Coronation Street Sex

By Robert Rickman

Published on Jun 6, 2016


Coronation Street is the property of ITV. Hollyoaks is the property of Channel 4 and Lime Pictures. I own none of this and I make no profit. None of this has any resemblance to real life or says anything about the actors who play the characters. Read only if you're 18 or older.

If you want a bit of backstory for two of the characters in this, check out "Hollyoaks Sex."

I welcome any feedback or ideas you have and I thank anyone who sends feedback.

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David wasn't sure what to expect when he got the call from Ste.

Ste was Ste - good for some laughs, good for a fuck with a long, wickedly curved dick, good for some decent weed and a few pills. Just don't let him stay around too long, and remember you never know who he'll bring with him. Girlfriend...boyfriend...mustached Irish gangster who sucks your cock and cleans your clock at the same time.

This time it was a boyfriend, one whose first words, delivered with a wide-eyed stare, made David nearly call the whole thing off.

"Do you have anywhere to study?"

Ste glared at his toyboy before yanking the lad's wallet out of his back pocket and tossing it to David.

"18...right..." David said, knowing with a closer look that it was real, not faked.

He gave Harry Thompson the once-over, admiring his mature face, close-cropped dark blonde hair, the green-and-white short-sleeved top painted onto his chiseled upper body, and the blue jeans glued to his supple lower half.

"Blimey, Hay. With an arse like that no wonder you're rockin' the cradle."

Harry turned 50 shades of red as Ste flipped his old mate off.

"Nice to see ya dressed right," David deadpanned as he turned his withering gaze to Ste, not surprised that Ste was wearing track bottoms and a green top that seemed to have the remnants of a kebab. The main thing was the fat packet dangling in his trackies anyway. "C'mon...give ya the details while Hazza keeps a lookout for the gaggle of girls that live here."

Harry looked at Ste helplessly.

"You'll be fine. They'll like ya," David reassured, letting his hand rest on Harry's right pec, smirking as he squeezed the erect nipple close by. Harry gave him a look of innocent lust. "God you're gorgeous. Come upstairs in a while if the coast stays clear."

David allowed himself a quick, sloppy kiss with the wide-eyed teenage totty, licking the spit trail from his lips, before he grabbed a bouncy Ste by the bulging crotch and began dragging him up the stairs.

"Oh," he added as he stood halfway, Ste unbuckling his belt all the while, "and if me mam starts givin' ya moony looks, make a run for it. She's lookin' for a new husband."

His chuckle rang in Harry's ears long after they left him alone in the living room.

Not that he was alone for long...


Somebody had taken it.

The camera, that is.

Gary had meant to get it the night before, but he'd spent most of the night listening to his ex-girlfriend, Izzy, sob and sob and sob over her lot in life. By the time he got back to his flat he was too tired for anything but a quick wank.

This morning he went in to open the gym, and the only thing waiting for him was a pile of nasty towels.

He'd seen Nick's peachy arse strutting around the gym the night before, when he'd put the camera in, so he decided he might as well ask.

Gary couldn't really ask Nick if he'd seen anyone going into his gym locker to find a hidden camera - the camera he'd put in because he was being blackmailed by man, woman, or evil flippin' robot over some porno-style selfies he'd sent out in a weak moment.

So the best he could come up with was saying it had a photo of the waster of a dad who'd fucked off nearly 10 years earlier.

"No, Gary!"

Nick spat each word through a mouthful of hot pot. Normally Gary would be a little turned on, but after all the threatening texts he'd gotten today from his mysterious admirer, he wasn't in the mood.

"It's just -"

"I SAID NO!!!" Nick shouted, throwing his hot pot across the bar. It caught Sean on the chest, leaving him to flee the room screaming.

Pub owner Steve McDonald, on one of his rare days actually running the pub, shook his head and pointed to the doors.

Nick soon got the message, storming out after shouting obscenities at Steve.

"Yeah, heard it all before, mate!" Steve shouted back, before looking on sheepishly at a glaring Michelle.

Gary was tempted to follow Nick, wondering if his weirdness meant he was hiding something, but he got another text from Izzy.

"Fuckin' hell," he said, reading the message that said she and his mam were going out for 'retail therapy' and asking if he could stay in the flat in case anyone broke in looking for drugs. "Does she think she's on Breakin' Bad?"

He sighed, knowing to always say yes, and soon texting his affirmative.

Maybe there were a few cans left, and some mindless reality show with tight trunks and bikini tops to ogle.

What he found when he got there was the last thing he expected...


"So what's this about?"

David ignored Ste as he shoved him on the bed and yanked his trackies down, smirking at the big dick that slapped against the dirty green top.

"I'd say it's about 8 inches...but you'd know that better'n I would."

Ste rolled his eyes as he began to stroke his aching cock, watching David grab the condoms and lube.

"Ain't got much time, Hay."

Ste tossed his top off to play with his sensitive nipples, then throwing the smelly garment right in David's face.

"Ew," David sneered before taking a long whiff of the pungent shirt.

"You're so gross," Ste laughed. "Thought you was all settled down with the missus."

David took off his anime-styled, snug white top, then kicked off his jeans and battered trainers, leaving his white cotton socks on as he strolled over to the other end of the bed.

"Changed me mind," he said before abruptly sitting on Ste's face.

He grunted at the feel of the pube-style beard Ste was growing scraping against his smooth arse. Ste loved to talk, but his tongue was better at rimming than it ever was at gabbing. David was reminded of that as a hungry Ste spread his cheeks for further invasion.

David stared at his wedding ring, slipping it off and tossing it in a drawer he quickly locked, more out of making sure Ste didn't steal any expensive stuff than out of guilt. He loved Kylie, but if the gangbangs led by that pig Callum (now rotting under the floorboards, if not in hell) had reminded him of anything, it was how much he fucking loved cock. He'd recently gotten stuffed by ginger geek Chesney, but Ches wouldn't even look him in the eye now, so that was clearly not going to be a repeat performance anytime soon.

Ste had dropped right into his lap...or, as he slicked himself up and slowly began to impale himself - he dropped into Ste's lap.

"Fuck that's good," Ste moaned, sitting still to let David take control.

"Not as good as a virgin though, eh?" David smirked, seeing the photo on the front of Ste's mobile of Ste hugging Harry, lovesick gaze in the lad's eyes. "Dirty beggar."

Ste began to thrust, slow at first, twisting and turning his head as Ste twisted and turned his sensitive tits.

"How'd it feel t'take his cherry?" David asked, leaning down to take long licks off Ste's hairless, sweaty pecs.

Ste smirked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Felt fuckin' fantastic."

David smirked. Of course it did.

He looked at the next photo - Ste with some birds, and behind the blonde one, a bearded totty whose tits were bursting out of his tight blue top and whose crazy eyes glaring at the camera.

"Who's that?" he asked, showing Ste the phone.

"I hate him," Ste spat, but the way his dick throbbed in David's chute, it was clearly more.

"Ya fuck 'im?" David asked, squeezing the base of Ste's shaft and taking a few strokes of his own leaking hose. "Betcha want to."

Ste groaned.

"Name's Cameron. He's me sister's boyfriend. Done a lotta bad shit."

David laughed as he began bouncing up and down on Ste's cock.

"G-Good thing you're a lil' an-angel..."

Ste gritted his teeth as the fuck became more aggressive.

"Tried t'punch me yesterday...then 'is arm against my throat..."

His eyes went wide, filling with tears of shame and complete lust as his jabs became sharper against David's prostate.

"Yeah?" David said, stroking his unsheathed, pink bell end and scraping his fingernails against his lean thighs and full balls. "Don't le...leave it at that, mate."

Ste suddenly pushed up, shoving a still-attached David on his back as he kneeled over him.

"Really wanna know???" he spat in David's face, his thrusts speeding up.

David nodded, pulling Ste in for a rough kiss with lots of tongue.

"I - " he pulled nearly all the way out, slamming back in to rattle David's teeth, "Got hard...and he felt it...'gainst...his thigh..."

David groaned. He could tell from the photo that Cameron had killer thighs - probably hairy too, going by the fur peeking out from under his top. He imagined them wrapped around Ste's waist as he fucked the muscle stud senseless.

"He - "

Ste squeezed David's rock hard dick for emphasis, sending a fresh jolt of torturous bliss through them both as David clamped down on his pistoning snake.

"Shoved me hand down his jeans..."

He put David's long fingers around the base of his rapidly thrusting shaft for emphasis, then stood up straight, eyes shut as he relived the memories.

"T-Told me we'd...we'd get each other off, 'cos I..."

He bit his lip, licking the sweat trickling down his face, groaning at the feel of David's hands squeezing his hard nips and tracing an index fingernail around his navel.

"Said I-I was a whore...dirty whore...slag...I said I'd...I'd tell me sister what he's really like... he-he said he'd do anything he wanted...nobody'd ever believe me a lyin' smackhead like me..."

David smacked his own cockhead, now pressed firm against Ste's flat belly, his hands pressed hard against Ste's jostling globes as the fuck grew closer and closer to completion.

"Whispered in my ear in that sexy voice - Scottish, he's Scottish -"

David groaned as he could imagine how that sounded.

"Told me t'cum...stain 'is hand 'fore I sucked 'is fingers clean...way he wanted me to suck his cock..."

"Didja?" David asked, working his slick hand into the small gap between their bodies to stroke his near-to-bursting erection.

Ste nodded, more tears of aroused shame falling from his eyes, filling David's thirsty, open mouth.

"Still remember way his fat fingers felt in my mouth, filled it up, way his fat dick filled me hand...bigger'n my wrist...wanna feel it in my arse...c-comi -"

His eyelids fluttered as he yanked David up, burying his scream in a violently passionate kiss, so used to keeping his pleasure screams quiet from the months he and Harry had been living rough.

He filled the condom in David's contracting arse, the arse squeezing him dry, as a panting, desperate David bit at the hairs on his drenched chin and neck. David's hot load glued their taut bellies together just as much as the cock still half-hard in David's briefly satiated backside.

Ste stayed on top of and inside of David as they began to laugh, hair in their eyes, worn out but still eager for more.

"Don't tell Harry 'bout Cameron, alright?" Ste said.

"Yezzir," David agreed, mostly wishing he could take a ride on that Scottish sausage, especially if it was half as good as Ste's.

"Where is Harry, anyway?" Ste asked.

A smashed lamp downstairs soon gave them their answer.


Gary made his way into the flat Izzy and his mum Anna called home, briefly distracted by the latest photo his unadmiring admirer had sent to him as a reminder of what would happen if he didn't find the camera - this one the one where Gary had fucked a fleshlight and then blown his load all over the webcam. It was pretty hot, he had to admit, as he adjusted his bulge.

He was soon distracted by voices - male and gruff - on the sofa.

"Got us a film."

That was Tim - family friend, and father to Gary's adopted sister Faye. And another who had the duty of listening to his mum shout all day.

"Oh yeah? Like Confessions of a Chicken Plucker?"

The laughing man was Kevin - Tim's best mate (even though Tim was married to his ex-wife Sally), and current boyfriend of Gary's mum.

A long pause as a beer bottle was popped open and guzzled.

"Nah. Tram rattled the gym this morning - all the lockers flew open. Found this camera on the floor. Thought it might be a laugh. All that flexing and strutting from all those manly men."

Gary turned a ginger shade of green as he realized just what the movie was.

He nearly ran into the room to make up an excuse for why they couldn't watch it, but Kevin had already - a little too eagerly - hit play on the remote.

Gary's hopes for a few men slapping each other with towels was soon vanquished as he saw the breathtaking backside and sweat-wet curls of Jason Grimshaw in motion, with a pair of lean, dark-skinned thighs wrapped around his waist.

"That's Jason!" Tim yelped, eyes bulging.

"And Luke," Kevin added in a whisper, unable to stop himself from groping his package. "Always sorta wondered what 'e looked like..."

As Tim stared at him in disbelief, Gary noticed the desire etched into Kevin's lined face, still a handsome face even hidden under a salt-and-pepper beard.

"C'mon, Tim - all lads do it..."

Tim blushed, a blush that went right to the top of his shaved head.

Kevin laughed nervously as the brutal fuck session played as a soundtrack, Tim with one eye on Kevin, one on Luke's battered hole on the telly. Gary with one eye on the men, one on the door, and two hands tugging at his cum-heavy balls and groping his horse cock through his tight black jeans.

"Me an' Terry Duckworth...and sometimes he brought our mate Curly in too - we was about Chesney's age, maybe younger. We did...we did everything."

He let his hand wander, hesitantly, onto a shocked Tim's beefy thigh.

"Everything with birds is hard work...with lads, it's just hands and mouths...cocks and cunts...'cos we know how it all works. How good it feels."

Tim still looked unsure.

"Are you saying our bromance is a romance, Kev?" he joked, feebly.

Kevin chuckled that dirty chuckle that went right to Gary's crotch.

"You're me mate. Best mate I've had in ages."

He was distracted by the telly.

"Oh God...they're on the phone with Andy," Tim moaned.

"Love to wreck his arse," Kevin said, licking his lips at the thought of the handsome Bistro waiter with another bloke.

He looked down at the fat bulge in Tim's blue jeans.

"Looks like I ain't the only one either."

He ventured to cup Tim's dick outline, smirking in surprise.

"No wonder our Sal puts up with ya."

Tim looked a bit ashamed at the mention of his wife's name.

"You won't tell her? Promise."

Kevin shook his head, crinkled brown eyes gleaming with mirth.

"Daft sod. C'mere."

He pulled Tim in for a tender kiss, knowing Tim would bristle at the feel of Kevin's prickly beard. Tim did, but he didn't back away, instead just laughing as his nose bumped against Kevin's.

"Ain't so bad, is it?" Kevin teased as Tim tilted his head, and got more into the kiss, letting Kevin press through his lips with his tongue.

Kevin moaned at Tim sucking on his tongue, and Gary, still hiding near the front door, bit at his hand to stop his own moan.

Not really caring anymore, he yanked his jeans down, openly masturbating, pleased at the cool air to help ease his throbbing boner. He pulled the foreskin back, coating his sensitive glans with a drop of pre-cum.

They were yanking each other's clothes off now.

"Sal got me this shirt for my birthday..." Tim warned as Kevin carefully unbuttoned it.

"Nicer'n anything she bought me," Kevin groused as he gently undid the cuffs and exposed Tim's chest, hairy and well-developed through a lifetime of manual labor.

Kevin then tossed his own shirt, a flimsy grey number. He wasn't as muscular as Tim, but he was in decent shape, and even hairier, patchwork silver and brown.

Kevin stood up to unbuckle his belt.

"Shou-shouldn't this go slower?" Tim said.

"Ain't got much time for love an' kisses," Kevin stated, quickly pushing his jeans and baggy white boxers down to expose his thick 6 inches and wildly bushy pubes.

Gary remembered when he'd first moved to the Street nearly a decade earlier as a horny scally, before the army had turned most of his shamed fantasies about men into a reality of rushed and desperate wanks, sucks and fucks. He'd seen Kevin bending over a bonnet, wearing those charcoal coveralls. He'd known then how much he wanted to fuck that arse...shove his tongue in and breathe in it. Gravity and time had taken the same toll they do on nearly any man in his 50's, but Gary would still feast on that bum if he had the chance.

"These are my good boots," Tim warned as Kevin yanked them off, Kevin seemingly enjoying the flashes of panic in his bessie mate's eyes as he began to undo his belt and slowly pull down his loose-fitting jeans.

He was soon just clad in tight white briefs - his hard dick clinging to the fabric through the glue of pre-cum.

Kevin stepped back to admire the view of Tim's eager beef, of his hairy, shapely legs, counting the hairs peeking from the waistband of his pants.

Gary was getting a good look himself, pleased that he was so good at staying hidden, but he was thrown when Kevin hit rewind on the recording.

"Gotta hear that part again," he grinned - Gary wondering what he'd missed.

He listened closely to what was on the telly.

It was Jason putting Gary's jock over Luke's face...talking about how much Luke wanted to be split open by Gary's donkey dick...

Gary's mammoth manhood slapped against his stomach as he freed his hands to quickly pick up Kevin's sweaty top that was conveniently tossed nearby. He bit down on it so Tim and Kevin couldn't hear his broken moans at hearing Jason and Luke, two men he'd wanked so many loads to, talking about him that way - perving over him, slurring what they'd do to his cock. He inhaled the strong smells of Kevin's long day at the garage, the smell of motor oil and man. He wanted to taste the grizzled daddy bear for himself - lick his arse, suck his toes, smell his pits. The only reason he didn't is because he knew Tim would bolt, and he had to see that dick with his own eyes.

"Just imagine havin' that posing pouch for your brekkie," Kevin smiled, having a good slow stroke on his heavy girth.

"Ew...he's practically yer stepson," Tim reminded, nonetheless palming his bulge through the constricting cotton at the image.

"That's why it cranks me gears," Kevin laughed. "Disgusted, are ya?"

Tim nodded, not all that convincingly.

"Why don't I really give ya summat to sneer at?" Kevin taunted, before shoving a surprised Tim's face into his hairy armpit.

Tim let out a muffled yell, soon turning to a dirty groan as his tongue tasted the rank recesses, experiencing a man's odor in such an intimate for the first time.

Gary had practically torn a hole in the shirt currently occupying his mouth, knowing he couldn't take much more of this. He'd wrapped both hands around his painfully pulsating hardness, knees quaking at trying not to blast enough cum to make a wanking wonderland of jizz through the entire flat. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer.

It was Kevin finally yanking down Tim's briefs, hearing the slick plop of the freed 8 and a half curved inches against Tim's hairy belly, that set Gary off.

He screamed into Kevin's shirt, pretending it was Kevin's pit, and shot his wad on his jeans, his bare thighs, his green top, the floor...and a few of his mum's zelebrity magazines.

He wiped his half-spent serpent on his top, but he could feel it coming to life again when he saw Kevin beginning to go down on a shocked Tim.

Just as Gary really was thinking of joining in, the front door opened, and the new arrival stared at him with jaw well and truly dropped.

"What the hell are you playin' at?" he hissed to Gary.


Harry was in the middle of revising when the front door burst open, with a fuming, nostril-flaring blonde daddy literally stomping into the small house.

"Are you here for me???" he barked.

Harry was - very happily so if asked. At one point he wouldn't have ever cheated on Ste, but after he'd fucked sleazy but sexy barrister James Nightingale for cash, and then gotten what he was pretty sure was a post-coital eyeful of Ste and Cameron (which Ste still wasn't being honest with him about - then again he hadn't exactly confessed to his own recent adulterous dicking either), he found his morals increasingly flexible - in time with his hole.

The man looked as old as Harry's father - maybe older - but he was in great shape, with his white work shirt tight against his pecs and flat stomach, top buttons popped open in absence of a blue tie that was wrapped around his thick fingers.

"Right," the man said through gritted teeth, "Name's Nick Tilsley. Sure your boss knows that. Where's my suit?"

He tore open his shirt, one of the buttons flying into a startled Harry's book. Before Harry could respond, his tight beige slacks were down around his ankles. Harry couldn't help staring at the incredible legs, topped off by tight black trunks that emphasized the chiseled perfection of his lightly tanned runners' thighs. He didn't have one of the bigger dicks Harry had seen, but he had enough for a good time.

Harry shook his head, snapping out of his pathetic horny daze, remembering he didn't know who this man was, and he certainly didn't have any suit.

"I-I don't know...I'm sorry...I'm here to see work at a wedding?"

Nick chuckled, shaking his head in turn. Harry wanted to laugh, but the gleam of anger in the older man's eyes suggested it wasn't a funny occasion.

Before Harry could figure out a response, Nick grabbed him by the collar, pinning him against the kitchen table.

"So you just kept quiet so you could see me do a striptease?" Nick hissed.

Harry opened his mouth, but nothing came out - probably because he was both humiliated and incredibly aroused at the feel of the half-hard cock pressed against the inside of his toned teenage thigh.

Nick's ruggedly handsome features turned beet red as he heard moans and groans from upstairs.

Harry squirmed, embarrassed and turned on at what he was hearing and at Nick's grip on his shirt.

"T-That's my boyfriend...and...and..."

"David," Nick spat, literally, in Harry's face. "I know."

Nick stepped back, loosening his grip. Harry thought things were calming down, but Nick then yanked his top off, leaving Harry in just jeans that did nothing to hide his arousal.

"So," he pushed through gritted teeth, a cool hand flat against Harry's sculpted abs, "you and your boyfriend came into the home of my mum, my sister, my niece, and my brother's wife and children - oh and of course my sick excuse for a brother - and decided to turn it into a sex den."

Harry wasn't sure whether he was supposed to say yes or no. So he just did what he wanted to do - squeeze Nick's bulge.

Nick smirked.

"Guess I got my answer."

He twisted Harry's juicy, eraser-like nipples until Harry cried out.

"Just the start," he whispered, hot and harsh in Harry's ear, before he began walking toward the front door.

"Strip and find some lube. I'll be fucking you with or without it. That's what you're paid for, right?"

The words stung Harry, especially because he couldn't even say they were wrong. He doubted Ste had brought them here just to clear tables, not after the way David had leered at him, groped him.

His stomach fluttered as he heard the lock click, saw Nick glaring at him while massaging his growing dickmeat.

He quickly unfastened his jeans and kicked off his trainers, shoving his boxers down and having a quick tug at the sight of Nick's muscular arse encased in black cotton.

"First," Nick said, gruffly, "bend over the table. All the way over."

Harry did as told, trying to ignore the heat coursing through his body at the humiliation, at the cool varnished wood surface against his flushed the large paw squeezing his other flushed cheeks.

"Now this is an arse," Nick whistled. "I need to take special care."

Harry relaxed, expecting softer treatment, but he soon cried out again at the sharp smack again his smooth, bubble butt, one cheek, then the other, back and forth, until the pale cheeks were red and burning.

Just as Harry expected another rain of blows, Nick began to climb onto the kitchen table.

"My book -"

"This book?" Nick said, pulling back his wrinkled foreskin to smear the pages with his leaking bell end. He then pushed the pages into Harry's face, wicked grin on his lined face as Harry licked at the residue.

Harry was embarrassed, but his cock under the table was hard enough to hammer nails.

Nick sat his muscular bum down on the table, his baggy ballsac near Harry's hungry mouth. Harry wanted to touch, but Nick shouted.

"Hands behind your back!"

Harry rolled his eyes, but complied. His cock leapt at the commands, and he began to brush it against the table underside.

Nick worked one foot under Harry's nose. A foot clad in a long black sock - probably cost more than Harry's whole wardrobe.

Nick looked at him expectantly.

Harry sighed, humiliated but horny, and tentatively took Nick's big to into his mouth, licking and laving it through the sweaty fabric.

"Good boy," Nick praised. "Now spread your cheeks like you do for your other clients."

Harry jumped when Nick's other work worked its way around his waist and began sliding up and down his exposed hole.

"Such a good boy..."

The next step was stopped when a half-dressed David and Ste - David in a top and no bottoms, Ste in bottoms and no top, wearing each other's clothes - nearly tripped down the stairs.

David was, for once, lost for words.

And all Ste could say was:

"What the hell are you playin' at?"

Next: Chapter 6

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