
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Dec 10, 2001


This story contains descriptions of consenting sex between adult gay men. If such stories are illegal where you live, or distasteful to you, please surf elsewhere. Otherwise I hope you enjoy. All characters are ficticious.

Resume:- Phil, a retired man in his 60s met Colin a farmer in his 40s. They began a close sexual friendship. Colin is a member of a gay group calling themselves The Countrymen. Colin is wanting Phil to become a member. He has already met Kevin in his 20s and the youngest member, and Tom in his late 60s the oldest member of the group. Phil is at Colin's farmhouse and has been telling Colin how five years into his marriage he met Steve, and fell in love with him.

The Countrymen Part 7

As we sat there on the settee, Colin was holding my hand. "So how did you feel about things that night."

"The confusion and turmoil in me continued. I hardly slept a wink. I tried not to toss and turn too much, but in the morning Sue commented on how restless I had been during the night. One of the troubles was Steve words at the end of our love making about my having a wife and family to get back to. Did he want to be rid of me? Had it all been highly unsatisfactory to him? We'd done none of the usual things. It had just been a frantic coupling of two men who could not contain themselves."

"So what happend that morning."

"It was a usual morning at home. Children to wake, having a bath, getting ready for work, breakfast. The sort of thing done in thousands of homes every work day morning. The half hour journey on the tube gave me some time to think. My immediate worry was Steve. I knew that if he didn't want anything further I was going to be heartbroken."

"So what did you do?"

"When I arrived at work I went straight to my office, and sat at my desk. There were one or two small things I needed to do after the evening before. I suppose I'd been sitting there for about 5 minutes when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and before I could turn Steve was whispering in my ear, You all right for a pub lunch today?' Yes. Certainly. 12.45?' Until then.' While we had held that short conversation he had fondled my ear lobe and neck with a finger. Just that small affection touch put all my worries to rest. At 12.45 we met in the entrance, and made our way outside. It was a sunny day, but not very warm. We started walking along the street. I think we need to talk,' said Steve. Yes. How are you after last night?' I replied. Fine. How were things when you got home?' he asked. A bit difficult. I was in a turmoil. I hardly slept.' Me too! I kept going over those few minutes back at my place.' When I was on the train going home, I kept wanting to get off and catch the next train back to you.' Did you really? I spent the night wishing you were there lying alongside me.' Steve paused before continuing And it is as much as I can do to keep my hands off you now.' Same here' I answered, `but we can't do anything, not in the street. I think we need to talk somewhere more private than a pub.' We walked along towards the great mass of St Paul's."

"Did you find somewhere where you could talk privately?" asked Colin.

Yes, we found a seat that was empty, right by St Paul's. What happened yesterday evening?' asked Steve. Yes, what did happen. I know what I want to say for myself,' I said. And what's that?' I hesitated before answering, I feel like a character in some cheap novel when I say this. But I think I've fallen in love with you.' Very briefly Steve put his hand on top of mine and gave it a squeeze. Thanks for saying that. I feel the same way!' So what are we going to do about it?' I asked. I know what I want to do,'said Steve, I want to get you alone, possibly at my place, with no clothes on, and some time to be together.' I felt my cock harden as he spoke. I turned to him with a grin, Don't say too much, a certain part of my anatomy is showing that he likes the thought.' So when?' asked Steve. I know. It's difficult for me being married.' I have an idea,' said Steve, Today is Friday. Lets knock off early and get a taxi to my place. Then perhaps we could have an hour together.' Just an hour,' I said sadly, It would be better than nothing.' Fine then. That arranged, let's go and get a bite to eat.'"

"So did you?"

"Yes, and it worked out a lot easier. As we were going back into the office building the porter said that the big white chief of the day before wanted to see us. So we both made our way straight up in the lift. We had to wait a few minutes in his secretary's office before being shown into the inner sanctum. The boss wanted to thank us for all that we'd done the day before. Then he said that as it was Friday, and if we'd finished our essential work he saw no reason why we should not pack off home early. That meant we left the office about 3.00 rather than the usual time two and a half to three hours later."

"You lucky chaps. Did you get a taxi?" asked Colin.

"I should say. There was not a minute to lose. I paid the taxi while Steve unlocked the front door. I followed again up the two flights of stairs, and again waited while he unlocked his door. We went in and straight way took off our top coats. Then we walked into his bedroom. Do you know what I want to do to you?' asked Steve. What?' I replied. I want to undress you, slowly garment by garment.' That's okay by me. What are you waiting for?' He stepped up to me and gave me a peck of a kiss on my cheek. Then he took of my jacket, and placed it carefully over the back of a chair. This was to be no hurried undressing like the night before. Then very deliberately he undid my tie, giving me a couple of kisses on my mouth as he did so."

"Did you undress him at the same time?"

"No. He wanted to undress me. It felt strange in some ways, but this was what he wanted, so I was happy to go along with him. Beginning with the top button, he undid my shirt. When it was half undone, he slipped his hand in and felt my chest. I do like a hairy man,' he said, One of my dissapointments in life is that I have just got a tiny copse in the middle of my chest, and not a might forest like you.' `I like what I encoutered last night,' I replied. He undid the rest of my shirt and undid my belt and the top two fly buttons of my trousers and tugged the shirt out of my trousers."

"I'd more or less forgotten about fly buttons, now we're in an age of zips."

"Steve then knelt down and took off my shoes and socks, and again carefully and in an orderly way placed them under the chair. He looked up at me. Now for the most intesting part,' he said with a great smile. He undid the rest of my fly buttons, and was carful not to touch or put any pressure on my very stiff cock. He lowered my trousers, and I stept out of them. He got up onto his feet, and began to put them on the chair. I had some loose change in my pockets, and the coins fell out and rolled over the floor. We both laughed. The best laid plans of mice and men!' quoted Steve. He got down and began to pick them up, I joined him on all fours picking up the coins. We must have been a sight. I was dressed only in my underpants, and he was still in his city suit. As we were picking them up we looked at each other, and crawled towards each other and we gave each other a kiss. There is still one garment to go,' said Steve. I stood up, very conscious of the extent of my erection, and the damp patch where I was oozing precum. Steve looked at me, Do you know, during the night, I realised I could not remember whether you were cirmcumcised or not?' I am circumcised,' I said. He then pulled out the waist band of my underpants, and looked down. Beautiful, wondeful.' he said. Then very gently he lowered my pants, and folding them carfully put them on the chair. So there was I stark naked, and Steve fully clothed looking at me through his thick glasses."

"So what did he do then?"

"He looked at me closely, and began to run his hands over me, gently touching my chest and stomach. Then over my back and buttocks. I feel as though I was a statue being examined by an expert,' I said. No Phil, the Hermes of Praxiteles at Olympia is stone, and Michaelangelo's David is cold and does not move, you are flesh and blood and warm, and the most wonderful thing of all, you have told me that you love me.' Then at long last he took my cock in his hands, and cupped my balls. I hope these have been in full production over night,' said Steve, because I want you to fuck me, fuck me hard and long and fill me with your lovely spunk. I want evey drop in me and not to be wasted to trickle down on to the bed. With that he knelt down again, and kissed the tip of my cock, kissed my cock all over, and then my balls, before placing my cock in his mouth, and sucking me me gently."

"Did you come there and then?"

"No. I asked him, Now how are we going to get you undressed like me?' He let my cock slurp out of his mouth, and looked up at me. I think I want you to undress me.' So I began to do to him what he'd just done to me. Tie, shoes and socks, shirt and trousers, and finally I gripped the bottom of each leg of his pants and pulled. His stiff cock was first pulled down and then flopped back with a slapping sound against his stomach. It was a lovely one, of course, with it being fully erect I would not have been able to tell whether it was cut or not. I kissed it and began to suck it. After a few minutes he pulled me up onto my feet, and I stood back and took in the whole of his body. It was then that I realised that his sun tan was all over. There was no whiter region in the middle. I asked him How come you're sun tanned all over?' I went on a late holiday in Cornwall with a friend. We were able to strip off and sun bathe both in the garden and in a very secluded cove.' answered Steve. He pulled me over on to the bed. For a while we lay together. I felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of his friend in Cornwall. I was ashamed of myself, but I couldn't help but ask, Is he a special friend?' He was a special friend,' replied Steve, `That is why we went on holiday together. But he got involved with a young Cornish fisherman. That was a couple of months ago. I was feeling very low, but not now, you've come into my life.' He kissed me, and we lay there hugging each other."

"Had he suspected that you were gay, or you thought he was?" asked Colin.

"I asked him about that. He had slightly wondered, but dismissed it because I was married and had a family. I had wondered about him, but I was far from being sure. The moment of truth for us both was in that pub. For us both it was an instantaneous realisation that we were in some way meant for each other. To sound a bit sloppy, we both fell in love with each other at the same moment."

"I don't see why on earth you have to be ashamed about it. Why shouldn't two men fall in love with each other. Straight people do from time to time, why shouldn't gays?"

"Why not? I know we did."

"So did you fuck him then?"

"Yes. After a lovely spell of gentle kissing and cuddling, I asked him, So you want me to fuck you?' Yes, please. Hold on.' Steve got off the bed and I watched his back and lovely bum go out through the door, in a moment he was back, cock standing proud before him, and a jar of vaseline in his hand. This'll help.' I grabbed the small jar from him. Let me do it all,' I said. I put it on my cock, and then began to prepare him. I did it gently, getting first one finger, then two and finally three into him. You're so gentle, you must have done this before.' said Steve. I told him that I had, though it was some years since I had last done it. How do you want me?' I asked. Doggie fashion to begin with, and then we can collapse down on to the bed, and we will be comfortable, and you can take all night over it.' I am afraid I haven't got all night,' I said giving him a kiss. Perhaps sometime we will be able to scounge a night together.' Maybe.' He got up onto all fours, and I knelt behind him. I had prepared him well, he almost sucked my cock into him. Comments of appreciation came from him, as I fully penetrated him. He then slowly lowered himself face down on to the bed. We lay, often still, sometimes talking, often I would kiss his back and neck and could just reach the corner of his mouth. If I felt I was beginning to loose my erection a little thrusting from me would get him stiff again. But for over an hour I did not press things to the point of no return. Then in the distance we heard a church clock strike 5.00. You'll have to be going soon,' said Steve. I am afraid so, but we'll have other times.' I began to thrust into him. His murmers of delight mounted as we both approached our climaxes. He came first, and the spasms of his ejaculation set me off, and I felt again a copious load to spunk being deposited this time inside my friend, Steve, and not on to my stomach to trickle down on to the bed."

"If it were half as good as it sounds, it were great," said Colin.

"You right it was great." I put my arms round Colin, and gave him a kiss. "And I have some great times with you, my love."

"And with many more to come."

"Yes, many, many more to come."

"So how long did this great love affair last?" enquired Colin.

"It lasted for just over a year. I left him that Friday evening with more kisses and hugs. We exchanged telephone numbers. He knew there would be difficulties if he phoned me. So I made my way back home."

"Didn't your wife suspect something?"

"Yes, but not immediately. Within the week she said I was different, that I had changed. She did ask if I'd fallen for another woman. I was able to deny that convincingly. At one point she wondered if I'd undergone some sort of religious conversion. Those were the days of the Billy Graham Crusades. But something interesting did happen that weekend. I was trying to finish decorating one of the children's bedrooms. Not a big job in and of itself. But it was taking a while, with all the interruptions from the kids and so on. So when I got home that Friday evening Sue announced that she was going to take the kids over to my myparents for the day, so that I could have a good uninterrupted go and try to finish off papering the bedroom. I was expected to get it done! So shortly after 9.00am Sue and the kids left saying that they would not be back until about 5.00. The moment they disappeared round the corner I phoned Steve. We chatted about the evening before, and expressed our love for each other. Then he asked what I was doing that day. I told him. He promptly made a suggestion, that he came over and helped me decorated the bedroom, two men on the job would soon get it done. And that would allow time for some action. He was desperate to fuck me, he said. That's what we did. I started papering the room, and three quarters of an hour later there was a ring at the door. There was Steve, with a small attache case in his hand. We had a good kiss and hug. What's that for?' I asked pointing at the case. That's my alibi. I've come about something at work, if you're asked about the man who called. You never know about neighbours seeing things in these respectable London suburbs. But inside are some overalls. So what's it to be, sex first, or sex last?' Sex in the middle, I think,' was my reply, Let's get as much of the job done as possible first, then we will have some idea about how the time is going.'"

"So was it a case of many hands making light work?"

"Four hands did make light work. The pattern on the paper was simple, and while waiting for him I'd cut it up into the right lengths. He had the job of putting on the paste, while I hung the paper. We didn't just do the job in half the time, we did it in less than a third of the time I would have taken had I been alone. It was fun working together. It was not the sort of job where you had to concentrate totally, we could talk together. At 1.00 I suggested that we had some lunch. I started getting some sandwiches. As I stood cutting the bread Steve came up behind me, put his arms around me, and pressed his crotch into me. I do love you,' he said, I think you're irrestistable.' `Let's eat, and then we'll play,' I said."

"Where did you have sex, on the matrimonial bed?" asked Colin.

"No way. That would have felt very wrong. We did it on one of the children's beds. I put a dust sheet over it. Does that shock you?"

"No. I don't think so. You have to do it somewhere, the floor is rather hard and uncomfortable. Always seems harder than on the ground if you're outside."

"Well, that's where we did it. We just reversed the roles of the evening before. It hurt me a bit, I wasn't as used to it as he was, but once he was in I enjoyed it. He shot his load of spunk inside fairly quickly, and then we had a nice time just cuddling each other and talking. Then finally he gave me an excellent blow job. Then we went back and finished the last bit of papering the bedroom. We cleaned up, and he got out of his overalls and packed them away in his attache case. We went downstairs, and he put the case by the front door while we went into the kitchen where I made us a cup of tea. We sat round the small table talking. And we didn't notice the passage of time. Suddenly there was the sound of a key in the lock! My heart stopped beating for a moment. Steve was magnificent, Leave it to me,' he said. Sue and the children came in, she was surprised to see me there with someone else. Steve held out his hand and introduced himself as someone from work, who'd had to find out something from me. They chatted together. Then Sue went up to inspect the bedroom and came down very pleased to see the that it was done. Just shows how much can be done when you have a clear run at it!' was her comment. Just remains to put the carpet back down, and move the furniture back.' Can I help with that,' volunteered Steve. So we both trooped back up stairs and the two of us put things back into the bed room. Steve left soon after that, in spite of Sue offering him a meal. He afterwards said that to accept would have been to push our luck. I saw him to the gate, we stood for a moment with the shut gate between us, Thanks,' he said, Thanks for every thing.' He placed his hand on mine and gave it a quick squeeze."

"Did you wife make any comment about him?"

"Yes. She said he seemed a nice fellow, though she thought he was an odd looking guy with his sticking out ears and large nose."

"Were you able to see much of each other?"

"We aimed to get together at least once a week. I started finding I had to work late most Tuesdays. Sometime we would have a quickie at his flat on a Friday, if we both could get away slightly earlier than usual. We were soon very fortunate it was Christopher's, the son's, half term It had been long arranged that Sue was going to take the kids down to her parents in Brighton for the week. We began by having a whole weekend together."


"At his place. We actually walked back from the office that evening. He'd got in plenty of food. Steve marched into his bedroom, `Now for some real time together.' We were soon naked and on the bed together. We didn't put on any clothes again until we left for work on the Monday morning. I think we had sex almot everywhere in that flat. The only room where we didn't was the bathroom. We tried to have a bath together, but the actual bath was far too small for us both to get into. I fucked him while he was peeling the potatoes, his bum was just irresistable. It was a fabulous weekend."

"I should think you were utterly shattered by the end of it."

"Yes. Though we slept well at night, and often dozed off in each others arms, after a particular bout of love making. We seemed so compatible; socially, in what we talked about, and we were compatible sexually. That is so very important. Often there are guys who you are not fully compatible with."

"How do you mean?"

"Well some guys seem to like to get it all over and done with as soon as possible. There are guys that once they have come just want to get away from you, and have no real interest in your satisfaction. You need to know how hard, or not hard, a guy likes his nipples pinched. Some guys keep squeezing your balls, and you have to ask them to be more gentle. Compatibility is knowing what your lover likes, and what he doesn't like. You are really compatible if that comes totally naturally to you both, you find yourself just doing what he likes, and he does exactly what turns you on, no more and no less."

"Are we compatible?" asked Colin.

"Oh yes, my love. We're compatible. Totally compatible." I gave him a kiss.

"And Kevin?"

"He's the same. I don't yet know about Tom, but I suspect that if he is okay for you, he'll be okay for me"

"So how long did your relationship with Steve last?"

"Just over a year."

"What made you split? It sounds so good" said Colin.

"We didn't split in the sense of having some disagreement or row. The trouble was I was asked to go and work in Bristol, that meant moving down there. We did not split as such. We just seemed to drift appart once we'd moved down to Bristol. I had to come up to London about once a month or so, and we got together then. But I had to have a good reason to stay a night, as a day trip to London was easy from Bristol. On a day visit we rarely had very long together, often just enough time for a quick lunch or cup of coffee even. After two or three months or so Steve asked if I'd mind if he saw another man or men. I couldn't say, no. I'd started to look at other guys too. So we gave each other our freedom. But we kept in touch, but our getting together for sex just grew less and less frequent."

"Did you ever think of leaving your wife and setting up with Steve."

"Oh yes. We talked about it quite a lot, certainly at the beginning."

"Why didn't you? You seemed to have had something real good going between you."

"Steve was very strongly against."


"He put it this way. He felt that if I left my wife and kids I'd always feel guilty, probably very guilty. He said that if I felt guilt I'd possibly start blaming him. I could see the logic behind that. He said it would be somewhat different if Sue left me, or wanted to throw me out. Also he was insistent that he could manage the way things were. He said it was a help for him to have met Sue and the kids, even though it had only been for a few minutes. He knew who were important in my life, and could listen with real understanding when I talked about them, especially about the kids."

"Are you still in touch with him?" asked Colin.

"No; he died."


"1978, from leukaemia."

"Oh, no!"

"We had kept in touch. The odd lunch together when I came up to town, but these got less and less frequent. We'd exchange news. He had several partners, and a sequence of short term affairs. Towards the end it was little more than a long Christmas letter with a card. The last partner in his life was a guy called Nigel. Late one evening, I remember Sue had just gone up to bed, and there was a phone call. I answered it. A voice I didn't know came over the phone. I am Nigel, Steve's partner. Is it safe to talk?' I said yes'. He continued. I am afraid I've got some bad news for you. Steve died yesterday evening.' How?' I asked. It was from leukaemia. He'd been ill for sometime. He knew what was going to happen. He asked me to let you know. And suggested I rang you at this time of night.' When, and where is the funeral?' Next Tuesday, and it will be at his family home at Kimpton, just north of St Albans. Any chance of you getting to it? I know he would've liked you to be there. You were special to him, a very important chapter in his life.' He gave me further details and I said that I would make a 100% effort to be there."

I paused for a while, as the memories came flooding back. Sue called down to ask who'd phoned. I went up and told her. I reminded her of the guy who'd helped put the furniture back in the bedroom in the old house. Oh I remember the guy with the sticking out ears.' I nodded. I want to go to the funeral. Its on Tuesday.' I didn't realise you knew him that well.' We'd rather drifted appart when we came down to Bristol. But he was an only son and his Mother is still alive.' I then went back downstairs and sat. I reviewed that year of Steve. The good times we had had together. Especially that frantic first sexual encounter. But not just the sex, but also the fun and the laughter. The tears began to flow, and I found myself weeping for someone who I'd greatly loved, and, in a way, still loved. He may not have been much to look at, certainly not a guy who oozed his sexuality, but in action he was real sexy guy. I just loved him."

The tears began to flow again as I remembered Steve.

"Did you go to the funeral?"

"Yes. It meant an early start. I drove to Kimpton. I got there with about a quarter of an hour to spare, and went and sat in the church. There was a small congregation. Mostly villagers, presumeably friends of Steve's mother. There were about ten or twelve men, obviously London types, looking a bit embarassed and out of place. It was a simple funeral, there was no acknowledgment of his sexuality, though the vicar did mention friends, and made special mention of his closest friend Nigel, which I thought was something. Certainly for those days. After the service we all trooped out into the church yard and Steve was buried in the same grave as his father. The commital only took a few moments, as we stood round the grave. I watched the coffin being lowered into the grave and thought of the person who I'd known so intimately, every inch of his body, and a lot of his story as well. All to end up in a wooden coffin, at a relatively early age, and lowered into the consming mouth of a Hertfordshire grave."

"Don't you believe in a resurrection?"

"I am not sure. Not sure at all."

"You'll have to speak to Vic about that. Did you speak with Steve's mother?"

"Yes. Nigel went round speaking to the London men around the grave, quietly inviting us all back to the house. He said that it was just for Steve's friends from afar. It was just a short walk to the house. There were I think ten of us men, and Steve's Mum. She was a little old lady in her mid eighties, but full of life and vitality. When we were all in the house, she said, "I know that you are all friends of Steve's. I am too old to understand that side of his being. I loved him greatly, and you loved him too, so as lovers of my son Steve, you are very welcome to my home, and was what his home when he was a boy.' I am not sure how far she realised what she was saying with her use of the word lover. I suppose she was using it in the old fashioned sense of her younger days, but it was true in the fullest sense for us all. Nigel came over and introduced himself. I know you,' he said, because I see your photo every day. Steve has it in the bedroom. You were very special to him. He always spoke warmly of you, and often wished that you had not been moved down to Bristol.' My picture, and him saying that, must have been hard for you at times,' I said. No,' he replied, `you were his special friend during one chapter of his life, and I was his special friend for the last chapter. We loved each other greatly too. I had the priveledge of caring for him over the last few months, and he died in my arms. He was a wonderful man.' He then introduced me to Steve's mother, and she obviously knew something about me. She thanked me for being a friend to her Steve."

We sat in silence for a while. My eyes were damp at remembering my love for Steve. I found myself muttering something. "I think Steve is happy that I have found you."

Colin put his arms round me, and hugged me close.

I felt suddenly embarassed at what I said. "I don't know what made me say that! I am not sure that I believe that sort of thing." I said.

"Perhaps what you said is the truth. Steve was a wonderful guy, he'd be very happy to know that you are discovering anew what love of two men for each other can mean."

The warm silence enfolded us, and for the first time for years I felt I was with that man with the sticking out ears and the long nose, and he was peering at me through his thick glasses. I think he would have approved of Colin, and would have found something of a kindred spirit in Kevin.

"Did you fall in love again?" asked Colin.

"Not until I met a Yorkshire farmer one day when out walking."

"Thank you for that." We sat there, holding hands and felt very close to each other.

Colin broke the silence. "I think we need to comemorate Steve and ourselves. What about some bed and action?"

"Good idea. Lead on, MacDuff."

We both stood up and made our way upstairs. There was no longer the excitement of undressing each other, we now knew each others bodies so well. We undressed and both slipped into bed. I knew on which side Colin liked to sleep. The bed felt cold so we snuggled up together. Our arms we round each other, and our bodies pressed close together. I felt my cock begin to rise, and at the same time felt Colin's stirring member.

"I think Steve would have liked to have been with us," I said.

"I have no sense of him coming between us, rather you telling me about him, makes me feel that he is joining us together."

"And how do you want us to join together."

"My cock is in need of some action. He seems to have been missing out recently, when there were the three of us earlier today."

"And last Friday with Kevin." I added. "How do you want me?"

"Let's just see how it goes."

"That's fine by me."

We lay, hands active, mouths and tongues active, and the bed becomming warmer. Colin pushed me over onto my back, and leaning up on his elbow looked down on me. "Thanks for telling me all that you've told me tonight. Especially about Steve. You know I think it all makes me love you more." He gave me some kisses, and with his free hand began to fondle one of my nipples. The one being attended to immediately responded. Colin moved his kisses down, and began to suck and nibble at my hardend tit, while his hand moved across to the other one.

"Tom doesn't mind us getting close, loving each other does he?" I asked.

"No. Tom has always encouraged me to find fresh friends. Now that he's met you I know that he'll be wanted to know you better, in every way."

"Love you, Colin. Everyday I realise just how much."

"Me too."

He began to kiss my face, my forehead, my eyes, to kiss and lick my ears, and to lip nibble my ear lobes. I began to groan with pleasure. We kissed properly, with our mouths open, our lips soft to the others touch, and our tongues exploring each other, and the mouths they contained. Then he move down to my neck, and slowly kissing and niblling with his lips he moved down, over my chest, over my stomach, and little bit of close attention to my navel, and then down into my crotch. His face and mouth were playing with my cock, with my balls and behind my balls. He put my cock into his mouth and I felt his tongue feel round the eaves of my glans. I opened my legs as far as they would go, to give him free and full access.

"Come on top of me," I asked. He came on top, we were mouth to mouth, tit to tit, belly to belly, and cock to cock. I opened my legs again so he lay between. Then I pulled my knees up, and I felt his cock go down behind my balls. It felt great. I put my legs over his bottom.

"I want you inside me."

"That's just where I want to go."

Keeping in position as much as he was able, he wriggled over so that he could reach the bedside drawer. He got out a packet of condoms and some lube. We had to break to prepare. But I grabbed the packet with the condom in it, and prepared him with a few kisses and some sucking from me, I tore open the packet, and put the condom on him. I then prepared myself with the lube, and put some on him.

"It'll be good when we can do way with these damn things," said Colin.

"I should say. Roll on July and becomming a Countryman."

I lay back and opened my legs, pulling my knees up and so raising myself so that he could enter. He got between my legs, and I felt the tip of his cock against that most sensitive spot. He looked into my eyes and began to enter. As usual he took it slowly, watching every expression on my face. There was no pain, only a desperate longing to have him there. As he was slipping into me, I put my legs back over him, and gripped him with my legs as tightly as I could. My hands reached up to touch and stroke him.

Doing it that way made it seem that his cock was further in than ever before. Maybe it was!

"Love you, Phil."

"Love you too."

With very slow movements he began to thrust in and out of me. It felt better than ever. I murmured the usual requests for more, for deeper. Slowly he increased his pace, watching my face the whole time. We were joining as two men in a deeper and more fundamental way than we had ever done before. His cock seems to grow longer, thicker, harder, and then it pulsed. I could not feel his load come into me, but I felt his cock shooting his cum.

"That were great, Phil, my lad."

"I'll give you `my lad'! I'm old enough to be your Dad."

"So what. You've got a body that turns me on, regardless of how many times it's been round the sun. And I love you Phil." As he reached to kiss me his cock fell out with an almost audible plop. We laughed. We lay together in each others arms, and dozed for a short while. Then he gave me a couple of paper tissues to mop up myself, and he got out of bed to remove the condom and clean himself. He stood and stretched, while I admired every inch of his body.

"Come on back into bed. I need some more hugs from you."

"Good idea." We were soon back in each others arms.

"Did you fall in love with any other guys after Steve?" asked Colin.

"No. I had several friends, but there was never another like Steve. There was something totally ecstatic about that initial joining in his flat after that evening of work. Then the following Saturday, and the kids half term weekend. But after we'd moved to Bristol, the relationship was too difficult to maintain. I had a few months of nothing happening. Then there was a couple of guys that I met when I was out walking. About once a month I had a day out walking by myself, usually a Saturday or Sunday. Sue also had a day free of the kids while I looked after them each month. It was a good arrangement for us both."

"So what happened?"

"I was out walking in the Cotswolds. I was walking along this footpath and quite a way in front of me there were two men walking. I kept seeing them ahead of me. Then the path went through a piece of woodland, scrubby sort of wood, with a lot of bushes and undergrowth. The path was quite clear. When I came to the stile at the far edge of the wood the path went on down the hill into a valley, but it was clear ahead, and there was no one walking on it. I wondered what had happened to the two men. They had just disappeared, and I knew there had been no other path going off in the wood. Slightly puzzled, I sat on the top of the stile and decided to have a drink and a biscuit. I sat there, enjoying some refreshment and taking in the view. I continued to be puzzled about the two men. I decided to go back through the wood just to see if I'd not noticed a turning off."

"Was there?"

"Not as I could see. I walked back through the wood, and was then on my way back again, when I heard some noises, of movement, and some slight grunting noises. I was intrigued, and decided to investigate. I crept towards the sound. It was difficult not to make a noise myself as the undergrowth was quite thick, and there were twigs on the ground that would have snapped if I'd trodden on them. Then through the branches of a bush I saw them. One guy was on all fours, with his shorts round just one of his ankles and his shirt up round his neck, and the other guy was dressed the same fucking him like mad. The noises I'd heard where grunts of appreciation from the guy being fucked. I'd never watched two men at it ever before. I found it incredibly horny. I immediately had a hard on. I started rubbing my cock, and got him out to give him the proper attention he was demanding."

"What happened?"

"They must have sensed that I was there. They suddenly stopped and turned there heads in my direction. They were obviously highly embarassed and began to pull appart. Carry on chaps,' I said. I stepped forward so that they could see that I'd got my own cock out. Looks as though you're having a good time,' I added, pulling a few times at my own cock."

"It is horny watching other guys. I was very turned on watching you and Kev the other night."

"The guy who was doing the fucking beckoned me to come closer, and he reached out for my cock. He did not hold it for long, it was obvious he was about to climax. He turned to pay full attention to his friend, and soon they were both making noises. I just hoped no one else was walking along that footpath that afternoon. It was obviously a good climax for them both. They pulled appart, and both stood up and turned to me. Do you do the same sort of thing?' asked one of the guys. Whenever I get the chance,' I replied. Same here. We're both married and the only chance to enjoy each other is usually when we go out walking together, which we try to do every other Saturday.' I know the problem, I'm married too,' I said. The guy who had just been fucked reached across and held my cock. His name was Alan, I later found out. Then he knelt down and began to suck me. This is rapidly becoming my best walk in a great many years,' I said. Alan let my cock out of his mouth, and looked up at me. I'd like to be fucked by you,' he said in a totally matter of fact way, as though he was just asking the time. That would be okay by me,' I replied. He will never turn down an opportunity of being screwed,' said the other guy, whose name was Brian, `Can't get enough of it.' So Alan got back down on all fours, and I got behind and fucked him. He was well lubricated by the time he'd just had with Brian."

"Was it good?"

"Yes. It was fine. I managed to give him a good long screw. Brian stood to one side enjoying watching it all. When we'd finished we walked on together. They were about five years younger than me. Been having it off with each other since their school days, and regarded it all as totally normal, and had drifted into marriage. Both had some kids. They said they prefered sex with men. I told them about myself and a little about Steve."

"Did you see them again."

"Oh yes. Lots of times. I always tried to join them on one of their Saturday walks. They knew all sorts of places where we could do things other than walk! They knew of secluded barns well away from main farm buildings. We tended to use those in the winter or if the weather was wet. Otherwise it was a hay stack, or as I'd found them that Saturday, a clearing in a thick wood. We had some very good times. They lived in Bath, but they told me of the gay pubs in Bristol. Every half term Sue would take the kids either to my parents or to hers. She'd take the car, and leave me behind. I used to go to one of the pubs."


"Often. Always had a good chat. Often something more. Uusally they were only one night stands. Met all sorts of guys. Then the AIDS scare began, and precautions had to be taken. All through my time at Bristol I'd meet up with Alan and Brian, usually the two of them, occasionally just one of them. But theirs was no an exclusive relationship."

"They remained married?"

"Yea. Like many gay men, they were happy to remain married as long as they could empty their bollocks regularly with another guy. Their wives didn't know, didn't feel anything was wrong with the marriage. So they stayed wed. They were friends, but not close friends. I already feel I know young Kev better than I ever knew them."

"I gather that there are a lot of men like that. Gay but happy to remain married. Especially older men, who got married when it was expected of them."

"Once or twice Alan and Brian came to my place, I need not tell you what we got up to."

"I can guess."

"Then after almost twenty years of marriage Sue and I parted. She remained in Bristol, and I was moved up to Nottingham, where I spent the rest of my working life."

"When did you retire?"

"In `98."

"So when did you move up to York."

"When I retired. I had decided I wanted to move into a smaller house in a smaller town, nearer some good walking country. It was a choice of somewhere up in the Dales, or York. York has the advatnage of good communications, some good culture, and great walking in three different types of terrain - the Wolds, the Dales, and of course the Moors. I am so glad I made the move. I've been very happy in York."

"So was your last sex in Nottingham or in York."

"In London, actually. I was down there for work, and had some fun while I was down there."

"Why was it the last?"

"Several reasons, I was conscious of getting old and wrinkly."

"Rubbish. You're only a little weather beaten in your face and neck. You've less of a paunch than me, and fortunately mine is not much of one. Your essential equipment is in full working order, that I do know." He got hold of my prick and gave it one of his squeezes.

"Okay. But I was getting older, and the gay scene is a young man's world. Too many young men out there just judge a man by his looks and not by what he is. They forget that older men are as capable of fun and affection and able to give great pleasure, often more than a less experienced Adonis who catches the eye."

"And they forget that they too will age, and there will be wrinkles and all the evidence of aging slowly overtaking everyone of them," said Colin.

"But there was another reason. I hesitate to tell you."

"What was that?" He pushed himself hard against me, and gave me a kiss.

"You might not want to do that when I tell you."

"Go on. Try me!"

"A few days after I got back from London I found I'd got crab lice. I was horrified."

"What did you do?"

"I found out that the remedy was quite easy. Some ointment from the pharmacist. But I thought, that's it. I stopped going out looking for sex. But then earlier this year, I met a young farmer."

"A young farmer! Who was that man?" said Colin in mock anger.

"To me he was young. Real sexy bloke. He seduced me in his bathroom, and the rest is history."

We laughed and cuddled.

We chatted on, and slowly drifted off to sleep. My last waking moment was of my head resting on one of Colin's arms, and the other one holding me close. His hairy chest against my back and his soft cock against my bottom. I felt safe and loved.

That night I dreamt. I was in a large area of rocks and bushes. There were others with me. Colin was one, another was a tiny man with blue eyes, [yes, I am one of those rare men who dream in colour] and other was very tall but his body was not straight but curved, the fourth person I could not properly identify. We were scattered in this area, but there was a monster herding us together. Each time one of us tried to get away, the monster would be there in front of us. Slowly we were herded together. Then the monster became a spider, and proceeded to spin a web round us. The web was forcing us closer and closer together until we were all touching. The web did not hurt. It was strong, but soft and warm. Closer and closer we were forced together, till we were touching and in close contact. Then the spider came and stood infront of us. It had sticking out ears, and a long nose, it smiled a warm loving smile at us all.

When I woke I was cuddling Colin. I lay there, recollecting my dream, and conscious of my love for Colin. Eventually Colin stirred.

He turned over and gave me a kiss. "Morning, Phil. It is good to wake up with a nice sexy man in bed with you." Our hands reached down to find the other's family jewels.

The alarm went off, and Colin turned it off. But he did not get out of bed as he usually did. "I want to give you a thank you present for yesterday evening." He kissed me again and then slid down the bed, and started to kiss and lick my cock and balls. I was fully hard in an instant. His tongue traced the edge of the helmet of my cock. Soon I was cuming into his mouth. We had not taken long, but it was good.

We lay together spent, and I told Colin of my dream. "I think you should take that as Steve fully approving of the two of us, and of you joining the Countrymen," said Colin.

We both got out of bed and had our usual shower. Each soaping the other. We dried ourselves, dressed, and went downstairs.

Colin went out to get on with the early morning milking. I got breakfast ready, and collected up my things and prepared to leave.

Eventually Colin came in from the milking. We sat and had breakfast together.

"It will be a long time before we can see each other again."

"Yea, best part of three weeks. I go down to my son's tomorrow, I'll miss you all up here."

"I know I'll miss you. But there is the phone."

We gave each other a hug and some kisses, before I wrenched myself away, and made my way back home.

Next: Chapter 8

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