Cosmic Journey

By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Oct 25, 2001


Cosmic Journey Chapter 3 Written by: Shell, Kat, Colleen and Jackie

Disclaimer: Check Chapter one for Disclaimer.

Author's Note: Here all are. Thanks for waiting so patiently for Cosmic Journey Chapter Three. Its gonna be awhile. Kat is goin to school and working. The same with me. Its hard to get together. Especially since she lives in another country. Its really hard. But we will work on int. We've come up with some more ideas for the story.

Thanks to all who waited once again. Enjoy ;)


======================== Cosmic Journey Chapter 3 Written by Shell, Kat Colleen and Jackie ========================

Joey waited in the doctor's office as soon as the tests were drawn. -It shouldn't be so bad- he thought to himself. He flipped through the magazine. He prayed to whatever diety that his children and future children does not develop diabetes.


Joey looked up. "Hey Doc."

"Doc?" Joey asked.

"We just go the results. Joey, I don't know why your doctor didn't tell you. That or he kept it secret, but the problems you had during your pregnancy with the twins was a result from pregnancy diabetes" Dr. Hanson replied.

"I...I had diabetes while pregnant." Joey sat there shocked. "Phil never said a word."

"We're going to look into that. He should have told you. You're very lucky," dr. Hanson replied. Joey shuddered. Maybe Phil was working with Johnny. He'd have his dad look into it. "Yeah...doc, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Joey, it trigged the real deal. You have diabetes," Dr. Hanson said gently.

"Oh no," Joey said softy wiping his eyes. "I can't have anymore children."

"No, no Joey, you can have more children. You have diabetes you're not sterile," Dr. Hanson smiled.


Dr. Hanson chuckled. "Well, we're gonna have to get you started on some insulin shots."



"HELL NO! I hate needles," Joey protested.

"Joey, you're going to need shots."

"What about pills?"

"I'm sorry, Joey, but the pregnancy diabetes triggered a more powerful diabetes. Pills won't cut it," the doctor replied.


"I am sorry, Joey."

"You know what this means. If I get pregnant more ice cream... Damn."

"Not necesserally. You'll have to cut out a lot of sugar now," Dr. Hanson replied. "Come with me and we'll discuss this and set you up with some shots."

"Cool, we're gonna get drunk"


"Sorry, but you said shots," Joey grinned.

"Come on, Joe," Dr. Hanson smiled.

"LANCE" Justin whined.

"SHUSH" Lance said. "If you wake up the boys I will hunt you down and shoot you."

"Whoa... Talk about a one eighty degree mood swing," JC said.

"That's why I agree with him most of the time," Chris smiled.

"Good thinking," JC chuckled.

"I'm worried about Joey," Justin said. "He's been gone for like four hours. Our sons are beginning to get fussy with us."

"It's like they have radar and know when their daddies get emotionally unbalanced," Chris said.

"Are you calling us crazy?"

"No," Chris answered. Just then the door opened and Joey walked in with a dazed look on his face.



"Lance...I have it."

"I'm sorry, Joey," Lance said softly, giving Joey a hug. "What did the doc say?"

"What is he talking about, angel?" Justin asked. "Why did you see a doctor today?"

JC was right behind him. "Joey, are you ok? What's wrong?"

"I have diabetes," Joey sighed. "Apparentely I had pregnany diabetes which wasn't discovered and now I have the real thing...insulin shots and all..."

His husbands immedeately hugged him. "Guys, I am not dying," Joey tried to calm them. "It's not that big a deal, well, it is a big deal... But it's no reason for you two to gang up on me and protect me to death either."

"But you have a serious illness, Joey!" Justin said. "We have to make sure that you take care of yourself..."

"He can't take care of himself," JC protested. "We'll take care of him. Make sure that he rests enough, eat healthy food, stays away from sugar..."

"The only serious illness I have is the two of you!" Joey exploded. "Come on, I'm going to be able to live my life like I used to. All that's different is that I need to be more careful with what I eat and that I eat regularly, and take those blasted shots."

"But angel..." Justin tried.

"Don't angel me," Joey stopped him. "Now, both of you, promise me that you're going to deal with this? My doc suggested that all three of us went in for an appointment this week. That way we all can learn more about this." Motioning tham all over the the couch, Joey added: "There is a slight risk of me getting sick, but it's not likely as long as I take my medication. But just in case, you guys need to know what to do. And dr. Hanson also wants to check the twins. They're probably fine, but just in case..."

As on cue they heard angry wailing from upstairs. "That's your two," Lance turned to Joey. "They must have sensed that daddy was home."

That got the first smile from Joey since he came back. "I haven't seen them all day, I'm going to go say hello."

A new voice mixed into the wailing. "That's ours," Chris said, getting up. "I'll take him." After giving Lance a quick kiss, he followed Joey up the stairs.

In the nursery they were met by three cranky, and not afraid to show it, babies. Trent stopped crying as soon as he saw his dad. "How come your baby stopped?" Joey wondered, smiling at his still very loud duo.

"He's got that from Lance, I think," Chris admitted and lifted his son out of the bed. "Come on, munchkin, let's get some food into you."

"I think I am getting the hang of this now," Joey remarked, getting both the twins up at the same time. "Although I could use an extra set of arms..."

When they were both up in their daddy's arms, the crying stopped. "So you two were basically just feeling lonely?" Joey asked his sleepy sons. "Well, I missed you too." Sitting down in one of the chairs, he studied the two babies thoughtfully. "I'm sorry," he thought. "If you got it too, I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen... God, I hope the both of you are healthy and well."

"They're going be fine, Joe," Chris voice broke into his thoughts. He was feeding Trent, balancing both baby and bottle he sat down in the other chair.

"What would you do, if Trent got sick?" Joey dared to ask.

"Probably freak out," Chris admitted, gently touching his son's cheek. "But I think it depends on what kinda sickness it was. Diabetes is not so serious these days, Joey... Most people that has it lead perfectly normal lifes. And it's not even certain that your children has got it. Don't take your sorrows in advance."

And Joey thought that for once, Chris actually made sense.

Joey kissed Hunter and Nickolas' foreheads and continued to rock them. "I love you two so much. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you," Joey said softly.

"I know it's hard, Joe," Chris said as he placed the bottle down and procede to burp his son. "Man, this kid has a stomach."

Joey grinned. "You sure he's yours?"

"Better be," Chris said. "I know he is. But he takes after you.'

"HEY!" Joey protested.

Nickolas looked at Chris and had this look that Joey could have sworn was a glare. "I think my child is glaring at you," Joey said amused.

"He's too new to glare. Besides it's probably gas," Chris said.

"I dunno..Hunter has this same look," Joey said. "Are you done with Trent?"

"Yeah, I'm putting him in his crib now," Chris said as he tucked his baby in.

"Could you take Nickolas and burp him for me," Joey asked. "I can't do both babies."

Chris smiled as he took Nickolas. "Sure...hey little guy."

Joey gently rubbed Hunter's back and watched Chris with Nickolas. He was going to deal with this. He wasn't going to let this get to him.

"That's a good boy" Chris said. Just as he raised the baby over his face, Nickolas spit up. "OH GROSS!" Chris replied.

Joey was stunned at first and then started to laugh hard. He handed Chris a rag. "Shouldn't have done that."

Chris wiped the baby spit off his face. "That was gross..."

"I told you he was glaring at you" Joey said.

Chris held the baby in front of him. "Yep, you are so Justin's child. Poor you."

Joey giggled. "Justin isn't that bad."

"Yes, he is, admit it" Chris said as he placed Nickolas in his crib. "He wanted to do that."

"Well, you shouldn't have made fun of me. They're very sensitive," Joey said as he did the same.

"Sure," Chris said.

Joey suddenly felt dizzy. He gripped Hunter's crib.

"Joe?" Chris said in alarm.

"I...fine," Joey said.

"You sure?" Chris said.

Joey walked a couple of steps. "No, I'm not."

"JOEY!" Chris called out as his friend crumpled to the floor.

Once again the trio woke up and started to protest to their fathers to stop screaming.

Chris knelt beside Joey who was looking alarmingly pale. His skin felt cold and clammy when Chris put a hand on his forehead. Knowing that the three others had heard what had happened and were on their way, he tried to wake his friend.

Justin reached the nursery first. "Angel?" he asked, finding his husband unconscious on the floor. "Oh my god, what happened?"

"Lance, would you take the babies?" Chris asked quickly, hearing the scared children cry in their cribs.

"Sure," Lance said, moving past him to take care of the boys.

"This is not happening again," JC mumbled, his face a white mask of worry. Chris knew that his friend remembered the last time they had found Joey passed out in the nursery. "I'm calling an ambulance," he said, getting up to give JC his place. "He's not coming to again."

"Come on, babe," JC said, brushing Joey's hair away from his face. "Come back to me, you know we don't do well without you..." Next to him Justin scrambled to his feet at the sound of an ambulance pulling up outside.

"Damn," he said darkly, "I guess they know the route by heart now..."

The waiting area in the hospital was beginning to become way too familiar now. This time it was only JC and Justin, as Chris and Lance had stayed home with the babies. As the doctor came out to see them, they were surprised to see a strange physician instead of Phil.

"I'm dr. Hansen," the man introduced himself. "I'm Joey's doctor. He had an appointment with me this morning."

"Yeah, we know," Justin interrupted. "I don't mean to be rude, but how is our husband? Is he ok?"

Giving them a quick look, the older man asked: "You're both married to him? I see. Well, as of now, Joey is still unconscious. His blood sugar levels are much too high. So I need to start him on insulin right away..."

"But he'll be allright again?" JC asked, staring at the other as if he dared him to say anything else than that Joey would be fine again.

"He needs to stay here tonight," dr. Hansen replied. "If he responds well to the medication, he should be released tomorrow."

A nurse walked up to the doctor and whispered something. After answering in the same low voice, the doctor turned to the two.

"I have to go now. I'll let you know as soon as Joey is awake. Then you can both see him for a little while tonight."

Finding themselves alone again, JC sighed. "Could he be any more elusive? I don't like that guy at all."

Taking his hand, Justin tried to comfort him. "Joey's going to be fine, and we'll get to see him tonight. Forget about the doctor now, I'm just happy that Joe's ok."

Justin and JC opened the door to their husband's room. They quietly walked in and sat next to Joey.

JC gently touched Joey's cheek. "You have to be okay, Joe. For our boys, for us. I can't bear my life without you."

"He'll be okay," Justin said softly. "We're gonna have to monitor what he eats."

"That is true. I don't care if I have to sleep on the couch. Joey is going to eat right and not have sugar," JC said.

"Agreed," Justin nodded as neither noticed the frown on the sleeping man's face. "Can you imagine if he got pregnant again? If he couldn't have sugar," Justin shuddered.

"He'll run us over with the car," JC said. "You know how moody Joey gets."

"That and he'll bitch at us constantly," Justin said.

Joey frowned. He did not like his husbands' plans at all. He had to do something about that. Well, after he got some rest.

"You know what this means? Sugar-free Candy and ice cream, no soda, no booze, or chips," JC said.

"Oh Joey is going to kill us for sure" Justin said. "No chocolate."

"Oh boy... You think if we ran to Canada now we'd be safe?" JC asked.


"Thought so," JC sighed. "Seriously though, I love him and will do anything for him."

"Well, good, that means you get to help Joey with the injections," dr. Hanson said as he walked in.

"Oh I can hear him now," Justin said.

"Let's go to my office," the doctor said, "So Joey can sleep, I'll go through this with him later. But there is a lot we have to talk about too."

JC and Justin wasn't too willing to leave their husband, but the doctorn assured them that he was in the best of hands. They followed him to his office.

For the moment everything was quiet in the nursery. Chris and Lance was still sitting there, holding hands in silence. Even if the three babies all were sleeping now, they didn't want to leave.

"Do you think he is going to be allright?" Lance finally broke the silence.

"I hope so," Chris answered, giving his hand a squeeze. "Joey's a fighter, he'll pull through. He'll make JC and Justin's lives hell, but he'll be fine."

In his crib Hunter made a little snort. The sound made Lance look up again. "He must be missing the boys an awful lot... I don't know what I'd do, if I were forced to leave Trent behind."

"Joey'll be back in no time, you really think they'll be able to keep him in the hospital?"

"No, not really," Lance smiled. "I just hoped that it was all over, you know? That we were going to be normal now, like every other couples." Sending Chris another smile, he continued: "Of course, normal and you... Well, I'll settle for semi-normal."

"Cute, babe, real cute." Chris stuck his tongue out at Lance.

Lance leaned over to kiss him. "Yeah, I know. But you're not even half-way normal, sweetie, and I love you for it."

"We're not normal any of us," Chris sighed. "but I don't think we'd have half as much fun if we were."

The phone went off and both dove to get it before it woke the babies. Lance was closest and quickly picked up. "Hey," he answered, motioning them both to out in the hallway. "It's Justin," he told Chris, "he's calling from the hospital."

"Hey Just... What's going on?" Lance asked.

"Well, Joey has to have the shots" Justin whispered.

"Oh man," Lance said softly. "That sucks."

"Yeah," Justin said. "The doc wants us to learn how to inject. He thinks Joey's gonna put up a fight or tend to get violent."

"That bad?"

"He thinks so. But Joey could still have another baby," Justin smiled.

"Gonna try again?" Lance teased.

"But of course," Justin said. "Don't worry, Joey isn't here."

"I noticed, because if he was then he would castrate you," Lance smiled.

"He's talking about it," Justin sighed. "Especially when the doctor told him he had to take it easy around the boys."

"Ooh...and the hospital is still intact," Lance asked amased.

"Surprisingly," Justin said.

"Wow... Oh I heard the babies, I have to go," Lance said.

"Which one?"

"Let's see, who has the big mouth?"






"Well... Wrong'


"Ding ding... Tell him what he's won, Chris," Lance said as he handed a phone to Chris.

"Well, Justin you have just won a whole lot of sleepless nights, followed by colic, and loud lungs!" Chris said as he put the phone next the door to emphasize his point.

"Can I trade?" Justin asked. "I like your baby, he's quiet."

"Hell NO! I want the peace and quiet, you can have the loud mouth," Chris said as Lance walked in the nursery.


"Well, I better let you get back to your husband. I'm sure Joey is gonna be thrilled," Chris said.

"Yeah, I'm hoping they'll let us take him home tonight. He wants his boys now," Justin said. "Besides the doctor's coming in. Gotta jet."

"See you soon."

"Thanks and bye" Justin said as he hung up.

Chris hit the off button and walked in the nursery just in time as the other two woke up and started screaming.

Lance was holding Nickolas. "Could you get the other two?" he asked, giving his husband a pleading look. "As soon as I put Nicky down, he starts crying again."

"Sure," Chris answered, managing to pick up both the little boys. Once the were out of their cribs, they both went quiet. "Would you look at that," Chris smiled.

Then Nickolas started crying again. When hearing his twin brother cry, Hunter frowned. Then he started too.

"So much for peace and quiet," Lance sighed. "They're probably hungry, let's take them down to the kitchen."

The kitchen was dark and quiet, Lance flicked on the lights as Chris had both arms occupied. Ten minutes later all three babies were happily drinking from their bottles. Lance leaned over the table to look at the twins.

"I think they miss their daddies, they know something's wrong. I hope Joey gets home soon."

"Hope so too," Chris agreed, placing his hand on Lance's shoulder. "Justin said that everything was ok, but I guess it's still a lot of stuff that needs to be taken care of. Poor Joey though," he added as an afterthought. "JC and Justin are so going to pamper him."

"And Joey's gonna make their lives troublesome again," Lance chuckled. "Man, it just doesn't end with them, does it?"

"No, and I don't think they want it too either," Chris replied. "Or Joey would be bored and JC and Justin would go mad without anyone to fuss over."

"Fussing is nice," Lance admitted, turning his head to face Chris.

"Yeah," Chris just said, giving Lance a soft kiss on the lips. "Remind me to fuss some over you later, will you?"

"That's a deal," Lance murmured against Chris' lips, turning more so he could place his arms around Chris' chest.

Deeply involved in a warm kiss, they heard a wailing protest in the background, getting higher by the minute. Breaking the kiss, both men sighed.

"Hold that thought," Chris whispered. "When the little monsters are well tucked in and sleeping, you and I can play some."

Lance looked at his watch. "Would you look at the time... Very late. Bed time. You take Trent and Nicky, I'll get Hunter. Next time the wake up, JC and Justin and maybe Joey will be back. They'll get them."

"And what exactly would we be doing?" Chris teased him. "I assume we'll be busy?" Smiling Lance whispered something in his ear, which made Chris smile too. "I like that idea, sweetie..."

"I like it too!" Lance said, getting up. "Now, I'm sorry, boys, but it's bed time... Daddy has sinsister plans with dad..."

"You can't tell them that!" Chris laughed, "my god, Lance."

"What?" Lance asked. "it's not like they understand anyway."

Chris just shook his head. But he was smiling. "Come on you sex freak, let's get these three upstairs before any of your bad influence stick to them..." He recieved a smack over the head in return.

Half an hour later the babies were finally asleep. Chris turned the lights down and carefully closed the door.

Walking a couple of steps away from the door, Lance pulled Chris in close. "Now, where were we?" he mumbled, kissing his husband again.

"I think we were on the way to our bedroom," Chris answered, sneaking a hand up under Lance's T-shirt.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Lance giggled. Just then they could hear the frontdoor being opened downstairs. Lance groaned. "They do have the worst timing ever!"

"They're JC and Justin," Chris answered. "They're annoying, but we love them." He reached down to pich Lance's butt and chuckled over the surprised yelp. "Now come on, let's go downstairs to see if Joey came home with them."

"I can't believe you did that," Lance pouted as he followed Chris down the stairs. "I'm sooooo getting back at you later..."

"I'll be looking forward to that," Chris smiled.

Lance grinned and both walked down stairs. They smiled.

"Hey, the doctor said he could come home."

"Yeah," JC said rubbing Joey's arm.

"How you feeling?" Chris asked.

"Like I've been through hell," Joey said. "I don't want to have diabetes."

"No one wants to, Joe, but it's a part of life," Justin said.

"But I don't want it to be a part of mine," Joey said. "Or my kids."

"The babies?"

"No, they won't know for a couple more days," Joey said.

"We'll let's just take it day by day," Lance said.

"I"m going to do that. Right now I'm tired," Joey said.

"Any other calls?" JC asked.

"No, none."

"Good. We just dont' want to tell daddy dearest just yet," Joey said. "I'll wait on that."

"Come on, let's get you to bed," Justin said as he took Joey by the arm.

"Oh kinky. I haven't had sex in ten months"

"OUCH!" Lance said. "Bad JC, bad Justin. You have to satisfy your man."

"Joey, they weren't suppose to know that!"

"Hey, I may be tired, but I'm also horny as hell," Joey pouted. He felt too drained to make his husbands suffer. "But first... I want to see my babies."


"Don't awe me," Joey said as he went upstairs to the nursery. He quietly opened the door and walked in. He checked both cribs at once. "Hey little guys. Daddy's home."

He saw Nickolas open his eyes. He quietly picked him up before he started to cry for Joey. He sat in the rocking chair and rocked his baby boy. "Hey little guy. Miss me?" Joey said as he softly rubbed his son's back.

He heard a gurgle and took that as a yes. "My world, you're getting big. And it's only been a couple of hours. I missed you too. I promise, Nickolas, Hunter, that you won't get this. I promise you this," Joey said softly as he nuzzled his baby's head. "I love you two so much"

He heard a small protest coming from Trent. He chuckled. "I love you too, little Trent." His grin got larger as the baby stopped.

He placed a sleeping Nickolas back and picked up Hunter who was waiting patiently for his turn. "Hey superman," Joey said. "You're so like your father. Quiet and patient. I missed you too." He felt the baby snuggle closer to him. He shut his eyes and stood there for awhile. He could stay like this forever. Him holding his babies.

He placed his son back in the crib and kissed all three babies goodnight. "Hey, let us sleep tonight, okay?" Then he left the nursery.

Next day Joey walked downstairs to hear arguing.

"He can't. Joey isn't feeling good. Going back on tour is crazy!" Justin protested.

"I'm sorry, but the fans have waited ten months patiently. It's time to get back on the road."

"But can't it wait till the babies are older?" JC asked.

"I'm sorry, Josh, but the answer is no. You all will need to be in rehearsals at nine in the morning."

"Damn, Lance and Joey just had babies. Joey had twins and you expect them to go dancing on stage? It's gonna kill them," Chris growled.

"I'm sorry boys, but you're worth a great deal to Jive and if you don't perform we're gonna have legal troubles. Tomrrow at nine. Be there," The man said as he left the house.

"What's going on?" Joey yawned as the timer went off. "Awe man..."

Silently Joey walked in to the kitchen. "What's going on?" he asked, causing the others to jump.

Knowing that he couldn't keep anything from Joey this time, JC sighed. "That was management. We are going back on the road again. Meetings start tomorrow at nine."

"They're actually going through with that?" Joey asked. "What do they mean we're supposed to do with the kids? I'm not spending months away from my kids, and I am not too happy about taking them on the road with me either."

"I know," Lance agreed. "And even if we do take them along, we'll to too busy and too tired to take care of them. Either way, we have to get nannies. And I don't want any stranger raising Trent."

"Are you sure we need to do this?" Justin asked JC. "I can't remember it saying anything about this in our contracts?"

"I don't really know," JC said slowly. "I don't think they had anything like this in mind when they were worked out, but there is some stuff about paternity leave... I'll have to actually see the contract first..."

"And they're all down at the office," Chris added for him. "Which means that we need to go down there anyway."

"I think I am going to go call my dad," Joey said, thoughtfully.

"Ahm, angel, I don't think that's smart," Justin dared to say.

"Killing off our own management isn't wise," JC followed up.

"With what has happened here lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows," Lance mumbled.

Joey looked at his husbands. "Sheesh, guys, I was just going to call him! Why, you think we only talk whenever someone's about to get wasted? What kinda family do you think we are?"

"A big, very happy, Italian, somewhat illtempered and sometimes guntoothing family," JC summed up. "And do give dad-in-law our regards."

"You two are crazy, you know that?" Joey told them. "Like I call my dad to get him to get rid of everyone that pisses me off..."

"But angel, you do that," Justin said. Then he quickly shut his mouth.

"I don't ask him to come deal with you two," Joey raised an eyebrow at him. "I deal with you two weirdos on my own."

"We're your husbands," JC said calmly. "That's our privilegde, getting to piss you off, without having to be afraid of having the entire Fatone clan out to get us... Just as it is your privilegde to make us pay for it in cruel and unusual ways to make it up to you."

"Yeah," Justin agreed. "Don't you think I have forgotten about what you did to my hair, Joe. It's against the Geneva convention I'm sure."

"I dyed your hair, Just." Joey rolled his eyes, "get over it. Or are you talking about the time when I cut it?"

"Both!" Justin replied.

"Poor curly," Joey said, then he walked over to Justin, grabbed his surprised husband and kissed him passionately. After setting him back on his feet, Joey asked: "Now can I go call my father?"

"Yes, you can," JC told him. "But come here for a second first..." One kiss later Joey left to make the phonecall. Both JC and Justin was grinning widely, dreamy look on their faces.

"Some people are horny," Chris teased.

"Oh shut up"

"So, do we have to do this?" Justin asked.

"We're going to find out." JC said. "But first I'm gonna be a dad and a husband."

"By the way, my fathers want us to bring the babies to visit them," Joey said.

"They saw the twins like a week ago," Justin said.

"You know how my fathers are," Joey grinned.

"Besides they want to spoil them rotten."

"Yeah. but we have to deal with the consenquences later," JC said.

"That's why they want to see them," Joey grinned. "For all the havoc I caused them."

"You were a very wild child, weren't you?" Chris asked.

"Let's just say dad had everything insured including myself," Joey chuckled.

"Our boys WILL NOT be jumping down from the top of the stairs," Justin said sternly.

"Nor will they pretend that they can fly," JC added.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad," Joey protested.

"Joe, the hospital knows you by name, doesn't that tell you something?" Lance said.

"Hey, I can fly if I try."

"Well if you're doped up enough on crack, then you can," Justin said.

Joey smacked Justin hard in the head for the comment.

"OW! HEY!"



"Thanks alot, Justin!"

"Joey started it!" Justin pouted. "It's not my fault that the boys woke up."

"Not boys, try Trent."

"Don't blame this on my child." Chris said.

"None the less it is Trent crying," Lance said.

"Oh give the other two about two seconds then they'll be joining in," Joey said.

"One...two," Lance counted.

Just then two more voices joined in. "They are so in sync with each other it's not funny," Chris mused.

"Well, Lance and Joey hung out together while pregnant. They did everything together, had mood swings together, threw up together, and went into labor together. That would explain it," Justin said.

"You know it's scary when he makes sense," Joey chuckled.

"Hey, I have my moments!"

"Yes and your moment is getting three very cranky and fussy boys back to sleep," Lance said shoving him towards the nursery.

"I only have one set of arms."

"You'll think of something," JC said as he shooed his husband.

"Fine," Justin grumbled as he walked away.

"What was that?"

"Um... Nothing!"

"Thought so" Joey said as he sat down.

"You feeling okay?" Lance asked.

"I'm fine. I have to take it easy for a bit," Joey said.

Joey heard a timer go off and cursed.

"Time for an injection, hon" JC said as he went to get Joey's blue kit.

"Oh whoopee," Joey said sarcastically.

Joey looked up when he heard silence. "You guys hear that?"

"Silence," Chris said amazed. "Curly actually did it."


"He's probably bribing them saying he's gonna buy them an expensive sports car when they hit sixteen," Lance said.

"We're in trouble. These kids are going to rule us," Chris sighed.

"I think I need to go see what Justin is doing," Joey said, looking up to the second floor. "I don't want him to drop my babies on their heads... It's bad enough somebody obviously did it to him as a child..."

"Joey!!!" JC yelled. "My god, sometimes I just don't believe the stuff that comes out of your mouth...!"

Of course that made Chris crack up.

"I have a syringe here," JC warned him. "With a really long, big needle..."

"JC," Joey yelped. "Don't you get that thing near me!"

Turning to his distressed husband, JC tried to cover up for his mistake. "No, honey, I was just teasing Chris! See, it's not really that long... I mean, it's nothing really... Joey, don't run away!!"

"Stay away from me!" Joey exclaimed, taking off. "I DON'T want any injections!"

"But you have to, sweetheart!" JC ran after him.

"Well, that should keep them occupied for a while," Lance stated. Then he reached out and pulled Chris close to him. Proceeding to push him down on the kitchen table, he climbed up on top of him. "Now, where were we?"

"WAAAAA!" they heard a wail from upstairs. "Let Justin handle it," Lance mumbled, pushing Chris back as he motioned to get up. "Whatever he promises the little guys, I'll buy it."

"Besides," the blond added. "That was one of their kids..."

Chris didn't get a chance to answer before he was kissed. By then he had totally forgotten what he was going to say anyway.

"Joey, would you stop!" they heard a voice from the hallway. "It's not going to've had this before...ow!"

Then it became quiet.

"Josh?" Then Joey's careful voice followed.

A growl told them that they had an angry bandmember not very far away. "I stabbed myself with this freakish thing... Now you stand still, you hear me? Thank god I didn't inject myself with this stuff...Joey, don't you dare to move!"




"Serves you right."

A few seconds later a satisfied looking JC and a slightly pouting Joey came back into the kitchen.

"Oh my GOD, what are you two doing on the kitchentable!?" JC squeaked.

"Uhm, nothing?" Chris tried to turn so he could see JC, but Lance was pinning him down.

Ignoring Joey who was lost in hysterical laughter right next to him, JC flung his arms out to the sides. "What is going on in this house today? Has everybody lost their minds?"

"No," Joey pointed out. "Only you. And Chris seems to have lost some clothes."

"I can see that!" JC replied. "But I don't want to see it!"

"You don't want to see what?" Lance wondered, making Chris smack him in the arm. "What?" he said surprised, looking down at Chris.

JC and Joey exchanged glances. "Blond," the both sighed. "Very blond."

"I'm not blond," the blond stated.

"Yes, you are," Chris told him. "And we already had this conversation. Now either let's get back to business here, or we do it with an audience."

"We need to be elsewhere," JC hurried to say.

"We do?" Joey asked.

"Yes, we do," JC told him, dragging him out of the kitchen again.

Closing the door behind them, Joey was suddenly kissed very long, very deeply and very suggesting a lot of things that usually took place in a bedroom.

"Hey, do I need to get a hose to separate the two of you?" an amused voice asked from the stairs.

Breaking the kiss for the half of a second JC looked up at Justin and said, very fast, "no, but feel free to join us at any time."

Grinning widely, Justin replied: "I might just do that! But first I need to drop this bottles of in the kitchen..."

He went for the kitchen door. JC and Joey exchanged glances again. "Noooo!" they both yelled, leaping for Justin. "Don't open the..."

The door was opened. "Oh Chris!" an apparenetly very happy Lance said in a voice that was approximately two and a half minutes from either a moan, a groan or possibly a scream.

"Oh what!?" Justin said, not believing what he saw. "Oh my gosh!" The door was slammed shut again.

"Way to ruin my sexual drive for the next month!" Justin whined. "Why didn't you warn me!?"

"We tried to warn you," JC said.

Joey pulled Justin in close to both him and JC. "And don't worry about your sexual drive... I'll take care of that."

To be Continued....

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