Corey the House Boy

By ku jhawker

Published on Jul 4, 2006


It was the middle of the night and Corey was lying in his bed, with his hands behind his head and his dick rock hard. He so desperately wanted to touch his dick, and knew he was not allowed. Sleeping through the night with the harness on and a churning load of cum, was impossible. It made Corey really horny. He found himself wanting to throw back the covers and jerk off furiously. The experience was intense he knew he couldn't jack of, but what was intense was that he didn't just want to jack off he wanted to be used. When he woke up he was grinding himself into the bed and was halfway to orgasm, the only purpose on his mind was to be used and humiliated. It felt like it was his only need and desire his mind and his dick ached for it. He couldn't explain it he just knew he needed it and wanted more.

As he lay in bed, Corey thought about the surprise of the evening, the appearance of Professor Leo Hayes. He had the professor for a class last term. He really did not think much of him. The professor was good looking tall, with salt and pepper hair, a large jaw, large hands, and a large chest. He definitely looked like a professor from the way he dressed to his mannerisms, but nothing ever sparked with Corey. Corey had no idea that Leo was gay or was into this. Corey was shocked to see the professor standing over him and eyeing his hard cock and naked cake and frosting covered body. Then the professor kissed him and he felt so used. The kiss was deep and sexual, but Corey had to take it since he was tied down, the professor was just using his mouth. In a moment he had been reduced from one of professor's students to his plaything.

Leo continued to kiss Corey, then he rubbed his hand down Corey's frosted coated body, to the base of his dick. Gary was still sucking on it, slowly with the intent to arouse and tantalize, but not to bring any relief. Leo played with Corey's balls and then began to suck on Corey's nipples. Todd and Dan also played with Corey's body. Finally, they backed off laughing, their faces and hands were covered with cake and frosting. They again wished Dan a happy birthday and headed off to wash themselves off.

Corey was left tied to the table, his dick was leaking, and he was breathing heavy. He felt exhausted and icky, since he was covered in frosting. He wanted them to come back, he never felt more alive, be helpless and being devoured. He lay on the table for what seemed like hours. Finally, Todd and Gary entered the kitchen in towels freshly showered. They smiled at the site of a trussed up a sticky Corey. They untied him, led him outside, and hosed him off. When they returned to the kitchen Dan and Leo were there having a drink.

Corey was wondering what was going to be next, but was disappointed to find himself dismissed to his room for the evening. He went to his room and got into bed, he could here them and see their heads through the window in the door. He felt so excluded. They were laughing and talking. A few times he heard his name and he strained to listen to what was being said about him. Occasionally one would look through the window. Every time one of them did that Corey instantly got hard, because he felt he was being displayed as some museum exhibit.

Corey was about to drift off when he hear the moving of chairs and the clearing of the table, suddenly the door to the room opened. Dan was standing in the doorway, apparently the others had headed off to bed. Corey dreaded the idea of having to suck him off again. Dan came him grabbed some lube off the shelf spread it on his hand and began to jerk of Corey. Dan told Corey not to cum and to tell him when he was at the edge. Corey got there quickly and Dan backed off. Dan the slowly rubbed Corey's chest and stomach, then Dan edged Corey again. Dan brought Corey to the edge one last time before Dan pushed Corey back down on the bed. Corey lay on the bed, exhausted, hard, and horny. This is why Corey is laying on his bed with his hands behind his back, doing his best not to touch his cock.

Corey did manage to drift to sleep only to wake himself up when his cock started grinding into the bed. He was so frustrated. He heard someone in the kitchen, figuring they probably would be wanting him soon he got up and started the day. He went on into the kitchen and saw Gary standing there in just a collar and underwear making breakfast.

Gary looked Corey over and said, "Looks like you had a rough night."

"Yeah, not a lot of sleep, and just very frustrated," said Corey.

"I hate to say it but it will get worse. Why don't you run out and get the paper. I am getting breakfast ready. They all want it in bed. I am taking care of Todd's but you will need to take Leo and Dan their breakfast"

Corey headed out. He was thinking about what would happen this morning, especially with Leo and what he might say. He also was thinking about Dan and why he was just so cold. Corey was running so many scenarios through is head, that he completely forgot to check for cars as he stepped out into the road to get the paper. Suddenly he heard honking then hollering. It suddenly hit Corey there was a truck coming down the road, and he was standing there naked, except for the harness, and his cock semi hard. He quickly dove for the bushes. He ended up running back to the house so scared and embarrassed about what just happened.

Gary saw the breathless Corey run into the kitchen and asked what happened. After Corey relayed the story, Gary gave a little laugh and explained how that happened to him and he needs to get used to nearly anyone seeing him naked. Corey knew that but was still hard on him. Gary saw the toll it was taking on him.

"I tell you what, why don't you just take care of Leo this morning and I will handle Dan. You really don't need the extra burden of dealing with Dan's attitude."

"Are you sure? " Corey asked. "I don't want to be getting into any trouble. It is my job I should do it."

"Yeah I know. It's my decision, just giving you a break. Besides don't worry about getting in trouble with Dan, I will make sure he know it is my decision. He won't mess with you because of it and if he does he knows what will happen. But you do need to take care of Leo I do know he wants to see you."

Corey wondered what Gary meant with that comment about Dan. However, Gary was already off to deliver breakfast. Corey grabbed a food tray and headed off to Leo's room. He knocked and Leo told him to enter. Leo was in bed, Corey set down the tray on the nightstand and waited for Leo.

Leo picked up a piece of toast and looked over Corey. Corey could feel his professor eying him up and down and his cock twitched. Leo motioned Corey closer to the bed. Corey was standing right next to Leo. Leo reached into the nightstand and pulled out a small clip. He then grasped Corey's foreskin between his thumb and forefinger, pulling it taut, then he snapped the clip shut on the two pieces of skin.

"Let's see how long you can keep this on. You start getting hard it's going to hurt and eventually pop off"

Corey just nodded and winced at the thought. Leo attached a few more clips to Corey's balls and his tits. Leo then took a butt plug from the drawer and had Corey bend over, as he inserted it up Corey's ass. Leo gently touched Corey over his body, rubbing the back of his hand down Corey's chest to his inner thighs. Corey did his best to concentrate and not get hard.

Leo then proceeds to have Corey help him get ready for the day. Corey helped him shower and dress. Leo would occasionally fondle Corey's balls or play with his ass. Corey did his best to think of things that would get his mind on the sensation occurring on his body. Even trying his best he could not help from getting semi hard. Corey could feel his foreskin straining against the clip.

Meanwhile, Gary enters Dan's room with breakfast.

Dan asks, "Where's that delicious boy Corey?"

"He is taking care of Leo. So I told him I would take care of you." Gary smiled smugly and set down the tray.

"That is really not for him or you to decide."

"He did not decide I did. If you remember correctly this year, I am not one of the houseboys.

"That may be true, but you're still a sub, and those kinds of decisions are not for you to make." Dan glowered at Gary.

"Correction, I am Todd's sub, I am not yours. Todd was perfectly fine with my suggestion. If you do not like it you can take it up with him." Gary smuggly retorted and stared at Dan. Dan maintained the stare for a while then broke it off.

"I figured," said Gary. "If I remember correctly, Todd brought you down a peg or two for what you did to me last summer. I know you, and know what you can do so be careful. I also know Leo has his eye on Corey. You know that Leo wouldn't stand for it either."

Dan crossed his arms and huffed and Gary began to leave the room. Before he left Gary snidely asked with his voice dripping in sarcasm, "Is there anything else I can do for you, SIR?"

Corey kept busy the rest of the morning. He got lunch ready for everyone. As they entered the kitchen, they chuckled at the site of Corey with clips all over him. Corey flushed with embarrassment worked to keep his cock down. They ate lunch and began to talk about the game plan for the week to by ready for Memorial Weekend.

Todd was explaining what all needed to be done to get ready. Corey was impressed about the amount of planning that went into it. Todd explained that the last two housemates would be here by Thursday and the guests for the weekend would start arriving Friday morning. Corey found out that besides the six people renting the house there would be about 14 guests for the weekend, staying in the house, the guest house, a tent, or an RV. He also found that several more people would be attending several of the events over the weekend. Corey was shocked. All these people would see him like this. He got nervous at what might be done to him, then even more nervous on how he was going to be able to keep up with all of this.

Gary saw his worry and said, "Don't worry I'll pitch in and some of the guests have their own boys who will help out. It will get done in time and it will be a big success as usual. We just have a lot of work to do before hand."

The guys started dividing up some of the work. All of them seemed to want to pitch in except Dan. Todd wrote up a long list for Corey to accomplish this week. Corey started working on it right away. A couple of hours later Leo came up and said, "I need to go get some of these supplies on the list and I need your help, why don't you go out and hop in the truck and I will be there in a sec."

Corey froze he did not know what to do. Was Leo serious? Was Corey suppose to just go get in the truck like this, naked except for shoes, harness, a butt plug, and clips on his cock, balls, and tits. Leo just left the room. Corey stood there for a while and decided he better get into the truck. He desperately wanted to ask for some clothes, but he remembered he was told that they would be provided for him when needed. He slowly walked to the truck and got in. He felt the warm vinyl seat against his bare ass and felt the butt plug go in a little deep and his cock twitched at what was happening.

Leo came out after a few minutes with a cold can of soda and a smile on his face, got in the truck, turned the key, and they were off. They headed out on the country road and Corey was intensely aware at how naked he was. The combination of being naked, feeling the wind from the open window on his body, and the butt plug going up his ass caused his dick to begin to rise. He could feel is foreskin pulling against the clip. His dick desperately want to come to full staff, he winced as he felt the skin pulling. Leo saw this, grabbed his can of soda, and placed it between Corey's legs. At first it caused Corey's cock to twitch then the cold soda can began to do its work and his cock began to calm down. He wondered how long he would be able to hold out.

After a short while, Leo turned off the road and headed to a small farmhouse. He pulled around back of the house near a shed. Leo turned of the truck and instructed Corey to get out. Corey got of the truck he was a little wobbly. Corey though he saw a few faces looking at the window.

Leo shouted, "Ned are you there?"

"I'm coming!" A voice from inside the house responded. The door open and out came an old man white hair, white beard, and a weathered face. He hobbled down the stairs came over to Leo, shook his hand, and looked at Corey. "Hey Leo, good to see you again, so who do we have here?"

"This is Corey our houseboy for the summer."

"What are all the clips for?"

"Oh just a game I'm playing with him"

Ned chuckled and said, "You and your games." Ned then ran his rough hands down Corey's smooth body. Corey pulled back upon feeling those rough hands, but knew he should not. It just caused Ned to grab him tighter and spend more time running his paws over Corey's body.

"I suppose you are here to pick up the things for the big weekend?"

"Yep, I assume you will be coming again this year?"

"I wouldn't miss it. Is Gary here this year, he usually comes and picks up the stuff?"

Leo replied, "Oh he is here, he is just not doing houseboy duty this year. Besides I know that you have someone to help us."

Ned chuckled and even blushed a little. He then turned towards the shed and yelled, "Boy get out here now."

Corey looked to see the shed door open to see a guy come out. The guy was about Corey's age, he was completely naked except for boots. He had a metal collar around his necks, he had leather cuff around his ankles and wrists that currently not tethered to anything. He was muscular, not the kind from the gym but the kind from hard work. He quickly came up to Ned's side.

Leo looked him over. "I am surprised at how much you have changed. You look so much different than last year." Leo then turned to Corey. "Corey this was last year's houseboy, he looks a lot different now then he did at the end of last summer when Ned bought him."

Corey gulped did he hear correctly? Did Leo say that Ned had bought him? Was this something that was going to happen to him? Leo saw his panic and put his hand on Corey's shoulder then told him that it was what the boy wanted. Ned and Leo sent Corey and the boy off to the shed to get all the items needed and load them up, while Ned and Leo went in the house to have a drink.

Corey and the boy began loading the truck. Corey was desperate to know more about the boy, and started peppering the boy with questions. With the exception of the task at hand, the boy remained quiet. They finally got the truck loaded and Ned and Leo came out of the house. Corey noticed a couple of other people in the doorway, so he knew he was watched. They came out to the truck, Ned began sizing up Corey again, and rubbing his body all over. Corey did his best to keep his cock down.

"I guess we have to wait till Saturday night before we can really have fun" Ned chuckled.

"True," said Leo, "But that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun now."

Leo came up to Corey and began removing the clips on Corey's tits. Corey felt the rush as the blood re-entered the area and his tits tingled. He felt his cock twitch, he tried his best to ignore it. Then Leo removed the clips from his balls. Once again Corey felt the exhilarating sensation and tried his best to ignore it. All that remained was the clip on his foreskin holding it shut. Leo smiled at Ned. Ned turned to his boy and commanded, "Get him, Hard."

The boy came over to Corey and started using his tongue on Corey's body. Corey felt the boy's tongue licking around his nipples, then he felt the pressure of sucking and even a little teeth. Corey concentrated hard, trying to think of other things, but he could already feel the pressure of his foreskin working against the clip. The boy worked his tongue down to his abs, then further down. Corey felt the boy licking his penis, then flicking his tongue on the clip. Corey was now in pain his cock was rising fast and the clip really hurt. His eyes rolled up in his head, part ecstasy, part pain, and part distraction. The boy then began working on Corey's balls. He began to suck each one at first, and then he took both of Corey's balls in his mouth. He rolled them around in his mouth. Corey was still in pain, but somehow he was managing. Then Corey felt the boy reach behind him and slowly begin to play with the butt plug that was in his ass, while continuing to suck on his balls. That was all that Corey could stand. Corey yelled out in pain as his foreskin pulled back from the clip so his cock could be fully erect, the clip popped off Corey's cock and hit the boy in the forehead. Corey was at full staff, and the boy began sucking on Corey's cock. Quickly Corey began to leak pre-cum. Corey knew it would not take much to get off.

Leo put his hand on the boy's shoulder and pulled him off Corey's cock. Corey was in such ecstasy that he did not notice that Ned had a hose in his hand. Ned turned on the hose and released a jet of cold water sprayed all over Corey. Corey was in shock, he was seconds away from release, when all the sudden this jet of cold water drenched him. Soon his cock deflated. He was so disappointed and frustrated. Leo let Corey stand around for a few minutes, as he chatted with Ned. Corey shook himself off, and then Leo ordered him into the truck. Ned then headed back off to the house, but his boy stood around.

Leo took Ned's boy to the side of the truck and pushed him down on his knees. Corey sat shivering in the cab of the truck as he watched through the side view mirror. He watched as Leo unzipped his pants and brought them down slightly, and saw as Leo took out his large hardening dick and then grabbed the boy by the pack of the head and forced the boy's mouth on his cock. Corey was amazed at watching Leo face fuck the boy; he had not seen his professor be this aggressive before. Even cold and shivering Corey got hard again. Leo now had the boy by the ears has Leo leaned against the truck. Leo was just ramming the poor boy's face up and down Leo's thick shaft. Corey could hear Leo say, "Come on boy take it, take my cock that's a good boy."

Corey watched for several minutes, and then Leo stood up yanked the boy up by the ears and walked him over to the back of the truck. Corey looked through the rearview mirror and could see Leo lowering the tailgate, and then forcing the boy over it. Corey knew what was going to happening next and was hard thinking about it. Leo was lining himself up to enter the boy, when Corey looked in the rearview mirror and the boy was looking directly at him. Corey saw the look on the boy's face when Leo took his first initial thrust, and plunged his big thick cock down the boy's chute. The boy winced and yelped, then set his gaze back on Corey. Corey was no longer cold, he was leaking with all the excitement. He desperately wanted to turn around and watch through the window, but could not, so he just looked at it through the review mirror.

Corey watch as his Professor, who was known to be one of the nicest ones on campus, plow this boy with merciless abandon. Leo no longer looked like the same person, he looked possessed as he continued to ram his dick into the boy. The boy was sliding back and forth on the truck bed and moaning. Leo was talking dirty and telling the boy what a great hole he had. He looked up and caught Corey's gaze from the mirror. Leo then shouted. "Don't worry kid, you will get you turn soon enough."

Corey gulped, he did not know how to react at that, it both excited and terrified him. Corey continued watching Leo fuck the boy, until finally Corey saw Leo's body shudder as Leo pumped all his cum in the boy. Leo then stood up, pulled up his pants, grabbed the boy, let him fall to the ground, and close the tailgate. Leo then got in the truck and they headed back to the house, while the boy was still recovering on the ground.

Corey did not say anything he was in shock. They drove in silence when at the same time they both saw a police car with light and sirens on, fast approaching. Corey immediately panicked since he was naked. Leo told him to open the glove compartment. Corey saw there were clothes in there and begin putting them on as Leo began pulling over to side of the road. All of the sudden Leo reached over and grabbed Corey's arm, as he was trying to pull on some shorts. Leo said, "Never mind, take them off."

Corey did not know what Leo meant, he couldn't possibly be serious that he was suppose to stay naked. Corey continued to try to put the shorts back on, but again Leo told him not too. By the time Corey had finally let the shorts fall to the floor a Sheriff's deputy had walked around to the side of the vehicle.

Corey rolled down the window and saw a large, dark haired, brown eyed, mustached; sheriff's deputy stick is head in. He looked Corey over up and down, then stuck his hand through the window and began rubbing Corey's chest.

"Nice one you got this year, Leo." The deputy smiled at Corey.

"Thanks, Deputy Doug. How goes it? I don't think I was speeding"

"No, you weren't I just saw you pulling out of Ned's place, figured you had this summer's boy with you and wanted to get a longer look than I got this morning on my way to work. I don't suppose I could get a little sample before this weekend?"

"Sorry Doug, You know the rules: No use of the summer boy, till summer actually starts this weekend."

"Come on Leo, just maybe a handjob, you still owe me a favor for not charging this boy for public nudity this morning when he went to get the paper."

"Alright Doug you can get you handjob. Corey out of the truck and give Deputy Doug a hand."

Deputy Doug had already opened the door and was pulling Corey out of the truck. Corey was scared, he never felt more exposed in is entire life, he was naked standing by the side of the road. Even with the door of the truck on one side, and the deputy on the other shielding the view, he still knew how exposed he was. He was equally embarrassed because his dick was getting harder at the thought.

Deputy Doug took Corey's hand and guided to his crotch. Corey unzipped the deputy's pants and then fished his semi hard cock out of his uniform. Corey slowly began stroking. Deputy Doug rubbed Corey's body as he was being stroked. Corey flashed back to being sixteen and the first time he and the boy he liked jacked each other off. However, this was different, he felt used. Corey heard the deputy moan and the whisper how good a job he was doing. Once again, Corey's dick began to drip again. Even though the deputy was not stroking Corey's cock, he was touching Corey, and feeling the deputy's hard cock, just had Corey so excited.

After a few minutes of slowly stroking the deputy's cock, Corey picked up the pace and he knew he was pleasing the deputy. It was not long after that Deputy Doug began to spurt. The deputy began to gush, spurting all over Corey. The deputy's cum hit Corey firmly on his chest some of it even made it to Corey's chin. Deputy Doug recovered from his orgasm and zipped up. He shoved the cum covered Corey back into the truck and slammed the door. Not even acknowledging Corey, he looked at Leo and said, "Thanks Leo, looking forward to seeing more of him this weekend."

They started headed back to the house. Corey felt so used being covered in cum. He knew more was going to be happening this weekend. He shouldn't feel like this he should hate this, he did hate this, at the same time this made him hard and excited and he craved more.

They finally made it back home. Leo hosed down Corey washing away all the cum, but not before Dan who was outside taking pictures took several snapshots of the cum covered Corey. Corey tried to avoid it but Dan ordered into embarrassing poses to capture him with cum all over his chest. By the end of the day those pictures went up on the board in Corey's room.

The rest of the afternoon was spent unloading and setting up the stuff from the truck. By the time Corey went to bed that evening he was exhausted from the whole day. Once again he couldn't sleep, he so much wanted, even needed to get off. He didn't know why he just didn't jack himself off, he could do that and no one would know. He felt that would be dishonest and he knew he just couldn't do that. He would have to suffer through to the weekend. At least he hoped that he would be allowed to come over Memorial Day. He began to wonder what the rest of the summer would entail. He had a feeling the have treated him relatively easy up to now. Corey realized that he probably would be expected to give up a lot more in the coming months. With these thoughts in his head Corey tried to get some sleep.

This story was written for and inspired by the real life Corey. He may not yet have the experience of the fictional Corey, but it is definitely something that he is working towards and desires. I know that Corey as enjoyed reading this and reading the responses as much as I have. He gets a stirring in the crotch every time he sees a message from me about this subject.

I do plan to incorporate some of the suggestions into the story. Corey has a whole summer to go, so I definitely need the ideas. If you have any suggestions about what should happen to Corey this summer or comments about the story please let me know at I will share these with Corey as well.

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