Corey the House Boy

By ku jhawker

Published on Jun 8, 2006


Corey tossed and turned all night. Awaking from time to time as his cock was throbbing. Sleeping in the harness was hard. Every time he turned, the harness tugged on his cock. Finally, exhausted Corey entered a deep sleep. The sleep didn't last long and he was jolted awake by a door opening and a light going on.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head," chirped Todd.

Corey absent mindedly took the sheets, tossed them over his head, and rolled over on his side, trying to block out the intrusion.

"Hey!" Todd yelled, as he reached down, grabbed the center strap of Corey's harness, and hoisted him out of bed. "When I say rise and shine, I mean rise and shine!" Todd growled, shaking Corey.

Corey tried to get his bearings and stumbled to his feet. "Yes Sir!"

"That better," said Todd as he reached down and grasped Corey's cock firmly. "And another thing those sheets are for sleeping not covering. When someone walks in here needing your service I expect you to toss your sheets back exposing your self, then stand up and be ready for orders."

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir. I will do better next time"

"I know you will. Now get yourself washed up and help me in the kitchen"

Corey began to leave is room to get washed up, when Todd raised his hand and give Corey's ass a very hard slap leaving a handprint. This caused Corey to hustle and get cleaned up and the day started. Corey made a mental note to himself that he had to be ready at anytime.

By the time Corey made it into the kitchen, Todd seemed to be in a cheerful mood. He quickly instructed Corey what to do to help with breakfast. He also told Corey that in the kitchen it was informal so Corey would eat with them, on more formal occasions Corey would be expected to serve. As Corey set the table, he noticed someone else come into the kitchen.

"His pictures don't do him justice. Is that harness one of ours?" The stranger asked as he walked right by Corey and planted a kiss on Todd.

Todd replied, "No, he brought that himself I liked it so much I decided to make it part of is uniform."

"Nice," said the stranger as he walked over to Corey rubbed his hand down the strap of his harness to his dick. The stranger began stroking Corey's dick getting it hard. "That is very nice indeed. By the way, may name is Gary."

"My name is Corey, Sir" Corey struggled to say, still trying to get use to the idea that anyone in this house could stroke his cock, yet he himself could not. Corey looked Gary over. Gary was about 5'6", stocky but muscled, he had brown air and blue eyes, he also was very hairy. Corey could see his furry chest and hairy legs, since Gary was only wear some shorts which showed off his bulge. Corey also noticed the collar around Gary's neck.

Todd saw this and said, "Yes Gary is collared, we aren't into the master and slave thing Gary is just mine and we are happy with that."

They were all about ready to sit down to eat when Todd asked, "Corey could you please slip on your shoes and run down to the road and fetch the paper."

Corey looked horrified. Gary saw the terror in Corey's eyes and said, "Don't worry. I have done it before. There is a path next to the driveway that is well hidden, you just need to listen for cars and make a dash for the box to get the paper."

Corey wasn't convinced, but he put his shoes on and headed out the door. It was May in Maine so there was still a chill in the air. Corey could feel the cold on his skin and was immediately chilled. His balls were trying to make a retreat up his body, but were stopped by the cold steel of the cock ring. He could feel the cock ring getting colder and his balls getting bluer. He quickly scurried down the walkway when he reached the road he listened, he heard a car, he pressed himself into the bushes feeling a twig scratch his ass. Once the car passed he ran into the road, grabbed the paper out of the box, and ran back for cover. It was exhilarating, knowing that he could be exposed at any moment. He scampered back to the house knowing that this would be part of the routine.

He delivered the paper then sat down with Todd and Gary and ate breakfast. The conversation was light; they talked about the trip, the weather, current events. It was a pleasant breakfast and Corey began to feel a little comfortable, even though he was sitting there eating breakfast stark naked in front of two virtual strangers.

After breakfast Corey cleaned up the kitchen, then he was put to work helping getting the house ready. The house had been empty the last several months so it needed a complete cleaning and would take a few days. Corey didn't mind the hard work, but he had to get use to going around the house bending and stretching with only the harness on. Every time he moved, the harness would jerk on his dick, keeping it semi-hard the whole time. Several times Corey could see Todd and Gary staring at him out of the corner of his eye usually when he was bending over, or on his hands and knees. He heard the whispers and saw the sly smiles. Suddenly he felt very objectified and embarrassed despite having being naked this long.

Once the morning cleaning was done, Corey helped prepare lunch. Lunch was fun as they ate and watched a soap opera on television. After he cleaned up the kitchen, Gary suggested the go outside and work on the flower beds. Corey stepped outside the weather was cool, but the sun was out and beat down on his naked skin. Gary handed him some knee pads, so he could help plant the flowers. Corey looked quite the sight his pale skin against the black harness and knee pads. Corey realized he looked like he was about ready to spend a long time on his knees servicing guys, rather than planting flowers. That thought alone caused his dick to rise.

Corey and Gary planted flowers and chatted. He found out that Gary and Todd first met when Gary worked as a houseboy, that Gary lives with Todd and works part time spending the rest taking care of Todd, and that this was the first time that Gary didn't have to have any household responsibilities this summer. Corey had a good time, he really like Gary, almost forgetting that he was naked and kneeling in a flower garden. Gary got up and left he came back with something to drink and a tube.

"With that Canadian glow about you, you are going to need to protect that lily white skin of yours, if you are going to be of any use. Stand up" Gary said, as he started squeeze out a dollop of sunscreen.

Gary stepped up to Corey and started to rub it in, making sure to get all of Corey's body. Now Corey has had men touch him before even rub him, but he had never had a man have complete access to his body like Gary now. Corey stood there with legs apart, feeling Gary's hands work in the sunscreen. Corey's cock was on the rise again, then he felt Gary's finger run just inside his crack and gently brush over and push on Corey's hole. Finally, Gary was done, and he put Corey back to work planting flowers.

They were talking and planting when Corey again felt Gary's oily finger on his hole. Corey let out a little soft moan as Gary played with Corey's hole. Gary removed his finger, then Corey felt something else begin to enter, this time it was not a finger. He lowered his head, looked between his legs, and realized that Gary was slowly inserting the handle end of the garden spade he had been using. Corey felt the handle enter him slowly; Gary must have lubed it up, because it went in smoothly. Gary did not move it that fast and it wasn't that big, but when he slowly moved it back and forth, Corey couldn't help but let out another moan. Then Corey heard a laugh.

"It looks like the boy has grown a tail." Todd laughed and looked at Gary. "I wonder if he can dig with that thing"

"I don't know," said Gary, "let's find out. Corey squat and see if you can dig with that thing"

Corey was red with embarrassment, but squatted down. He lowered himself into the dirt; luckily, the dirt was loose so the spade went in with the handle only going a little further up his ass. He thrusted his pelvis back and forth trying to dig with the spade. Corey did manage to move some dirt out, by getting a good rhythm with his pelvis. He worked on this several minutes as Gary and Todd watched, chuckling at the progress. Finally he was told to stop, his backside was covered with dirt and he only end up making a small hole in the dirt.

"Well that was entertaining, but I think we should stick with gardening the old fashioned way." Todd said laughing aloud. Then Todd turned to Gary and said, "I see you got him well covered in sunscreen you best get yourself covered as well."

"Yes, sir!" Gary said handing the tube of sunscreen to Corey and then gently removing the handle from Corey's ass. Corey was glad to have it removed. Still red from exhaustion and embarrassment he began to rub sunscreen over Gary's furry body.

Corey repeated the same thing Gary had recently done to him, working in the sunscreen and rubbing all over. Corey even did the same thing when he got to Gary's crack. When Corey was gently rubbing his finger over Gary's hole, Gary suddenly backed into Corey's finger, impaling himself on the finger. Gary gave out a loud moan has he ground his rear into Corey's finger.

"You hit his sweet spot," chuckled Todd, "he really loves to have his ass played with. You will not be able to stop till you really get him worked up. You really need to work him up good. Here let me show you, I want you to mimic what I do to you."

Todd approached Corey and placed his thumb right above his hole as he slowly looped his index finger around Corey's hole. Corey felt a finger slowly inserting itself up to the nail, then withdrawing a little, then pushing in down to the first knuckle, withdrawing and then pushing down to the second knuckle. The finger withdrew again and then plunged all the way in, Corey let out and audible gasp as he did his best to mimic what was being done to him on Gary. Gary let out a gasp as well.

Todd's index finger was all the way in Corey's hole, he was making a circular motion with his finger and at the same time moving it up and down. Corey was repeating this on Gary and Gary was loving it. Todd picked up the pace a little, Corey's dick was hard and he was doing his best to do the same thing to Gary. Corey felt the tip of a second finger of Todd's begin to slowly push into his hole, until there were two fingers in him. Corey did the same to Gary, both of them let out a low guttural moan.

Todd began to increase the pace of his finger fucking of Corey, and Corey did the same on Gary. Todd had used his free hand to free his own cock from his pants, and Gary had repositioned his body so he could suck on Todd's cock. Todd kept up the pace of the finger fucking. Corey was hard and dripping and caught in the moment, but still making sure that Gary was getting it good. After several minutes of furious finger fucking, Corey felt Todd's hand tense up, he glanced at Todd and realized he was about to cum. Sure enough, Todd's body spasmed and Gary greedily swallowed all over Todd's cum. Seconds later Gary began to shoot as well, happy with the finger in his ass and the cum in his mouth.

Gary collapsed on the ground and Corey removed his fingers from his ass. Todd let go of Corey, reached down, picked up Gary, and began kissing him hard. Corey was caught up in the morning his cock was hard and dripping and he needed to get off, he quickly began to jerk himself off.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Yelled Todd as he grabbed Corey's wrists and jerked them away from Corey's cock.

Corey looked confused and disappointed, but still hard. He uttered, "You said I could only jerk off and cum in your presence. I thought it was okay. Please, I really need to get off!"

"Well that is true, but you also need our permission to cum and I didn't give it. You can't cum now. I want to save that up for something special." Todd said this and Corey looked so disappointed, but his cock was still leaking. During that time, Gary had gotten up and fetched the garden hose.

"Maybe this will give you some relief." Gary said as he turned the garden hose on Corey. Todd jumped out of the way as the jet of cold water hit Corey. Within seconds he was drenched, the cold water definitely caused his cock to deflate. Gary and Todd laughed and headed off to the house. Leaving Corey to dry himself off in the sun, and finish up the outdoor tasks.

Dinner went nicely. Todd and Gary were in high spirits as Corey set the table and got the dinner served. Corey was confused, he was frustrated and upset at the two of them for playing with him like that, not letting him get off, then laughing at him. At the same time, he enjoyed it and enjoyed their company. He was having a hard time handling the fact that they could both be friendly and devious at the same time. After diner while Corey was cleaning up, Todd and Gary headed off to the basement playroom. Corey was told to finish cleaning up and head to his room for the night.

Corey could hear Todd and Gary down in the basement, so he crept up to the door and listened. He was rock hard again, and tempted to crack open the door and see if he could peek down and see what was going on. He decided against it and headed off to bed. Once again, it was hard to get to sleep, wearing the harness and being hard.

Corey woke up the next morning hard and frustrated. He cleaned himself up and headed out to the kitchen to help with breakfast. He mentioned to Gary how frustrated he was and how he had to jack off. Gary told him he had better keep himself in check or the guys will end up locking him in a chastity belt. Corey did not like that idea at all and decided he would do his best not to play with his dick.

The morning went by pretty much the same as the previous day. He worked hard at getting the house ready, and then he helped prepare lunch. After lunch he was helping Gary and Todd out in the front yard when a car drove up. Corey froze instantly not knowing what to do whom or who was in the car. Todd and Gary started waving at the car and Corey was relieved that they knew who it was, but still he could not help feeling naked and vulnerable. The car pulled up and the six-foot tall sandy blond got out. He was well built, big chested, blue eyes, a goatee, and a stern jaw.

"Hey Dan! Welcome, glad you made it here!" Gary and Todd said in unison.

"Thanks, I made good time." Dan turned to Cory and said, "So this must be the boy." Dan extended his hand and walked up to Corey.

Corey extended his hand as well, but Dan had no intention of shaking it, instead he grabbed Corey's dick and gave it a shake, then put his keys in Corey's extended hand. Dan then looked Corey up and down and said, "Very nice boy, here are my keys, get my luggage out of my car, take it to my room, unpack my suitcase. Make sure you put everything away nicely. Then fix me a drink, scotch and soda, and be waiting for me when I get to my room. I will be up when I am done chatting with these fine gentlemen."

With that said Dan walked away not even giving Corey a second glance and headed into the house. At that moment, Corey felt very much like a servant. He gathered Dan's things and after two trips, he got all the baggage into the room. Corey then set about unpacking Dan's belongs. He was very careful to make sure everything was well folded and put away in the dresser or hung up properly. Dan had some nice stylish clothes, Corey liked them and held a few of the clothes up to his naked body and admired them in the mirror. Corey really liked them, but in his current position, they would do him no good.

Corey fixed Dan a drink, then waited for Dan, then waited some more. He did not know what to do, he knew he should not leave the room, and he knew he should not sit down on the bed or chair, so he just stood there. Finally, Dan entered the room. Dan said nothing except took the drink from Corey and checked to make sure things were properly unpacked. There were a couple of items that Corey did not attend to properly and Dan made sure Corey knew it.

Dan stripped off his clothes, revealing a tanned and toned body, with low hanging balls and a thick dick. He tossed the clothes onto the bed, grabbed Corey by the cock, led him into the bathroom.

"Get my shower ready, make sure it is nice and warm, but not to hot." Dan ordered as he got some items out of toiletry kit, "I expect you to wash me and give me a good massage in the process."

Corey tested the water, when he felt it warm enough he told Dan it was ready. Dan stepped in and Corey followed. Corey started with Dan's hair, Dan crouched down and Corey massaged his fingers into Dan's scalp working up lather, then rinsing. Corey moved down to Dan's broad shoulders and big chest, Corey enjoyed lathering up the washcloth and rubbing it across Dan's pecs and nips. Corey moved down to his solid abs. Dan motioned to skip his privates and work on his legs. Corey slowly moved the washcloth up and down Dan's massive thighs. When he was done with the body, Corey moved back to Dan's privates, washing each ball individually and giving loving attention to Dan's dick with the washcloth, which caused Dan's dick to rise.

Corey was rinsing off Dan's cock and balls and was beginning to stand up when he felt Dan's hand pushing him back down on his knees. He knew what was coming so he opened his mouth. Dan grabbed Corey by the ears and impaled the boy's throat with his thick long cock. Corey had no time to think what was going on, as Dan fiercely began fucking Corey's hot mouth. Corey never had this happen before, sure he sucked cock before, but no one every just fucked his face, just used it as a hole as Dan was doing. Corey was trying is best to take it all, not to gag, and not to bear teeth. It was hard to do because Dan was like some power tool. Dan had Corey by the ears and was constantly thrusting, Corey could feel Dan's dick ramming on the inside of his throat.

This went on for what seemed like hours for Corey. Finally, Corey felt Dan's body shudder, and then he felt hot cum spurting hard and directly down his throat. Corey took it all in, feeling Dan's hot cum sliding down his throat. Dan let go of Corey's ears and Corey slumped to the floor of the shower exhausted. Dan rinsed off, stepped out of the shower, dried off and threw his towel on top of Corey who was still on the floor of the shower.

"Dry yourself off, take that towel and the clothes on the bed to the laundry room, I would like those done tomorrow. The guys decided to have dinner on the patio, so please get that arranged. Now come on, let's get moving." Dan ordered, and then marched out of the room to get dressed.

Corey dried himself off as best he could with an already wet towel, then grabbed Dan's clothes and headed to the laundry room. He could feel the wet leather of his harness slapping against him. Even though this guy just treated him like some servant and some hole to be used, Corey was horny and desperately wanted a repeat.

Corey got the patio set up for dinner. For the first time he was not allowed to dine with them, his job was to serve the food. When he was not serving, he was to stand at the side of the patio with hands behind his back, ready to meet any request. His legs were tired from standing, and being at their disposal. He was hungry and wanted something to eat, but knew he would have to wait.

Corey was in the kitchen after just having cleared the table when Todd walked and said, "Corey, I need your help with something."

"Sure anything, what do you need," Corey replied happy to be helping the friendlier Todd than the sterner Dan.

"Dan's birthday was a few days ago, and I baked him a cake. I need you to help me serve it"

"Okay," replied Corey "Do you want me to take the cake out and serve it?"

"No," said Todd, "I want to serve it on you."

Corey looked puzzled and was not sure he heard correctly, and then Todd explained what he had in mind. Todd had Corey hop up on the kitchen table, lie down on his back, and spread his arms and legs. Todd grabbed some rope from under the sink and began tying Corey's wrists and ankles to the table legs. Once Corey was secure, Todd got the cake and placed it on Corey's stomach. Todd smiled and got an idea, he grabbed the pastry tube he frosted the cake with and began frosting Corey. He frosted rosettes onto Corey's nipples, and then made a nice piping line down Corey's dick, and he still had some frosting left so he made several circles of frosting around the cake and on Corey's body. Once Corey was well frosted, Todd lit the candles and called in Dan and Gary.

Dan and Gary walked in and began laughing at the sight of Corey spread eagle on the table, covered in frosting, with a lit birthday cake on his stomach. Gary and Todd sang Happy Birthday to Dan, and then asked him to make a wish and blow out the candles.

"You don't think I am going to waste perfectly good candles by blowing them out?" Dan said that with a wicked smile. He then picked up one of the small birthday candles and slowly let the wax drip on Corey. Corey let out a small moan.

The small birthday candles didn't drip a lot, but Corey still felt it and he was helpless to do anything about it. He was tied down and he did not want to squirm because the cake would fall off his stomach. It got worse as Todd and Gary picked candles out of the cake and began dripping wax on him as well. Wax dripped on his chest, his stomach, and his legs. It seems like any place there was not frosting wax was dripped. Corey could feel the heat and the sting of each drip and it seemed to go on forever.

Finally, they were done with the candles. Dan rammed his fingers into the cake and pulled out a chunk of cake and licked some of the frosting, he then jammed the rest down Corey's mouth. Corey, still hungry, greedily ate it up. Todd bent over one of Corey's nipples. Corey could feels Todd's teeth as they scraped against his nipple and as Todd scooped up one of the frosted rosettes with his teeth. Gary looked over Corey's body and couldn't resist. He took Corey's hard cock in his mouth and began sucking on the frosting that was on it.

Todd looked over and saw what Gary was doing and said, "That's fine to go for the frosted outside, but I don't want you to go for the creamy filling inside."

This caused a chuckle around the room. The three men continued devouring the cake, the frosting, and Corey's body. Corey felts tongues, teeth, and frosting all over him. He was in ecstasy as these men used as body as a serving tray. Suddenly, Corey thought he saw a figure out of the corner of his eye, and then he heard a voice.

"Well, it looks like we are really having some fun here, aren't we"

The guys turned around to look at the guy standing in the doorway and shouted in unison, "Leo, you made it!"

"Yeah, I had to finish up with some papers and it was a long day on the road. But I am ready to have fun and enjoy my summer." Leo said with a smile, and then approached Corey tied down on the table.

"My, my Corey don't you look delicious, good enough to eat, who would have thought."

Corey looked up at the man's face, suddenly a flash of recognition hit him. Corey's face turned red and he could not believe what he was seeing. Corey never felt more naked and exposed he blurted out, "Oh My God! Professor Hayes what are you doing here?"

"It is Leo, or more appropriately, Sir, no Professor Hayes I am on vacation and I am here to enjoy myself and I think with you here I will be have some fun. If I knew this shy kid, who sat in my class had such a big dick and a great sense of kink I would have spent some more time with you. But, not to worry we will really get to know each other this summer."

Leo then bent over and ran his tongue up Corey's chest picking up frosting, then bent in and gave Corey a deep French kiss, transferring the frosting to Corey. Corey took the frosting into his mouth, his emotions running high. He could not believe this was happening and wondered with both horror and anticipation what would happen next.

To Be Continued ..

This story was written for and inspired by the real life Corey. He may not yet have the experience of the fictional Corey, but it is definitely something that he is working towards and desires. Since the first part was published, Corey has been unable to read it, because of a computer problem. He is hard and anxious to read it. I thank you for the comments and suggestions I have received. I have shared these with Corey, and let me tell you some of them have made him down right hard. I think he has been horny all week thinking about this story and people reading about it.

I do plan to incorporate some of the suggestions into the story. Corey has a whole summer to go, so I definitely need the ideas. If you have any suggestions about what should happen to Corey this summer or comments about the story please let me know at I will share these with Corey as well.

Next: Chapter 3

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