front of some bleachers. On either side of the bleachers were empty cages,with doors.

"So,how do you like it?" Eddy leaned over and whispered to Corey.

"I've never seen anything like it." Corey answered truthfully.

Seen from this vantage,Corey could see the dancers below,then more dancers on the stage to his left. Then,on pedestals raised above the main floor,there were more dancers. Wild lighting completed the frantic scene.

Eddy smiled at Corey,watching him watch the dancers. Everything was so precise,so crystal clear. Even though Eddy knew that a lot of what he saw was drug enhanced,it didn't make a difference. What he had next to him in Corey was better than any of the boys out there on the dance floor. Eddy grabbed a couple of beers from the bar and, taking Corey by the arm,led him about halfway up the bleachers,so there was no obstruction to the view.

"How are you feeling?" Eddy said,almost having to yell.

"I feel great" Corey said with a smile "really great!"

"We're going to dance,aren't we?" Eddy asked him,waiting to see what Corey's reaction would be.

"Dance,yeah,sure. Why not?"

"I'll tell you right now. If they put on Groove is in the Heart we're on the floor. That's my favorite,especially the mix they use in here."

Eddy reached into his pocket and took out some papers and rolled another joint. Corey nudged him "Can you do that in here?" and Eddy just smiled at him and lit it up. This was the mixture with hash and coke and every time they took a hit off the joint the sensations became much more intense.

"Man,this is some great stuff" Corey said,laughing.

"Yeah,this is..." Eddy stopped as he heard the first notes.

"Come on Corey,this is it! Dee Lite!" Eddy handed the joint to the people next to them on the bleachers and grabbed Corey,pulling him to the dance floor. Corey was coming willingly,what Eddy had said about this song was true. The first part of it just went right on through you and made you move.

They got to the dance floor just as the music kicked into high gear and Eddy started moving,moving in a way that Corey had never seen anyone move before in public. The rhythm of the music took hold and Corey started moving also.

Eddy looked over at the DJ,recognizing a friend of his and gave him the V sign,so he would play the second version right after the first one,then he went up to Corey and focussed directly on him. He danced around him,touching him occasionally. The shoulder,the arm, hold his hand for a moment,back of the neck,then right up into his face,moving his body hard up against Corey.

Corey felt like this was what he had been looking for since he got to Amsterdam. It felt like pure freedom to him,someone he was starting to like paying him all this attention,not because he was a movie star but because he was attracted to him. Corey danced right back at Eddy,matching his moves on the dance floor.

Suddenly he felt Eddy pull him up on one of the raised platforms that were scattered throughout the dance floor. As he got Corey up there,Eddy started dancing with the same abandon he had showed on the dance floor,getting right into Corey's face and holding him tightly,hands grasping Corey by the waist on each side.

Corey took his hands and raised them to Eddy's face,rubbing them along the sides,then down the chin and neck,tracing a path down the chest and stopping just above the crotch.

Eddy felt like his body was on fire and there was nothing that could put it out but more dancing,more touching. He took off his coat and threw it over to where the DJ was,laughing and moving even faster. Corey was getting heated up also and tried to do the same thing but missed the DJ area and his coat draped down over one of the many people watching the two dancers go wild on the raised platform.

Finally,as they were both grinding into each other,the song ended and flowed to another one. Eddy took Corey in his arms and gave him a hug,getting down and then helping Corey down,to the applause of some of the other dancers. They both retrieved their coats and went back to the bleachers.

As they got up there Corey noticed that there was quite a group of boys in the same area they were in. A lot of them he had seen before,either at the coffeeshop or at Club 21,they all greeted Eddy with smiles,hugs and a few kisses.

"Here" said the dark haired boy who had been dancing earlier at the club. "you don't look like you really need it but here's two hits each."

"Thanks Olaf" Eddy said,kissing the boy. Then he turned to Corey who was looking at him with,if Eddy didn't know better,what looked like jealousy in his eyes.

"Look Corey,here's the main ingredient to our night." Eddy said as he showed Corey the yellow pills.

"What are they?" Corey asked him.

"This is Xtasy" Eddy said,smiling "named that because it causes that feeling."

"I've never tried this before" Corey said "is it good?"

"It's not just good,it's fantastic. I'm taking two of them right now,do you want the other two?"

"Sure man,let me have them. Can't let you get ahead of me!"

They took the pills and washed them down with the rest of the beer and a couple of lines. They went out to the dance floor a few more times over the next 30 minutes,whenever Corey indicated he wanted to go and when they went,they drew a crowd.

The boy who had given Eddy the Xtasy told the others that Eddy and his friend had both taken a couple of hits each,so they were all looking to see when the drug started to work.

Corey and Eddy had come back to the bleachers,after a particularly robust effort on the dance floor,Eddy sitting one row higher than Corey,with Corey leaning back against Eddy's legs,leaning his head back occasionally to make some type of comment.

Eddy could feel the Xtasy take hold of him. He could swear that he felt Corey's back not just on his legs,but all over his body. He looked down at Corey and took his hand and rubbed it around the boy's neck.

The sensation,to Corey,was electric. There was no warning sign,to let him know the drug was at work but the touch of Eddy's hand sent completely sexual feelings throughout his whole body. He leaned his head back into Eddy's lap,looking at him through eyes that were now clouded with sexual awakening and a smile that looked devilish.

Eddy pulled Corey up to the bleacher beside him and taking just a finger,traced it down Corey's chest,up to his neck,around the line of his jaw. He could feel Corey start to shake as he did this,could feel the boy's breath catch as he leaned over more towards him. Eddy leaned more towards Corey,coming closer and closer to his face,until their mouths were just an inch apart.

He looked at Corey,trying to see if the boy gave any sign that he would like to be kissed. Corey looked at Eddy,wondering why he had stopped,wanting him to continue. Corey took his hands and cupped Eddy's face in them,then drew him down until their lips met.

They wasted no time,both of them opening their mouths and letting their tongues meet. Eddy had felt this before and could,almost,keep it all under control but Corey had never had anything like this.

Just kissing Eddy felt to Corey like some of the best sex he had ever imagined. He drew him down even harder,forcing his tongue as deep into Eddy's mouth as he could,then taking Eddy's tongue back into his mouth. They started a rhythm,sliding their tongues almost like fucking each other. This went on for what felt to Corey like forever,in his world there was nothing but Eddy's mouth and tongue.

Eddy broke away for a moment,his breath gone,looking at this incredible boy in awe. A smile,in almost disbelief,fluttered over his face. He focussed his eyes down into Corey's eyes,holding the boy tightly,trying to look inside his soul.

Corey felt Eddy's eyes as a physical prescence. Every time he swept over him with his glance,it was a tangible sensation. Corey moaned,wordless,needing something from Eddy,something that he did want but didn't know how to ask for.

He felt the boys around them lift him and Eddy up and bring them to the cage opening,then putting them in there and closing the door. Suddenly the video screens all lit up with Madonna and Justify My Love came blasting out of the speakers.

Eddy could feel the music oozing into him,taking control of him and moving his body in time. Corey felt the same way,taking hold of Eddy and slow dancing up against him,rubbing full length along the man's body.

Eddy could feel Corey's cock,hard and pulsing,moving against his also hard cock as they moved together. He ground his hips harder into Corey,making sure he could feel his desire.

Corey felt Eddy's cock,pressing up against him and it drove him wild. He took his hands and ran them inside Eddy's shirt,touching Eddy's nipples,then his stomach,then around to his back,pulling him close again,lifting his face for another kiss.

Eddy took the boy,crushing him up against him,almost devouring his mouth,his hunger was so strong. He put his other hand inside Corey's shirt,pinching one of his nipples,rolling it between his fingers.

Corey felt like his breath was gone,these sensations so strong. He wanted to feel Eddy's body next to him,had to have Eddy's skin next to his. He unbuttoned the last two buttons on Eddy's already opened shirt and then took it off and threw it towards the door of the cage.

Eddy could feel the air all over his upper body,could feel the warm and cold breeze generated by all the boys watching the two of them in the cage. He took Corey's shirt off also,then moving his hands down Corey's chest,cupped his waist and pulled him into him.

The song was still going,the boys outside the cage watching, the lust from the two in the cage transmitting itself to the watchers. Then they were bathed in white light,like a liquid flowing over them as they still moved against each other,trying to feel as much as they could but having their senses overloaded by the whole experience,writhing together as one body.

Finally the song ended,the music slowly fading as the applause started up. The two in the cage looked around them and saw 100 or more people,watching the two of them,vicariously joining in on the experience. Both Eddy and Corey smiled at the crowd, giving them a small bow as they retrieved their clothes and put them back on.

Eddy turned Corey back around towards him and looked at him.

"Corey,would you come home with me?"

Corey looked at Eddy's face,at the wonder,at the need he could plainly see and realized that this was just a mirror of his own face. He did really want this man,wanted to have sex with him, to feel all of him for as long as he could.

"Yes,please. Let's go quickly." Corey said,breathlessly.

"Thank you friends" Eddy said,smiling all around at the boys he knew. "We'll see you sometime tomorrow!"

The boys all laughed and clapped as Corey and Eddy almost ran from the club and into a waiting taxi. Corey moved over to Eddy,sitting almost on his lap,Eddy playing with Corey's hair as the driver took them to Eddy's apartment.

They got out of the taxi and ran into the building,opened the door of the apartment. Corey stood there for just a moment as Eddy picked him up and carried him into the bedroom,laying him gently down on the king size bed,then laying down beside Corey, taking him back into his arms and kissing him deeply.

Corey and Eddy Part 3

by Corey Haim

Corey was shaking with his need,his hands moving down Eddy until the reached the bulge of his hard cock. Corey could feel it move under his hand and he wanted it out,wanted to feel the man's cock.

Eddy couldn't believe it,this beautiful boy,this incredible boy was playing with his cock and doing it like he really wanted him. He took off Corey's shirt and threw it off the bed,then he reached down to the button at the top of Corey's black silk pants. He took a moment to admire the shape of Corey's hard cock,outlined clearly against the thin material of the pants.

Slowly he rubbed one of his hands over Corey's straining erection,opening the button of Corey's pants and unzipping them in one motion. Corey thrust his hips towards Eddy,wanting the man to continue,trying to transmit all that to Eddy.

As Eddy reached down to pull off Corey's pants he could feel Corey's shaking fingers unzip his pants and try and get the tight leather down over his bulging cock and off. After Eddy got Corey's pants off,he assisted the boy,lifting his hips up and allowing him to work the tight pants off.

Corey looked up and down Eddy's body,his eyes coming to rest on the man's hard cock. To Corey's eyes it looked huge but that was what he wanted,he wanted as much as he could get. Eddy's cock was only 7" but that translated to Corey's mind to huge, since he hadn't done all that much with men before,mostly just with other Hollywood boys.

Eddy was also admiring Corey,the boy's perfect 6" cock,hard like only the young boys can get and almost sizzling with the heat of Corey's need. Eddy rolled over and pinned Corey under him,their two hard cocks trapped against the stomachs. Eddy leaned down and kissed the boy hard,thrusting his tongue in and out of Corey's mouth and moving his cock up and down on Corey's stomach at the same time.

Corey was out of control,his mind overwhelmed by the massive stimulation that Eddy and the Xtasy were giving him. Grunting with the intensity of his need he rolled over,taking Eddy down beside him and reaching down to grab the man's leaking cock, starting to jerk the man off. He could feel the man move on the bed,felt him turn so that Eddy's head was near his cock and the two were in position for 69.

Eddy looked closely at the boy's cock,not too large,not too small,the precum steadily flowing from it. He leaned down and touched the tip of his tongue to it,then rubbing his tongue around the head of the boy's cock,tasting it and wanting more. Corey couldn't stand this sensation,he drove his cock deep into the mouth of the older man and felt the man clamp on to it, sucking hard,then moving up and down and doing it all over and over again.

Corey looked at the man's cock in front of his face,leaking on his hands as he slowly jerked it. Corey leaned forward,his mind suddenly decided,and took the man's cock deep into his mouth. He started to move up,then down,then up and then,to his own (and Eddy's) amazement,took the entire length of the man's cock down into his throat,trying to swallow the essence of the man into him.

Eddy could feel the boy's mouth on his cock,could feel the muscles of the boy's throat contract as the cock went down and the boy continued to try and swallow it all down. He could feel Corey's cock pounding it's way deeper and deeper into his own throat as the boy fucked his mouth with almost savage strokes, choking Eddy over and over.

Corey was rolling in the sensations. He could feel his cock throb in the sucking mouth of the man and continued to drive it down the man's throat,while taking the man's cock down his own throat. He could feel his orgasm coming,the sperm rising up the shaft of his cock. Suddenly he was seized by the power of the orgasm and he buried his cock to the hilt in Eddy's throat as his cock started to shoot massively into the mouth and throat of the wildly sucking man.

Corey was almost yelling with the intensity of the orgasm when the man's cock exploded in his mouth,filling his mouth with the taste of sperm,filling his nose with the scent of sex and taking him further into his own orgasm. He took the man's cock deep into his own throat and let the spasming cock pulse it's load after load of sperm into his stomach. He did pull up after awhile and took a few spurts in his mouth,loving the taste and feel of it on his tongue.

Eddy could feel the boy's cock throb and with each throb his mouth would fill with the boy's semen. The taste of it was like spun sugar candy,with just a taste of salt and it drove Eddy to want more and more of it,his hands moving up and down the boy's cock and milking all of the sperm into his mouth.

The intensity of the orgasm waned for both of them but they continued to suck and slurp on each other's cocks for another couple of minutes before breaking off,almost at the same time. Eddy turned back around to Corey and took him back into his arms and kissed him again,tasting the remains of his own orgasm in Corey's mouth,mixing it with what remained of Corey's own sperm in his mouth.

Corey could taste the semen on Eddy's tongue,could smell it on the man's breath and this taste,this smell,went right to the core of his being. They lay there with each other for minutes, drawing out the last of the sensation,noticing that it was all beginning to build again.

Both of them were hard again,by this time,and ready for more. Corey looked at Eddy and smiled seductively,Eddy looked down at the boy and gave him a look that could only mean he wanted more of Corey.

The Xtasy was still in control of both of their bodies,with all the feelings augmented,the needs increased. Corey was under Eddy,feeling the man's cock poke at his stomach,then his ass and the boy suddenly lifted up his legs and locked them around Eddy's waist,opening up his ass for Eddy.

"Fuck me Eddy" Corey said,almost yelling. "I need you inside of me,filling me up."

Eddy tried to move over to the sidetable,to get some lubricant but Corey pulled him back.

"Just give it to me. Run your big cock up my ass and fuck me."

Eddy couldn't hold out any longer. Here was the best looking and most fun boy he had seen in years,offering,no not offering but demanding that Eddy fuck him hard.

Eddy moved his cock between the boy's rounded ass cheeks and felt for his hole. Eddy realized then that he didn't really need any lubricant,the boy's asshole was almost pulling him in,like his cock was iron and the boy's asshole a magnet. Slowly he pressed his cock into the opening asshole of the boy,until he felt the boy's cheeks against his balls.

"Fuck me Eddy. Fuck me."

Eddy started to fuck Corey,moving slowly at first then picking up speed. He leaned down and kissed the boy moving beneath him. He could almost ram it in and stand still,Corey would do all the fucking for both of them.

Corey felt Eddy's cock sliding into his asshole and he almost came again right then. The man slid his cock in and then started to slowly fuck him,but it wasn't enough. Corey wanted more,more, and harder so he started to move back against Eddy. When Eddy would thrust in,Corey would move his ass back against him, making the man's cock go deeper into him with each stroke.

Corey could feel the man's cock rubbing on his prostate and knew he couldn't hold out much longer. He held his breath as he felt the first spurts crash out of his cock,splattering under his chin as his cock throbbed against his stomach.

Eddy looked down and saw Corey cum,the sperm splashing up on the boy. He reached down and tasted it and as soon as he did that his own orgasm uncoiled in his loins. He drove his cock in and out savagely,sperm shooting out with each thrust deep into Corey's ass. The boy was moaning under him,thrashing like he was drowning from the sensations of both his own orgasm and Eddy's driving cock.

Each time that Corey felt Eddy thrust into his ass he could feel more sperm shooting from his own cock,pooling on his stomach. Corey hoped that it would never end,that the man would continue to fuck him long into the night.

Eddy did continue to fuck the boy,his cock losing none of its hardness,his sexual need going down not at all. But he wanted the boy in his ass also,wanted to watch this beautiful creature take possession of him also.

"Corey my love. Would you fuck me now?"

Corey looked up at Eddy and answered him with a hard kiss. He felt Eddy pull his still hard,dripping cock out of his ass and then Eddy rolled over on his back and looked up at Corey and smiled. Eddy reached up and scooped off the pool of sperm on Corey's stomach and used that to partially lubricate the boy's stone hard cock,then taking the rest of it and licking his hand,smiling up and Corey and holding the boy tighter with his legs.

Corey felt Eddy's need as his own and,in one motion,drove his sperm covered cock deep into the man's quivering asshole,while at the same time kissing the man deeply. Eddy moaned into Corey's mouth as he felt the boy's hard cock slide up inside his ass, filling him up the way he needed to be filled.

Corey started to fuck then,knowing that's what Eddy wanted. He pulled his cock out almost all the way,then pushed back in as deep as possible,over and over. Since they had both come twice already this was no quick fuck and both of them were sweating and grunting as they worked their way towards another orgasm.

Eddy felt the boy's cock rubbing his ass almost raw and he moaned up into Corey's mouth. He looked at the boy's face,a mask of determination as he steadily plugged the older man's still clutching asshole.

Both of them could finally feel the orgasm coming but the suddenness of it caught them both by surprise. Corey was first, his cock wildly jerking and throbbing in the man's asshole as he emptied his balls deep into Eddy's asshole. Eddy felt the boys cock get even harder and then drive into him with the severity of an ice pick and he could feel the few spurts of semen escaping into his bowels and that set off Eddy's own orgasm.

The first spurt landed by Eddy's nipple and then two more spurts that didn't travel far but just slithered up out of his cock,as if out of his soul. The boy continued to pump Eddy's asshole until the man's orgasm petered out,then the boy slowly pulled out,the head of his cock leaving the man's asshole with a slurping sound.

Corey felt Eddy's legs hit the bed as the man drew him up beside him,looking at Corey's face for some reflection of the feelings that were foremost in Eddy's mind. The boy looked down at Eddy,this man,this man that he felt so safe with,this man that he..loved.

"I love you Eddy!" Corey said,burying his face in Eddy's chest.

"I love you too Corey. You're incredible!"

Eddy and Corey fell asleep then,still in each other's arms, with the brightening of the early dawn giving the promise to another day.

Eddy slowly stirred and then turned over. He felt tired but happy. He opened his eyes and looked beside him,looking for Corey but the bed was empty.

Eddy got up and heard some noises from out in the kitchen so he used the bathroom and went in to see what Corey was up to.

Corey had woke up about 10 minutes earlier than Eddy and had spent a few minutes looking at the man beside him,face relaxed in sleep. He smiled down at Eddy and got up to explore the man's apartment. He heard Eddy get up and heard the toilet flush and he was waiting for Eddy when he came into the kitchen,turning towards the door and smiling at Eddy.

"Looking for something?" Eddy asked.

"I'm a little hungry. What you got to eat here?"

"There's a lot of stuff in the fridge,take a look. What kind of stuff do you want to eat?"

"What time is it? Too late for breakfast?"

Eddy looked up at the clock "No,it's 11:30,plenty of time for breakfast. Want some eggs and toast with coffee?"

"That sounds wonderful." Corey said and he got the items out of the fridge and put them on the counter for Eddy.

Eddy cooked them both a large breakfast and the ate in silence, still looking at each other from time to time and smiling.

Corey finished up the last of the coffee,looked at Eddy and said "I need a shower. I stink!"

"You smell wonderful to me" Eddy said "come on and we'll shower together."

They went together to the bedroom and stripped down,heading for the bathroom. Eddy turned on the water and got it right,then stepped in and held out his arms for Corey.

Corey melted into Eddy's arms,the hot water running down over his body. Eddy kissed the boy lightly,then turned the boy more into the water stream. He grabbed the shampoo and,taking a large amount in his hand,started lathering up Corey's hair. Eddy stopped occasionally to massage Corey's scalp,running his fingers through his hair,then over his temples,circling the boy's head.

Then Eddy moved Corey under the stream of hot water,rinsing the shampoo from the boy's hair. Both Eddy and Corey grabbed for the soap at the same time,then laughed.

Eddy reached out and got another cake of soap for himself and started soaping down Corey's chest,with Corey doing the same for Eddy. Corey worked his way down Eddy's body,his soapy hands moving around Eddy's balls,then between them and brushing against the man's asshole.

I've never had it like this,Corey thought. This man does things to me that are incredible,just the way his hands feel on my body makes me weak inside. Eddy finished soaping up the boy and Corey rinsed off,then Eddy rinsed off and they stepped out of the shower together.

Eddy took one of the large bath towels from the rack and put it over Corey's head and started drying the boy. As soon as Eddy moved the towel a little lower,Corey took one of the towels and dryed Eddy off thoroughly also.

They both left the bathroom and went back to the bedroom,never taking their eyes from each other. I still can't believe it,Eddy thought. This boy is so incredible. What is he doing alone in this city? Corey was thinking to himself,I'm glad,so glad I came here. I never expected this to happen but I'm happy it did happen,and I don't want it to stop now.

"Man,Eddy,I don't want to go back to the hotel now. But I don't have anything to wear!"

"Look in the closet over there" Eddy pointed to the far wall "and then in those drawers on the left side of the bureau."

Corey and Eddy Part 4

by Corey Haim

Corey looked and was surprised to see clothes of all sizes,pants, shirts,sweaters. There was something in here for everyone. He went over to the bureau and looked though the drawers,seeing underwear of every type and size there.

Corey picked out clothes that fit him and got dressed,watching Eddy get dressed also. Neither one of them really wanted to close his eyes for long,they were both afraid that this was an illusion and the other person would just disappear if the didn't hold them with their eyes.

They were both dressed finally and headed back out to the living room area. Corey noticed the bong there and took some of the hash out to make more mixture for smoking. Eddy got up and took the container from his sport coat from the night before and emptied a large pile of it on the table in front of them.

"How much of the city have you seen?" Eddy asked.

"None of it,except what you showed me."

"Let's get nice and high,I'll roll some joints that we can take with us and then we'll walk around for awhile and I'll show you some of my favorite places."

"Sounds cool to me. I'm ready for anything,as long as it's with you" and Corey smiled over at Eddy.

They each took 5 hits on the bong and did a couple of lines of coke and then headed out to the street. Corey felt Eddy take his hand as they walked down the sidewalk together. He almost pulled away but looked questioningly at Eddy.

"Look around you. You're not a tourist anymore. You're wearing Dutch clothes,you look like a beautiful Dutch boy. People over here won't think twice about us holding hands,or kissing,even out on the street."

Corey did look around and saw more than one same sex couple walking down the street,hand in hand or even closer so he held on to Eddy's hand tightly as they walked down to Leidseplein.

"This is one of my favorite streets" Eddy said "I love the little shops and shop regularly at the flower market that goes along the canal."

"It's beautiful here. The city seems so clean."

"It is a lot cleaner than Hollywood,or any other major US city. The people are a lot more considerate also."

Eddy spied a trolley coming and pulled Corey off to the side of the street. "We're taking this one when it stops. Just follow me."

They got on the trolley and headed out towards the Apollolaan area of the city. "We're going to the Stedelijk Museum" Eddy told Corey "Then to the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum. I want to see Nightwatch again."

Corey wasn't much into art,or so he thought. But walking through these museums with Eddy was a different experience. Eddy stopped to try and explain to Corey what he found appealing about the various styles of paintings and,as Eddy spoke to him,Corey could see the beauty in them also.

Finally they got through to Nightwatch. It was about 3pm and Eddy took Corey into a closed cafe overlooking a canal for late lunch. Eddy sat Corey down,then pulled up a chair beside him as he motioned the waiter over.

"What do you want,Corey?"

"Order for me,whatever you're having is fine."

They sat in silence for a minute,Eddy draping his arm over the back of Corey's chair and rubbing his fingers through Corey's hair.

"Your hair feels so good."

Corey gave Eddy that shy smile again,the one that drove Eddy crazy "I love it when you touch me." he whispered.

Eddy gave Corey a little kiss as the waiter brought the food. After they finished eating Eddy hailed a taxi and they went back to Eddy's apartment.

They got back in and,after both of them used the restroom,they headed back to the couch again. Corey filled up the bong while Eddy went into the kitchen and got them both a beer. They both did a half dozen hits and were feeling good when Corey looked at Eddy's CD collection.

"Play me something."

"Anything specific?"

"Something that makes me feel even better than I do now!"

Eddy went over to the pile of CD's and pulled out the latest by Enigma. He put it on repeat and turned the volume way up. Then he took the remote and brought it back to the couch and laid it on the table next to the bong.

"You ready?"

Corey shook his head yes. Although he had no idea what Eddy had put in the CD player,he had a feeling it would be something he had never heard,something that would transport him again,like the music last night in the disco.

"This is music for sensuality." and as Eddy turned it on he whispered to Corey "Welcome to the Voice of Enigma." the music echoing Eddy's voice.

The beat was incredible,each time Corey heard more it seemed to go straight through him,straight to the core of his being and right to his cock.

Eddy saw that the music was having an effect on Corey and he leaned over and kissed him softly,slowly opening his mouth and sending his tongue into Corey's mouth. The boy moaned into his open mouth,his tongue already fencing with Eddy's,pressing his body up against Eddy like a cat in heat.

"Slowly baby,slowly" Eddy whispered to Corey "let the music guide your steps."

Corey's head was spinning again. There was something about this man that just drove him crazy,made it almost impossible to slow down. Corey wanted to suck him off,to hear Eddy moan above him and feel Eddy's cock shoot off deep in his mouth.

Eddy worked his hand down into Corey's shirt,undoing the two buttons and pulling it up and over his head,tousling his hair. The boy fell back on the couch,panting,as Eddy let go of him and took his own shirt off.

Before Eddy could say anything Corey had stripped completely, practically ripping off his shoes,socks and pants and then,in a frenzy,stripping Eddy naked also,then he lay down on the couch and held his arms out to Eddy.

Eddy wanted to go slow,he tried. But the boy beckoning him from the couch was too much for him to resist,not that he really wanted to resist. He fell on the boy,grabbing him and holding him tightly,kissing him passionately,rubbing the boy's body squirming under him.

"Oh Eddy" Corey murmured as Eddy stopped the kiss for a long moment and put his mouth on one of Corey's nipples and sucked and lightly bit on it. "Please Eddy,fuck me again. I want you to fuck me all day,all night. Take me." the last begging the man to posess him.

Eddy picked the boy up from the couch and took him to the bedroom,the music still playing in the background. Eddy stopped long enough to get some lubricant from the bedside table,along with a small chunk of something that looked like hash.

Eddy pulled out a small,thin,long pipe and broke off a piece of the black stuff and put it in the bowl. He handed the pipe to Corey and lit it. "Take this stuff very easy. As soon as you feel it start to fill you,don't take any more in. You don't want to waste this."

Corey drew the thick,almost viscous smoke into his lungs. He did as Eddy told him and continued to hold the smoke in as Eddy took a long hit off the pipe. Eddy and Corey both took two more hits from the pipe before Eddy placed it off to the side of the bed and reached for the lubricant.

"Let me get you ready for me,for my cock." Eddy breathed to Corey,turning the boy over on his stomach. Corey expected to feel Eddy's finger,loaded with lubricant,probing into his ass but what he felt was Eddy's tongue instead,going around and around his asshole,then pressing against it,then back around, all in a rhythm. This was something Corey had heard of before but had never had done to him and he loved it. The feeling of Eddy's tongue,penetrating his relaxing asshole deeper and deeper made the boy's cock start to swell even larger as he ground it into the sheets below him.

Eddy pulled his face away and then used his finger,coated with the K-Y to thoroughly lubricate the boy's asshole. He slowly inserted his finger all the way up Corey's ass,feeling for the boy's prostate,making sure he was ready for his cock.

Corey was more than ready. "Please Eddy,fuck me. I need it and I want you inside me,want you to fill my ass up."

Eddy sat in the middle of the bed and pulled a bunch of the pillows over to support his back,then reached over to Corey.

"Come on,sit on my cock. This will be the longest and best fuck you'll ever have."

Corey took Eddy's cock in his hand and found his asshole with it. He was so relaxed that he felt no pain as Eddy's cock slid all the way up his ass.

"Put your arms and legs around me." Eddy whispered to Corey.

Corey did and Eddy wrapped his arms around the boy,trapping the boy's cock between them and started slowly rocking on the bed. This rocking motion caused Eddy's cock to hit Corey's prostate over and over again but slowly enough that the orgasm was building,not crashing.

This was it,Eddy thought. This is the best position to fuck a cute boy's ass,where I can move my cock all around and explore him,while keeping both of us away from orgasm as long as we can. He kissed the boy softly,brushing his lips over the boy's face, touching his closed eyelids softly,listening to the boy moan and pant as his cock probed in places never touched before.

Corey was flying,the feeling of Eddy's cock in his ass just one big sensation. The rocking motion moved the man's cock in and out of Corey's asshole and gave his twisting motions that stretched the boy out and hit him in all the places he wanted. Five minutes,10 minutes,30 minutes Eddy kept up this slow rocking motion,kissing Corey,biting him lightly on the neck on occasion,running his hands up and down the boy's soft, smooth back as he rocked.

Eddy stopped the rocking motion for a moment and reached again for the pipe. "Time out" he told Corey,with a smile. "Take some more of this."

"This is so good,I've never been fucked like this before." Corey said as he took the smoke again into his lungs.

"We've just started. Wait a couple of hours and tell me how you feel then."

"Hours" Corey said hopefully "you can do this for hours?"

"We could do this all night but I think that 3 or 4 hours is about all your ass could take the first time. Make sure you tell me if you get sore."

"Mmmmm,you just rock me,there's nothing but pleasure."

They finished up the pipe and Eddy grabbed Corey and started the rocking motion again. This time Eddy started varying the speed of the rocking motion,sometimes fast,sometimes slower. Eddy looked down at Corey's face,the boy's eyes closed,his breath coming in small gasps as Eddy's cock hit yet another untouched place inside him.

There were times that Corey watched Eddy fuck him,running his hands over the man's face,pulling him close for another kiss. This was so perfect,the feelings incredible. It almost felt as if Eddy's cock was a seperate entity,probing Corey's deepest recesses,bringing out feelings that he had never felt before.

There was no sense of time for either of them,just the gentle motions on the bed. Finally though Eddy felt like he needed to cum and he leaned in to whisper to Corey "I'm going to cum soon. Try and hold out so I can suck you and taste you."

"I want to taste you too,Eddy. I need you inside of me."

"Now? You want to suck me now,after all this time fucking you?" Eddy held his breath,waiting for the boy to answer him.

"Oh man,yes. For the past two hours it's felt like one rolling orgasm inside me,I need to feel your cock in my mouth,to taste your life flowing into me."

Eddy rocked the boy a few more times then lifted him up and off his hard cock,laying Corey down in the 69 position beside him on the bed. He looked at the boy's cock,slick and shiny from all the precum that had leaked out over the past 3 hours. Eddy slowly took the boy's cock into his mouth and throat,sucking easily.

Corey looked at Eddy's cock,could see the precum leaking from it as it seemed to throb to the rhythm of the music. He couldn't help himself as he took the man's cock inside his mouth and, without stopping,took the cock down his throat. Corey started to move,fucking his own mouth and throat with the full length of Eddy's cock,sucking hard,trying to pull the sperm right out of it and into his mouth.

Eddy knew it was only a matter of seconds,the way Corey was going at it. He stuck his index finger up Corey's asshole and started massaging the boy's prostate,at the same time sucking the boy's cock as hard as he could. He felt the boy's cock expand larger and larger and then,with almost a shudder,he felt the first spurt of sperm fill up his mouth.

Corey yelled his pleasure,the sound muffled by Eddy's cock, pounding into his throat and affording him more pleasure than he had believed possible from another person. Suddenly he felt Eddy shake and the man shoved his cock all the way down Corey's waiting throat and he could feel the head expand as the sperm started shooting down his hungry throat.

Both of them continued to shoot into each other's mouth and throats,spurt after spurt,the built up orgasm stretching out for what seemed to both of them to be hours more. They could feel each spurt of sperm start at the base of their cocks and then race up into the mouth of their partner.

Eddy swallowed the boy's cum,then swallowed and kept on as the boy kept shooting into his mouth. Eddy was giving Corey even more sperm,each swipe of the boy's tongue,each grasp of the boy's throat pulling another shot from his throbbing cock.

Eddy felt the boy's cock start to soften slightly and used his hand to milk all the sperm up into his mouth,as he moved his hand up Corey's cock he could taste even more sperm and he kept going,sucking the boy's cock dry.

Corey felt Eddy's mouth,felt the sensations that were almost too much to bear. He could taste the man's semen in his mouth, could feel the man's cock continue to throb,sperm no longer shooting out but almost leaking out. The taste gave Corey an emotional orgasm,dry but his boddy shuddered with the intenseness of the feelings.

He sucked Eddy's cock for another couple of minutes,slurping luxuriantly on it,feeling Eddy do the same to him,until Eddy let Corey's cock escape from his mouth and turned,taking his cock away from Corey and took the boy in his arms for another kiss.

Eddy looked into Corey's eyes "You are so beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you here with me."

"It's me that's lucky,believe me." Corey said back,snuggling deeper into the man's grasp. "I've never had anyone make me feel the way you do."

Corey and Eddy Part 5

by Corey Haim

Eddy looked down at the boy in his arms and smiled down at him. "We'll rest for a couple of minutes,then let's shower again and get ready to go out tonight."

Corey laughed "I'm ready,but isn't it early?"

"Look at the clock" and Eddy pointed at it. Corey couldn't believe it when he saw it was 7:45 pm. He knew they had come in here at 4pm,that would mean he had been fucked for over three hours.

"Is that right?" Corey asked,Eddy nodding yes. "You fucked me for almost 4 hours?"

"That wasn't a fuck" Eddy whispered "I made love to you." and he kissed Corey again,deeply. "How do you feel now?"

"I feel full of energy,charged up. But I also feel satisfied like I've never felt before."

"Come on,let's shower and get changed. Then it's time to make the rounds again."

They showered and dressed quickly,not much other than a few kisses interrupting them. Then,exiting the apartment,they walked back over to Spui and went into Magnolia.

As Eddy and Corey walked into Magnolia,the two boys who were in Eddy's usual place got up and moved to another table. Eddy went through all the usual greetings and kisses,some normal and some more passionate. He felt Corey pull him back to the window and the boy grabbed him and kissed him,shoving his tongue into Eddy's mouth,swiping back and forth tasting all of Eddy's mouth. Eddy returned the kiss and then pulled away from Corey for a moment. He saw the expression in the boy's eyes "Hey baby,don't worry. Those kisses don't mean what it looks like to you. Think of shaking one of your friend's hands back in the US. That's what those kisses are like."

Corey looked into Eddy's eyes and saw that his soul had truly been captured by him and he sat down,somewhat gingerly, on the stool by the front window.

Eddy wasn't the only one who noticed this,Corey certainly wasn't the only person in the coffeeshop that had been fucked that way by Eddy. As Corey looked around he saw a lot of boys smiling at him and Eddy,nodding at him with a little envy in their eyes.

Corey and Eddy sat together at the window for a while,not really talking much,passing the bong back and forth. They were sitting facing each other,with their legs intertwined. Eddy took a really large hit from the bong and motioned Corey over. He opened his mouth and felt Corey do the same. Then Corey felt Eddy start to blow the smoke into his mouth and he eagerly took in down,feeling Eddy's tongue moving against his.

The passed the smoke back and forth this way for about 30 seconds until they had to break for breath,both of them coughing and then laughing along with the other boys in the coffeeshop who had been watching all this.

Corey felt at home here,felt like he belonged. He could be just Corey,not Corey Haim,movie star. As he looked around the coffeeshop he noticed boys that looked a lot better than he did and it was exhilarating,liberating. This man loves me for myself,not for who I appear to be. Corey almost flowed up to Eddy,sitting on his lap as he kissed him,then buried his face in Eddy's neck. He could feel Eddy's arms enclose him and draw him closer,shielding him,protecting him from everything.

"Hey Eddy" a boy yelled,Corey recognized him from yesterday, the boy,Paul,that Eddy had been playing chess with "what are you doing tonight?"

Eddy looked down at Corey and smiled. "Corey and I are going back to The It again,but no cage dancing tonight!"

"That's what you always say" said another boy,laughing "but you tend to end up there anyway." and all the boys laughed.

"I know,I know. No control,that's me. But we'll see you all there later. Paul,tell Alan that I'll be around tomorrow,if I get a chance. He knows where to reach me if he needs me."

"Let's go back to my place" Eddy said.

"I'm going wherever you go."

Eddy motioned to one of the boys and spoke to him in Dutch for a minute. The boy nodded and left.

"What was that all about?" Corey asked.

"Just making plans for later. We need something for tonight, more of the stuff I had by the bed,just better quality. Maybe some other stuff."

"What was that by the bed?"

"Black hash" Eddy answered "a mixture of hash with opium."

"It was a very nice feeling,everything just flowed with it."

"I'll take care of the drugs,trust me."

"I trust you" and Corey smiled at Eddy.

They walked back to the apartment,a little unsteadily. They were holding hands,then arm in arm,then Eddy took Corey under his arm and they walked that way,Eddy leaning over to kiss the boy every time they had to stop for a moment.

A couple of obvious tourists were staring in amazement at Corey and Eddy,kissing on the street corner. Eddy noticed them and nudged Corey. "Let's give them a show,okay?"

Corey smiled back and nodded his agreement and felt Eddy pick him up off the street corner and kiss him deeply,Corey holding on to Eddy's neck and Eddy rubbing all over the boy's body with his hands. Eddy was watching the tourists out of the corner of his eyes and he saw them turn and almost run away, back in the same direction that they had just walked up from.

Eddy was laughing uncontrollably and so was Corey. He carried the boy the quarter block to the apartment and they spent about a minute,still giggling,trying to get the key in the lock.

They got inside and collapsed together on the couch,laughing like two maniacs. "See!" Eddy said. "We got them real good!"

"Yeah" Corey said "did you see that man's face? I thought he was going to faint,looking at us."

Slowly they drew back together on the couch,until they were once again in each other's arms,deeply kissing again.

"Ik hou van jou" Eddy whispered to Corey.

"What? What does that mean?"

"It means 'I love you' in Dutch."

"Ik hou van jou too" Corey said,leaning into Eddy for a kiss.

They kissed for a few minutes before Eddy pulled away.

"We'd better stop,if we're going anywhere tonight. If you keep tempting me like this we'll just end up staying. Let's go out for a little while,anyway."

"Sure,whatever you want." and Corey reluctantly broke off the embrace.

"Come on,let's get dressed!" Eddy said "I'll pick out what I want you to wear tonight."

"Then I get to pick our your clothes too!"

"Okay,deal. Now,come on!" He picked up Corey and threw him over his shoulder,carrying the boy into the bedroom and throwing him on the bed.

Eddy went over to the closet and took out a pair of white linen pants,pants so sheer that when he held them up he could see Corey through them. Then he looked beside them and got out a light pink silk shirt that seemed to only be there when you really looked,it was that transparent. Corey watched Eddy pick out his clothes and even that felt good to him. Eddy brought them over to the bed and laid them beside Corey. "No underwear" he admonished him. "don't even think about wearing underwear. Tonight we drive other people crazy with lust,looking at you." Eddy kissed him briefly "But you are all mine."

Corey went over to the closet where Eddy kept his clothes and started looking for something sexual,something that would tell Eddy even more how he felt about him. His eyes glanced off some pants that were sky blue in color,the material shimmering in the rooms light,almost disappearing as he took them from the closet. He marvelled at the feel of the material,at the lack of weight,it felt lighter than a handkerchief. He could also see Eddy though these pants. He looked back and pulled out a white silk shirt with very small dark blue striping,only the striping keeping the shirt there at all. "This should do it for you also,my love" Corey said "no underwear for you either and let's tease everybody tonight."

"Let's dress in seperate rooms" Eddy told Corey. "I want my first look at you in that outfit to be impressed on my eyes. that outfit last night almost gave me an orgasm just looking at it."

"How did you think I felt when you came out in those tight black leather pants?" Corey said with a grin. "Okay,get out! It's your apartment so you can dress in the living room!"

Eddy gathered up his clothes and changed quickly in the living room. He recombed his hair and used some mousse to hold it in place. It sure was taking that boy a long time to dress,he thought. "Corey,you coming?"

"Come in here,I'm ready" Corey answered. As Eddy stepped into the room he felt his breath catch. Corey was a vision from his dreams,the pants loose but sheer,showing the boy's cock,balls and pubic hair clearly,but just obscuring enough to make him more alluring. His smooth chest,with the pink shirt just a covering enough to make it seem like another skin where it covered him.

Corey looked at the man as he walked into the room and could feel the raw sensuality of the man,as he stepped up to him. Those pants didn't cover anything but there was enough coverage so Eddy wasn't naked. Just looking at him dressed this way caused Corey's cock to start to harden. He saw Eddy look down at his crotch and then Eddy looked up at him and laughed.

"We'll have to be a little more careful tonight. If we get a real hardon we might split these pants apart."

"Not if,when we get a hardon. One last thing,where's that cologne you were wearing last night. I want you to wear it again,the smell of it almost drove me crazy here and then when we got hot later,the smell changed and it turned me on."

Eddy picked up a small bottle and put some of it in his hands and then rubbed in on his neck,down his chest and into his pubic hair. He picked up another bottle and gave it to Corey.

"Try this. It's a musk derivative that makes me go into heat when I smell it."

Corey put it on himself,doing the same as Eddy did but cupping his cock in his hand and making sure he put some on the cheeks of his ass.

Corey grabbed Eddy and kissed him,saying "Let's get a first reaction to these outfits. We'll go back to Magnolia,then to Club 21,then get a taxi to The It." Corey still felt a little jealous of the boys at those places,boys that had known Eddy longer. He wanted to show them that he was the best looking boy around,at least in Eddy's eyes.

It wasn't hard to figure out,at least not for Eddy,why Corey wanted to do this. It would cause a little uproar, Eddy knew. There were boys there who had never seen him dressed like this,or with someone else that looked like this. But it wouldn't hurt anything. "Sure Corey. Let's go show off!" he said,smiling. "Let's stop at the Club first and see if they have what I wanted."

They left the apartment and walked down the street holding hands,their bodys almost seeming to steam in the cool evening air. Neither Eddy or Corey noticed the outside temperature,too wrapped up in the feeling of the heat from each other,oblivious to the people around them.

They got to the club and were escorted upstairs. There was a different boy dancing naked on the stage,Corey noticed,then he looked closer. It was Paul,the boy from the coffeeshop,basking in the gazes of the men admiring him as he danced,his cock hard,in the spotlight on the stage.

"Do you want to watch him?" Eddy whispered.

"Could we? He's so beautiful it almost hurts to look."

Eddy leaned over to Alan and said something in Dutch. Alan motioned to the man that led them up the steps and he took Eddy and Corey and put them on a couch,right by the stage. The boy dancing looked down at Corey and Eddy and started to move,to point his dance towards them. The dance got even more sexual,the boy's 4" cock getting harder and harder. He looked at Corey and smiled,then at Eddy.

Eddy could feel Corey's hand in his,could see the erection outlined in the thin pants that Corey was wearing. He watched the boy almost panting as Paul got more frenzied in his dance, moving about with abandon,never taking his eyes off Eddy and Corey on the couch. Suddenly Paul's back arched and he started to cum on stage,started to cum without touching himself,with just the stimulation of the eyes on his body.

Corey seemed to be waiting for this,moving closer and closer to Eddy,wrapping the man's arms around him as the boy on stage thrust his spurting cock over and over into an imaginary ass or mouth. Corey almost forgot to breath and caught his breath in a shuddering gasp as the music softened and the spotlight framing the boy went dark.

Spontaneous applause broke out from everyone in the club, not just the men watching,but the other boys there,even the bartender. This kept up until Paul came back out on stage, sperm still dripping from his cock,and took a bow.

When the boy went back this time Eddy got up from the couch and offered his hand to Corey,pulling him up from the couch and into his arms for a kiss. He could feel Corey's erection poking into his thigh and as he kissed the boy he felt Corey's cock throbbing.

"We'd better cool off" Eddy whispered to Corey. "You feel like you're about to cum."

"I almost did cum,when you were just kissing me. That boy was incredibly stimulating."

They went back to the bar and Eddy ordered them a couple of beers. Alan gave them the beers,then looked at Eddy "I've never seen Paul do that before."

"Neither have I. He was awesome."

"Yeah,truly awesome." echoed Corey.

They heard another smattering of applause and looked around as Paul,now fully dressed,came out from behind the curtains and walked over to the bar. He came up to Eddy for a kiss. Eddy pointed to Corey and spoke to Paul. "Jealous boyfriend" remembering the look in Corey's eyes at the coffeeshop when he had kissed Paul earlier.

"You kiss him,or I will." Corey said.

"We'll both kiss him,how about that?"

"You first Eddy." Eddy took Paul in his arms and crushed him to his body,forcing his tongue in the boy's mouth and kissing him hard. "Your turn now." he said,releasing Paul.

Corey seemed suddenly shy,as he opened his arms to the boy. The boy nuzzled at Corey's neck,then Corey leaned down and kissed him,their mouths locked in a kiss that almost seared the both of them in it's intensity. Corey broke the kiss,breathless,on the verge of orgasm and looked at Paul,in wonder.

Paul looked at the two of them and then,handing Eddy a package,went upstairs,leaving Corey and Eddy at the bar together.

"He's really something else" Eddy said,with a smile.

"Unbelievable. If I had kissed him another 10 seconds I would have cum all over myself." Coming back to himself Corey looked over at Eddy and smiled. "But I wanted to save all my cum for you."

"You'd better say that" Eddy growled in mock anger,then he smiled at Corey. "Besides,we'll see him later at The It. I know after seeing the two of us dressed like this,he's going to try and out do us,the little shit."

Corey and Eddy Part 6

by Corey Haim

Eddy put out a couple of lines on the bar and he and Corey snorted them up. The coke hit immediately and Corey laughed out loud.

"No way can he out do me or you. We're fucking perfect!"

Eddy saw that the coke had hit Corey. "That's right! No way he's even in our league."

The bartender was looking strangely at them,the other men in the place watching the two of them at the bar,wanting them,wondering what was going on.

"Let's go. Next stop,Magnolia!" Corey yelled.

They went down the stairs,out the door and turned into the coffeeshop after about 20 feet. It was the most full that Corey had ever seen it,there were at least 25 boys in the place. All of them were nice looking,some better than others. The two that were in Eddy's space got up and went over to the counter.

Everyone's eyes in the place were on Corey and Eddy as they slowly moved to their seats,almost strutting,in a totally subconscious way teasing the boys. "We'll have to drink something here" Eddy whispered to Corey "if we don't then they'll know we just came to show off."

Corey nodded agreement and they each ordered cafe au lait. "What did Paul give you at the club?" he asked.

"Drugs" answered Eddy "for tonight. But I'm not sure.."

"Not sure about what?" Corey asked as Eddy's voice trailed off.

"Have you ever done acid? I mean real,fresh,acid?"

"I tried it once,it didn't do much for me. I don't know whether it was fresh or not,I've never heard of that being part of whether acid was good or bad."

"Acid evaporates,just like water. So the quicker you take the hits,after putting it on paper,the better. This stuff was made today."

"All I want to do is have fun tonight,then have wild and passionate sex with you for a week after!" Corey said, tossing his hair back like a young colt.

"We'll take 1 hit of the acid each,now. Then when we get to the disco later we'll take a couple more hits of Xtasy. Then we'll see what happens to the two of us afterwards." He broke off a small piece of the paper and gave it to Corey,taking the other piece and putting it under his own tongue. They sat there in the coffeeshop,doing bong hits for about 40 minutes,until the acid hit them.

Corey was first. "Look at the music." he said.

"Music?" the Seal song "Crazy" was on and suddenly Eddy could see each note individually passing from the speakers, across the room and out the door into the street.

"Let's follow it" Corey said,pulling Eddy up and out the door,both of them ignoring the waves of the boys as they almost ran down the street.

"Man,this is incredible" Corey said,holding Eddy tight to him at the corner,across from the Holiday Inn.

"Let's walk to the disco." Eddy urged.

"Yeah,that'll be cool."

They walked down the almost deserted shopping street,heading towards Rembrandtsplein. They heard music from in front of them and then saw the 3 people playing at the corner before Dam. They stood there,entranced by the music for a couple of minutes until Eddy pulled Corey away,dropping a bill in the basket that the musicians had out in front of them.

They passed through Dam and then took the next street over, the one that led to Rembrandtsplein and then,to The It. There were large crowds outside the other clubs,as they passed down the street and both Eddy and Corey attracted a lot of stares and even some whistles,from both men and women,as they walked by,smiling at everyone there.

They got up to The It and went in,passing through the bar and then back to the dance area. Corey took Eddy by the hand and they danced their way slowly across the floor,until they got to the stairs at the back,where the bleachers were.

Eddy and Corey were later tonight and there was already a crowd at the bleachers. Eddy headed over to the same area and Corey recognized some of the boys from the coffeeshop and there were 15-20 others he had never seen before but who all seemed to know Eddy very well.

Eddy yelled out something in Dutch to one of the boys that Corey didn't know and the boy brought him 6 hits of Xtasy and dropped them in Eddy's hand.

"Are we going to take 3 each tonight?" Corey asked him.

"No,we're taking 2 each,if we took 3 we might kill each other in bed!" Eddy laughed "The other two are for Paul. He can't afford this but he danced so well for us earlier I thought I'd give him one,and you can give him the other one."

Corey smiled and nodded his agreement,then took the two hits that Eddy handed him. They sat there,dancing occasionally, for the next few minutes,then Corey saw Paul coming up the steps,to the bleachers.

Paul came up and greeted them,leaning forward a little uncertainly until Corey opened his arms and took the boy in to kiss him. The boys lips felt like fine silk and Corey found himself getting a quick erection. He pulled back and reached into his shirt pocket.

"Here Paul,from me. For the way you danced."

"From me too Paul. The dance was incredible." Eddy added, as Paul turned to look at him.

"Thank you both. I did that dance for both of you. I could feel how you two felt,that's why I came. Just your eyes were enough for me." Paul swallowed the two pills down with a sip from a beer that Corey handed him and walked away.

"Just how expensive are those pills,anyway?" Corey asked.

"Normally they cost about $25 each. Too high priced for a working boy."

"This is costing you a lot of money,isn't it? I can pay,if you need me to..."

"Don't even think about it. I have more than enough money for everything we're doing,most of it doesn't cost me anything anyway. All the drugs are free."

Corey nodded at him,feeling Eddy's hand in his hair,watching the younger boy dance below. Eddy could see what Corey was doing,he was watching the boy also,waiting for the drugs to hit all of them.

Paul was dancing alone,having waved off all partners,when the first rush of the Xtasy hit him. He staggered a little bit and then made it up the stairs and collapsed on the bleachers,next to Eddy,his leg against Corey's arm,breathing heavily.

Corey had just felt the first rush hit him and leaned his head back for Eddy to kiss him. Eddy kissed Corey hard,probing his mouth with his tongue. He started to fuck Corey's mouth with his tongue,feeling the boy move below him,turning and then stepping up to the same level,never breaking the kiss, melting into his arms.

Paul looked up at Eddy and Corey and could feel their need for each other. He could feel the need expand to him,making him need someone,anyone,as long as he felt with them the way that he did with Eddy,the way he knew that Corey felt with the man now. Slowly he got up and walked up to the cage,getting in and closing the door.

Corey and Eddy broke apart,breathless and looked around,their eyes still clouded by the passion of their kiss. Eddy noticed a lot of people were looking over their heads,to the cage and looked up there himself,nudging Corey.

Corey looked into the cage and saw Paul,a different Paul. He was dancing as if lost,staying in the center of the cage away from reach but moving as if wanted someone or something. Every one who tried to enter was refused. The boy looked down at Eddy and Corey,and Corey could see the tears.

"Look at Paul,he's crying." Corey said to Eddy.

"He's alone,that's why. The Xtasy has turned him on but he doesn't have a partner. He's never done that before."

"I wish we could help him."

"We can help him,but that's up to you. I don't really want to share you with anyone but..."

"I know" Corey interrupted "he really wants you,not me. I saw the way he looked at you."

"Let's watch for a little while. Maybe he'll find someone."

"No,he won't. Let's help him out."

"Okay,if that's what you really want. But remember that it's you that I love,not him."

"Please Eddy,look at him."

Eddy motioned to one of the boys. He spoke quickly to the boy and sent him to the DJ,who listened to him and then looked over at Eddy and nodded his agreement.

"When this record ends,they're going to play "Justify My Love". As soon as it starts,let's get in the cage with him and each take a side. There's no way to resist that song. Just let him do whatever he wants. People will be watching us,we'll be in the spotlight but pretend it's just the three of us."

Corey was watching the boy,hie eyes locked on him,as he danced alone in the cage. "One last thing" Eddy said "this is the really extended mix of "Justify Your Love". It goes for about 25 minutes so be prepared."

The first notes of the song started,Madonna singing "I want to kiss you in Paris" and Eddy led Corey up to the open door of the cage,looking in at the boy dancing.

Paul felt more than saw someone come to the door of the cage and looked over to refuse them again when he saw Eddy and Corey looking at him. He opened his arms to the two of them and they danced into the cage,Eddy closing the door behind him.

"wanting,needing,waiting for you to justify my love" the song went on in the background as Corey and Eddy took the trembling boy into their arms. They ran their hands all over him,his hair,his shoulders,his chest,down his legs,then they started to dance against him,teasing him,trying to get him to respond to them.

Paul felt their hands on him and it made him tremble with desire. He wanted to be theirs,needed to be theirs. He started to move,to almost writhe in place,letting the music take him in hand.

Corey felt the boy start to move,felt Eddy lean over and kiss him,drawing both of them down to Paul's face,where they both kissed the boy,alternating their tongues in his mouth and then intertwining them all three together for a moment. Corey was stunned by the feeling of desire,almost like a firestorm was there in Paul's body. He was sending his desire out,hoping that someone would receive it and help him.

Eddy had never seen Paul this way before. It was like a switch had been thrown in the boy,he had always been beautiful but now he was sexual,sensual. Eddy felt his cock get hard and looked down at Paul's crotch,the boy reflecting his need with his own cock hard. Then he looked at Corey,who was rubbing his mouth on the boy's soft neck and saw that Corey cock was also hard.

Eddy moaned at this evidence of desire and reached for the front of Paul's shirt,undoing the buttons and taking it off the boy. Eddy then reached over to Corey and did the same to him as Paul removed Eddy's shirt. All three of them were now bare chested,their nipples hardening as the white light came on them,baring their souls for all to see.

"tell me your dreams"

"tell me your fears"

"Love me,that's right,love me"

Snatches of the song occasionally penetrated to them,dancing in the cage. Paul reached down to Corey and Eddy and grasped their hard cocks,feeling them through the sheer pants. Corey audibly moaned and thrust his hips forward towards Paul.




Paul couldn't wait any longer,he dropped to his knees in the cage,Eddy and Corey moving above him,in time to the music that was still playing. Paul started jerking off Eddy and Corey,reaching in to play with their balls as Eddy and Corey kissed above him,oblivious to the growing audience.

Corey knew where he was,but he didn't care any longer. He wanted that boy's lips on his cock,wanted to sink it deep in Paul's throat. Eddy watched as Corey reached down and grabbed Paul's head and forced his swollen crotch up against the boy's mouth and rubbed it on the boy's face.

Paul kept running his hands up and down Corey's cock,moving his face around,blowing his hot breath through the sheer pants and on to Corey's cock and balls. Eddy knew that Corey wasn't going to last long and didn't want him to cum all over himself in the middle of the disco,so he reached down and lifted Paul up by the shoulders.

He drew the boy into his arms and kissed him,then turned him around to where Corey had been. He grabbed Paul by the hips and thrust at his ass with his hard cock,holding him harder and harder,snapping the boy's head back with each thrust.

Corey had gotten down in front of the boy and was feeling the boy's cock,squeezing it through the boy's pants,loving the way Paul's body jumped as he jerked him off. Corey raised up and,without letting go of the boy's cock,started kissing him, thrusting his tongue in his mouth,pressing his own hard cock against Paul's in a rhythm matching Eddy's as the man was still thrusting against the boy's ass.

The music faded out and the light dimmed to much louder applause than the night before. Eddy,Corey and Paul were locked together in the cage,they looked out at the crowd of 300 or so people,all looking at them and smiled.

Not even trying to hide the hard cocks the three of them stepped out of the cage and went down to the bleachers and sat down.

"Paul,go get us something to drink,please." Eddy asked.

Paul left and Eddy looked at Corey "What now? Are you planning on taking him home with us?"

"Do you mind? You can tell he loves you."

"It's up to you,we can't leave him here though. If he doesn't come with us now,anything could happen to him here. He's too ready for sex now and he might get more than he could handle. I could drop him off at the club though.."

"No" Corey interrupted,deciding "let's bring him back to your apartment."

Eddy smiled at Corey and kissed him. "Ik hou van jou!"

"Ik hou auch van jou" Corey answered.

Paul brought back the drinks and sat down on the bleachers,on the step below Corey and Eddy,but between the two of them and leaned back on their legs.

"Paul,you want to come back to my place,with us?" Eddy asked.

Paul looked at Corey,who shook his head yes and smiled down at the boy "Oh yes,oh man yes. I do want that."

Corey and Eddy Part 7

by Corey Haim

"Okay,let's go." They got up,Paul starting towards the right, away from the dance floor. "No,not that way" Eddy said "we started the show for them,we'll dance out through the whole dance floor,let them all wish they were going with us!" With that said,Eddy started out,pulling Corey and Paul behind him, dancing as sensually as he knew how,guiding them all across the floor towards the exit.

Lots of shouts,greetings and occasional applause followed them as they made it to the exit. Once outside they quickly found a taxi and jumped in for the ride back to Eddy's place,Paul getting in first,then Eddy,then Corey. Both of the boys were all over Eddy,leaning on his chest as the taxi went across town. Eddy met the driver's eyes once in the rear view mirror and smiled, the driver smiling back at him and shaking his head.

The taxi pulled up in front of Eddy's apartment and he managed to disentangle himself from the two boys long enough to open the door and nudge Corey out. They all practically fell out of the cab,closing the taxi door and waving goodbye to the driver. Eddy went up and opened the apartment door, Corey and Paul walked in,watching Eddy's every move.

"Come on,to the couch." Eddy said to them.

Corey and Paul sat on the couch,leaving Eddy the spot in the middle again. Eddy went into the bedroom for a moment, coming out with the thin pipe. Paul looked at him with some surprise,as he sat down between them.

"Are we going to smoke black?" Paul asked.

"Yeah,we are."

"Is that what we smoked earlier?" Corey asked,leaning in to look at the black chunk that Eddy had unwrapped.

"It's the same,almost. This is much stronger than the stuff we had earlier,we'll see what you two can take."

"Hey,we're young! We can outdo you anyday!" Corey said,with a laugh and devilish grin.

"Yeah,tell him Corey!" Paul added.

"Okay,you want it,you got it." Eddy laid the pipe aside and took up the bong. He broke off a hunk of the black hash and crumbled it up on the table. "I'll make enough for ten hits each of this. We'll do three now,then take the bong into the bedroom for later."

Both the boys watched with anticipation as Eddy loaded up the bong. He handed it to Corey "Be careful,this is strong. Don't take too much of it."

Corey leaned in,taking the bong,fitting his mouth to it and watching Eddy light it up. He started to pull the smoke into the bong.

"Easy Corey,easy." Eddy had his finger covering the hole in the back of the bong. "Get it all full first,come on,a little bit more,okay,now SUCK HARD" and Eddy released the hole as Corey sucked hard,drawing all the smoke deeply into his lungs.

Corey could feel it as a living thing,the smoke felt like it was curling around and around inside him,filling him up until he felt it was coming out of his ears. He started feeling dizzy and heard Eddy urge him "Come on Corey,let it out."

He blew out the smoke and looked over at Paul,smiling. Eddy led Paul through the same ritual,then took a hit himself. They did this twice more,then Eddy stood up and took the bong back to the bedroom. When he got back the boys were still there on the couch,so he grabbed each of them by the arm and pulled them up and guided them into the bedroom.

As Paul and Corey laid down on the bed their bodies seemed to snap out of the trance and they both reached up at the same time and pulled Eddy down with them. Both the boys were overheated and started moving their hands over the man,the man working his hands down in each of their pants,feeling their hard cocks just waiting.

Eddy broke away for a moment,starting to pull off his shirt but the boys stopped his hands and,taking over for him,took his shirt off together. Then they went down and took off his shoes and Paul leaned down to his foot and gently kissed it on the ankle.

Both the boys grabbed for Eddy's belt at the same time,and they laughed,Paul pointing to Corey to go ahead and do it. Paul rubbed his hands up and down Eddy's legs as Corey undid the belt,then the zipper and helped Corey as he pulled the man's pants down and off, throwing them impatiently off the bed.

Eddy laid there,the two boys looking at him,his cock hard as a rock and leaking. "Undress,quick." He said to them. Both boys were blurs as shirts,pants,socks and shoes seemed to fly all over the room. Then the two boys were still,for a moment,and Eddy got a good look at them. Corey,panting,undisguised lust on his face. Paul, breathing heavily,his 4" cock erect and throbbing.

Then they were on him. Both the boys were kissing and licking Eddy's face,with Eddy returning whatever he could,when they would hold still long enough. Corey caught Paul's eye and started licking slowly down Eddy's chest,coming to his nipple. Paul did the same thing on the other side. Both of the boys sucked and nibbled at Eddy nipples,causing Eddy to move around,the sensations too much to handle.

Then the boys moved down further,leaving trails of spit behind their active tongues and they went down to Eddy's cock. Corey licked at the head of Eddy's cock,tasting the precum flowing from it,then passed it over to Paul who took it into his mouth,sucking hard at it. Then he licked down the side of it to Eddy's balls, his tongue giving Eddy almost unendurable pleasure as he cupped them in his mouth and rolled them on his tongue. Corey had gone back to Eddy's cock when Paul released it and started taking it into his throat over and over.

Corey looked up at Eddy "Fuck me again,man,please."

Paul moaned "Me too,I want your big cock up my ass."

Eddy looked down at the two boys making love to his cock. He'd already cum twice,he could fuck the rest of the night now,if he wanted to.

"Turn around,lay on your sides and suck each other." Eddy said to Corey and Paul. "I'll alternate fucking both of you."

Corey turned around quickly and,spotting Paul's hard cock, swallowed it down immediately. Paul held Corey's leaking cock in his hands,lowering his head to it and touching it with his tongue,running his tongue all around it,then taking it all into his mouth and throat.

Eddy quickly lubricated his hard cock,smearing the K-Y on with the precum already there. He went over to Corey and probed at his ass with his hard cock. Corey felt Eddy's hard cock at his ass and he moved,trying to impale himself again,to feel the man's cock deep inside him. Eddy was going to go slowly but Corey's lust hit him like a rocket and he found the boy's asshole and plunged in to the hilt in one stroke. Corey's asshole was still stretched from the earlier fucking so Eddy's cock found no resistance as he hit bottom.

Corey felt Eddy's cock slide up in his ass and he clenched his ass muscles tight,wanting to feel all of Eddy's cock. He could feel Paul's cock in his mouth,moving back and forth,smaller by a lot than Eddy's but sensual in it's own fashion. He started to suck the boy's cock harder,like a lollipop.

Paul could feel Corey's cock grow harder and larger as Eddy started fucking Corey's ass. Each time Eddy would thrust into Corey's ass it would drive Corey's cock deep into his sucking mouth and throat,choking him but increasing the desire for it. He felt Corey's cock get even larger and then Corey buried his cock as deep in Paul's throat as he could get and Paul felt the boy's big cock expand and then throb and his mouth was full of Corey's sperm. Over and over the boy's cock spurted into his mouth,filling it up,making Paul swallow again and again.

Corey felt so good he was going to explode. Eddy's cock was forcing the sperm out of him,into Paul's mouth,the boy sucking him like he was dying for the cum. His body shook with each spurt,as Eddy's cock continued to press into his prostate with each stroke,more and more sperm shot out into Paul's mouth.

Eddy could feel Corey's asshole start to grip his cock as the boy neared orgasm,could feel the boy's prostate expand as his sperm started shooting into Paul's mouth. Eddy watched the boy as he swallowed again and again,taking Corey's cock all the way into his throat,losing none of his sperm.

Eddy fucked Corey with all his strength,his cock plunging in and out like a piston until he felt the boy's orgasm start to slow. He pulled his cock out of Corey and quickly went around to the other side of the bed. He pulled Paul's cheeks apart and searched for his asshole with his steaming cock. Paul just kept sucking Corey's still hard cock and pushed his ass back against Eddy,wanting to be taken savagely. Eddy went momentarily crazy, the boy in front of him pushing his ass so hard to his cock,he found the boys asshole and pulled him slowly,steadily onto his cock,not stopping until his whole cock was in Paul's tight ass, his balls slapping against his cheeks as he thrust in and out of the boy's ass.

Corey had just had an crashing,tremendous orgasm but he was still sucking on Paul's cock,still needing the sperm in his mouth,wanting to taste this beautiful boy. He could feel the boy's cock move with Eddy's fucking,could feel the boy get harder and harder and then,the boys cock expanded and a fierce jet of semen spurted out of it,almost choking Corey. Corey swallowed quickly as the boy's wildly spurting cock poured sperm into his mouth,Paul's body shaking with each spurt as it unloaded into Corey's mouth.

Paul could feel Eddy's cock,deep in his ass. He pushed back against Eddy,trying to get more of him inside. Then he felt his cock expand and the orgasm exploded in him. He felt his cock shoot hard,again and again into the fiendishly sucking mouth as the hard cock in his ass drove in and out of him. Over and over the boy's body shook,his moans vibrating against Corey's hard cock,his mouth sucking Corey's cock even more wildly.

Eddy could feel Paul cum and saw Corey's quick swallowing motions as he drank all of the boy's sperm. He fucked the boy savagely,pulling his cock out until the head was visible,then fucking the full length of it back into the boy's clutching asshole. The boy's asshole felt like a suction pump as the orgasm caused Paul to clench and unclench his ass muscles,as he drove his cock deep into Corey's mouth.

Eddy pulled out of Paul's ass and laid down on the bed beside the two boys. Corey let go of Paul's still hard cock and crawled over to Eddy,taking his cock into his mouth and sucking it hard into his throat. Paul turned and licked at Eddy's balls again,almost burning the man with the heat of his tongue.

Eddy looked down at the two boys,again working on his cock and balls. "Who gets my cum?" he asked them.

"Corey gets it,he's your boyfriend. Get on top of him and fuck his mouth,really give it to him." Paul mischeviously grinned at Corey and Corey,taking the dare,rolled over on his back,pulling Eddy with him.

Eddy was careful not to be too rough on Corey,he slowly drove his big,dripping,cock in and out of the boy's mouth, grazing it on his throat,then pushing into the furnace of the boy's throat. He moved his cock out,until Corey's mouth kissed the head of it,then sank it back in until Corey's nose was pressed against his balls.

Paul went around to Eddy's ass and pulled his cheeks apart, licking up and down the crack. He found Eddy's hole and probed at it with his tongue,getting it in slightly,then around it, then pentrating Eddy's hole deeper and deeper.

This stimulation caused Eddy to fuck Corey's mouth harder and Corey had to work more to keep up with him. He pounded his cock in and out of the boy's mouth,bouncing Corey's head deep into the mattress with every stroke.

Eddy felt Paul's tongue leave his asshole and then felt the young boy's cock press into him,the hardness of youth ignoring any resistance and pressing until he was in all the way,then starting to fuck Eddy's ass like a rabbit. Paul was pulling his cock completely out of the man's asshole,then driving back in as deep as his young cock would allow.

When Eddy felt the boy's cock hit his prostate he felt his cum uncoiling in his balls. He drove his cock all the way down Corey's throat and started to shoot into his throat,his cock throbbing and with each throb another gush of sperm. He pulled out after the first three spurts and Corey slurped at Eddy's cock,sucking hard to get all of the sperm,wanting all of it in his stomach.

Paul could feel the man cum,Eddy's asshole clenched his cock so tightly that the boy couldn't move,then the boy fucked Eddy with the rhythm of Eddy's orgasm,thrusting in with every spurt of sperm into Corey's mouth. Paul pulled his cock out of Eddy's asshole as Eddy moaned and fell over,Corey still sucking on his cock,Eddy's cock still oozing sperm.

Slowly Corey finished sucking Eddy's cock and he kissed it once more and let the still hard cock drop to Eddy's stomach,then taking Paul by one arm,they lay again beside the man,holding him with both arms,the man crushing both of them to him.

Their breathing returned to normal in a few minutes and Corey looked down at Eddy,his face wreathed in a glowing smile. "I never thought anything could be like this."

"Neither did I. That was the most intense orgasm I've ever had and I know I'm a wreck but my cock is still hard and I'm tempted to just start up again."

"I knew you were good,Eddy" Paul said "you're fantastic Corey."

"Look at us" Corey laughed. "We're not old and we've got the rest of the night. So,what's next?"

"What's next? More black hash,of course!" Paul said.

Eddy laughed and grabbed Paul,tickling him. Corey joined in until they had the younger boy laughing almost hysterically on the bed.

"Okay,black hash it is. Paul,how about getting us something to drink while I get the bong ready."

Paul nodded okay and left the bedroom.

"Are you okay with this?" Eddy asked Corey. "I can get him to leave if you don't want him around. I really want to slow fuck you again,and that's only a two person thing."

"I want that too. Tell you what,you suck him this time,I'll fuck his ass. After he cums again we'll get him out of here and we can get serious."

Eddy kissed Corey lovingly "Just don't cum this time,I want you to save it for me later,much later."

Corey and Eddy lay on the bed,the bong between them as Paul came back into the room,shyly smiling at the two of them. They each took their bong hits,then Eddy said "I'm going to go put on some music,any requests?"

"Anything that has a beat" Paul said.

"Enigma again" Corey added.

"We'll do Enigma a little later,okay?"

Eddy left and the boys passed the bong back and forth between them. Corey looked again at Paul,that face so beautiful and so young to be here,to know what he wants.

Paul saw Corey watching him,it made him feel good,the older boy's eyes on him. He handed Corey the bong and laid back on the bed,stretching out and exposing his whole body and his hard cock to Corey's eyes.

Just looking at the perfection of this boy caused Corey to shiver with lust,feeling the need to posess him totally. Innocent face but a body of an incubus.

Eddy came back into the room,took a hit from the bong and put it back on the side table. He gathered both of the boys into his arms again and leaned over and kissed Corey,then leaned to kiss Paul,moving his face back and forth,tasting each of them.

Paul felt Eddy's hand on his head,softly urging him down,down to the man's hard cock. Paul scooted down and cupped the man's cock in his hands,leaning his face into the hard organ and blowing his warm breath down on it,making it jump in his hands.

Paul felt Eddy turn his body around,so Paul's cock was above Eddy's mouth. Paul slowly lowered his cock,sighing softly as Eddy opened his mouth to take it in. The boy sank his cock deep into Eddy's sucking mouth,as deep as he could,then started to fuck the man's mouth.

Corey,watching this,couldn't wait any longer. He climbed up over Eddy's face and,smearing his precum around on the head of his cock to lubricate it,brought it up to Paul's asshole and sank it in the boy all the way,bringing a groan from Paul that was muffled by the big cock Paul was sucking.

Corey and Eddy Part 8

by Corey Haim

They went on for awhile,Eddy sucking hard on his young cock and gently nibbling at it with his teeth,bringing all he had to make the boy cum. Corey could feel Paul clenching his ass muscles over and over,feeling the full length of his cock as it penetrated the boy's tight asshole. He watched his cock as it went in and out, loving the way it looked as it sank back into Paul's ass.

Suddenly Corey went all the way in Paul's ass and started moving around in a circular motion,twisting his cock in the boy's ass and hitting the boy's prostate over and over. This was all Paul could stand and he arched his back and shot his hot sperm into Eddy's hard sucking mouth.

Eddy felt the young cock pulse and then tasted the thin cum of a young teen,hitting the back of his mouth forcefully,running back over his tongue where he could taste it and roll it around. Eddy loved the feel of Paul's cock,too small to reach his throat,jerking around in his mouth spurting his semen. Eddy kept the teen's cock firmly in his mouth until the boy stopped twitching,until he didn't feel any more sperm coming from his cock.

Corey fucked the boy's ass with more intensity,as he felt the boy's orgasm transmitted through his ass,the boy's asshole moving on Corey's cock like another mouth. Corey could feel the sperm start to rise in his own cock and pulled it roughly from Paul's ass,holding it tightly until the orgasmic sensations subsided.

Paul was still taking Eddy's cock into his throat,choking himself with the full length of the man's throbbing cock but never slowing down for a moment. Eddy turned the boy over to his side on the bed and,slowing down his own sucking,gave the boy's cock a final kiss and let it fall to Paul's stomach. He leaned over and,pulling his cock from Paul's sucking mouth,kissed the boy,running his tongue in the boy's mouth and rubbing his gums and teeth with it,letting the boy taste the remains of his own sperm on Eddy's tongue.

Corey got down beside Paul and the two of them held the boy between them for a few minutes until his breathing went back to normal. Paul looked at both of them and smiled,turning his head from one,then to the other and kissing them softly.

"Thank you,both of you. I loved that."

"It was our pleasure,right Corey?"

Corey smiled at Paul "Yeah man,your ass was a pleasure."

"You know it!" Eddy added and they all laughed.

"I've got to use the bathroom" Corey said,and he got up from the bed,still sporting his hard cock and went to the bathroom.

Eddy looked seriously at Paul for a minute "Are you okay?" he asked the boy.

"I'm fine. You probably want to be alone now,right?"

"Yeah,I do. You know me and what I like,it's not something I can do to both of you at once. If you want,you can sleep in the guest room,no need to go back to the club."

"I'll do that. Have fun Eddy. I love you,remember that." and Paul got up and left the room.

Eddy got up and headed for the bathroom himself. He met Corey coming out of there and smiled at him. His words jarred Corey, made his legs get weak "We're alone now,just you and me. And I want your ass again."

Corey went back to the bed and waited for Eddy to come back to him,the thoughts of what he had done tonight rolling through his mind. What a beautiful boy,he thought. I fucked him and he liked it,and me,well,I loved it!

Eddy came out of the bathroom at that time and Corey forgot all about Paul,his breath catching as he looked at Eddy's semihard cock,already raising back for more action. His own cock responded and Eddy saw it,saw Corey getting an erection just looking at him walk across the room.

Eddy hit the remote for the CD player as he crossed the doorway and the sounds of Enigma floated through the room. Eddy picked up the bong and whispered to Corey "This time we do really large hits of black hash. This time your ass is mine until I'm ready to let you go!"

"I'm all yours Eddy,you can fuck me all day if you want. Who needs food with your cock in me?"

Eddy put twice as much of the black hash in the bong,then he reached over beside the bed and pulled out the coke,sprinkling it on top of the hash. "For energy!" he said,smiling at Corey.

They each took three hits of this mixture,then Eddy put the bong down again and grabbed for Corey. His mind was a maelstrom of lust,Corey's face,his body,his ass all racing past his mind's eye. He wanted this boy more than anyone he could remember,felt that this boy,this perfect boy,had come to Amsterdam just for Eddy to meet.

Corey felt Eddy reach for him and pull him up for a kiss. Their mouths met and,Corey marvelled,each time was like that first kiss again,a kiss of discovery,of passion awakening. Corey started to raise up,to impale himself on Eddy's cock again but Eddy held him back.

"Gotta use some lubricant,otherwise it'll hurt you." Eddy whispered to Corey "I'm going to fuck your ass a long,long time,so be ready for it to go on and on."

Corey shivered at Eddy's words,his asshole twitching in anticipation as Eddy lubricated it,taking two fingers of the lubricant and pushing it up into Corey's asshole. Eddy spread it all around,coating the insides and then took some more and spread it over his cock,head to base.

"Okay baby,now you can go ahead."

Corey's need was great,his patience strained. He took Eddy's cock in his hand and found his asshole with it,then in one fluid motion,took the man's cock in him all the way,hearing the squishing sound of the lubricant as the man's cock slid in.

Corey grabbed Eddy and held him,whispering "I love you,I love you,I love you" into Eddy's ear as the man started rocking him, back and forth,side to side. The opium and hash,with the coke took hold of them,the music,playing over and over left them with no sense of time.

Eddy was in another world entirely. He felt the boy in his arms and felt his cock in the boy's ass. But he didn't feel any pressure at all to cum,it just felt like one slow pulse of sensation every so often went through his body.

Corey concentrated on the feel of Eddy's cock in his asshole. He could feel every ridge on it,every bump. Could feel the head of the man's cock poke over and over at the walls of his bowels as the man rocked him on his cock,holding him like a mother would a child.

This is the way Paul found them,in the morning. He walked in and looked to see if they were still asleep and saw them,locked in a kiss,still joined together. Paul looked over at the clock by the bed and noticed it was 11am. This had gone on too long,he thought. This had been 6 or 7 hours. Maybe they weren't doing this the whole time,he thought. If they have,then Corey won't be able to sit,or hardly walk today.

"Eddy. Corey. Hey,man,are you guys still in there?"

Corey and Eddy opened their eyes and looked at Paul.

"I thought you were going to sleep in the other room." Eddy said.

"I've already slept,it's 11am now. I was getting ready to go back to the club."

"11am?" Eddy had never stopped rocking Corey in his lap,he still felt his hard cock against his stomach while his own cock,still hard was in Corey's ass.

"Okay,see you later. Thanks." Eddy told Paul,waving at him to go.

"Corey... Corey..." Eddy started moving the boy faster on his cock. "Corey... Corey... come back to me."

Corey was in a dream,a dream where everything was perfect. He was living in Amsterdam,with Eddy. And Eddy fucked him all the time,during the whole dream he could almost feel Eddy's cock deep inside him. Corey heard Eddy's voice and opened his eyes.

"Hey man" he said,clenching his ass around Eddy's cock. "we aren't done yet,are we?"

Eddy watched the boy's face,looking for any signs of pain or discomfort. This was the longest he had ever fucked anyone and he hoped that Corey's ass wasn't rubbed raw,wouldn't be sore today.

"We're not quite done yet. We have to cum one more time."

"I want it in my mouth" Corey said,kissing Eddy hard. "Want to feel your cock shooting deep in my throat."

Eddy picked up Corey and laid him down on the bed,on his back, never taking his cock out of him. He slowly pulled his hard cock from the boy's asshole,watching Corey carefully. Corey gave no sign as the cock finally came out of his ass,other than to whisper to Eddy "Give me your cock. I want to suck it."

Eddy turned around quickly and moved his cock in front of Corey's mouth,holding it just out of reach of the boy while,at the same time,taking Corey's precum slick cock down into his mouth and throat at once.

Corey looked at Eddy's cock,shining from the lubricant and the precum and sucked it into his mouth,running his tongue all over the head and cleaning it off,then taking it down all the way into his throat. Corey wanted the man's sperm and started fucking his head wildly up and down Eddy's cock,sucking as hard as he could,willing the sperm to come shooting into his mouth.

Eddy felt the boy's cock move in his mouth,then it got as hard as a rock and Eddy's mouth was filled with that taste again,the taste of Corey's sperm,a taste unlike anyone elses. He slurped up all the cum from the boy's cock,not swallowing it at once but holding it in his mouth,letting his mouth fill up with Corey once again. The boy's cock moved slickly in his sperm filled mouth,still oozing as he ground his cock into Eddy's mouth.

Corey's orgasm took his breath away. It felt to him as if he were cumming from his toes,to the top of his head. His eyes shut so hard that he saw stars as each spurt exited his cock. Suddenly Eddy's cock was shooting into his mouth also,the first blast of sperm filling his mouth to the brim and the boy had to swallow fast to keep up with all the sperm shooting from Eddy's cock.

Their orgasms slowed down more rapidly,although you couldn't really tell,they were both moaning,mouths stuffed with each other's cocks. Eddy felt Corey's cock begin to soften finally and he let it escape from his mouth,swallowing the remains of Corey's huge orgasm.

Corey rolled Eddy's softening cock around his mouth for a little longer,sucking on it softly,making sure he had gotten all the cum from it. Then he let it out of his mouth,kissed it once more and turned back around to Eddy.

"Love you" both of them said at once. Eddy pulled the covers over them and they both fell into a deep sleep immediately.

Eddy was jarred out of sleep by the telephone. He fumbled for it in the dark bedroom and finally answered it.

"Hello" he mumbled sleepily.

"Eddy? It's Paul. Get up you lazy oaf. Look at the clock!"

Eddy looked over at the clock and noticed it was 7pm "Thanks baby. Look,we're going to take it easy tonight,so no It for sure. We'll see you at the club later,or at the coffeeshop."

"Okay. You sure you're awake?"

"I'm sure. Thanks love."

Eddy hung up the phone and stretched around on the bed,feeling his body respond to him as he became more fully awake. He looked over beside him at Corey,still sleeping soundly. The boy was on his side,facing Eddy and his face,in sleep,was so innocent and beautiful that it almost brought Eddy to tears.

Eddy wondered how Corey would feel,once he got up. Whether there would be any aftereffects of the fucking the last two days. He had lost track of time before but had never fucked a boy for that long,at one time.

He leaned down and kissed Corey on the forehead. Then softly on the lips. Bending further down he whispered in Corey's ear.

"Corey,wake up. It's time to get up."

Corey mumbled something,still asleep,so Eddy kissed him again and said,a little louder, "Corey,wake up. The city is waiting."

Corey heard Eddy's voice and opened his eyes,looking into Eddy's eyes,light blue into the dark blue of the older man. Corey felt drawn again,right away,by the look of those eyes and he pulled Eddy down for a kiss.

"We need to get up,shower,get something to eat." Eddy said as he watched the boy. "How do you feel?"

Corey stretched out on the bed and wiggled his entire body.

"I feel great Eddy,thanks to you."

They went in to the shower together and took a long,leisurely shower,allowing the water to take away all traces of the night before. Eddy was washing Corey,as usual,and rubbed his soapy hand into the boy's ass crack,searching for his asshole.

At the touch of the man's hand Corey froze,holding his breath. His asshole was so sensitive,not sore,but sensative to touching and it caused Corey's cock to rise in an immediate hardon. Corey turned around to Eddy,who looked at his cock in surprise as the boy melted in his arms for a kiss.

They ground together in the shower,the boy's hard cock causing Eddy to get hard again,the water running over them giving them the sensation of a thousand small hands feeling their bodies. Eddy broke away from Corey and smiled at him in disbelief.

"You're ready for more?"

"You touch me and I'm ready. I can't help it when you touch me."

"Not now,let's eat first. We'll get back to bed,I assure you. But we need to eat and drink."

Corey reluctantly broke off the kiss and allowed Eddy to turn him around again and finish washing his back and legs. They made it through the shower with no more than a couple of kisses,drying off and getting dressed again to go out.

"We'll dress sedately tonight. The It is closed so we'll just go to the club and the coffeeshop. Maybe to another club."

"Anything you want. Where are we going to eat tonight?"

"What do you feel like?"

"Are there any Italian places near here?"

"Yeah,there's a good,small,family restaurant a couple of blocks away. Their food is always good."

"Can we go there?"

"My pleasure. Do you want to get wasted first?"

Corey looked at him and laughed. "Wasted,of course! How else can I really get the whole Amsterdam picture?"

"That's the only way,really the only way."

They did a number of bong hits,then went to the restaurant,Corey dressed again in yet another outfit from Eddy's apartment. After they finished the meal they went over to Magnolia,where the place was,as usual,rocking.

Corey felt much more at ease now,everyone greeted him like he was a regular,a couple of them that he had seen came up and said hello to him,kissing him like they did Eddy.

Eddy leaned over to a boy in front of his and asked where Paul was,whether he had been in recently. The boy told him that Paul had just left to go back to the club a few minutes earlier. Eddy looked up at the clock and noticed that Paul would be dancing again in about an hour.

"Corey,do you want to see Paul dance again?"

"Paul? Yeah,I would. He puts everything in the dance."

Eddy laughed "I think you had something to do with that. That's not the way he usually dances."

"It was you he looked at,when he was cumming,not me."

"Maybe. Maybe you're right. Well,we'll have to see later,won't we?"

Corey and Eddy Part 9

by Corey Haim

"Yeah,we'll see alright. Now,hand me that bong,stop hogging it!"

Eddy handed Corey the bong and leaned in to kiss him. Corey could feel the intensity of the man as he kissed him,knew that all Eddy was thinking of,at that moment,was Corey. It made him feel wanted and needed,safe and protected. Eddy could feel the boy shake in his embrace as a dry,emotional orgasm shook Corey,exploding in a sudden burst of feeling.

Corey pressed up against Eddy,leaning on him even after the kiss had ended,not wanting to lose touch of him for even a second. Eddy pulled him up again and pointed to the bong.

"I thought you wanted that,not me!"

"You. Just you."

"You've got me" Eddy said,looking into Corey's eyes "but for now use the bong."

Corey took a hit and passed it back to Eddy. They sat there for a little while,talking about inconsequential things,just makind some conversation to hear each other's voice.

"Let's go upstairs. It'll be crowded tonight but I sent word to hold us that same couch. There will be more dancers there and Paul will be the last one."

"Do they all look as good as Paul?"

"No,he's the best. But there are some couple dances that you might find,ah,stimulating. Not that you need any stimulation you horny kid." and Eddy grinned devilishly at Corey.

"Maybe I'll get really worked up tonight" Corey teased "and you won't be able to keep up with me!"

Eddy just laughed and,taking Corey by the hand they left the coffeeshop and went next door to the club. The doorman let them in and they went back upstairs.

Eddy was right,Corey thought. The place was crowded tonight. In addition to the usual 5-6 boys,there were 15-20 older men in the place. A couple of the men were talking to boys on the couches, and the boys looked interested,even though Corey couldn't see what they would see in those men.

Eddy waved to Alan and the bartender escorted them to the same couch they had the night before. He dropped off a small package to Eddy,taking their drink orders and bringing them back quickly.

"To you" Eddy said,lifting his drink to toast Corey "the most beautiful boy in all of Amsterdam."

Corey looked at Eddy's smile,at the way he looked at him. He lifted his glass "To you Eddy,for giving me something I've never felt before. Love."

They clinked the glasses together and drank,then kissed as the house light dimmed. A slow song started,one that Corey had never heard before and there,in the spotlight on the stage,was a young blond guy,maybe about his own age,height and weight.

The blond on stage looked around,then started moving along with the music,running his hands over himself,down his chest and around, then back up his body to his face.

Suddenly there was another boy on the stage. This boy was larger than the blond boy,maybe 6'2" tall,dark hair cut short,with large hands that reached out to the blond,grabbing him and pulling him up to the larger boy.

The dark haired boy pulled the blond up to his face for a kiss and he lifted the boy easily in the air as he found his cherry lips, forcing his tongue in and practically devouring the blond. The blond boy,following the rhythm of the music became more frantic,pressing himself against the dark haired boy,taking his hands and reaching up to unbutton the dark haired boy's shirt,then,in the same motion pulling it off the dark haired boy and throwing it back to the edge of the stage.

The dark haired boy had a smooth chest,very defined but not a body builder type. He pushed the blond away for a moment and took off the blond's shirt,turning him all the way around as he stripped it off the blond boy's body.

Then the dark haired boy pulled the blond into his grasp again, forcing his crotch into the blond boy's ass. The blond reached back and pulled the dark haired boy tighter and tighter to him as they started to reach a simulated fucking rhythm.

It was obvious looking at the blond boy that he liked it,you could see his erection clearly through his pants,the boy's cock growing harder as the dark haired boy continued to thrust his cock at the blond boy's ass.

Eddy looked down at Corey,whose attention was riveted to the stage and the two boys on it. He could see that Corey had an erection from watching the two boys and he pulled Corey back so that Corey was laying on him,resting his back against Eddy's chest. Eddy reached down and cupped Corey's erection,not jerking him but feeling the heat and hardness of the boy in his arms.

Corey had seen porn before,but just movies. The actors in them showed nothing like the passion these two boys on stage were showing. Watching them,Corey felt like a voyeur,felt priviledged to see what was obviously love between the two of them. When Eddy pulled him close he gladly came into the heat of the man's arms,snuggling down to his chest. He felt Eddy's hand encompass his erection and it felt warm and good,just laying on his cock,holding him lightly.

Back on the stage the dark haired boy turned the blond around and gently,very gently,put his hand on the blond's head,urging him down to his knees. The blond boy went down to his knees in front of the dark haired boy and reached up to the boy's crotch,rubbing his hand over the outlined erection there. He rubbed up and down the boy's crotch,his motions becoming faster and faster.

The dark haired boy pulled the blond back up and undid the snap at the front of the blond's pants,unzipping them and pulling them down. The blond's cock sprang into view,about 5" and hard,leaking precum and throbbing in the spotlight. The blond kicked his pants off and then turned again to the dark haired boy who was thrusting at the blond with more urgency.

The blond boy unbuttoned the top button of the dark haired boy's pants. He slowly worked his way down the boy's pants,taking his time with each button until they were all done. Then the blond tugged on the dark haired boy's pants and the boy turned his back on the audience,letting the blond pull his pants all the way off,kicking them to the back of the stage.

As the dark haired boy turned back around Corey gasped and Eddy, who was watching for this,held him closer,feeling Corey's cock give a big lurch in his hand and start quivering.

"Eddy" Corey moaned "is that all his?"

"That's all his. Just watch what happens."

Corey's eyes were locked on the dark haired boy's cock,it must have been 10" long and very thick. It was hard as a rock,standing straight out from the boy's body,an almost continuous stream of precum leaking from it as the dark haired boy again cupped the blond's head in his hands and urged him to his knees.

The blond looked at the huge cock for a minute,then put the head of it in his mouth,running his tongue around it. He took the head back out of his mouth and kissed it,then took the boy's cock deep into his mouth. You could see it hitting the back of the blond's throat and he hadn't gotten much more than half of it in yet.

The dark haired boy grabbed the blond boy's head tightly in his hands and started to fuck the boy's mouth,moving his cock in and out, five or six inches of the dark haired boy's cock fucking into the blond's hot sucking mouth. The boy fucked his mouth for about two minutes,then raised the blond boy up for a kiss,turning him around again so that his huge cock was poking at the smaller boy's ass.

He took his cock in his hand and started searching for the blond boy's asshole and Eddy could feel Corey panting in his arms.

"What do you think,so far?" Eddy whispered.

"Is he really going to fuck that kid? He'll split his ass open with a huge cock like that one."

"Just watch,it gets even better."

You could tell that the dark haired boy had found the blond's asshole with the head of his cock. The blond boy threw his head back,his teeth clenched in either pain or ecstasy as the dark haired boy pushed his cock in a few inches. Then the dark haired boy slowly started fucking the blond,giving the blond more and more of his huge hard cock with each stroke.

The blond boy's moans could be heard,almost as part of the music,as the dark haired boy finally drove his cock all the way into his tight ass. You could look at the blond now and tell that the expression on his face was ecstasy,he started moving his ass back against the larger boy as he started to really fuck the blond. Over and over he pulled the full length of his cock from the blond's clutching asshole,then drove it back in all the way, hitting the innermost regions of the boy's ass.

The blond's cock was throbbing with each thrust of the dark haired boy behind him,more precum leaking from the boy's cock as the dark haired boy became more and more savage in his fucking.

Eddy could feel Corey's cock throb,as if he were the one getting fucked,Eddy felt Corey's hips start to move some,his eyes slitted as he watched the two on stage,pressing his cock up into Eddy's hand hard,again and again.

The blond boy suddenly began gasping as his cock exploded,the sperm shooting out of it,almost off the stage. Spurt after spurt exited the boy's untouched cock,the cock quivering between each spurt. The dark haired boy slammed his cock into the smaller boy's asshole,once,twice,again,as the boy continued to shoot all over the stage,the blond gasping for air as his orgasm went on and on.

As the blond stopped shooting he turned around,causing the dark haired boy's cock to slip from his ass and,getting down on his knees in front of the dark haired boy he started jerking the boy's throbbing 10" cock,faster and faster,squatting in front of the larger boy.

The dark haired boy arched his back and a thick stream of sperm practically boiled out of his cock and shot into the open mouth of the boy kneeling in front of him. Over and over again he shot into the blond boy's open mouth and,as the spurts slowed,the blond boy took the dark haired boy's cock into his mouth,drinking the rest of the cum directly from it.

He sucked on the thrusting boy for about a minute until the boy's big cock started to soften slightly. Then he took it in once more and let it out of his mouth,the cock still semihard and glistening in the spotlight from the mixture of saliva and sperm coating it. The spotlight snapped off,leaving the stage in darkness and most of the people in the audience stunned by the intensity of the sex between the two boys.

Corey was breathing heavily in Eddy's arms,he lips moist as he ran his tongue over them. Eddy crushed the boy tighter up against him and leaned over and kissed him hard.

They broke the kiss and Eddy laughed.

"What did you think about that?"

"Oh man,I'm about to explode. I couldn't believe it when that blond kid took that whole cock up his ass. And their orgasms,I could feel them myself,right here in your arms."

"No explosions yet,my boy. Not until we get home." he shook Corey,laughing,to get his mind off his own condition.

Corey laughed back and turned towards Eddy,melting his body against him,kissing him and then taking a look around the room at the rest of the club. A lot of the men and boys were gone,the room half empty. The men who remained were all watching Eddy and him on the couch and Corey could see their lust and felt it echo through him,driving him higher and higher.

"Easy now,easy. No shows for free. Everyone's watching us!" Eddy whispered into Corey's ear,biting him lightly on the earlobe,the yelp from the boy beneath him causing him to giggle almost helplessly.

"How long until Paul dances?" Corey asked.

"About another 30 minutes or so,there are other dancers before he he gets on."

"More like those two? I'll never last." Corey said this to Eddy with a smile.

"No,they were the only couple. The rest are singles and most of them are just adequate for their jobs. You'll see. By the time Paul comes out,you'll be ready for more stimulation."

They got some more drinks and watched the parade of boys dancing on the stage in front of them. There were boys of all sizes and shapes but,Corey found out,Eddy was right. They didn't dance with a lot of feeling,although they did all cum at the end.

The only other one that was any good was a little Thai boy that Corey couldn't determine age on. He danced very fluidly,like he had been trained to dance,he had a beautiful small body,completely hairless,even at the pubic area. The boy's cock was a proportioned 4" cock,uncut and the head of it only poked out when the boy shot his cum towards the audience at the end of his dance. He walked right off the stage and up to a man,sitting alone on a couch,then took the man's arm and led him upstairs.

The lights came back on in the club and Eddy pulled Corey up.

"Let's use the bathroom,before Paul comes on stage. I want to be ready to watch him."

"Me too. He's so beautiful that it almost hurts to watch him."

They used the toilet and got back to their couch. Eddy motioned to Alan to come over and the bartender walked to the couch.

"After all the dancers finish,we want to talk to them. Tell them to come out,with Don and Carl the last ones to come out."

"What was that about?" Corey asked.

"Well,they gave us a show,so we'll thank them. They do this for the money,you know."

"Yeah,especially the blond and dark haired boy.."

"Their names are Don and Carl,respectively." Eddy interrupted.

"Whatever their names are,they're the best,so far."

"So far,but Paul hasn't danced yet." He turned Corey around and looked at him seriously for a minute. "Paul may do anything,so I want you to be prepared."

"What do you mean?"

"He may try and pull you on stage with him,or me on stage with him. If he does,what do you want to do?"

"Do? I can't do that,I mean,look at the people here.." Corey's voice trailed off as he remembered the cage at The It. Eddy saw the boy hesitate,then Corey looked up at him and smiled. "I'll go up there with him,but only if you go too."

"We'll see who he picks first. If he takes you,then you come back and get me,I'll do the same if he takes me first."

"Let's make a bet. I don't know Paul very well but I'll bet you he takes you first." Corey said,with a smile.

"What do you have to bet?" Eddy asked.

"I'll bet you a bong hit." and Corey laughed. "Something that you don't have yet."

"Two minutes" the bartender called out.

"Here,Corey,do some of this,quick." and Eddy handed Corey a small inhaler.

"How? What?" Corey looked at it.

"You turn it upside down,tap it,turn the lever. Then you turn it back over,turn the lever,put it in your nose and sniff. It's just coke,but a lot at a time."

Corey did it in each nostril and handed it back to Eddy who did the same thing. He could feel the coke him hit,the murmuring of the crowd in the club,though still indistinct was crystal clear.

The lights dimmed and the first notes of "Boy's Don't Cry" from The Cult slammed into the room,almost a physical attack and then, Paul was on the stage,dressed in tight jeans,his already semihard cock in outline on the front.

Corey and Eddy Part 10

by Corey Haim

Corey leaned back into Eddy,feeling the man clasp him tightly, as they both watched the boy leap and twist on stage. Following the lyrics of the song Paul kept moving,reaching for something or someone that was just out of reach. The boy cupped his face,then pushed it,seemingly,trying to give it to someone. He did this with his chest,his ass,then he cupped his cock and pointed it towards the ceiling,thrusting with his eyes closed tightly.

You could tell by Paul's expression that,even with his beauty, and his motions,that he got nothing back in return. As the song drew to a close,the boy stood on stage,still as a rock,one hand still clasping his hard cock,the other hand moving to his eyes, where the tears were flowing steadily down his face.

Corey could feel Paul's need,his own cock straining to go to the boy,his own eyes leaking tears down his face as the boy transmitted the pain of rejection to him. He wanted to get up and go to the stage and hold the boy to him,to tell him that it would all be okay,that he was loved and wanted.

Eddy watched the boy dance in amazement. Surely there can't be this much pain inside him,not really. How could I have missed it,if it exists? But Eddy knew that this wasn't the end of the dance,no way Paul would leave it like this.

The light dimmed and then the Enigma recording slowly built in volume as the light got more intense,framing the same boy, but a different boy,it seemed. As the music started,the pain that the boy showed changed to an expression of lust,the two commingled on his face,showing that the difference between the two was not that great,just like pain and pleasure.

He began to move slowly around the stage,catching the eyes of the men and boys watching him. He moved like a satyr,with each place his eyes went,the feelings of lust increased. He looked down at Corey and Eddy and his face transformed,like watching a switch thrown,the soft devilish smile replaced with one of want,his lips opening slightly and his tongue tracing an outline on them,leaving them moist and shining in the light.

When the boy's eyes hit Corey,Corey felt it like an electric shock,travelling though his body,concentrating in his cock which became so hard he thought it would break. Corey could feel Eddy's heart beat,the steady rhythm of it pulsing heat into him,making him quiver in his need.

Eddy couldn't believe this. Where did Paul learn to dance like that? Nobody here could teach him,nobody here can do anything like this. As the boy continued,Eddy took a quick look around the room. Everywhere he looked,the men and boys were groping each other, never taking their eyes from the boy dancing on the stage. Pulling Corey tighter to him he felt his own heat rise,his desire for both the boy on stage and the boy in his lap running through him.

The next song flowed on. Paul mouthing the words as his body moved with the rhythm.

"the principles of lust

are easy to apply"

Paul moved down off the stage to the couch where Corey and Eddy were and he reached down a hand to both of them,pulling them up and into his dream,into the song. He slowly took them both on the stage,into the spotlight.

Corey looked around at Paul,at Eddy,then turned to the audience. Because of the light,he couldn't see anyone out there,it's like they had come up here and were now all alone.

Eddy grabbed Paul and pulled him back into his cock,grinding it up against the boy's ass. He held Paul easily by the waist,running his hand up and down the boy's ass,his finger tracing the boy's ass crack.

Corey moved to the front of Paul and kissed him,softly,then with more vigor as his desire crested again. He moved his hands up and down the boy's chest,then to his groin and grabbed the boy's hard cock and squeezed it roughly. He could feel the boy twitch and move,still locked in a kiss,the boy moaning softly into Corey's open mouth.

Paul broke away from Corey and Eddy for a moment,undoing his pants and shirt as the two of them watched. As he stepped out of his pants,he danced back over to two of them,holding his arms out over his head he twirled,showing the audience and Corey and Eddy,all of him,all that they could have.

Paul's cock was hard as he danced. He went up to Eddy and jumped into his arms,the man catching and holding him easily. Eddy leaned down and crushed his mouth against the boy's,his arms enfolding him tighter and tighter,like he wanted to take the whole boy in his mouth. Paul reached out to Corey,who was drawn to Eddy and Paul, moving slowly across the stage,his gaze on the boy's hard cock.

Corey saw the boy's cock,Eddy holding the boy at waist level, and he had to taste it again,had to feel it in his mouth. Corey moved his face down,still running his hands over the boy's chest and took the youth's cock all the way in his mouth.

Paul felt Corey's mouth close on his cock and the boy started to twitch,the man holding him tight,taking his breath with the force of the kiss,Corey sucking like he wanted Paul's very life to shoot into him.

Eddy slowly put the boy down,holding Corey by the shoulder so Corey wouldn't go to his knees in front of the boy,and then he took Corey down off the stage and they collapsed back on the couch,still watching Paul,gyrating on the stage above them.

Paul felt them leave him,physically,but he still felt them with him,could feel Corey's mouth on his cock and Eddy's cock driving in and out of his ass. Indeed,with them gone,he could feel not just their mouths,their cocks,but the mouths and cocks of all the people watching him on the stage.

His eyes crossed as he tried to look out at them,the people in the audience feeling his need,his desire as the record crested and the boy on stage started to shoot. Corey could feel the boy cum,each spurt shaking the boy's body and making Corey shake in Eddy's arms. Time after time he shot,his voice a high pitched moan,almost a squeal as he felt the release.

Paul grabbed his own dripping cock,and as the record slowly came to an end,the lights dimming,touched his tongue to his own sperm,licking it up into his mouth and giving the audience that satyr grin again as the light and music faded completely.

The club went completely silent for a long moment,all you could hear was the heavy breathing of the men and boys as they struggled with their own feelings,in response to the boy.

Then one person started clapping,and cheering and everyone in the club did the same,stomping their feet and calling for Paul to come back out. Paul stepped out,almost shyly,until you saw that same smile again,bowed to the crowd,put his hand to his forehead and ran back off the stage.

The club quieted down after a minute or so,most of the men there paired up with a boy,some boys sitting together. A few of the couples got up and left the club,heading up the steps.

Alan brought Corey and Eddy fresh drinks,Alan shaking his head again. "I don't know about that boy,he's too good."

Eddy looked at Alan "Yeah,the best I've ever seen,ever."

Alan gazed around the club and saw there were no longer any men on the couches,just some boys. "100 percent. That's never happened."

Corey wondered what the two of them were talking about but it didn't seem to really matter at that moment,his body was still warm from the reaction to Paul on stage.

"He's beautiful." Corey whispered.

Eddy waved Alan away and took Corey into his arms. "How are you doing,lover?"

"I feel so drained,like I had that orgasm but at the same time I feel like I need to cum again and again."

"Me too,and it'll be with you."

Then Alan came back with the dancers. Eddy handed Corey a roll of bills and told him to give each one of them what he thought they deserved. Corey gave all the dancers 50 guilders,except the Thai boy who he gave 75 guilders.

Then the blond boy and the dark haired boy came down from upstairs and walked into the bar. Eddy waved at them and they came over to the couch,both of them kissing Eddy,first the blond and then the dark haired boy.

"Hi Don,Carl" Eddy said "meet my boyfriend Corey."

"Hi there Corey" they said together,then Don leaned down and kissed Corey,followed by Carl doing the same.

"I really liked your dance." Corey said,smiling.

"I'll say" Eddy added "I thought he was going to cum before you two did."

"We're glad you liked it." "Yeah" added Carl "we try to please."

"With a cock like that you can't help it!" Eddy said,laughing.

Corey and Don joined in,laughing and agreeing.

Eddy reached into his pocket and gave Carl a 250 guilder note.

"For the two of you,with thanks."

Carl looked down at the bill,astonished. Usually the most any one person gave them was 50 guilders. He showed Don the bill and then both the boys jumped on Eddy,kissing him and rubbing him.

"Hey,wait,wait" Eddy said,from behind Don "half of it came from Corey too!"

Before Corey knew what was really happening,Carl had grabbed him and fastened his mouth to his,Carl's tongue probing his mouth while Don's hand was all over his cock,rubbing it to a quick erection.

Corey,surprised for a moment by the boys,started kissing Carl back and thrust his hips against Don't groping hands. Eddy just looked down at the three of them for a while,then,noticing how hard Corey was getting,he pulled the other two boys from him,Corey letting them go reluctantly.

"This one is all mine" Eddy said,sliding next to Corey "go find somebody for yourself!" and he ended with a big grin.

Corey was practically panting in Eddy's arms,his body heated up unbelievably by the quick attention that Don's hand and Carl's mouth had given him. He looked up at Eddy,then back to the two boys and,crawling even closer to Eddy,lay his head down in Eddy's lap,rubbing his face on the man's semi hard cock.

"All mine" Corey said,trying his best to grin the way that Paul had done on stage.

Eddy put his hands in Corey's hair,playing with it,twirling it around his fingers,just the feel of the heat of the boy driving him wild again with desire for him. Don and Carl looked at them, laughed and walked out of the room.

Eddy pulled Corey back up to him and kissed him,slowly,softly and thoroughly,holding him,rubbing his back,his chest,his cock. This went on for minutes until Eddy felt someone else sit down on the couch next to him.

He let go of Corey's lips to look next to him and saw that Paul was there,watching the both of them intently. When Eddy and Corey looked at the boy,he smiled to both of them,then reached up and stroked both Eddy's face,and then Corey's face.

Corey surprised himself when he reached over Eddy and grabbed Paul by the arm,pulling him over Eddy and between the two of them. Corey put one hand on the boy's chest,as if to hold him,then he softly brushed his lips over the boy's lips,turning to Eddy and waiting for him.

Seeing the two of them kiss almost made Eddy cum right there and then. He moved closer and stuck out his tongue,running it over both the boy's lips,then their teeth,then driving his tongue into each of their mouths. They stayed there on the couch for minutes,just exploring each other again,hands moving and mouths together.

Eddy raised up "We'd better stop,no free shows,remember?" and both Paul and Corey looked at him,grinning and looking around at the room,seeing people watching the three of them on the couch together.

"Come on,let's get out of here. We'll go next door,that should calm the two of you down some. It's been over a year since anyone had sex in the coffeeshop!"

They went downstairs and out into the street,then turned into Magnolia. There weren't any people in Eddy's usual spot so they headed there. Eddy,Paul and Corey acknowledged the greetings of the boys in the coffeeshop and laughed when they all asked what the three of them had been doing,since they all had hardons.

"Obviously,my friends,we haven't done anything,yet. Have you ever known me to let someone out,with a hardon?" Eddy laughed.

"No." "No way,Eddy!" "Not you." a chorus of voices answered.

They did a few bong hits,listening to the music and just looking at each other. Conversation seemed out of place as they were each lost in their thoughts,looking from one,to the other. Then the woman behind the counter put on "Boys Don't Cry" again and Eddy took Paul and Corey by the arm and out the door.

"Can't hear that one again,not tonight,eh Paul?"

Paul's face was a little strained as he smiled at Eddy,then over to Corey,who was watching the boy intently,like he was going to suddenly change again on them.

"Paul,go back upstairs and get us some coke. We'll wait here until you get back."

Paul left and Eddy looked at Corey.

"Now what do we do?" Eddy asked.

"We take him with us,I guess."

"Is that what you really want? Don't think of him for now,just think of you and me."

"I really want you,Eddy. But I feel for the pain that Paul is showing,even though I don't know whether or not the pain is real or a show."

"Paul is in pain. I never realized it until tonight,but he is really in pain."

Corey looked at Eddy,suddenly realizing "He was your boyfriend, wasn't he? Before you met me?"

"Yes" Eddy whispered "I loved him,shit,I still love him. But I don't feel about him the way I do about you. You're not just some little boy,you're a young man,what I've always wanted. I've had lots of little boys,like Paul,but they never grow up into someone like you."

Corey and Eddy had moved together on the sidewalk,holding each other tightly,almost breathing their conversation into each other.

"We have to take him with us." Corey said "We have to."

Eddy just nodded his head.

Paul came back out from the club and Corey and Eddy each took one of the boy's arms and they set out back to Eddy's apartment. They walked there in silence,moving that way into the hall,then, not stopping,headed right for the bedroom.

Eddy sat in the middle of the bed,with the bong,getting it all ready. Corey and Paul lay on the bed,one on either side of Eddy, resting their heads on Eddy's legs,smiling at each other.

Eddy reached down and used one hand on each of them,ruffling their hair,tracing down their faces with a finger. Eddy used all the black hash that he had left,mixing it with the coke that Paul had brought from the club,to make a mixture that would be truly strong,one that would release all of them from any of their inhibitions and would allow them to reach new heights of pleasure.

"Come on up here,the bong is ready. This is really strong,let's go for everything tonight." and he handed the bong to Corey.

Corey took the smoke in,feeling the cocaine race through his lungs,carrying it all through him,infusing him with more energy than he had ever felt at once.

All of them did the bong once,then Eddy handed it around a second time,then a third time. Then after,Corey and Paul had done a third hit,he took a large hit,and brought first Corey and then Paul,and breathed the smoke back and forth with them.

Corey could feel his head spin,no,his whole body felt as if it were spinning,except that the spinning seemed to produce energy,energy that was centering on his cock.

Paul looked at Eddy and Corey,seeing them but not seeing, wanting them but unable to move,the coke,opium and hash taking control of his body,causing him to get an immediate erection.

Eddy glanced at Corey,then Paul,seeing their erections. He moved to Corey and took the shirt off,then the boy's pants socks and shoes,leaving him laying on the bed,his cock standing up from his stomach and throbbing.

Corey and Eddy Part 11

by Corey Haim

Then he undressed Paul the same way,loving the way the boy's smooth body looked in the dim light,seeing the wonder again of his small but impossibly stiff cock.

Eddy almost ripped his own clothes off as the two boys looked at him,stung by their desire but just waiting,waiting for the man to do something,something that could unlock their paralysis.

Eddy kneeled on the bed,naked,his hand holding his cock,afraid that he would cum just looking at the two boys. He moved down to Corey's ear "I'm going to get on my back and let Paul sit on my cock. I want you to suck you at the same time. I won't cum in him but I want you to cum in my mouth. Then we'll switch."

Eddy lay flat on the bed and pulled Paul up and over him, above his hard cock. "Sit on my cock,I want to fuck you."

Paul shivered as he heard Eddy say this. He wanted Eddy's big cock in his ass,buried deep in his ass,he wanted it there for this time,and forever. Paul felt for Eddy's cock,smearing the precum that Eddy was leaking all over the head of the man's cock,lubricating his cock,then,searching with the man's cock, found his asshole and slowly took the entire length of the man's cock into his asshole. Paul's cock went completely vertical and quivered,as the boy almost came just feeling the man's cock slide up his ass.

Eddy pulled on Corey and Corey straddled his head. Eddy's hot tongue licked at the head of Corey's cock like a snake,over and over,until the boy couldn't stand it and drove it deep into Eddy's hard,sucking mouth,leaning more and more forward,getting in deeper and deeper. Corey looked up at Paul,no more than a few inches away and grabbed the boy's face and pulled him in for a hard kiss. Corey started driving his cock in and out of Eddy's throat,trying to hold back the sperm but Eddy,sensing that the boy was close,started sucking harder,eager to taste Corey's hot sweet cum again.

Eddy fucked harder into Paul's clutching asshole,holding the boy by the hips and bouncing him up and down on his cock like a fuck toy. His cock making squishing sounds in the young boy's asshole as he slammed it deeper and deeper. He could feel the boy's asshole start to quiver,then grip his cock tightly as the boy shot his sperm.

Paul felt too good and he moaned into Corey's mouth as he felt Eddy's cock start to really pound him,start to open up his asshole as it got deeper into him,then his orgasm came suddenly and he screamed into Corey's mouth,the sound muffled by their tongues. He could feel his sperm shooting out,Eddy's cock seeming to push more out with each thrust up his ass. He cried out again and again as Eddy continued thrusting into him,Paul feeling his sperm coating Eddy's stomach and chest.

Eddy could feel the boy's cum on him,hot and wet as the spurts landed. Then he felt Corey's cock expand and start to spurt large gobs of sperm into his mouth. Corey sank his cock into Eddy's throat and let his overexcited cock pulse and throb,then raised back out of Eddy's throat so the man could taste him better. Eddy kept on sucking Corey's cock until the sperm stopped oozing out of it,licking and sucking at the still hard organ,cleaning it off.

Corey pulled his cock out of Eddy's mouth and moved off his face as Eddy,watching Paul still bounce up and down on his cock, started to take his finger and pick up the individual spurts of sperm on his chest and stomach. He put the first in his own mouth, then offered the second to Corey,who eagerly took the sweet boy cum and left it on his tongue. Eddy shared all the boy's cum with Corey,the boy watching them eat his cum and hard again,wanting more and more.

"Fuck me Eddy" he moaned "fuck me more!"

"It's Corey's turn to fuck you now." Eddy answered him,pulling the boy up and off his cock,moving him over to Corey,who was by now flat on the bed,his cock hard and throbbing,ready to fuck the shit out of the boy's ass.

Paul moved over Corey,feeling the older boy's hands on his hips. He took the boy's cock in his hand and found his asshole. Corey could feel the boy position his hard cock just inside his asshole and he couldn't stand it,he had to have that boy. He tightened his grip and pulled the boy down on his cock,at the same time thrusting up into him,until his cock was embedded deeply in the boy's ass,the boy moaning above him.

Eddy moved over Corey's face and stuck his cock in Corey's panting mouth,sinking it in,then pulling it just out,with Corey leaning his head up,trying to get the hard cock back in his mouth. Eddy teased Corey with his cock,driving it in,then pulling back out to watch the boy pant in desire. Finally he couldn't stand it himself and he fucked his cock all the way into the boy's sucking mouth and throat,hearing the boy beneath him growl with his need as he took it all in. Eddy leaned forward and kissed Paul,reaching down and taking Paul's cock and balls in hand,roughly masturbating the boy, rolling his hairless balls through his fingers,feeling Paul shiver and jerk in front of him as Corey's cock fucked him to yet another orgasm.

Corey could feel the boy move his ass,the muscles of the boy still so tight on his cock that it felt like a glove,like a hand in a glove. He continued to fuck the boy as hard as he could,feeling the asshole nibbling almost at his cock as the boy had another violent orgasm.

Paul's mouth was forced open,Eddy kissing him deeply and jerking on his cock as he felt another orgasm rush through him, causing him to cry out and hold Eddy's face to him with both his hands. Again and again he shot as Corey's cock and Eddy's hand milked his cock of sperm.

Eddy felt the boy's sperm on his hand,felt the little cock jerk and spurt in his hand and this set off his own orgasm. He plunged his expanding cock down into Corey's throat,choking him,as the first spurt shot out. Again his cock shot into Corey's throat,Eddy's legs shaking as it did,the cum so thick he could swear he heard it gurgling into the boy's mouth.

Corey wasn't expecting Eddy's orgasm so quick,when the man suddenly rammed his cock down his throat and spurted. Corey relaxed his throat and the man pulled out slightly,the next load filling his sucking mouth. Over and over Eddy's cock spurted into Corey's mouth, Corey swallowing and swallowing but still the sperm spurted,filling his mouth and running in small rivulets down the side of his face.

Eddy continued to flex his cock in Corey's mouth,the sperm shooting, then finally just oozing out,the boy still sucking on his cock. Eddy pulled out of Corey's mouth and lifted the boy off Corey's cock. Paul gave a big sigh as the head of Corey's cock plopped out of his well fucked asshole with a slurping sound.

Corey reached out for Eddy,and Paul and the three of them gathered on the bed,holding each other tightly.

"Guys" whispered Paul,looking back and forth "that was great. The best fuck ever."

"I loved it,your ass is so tight." Corey told him.

"Yeah,it was tight. But it won't be if you keep having two guys like us fuck you!" Eddy teased him,and Corey laughed.

"I'll always be tight!" Paul exclaimed,eyes twinkling.

Corey got up from the bed and walked unsteadily out of the room.

"I'm getting something to drink!" he said as he left.

Eddy looked at Paul,who looked back knowingly. "I'm going,you want to be alone with him,that's okay. Remember though,I'm the one that truly loves you."

Eddy and Paul got up and Eddy kissed the boy gently,lovingly. Then Paul went to the guest bedroom and Eddy went into the kitchen,looking for Corey.

Corey was rummaging through the refrigerator,pulling out all the bottles and looking at them. He pulled out a quart bottle filled with a brown substance,kinda milky looking and waved it at Eddy.

"What's this stuff?"

"It's a power shake." Eddy answered. "For more energy."

"What's in it?"

"Just vitamins,minerals,stuff like that. It does give a quick burst of energy."

"I want to try it."

"We'll both try it."

"Where's Paul?"

"He went to sleep in the other bedroom. It's just you and me now."

"Yeah,just you and me. I like that."

Eddy poured a glass for Corey and then one for himself. He clinked it with Corey's as the boy picked it up.

"To tonight!" and Eddy grinned at Corey.

"Tonight!" Corey echoed.

They drank the shake down,the taste not spectacular but Corey could swear that he felt it move in his stomach,could feel it pulsing through his veins after a couple of minutes.

They were back on the bed,having used the bathroom already. Corey was laying on the pillows,looking at Eddy as the man played with the bong,getting it ready again.

"We have to have more." Eddy said. "Nothing held back,I want to be open to you completely."

"Me too,no secret desires. Tonight I fulfill all your fantasies!"

"You already have,Corey,my love."

Just those words sent a chill down Corey's spine. It seemed like whatever the man told him,the way he said it,made Corey feel wanted and needed. He took the bong from Eddy and they passed it back and forth,each taking a bunch of hits,with every hit they kissed each other,passing the smoke between them,until it seemed to dissipate.

Finally Eddy put the bong to the side and reached for Corey. The boy was ready and came into his arms. Eddy lay down on the bed, with Corey beside him.

"I want to kiss your whole body" Eddy whispered "I want to taste every part of you." He turned Corey over on his stomach and pressed his face into Corey's hair. He moved his mouth over the boy's scalp,smelling the combined scents of sweat and the cologne that the boy had used earlier. He worked his mouth down to the back of the boy's neck and licked his neck,like he would like a piece of hard candy.

Corey shivered as he felt Eddy's hot tongue on his neck,then tracing a path down his back,side to side,bypassing his ass and heading down to the back of his legs. The man licked both sides, both legs,farther down,hitting the back of Corey's knees and making the boy jump,tickling him.

Eddy moved down to the back of Corey's feet,then traced his tongue back up to Corey's ass,kissing both sides before his hands spread Corey's cheeks apart. Eddy lowered his face to Corey's ass and sniffed him. He had a slightly musky smell,from all the energy used earlier. Eddy looked at Corey's asshole,it was still partially open from all the fucking the past two days. He tongued around the sensitive opening,the boy moving under him,the feeling too good to lay still.

Corey ground his hard cock into the sheets as Eddy then covered his asshole with his mouth,locking on it and shoving his tongue as far up Corey's asshole as possible. Eddy could feel the boy's asshole gripping at his tongue as he snaked it in,the boy trying to capture it,trying to hold it with his ass.

Eddy reached around and pulled Corey's cheeks apart as far as he could,his thumbs on either side of the boy's asshole. Corey was thrusting his ass back at Eddy,wanting more of the man's tongue licking him far up inside. Over and over Eddy fucked his tongue into the boy,until Corey started moaning,warning Eddy that he was going to cum if he continued this way.

Eddy slowly pulled off the boy's asshole,his tongue wanting more of him. He turned Corey over and went down to his feet. Taking one of them in his hand,he brought it up to his face, blowing his hot breath on it,then licking all around the boy's toes,holding his foot tight as the boy weakly struggled to get away,the tickling sensation intense.

Eddy did the same thing to Corey's other foot,then traced his way all the way up Corey's body,bypassing the boy's throbbing cock for a minute. Eddy licked over both Corey's nipples,biting lightly at each of them as he swiped them with his tongue. Then he traced the boy's jaw with his tongue,working around to Corey's ear,then sticking his tongue in the boy's ear and wiggling it.

Corey felt Eddy's tongue in his ear and it was too much. Again he weakly struggled against the man as he left the one ear and then did the other one. Then he felt the man lick his forehead, his cheeks,over his closed eyes,his nose and then he felt Eddy's lips on his own,the man's mouth open,his tongue searching for Corey's tongue.

Eddy felt the boy moan beneath him as he kissed him. He could feel in Corey the first signs of orgasm and knew that when he got to his cock it would only be a matter of seconds until the boy blew his load. Eddy raised up from Corey,looking down into the boy's flushed face and then moved down to the boy's leaking cock. He could smell the boy's precum,almost evaporating from the heat of the boy. He licked down around Corey's balls,feeling the boy twitch,feeling Corey's legs stiffen as he tried to hold back his orgasm.

Corey was panting,like he had just run a mile. The man was licking him,teasing his balls,each time the man's tongue moved another shock went through Corey. Then he felt Eddy's mouth close over the head of his cock and take the cock down into his throat. Corey tried to drive it down farther,deeper,one stroke,twice,then he felt the sperm rising up the shaft of his cock and he felt it shoot into Eddy's sucking mouth.

Eddy could feel the boy try and hold back,to no avail,as he continued to suck hard on Corey's cock. He felt the first spurt shoot into his mouth,that taste again,unbelievably sweet,then he swallowed the boy's cock into his throat and let the rest of the boy's load shoot down his throat. Over and over he felt the boy's cock throb,filling his stomach with sperm. He finally felt the boy's cock stop shooting and took it into his mouth where he sucked it gently for a few minutes,until it started to soften slightly. He cleaned it all off and then kissed it again before he let Corey's cock fall to his stomach,then he moved back up and kissed the boy again.

"Love you Corey" he said,still kissing the boy.

"Love you Eddy" the boy said,then started laughing at how the words sounded,talked directly into his lover's mouth.

Eddy held Corey for a few minutes,kissing him,playing with the boy's hair,then he looked and saw that Corey's cock was again hard,the boy ready again for more action.

"I'm going to fuck you,this time a different way."

Corey and Eddy Part 12 Last Part!

by Corey Haim

Corey didn't answer him,he just lay on his back on the bed and spread his legs wide.

Eddy lubricated his cock,watching the boy slowly jerk on his own hard cock and this increased his passion,his desire to fuck Corey,to make him feel that he couldn't live without Eddy.

Eddy got a pillow and lifted the boy up,placing the pillow under the boy's ass. Then he lifted the boy's legs up and put them on his shoulders,moving closer and searching for Corey's asshole.

Corey felt Eddy's cock moving and,when it stopped at his asshole,Corey thrust forward a little,taking the head of the man's cock inside his ass. Eddy moved in,his cock moving all the way inside Corey's ass,then lodging in all the way.

Eddy started to fuck the boy,long slow strokes that went all the way to Corey's soul. Eddy bent down and kissed the boy,driving his tongue into Corey's mouth in the same beat that his cock was fucking the boy's ass.

He moved his arms around the boy,holding him tight as he continued to slide his cock in and out,continued to kiss the boy. Then he lifted Corey up off the bed and started to bounce him on his cock,holding the boy up and moving him on his cock.

Corey moaned his helplessness,the strength and passion of Eddy overwhelming him. The man's cock squished in Corey's well fucked ass as the man bounced him faster and faster on his throbbing cock. Corey felt the man's grip tighten,almost crushing the breath out of him. He almost blacked out but then Eddy's cock exploded in his ass and the force of the man's orgasm jerked the boy back from unconsciousness. He could feel Eddy's grip on him tighten and loosen with each spurt of sperm from the man's cock,throbbing in his ass.

Corey tried to work his ass against Eddy,moaning desire into Eddy's mouth as they were still kissing. Eddy drove his cock deeply into Corey's ass,letting his load spill out and fill the boy's asshole. As his orgasm slowed Eddy let Corey fall back down to the bed and,after thrusting into his sperm slickened asshole a few more times,pulled out and rolled over,taking the boy with him.

Corey felt like he was filled with Eddy's sperm. He could feel it slowly leaking from his asshole,the fucking so much that his asshole wouldn't close back completely afterwards. Corey could swear that he even tasted it in his mouth,Eddy had shot so much.

They curled up together,pulling the covers up over them and went to sleep,still holding each other tightly.

Corey woke up first and looked beside him at Eddy. He saw that it was 9:30am and wondered why he felt so rested,then he remembered that they had actually gone to sleep about 2am, not like the past couple of days where it was after dawn when they got to sleep.

Corey watched the man sleep,his thoughts racing. Eddy had thrown all the covers off him and lay there,naked in the light of the morning. As Corey gazed down at Eddy,the man moved just a little and muttered something,still asleep.

Corey moved down on the bed and got over Eddy's cock,softly blowing his breath on it,delighting in the way that the man's cock moved,even in sleep. Eddy's cock,responding to the boy's attention,began to lengthen and harden again. Corey just stared at Eddy's cock,amazed at the pleasure it had brought him.

Corey leaned down and licked the man's cock,feeling it move under his tongue. Then,slowly so as not to awaken Eddy,he bent down and took the head of the man's cock in his mouth. Corey could taste the dried sperm on Eddy's cock,could taste himself on it,could almost feel it again pounding up his asshole. The boy moaned a little moan and started taking Eddy's cock deep down into his mouth and throat,no longer worried about waking Eddy up,just wanting more of him.

Eddy had been having a dream,on the beach naked,the breeze warm against his cock. He got hard in the dream and this perfect boy came out from the bushes,dropped to his knees and started sucking Eddy's cock. Eddy drove it deep into this dream boy's mouth,then suddenly came awake,still feeling the same sensation, his hard cock in a wet,sucking mouth.

Eddy peered down,seeing Corey bobbing easily on his erection, stopping occasionally to lick the head of Eddy's cock,then taking it all back down his throat. Corey was laying so that his cock was near Eddy's face and the man looked at it,so beautiful in the morning light,throbbing as the boy worked on his cock.

Eddy moved over slightly and took Corey's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue all around the hard cock,moving his head up and down on it fast,to get into the same rhythm that Corey had already established. Eddy didn't usually cum fast but there was something about Corey's obvious need that drew the sperm out of him. He smacked his lips,running them up and down Corey's cock, wanting the boy to cum also,wanting to taste him again.

Corey felt like he and Eddy were really only one body,as he sucked on Eddy's cock,taking it down into his throat,Eddy did the same to his cock. They were both caught up,wanting and needing the other to cum,bringing it out of each other with every movement of tongue and lips.

Corey felt his sperm rising and moaned into Eddy's cock,and that stimulation,that vibration,set off Eddy's orgasm. He shot into Corey's mouth,feeling the boy shoot into his,even the spurts seemed synchronized somehow. Eddy kept all the boy's sperm in his mouth,tasting it,swirling it around Corey's still spurting cock,letting it fill his mouth up with Corey's taste.

Corey put his tongue in front of Eddy's cock,feeling and tasting the sperm as it shot out against it. His mouth sucked gently with each spurt of the man,pulling the sperm into him. Eddy's cock began to soften as Corey kept gently sucking on it,still with his mouth filled with the man's semen. He let the big cock,still semihard,out of his mouth,as Eddy did the same to his cock and he turned around to kiss Eddy.

Eddy kissed the boy,holding him tight,his tongue,coated with the boy's semen,probing gently into Corey's mouth,feeling the boy's tongue come back at him,with Eddy's sperm,unswallowed on it. Their tongues clashed together,mixing their sperm between them,rubbing all over their teeth and gums,coating each other with the essence that was Corey and Eddy.

Corey pulled back and swallowed hard,as Eddy looked at him. Eddy swallowed the mixture of semen,Corey's and his,and smiled at Corey.

"A good morning to you,love" Eddy said.

"And to you" Corey said,hugging Eddy and then jumping up to head to the bathroom. "come on,let's shower! It's a new day!"

Eddy felt his heart almost skip a beat as the boy ran out of the bedroom. He was so beautiful,it couldn't be true,no way that he could be for real.

They showered in silence,washing each other,occasionally exchanging a kiss. Then they dried off and got dressed. Eddy went out to the kitchen to cook.

As Eddy cooked the breakfast,Corey wandered back to the other bedroom,to look in on Paul. The bed was made,empty,with a piece of paper on it. Corey picked it up but it was in Dutch,the only thing he recognized was the word "Eddy" at the top and at the end he saw "Ik hou van jou".

Corey took the letter in to the kitchen.

"I was going to wake up Paul and have him join us." he said.

"That's a good idea,is he coming?"

"He's not there. There was a note on the bed." and Corey gave it to Eddy.

Eddy took the note and started reading it.

Corey could see by Eddy's face that there was something wrong.

"What does the note say?" Corey asked.

Eddy's voice choked a little "He's gone.."

"Gone? Read me the note."

Eddy began reading,translating for Corey.

Eddy my love,

It has been wonderful,our two years together. I can

see that you've found another,someone that's special

to you,like you are to me.

You took me in two years ago,and you loved me,when

I thought love was impossible. I never had a problem

with just sex with other people,I know you and it's a

part of the job,plus you like it.

But when I see you with Corey it hurts me. I need you

to look at me the way you do Corey,to hold me that way.

But I think that you'd rather have him so I'm leaving

Amsterdam,going back to Rotterdam.

I love you Eddy,I'll always love you.


By the time Eddy finished reading the letter to Corey,his voice was breaking and he started crying.

"No,no,no. You stupid,beautiful boy. This can't happen."

Eddy ran back into the bedroom,bringing out a jacket for both Corey and himself.

"Come on!"

"Where are we going?"

"The train station. He can't have left yet."

Corey wrapped the jacket around him and the two of them ran out the door. Seeing a taxi right at the corner Eddy jumped in and threw the driver 20 guilders.

"Railway Station,and quick!"

The driver took off,the station was only about a 5 guilder fare at the most,he could sense some urgency in the man.

Corey looked at Eddy,the man's face strained,his lips moving, but whatever he was saying was in Dutch and Corey didn't understand. They pulled up to the entrance and Eddy jumped out of the taxi and ran into the station,Corey following as best he could.

Eddy looked around as he entered the main terminal,looking for anyone he knew. He spotted one of the boys,just coming out from the platforms.

"Alex! Have you seen Paul today?"

"Eddy,what's wrong with Paul? He's down at platform 22,crying."

Corey came up at the end of the conversation,just as he heard the boy tell Eddy that Paul was at platform 22.

Eddy ran through the station,down the esclator,like a madman. Corey followed a little more slowly,trying to keep the man in sight as he rushed around a corner. Corey could see a train coming down the tracks,slowly making it's way down the platform.

As he looked down the platform,to where the man had run,he saw Eddy and Paul,the man talking to the boy,the boy looking up at him with obvious tears. Corey walked slowly up to them and he caught the end of their conversation.

"..I can't do it." Paul said.

"You have to. I didn't realize until I saw your note just how much you meant to me."

"But Corey.."

"Corey. I do love him,in a special way. I thought he was what I always wanted. Now I realize I already had what I wanted in you."

The train was stopped at the platform,people getting on and off,moving around this group of three as they stood unmoving on the busy platform.

"Stay with me Paul." Eddy begged the boy. "I need you."

"Oh Eddy,you lovable idiot. I need you too. If you want me,I'll never leave you,never."

Eddy crushed the boy to him,both of them crying together as the train pulled out of the station,leaving the three of them standing on the now deserted platform.

Corey watched Eddy and Paul,not understanding the words in Dutch, but able to easily understand the meanings by the actions of the two of them.

Eddy and Paul turned and looked at Corey.

"Corey,we need to talk." Eddy started.

"No,I don't think we need to." Corey interrupted. "He's the one that you want,the one you truly love. It's so obvious."

"Corey,it's not so simple."

Again Corey interrupted "He loves you too,very much. And he needs you a lot more than I do." bitterness creeping into his voice. "I'm sure you two will be happy together."

"But Corey.." Eddy started,as Corey turned and left,walking slowly down the platform "I did love you" Eddy yelled at his back "I thought it was forever!"

Corey rounded the corner and took one last look back,Eddy and Paul were standing,arms around each other,they both waved at him as he went out of vision range.

Corey went back to the hotel and checked out,calling the airport for the first plane out of Amsterdam. As he packed his luggage for the trip back home he found himself crying also,crying not just for what he felt he had lost in Eddy,in sorrow,but also flavored with some joy for Paul.

He dried his tears and took the taxi to the airport,becoming once more Corey Haim,movie star and,without a backwards glance,went back to his life in Hollywood.

The End (for Corey but for Eddy and Paul it continues)

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