Cosmic Journey

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Apr 25, 2001


Cosmic Journey Chapter 1 written By Shell and Kat

Disclaimer: We do not know NSYNC or any other celebrities mentioned in this story. We also do not know their sexuality although we've been hinting about the Josh/Joey/Lance affair for awhile. Any other characters mentioned in this story belong to us. Please give credit if you're planning to use 'em :)

Author's Note: WE'RE BACK! Scary, ain't it+ Anyhow I would like to send a special thanks to ALL who've emailed Kat, Colleen, Jackie or myself asking for the squeal. Well, guess what. I've finally got off my lazy ass and decided to edit :) We have a couple chapters already written out.

Special Note: Please...I want to clarify some things. I've heard that Cosmic Companions had some similarities to another universe. Parlance's. I've talked to her and I would like to give her some credit. In her universe she had that a man was a transie. That they can possess both male and female parts. There are similarities to that and to the males in Cosmic. Not many but just a few. I would like to thank Parlance for being understanding.

Also if you haven't read Cosmic Companions please do so, or you would be very confused. And a side note: Kat and I love being evil. Just a hint for what's coming up. >:)

Email: I have two uses either one:





Cosmic Journey

Chapter 1

written by: Shell and Kat



Welcome back into the world of Cosmic Companions. We left you off with Joey and Lance giving birth to their boys and coming home.

Come and join us into the lives of JC, Justin and Joey Timberlake-Chasez and Chris and Lance Kirkpatrick as they face many new challenges of marriage and parenthood.

Just who will survive....

Chapter One

Joey, Lance, Chris, JC, and Justin shut the door to the nursery and quietly made their way to the bedrooms.

Climbing into bed Joey snuggled against his husbands. "Hey, I have room?"

"And look, I can actually wrap myself around you now," Justin grinned. "And I can actually -Stay- on the bed."

"It's gonna be different around here. With the babies and all," Josh said hugging his Joey. "I'm proud of you darlin'."

"And I had two great coaches who helped me even though they were screaming more than I was," Joey chuckled.

"It didn't help that you grabbed our crotches. We may never be able to reproduce again," Justin pouted. "And I'm only 19 years old."


Both turned to their beloved soul mate to find that he was out cold.

"Maybe we should have kids more often," JC mused.

"Do and die," came the muffled reply.

"'Night, hon," both smiled as they drifted off to sleep.

One hour later Joey was awoken to loud crying. "What..when... Where...?"

Joey looked at the clock. "It's two in the morning... Who's that... That's Lance's baby. I recognize the loud screaming as Chris.

Joey yawned and snuggled back into his pillow again. He heard shuffling and grinned. His babies were good.

He shut his eyes when another loud scream reached his ears.

" good. Please be good," Joey whined. He shook his husband. "Justin....Nickolas is screaming for you.."

No luck. Justin wouldn't wake up no matter how hard Joey would shake him. He then heard the other twin. "Oh Hunter. Josh?"

He waited and hoped that Josh would wake up. With five minutes gone by he got up the bed cursing his husbands who could sleep through that crying.

He walked into the nursery to see Lance in one rocking chair nursing his son.

"They want their daddy," Lance smiled.

"So I've heard," Joey said as he gently picked up Hunter and walking over to pick up Nickolas.

"Um...this is not going to be easy," Joey said while he had a crying baby on his shoulder.

He gently placed Hunter on his other shoulder and scooped up Nickolas who was still crying. He made it into the rocking chair. "I did it."

"You need another set of arms" Lance chuckled. He watched as Joey got situated and handed his friend two bottles. "Did Justin and Josh wake up?

"Hell no," Joey replied. "I don't know how they can sleep when their babies demand attention."

"The same with Chris. How come we get to miss our precious sleep and they don't? We had the babies," Lance said.

Lance was looking down at the baby in his arms. One very awake and squirming baby. "This one is all Chris," he sighed. "He probably won't sleep at all till he is at least five."

Studying the dark-haired twin, Joey smiled. "There are definitely some JC-genes in him, he sleeps like a... Well, like a baby."

Lifting Trent up a little Lance smiled too. "Lucky you. But you got another one to keep you busy... He doesn't look at all sleepy him neither."

"That's ok," Joey answered. "Chris jr. is going to need someone to get all hyper with. That is, after he has worn out the lot of us."

They sat together in the nursery for a while until at last, all three baby boys were back asleep.

"Next time is JC or Justin's," Joey yawned.

"Yeah," Lance agreed. "Next time it's the dads." he looked a little indecisive. "But I might just go with him, just to see that everything is ok..."

"You just can't stay away," Joey teased him. "Talk about my kids going to be spoiled rotten..."

"Just a little," Lance admitted. "Not rotten, he's too cute to be rotten."

Turning out the lights, Joey left the door open. They had agreed to move the nursery from where they originally had planned it. Something he was very happy for. These days he hardly entered the first nursery. Too many bad memories.

Outside the room they said goodnight and went back to each other's respective bedrooms. When Joey was back with JC and Justin, he studied his sleeping husbands for a while.

Contemplating to plan something nasty to get back at them, he decided that he was too tired and got back into the bed.

Not long after he fell back asleep. Two hours later the boys woke up again.

By now Justin actually woke up. "They're crying!" he stated. "Who?" JC said, still half way sleeping.

"The babies!" Justin answered. JC opened his mouth to say something and Joey watched him. "If you say "what babies?" I am going to kick you out of the bed!"'

"I wasn't going to say that!" JC protested.

Laying back down, Joey added: "Go get them before they wake up Trent. Hunter's hungry, and Nickolas needs a new diaper."

Justin turned to look at Joey. "You're good! How do you know?"

"They way they're crying," Joey said. "Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it too."

Another voice mixed in with the two already crying and Joey sighed. "Too late, that's Trent. And he's cranky. Now shoo."

JC got out of bed. "OK, daddy, we'll go get them. You get some sleep."

"Trust me, I will," Joey said. He saw them out the door and then closed his eyes. It became quiet. Very quiet.

Joey opened his eyes again. Then he sat up.

"If I show up in there now, they'll just laugh at me," he thought. "Oh I don't care," he then thought. "Like they are going to dare to laugh, they know I'll get them back for it somehow..."

Getting to his feet again, he walked quietly back to the nursery. As he got closer he could hear voices. Justin was singing, some old nursery rhyme Joey could remember if he really concentrated.

Very carefully he peeked inside. Justin was by the window holding Nickolas up so the baby could see outside. Or just see anything, as he hadn't yet learned to focus properly. JC was in the rocking chair feeding Hunter. Chris had joined them, having a conversation with his very attentive son.

Smiling to himself Joey just as quietly returned to the bedroom, knowing that he was going to sleep well now, his husbands were doing fine.

Next Day

Joey woke up and yawned. He turned to see his two husbands fast asleep. He grinned. This was going to be a LONG and sleepless eighteen years.

He got up and walked in the nursery. There they were. All innocent and peaceful.

"Hey, my special, little guys," Joey smiled as the babies looked at him. "I know you can't really see me right now, but I'm your daddy. I want you to know I'll do everything I can to do you all right."

"But you have to do something for us too" Joey said as he went and got some warm water and then brought it back into the nursery. He picked one twin and undressed him and started to bathe him.

"You have to let us sleep guys." Joey smiled as he kissed his baby.

Hunter just looked at him.

"Oh sure...look at me like I'm nuts here" Joey chuckled as he dressed his son. "Man, I can't believe you're here." He held his baby close to him.

He heard a whimper of protest coming from the crib.

"Well before your brother gets too jealous" Joey chuckled.

Joey slipped the baby in the carrier. He then picked up Nickolas. "Hey sport, daddy loves you too..."

He then undressed Nickolas and then bathed him.

"Nicky, there's not going to be any competition. I love you both," Joey said. He watched the baby frown. "Oh sport, don't frown like that."

"Great,? now I know how Justin and JC feel when I do it to them. Did you have to pick up on that habit" Joey said as he dressed him.

He heard the third protest. "Uh oh...looks like someone wants to be held."

He placed Nicky in the other carrier and walked over to the third crib. "Hey Trent, my man."

Joey winced as he heard the sounds of 'don't you dare like him better than us' come from his boys.

"Okay you two be good," Joey said. "Okay Trent, want me to go wake your daddies? I can do that, you know."

"Yeah, and it'll be the Joey way not the normal way," Lance said as he walked in.

"Hey Lance, your kid want's to be held," Joey said.

"So I see," Lance said as he picked up is son. "Hey Champ"

"I still can't believe they're here," Joey said as he watched Lance bath Trent.

"Neither can I butn hey I can see my feet now," Lance grinned.

"And I can move more easily now," Joey chuckled.

"Let's get them downstairs," Lance said. "I'm hungry."

"Me too. So when do you think the postpartum depression will hit?" Joey asked as they head downstairs and then placed the babies in the bassinet.

"I don't know," Lance said and then grinned. "They thought they saw mood swings before..."

Joey chuckled. "I know what you mean."

"I'll make breakfast." Joey said.

"I'll get the bottles ready." Lance said as they went into the kitchen.

Lance returned with three bottles. He sat two on the table in front of Joey, and took the last one himself. Picking up Trent, he started feeding the little boy.

Joey looked from the bottles to the twins. Then he sighed. "Sometimes I really wish that I had an extra set of arms. How am I going to do this? Which ever who'll have to wait will throw a fit."

Closing his eyes he pointed at a twin. Opening the again, he found that he was pointing at Nicholas. "That's good," he said, "hopefully Hunter will sleep until we're done and he won't notice..."

Carefully he picked the baby boy up and gave him the bottle.

"You really have your hands full with those two," Lance remarked.

"These two?" Joey smiled. "They're little angels. Their fathers are giving me gray hairs though..."

"Hey, this is going fine," he said to Nicholas, "your brother is sleeping and we're nearly all through the bottle."

The protesting scream came from the other baby chair. "So much for that," Joey sighed again, "you're just going to have to wait for your turn, Hunter."

Looking at his son, Joey frowned. "Oh don't start crying, sweetheart, please don't start crying! Josh, get your ass down here and feed your son!"

"Wanna borrow my bullhorn?" Lance smiled. "If that doesn't wake him up, nothing will."

Just then a very sleepy Justin came wandering into the kitchen.

"Wrong husband, but he'll do," Joey said, putting the other bottle in Justin's hand. "Hunter's hungry, and grumpy. He's all yours."

Justin lifted Hunter out of the baby chair. "He's not grumpy," Justin answered, "poor little thing is just hungry! And daddy's too insensitive to notice..."

"You don't wanna go there," Joey warned him. "It's your fault that I had twins, and I can only feed one at a time."

"I think JC had something to do with it too," Justin told him. "But I know, he isn't here right now." Leaning over he kissed the top of Joey's dark hair. "I'm only teasing you, baby, you are the bestest daddy, you know that."

"Bestest?" another voice asked. "Justin, I fear to think of what your children are going to talk like."

"Shut up, Chris," Justin told him.

Chris just smiled and went to sit by Lance. cuddling together they were soon off in their own world, cooing at their baby boy.

"And Trent's going to overdose on sugaryness," Justin commented.

"Yes, and we'll have little ghetto juniors," Joey answered. Looking down on Nicholas, he added. "I think I'll just teach you and your brother to speak Italian. You'll get by just fine with that."

"And JC and I won't have a clue what our kids are talking about," Justin replied. "Yes, thank you, that would be nice."

"You don't have a clue most times," Joey started. "No, wait a minute, JC is the clueless one... You're the one with the ego..."

"You're far too nice," Justin said.

"I know," Joey told him.

Half an hour later, JC joined them. "Hey!" he said, all but falling down onto a chair. "What are you all doing up so early?"

"It's not that early," Lance answered. "And the boys wanted breakfast."

Smiling at his son, he continued: "Hungry babies make a lot of noise."

Joey turned to JC. "If you say "what babies", I am going to make you sleep on the couch for a month."

"I wasn't going to say that!" JC protested. "Like I could forgot these precious little boys," he smiled at the twins.

Two sets of brown looked back at him. Or somewhere approximately in his direction.

"When will they be able to see us?" Justin asked as he fed Hunter.

"Justin, they were born a couple of days ago," Chris said. "Give it a month or two."

"A month," Justin pouted.

"Oh don't whine," JC said.

"I want them to know what a handsome father they have," Justin smiled.

"He doesn't have an ego, does he?" Joey said as he rolled his eyes. He gently pulled the bottle out of Nickolas's mouth and then placed him on his shoulder and began to burp him.

"No his ego matches that of Montana Max," Lance replied as he too burped Trent.

"So what now?" Chris asked.

"What do you mean what now? They're not gonna do anything but eat, sleep, wet and cry" Joey said.

"Hopefully they'll sleep," JC said.

Joey felt Nickolas burp and then placed him back in his arms. He felt the baby squirming. "Okay Nickolas, it's time to sleep. This is not the time to act like your father."

Trent made a soft noise and started to squirm in Lance's arms as well.

"Hey... Don't follow him. Go to sleep, peanut," Lance said.

"Thanks Justin, your baby is making my baby act like you," Chris said.

"Because I'm the coolest!" Justin smiled.

JC took Hunter from Justin. "I do NOT want my child like you, Justin. Just what this world needs is two Justin's."

"What wrong with that?" Justin asked

"We're not going there," Chris said. "How about we take a walk with the babies?"

"I don't feel comfortable of taking them out of the house just yet," Joey said. "I don't want them to catch any germs."

"Good point," Lance said. "Let's wait until they're older."

"So we're gonna sit here and watch them?" Justin asked.

"Well we can watch TVm" Joey said. "besides they need rest."

He held his son to him and smiled. He gently stroked his son's small back. "My little guys."

"It's a gushy moment" JC said as he placed Hunter into his bassinet.

"We could cuddle" Justin winked at Joey.

"Oh no... Remember what happened the last time we cuddled," Joey said pointing his finger at Justin.


"I ended up pregnant," Joey said. 'I'm not having another baby until my body heals from having these two."

"yes at least wait for awhile."

"We have like six months" JC pouted.

"Sex deprived males" Lance said.

"I agree" Joey chuckled.


"As much as I want to get freaky with you, I just don't feel comfortable with the newborns," Joey said.


"Don't curse."

"but you want more kids?" JC asked.

"Of course, I'm a sucker. But I would like to wait," Joey said. "I don't want to get pregnant just after having twins. I maybe be a submissive and can bear children, but I don't want to end up barefoot and pregnant all the time."

"Besides I don't think you two could survive Joey being pregnant all the time," Chris laughed.

"Was I really that bad?" Joey asked, looking to JC and Justin.

"You were a terror, darling," JC said.

"Good!" Joey answered. "I'm sure you guys deserved it."

"Christ, I am not even sure I'd survive if Lance got pregnant again," Chris said.

"Oh really," his husband replied. "If you intend on getting any before the baby is a year old, you better explain what you mean, mister."

"I didn't mean that," Chris hurried to say. "I would like to have you pregnant all the time... OK, that wasn't right either... Oh, honey, you know what I mean!"

"Lucky for you that I do," Lance answered.

The phone went off and Chris practically ran to answer it.

Hello," he said, "it's management," he told the others. "They're giving us a new manager."

"Thank god for that," Joey said. "Don't think Johnny would do us much good from whatever prison he is rotting in."

"What!?" Chris then exclaimed. "You can't be serious? I can't believe that you're wanting us to do this?"

"Do what?" Lance asked, turning to his husband. "If Chris gets that upset, it has to be bad."

Hanging up Chris joined them at the table again. "You guys are not going to take this well," he warned them. "Management wants us back on the road again."

"Right now?" Justin asked. "They can't ask that of us? Joey and Lance just got out of the freaking hospital a couple of days ago!"

"That was what they said," Chris answered. "We haven't really done anything in the last nine months..."

"Excuse me?" Lance asked. "You call being pregnant with your son nothing?"

"Their words, not mine," Chris said. "I think this is as stupid and not to mention dangerous as the rest of you guys."

"They want us back out, touring, right now," Joey said. "We'll see about that."

"What are you up too, sweetie?" JC asked just a little nervously. "You're not sending your father after them, are you?"

"I might," Joey admitted.

"Yes, you would," JC said. "But hold on just a little, ok? We're going to talk with them. I'm sure we can make them see that this is ridicolous. And then, if they won't listen to reason... Then you can send your dad after them."


End of Chapter One

So what do you all think? Was it a disappointment? Was it great? Please send feedback. I hope we didn't disappoint all you fans out there. And thanks for reading the story and making it popular.

What happens in Chapter two? Who's raising whom here? The kids or the dads? And will Joey and Lance have to go back on tour after just giving birth. Find out in the next installment of Cosmic Journeys.

Next: Chapter 2

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