Cory Hooks a Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 27, 2022


frank was giddy and nervous as he walked back to Cory's place with him. He made what he thought was a joke "So. How do I know you're not some sicko serial killer?" Cory smirked "You don't. You never do when you go home with someone do you?" "Well, no, but... I usually don't let myself get picked up by someone who carries hand cuffs." "You know, we're not there yet. You can bail if you want. You won't be the first." Cory and frank had continued to walk during their chat. "How far to your place?" "Two blocks." frank shrugged his shoulders as he turned to Cory and smiled. "Well, we're so close I may as well go through with it." Now Cory laughed out loud. "Don't put yourself out stud. You're hot but..." "But what?" Cory chose his words carefully. "But you won't experience the best cock on the Upper West Side if you bail." "HA! I've had some pretty good cocks on the Upper West Side." "I'm better. Trust me. And here we are." They were in front of one of those old brownstones that had been converted to apartments. "I'm on the third floor. You look healthy enough to take the stairs if you're still up for it. But as the auctioneers say "going, going...." "Let's go. I wanna experience this magic cock." Cory smiled. "You walk ahead of me. I wanna see as much of that ass as I can."

frank couldn't help himself: he added a slight wiggle as he went up the stairs. "Can ya keep up with me?" He started taking two steps at a time. "Good. Get nice and tired. It'll be easier to keep ya in line" Cory answered, and that answer hit a spot in frank. "OOOOH." He thought. "Wonder what that means." Cory's apartment was: functional. "You haven't lived here long have you?" frank asked. "Just under a year." "ALMOST A YEAR? AND YOU'RE A GAY MAN AND YOU LIVE LIKE THIS? " frank thought of his own, hyper decorated apartment with his "colors": red, white and black. Everything, including his apparel, was in those and only those colors, but the variations were... eclectic. Cory's place could have been a newly renovated apartment for a young lawyer. "I really spend a lot of time working," Cory responded, shucking off his jacket. "I'm not here a lot, but I have what matters. Bedroom is that way." "Uh, aren't we...." frank didn't get a chance to go on. He was going to ask about "fooling around, " and then Cory's lips were on his. The tiniest bit of his tongue began running over frank's lips, and frank's breathing got faster, and deeper. "MMMMMMMMMMMMM. He's a good kisser he thought, just as more of Cory's tongue came out and pushed its way past the lips. frank sucked up for more, as Cory dropped his hands to frank's ass. He began squeezing. His touch was secure, and frank began to moan harder. He tried to push up against Cory so his nipples would get stimulated. Cory figured that out and stopped, pulling away, smiling. "Did you spill water on your jeans, frank? There's a spot there." frank looked down and Cory started laughing harder. "FOOLED YA." frank could actually feel pre-cum gathering in his red speedo briefs, and it was POSSIBLE . "Turn around. I'm gonna take off your shirt. Once I do that, frank, you'll call me Sir. Understood?" "Understood." Cory took the corners of frank's shirt and told him to lift his arms. The shirt fit snugly and it took a little bit of work, but as it came off, Cory put his thumbs on frank's nipples. They were calloused, and frank wasn't expecting that. "You have working man hands, Sir." "Just fingers. You'll see why." He pulled frank's hands behind them. "Now keep them there." His hand moved up to the back of frank's neck. "Let's go. Otherwise I'm gonna throw you on the floor and fuck you right here." "Damn, that'd be fine with me," frank thought, but he answered "yes sir," and moved ahead. "I told you I had what matters." Cory saw the four poster bed, with the metal headboard. Four vertical posts ran in a row in the frame. He heard frank jiggle the handcuffs. Then he felt one cuff get put on his wrist. "Get on the bed. I'll take it from there." "Yes sir." There was no negotiation, no asking what frank liked... This WAS what he liked. He was giving up control, 100%. He felt Cory pull his wrist to the headboard and then loop the cuffs through a space in the poles before he firmly took frank's other wrist and locked them. "Still think I'm a serial killer, frank?" Cory put his thumbs back on frank's nipples. "OH GOD SIR. YOU MAY KILL ME WITH THOSE FINGERS." frank saw a guitar in the corner of the bedroom. NOW the callouses on Cory's fingers made sense. As Cory ran his hands over frank's torso, frank felt more callous. The guitar did NOT explain those. Cory moved his mouth down to frank's nipples and kissed each one, then he licked them, then he nibbled, producing more and more moans from frank. Cory whispered "I'm so glad you don't shave. I want to fuck a man, NOT a boy." "I'm no boy Sir. I know what I'm doing." frank blushed because, well, sometimes he WAS a boy, but he was keeping that from Cory, as the TOP opened his jeans. He pulled off frank's shoes first, then he began sliding off the jeans. "MY GOD. Everything you wear is like you painted it on your body this morning." "That a complaint Sir?" Cory laughed. "Hell no. Hell fucking no. GOD. Look at those legs. I dunno if I wanna put my cock between them. You might crush it to a powder." Those calloused thumbs were working the tender space on the insides of frank's thighs, and there was NO CHANCE he was gonna fight back. "OH GEEZ SIR. No one does that.. NO ONE...." Cory chuckled as he gently pulled frank's legs apart. "Get those pressure points and your boy opens like a clam. Keep them spread. I like those balls. And that cock. I wanna get ready now." "GULP. Yes sir." frank couldn't do anything. He was totally at Cory's mercy and his cock got hard every time he thought about it. When Cory dropped HIS pants, and his rod popped out, frank pulled at the cuffs. "You didn't exaggerate Sir. I don't know if I can take it all." "You will. One way or the other, understood?" Another gulp and another "Yes sir," and Cory lay on top of frank. "GImme that neck. Let's see if what you said is true." "Yes sir. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" Cory didn't press very hard, and he didn't use teeth, but he began to lick and nuzzle at frank's neck and frank was more than overwhelmed. "OH GOD. OH GODOHGODOHGODOHGOD." "Bottom," Cory whispered into frank's ear. "I'm not. I'm versatile," frank answered smiling. "That right? So am I? I fuck guys on their back and on their bellies." "Uh, I meant..." "Yeah, I know what you meant. You're not a good liar." Now, Cory's tongue was deep in frank's neck crease, and his thumbs were back on his nipples. While he worked on frank's head and neck, frank lifted his legs and wrapped them around Cory's back. "I need it Sir. GOD do I need it." "And you shall have it... bottom." Cory smiled as he teased frank's ass hole with his dick head. "PLEASE SIR. NO TEASING. MORE. MORE. AS MUCH AS YOUR POLE AS.... OH GEEEZ CHRIST." Cory was in him. And he was in frank all the way. "You couldn't take it all you said." Cory laughed as he pulled back and then slammed in again. "You're a fucking whore, frank. I bet we could get a baseball bat up there. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR. YES SIR if that's what you want. YES SIR.. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" As he pounded frank, Cory thought about how long it had been since he had had a hot man tied down in his bed. Marshall... he was... how long ago? And how stupid was he to take a waiter home with him? This boy though.... GOD. He was SO HOT. SO FUCKING HOT." Cory picked up the cadence of his thrusts. frank's moans had turned to yells. "I bet you like getting gagged, muffin. Maybe I'll gag you." "HUH... HUH.... " frank was gasping for breath and his cock was leaking. "NO SIR. NO. PLEASE. OH I WANNA TELL YOU HOW GOOD IT IS..." Cory stopped, and held the whole length of his cock motionless in frank's ass. "Best on the Upper West Side?" frank didn't answer. "I'm gonna pull out an inch at a time. Then I'm gonna RAM you like a ship, handsome. " He meant it. The slow withdrawal was making frank writhe in a way he hadn't in a while. "Best on the Upper West Side?" "YES SIR YES SIR. OH GOD. I'm gonna. I'm gonna.... AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" The always horny frank shot in the air and Cory laughed. "Oh, what a BAD BOTTOM you've been. Climaxing before your top. BAD FORM. BAD FORM." "Sorry Sir. But when you have... the best cock on the upper west side in you. " He saw Cory's expression change. He was gritting his teeth. frank had seen that look on other topmen. It meant.. YES. YES . BUT.... Cory pulled out and shot all over frank's chest. What the? "You look disappointed, frank" "I thought you'd cum while you were in me Sir." "Oh, is that what you wanted? I should've clarified that with you. Sorry." He bent down and kissed frank. frank whispered "next time, Sir." He saw Cory smile. "You really bottom well, frank. Such a humpy stud. " "Thank you, winner of Cock of the UWS." Cory laughed. "Let me get these unlocked. " "WHAT?" frank thought. "WHAT? HUH? " He didn't understand, but he was uncuffed, and Cory was off the bed, and pulling on clothes. "How far do you live from here? " "About ten blocks Sir." "After you get yourself cleaned up, I can give you a lift." frank felt hurt. He thought he would be spending the night. Well, NOW he did. He didn't feel that way when he was walking to Cory's but now.... "No, I'll be fine. I've walked in this neighborhood late at night before. It's not that late. " "I don't feel good about it." "Ha ha. I go home with potential serial killers. I'll be fine." frank used the cloth Cory tossed him and got dressed really, really quickly. "Thank you for a wonderful time, Sir. Maybe you'll play your guitar for me sometime." Cory smiled as he opened the door. "I guess anything's possible." "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED? frank thought as he walked down the stairs and left the building. He looked up: maybe Cory was watching from a window. Nope. Nothing. DAMN. Was this just gonna be the best one night stand he had ever had?

Every gay man has his "confidante": the person who is not a sexual interest or threat or anything else, but... gives good advice. frank had Thelma. After a very bad night's sleep he called her. Thelma had had a long night herself. When she saw frank's number come up on her phone, she knew she had to give him some sass. "You've usually got your mouth full at this hour, and not with waffles." "I KNOW, RIGHT????" frank's voice was loud and shrill - SO loud and shrill that Thelma put the phone away from her ear. "Tell mamma what happened, but tell her in your INSIDE voice franky." (Thelma was the ONLY person who could call him that). As frank talked, Thelma could tell he was upset. "Well, silly boy, why don't you call him and ask what happened?" "BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE HIS NUMBER THELMA" she pushed the phone away again. "FRANKY! GEEZ MY GOD. You are NOT a good gay. You should've gotten that first." "I know, I know, but.... Thel... he took complete control of the date and I was mesmerized and....." "Did you do something you shouldn't have? I mean, did you fart when he was fucking you or..." "NO THELMA THAT DID NOT HAPPEN YOU PIG." Thelma was laughing. If she got frank to insult her, things were going well. "Ok, so you don't have his number. DIdn't you meet him through that sub you wanted to fuck you?" Thelma had claws. She used them. "Yes. Thelma. I DID meet him through anthony." "Then why don't you call anthony?" He sighed. "BECAUSE HE'S A GYM BUDDY I DON'T KNOW HIS HOME NUMBER." Thelma was shaking her head. "You gays! You wanted him to shove his cock up your butt, you went to his home for a party, and YOU DON'T HAVE HIS NUMBER? " "I know, I know. " "Well, when will you see him at the gym?" "Maybe Monday. I don't know. I'm so upset that... " "Oh dear, this is serious." Thelma said. She knew how serious frank was about the gym. "Are you sure it's because you're upset or is it because he fucked you so hard your butt hurts too much." "Well, THAT'S true too but..." frank paused. "WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS? I MET THE MAN OF MY DREAMS LAST NIGHT AND NOW HE'S GONE. THIS IS SERIOUS." "Ok, baby ok. Mamma has an idea. Mamma Thelma thinks you need a good meal - not those damn chicken breasts and broccoli things you buy at "Better Bodies " or that shit." "Thel, 'Better Bodies was my gym. It closed two years ago." "Well, whatever the name of the place is where you get that shit.

There's that new place with the cute name: 'Casa della Maison' Let's go eat there. BUT IF YOU ASK THEM TO STEAM THE BROCCOLI AND LEAVE THE SAUCE OFF THE CHICKEN BREAST I AM POURING MY EGGPLANT PARMAGIANA DOWN YOUR SHIRT." She paused. "By the way, what color are you wearing? "Well I wore red yesterday and it's a tomato sauce place so white is out. " "Ok, baby frank is wearing black. I'll wear... something other than black. 7:00?" "GOOD. I can get to bed early and get a good night's sleep. "

While frank and Thelma were having this conversation, Cory was thinking about the night before. He had sent frank out so quickly because he didn't want to seem clingy. He had WANTED him to stay, and he knew that frank would have: but he wasn't sure if he would've stayed because he was so blessedly submissive, or because he wanted to. "You know, it could be both," Jon told him when they spoke later in the afternoon. "Sir Cory, do you want me to call Jake and anthony and find out how to get in touch with him?" "Maybe" Cory sighed. "Let me think about it today. I have to pick up a shift. The Sunday manager is away at a wedding, so..." "Just don't burn yourself the way you did when you covered for the line cook. Or at least wear protective clothing around your waist, stud." Jon had been the recipient of Cory's dick in the past. He had a feeling he knew what frank was going through. And how sore he was.

"I will have a bourbon on the rocks. A double" Thelma ordered a drink then she turned to frank and then the waiter. "He'll have the same. Light on the rocks." Adrian smiled. "Two double bourbons coming up. " He had told them the specials, winked at frank, and walked off. "Well, you see, franky? That boy'd go home with you right now. Why don't you get his number?" "THELMA! First, he's too young. Second, he's too blond. Third, he's too bottomy." "I thought you said you were versatile." frank blushed. "Well, what I meant by that is..." Thelma put up her hand. "I know what you meant by that. Which way do you like it better?" frank grinned sheepishly. "Well, after last night, I like it on my back, handcuffed down, and HUGE." "SIGH. Don't we all love." She looked at the menu. "So, if you think you're ordering for yourself, you're mistaken. I am NOT letting you get chicken paillard with lemon sauce and a side of broccoli. And no, they are NOT going to hold the bread basket." She looked up and saw frank staring into space. "See something you like?" "YES. Thel.. that guy over in the back, talking to the bartender... he could be Cory's twin." Thelma turned around and looked. "Oh no wonder you're upset. That's a silver fox in training. That smile. OMG." She dropped her voice. "And he's hung?" "Like a fucking unicorn" frank answered. "Oh, well, we gotta figure out a way to find him." Adrian came over with their drinks. "Folks, these are on the house. Cory always buys the first round for first timers." "CORY?????" Adrian smiled. "Well, yes, that's his name. You're sort of in luck because he usually doesn't work on Sundays but we were short staffed. Now, can I take your order." Thelma smiled. "Adrian honey, we'll order food. But here's your first order... tell that handsome man to come over here and say hello." Adrian laughed. "Sure. We're not that busy yet, so.. he'll do that." "And I'll have the eggplant parmagiana. My friend here will have the coq au vin." She smiled. "He likes coq a lot." Adrian blushed and thought "Oh well. Another bottom. SIGH. My luck." "THEL. What am I gonna do? I didn't know, I mean... " Thelma smiled. "Let mamma take care of this. It's why I'm here." Cory came over, talking to one of his waiters. He smiled at Thelma. He always spoke to the woman at a table of two first. "Good evening, and welcome to Casa della Maison. I'm the owner, Cory, and we love first timers." Thelma held out her hand. "So nice to meet you Cory. I'm Thelma and... I think you know my friend in the black shirt." Cory turned and he reddened. "FRANK? OH GOODNESS. I'm so glad you found the restaurant." He put his hand on top of frank's. Thelma smiled, and frank's cock got hard. "I... I didn't know this was your place..." frank didn't know whether to call him SIR or Cory. He left it off. Cory smiled. "frank, how about we talk tomorrow? Would that be good?" "OH FUCKING SHIT" Thelma exclaimed. She put down her napkin. "Have them pack up my eggplant to go. Cory, you sit down here and you talk to this young man. " She dropped her voice. "And when you close up, do something other than talk, for heaven's sake." She got up, kissed frank on the top of the head where he had a single curl of hair - just like his idol superboy. "I will talk to you handsome. Ciao. Enjoy your coq. Both of them. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." and in a cloud of patchouli, she was gone. "Would it be ok if I sat with you frank?" "It would . If you left, I'd be VERY upset. " Cory smiled, and sat down. The minute he did, frank curled his foot around his ankle so he couldn't get up and Cory laughed. "I had a wonderful time last night." "So did I, Sir. I just don't know why you sent me home." "You wanted to stay?" "YES! More than this dish Thelma ordered for me, I want to be tied down to your bed with that cock inside of me ." Cory laughed. "Well, that might be arranged, but not until the restaurant closes. It's... " He looked at his watch. "It's 8. We close early on Sunday so... can you stick around until 9:30 or.... " his eyes glinted. "I told you I always travel with handcuffs. If you believe I'm not a serial killer and you're willing to tell me where you live, I'll come by after we close. " frank smiled. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot." He paused. "Sir, I wanna ask you for two things?" "You can ask." "Well, I wonder if.... you'd tie me up in a chair before the bed tonight, and..." "I like the first one frank. You got rope?" "I got rope." "Silly question. Of course you have rope. " "Second thing, Sir. I have a fetish that... well, I'd like to explore with you and... would you be willing to hear about it tonight?" "Uh, sure. Did you want to play it out?" frank's cock got even harder. "Not tonight, Sir. But... maybe next time." Cory smiled. "Let me get back to the kitchen and see what's happening with your coq. " He winked again. Your FIRST coq. I know what's happening with your second one. It's getting hard thinking about what it's gonna do to you later." "Yes sir. OH, I love Thelma." "I do too. Just don't invite her over tonight." Cory stood up and kissed frank on the forehead. "By the way, I AM gagging your big mouth tonight." He smiled as he went back to the kitchen. Adrian brought over frank's dinner. "So YOU'RE the guy he's been mooning over all day. Lucky fucking bastard you are."

Next: Chapter 3

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