
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Aug 17, 2001


This story contains some descriptions of consenting sex between adult men. If that is illegal for you, or offends you in any way, then surf on. I would be grateful for any comments or criticisms and helpful suggestions as I continue writing the story. And thank you those who Emailed me about the firt part. You can Email me on

Resume of Part One. The narrator is Phil, a retired Englishmen in his sixties. While walking in the north of England he meets Colin a farmer. Colin invited him back to his home, there a friendship and sexual relationship begins.

Part Two.

It was the Thursday of the next week that saw me going off once again to Loftend. This time it was not to walk, but to visit Colin. I was bringing a casserole that would just need heating up, and a bottle of wine, and I was going to be staying the night.

After over five years of virtual sexual inactivity, at least when it came to being with another guy, I must admit I was excited. The very thought of being with Colin again made the old friend between my legs harden in anticipation. I had thought my days of having fun were long past and gone, but here was I feeling like a young teenager, looking forward to some sexual action. The fact that the days seemed to pass slowly was a sure sign of how much I was looking forward to seeing him again.

I drove into the farmyard and parked my car at the back of the house, as he had instructed. "Don't want folk around here knowing that someone is spending the night", he had said over the phone; "They will be trying to work out which local female it is; and that won't do."

He met me at the door, drying his head with a towel. "Just had a shower. Heard your car. Come on in."

I went in, and we promptly gave each other a good hug. "You're giving me a hard on," I said.

"Good. That's want I want to do. That's what you're here for." he said with a laugh.

"I hope you can respond the same."

"No problem!" and he thrust forward his crotch, showing a large bulge. I gently stroked it. "Good, we are both in good trim it seems."

"Food first, and then..." said Colin.

"Yea, just let me get some things from the car."

It was a good meal and we sat at the kitchen table. We talked freely. He told me more about the farm, and asked me about the sort of week I had had.

We found it easy to talk to each other. We discussed the farming situation today, and the difficulties of low prices for all farmers whether in corn or horn or both, and the problems caused by the strong pound. The one subject we did not talk about was anything to do with sex. We cleared away the meal, and did the washing up. We began to find any excuse to touch each other.

"Cup of coffee?" asked Colin.


"Then we can go through into the sitting room, and you may like to watch one of my videos."

Colin led the way. He put a video in the machine, and we both sat on the settee, with our cups of coffee in our hands. I don't need to go in details about what we watched. It was the usual gay video. Almost no story, very limited dialogue, and rather boring. But we drank our coffees,

and snuggled up together, and our hands began to roam.

Well before the video was over, Colin stood up. "I don't know about you. Seen enough? Bed?" he asked.

"I should say."

"I'll show you the bed room, the bathroom you know, then I'll just lock up. I wouldn't put it past young Kevin to try and interrupt us."

"Who's Kevin?" I asked.

"The youngest of the gang. The insatiable one."

"He sounds interesting."

"He is. I expect you'll soon meet him"

Colin locked up and led the way upstairs.

"I must just show you the gang room." He opened one of the bedroom doors, and showed me a smallish room. "We have a rule, no clothes are worn in that room."

The floor was covered with several foam mattresses, and there were several cushions lying around. There was a television screen with video in one corner. What really struck me was the mirrors. There were mirrors on all the walls, and even a very large one on the ceiling.

"That one took some getting up," said Colin with an upward nod. "Have you ever watched yourself in a mirror having sex?"

"No, never."

"It is very stimulating. If you become a member of the gang, we usually call ourselves, 'The Countrymen', by the way. You will find out how stimulating it is."

"Me? A member of the gang?"

"Why not! I've told them about you. Our membership is not closed. If they agree, and they all have to agree, and you want to, you could become a member. But we can talk about that some other time. Let's get on with things."

We went into the bedroom, and we promptly started hugging and kissing. Then he started to undo my shirt buttons, and plunged his hand in and rubbed my chest.

I undid the belt of his trousers, and thrust my hand and gripped his hardening cock through his underpants. We broke apart and quickly undressed ourselves and got into bed.

We snuggled up to each other, and kissed. Deep, tongue searching kisses. We began to press into each other, hardened cock against hardened cock. Our hands explored each others backs, as our passion began to rise. He began to fondle my buttocks and feel gently between. I have always found that a turn on.

He pulled me on top of him, and we lay there, kissing, and gently humping each other. After a while I rolled off and pulled him on top of me. I could feel our hairy legs together. With one of my hands I searched out one of his nipples and began to play with it. "Oooo, I like that. As hard as you like." I began to pinch and squeeze, and his appreciative groans grew louder. I then wriggled down under him so that I could get my mouth to his hardened nipple. I sucked and nibbled, pausing for the odd moment to remove one or two hairs from his chest that had got into my mouth.

Then he began to take the initiative. He kissed me on the forehead, my eyes, my nose my mouth. He kissed and lip nibbled at my neck, and kissed me under my arms. Slowly he continued, down. He found my nipples, kissed them, and sucked on them. Down he went, and he started kissing and licking round my cock, and holding my balls with his hand, and playing with them with his fingers. Then he kissed the tip of my cock, and put it into his mouth. He certainly knew how to do it. I was in ecstasy. But I could only stand it for a few minutes, I knew I was getting near the point of no return.

"Hold it a moment," I said. "I am going to cum."

He stopped, and we lay side by side.

"I have been thinking," I said. "It is well over ten years since I slept with a guy. And it must be at least six, since somebody gave me a blow job."

"You poor old thing. You've a lot of catching up to do."

We lay there kissing, while our fingers played gently with each others cocks and balls.

"I screwed you last time in the shower, I want you to fuck me. To fuck me deep and long," said Colin.

"I'll see what I can do. Remember its been a long time for me. I think I will have difficulty holding it back, but I'll try."

He reached over to the bedside table, and opened a drawer. He got out a condom, which he handed to me, and a tube of lube.

"What about the sheet?" I asked, ever practically minded.

"No problem. In the tub tomorrow. I have to wash all the covers on the mattresses after each session in the gang room, so one sheet and a duvet cover is no hassle."

I put on the condom and began to lube myself, while Colin lubed himself.

"How do you want it?" I asked.

"Dog fashion." He got onto all fours on the bed, sticking his muscular hairy bum into the air. I positioned myself, and got my cock on target. I pushed gently. At first nothing happened, and then there was a small jerk forward, and slowly my cock began to penetrate. It was bliss. The warm close softness engulfed my dick. I slowly push all the way in, until I could go no further.

"That's great," he said. "You're right the way in. Can feel your balls, and hair."

He slowly lowered himself, so that he was face down on the bed, and I kept joined to him. I kissed his neck. I began to ride him, but found myself having to stop when I began to build towards a climax.

"You can do that all night," said Colin.

"I don't think I can last that long, but I'll try."

I didn't last all night fucking him, but I held out, or rather kept it up, for quite a while. Eventually we both began to come to the boil. His movements became more strong, and I began to plunge in and out of him. With a great convulsion and cry, he came first, and that triggered it for me. I lay on him panting for a while, and then we disengaged, and cleaned up.

It was then, our passion spent, that we lay together in the bed. We held each other, our movements gentle and loving, and we began to talk. It was then that Colin began to tell me his story.

"I've lived on this farm all my life. I had two years at college, but this has always been my home. My Granddad bought this farm, so my father inherited it, and I have inherited it from my Dad. My mother was a school teacher, she was quite strict with me."

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked.

"No! An only kid. Bit spoilt by Dad; but certainly not spoilt by Mum.

"Were you happy as a kid."

"Oh yea. growing up on a farm is great. Lot of open air, free to roam, the animals. I went to the local school, made several friends."

"When did you first become aware of sex?" I asked , giving his cock a gentle squeeze.

"Early on. You can't live on a farm with animals without being aware of sex. Though Mum tried to keep me from it. When the bull was to be with a cow, my mother liked to get me inside. But you would see dogs doing it, and the cockerel mating with a hen. I remember overhearing Dad say to me Mum, 'The lad's got to learn. You can't keep the facts of life from him.'

'There's plenty of time for him to learn all that sort of thing,' my mother replied with the school mistress voice that she had. From early on I was interested. Soon found out at school that girls were different, and in what way. There was a lot of 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours.'

When I left the village school, a went of to a much bigger school there was much more segregation. On the bus to and from school the boys tended to sit at the back, and the girls at the front. Certain things happened on the school bus, and of course, in the showers at school. Nothing very much. Lot of talk. There was a delighted horror on the bus when one guy shot his load over the back of the seat in front of him."

"When did you first shoot your load?"

"I must have been about fourteen. My closest friend told me one day, in great confidence, how he had done it. Said it felt great. So I had a go that night sitting on the edge of the bed. I wondered what was happening, it felt good so I continued till I climaxed. Next morning told him he wasn't the only one. We sometimes did it together. Never touched each others cock though, just seeing who could shoot furthest or quickest. What a waste that."

"So when did you first have some real gay sex?"

"That quite a long story. There is this guy, Tom. He's about 65 now. So he'd be in his early 40s then. He worked on the farm. Still does, when I need him. He's one of the Countrymen, by the way. Tom's a great guy. Spoilt me, more than his own kids."

"So he was married then?"

"Yea. Still is. Has three kids. Grown up now. He's a grandpa several times over. I think I learnt more about some of the basic farming things from Tom rather than me Dad. He gave me a cigarette to smoke when I was quite young. I was violently sick. Only years later he told me, it wasn't a real cigarette, but made of some weed or other. He wanted to make me sick to put me off smoking. Did the trick. I'm grateful to him. He smoked for many years. Gave it up about ten or more years ago."

I was getting impatient at this digression, so asked, "So what happened?"

"I were about 15, perhaps 16, not sure. The bull was going to serve one of the cows. I was allowed to watch by this time, even though me Mum still basically disapproved. Watching the bull do his stuff always gave me a hard on. Certainly did that day. The bull had done his duty, and Dad led him back to his stall. Me Dad always did that. Said it was too dangerous to let Tom do it, if anyone was going to get gored it ought to be him. Anyway,

I'd got this hard on, and had to adjust myself. Tom must have seen. He walked across to me, "Got a hard on then?" he says.

"'Aye,' I said, and probably went a bright pink."

" 'So 'ave I', he says."

"You?' 'Yea, I always get a 'ard on watching bull do 'is duty. What you going to do? Toss yourself off?' I was really embarrassed, and must have shown it. 'I'm going to' he added. 'Come along with me, and we'll do it together.' He led the way into the barn, and up the ladder into the hay loft. It was somewhere I knew my father rarely went. 'What about your wife?' I asked. 'What about her! She doesn't let me 'ave it no more. So I'as to go elsewhere.' Later I found out he was being rather economical with the truth there. We stood facing each other, 'Come on. Let's see what you've got.' He undid the zip on his jeans, and began to pull out his dick. 'Come on,' he added again, 'Don't be shy. We're both men together.'

His dick seemed to me, a fifteen year old, to be colossal. It is big, even bigger than mine - just. He reached across and took hold of my cock. His were the first hands to touch my dick, apart from my Ma when I was a baby, and possibly the doctor at some time. 'You've got a nice one there, Colin my lad. You'll be big when you're fully grown. Let's feel your balls, lad,' he said reaching underneath to feel them. Then he took my hand and placed it on his own cock. It really did seem huge. He began to wank me, in no time I was shooting my load onto the hay. 'Can you do the same to me?' he asked. So I began to toss him off. His cock gave some almighty jerks as he shot his load feet out over the hay. 'That's better,' he said. We put our gear away, and zipped up. 'Thanks,' he said, 'That were good,'

and gave me a pat on my bum."

"Did this become a regular thing from then on?"

"Not immediately. I was at school the next time the bull was in action. Tom told me I'd missed it. I was sorry as I was hoping for another session with Tom. A few weeks later Tom told me that the bull was due to serve a cow that day, and that I should hurry back off the school bus. Apparently, he got me Dad to do some job with him, to delay it all, so that I got back in time. As Dad led the bull out into the yard, Tom gave me a great wink.

Then after it was over, he nodded his head in the direction of the hay loft. When we were up there, he suggested that we took all our clothes off. I saw his hairy chest and stepped over and ran my hands through all the hair, and felt his nipples. 'That's the idea, lad. You can do that any time.' He pulled me to him, and we stood there rubbing our cocks and bodies together. Then he kissed me. That came as a shock, I'd never thought of men kissing each other. But it was nice. He was gentle. I began to respond, and we nibbled at each other. Then he told me to shut my eyes. I hesitated wondering what he was going to do. 'Something you'll enjoy, so shut your eyes.' I did so, and then I felt his hand on my cock, and the most wonderful warm wet sensation on my cock. I opened my eyes, and there was Tom, kneeling in front of me, with my cock in his mouth. He looked up at me and said, 'Like it?' 'I should say,' was my response. It was great, but I came all too quickly, shooting my load into his mouth." He did not ask me to suck him off, I just tossed him off again. When we'd done we gave each other some more kisses and hugs. 'Do we have to wait for the bull to do his stuff?' I asked. 'No, I think we can fix something more regular.'

"And did you?"

"Yea, quite easily. Me Mum didn't drive. Dad tried to persuade her on and off to learn over the years. But the fact that she didn't meant there was a regular time for Tom and me. Every Wednesday afternoon Dad would take Mum into town to do shopping etc. and on the way back they called in on Mum's sister for a cup of tea and chat. Dad used to moan about having to do it. 'I don't ask you to do much for me,' was Ma's response. Wednesday afternoons were free for Tom and I. I'd hurry back off the school bus, change and we'd go for a romp in the hay loft."

"Didn't you get hay all over you?"

"A bit, but we'd get it off each other. But we were always getting hay or straw on us, this is a farm after all. Tom initiated me He were great. After a few sessions where he gave me blow jobs, I ventured to put his cock in my mouth. Found I liked the taste of his pre cum. Still do. He got me to fuck him, before he fucked me. I think that was the way he worked things. We could safely have an hour and half together on those Wednesday afternoons. From quite early on Tom used to say, 'There're other guys who like doing this sort of thing. Don't think you've got to do it only with me. There're lads your own age, who'd like to play around with you.' I once asked him if he played around with men other than me.' 'Sometimes,' he said. When I asked him who; he shut up like a clam. 'That'd be telling. I don't tell them about you, and I don't tell you about them. Its better that way. Remember that.'

"I suppose this went on until you went to college?" I said.

"Yea. I was eighteen and did two years at college. Dad was not very well educated. Bit of a mismatch there, my parents. But he was a wise old bird.

When I was about sixteen or seventeen, he said to me, 'There are certain things that a farmer today needs to be able to do. You need, by one means or another, to know how to do accounts, use one of those new computer things, and be able to read fast. Do those things you will be able to farm, and might even enjoy it. If you can't do those things, the farm work you have to do in the house will be trial to you.' He was right. Never regretted following his advice."

"How did you get on at college?"

"Fine, I quite enjoyed it. There was one problem though."

"What was that?" I asked.

"Well, as I said. This farm had been granddad's, then me Dad's and was to come to me. My parents wanted to see the way clear for it to be handed down to the fourth generation. They wanted to see me married, and with kids, especially sons. They tried all sorts of things to try and get me fixed up with a lass."

"Pity they did not have a larger family, then there might have been a straight son to father some more males."

"I don't think my mother liked anything to do with birth, not even what happens nine months before," said Colin with a slight laugh.

"So how did they try to marry you off then?"

"I didn't realise what was going on at first. When I was about seventeen there started to appear, much more so than before, other farmers and folk from around. Sometimes they seem to be invited, sometimes they just seemed to pop in. It was a year of two on that I suddenly realised they were all families with eligible daughters. Often came with their daughters. I realised what was going on, when I remembered that we very rarely saw the nearest family. They had just three lads. I think my parents encouraged these visits, and the other families may well have seen me as a prospective son in law. After all I was going to have a farm of my own. Then there were parties and things."

"What sort of thing happened?"

"Well I remember once, four of us had gone in our car to a do over in Scarborough. Quite a way away. I was the driver. We were two guys and a couple of lasses. Two were an established couple. On the way back they sat in the back, and they were snogging away. I caught a glimpse or two of what they were up to. Anyway I had to drop them off first, so there was just me and this lass in the car. I had known her for years, been to the same schools. After we had dropped them off we talked a bit about them. As I drove to her home she put her hand on my knee and began to rub it."

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"Yea. Must confess, got quite a hard on."


"Her place stands quite a bit back from the road, so I pulled up outside her house, there's about twenty yards of path to the house, and a high hedge as well. I stopped the car, and she ran her hand right up my thigh. Yea, I liked it. I turned towards her and we kissed. She then got my hand and placed it on her tits. First time I'd done that. Yea, I was really steaming up. She then began to feel my cock. Undid my zip, and put her hand in. She pulled my cock out. We snogged together, and I got my hand in

and under her blouse. She fiddled around and undid her bra. I played with her tits, and she played with my cock. Then she began to lower her head to suck me off. I got a glimpse of her painted finger nails, and remembered that she were wearing some lipstick. I suddenly didn't want painted nails holding my dick, or lipstick on my cock. If I wanted anything I was wanting a man, someone like Tom. I pulled back my hands, said something like, 'I don't think so. Not here. Not now.' And that were it. I made sure I weren't alone with her again."

"Did you tell Tom?"

"Aye. He laughed. Then said something interesting. A lot of guys who have been with a lass, say that they don't know how to handle a man's cock.

Only men know really how to do it, either with their hands or with their mouth. You need to remember that I was still working things out about myself. My time with Tom was beginning to make me think perhaps I was gay. I knew I enjoyed what I did with him, but after all a lot of straight guys have some sex with other guys. Its not all cut and dried"

"True," I answered. "It was certainly a long time for me. I was well into my marriage before I was convinced that my preference was with men."

There was a pause in Colin's telling of his story. We had a spell of kissing each other.

After a while I broke the silence. "So when did this wonderful part of your anatomy encounter a male other than Tom?" I said squeezing his cock again.

"It were towards the end of my time at college. But there is something else to tell first. I did start going out with a lass. She was reckoned by all the guys to be a stunner. She was too. Long blond hair, and blue eyes, wonderful figure, liked wearing tight tops that showed off every contour of her breasts. Lot of the lads had been after her, and only a few had got anywhere, but I had no difficulty in attracting her. Got a lot of sex appeal, see!"

"You have where I'm concerned," I said with a laugh, giving him a good kiss. "So what happened?"

"We went out together several times. Soon were kissing, real kissing. Like us. Though never as good."


"She let me feel her breasts through her clothes. Then just through her bra. Third time she undid her bra, and obviously liked it."

"Did you?" I asked.

"Oh yea. She was progressing similar like with my gear. Commented that it was the biggest she had seen. Felt proud about that. Then one evening in the summer we went for a walk. We got under a tree, and her back was to the trunk, my hand was on her tits, and hers had got my cock out. 'Do you want to go all the way?' she asked. 'I should say,' I replied. 'Okay, then. But not here. Somewhere where we can do it really properly.' 'I'll work somewhere out,' I promised. I reached down and put my hand up her skirt. That were very important for me, I realised later. I was getting really wound up, and given a few more minutes would have shot my load. I did not want that. Not there. So we broke off. That evening I thought through what we had done. Yes, I had enjoyed it. Yes, I was looking forward to fucking her. Most of the guys would have given their eye teeth to get their cocks into her. But there was something in me that was not really so sure. I wasn't sure what it was. I eventually worked it out. When I put my hand up her skirt I was disappointed that there was nothing there. I know there was her vagina, ready for my cock. But again I thought of Tom, and what we did together. I was wanting a cock and a couple of balls. I'm not putting this very well."

"I think I know what you mean. Though my story is a bit different."

"I talked it all over with Tom. He was helpful. He thought I was more gay than he was. He could swing both ways. Again he said I should be looking for some other guys, preferably about my own age."

"And did you?"

"Yea. Though it took a while. I started looking round the lads at college.

Nearly all of them it were obvious they were straight. That left a few. There was one guy, who initially I had ruled out when I first thought about it. I thought he was some religious type, believing all sex outside marriage was wrong. He was quiet, serious. Wore glasses. His name's Paul. I just happened to be sitting next to him drinking a cup of coffee during a break, when I happened to say something about church. I think there was something in the newspaper that was on the table. 'Don't go in for that sort of thing,' he said. 'You surprise me,' I remarked. "Why?' he said and he grinned at me. 'I don't know exactly why. You're a serious sort of guy. Don't appear to have any girl friends, or like boozing with the lads.' He laughed at me, 'You obviously don't know me!' When I tried to find out exactly what he meant. He shut up like a clam. But that broke the ice between us. We began to talk and get to know each other. We were actually in the same hall together, but different parts. Having broken the ice with him, we began to sit together over the odd meals. Began to get to know each other. Over a couple of months became friends. Coffee in each others room, and so on."

"So who came out to who?"

"Once we nearly came out to each other. Paul was quizzing me about girl friends. Said he'd noticed I'd had several girls, but none for very long. Also I didn't speak about girls like most guys. When I asked him what he meant, he said that I didn't boast about how far I'd gone, or speak about them in a sexy way. I thought he might be getting a bit close to the bone, like. So I started questioning him about girls, and his apparent lack of girl friends. He eventually admitted that he'd never had a real girl friend, didn't want one, wasn't really interested. Then he promptly changed the subject, by offering me another coffee. I didn't twig until after."

"Until after what?"

"Until we were out to each other."

"So how did it happen?"

About a week after that conversation we were in my room. I thought Paul wasn't his usual sunny self. So I started trying to find out what was the matter. Work? No. Home or family? No. Money? Not really. Some relationship? 'Well sort of.' When I asked him what he meant, he told me that he had a friend who a year ago that very day had been killed in a motorcycle accident. Ran into the back of a truck. As he told me he began to sob, and said he felt a damn fool doing so. I put my arm round his shoulder to comfort him. He put his head into me, and really began to cry.

'This friend was close?' I asked. He nodded. 'A special friend?' 'A very special friend?' Another nod. 'How long had you known him?' 'Six months.' I don't know what made me do it, but I kissed his forehead. He looked up at me. 'That's the first kiss since the morning that he died. We were lovers, you see.' I hugged him even closer, and gave him another kiss. 'That's alright,' I said, 'I'm gay too.' He put his arms round me and we hugged for quite a while. He pulled himself together. 'Thank you,' he said. 'Thank you for listening, and thank you for telling me you're the same. I'd like to take things further with you. You're a great guy. But not tonight. I'd feel I was being disloyal to Karl.' He stood up, and gave me a watery eyed smile. I stood up too. 'I understand,' I said, 'Some other time.' 'Yes, I look forward to that.' He gave me a kiss. His first to me. 'Till that other time, and I hope it is soon,' he said, and turned left the room.

"How soon was it?"

"The next evening. But this time in his room. I called round about 9.30 in the evening. It was a time we'd often be together for a bedtime drink and an hour or so's natter. He was working when I came in. He stood up, and we were immediately in each others arms. 'I have been hoping all day you'd come round tonight.' We stood there kissing for a minute or two, and then we sat on his bed. We held each other, kissed and talked. He told me all about Karl, how they'd met, and what they'd meant to each other. Then as if by mutual accord we lay back and lay together on the bed. He asked me about my friends. I told him about Tom, and I had only Tom to tell him about. He'd had fun with several other guys before he'd met Karl. I told him I wasn't very experienced. We was very slow, and very gentle. I think both of us were making the most of it. 'What do you like doing? he asked. I told him what Tom I did. 'Karl used to fuck me, and I would like you to fuck me tonight. It would mark a new beginning for me.' That's what we did. I think I eventually left his room about 6.00 in the morning.

"Thanks for telling me all that. It's a beautiful story. Do you still see him?"

"No. Though we saw a great deal of each other for the rest of our time together at college. After that he went to some where in South Africa to work. We're still in touch. Email each other quite regularly. I'll have to tell him about you."

"Has he found someone else?"

"Oh yea. He is seeing two guys on a regular basis, and I'm sure he has the odd one night stand."

We were lying there, side by side, when I asked, "Colin? "Was it your relationship with Tom that pushed you over into being gay?"

He thought for a moment, and then moved his hand off my cock. He lightly rubbed one of my nipples with the back of a finger and looked me in the eye.

Our faces were very close. "That's a hard question. From early on it was expected of me to marry and have kids, sons preferably. I just accepted it.

Mum would talk about when I was married. Dad expressed the hope that the farm would go down to a son of mine. I just presumed I would one day marry and have kids. Most people do. My sex with Tom was somehow different. I enjoyed it. It was safe, no risk of the bairns that you can get with lasses. Also I liked it because it were wrong. Wrong in the eyes of most folk. It was certainly wrong in the eyes of my parents. Very wrong with Mum. Forbidden fruit tastes sweet."

"Yea. I know what you mean."

"I think it was when I was at college that I really began to ask myself, do I really want to marry some lass. I think it was when I started having fun with Paul and other lads that I realised, no! I didn't want to get married. My orientation was with men. I was gay."

"Did your parents ever know about you?" I asked.

"Dad certainly didn't. He died when I were 26. Died quite suddenly. Shock to us all." Colin was silent for while. "With my Mum, I am not sure. She died five years after me Dad. She were ill for about eighteen months. Very ill for the last nine. Cancer. Grim. Lots of hospital, and nurses at the house in the end. Very difficult time. But we used to talk quite a lot. I think talking took her mind off things. Not that she had much pain.

Drugs saw to that. She talked a lot about her early days. But also what she and Dad had hoped. Once she started talking about how much they had hoped to see me married. At one stage she took my hand and rubbed it. 'But I don't think you're the marrying sort' she said. That were all. Whether she'd put two and two together, I don't know."

We lay together in bed. We fondled each other, both feeling increasingly drowsy. Eventually we fell asleep, and lay like a couple of spoons side by side. At one time in the night I woke to find my bum into his crotch and his hand holding my cock. Then later it was the other way round, and my hand over his chest. I didn't sleep as well as usual. I was no longer used to sleeping with anyone. I'd have to get used to it again.

When I woke I was alone in the bed. I stretched myself, and thought about all that Colin had told me. My cock stirred when I recalled what we had done together. Then Colin came into the bedroom with a steaming mug of tea.

"I thought you might be awake. I've already done an hour's work. Can I leave you to get your own breakfast? I'll be working over in the big building straight ahead when you come out of the door." He put the mug down on the bed side table and lent over me and gave me a kiss. "And thanks for last night, it were good."

"Same here, thanks for everything."

I drank the tea, got up and had a shave and shower. I made my way down to get some breakfast. I lingered over breakfast, reading the paper, the Daily Mail. It was not my usual paper so it made a change. It must have been nearly 9.00 when the door suddenly burst open and in came a young man. He was a good 6foot three. Slim, with well developed muscles, blond hair, and blue eyes. When he saw me sitting at the table he pulled up short in surprise.

"I was expecting Colin. You must be Phil."

"And you must be Kevin."

"Yea, that's me. Good to meet you." We shook hands. "Colin's told me a little about you." I felt his eyes run all over me, and I must confess I was eyeing him. I liked what I saw, very much. We looked each other in the eye, and we both laughed, knowing that we were both doing the same thing.

"I am glad I've seen you. Hope to see some more of you." He laughed again,

realising what he had said. "I've got to dash. Work unfortunately calls.

See you."

Then he was gone. I sat down dazed by the haste of it all.

Half an hour later I went across to say goodbye to Colin.

"So you've met our Kevin?"


"He said he likes you, and wants to see you again."

"He seems a nice guy." I said.

"Great body. Great sex." muttered Colin. "Till next week then."

"Till then." We gave each other a hug and a kiss.

Next: Chapter 3

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