Corporate Weasel

By M

Published on Jun 8, 1999



"You understand, It's nothing personal. You simply had to follow procedures and I of course would not have to write this formal reprimand to remind you of your place"

He looked at me and smiled his well practiced smile through his Hollywood caps. Nepotism and socialization had been his holy grail throughout his meteoric rise his career. He had traded off honesty for a set of golf clubs and swapped integrity for a membership in the hair club for men. He looked good though, good enough for a quick climb up the corporate ladder.

He came to work for this company shortly after I had. In fact I trained and oriented him on his first day. He was a nice looking kid. Not the kind you see on the cover of GQ, but definitely the boy next door. I took him around and introduced him, did my best to make him feel comfortable in what is usually a rather difficult situation. He was particularly interested in the assistant manager of the marketing department, Margaret. It's not that she was a looker, or even a pretty woman. In fact she was a rather homely creature. Her most impressive feature was her father. He was the CEO and creator of the company. It was almost instinctive, I thought as he shook her hand and placed his other hand on her shoulder familiarly. He couldn't know she was the boss' daughter, it was never mentioned. In retrospect I see that he had done some research before he even touched pen to application.

Margaret was understandably charmed by his boyish blonde good looks. He had warm brown eyes and an easy smile that came almost too frequently to his soft thick lips. At about 6' and 175 pounds he was a striking figure. As I watched the pied piper play his tune, I thought how I envied Maggie, as we called her. I would like to be flirting with this hunk.

They were married almost four months later. He was promoted to our department head after the second date. He was division head after the announcement of their engagement. He was Regional Director as they announced the impending birth of the company heir. He was Vice President of Development now, it was a boy.

It had only been 5 short years. He was driving a new car, living in a new house. Had his teeth capped, his hair "restored", spent most of his time inside a tanning booth, or with his large breasted "personal trainer", Candy. Maggie had quit the company when they were married. She had gained about 60 pounds as she was pregnant, she had gained 20 more since the child was born. She never smiled when she came around. Rumor had it that she had turned the care and feeding of the child over to a nanny, and couldn't even breast feed because she was hitting the gin bottle on a nightly basis. It was an old, if not over written story. As I worked with him on various projects I saw that his slick packaging was only a thin veneer for the cruel streak that lie beneath.

He had changed the names on submitted proposals after insisting that they all come through his office. If he was feeling particularly generous he would leave the original author's name on the project as an assistant collaborator. This was the case when he and I were thrust together again. I had developed a new type of machine to manufacture our products with 1/3 less waste. It also did it at less energy use, resulting in substantial savings to the company. I submitted copies, not only to him but around the chain of command to the Director of Operations. This would not have been a problem, had Mr. Wonderful submitted the same proposal 3 days later with his name on it. My name had been moved to "Research Assistant."

I was accused of plagiarism, and thievery. I had every intention of going to the CEO's office and telling what I thought of his good for nothing son in law, when none other than Mr Wonderful called me into his plush office at the end of the day. I had not even had time to quit shaking from the initial confrontation in the Senior Vice President's office, as he tried to stall me long enough for his meal ticket to leave for the day. He probably had dinner plans with the old man and would launch into his defense before I ever had the chance to tell my side. He was good. I'll give him that.

I watched through the window of his office as the black Mercedes that contained the boss, drove past the guard shack on the way out. DAMN! I had to think of something in order to save not only my reputation, but the potential millions that my innovations would make. I turned away from the window. He too had seen the car pulling away. He again smiled that smile at me. It was so strange, it made my skin crawl, yet was almost sexy. He had earned his nickname throughout the company. We just called him the weasel

"Well I suppose that will be all. You of course will be upset, but I believe if you can get past it we can continue to make a place for you here at the company.

I would however recommend that you not spread the ridiculous rumor that you are the single inventor of the development. It is a team effort here at this institution, and you should aspire to be a team player."

I walked out of his office in a furious rage. When I reached my office, I walked in and slammed the door. As I spun around to throw the vase that was sitting beside the door, I faced the two men that had worked on the development with me. A handsome "couple" of men that shared, not only their ideas, but also their bed. They were astonished at my furor. I was reputed to be one of the "nicest" and most "easy going" men in the company. My soft spoken, gentlemanly manner had earned me a reputation of being almost a push over. The demon they saw before them was not the man they were expecting.

"Fucking Bastard!" I screamed as the vase shattered into a million pieces as it hit the book case on the opposing wall. As I launched into the details of the meeting that I had just left, I watched the men who had put such sweat and heart into the project turn from confused to angry. They were ready to blow up the man's house, or even do something drastic. We were discussing the possibility of going out to get drunk, when the Director of Operations knocked on my door.

"Hey, I just wanted you to know. Off the record, I know that plastic bastard couldn't find his ass with both hands. But I'm in a difficult spot. There wasn't much that I could do to keep the proposal out of the old man's hands. I could however see that the right copy went home with him as well. I slipped it into his briefcase. Therefore when he open it up to read flyboys..."

"You son of a bitch, I'll have you fired. You'll be begging to be the dog catcher when I'm through with you..."

The motherfucker had slipped up behind Rich, the DO while he was leaning in the door telling us of his heroics. He looked pale as a ghost. If his father in law questioned his honesty in business, would he not question his honesty in his personal life. This could be the end of the gravy train. He started to turn and leave when Rich grabbed his arm. He swung at the man with an ineffectual, if not down right prissy swing.

"Let me go you fucker" He squawked, as Buddy, one of the designers grabbed the other arm.

"You are not going anywhere" Rich said quietly. "I have watched you screw everyone and everything to get your ass up the ladder, but this time you lose. I think it's time you got screwed and I'm just the man to do it. Maggie is my friend. You had no right to do keep us from seeing eachother. And these men have worked hard to develop those improvements, how dare you..."

"Faggot, Let me go" The weasel squeaked

"Yeah, I'm gay and if the boss had a son to step on, you would be too."

I never knew that Rich was gay. I, of course knew about Buddy and Lynn, because in designing the project we had spent many long hours together. At first they tried to hide it, but after a while I told them to relax. I told them that I wasn't gay, but it didn't bother me. After that I kind of envied their camaraderie.

I looked at Rich, he was a big man. He stood about 6'4" and weighed in at least at 260 pounds. He wasn't necessarily fat, just a really big man. His fiery red hair sat usually slicked above his ruddy handsome face. Right now his bright blue eyes were searching my face for a sign of what I was thinking. He knew that I had no idea about his orientation. I just smiled at him with my best understanding smile and nodded my approval at what was happening to the weasel.

Buddy tightened his grip as the weasel struggled.

"Get your thrills now faggots, Yeah I know about you design boys too. When I get out of this you will be getting plenty of thrills from some big nigger in prison. I bet you didn't know you worked with a bunch of cocksuckers, did you Frank. All three of them. Homos. Yeah you sissies you better let me go now and I'll only have you canned."

Lynn walked up to the weasel. I thought he was going to hit him at first, but I noticed that he had a funny look on his face. Lynn was usually a quiet man. Not small of stature, but not a large man either. He had dark eyes and hair that gave credit to his Jewish heritage. He was usually rather passive, but the look on his face now was that of a wild animal. He looked deep into the weasel's eyes. The weasel flinched as Lynn's hand came up. It didn't strike him though, It caressed his face.

"If you don't get into daddy's briefcase, you won't even be able to do a fucking thing. I thing we'll just keep you here until he's had plenty of time to read the whole thing. So for now you better calm down. And stop all the hate talk, I'm beginning to think you don't like us."

The weasel spit into Lynn's face. Buddy did not take kindly to that and twisted his arm tighter behind his back. In reaction the weasel's legs went out from under him. He landed on his knees still attached to his captors with his head at Lynn's crotch. Buddy and Rich began to smile as simultaneously they shared the same thought. I watched as it registered on their faces. Unbelievingly I saw them push the back of the weasel's head into Lynn's crotch. Lynn ground his dick into the squirming man's face.

"I think you need some lessons in manners you fucker" Lynn said as he undid his belt. Initially there was some shock in me at what was happening. I just stood back leaning on my desk and stared in shock as Lynn whipped out his dick and started penis whipping the weasel. Lynn's cock was flaccid. In it's state of limpness it had to be at least ten inches long. Over and over he struck the thrashing man in the face with his hose. The two men holding the weasel on his knees looked at eachother with knowing glances as Lynn's cock began to lengthen.

A thick stream of piss flew from the end of the monster dick striking the weasel in the chest. When his mouth opened to protest it too was filled with the amber liquid. I almost stopped the whole scene there, but there was a morbid fascination in me as I watched this uppity boy getting his pride washed away.

Rich watched with an amused if not slightly astonished look as Lynn's cock stopped the flow of piss and continued to harden. It was the biggest dick I had ever seen. I have spent much time in the company of naked men, such as locker rooms, army barracks, and the like. I hadn't seen the likes of the piece of meat hanging on this man. Of course it was circumcised, the head of the thing was about the size of a lemon. It was followed up by an almost brilliantly pink shaft. Lynn dropped his pants and stroked the hardening cock. The weasel licked his lips watching the man. He knew in the back of his mind what would happen next. He wouldn't have a clue just why, but deep inside him there was an excitement building that lit a fire behind those brown eyes. I looked at his piss soaked form as the other men held his arms. He looked like he had come down a notch. Then I noticed the slight distention in his slacks. His own dick was getting hard. He may not have know that he wanted to suck that rod, but his cock did.

Lynn stopped stroking his cock "If you bite me, I'll kill you. They will never find the body. I am after a chemist, and the best chemist in the industry. I want you to suck this dick real good and make me forget just how much fun I would have pouring acid over your cold stiff corpse."

The weasel's eyes widened. He knew that the man was not kidding. Gingerly he reached up and touched the rod that bobbed before him. It jumped from his touch as his fingers made contact. Lynn placed his hands on his hips and thrust them out. His little ass hardened and dimpled. I had never noticed what a great ass the man had before. I felt a surge of electricity shooting through my ball sack. My own cock hardened in my slacks. I was going to watch this man suck that monster cock, and my dick wanted to be the main spectator. I rubbed my dick and adjusted it forward to give it a bit more room.

Rich noticed me moving my cock. His eyes met mine and he smiled a knowing smile at me. I ran my eyes down his huge muscular body. Halfway down his leg there seemed to be an appendage that I had not previously noticed. He was that big all over. He caught me looking at his cock and winked at me. Then he returned to the man who he held below him.

The weasel was turning his head away with his mouth clamped shut. He was determined not to let this hose slide into his mouth. With a resounding smack, Buddy slapped his face. The shock brought tears to the weasel's eyes. I almost felt sorry for him, almost. Buddy took the back of his piss soaked head and pulled the back of his head down. His face looked into the fierce black eyes of the man who held his arm. Without taking his eyes away from Buddy's he opened his mouth and accepted the tip of Lynn's cock. The taste of precum that had been dripping from the dick's head must have brought the Weasel around. He gagged and coughed as Lynn pushed his dickhead all the way in his mouth.

Buddy tightened his grip on the back of his head as he pushed it back and forth to accept Lynn's dick. With each thrust the weasel seemed to gag less and less.

Lynn's cock went deeper and deeper into the now willing mouth. When his cock hit the back of the weasel's throat, he gagged much more violently. This time he must have scraped that cock a little harder than before. Lynn jumped. Pulling his cock from the man's mouth he slapped the man hard across the cheek.

"Motherfucker, watch the teeth or I'll find another hole to put it in. While your at it I want you to play with these."

He placed the weasel's hand on his plum sized balls. Rich could take it no more. He had let go of the man's arm to allow him to fondle Lynn's balls. With his now free hands he was undoing his belt and releasing the rod that had extended itself down his leg and was now trying to tear through his pants to bend straight up. Buddy followed suit and released the weasel's other arm. He slid down his pants and a respectably thick brown cock sprang up and slapped him in the belly. The man on his knees eyed that dick as he went back to worshipping the rod that had stood in front of him. His eyes nearly popped out when Rich pulled out his cock. It had to be every bit as long as Lynn's cock, but it was as big around as a normal sized man's arm. It took both of Rich's big paws to go around it as he began jacking it slowly. The uncut meat peeked out of the end of the massive sheath with each stroke. Lynn and Buddy were equally as affected by the sight of that rod.

My own cock almost shrank in shame as I looked at the big man's equipment. If he had to screw his way up the corporate ladder, then there was a reason that the old man walked with a cane! Lynn reached down and took both cocks in his hands. He began jacking Buddy with a smooth familiar movement. His hand fumbled awkwardly with the head of Rich's big cock. He opted for smearing the oozing precum around within the sheathed head. It was too much for me. I rubbed my cock openly as it lengthened up my belly. The two men facing me smiled and Rich licked his lips as they watched me begin to excite myself.

The job that the weasel was doing on Lynn's dong must have been feeling pretty good, he let out a low guttural groan as he shoved his cock deeper and deeper into the waiting mouth. Soon he pulled out, I guess he was getting too close. He led Buddy around to the front of the weasel's face by his cock. Never letting go he inserted the rod into the weasel's mouth. This cock was smaller and easier for the weasel to pleasure. He went to work on it with vigilance. His hands went to Buddy's muscular ass pulling his rod deeper and deeper into the weasel's throat. He must not have even realized that he was getting into the scene as he fucked himself on Buddy's throbbing dick.

Lynn went to work massaging the monster dick that was before him. He tried to get it into his mouth, but being a small man himself, he simply could not get much past the head. Still Rich's eyes rolled upward and closed as he felt the head snugly slide between Lynn's teeth. The weasel slid his free hand into his now open zipper. He inserted a couple of fingers into the gap and started circling the head of his now rock hard member. Again I don't think he even realized that he was doing this. Each time that Buddy withdrew his dick from the weasel's mouth, I could see the look of hatred that flared in the man's eyes. He was too stupid to realize that he was getting off on the whole thing.

Lynn was now on his knees, determined to get as much of Rich's huge dick into his mouth. He reached over with his hands and undid the weasel's pants. A thick chunk of dick meat fell free as Lynn pushed down the red silk boxers that the weasel wore. He had stopped sucking Buddy's cock and just held it in his mouth as he glared at Lynn. Lynn grabbed the man's cock. The weasel pushed his hand away and fire shot from his eyes as he stared back at the man. Again, Lynn grabbed the man's cock. Again he pushed his hands away. One more time Lynn reached and this time did not go for the man's cock, he tightly gripped the man's balls. Howling in pain, the weasel tried to stand up. Buddy just pushed him back down and shoved his cock deep in the man's throat.

"I guess you know who's boss now, huh boss." I said now. I met Rich's laughing eyes as he looked over at me. He looked at my now fully extended dick poking in vain to get through the material of my slacks. He licked his lips as I stood and walked over to the men. Lynn and Rich reached simultaneously for the closure of my pants as I placed a hand underneath Rich's equally huge nuts. It felt weird holding those big hairy things. The skin was so hot, yet soft that the words "liquid fire" ran through my mind. I lifted one feeling the weight. Lynn returned to his mission of swallowing the cock as Rich undid my pants the rest of the way and pushed them to my knees. I reached around and felt the massive muscles of Rich's ass. He flexed them as my fingers trailed into the cleft between the mounds. I looked over to see Buddy holding the weasel's head in both hands and grudge fucking the man in the mouth. The weasel's face was almost white as he struggled to breathe around the invading rod that shredded his throat.

"Uh, Buddy I think you better let him get some air." I said as Rich and Lynn noticed the diminished state of their captive. Buddy let the limp body of the man slide to the floor.

"Fucking faggot" The man on the floor mumbled.

"Here let me blow this windbag back up." Buddy said as he reached down and lifted the man from the floor. He drug him to the desk and laid him upon it face up. The weasel had a nice dick on him. It was cut and about 8 inches long. A respectable piece of meat. It occurred to me that most cocks were close to the asshole, this one was attached to it. I chuckled to myself as Buddy took the man's dick into his mouth. The weasel at first tried to push the man away. but by grabbing the man's nuts again, Buddy effectively silenced him.

"Let me show you how to do this right, then you'll get another chance to redeem yourself."

"Frank, You aren't like that," He said to me pleadingly: "Make these fuckers let me go and I'll give you a break"

"You know if you would have followed procedures, you wouldn't have needed to be put in your place either." I said bitterly as I walked up to him. I don't know what came over me, but I started pissing on him. My balls tingled as the flow of urine slid past their protesting muscles. The liquid started soaking into his shirt and tie, miraculously still on him. I grabbed the shirt and ripped the thing open. sending the buttons flying. I pissed up and down his chest and face soaking my desk and the man who was still sucking on the weasel's cock. Trying to stop the assault of my water, the weasel reached for my cock. I let him take it in his hands. I stepped to his head now dangling off of the desk and he took it into his mouth. Bolts of nervous electricity shot through my body as my balls slapped him in the nose. My cock bent downward as I mounted the mans head and started to pound his head between my body and my desk. The dull thud thudding that echoed in the room excited and provoked me as I reached down and painfully twisted this man's nipples. I saw that Buddy had abandoned the man's cock and was tongue fucking the weasel as he squirmed in ecstasy. The sight of it all excited me more and more as I bludgeoned the weasel's mouth. It occurred to me that again the man might not be able to breathe, but it also occurred to me that I didn't care. My dick was in control. I felt Rich's big paws come around my chest. His mammoth fingers caressed my nipples and slid around to my thrusting ass as I shoved my cock in and out of the weasel's mouth.

I may be fired come Monday, but this motherfucker was going to remember me for a long long time. My head clouded as I rushed nearer and nearer to the brink of orgasm. The room seemed to drop back further and further from my mind as I began to hear a clicking and whirring sound. I realized that Lynn had gone back to the lab and retrieved a camera. He was shooting pictures of the boss with my cock buried in his gullet. He took pictures of Buddy's invasive procedures on the weasel's ass, carefully hiding the face of the invader. He took a couple of shots of the monster rod on Rich, but I think that those were for personal use more than anything.

"Rich, come here I think that's enough lube, " Buddy said with a spit trail still streaming to the weasel's well eaten ass.

"Maybe you ought to go first and loosen it up a bit." Rich said sliding his big cock in the crack of my ass. I don't know just where he planned to put that into me, but he would have to do some serious talking first. The weasel hearing of the plans to use his ass as we had used his face, spit out my cock and began begging for us to stop. But at this point it had gone too far. He had pushed us to the point of rage making us eat our pride and opinions for so long that he was going to get all of the pent up energy shot right up his ass. It was a fitting punishment.

Buddy slid his dick into the opening of the weasel's ass. Proving that we were not without mercy, Lynn gave the weasel something to bite down on, His ass. He pushed it into the weasel's face as Rich and I just stood back stroking eachother's cocks and watched. He ground his little ass so tightly that the weasel had to not scream, lest he get a taste of that musky ass. With his arms, the weasel tried to alternately push either of the men away without the slightest bit of success.

Rich stopped stroking my cock and walked up to the middle of the desk. He looked down at Buddy's cock, now invading the virgin ass. He smiled at the invader as he bent over and took the weasels dick into his mouth. I watched while he sucked his rod slowly. The effect was not lost on the weasel either. He had given up on the fight and was beginning to respond to the sensations in his ass. Also he was pulling Lynn tighter against his face and licking the pucker that had covered his face. I went to the front of Lynn. I had never sucked a cock before. I played with a couple of kids when I was a kid myself, but it had stopped at that and I had never gotten up the nerve to do it again. I wanted to taste someone else's cum. I had tasted my own, and I tasted pretty good if I do say so myself. Kind of a musky salty taste. I knelt before Lynn's crouched body and ducked my head so that I could reach his cock. The head slid into my mouth. He tasted wonderful too. A little more 'spicy'. If you know what I mean. I stroked his balls and felt the weasel's tongue as he occasionally liked my fingertips.

Lynn's cock expanded in my throat. I felt it throbbing as he put one hand on my shoulder, guiding me as I sucked him. The other hand went back and further opened his ass. He slid his ass onto the weasel's tongue grinding it and his cock alternately between us. I heard Buddy start to grunt harder and harder as he began to shoot his juice up the weasel's ass.

"Oh fuck, Next!" Buddy called as his still hard cock slipped from the well used asshole. Rich started to step around to the other side of the desk, when we heard the muffled protests of the weasel.

"If you let him go, then you boys won't feel a thing," He said trying to buy some time before his guts were shredded by that semi truck that rich called a cock."Frank, you do it. Come on man. You want to be like these boys. Do it. Fuck me you faggot."

Without warning Lynn backhanded the weasel bloodying his nose. It was weird, the flowing blood excited me. I stepped to the man's upraised legs. As hard as I could I shoved my cock into his asshole. He grunted and tightened up onto a ball of muscle. Rich and Buddy held his arms. Lynn returned his ass to the weasel's face. I watched as the blood was smeared around eventually covering Lynn's beautiful ass. Like a madman I tried to shove my cock in with enough force to tear open this asshole. I began to pump wildly, feeling my pubic bone slam into his ass with enough force that both of us would be bruised tomorrow. I didn't care. I fucked him for all the times that I had to kiss that ass. I fucked him for all the times that I wanted to tell him to get what I was giving him. And I fucked him because it felt really really good! Too good. Soon cum was shooting into his ass flooding it with spurt after spurt. He too was coming. I felt his ass muscles clamping and spasming around my cock. My toes went numb and spread up my legs. My knees began to tremble as my whole body went into a seizure like series of tremors. The spurts of jizz I had initially felt were only the dumping of precum. Now there seemed to be endless gushes of hate being drained from my body as they coated his insides. I have never felt such release since. I came and came until I felt a powerful set of arms holding me up.

"You okay?" Rich asked me. I realized that I had started to collapse to the floor as the last of my spunk shot into the weasel. The weasel lay spent on the desk. His breath heaving in and out. He had been fucked until he had come all over himself. Lynn had been fucking his face and shot his load into the gagging throat of that bastard. Now the only one who hadn't cum was the man with the fist sized cockhead. Terror began to fill the weasel's eyes as he looked at the still rock hard cock. He knew that he was going to be fucked by that man, and he could only hope that he was loose enough now not to tear.

Rich set me in the office chair that was behind the desk. Lynn grabbed the camera as the big man stepped between the weasel's legs. Buddy held the limp arms of the weasel as the mammoth cock found the entrance to his ass. He screamed in pain as the big rod started into his hole. Tears ran down his face as with the look of a wild stallion, Rich slowly pushed with all his might to get his cock into the hole. The desk began sliding on the carpet in answer to the force of Rich's pushing. The weasel was crying, begging Rich to stop the invasion of his asshole. I took some of the cum from the weasel's stomach and dribbled it onto the huge rod buried in his ass. It seemed to go better. The weasel was silent now, simply gritting his teeth as he clamped his eyes shut and prayed for survival.

Rich pulled his cock out just a little. The weasel sighed heavily. Then without ceremony and in one plunge Rich drove his cock deep into the man. The weasel tensed violently as Rich's big arms used his legs to pull him to the very bottom of the gargantuan organ. The weasel went limp. We all froze. Had we killed him? No shallowly he was breathing. A pool of fresh cum was spreading from his shriveled cock. A smile was slowly coming to his face. Rich began to pump slowly. The weasel started to revive. His squirming took on the fluidity of a belly dancer as he responded to the sensations of the big cock in his ass. My cock was rock hard again as I watched the erotic dance. Buddy and Lynn shared my condition and had started to fondle eachother as they watched. I could see the envy in Lynn's face as he watched the weasel getting fucked by this baseball bat.

Rich motioned for me to step up on the desk. I did. He took my dick into his mouth and started to suck me hard. I felt as though one of my balls would shoot out through the end of my cock if he applied any more suction to the end of my dick. The view of this big man pumping the weasels ass was phenomenal. I could see the opening of the weasel's ass pulling out as the cock pulled out. and then thankfully sucking back in as it started the long ride to the base of his cock. Lynn was sitting on Buddy's lap sucking the revived cock into his ass and kissing deeply the man he loved. I envied once again their camaraderie. They were lucky men. I looked down at the big stud that was smoothly pistoning in and out of the weasel. He lovingly sucked my cock as his big hands gently caressed my body. He looked up at me with an expression of utter love. I was taken aback. I had never even considered that I might be gay. I was always able to go out and get pussy whenever I wanted it. I really didn't want it too much. No woman, however had affected me so deeply as the stirring feeling that this man evoked with his optical caress. The sensation of him sucking my cock was getting to me. As my excitement grew, his also grew. He was now absently pounding the hell out of the weasel's ass as he and I caressed eachother while my cock was deep in his throat. His finger had found it's way up my ass and to be honest It was incredible. I had never had anything up there bigger than a thermometer. If this was anything like the sensations that the weasel was having with this big log up his ass, he was doing much better than he deserved. I looked down at Rich's ass clenching and unclenching driving the weasel. The expression on the weasel's face was euphoric. Another load of cum had been dumped onto the weasel's belly from an ever spasming dick.

I guess Rich liked the weasel's convulsing asshole as much as I did. He arched his back and buried his thick cock deep inside the weasel. It surprises me that I could not see the end of it hanging out the weasel's mouth. He pulled my cock out of his mouth and buried his nose in my balls as he grunted like a sumo wrestler in combat. His twitching finger in my ass sent me over the edge. I shot another load of cum onto his head and down his back. His paw that was up my ass felt as if it would break my pelvic bone as it tightened, two fingers up my ass and the thumb beside my cock and balls. The other paw was pulling on the weasel's legs pulling the big man deeper and deeper into the weasel's ass. It was beginning to bruise in the shape of the big paw. That one would be hard to explain to Maggie.

Rich removed his digits from my spasming asshole. I must admit, I felt rather empty when they were gone. If it was any indication how empty one would feel after riding that cock, I wasn't sure that I would ever try it. I leaned down and kissed Rich squarely on the lips as he withdrew his dick from the weasel. He lifted me down from the desk as we fell into a warm embrace. His tongue searched my mouth. I could taste my cum upon his lips and tongue. I felt complete for the first time.

"Well, Isn't this cozy." The weasel said sarcastically as he looked from us to the now embracing couple that were across the room. "I suppose you feel real proud of yourselves, but you're all fired. I can have what I want exactly when I want. You see, as you all know I am very well connected." The smug bastard had enjoyed the whole thing, and still intended to steal the proposal. He obviously had forgotten about the original documents that the old man would find. I respected the old man, he was a man who was adamant about honor and dignity. I was quite sure that when he found the dates on the two proposals he would do the right thing. I looked at Buddy and Lynn. We looked at Rich. The four of us started laughing. Confused the weasel, sputtered about rape and how we were fired and if we fought him on denying our unemployment he would have us charged with assault and battery. He left the room in a state, carrying his piss soaked torn clothes buck naked walking down the hall to his office. Guess he forgot about the security cameras.

Rich and I moved in together shortly after that. We live next door to Rich's best friend Maggie. As Sr Vice President, Rich could afford to move up in the world. The old man respected honor, after all. Maggie didn't divorce the weasel, she backed him in a new business even. He failed. Not long after that he was arrested for public fornication. It seems he was extremely drunk in central park, He saw a mounted officer tie his horse out front of the men's room, and when the policeman came out, the weasel had the horses cock buried down his throat. The humiliation was too much, while in jail he tried to kill himself by thrusting a bed rail up his ass. It seems his cell mate just tired out. He is still in a mental institution trying to get over his newfound obsession. It seems they have to keep him in lockdown to protect the other male patients. Oh well...

Buddy and Lynn are living in Maui now, occasionally they will call. Less frequently, they will visit. I am CEO of my own design firm. And I am hopelessly in love with the man I found 18 years ago. His place is beside me, as my place is beside him. Thanks weasel for putting me in my place.

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