Corey the House Boy

By ku jhawker

Published on Jun 5, 2006


Corey lay in bed slowly moving his hand down the leather strap in the center of his chest and down to his cock. He slowly stroked his cock, tilted his head back, and fantasized. His fantasies were about be used, being put on display, being showed off, and feeling embarrassed by it all. It did not take long for him to cum, he grabbed a rag wiped himself off and stood up. He felt the tug of the leather harness on his cock.

The harness was a collar, connected to a strap, connected to a metal cock ring. A Sir that he met online and went to visit recently had given it to him. He remembers driving the two hours to see him wearing a rope harness. He was hard and dripping the entire trip. He remembers standing naked in front of the guy, having to remain naked. He remembers the clothespins on his foreskin, the bondage, the painful wax. He really enjoyed some of it, being made to display for a man, feeling his cock played with. However, other times he was bored. He couldn't believe it, what was wrong with him, he really wanted this, but why was he bored? It could have been the guy, or the fantasy not living up to the reality, or what was being done. He was determined to try again. He knew he wanted this and he just has to find the right fit.

Corey plopped down in his chair, his dick jerked against the hard metal of the cock ring pulling on him. He got on-line and began looking for his next opportunity. It was hard trying to find a guy in this area, or one that could handle someone new to this. Some just got too extreme. He didn't want too much pain, he just wanted to be someone's toy.

As he was looking through some postings on one site, a posting caught his eye. He thought to himself that this might be it. The posting said:

"Houseboy Wanted. Six friends have rented a house

in Maine for the summer and are looking for a young man

to serve as a houseboy. We have frequent guests and do

lots of entertaining so we need a boy that can handle

it. You will be expected to do actual housework and

yard work, there is lots to do so must not be adverse

to actual work. You will also be considered an object,

something to make our summer enjoyable. Therefore, you

must look good and be agreeable. You will be expected

to participate in some of our entertaining and must be

willing to accommodate our guests and us. We are sane,

but do enjoy our fun. You will be given room and board

and a small stipend for the summer. If this interests

you, please fill out the attached application, and send

pics (clothed and unclothed) to this address. "

Corey thought to himself maybe this is might be it. He opened the attachment and looked at the application. It was part job application, part sexual questionnaire. It asked the standard name, address, education, job history, housework experience, that one might find on any application. Then it asked him to describe his cock, his sexual history, his fantasies, his experiences. Along with a list of sexual things he has done, would do, or would not do. Just reading the list got him hard and dripping. He immediately started filling out the application. He got even more excited imagining these things being done to him. He held back on a few things, but was willing to try many. He said he was willing to wear anything, be tied up, be put on display, have his cock and balls played with. The final question was why he wanted the job. He was not quite sure how to answer, but wrote that he really wanted to be a sexual toy for an entire summer, and was willing to work for it. By the time he was done, his cock was oozing. He barely touched it and he came.

Corey took some pictures of himself clothed, in underwear, naked front, naked back, and hard. He attached his completed application and the pictures and sent them off. He went to bed fantasizing about what the summer could hold. He had a summer job, but if he could get this, he would be so happy.

He woke with cum stains on his sheets. He knew he was fantasizing about this summer. He got up and checked his email, his morning boner aching. He already got a reply.

"Dear Corey,

Thank you for your application. We were quite

impressed with your pictures and application. You are a

beautiful boy, and you have a lovely large uncut penis,

that we would love to see in person. Your application

was well done. Although you don't have a lot of

experience you really do seem to know what you want,

and seem like a guy that wants to try. We would like to

conduct an interview. Attached are instructions. If

you have any questions please let me know."

Corey's cock jerked at the thought. He was slightly embarrassed over the comments about his dick. People said it was nice and large, but it always embarrassed him. The instructions required a web cam and it laid out a possible times, and instructed him to go to a web site. It also instructed him he would be naked for the interview and that he would be required to jerk off. He was nervous, but quickly sent a message setting up a time for tonight.

When the time arrived he got undressed, he thought about wearing the harness but decided against it. He went to the website, clicked a button, his cam launched. He saw himself being displayed. He saw that there were six people in the room watching. He was disappointed that none had web cams on. Nevertheless, thrilled that six people were watching him, so thrilled he started getting hard. Suddenly he heard over his speakers: "Well I see you are excited about the job opportunity"

He said that he was and was instructed to stand up and put his hands behind his head as the interview was being conducted. He was nervous and hard as the questions began. He was peppered with questions from several different voices. They wanted to know about him. He talked about growing up in a small town in Canada and told them he was 21, in college, and lived at home. He talked a little bit about his family, schooling, and general likes and dislikes. Corey also described his work experiences and assured them he would be able to handle the household duties. The disembodied voices start asking about his sex life. Corey had to go through every sexual experience he had. Corey talked about the couple of boyfriends he had and the one Sir he worked with. Corey admitted he still hadn't been fucked yet, and was nervous about it. Corey was then asked to describe is sexual fantasies and asked to go into detail about them.

During this entire interview, the voices over the speaker would occasionally ask him to switch position. Corey was asked to give a side view, or a back view, at one point he was asked to turn around, bend over and spread his cheeks. He was asked to play with his cock and nipples. Each time he would be asked to do something he would hear comments about his body, then he was asked another interview question. It was almost too much for Corey, to have all these questions, to have to reveal so much about his life, to be told how to pose. Finally, the interview was over and he was asked to stroke off to climax. It didn't take Corey long, the entire interview had him worked up, he slowly started to stroke his already leaking cock, and it took all of a minute before he came. He was embarrassed that it was so quick, but he just couldn't help it. He heard a voice say, "Thank you very much for the interview, we will get back with you."

Click, they were gone. Corey fell back into bed cum over his hands not believing what just happened. It didn't seem real to him.

After a few days, he heard nothing. He sent an email and got no reply. Corey thought that maybe it wasn't real. After a week, Corey was upset. He began to believe that maybe it was all an elaborate ruse to get a free show on cam, maybe it was a bunch of teenagers. Corey even panicked a little thinking that perhaps that the pictures he sent and the cam interview would end up on a website somewhere, and that people would know. He had to put it behind him, this little set back would not stop him from finding someone that can meet his needs to be objectified and used.

Corey was leaving his last final of the semester when his cell phone rang. Corey didn't recognize the name or number but answered it anyway.

The voice on the other end said. "Corey, this is Todd. I am one of the people who interviewed you for the houseboy position over a week ago. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, we had several people to interview. Corey are you still interested in the position?"

Corey was floored; he completely had given up on the idea, thinking it was a joke. It wasn't it was real. Corey could barely mutter. "Uh Um, yes, yes. If this is real then yes I want the position.. Um really I do."

"This is real, Corey, very much so. We would like to offer you the position for the entire summer. In fact, we need you here at the beginning of next week. I know it is a couple of weeks before the U.S. Memorial Day and the start of the summer, but we need you down here to help us get the house in order. Now I know it is short notice, but we will make it worth your while. Do you think you can get here next week, are you ready for this?" The voice on the other end asked.

Inside his mind, Corey was yelling yes, but he was trying to be reasonable, trying to think it out. Corey and Todd talked for about 45 minutes. Todd answered almost every question Corey asked. Todd even offered to send some proof that it was real. Corey began to feel more confident and finally Corey said. "Yes, I will do it. I will be there next week."

It was all happening so fast. Corey got home and checked his email. There was already a message from Todd. It included some basic things already discussed, plus directions on how to get to the house, a contract that outlined his basic duties and his pay, and a link to a website. The link contained pictures of the house and of some of the guests, and a picture of last year's houseboy, along with personal information about some off the people who would be his employers. This was real they had done it before. The contract was basic just outlined the basic household duties and in exchange he would get room and board and a stipend. The stipend when converted into Canadian dollars would be more then he was getting on his summer job. Corey knew this was the right thing, that this was for him, but he was very nervous about what the summer might entail. But most importantly his cock was hard as a rock at the thought.

The next few days were hectic for Corey, as he got ready for his summer job. He told his summer employer he found another job. He told his friends he would be gone for the summer, but did not tell any of them what he would be doing. He told his parents that he had gotten a job as a summer camp counselor. He even got Todd to act as the Camp Director so his parents would be satisfied with the explanation. It was all set this really was going to happen.

Corey was naked wearing his harness and packing for the next day's trip to Maine and his summer. Corey had been hard all day thinking about it. He wasn't sure what to pack, since Todd hadn't been explicit on what he would be wearing. Corey knew it wouldn't be much, so he kept it light. He purchased some new underwear, some new shorts and shirts. None of the items he would have bought before, they were too tight and revealing and Corey didn't like showing off his body. Corey also knew that showing off his body would be expected and he had to get used to it, he also wondered what else they would be doing to his body.

Corey was finally on his way, driving through Maine, following the directions to get to the house. He laughed at himself, remembering how he almost blurted out to the customs official that he was going to be a houseboy all summer. He was so nervous and excited wondering what was going to happen. It had gotten dark as he was driving, but the directions were good. He finally arrived at the house, it was tucked back behind a fence and down a long driveway, and he could tell it was very private. The house and the grounds looked very big. Corey parked the car back by the shed as he was told, grabbed his bag and walked up to the door and knocked.

The man that answered was tall and a big guy. He had a full beard with some gray in it, brown hair, and blue eyes. He extended his big hand and said. "Welcome Corey, I'm Todd. Glad you made it, please come in."

Todd took Corey's bag and led him into the house. Corey felt his feet were made of lead, he was hesitant, but Todd' big hand on his back seemed to comfort him. They exchanged pleasantries for a bit, Todd made sure Corey's trip was okay and he was ready. Todd then said, "Well let's get started first hand over your wallet, keys, and cell phone"

Corey did, but he was panicked. Todd saw that and said, "Yes, we are taking these away and locking them up, because we want you to focus on your job, but if you ever want to leave just tell us, and you will be given these back and you can go."

Corey felt better when Todd said that. Todd then said, "Why don't you get out of those clothes I have been looking forward to seeing you naked."

Corey stripped off his clothes and handed them over to Todd. Todd took the clothes and put them in a bag he had. Todd then began going through Corey's bag he took out all the clothes except for some socks and put them in his bag. I looked through every item in Corey's bag. He removed an iPod and couple of other things. He found the harness that Corey brought and he set that aside.

"The guys decided after seeing how you looked and responded in the interview that it would be best to keep you naked at all times. If you do need any clothes we will provide them to you, so I will be locking up your clothes as well." When Todd said this Corey gasped.

Todd went on, "Now this harness I really like, I am thinking we might have to add this to your daily uniform, why don't you put it on"

"I can't," replied Corey looking down at it very rigid cock, there was no way the cock ring would fit over that.

"Mmm I see," said Todd as he let out a little laugh, embarrassing Corey more. Todd told Corey to wait right there gathered up Corey's belonging and headed out of the room. Corey could hear doors opening and closing. Corey knew his clothes were locked up somewhere. He was scared and hard at the same time. He never thought he would be kept naked the whole time. He knew that it he would be naked, but never thought the whole time, everyone seeing him naked. He was not sure he was going to be able to handle it.

Todd returned carrying a bowl and walked up to Corey. He took something from the bowl then grabbed Corey's balls. Corey instantly felt the cold wet feeling of ice on his balls. Slowly Corey's cock deflated. Todd handed Corey the harness and said, "Now put it on."

Corey put on the harness, even soft it took a bit to get the cock ring on. Finally, he had the collar, the cock ring, and center strap on. Todd stepped back up to Corey and stepped in close. He put his hands around the center strap. Corey felt Todd's hands running down his chest. Then Todd started stroking Corey's cock, saying how nice it was. Corey got hard right away. Todd then grabbed Corey's cock and began leading him around. "Let me show you the house."

With Todd's hand firmly grasping Corey's long hard cock, he began leading the boy around the house. The house was pretty big a large open main floor with dining area, off to each side of the house were two large bedroom suites, so four bedrooms total. Todd showed Corey the bedrooms, the bathrooms, and closets explaining to him what was expected of him, how he had to make the beds, change the linens, keep the bathrooms clean. Corey did his best to soak this all in, he hoped he could remember what all to do, it is a little difficult to remember when a guy is leading you around a strange house by the dick. One door to one of the bedrooms was shut, Todd explained his partner, Gary, was already asleep and he would meet him in the morning.

The tour continued upstairs. Todd let go of Corey's dick and grabbed the harness strap so he could pull him up stairs. The upstairs had two big open rooms, Todd explained most guests would stay up here, or outside in the guesthouse. Finally, it was back downstairs and into the laundry room where Corey was given further instructions about his duties. Then they past by a door and Todd said, "This leads down to the basement we are fixing up a playroom down there, you are not to go down there unless explicitly told, is that understood?"

"Yes sir!" Corey nodded as once again Todd grabbed his dick and led him into the kitchen. Todd further explained Corey's duties in the kitchen and how that most of the cooking would be taken care of but he had to do the cleaning and the serving. Corey noticed a door off the side of the kitchen. The door had a clear window on the top half, he could see that it looked like a pantry, but something drew Corey's eye. It looked like his name was written on the back wall, but it was too dark in there to make out clearly.

"Ah, I see you spotted your room." Todd said, as he walked over turned on the light outside the door, and then opened the door. "It isn't much but it should be comfortable and it is central to the house so you will be available to us all."

"This . This is my room, it's so, um exposed," muttered Corey.

"Yeah, I know there isn't any privacy, but that isn't what you really want." Todd winked at Corey.

Corey stepped in and looked at the room. It was a pantry, one side had shelves lined against it with typical kitchen stuff on it, with a couple of clear shelves. The other side contained a twin bed, a desk and a chair. On the bed Todd had set the few items Corey was able to keep in his room, two pairs of shoes, some socks, a baseball cap, some toiletries, a couple of books, and a few other items. It wasn't much and would all fit on a shelf easily. Corey then looked at the back wall and saw what attracted his attention. Along the back wall was a large bulletin board. On the top was written out in large letters, "Corey's Room", underneath that was several pictures. He recognized that it was pictures he sent in with his applications, as well as screen captures from his web cam interview. A chill ran down Corey, he realized there was plenty of space left on the board and he wondered what else would be put up on the board, or the shelf directly under it.

"Well I am sure you had a long drive and I need to get some sleep. So I am going to leave you here for the night, you probably need the sleep. We will get started bright and early tomorrow." With that, Todd kissed Corey on the forehead, then took his cock and began stroking it. "One other thing, we would prefer that you only play with your cock or cum, with one of us present. Is that okay?"

Corey was in near ecstasy having is cock stroked he could barely mumble out, "Mmmm yes sir, I understand."

"Good," said Todd, then he patted Corey on the ass, released his hand from Corey's cock and walked out of the room. He closed the door, and shut off the light.

Corey was left standing alone in the dark room, except for some light from the kitchen. Corey was naked, he had no clothes, no wallet or keys, and he was completely at the mercy of these people. He was in a small room that had no privacy. He quickly walked up to the door and tried the door and it opened. Well at least he wasn't locked in, but still he felt vulnerable and scared. Corey climbed into the bed. He knew he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight. His mind was reeling at what just happened, and what was going to happen this summer. His stomach was churning at the thought of what would be done to him, and added to that bulletin board. He hated looking at himself all naked and exposed like that. Corey was hard and dripping he reached his hand down and began slowly stroking his cock. He quickly drew his hand back, Corey remembered not only did he not have any clothes but also he could not even play with his own cock. Corey felt a complete loss of freedom, and the most intense sexual frustration he ever felt. Corey's long cock pulsated begging to be stroked, but being denied. Corey turned over and tried to get some sleep and be prepared for tomorrow. Every time Corey tried to put his mind on other things, his cock pulsated and he thought of what will be happening this summer.

It was going to be a long night.

This story was written for and inspired by the real life Corey. He may not yet have the experience of the fictional Corey, but it is definitely something that he is working towards and desires. If you have any suggestions about what should happen to Corey this summer or comments about the story please let me know at

Next: Chapter 2

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