Cory Hooks a Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 13, 2022


Cory and frank hadn't gotten together for several days - not since Cory had put the green ball spreader on frank. They had talked, and frank was nervous. Cory would ask about how superboy felt to have been beaten , and then he'd mention the "reminder:" the ball spreader. The first time Cory brought it up, frank thought "Oh, shit, it's in my gym bag," except it wasn't. He remembered taking it off in the gym when he was talking to anthony - he had even felt a twinge when he began to get hard being so close to that beautiful man- and he could've SWORN that he collected it with his gym stuff. He went through his hamper. He went through his drawer. Nothing. The next day, he was lucky to get the locker he always used, and he hoped that the ring was there. It wasn't. He checked with lost and found. No luck. What was he going to do?

"Now that I've taken your powers, superstud, there's very little you can do about me taking anything I want, is there?" Cory's voice was taunting and the sound of it, plus the scenario, were turning frank on. "No Sir. Not a thing." Cory gave a malevolent little laugh. "Well, tomorrow, I'm gonna have my way with superboy's alter ego. I'm gonna make him do things that he'd be ashamed to tell his mother about. But he's gonna love every single one of them." His voice dropped to a low whisper "because now I know... superboy is just a big superBOTTOM." "yes sir. You're right." While Cory was taunting him on the phone, frank had opened his zipper and was working on his cock. He wondered what it would've felt like if the spreader were on. "What the hell am I gonna do?" he thought, and his erection disappeared. "Sir, I'm sorry. You're making me so hot but... I have a washing machine full of my gym stuff and..." "Keep the one you wear tomorrow, supersub. It'll make a good gag." "Yes sir." "And don't forget what I told you to do." "I didn't Sir. I remembered." Cory had told frank that while he thought he was brutally hot in the black and red clothes he wore, he wasn't very fond of his white outfits. The t shirts were ok, and the polos were too, but the dress shirts? "They don't suit you. No, if you could wear wife beaters all the time. But I bet you'd look like a first class STUD in blue." "Yes sir. I'll get a blue shirt." "GOOD. Make sure it fits you well." The shirt did. frank had gone out with Thelma to help him pick it. They settled on a long sleeve number in a sky blue color, with black buttons. "I've gotta suck my gut in to close it, Thelm," frank moaned. "GOOD. Now you know what every woman in the world has felt like before a date with her man. Don't tuck it in. If he makes you tuck it in, that's a different story, but wait for him to tell you." "White jeans, Thelm?" She laughed. "Sure. It's not Memorial Day yet, so you'll give him a reason to punish you. I sure as shit would if you wore white during the colder months." She put her hand on frank's ass as he was paying for the shirt, and every woman who saw it was very, VERY jealous. Thelma? She was just thinking that Cory was a lucky man to be able to get such a fine ass.

frank opened the door when he heard Cory's knock. The plan was to "mess around," as Cory said and then go to dinner. Then to "mess around" again. "You know, stud. Like kits playing hero and villain games. Only the hero's gonna lose and.. I'm playing the villain." "It sounds very hot Sir. Do you have a plan?" "Heh heh. I ALWAYS have a plan, frank. ALWAYS." frank saw that Cory had worn a black shirt and black jeans: remnants from his days when he waited tables at another restaurant. He had left the bow tie home, and had simply opened two buttons, the way frank had with his blue shirt. "Hi. Can I help you? " frank smiled. "You can help me by stepping back, closing the door, and putting your hands behind your back, bitch." Cory snarled. "I'm not sure if I want to," frank answered, just before Cory grabbed a handful of flesh through the pec areas of the new shirt. "I SAID get those hands behind your back, superboy. You think you're fooling me with your secret identity." frank saw that Cory had the pair of green handcuffs in his hand. He gulped. "You... you... How did you find out?" "I have my ways, pretty boy." frank resisted, but the cuffs went on behind his back, and then Cory began kissing him while his thumbs roamed over frank's tits. "Whether you're superboy, or frank the body builder, you're still hot... and you're still mine." "Yes... yes sir. You're right." "You're fucking helpless, stud. The cuffs, and of course, the little surprise I gave superboy. Did you think that superboy's submission didn't apply to his alter ego?" Now frank was nervous. Clearly Cory hadn't forgotten. "I... I need to tell you something Sir." "What you have to do is answer my question, fuckboy. Then what you have to do is get set to get your ass FUCKED as hard as it's ever been fucked before." "No, Sir... I really. I really. " "Where'd you put that jock, big mouth?" The thought of having a smelly jock stuffed in his mouth was making frank "drunk" and everything went out of his head. "It's in the bedroom, Sir." "THERE. Get in there. NOW." "Yes sir, but... " When they were in the bedroom, Cory saw the used jock. He smelled it. "Good and rank. I knew superboy was a sweating kinda guy." He balled it up and stuffed it into frank's mouth. Then Cory surprised frank by grabbing his ankles and cuffing them with a second set of shackles he had with him. "UGGGGGGGGGGH" frank groaned when Cory pulled his legs closer to his bound wrists, and he felt rope joining the two of them. Then Cory turned him on his side. "Look at this hot, hot stud. Looks a lot like superboy, only hogtied. And gagged. And helpless." "nnnnnggmpppahdhdhdhdddddddd." Cory began opening frank's shirt. He dropped his mouth to frank's left nipple and began to chew, just as he put his hand on frank's crotch. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" frank began to moan. He had forgotten about the ball spreader, and now, as Cory began unzipping frank's pants, he struggled in frustration. "OOOOOOOOOOOH. My supersub doesn't want me handling his cock, HMMMMMMMMMMM?" Cory saw that frank was sweating profusely and his eyes were pleading. That only made Cory hornier, and he slipped his hand inside frank's thong. That's when he noticed that the spreader wasn't there. frank's moans, and his look , and his perspiration all told Cory: frank didn't want him to know. Cory was upset. He was more than upset: he was pissed. If frank were gonna be his sub, he was SUPPOSED to do what Cory told him to do, and Cory had been clear: that spreader stayed on. "Play with it," Cory told himself. "play with it for now. You'll have a chance to...." He didn't finish the thought. He just grinned. "Well, well, well, supercheat. I KNOW that you couldn't get a kryptonite ring off your cock, so someone must have done it for you, huh?" frank looked at him beseechingly, and shook his head no. Cory responded by stroking frank very very slowly. "You WILL tell me frank. And then... I'll have my bitch AND his abettor." He smiled. "I bet it was that other sub: that blond anthony. HE did it, didn't he?" frank didn't indicate a yes or no. He didn't know what Cory was doing , but for the first time that night, he stopped worrying, and he stopped sweating. "Well, there's plenty of kryptonite where that came from, and a few green clothespins on those nipples and a kryptonite vibrator up your butt... and you'll tell me anything I want. For now, though... what I want is... Your ass." Cory opened the hogtie, and rolled frank on his belly. "Gonna take you like the animal you are, superCUNT" . Cory hadn't planned to do things this way, because frank had told him he preferred to get fucked on his back more than his belly but... he deserved this. frank knew he was getting fucked this way as punishment but... GOD it felt good to have Cory in him. He thought for sure that Cory was gonna just get up and leave. Instead, he RAMMED his cock into the bound man and began pounding his ass. "KEEP YOUR FUCKING FACE IN THE PILLOW SUPERBOTTOM" Cory pushed frank's neck down so he couldn't see the anger and tears in his face. This could very well be the last time he fucked frank, and it was going to be ONE helluva fuck. And it was. "I thought he was gonna tear me in half" frank told both Thelma and anthony the next day, and he just tried to sink into the combination of Cory's thorough fucking and his working of his tits. He could hear the "swat" of Cory's hips hitting his ass, and felt him increase the tempo. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" frank's moans moved to an almost desperate pitch before Cory pulled out and then RAMMED in once before shooting DEEP into frank's ass.

Then, his horniness dealt with, Cory needed to get out. He grabbed frank's wrists and undid the handcuffs, but grabbed a piece of rope and tied them. It wasn't a tight tie, but it was enough, especially with Cory leaning on them as he whispered into frank's ear. "You'll figure out how to get out of this without too much trouble. What you MIGHT have trouble figuring out, is explaining to me why you're not wearing my spreader. " He got up off the bed, and frank moaned, screaming into the gag as Cory got dressed. "You'll be fine. Maybe I'll look up Thelma and ask her to come and look after you." frank had stopped screaming and moaning. He just looked scared and anxious. Cory twisted the little curl on his forehead. "Just like the little girl who had a single curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was bad, she was HORRID." He kissed frank's forehead. "Too bad. I thought you were the one." He gathered his stuff, and left.

"That may have been the stupidest thing I ever did," Cory thought to himself as he started walking away from frank's apartment. He began to think about all the things he COULD have done, and didn't. He got angry, jealous, and.... "YOU FUCKED IT UP AGAIN" was what he heard a voice screaming in his ear. "C'est la vie," he shrugged his shoulders. He didn't want to go home, so he walked to the restaurant. He shook his head: he was dressed like a restaurant worker, and there was probably something he could do there.

"THELMA! It's frank." "I KNOW honey. No one pierces my eardrums the way you do. Wassup?" "Thel.... I think Cory just broke up with me." "SAY WHAT? WHAT THE... Did he catch you cheating or something? Are you still eyeing that blond hottie?" "NO. Nothing like that. But.. I misunderstood something and...." "What did you misunderstand, frankie? Cause that'd be a first. " He told Thelma what had happened, and he could hear her snorting. "NAH. You did NOT misunderstand nothing. You just got cold feet. Or cold dick. Or cold something. Fact is, baby cakes, you weren't sure if you wanted to be his sub and... " "I DO. I DO . " "Well, then you're gonna have to do something to fix it. If he lets you." She paused. "Cause lemme tell you, superboy, finding a man who knows how to take charge... no easy thing these days. Everyone's a bloody princess. My last date: he wanted me to wear a strap on." "Thel, you LIKE wearing a strap on." "True, but you're missing the point. " "You also like to be in control Thelma." "Hmmm. Also true. Let's focus back on you. Whatcha gonna do?" "I dunno. I'm... I miss him already." "Try to take the night off honey. Maybe go and have a drink or something. " "Should I try to find him?" "You want him that bad?" "Thel, we had sex tonight. He tied me up. It wasn't that long ago. And I want it again." "You got LOVE FEVER baby. Yeah, you go find him. Now let me get back to my facial mask."

"Adrian, could you seat these gentlemen at table 25 please?" Peter, Cory's Assistant Manager, was hosting at the restaurant that night. When he spoke to Adrian, Adrian was setting another table so he didn't see that Jake and anthony had come in. "Oh of course. UH...." He froze for a minute. "Adrian, is something wrong?" Peter asked. "No, no. Sorry. Sorry gentlemen, I just had a little bit of a brain freeze. Nice to see you Professor Gold." anthony had taken Jake's name when they had married, so the university had two gay Professor Golds (that were out). People would distinguish them by saying "pretty gold" for anthony or "bad boy gold" for Jake. Indeed, they way they were dressed that night, you could see that distinction. As Adrian led Jake and anthony to their table, Jake whispered "do you know that server?" "He's my student Sir." As soon as anthony responded, Jake smiled. So THIS was the guy over whom anthony had broken the rules. He didn't see "it," but as a lover once told him "the heart wants what the heart wants." "I'll... I'll get you your menus. One second please." As Adrian walked away, Jake laughed. "He's flustered. He's got it for you BAD. " anthony blushed. "I know, Sir. Trust me please. I've never given him reason to think..." "Well, that doesn't matter. I can think of someone about whom I had no reason to think he'd be interested in me." He squeezed anthony's hand and anthony smiled. "You never told me that Sir." Jake just smiled. "So, should I invite him to come by sometime?" anthony nearly choked on his water. "That's up to you Sir. " "Yeah, I think it may be fun to do an anthony sandwich again. We haven't done that in years." Adrian was a good waiter, but he stuttered, nearly knocked over Jake's water glass, and his long hair was falling down into his face. "Adrian, relax." Jake smiled at him. "anthony told me all about you." He paused. "ALL about you. Let's talk before anthony and I leave tonight. I think we'd like to invite you over some time." Adrian blushed red. anthony was very open about his relationship, and Adrian knew that he should clear everything with Jake, but he looked at anthony and asked. "Really? " anthony smiled. "Really. We'll just have to set the ground rules." "YES!" went off in Adrian's head, just as he heard the door open and saw Cory walk in. "Cory! Did I miss a cue? Is something wrong?" Peter looked up. "No, no, no, Peter. It looks like everything is fine. I just need to clear my head. Rough night. Stay where you are. I'm just heading back to the kitchen to see if I can help somewhere. "Cory, you always greet new customers, and..." he pointed to Jake and anthony. "Oh my goodness! I met .. ... someone.... at a party at their home." He walked over. "Good evening gentlemen and excuse my appearance. I'm Cory, the owner, and I want to welcome you. I also want to thank you again for your hospitality at your party. I hope you'll let me reciprocate tonight." Jake smiled. "Thank you. That won't be necessary. I think we may already have reciprocation." anthony gave him a "look" and Cory was confused. "Well, we shall see. You have to excuse me. I need to get into the kitchen." When he walked in, he found a babbling Adrian basically speaking gibberish to a dish washer who didn't understand him. "Adrian," Cory laughed. "Is THAT the professor you have a crush on." Adrian stopped babbling. "Yes Sir. He is. And... they just invited me to come over sometime!" Cory smiled. "Well, what I know from 'someone' is that.. well, you'll find out." "Cory, didn't you have a date tonight?" Adrian asked. "Yes, and it didn't really work out. That's why I'm here. Now, are your hands going to be steady enough to bring out their plates? Spilling a bowl of pasta into a DOM's lap is a good way to get disinvited."

Adrian's eyes were big and wide. "Could you Cory? I'd appreciate it." Cory laughed and hummed "What I did for love" under his breath.

After he had brought the plates to Jake and anthony's table, Cory stepped to a corner and checked his phone. It had been buzzing for about the last twenty minutes, non stop. All from frank. Every single one. Except for one call. He didn't recognize the number, so he returned that one. "Hey, you're Cory?" "That's me, who are you?" "I'm frank's best friend Thelma. " "Thelma, it's good to meet you, at least by phone. Frank speaks highly of you." "AND HE SHOULD. That turkey needs some structure in his life. Some DISCIPLINE." "Ha ha. I don't disagree, Thelma." "Well, if you don't disagree, let me move on. He's also sometimes missing a light or two in the chandelier. He didn't understand what that green ring meant. He thought it meant for what you were doing that night. Not for keepsie." "He told me that, Thelma. I didn't believe him. I still don't." "DAMN IT DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE AS STUPID AS HE IS. How long have you known him? " "Hmmm, I don't know. Months?" "HAH! More like weeks. Know how long I've known him?" "Uh..." "I'm not telling you. A shit load longer though. Trust me Cory. If you wanna break this thing off, break it off, no sweat off my nails. But if you want frank, answer his call. Explain the rules. And PUNISH him. " "Ha ha. He'd like that." "Ya think? So would you. I am SERIOUS Cory, let's face it. The man is built like a brick shit house, he's hot as that shit house on fire, and any man would be lucky to tap that ass. " "I don't disagree with you Thelma." "Then DO something about it, smart ass. Listen, he wants you. HE DOES. frankie thinks he's so smart. He's not. He's never really had someone who could TRULY give him what he wants. You do. Figure something out. Bring him back. And take pictures cause I am TIRED of spending my nights with cheesecake and amaretto in the bottle. " "Well, we have both of those here Thelma. On me." "Ho ho. If I show up at that restaurant o yours, you're gonna have to do better than amaretto. " "I will do what I can." "Ok, I'm gonna go now. frankie's calling me for the fourteenth time tonight. Let him tell me 'I gotta go. Master's calling." "Thank you for your advise Thelma." "Just call me Sibyl, HA HA HA" She hung up. Cory took a deep breath. DID he want this? Yes, he did. He called frank "Hi Sir..." he heard a contrite voice. Cory dropped his as low as he could get it. "Did you REALLY think I wasn't gonna figure out you were attempting to escape, superbitch?" "I... I thought I could Sir. I didn't realize..." "Well, you're gonna realize a LOT, bottom bitch. Tomorrow night. My place. 7. Every minute before or after 7, get ready for a little edging. "fuck," thought frank as he reached for his own cock. "Yes sir. I'll be there." "Black. Jeans. Dont' screw it up." "No Sir. Have a good evening."

So Cory had plans for the next night. So did frank. And as frank and cory were finishing their call, Jake, anthony and adrian were planning for Monday night. "anthony's gonna see if he can find his top man boots, adrian. No guarantees, but..." Two blond boys got stiffies when Jake said that.

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