Cory Hooks a Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 7, 2022


"LUTHOR, YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS!" frank gritted his teeth, pulled at the ropes Cory had used to tie him down, and collapsed back into the chair. He was wearing his full superboy suit, and he was tied tighter than he had ever been bound in a roleplay. Cory had run three circles of green tinted rope above frank's pecs, and another three below them. The ropes were tight enough to push frank's nipples out and he knew that meant.... Cory's wicked fingers. Cory had also roped several circles of rope around each of frank's thighs before he bound them to the chair, at the upper part of the chair legs. Cory had noticed how massive, and how strong those thighs were. They got more rope than he anticipated using. He had also tied frank's ankles to the lower part of the chair legs, and his wrists behind him. frank had provided the green rope and of course, the superboy costume. It had touched him when he saw that Cory had gotten toys that were all in a shade of green, including the one he was about to use: the small hitachi. He smiled. so did frank: he could see the bulge in Cory's pants, and he knew that if his costume tights hadn't been so constricting, his hard on would show too. "I think I will superboy. People will wonder why you came home with me - IF I ever let you go - and you really wouldn't want to explain why you were in a gay bar cruising, would you?" "I WASN'T CRUISING I WAS INVESTIGATING A LEAD" Cory laughed. "Of course you were. Part of that investigating was rubbing your butt against me and whispering "You're the topman of my dreams, YOU SLUT." "I AM NOT A SLUT." frank pulled against the ropes again. The comment was too true. "I'm just horny a lot" he said in a much lower voice. "Well, isn't that special." Cory turned on the vibrator and ran it up and down alongside the left of frank's pubes. He heard the shock and then the moan of pleasure. "OOOOOOOOOH. Someone likes that, doesn't he?" "NO. It just... surprised me." "I guess it did. Enough for you to leak." frank saw that yes, indeed, the medium blue at his crotch had gone dark. Cory moved the hitachi to the other side of frank's pubes. "PLEASE. STOP THAT. PLEASE. IT'S.. IT'S..." "It's making you even hornier, superboy. Me too. How about on your balls?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Cory couldn't help chuckling as he moved it back and forth on frank's eggs. He hadn't played a game like this since he was a kid and he was LOVING it. "You want me to stop, superboy?"' "YES! YES! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" "Very simple. Beg me to play with your nipples." "NEVER! " frank spat out, knowing that of course he was going to be begging for that in a few minutes. Cory had stopped with the hitachi on his crotch, and had moved behind him. He turned it off, and began licking frank's ears, and when frank moaned, he spoke. "I'm gonna know EXACTLY how to keep you in line superboy. Your tits?" "Noooooooooooooooo! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo." He felt Cory's teeth begin chewing on his earlobe. "OH SHIT. OH GOD. OH... Please play with my nipples Luthor. PLEASE." A whine came out of frank as Cory's fingers closed on the nips, and began twisting at the same time that he thrust his tongue into frank's ear. "You wanna get FUCKED superbitch? You want Lex's cock up your ass?" "OH GOD. YES SIR. YES. FUCK ME. Make me your superbottom. TAKE ME. TAKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Cory used a small, sharp scissor to cut the ropes from frank's ankless, thighs and chest. He untied frank's wrists himself, because he wanted to hold onto them with his one hand while he tweaked one of frank's nipples with the other . "No fast ones superboy. NONE. Feel that tingle when I brush up against you?" "Yes.. Yes I do..." "There's a small rock of kryptonite in my pocket. And I'll use it. We understand each other?" "Yes." frank felt his arms get pushed up painfully. "WHAT?" "YES SIR. " "BETTER." They were at Cory's, and Cory pulled out his old familiar restraints, tying frank's wrists to his bed, before he pulled off frank's boots, and his tights. It took work but he pulled the jersey top up over frank's head, exposing his six pack and his nipples. frank's hard on was VERY visible in his jock. That's when Cory pulled out the sharp rock, painted green, and began gently rubbing it over frank's cock. "Pleasure and pain. Pain and pleasure. SO close and yet..... " He stopped. "superboy is a total fucking BOTTOM. And before I'm done, he's gonna be a complete SUB." "NEVER!" frank pulled his head up from the bed, before he felt the rock at his crotch again. Cory sat on his chest and began working his nipples, squeezing them hard, then gently, never settling into a regular rhythm. "I can feel your cock, superstud. You're excited. You're REAL excited "YES . YES. I WANT YOUR COCK. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE SIR LEX. FUCK ME." Cory smiled. "I only fuck subs. Bottoms don't interest me. I want SUBS....." He whispered. .. "submit." His fingers went back to frank's tits, and frank just moaned. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" One hand came off the nipples and began circling frank's asshole. "Maybe a little tonguing at the taint will do it ." "OH FUCK. OH FUCK." frank felt his legs get lifted up and then he felt Cory's very talented tongue begin working the flesh between his cock and ass. When Cory raised his hands up and took frank's nipples, it was too much. "I GIVE. I GIVE. I SUBMIT. I SURRENDER. FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE FUCK ME." "It would be my pleasure, supersub." frank gulped. He closed his eyes. He had dreamed about the day someone would call him that and now.... he couldn't focus on the thought because Cory was in him, probing for the spot he knew would drive frank crazy. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOT THAT SPOT. NOT..............OH GEEZ I'M GONNA DIE." "No you're not, superbottom. And you better not cum." Cory stretched out and found frank's lips. He began frenching superboy. He could feel frank's cock bouncing against his abdomen. "I wish I had his abs but... I have his ass. Not too bad." He plunged. He pulled back and plunged again. "There's an eight year old in my past who is smiling as I fuck superboy," he thought, and frank was thinking "don't lose this one franky. Do what he wants." "What am I fucking? Is this a KRYPTON PUSSY SUPERBITCH?" Cory RAMMED into frank as hard as he could. frank's eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he savored that expression: krypton pussy? Is that what he had? Whatever it was, Cory sure liked it and frank was more than liking what he was calling "Cory's dick of death." "YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME THIS SUPERCUNT WHENEVER I WANT IT. CLEAR?" Cory's voice was rising. He had dominated guys before, but he had never wanted to totally dominate a man the way he wanted frank. "Yes sir. It's yours. It's YOURS. TAKE IT. " Cory kept on taking it. He smiled after frank's answer and stretched out to kiss frank's nose, and then his eyelids. "Never thought you'd fall so easily, did you superboy? That you'd be such an easy conquest?" "I.... I wasn't an easy conquest Sir...." frank was trying to catch his breath. "I made you work for it. If you hadn't found out about my nipples..." "Heh heh . But I did. And your ears. And your neck. And everything else. And once I get some kryptonite on you.... MINE. For good." Cory's fucking was getting faster, and harder, and frank could hear the bed quaking. His moans were getting sharper and faster, and Cory was thinking "next time, I need to gag him. It'll be even MORE fun." He blinked, and he saw frank in front of him just like now, only gagged and wearing... the surprise Cory had. frank was an experienced bottom and he knew when a top was ready to explode. He flexed those massive thighs and felt the storm of Cory's orgasm fill him. "YES SIR. YES SIR. YES YES. FUCK ME. FUCK ME GOOD. " "OH SHIT frank. That was.... OH GOD THAT WAS AWESOME." Cory was on top of his bound bottom, holding him tight. He had never enjoyed fucking someone as much as he enjoyed that fuck. "Don't lose him Core," he told himself. "Tight leash, but not too tight." frank pulled at his wrist bonds. "Sir.... may I? Can I?" He indicated his hard cock with his eyes. Cory grinned. "Yes, but two things. First, I'M gonna jerk you to climax, the way a DOM does. Second..." Now he reached for his surprise. He pulled out a ball stretcher colored green. frank knew ball stretchers of course but... this man had shopped for a green one?" "You're going to wear this. To keep you in line. And to remind you. You're mine." "Yes sir. Absolutely Sir." frank moaned a little as Cory put the stretcher on him. Then he rubbed his palm over frank's cock head. "I could just do that for a half hour and drive you fucking crazy, sexy beast." "YES. Yes you could. You're villainous enough to do it too. " Then frank stopped, because Cory's hand slipped down frank's shaft. frank could feel the callouses where Cory had burned his hand in the kitchen. They were healed, but they were... rough and uneven and they made the edging even more intense. "Any sensation left in these?" Cory took one of frank's nipples in his other hand and just gently tweaked it while he jerked off frank's cock. frank was in such good shape that he could form and hold an arc with the small of his back for a good long time, and he did, gritting his teeth, trying to hold back and finally, yielding to Cory's hand. "OH MY GOD SIR OH MY GOD. I... I..... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he fell back, exhausted. Cory smiled. "I ought to just leave you tied up for the night, frankie. Make you know what it's REALLY like to be a sub." When frank heard that, he realized: he and Cory had to have a talk. Cory was taking this submission a LOT more seriously than frank was. Cory thought it was a "done deal:" frank was his. On the other hand, frank had thought he was submitting for the scene, and not for... well, life. He'd deal with it.... soon. He was exhausted. He was grateful Cory had gone along with the scene and had enjoyed it so much. Now, all he wanted to do was sleep in his man's arm. He had a lot to tell Thelma, and anthony if he saw him.

He saw anthony before he could get hold of Thelma. She didn't answer her phone until his sixth call. She was... well, Thelma. "You think I didn't know it was you, bitch. What's so important you gotta interrupt my shack up?" "OH. A shack up? How come your entourage didn't hear about it?" She sighed. "Hon, do you understand what a shack up is or not? They ain't planned. Not like your episodes of frank superboy. So, am I gonna hear about the weekend?" "OH GOD YEAH. It was.. intense." Thelma laughed. "EVERYTHING is intense for you. On a one to ten scale?" "FUCKING 13 THELMA!!!!" "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. That sounds like more than a phone call. Maybe momma's gotta buy lunch tomorrow. That sound good?" "It does." She laughed. "He leave any marks I can inspect?" frank blushed. He liked getting hickeys, but Cory was adamant about not leaving one. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. He said my neck was too beautiful to scar." "HOT DAMN I WANT A PIECE OF HIM. TOMORROW. ONE. I'll call you with a place."

Now that it looked like he had a man, frank couldn't lessen up on his gym visits. He got there as soon as he could after work. He saw anthony, deep in his workout, sweating in a way he hadn't seen anthony sweat. "Hey stud. How's it going?" anthony looked over and smiled. "You're glowing frank. You must have had a good weekend." "Indeed I did. I gotta thank you for making thing between Cody and I happen." anthony smiled. "OH. That's working? I don't really know him but... apparently one of my students works at his place part time." "Oh, that guy Adrian? The thin blond?" Now anthony blushed. The thought of Adrian sent a ping to his cock, which was still in the cage Jake had put there. "Yeah, he's the one. I didn't know until ... well, long story." "Do you think you have time for a juice or something after workout?" "Yeah, that sounds good." anthony was finished first, and he headed off to the shower, then was getting dressed. In the midst of dressing, he forgot that he didn't know where they were meeting and ran off to check with frank.

Neither one of them had noticed that Adrian was at the gym working out too. He had been keeping an eye on anthony, and mooning over him. "anthony and frank. GOD. Two dreamboats, and ... oh, what's that line, ' water water everywhere and not a drop to drink?" Adrian was confident - perhaps too confident - about his sex appeal, and had he not been a bottom like the others, he felt sure he could bed one, or maybe both of them. "Not enough tops at this university, THAT's for sure." Then he had a thought: anthony had left his gym bag unattended. He looked around, made a quick circuit, and dipped into anthony's bag. Out came the socks and the jock. The combination of anthony's cologne (a very light one: it was all Jake would allow), and his natural aroma was already getting to Adrian. "Let me get back home and ... before I go to work."

Meanwhile, frank was getting himself together: it was a red day, and he had a red button front and black pants. As he took off his jock, he realized: the ball spreader was still there. He laughed. "I'll put it on before Cory and I get together tomorrow." He tossed it toward his own gym bag, and didn't realize he had missed. He locked the door and went to meet anthony.

That night, two people were a little put off by what they didn't find in their gym bag. As anthony was getting laundry ready, he realized: the jock, the socks... gone. What had happened? And he'd better tell Jake, because if Jake found out they were missing, he'd probably think anthony had given them to someone. He didn't want to cross Jake because... the cage was coming off tonight, right after anthony blew his husband. frank was much more nonchalant about the ball spreader. "Oh well. Easy to get new ones."

Ah, readers. How much intrigue had developed over the loss of something so simple? Stay tuned in: you'll find out about intrigue among our little group

Next: Chapter 5

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