Cowboy Dreams

By Stuart James

Published on Nov 25, 2013



I wrote a couple of stories earlier in the year where one of the main characters was a cowboy. The image turns me on, so I don't apologise for that. This was going to be a story in a similar, fairly light, vein. But for some reason it did not come out as I had originally planned. Instead it became rather a dark tale.

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Cowboy Dreams

I will try and tell you my story as well as I can. But some of the details are rather hazy and I might get some of the events in the wrong order. I was drugged for some of the time and tortured at others. No this is no good. Let's start with the parts I am sure about.

I flew into George Bush airport in Houston, Texas. As I was on an international flight from Europe I prepared for the long wait to be allowed to enter the mighty USA. Eventually I was summoned to one of the desks. The man looked at my British passport and then at me and then back to my passport. He picked up a telephone. I am not sure what he said but soon another man came and stood alongside me. He took the passport from the immigration officer.

"Please come with me," he said and led the way past the desk, through a door, along a corridor and towards a mirrored glass door at the end. I had no reason to feel apprehensive. He seemed friendly enough. He was not in any uniform - unless the full cowboy outfit, you know jeans, boots, denim shirt and white Stetson - counts as uniform in Texas. I guessed he was about my age - mid twenties - and a little bit taller than me, and probably in better shape than me, although I am not in bad shape. Once we passed through the door, I quickly found out that he was in good shape. He pushed me against the wall with his forearm against my windpipe. I felt a sting in my neck and everything went hazy before I blacked out.

I do not know how long I was unconscious for. But when the world slowly came back into focus I was in a different room. I remember that it had no windows and wonder if it was a cellar. I was in a sort of alcove off the main part of the room that was about 15 feet square. I was naked and sitting on a white tiled floor leaning against a white tiled wall. It seemed very bright, as if someone were shining a light into my eyes. I went to lift my hands to rub my eyes and they felt peculiarly heavy. I looked and could see that I had heavy iron manacles around both wrists that were attached to heavy chains that were in turn attached to the wall.

"So you have returned to the land of the living," a voice behind the light said.

"Who are you? What do you want? Let me go," I said in a horsey shout.

The man came closer to me and crouched down so that his face was near to mine. I could see that it was the cowboy from before, although he had removed his hat.

"We want information from you. I intend to make sure you give me that information. You can call me Dallas."

"I don't know anything. I have done nothing. Let me go, " I replied.

"Oh come on Steve," he said, showing that he knew the middle name that my friends call me, rather than the first name on my passport. "Everyone knows something and everyone has done something. I will tell you in a moment what questions you must answer. I say 'must' as I will do whatever is necessary to get the answers." He stood up and pushed the pointed toe of his cowboy boot into my crotch and used it to play with my cock and balls. "But first let's talk about how I will make you answer. George Orwell got it about right. You find what truly frightens a man and use that to break him. With men it is easy. All men value their cock and balls. Indeed they often call them their 'crown jewels'. Apply enough pressure...." and with this he pushed my balls to the floor with the toe of his boot and squeezed them with enough force to make me wince but not enough to cause real pain. "Apply enough pressure and you can not only cause great pain, but the victim has the additional worry of whether his pride and joy will ever work again. Whether he will become less than a man. Things like water boarding are far less effective. Would you like some water?" I nodded and he held the plastic tube of a plastic bottle near to my mouth. I sucked up several mouthfuls of rather bitter tasting liquid before he pulled it away.

"Now the questions you will answer, if you wish to leave here a fully functioning man, are twofold. Firstly how did you take the money out of the bank accounts of so many people and where is the money you stole?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. I have never robbed a bank."

"I didn't say robbed, I said taken. What you did was very clever. You only took 10 or 20 cents - and never more than 50 cents - from millions of bank accounts. All the deposits and withdrawals on peoples bank statements were correct. But the calculation of the balance for some items was wrong. And the cents you stole were put into an account that you controlled. We have not yet found out exactly how much money you stole as it is an almost impossible task to check every line of every statement of every bank account. I will tell you that we also do not know where you finally moved all the money to. We only discovered the theft a short time ago. You may have been doing it for months or even years. But it must be many millions of dollars. But worse from our point of view, we are not sure how you did it. We can find no trace of any malevolent software on any of the banks systems that you attacked. So you can do it again and again. You could destroy the entire worlds banking structure with this drip drip from the system. I am therefore tasked to get the answers. And I am tasked to use any methods I think necessary to get them."

His dark brown eyes bored into my head as he stared at me. "I don't know what you are talking about. This is crazy," I replied. At that moment I became aware that I was getting an erection. My cock came to attention and was so solid, it actually ached. "What the hell......"

"The drug is working," Dallas replied. "I put it in the water. It is a variant on Viagra. It is far stronger as I guess you can feel. But it not only gives you a hard on, it affects all your body and makes your erogenous zones, in particular, very sensitive. Let me demonstrate." He bent over and took hold of my erect nipples in his finger tips. He delicately played with them and the feeling was one of intense pleasure. I closed my eyes and moaned as he played with me. Then he squeezed my nipples viscously and the pain made my eyes water and took all the air out of my lungs.

"You see? Pain and pleasure. That is another part of my theory on how I will make you talk. I will take you to heights of pleasure. Which will make the descent into the troughs of pain all the more intolerable. Do you want to answer my questions?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Believe me. I don't." He took hold of me by my waist and helped me stand up. The touch of his hands on my body felt like he was rubbing me with the finest mink. Delicate ripples of pleasure went through me. When I was standing, with my huge erection pointing at him, he let me go and I rested against the tiled wall. In the next moment he grabbed my left nipple and pulled it away from my body. Then he stuck a large needle sideways through my flesh. I am not sure if I screamed. But I fell back to the floor in a dead feint.

I do not know how long I was out for this second time. I came to with Dallas again gently playing with my left nipple, although it felt rather different. I looked down at his hand on me. I had a large steel ring through my nipple and he was caressing it. His face had a wide grin showing his straight white teeth. The pleasure of what he was doing to me was indescribable. I just wanted more and more. And then he tugged on the ring and I screamed in pain. He left me laying on the ground until the noise I was making stopped.

"Are you ready for the right nipple or are you ready to tell me what I want to know?"

"I don't know anything about stealing the money. You must believe me." I think I started to sob. He bent down and tried to lift me up again. I tried to resist but he kept saying quiet things, nice things, in my ear. I am not sure what he said but with the gentle caresses it felt so good. I just wanted to please him, even though in the back of my mind I knew what was to come. After he stood me up, he took hold of right nipple and played with it gently. I kept saying 'no' and 'please' even as he pleasured my body. This time he did not spear me by surprise. He showed me the thick needle as he continued to play with my right nipple with his left hand. The piercing when it came seemed like slow motion. I could see the needle go slowly towards my flesh and I thought I could hear the point pierce my skin. Then the pain flooded though me again. This time rather than fall, Dallas had taken hold of me and he lowered me to the ground. I don't remember passing out. But I don't remember the steel ring being inserted in me, so I think I must have.

"Surely you can see how much pain I can now put you through just with these simple rings. And I can add more rings to your cock and balls. Do yourself a favour. Tell me what I want to know now. You will eventually tell me."

I went back to sobbing. But in the back of my mind I knew he was wrong, at least in part, about torture. I realised that part of my distress at that moment was the fact that he was no longer giving me that intense pleasure. The pain, I felt I could take, as long as I had the pleasure as well. I knew I must not let Dallas know this. I had to keep it secret or he would, I feared, remove the pleasure part altogether and just leave me with the terrible pain.

He left me alone for some time and I think I might have slept for part of it. I came back to reality when he once again put the toe of his boot under my balls and gently moved them. The pleasure this caused was immense as was the pain when he kicked my balls. He then took both my nipples in his hand and stroked them and slowly twisted the rings. I moaned at the renewed surge of pleasure that gushed through me body. Then he twisted the rings though 180 degrees and I bucked like a bronco and once again passed out.

When I came to I could feel Dallas fondling my cock. It was like coming out of sleep after a wonderful dream. It was the same warm feeling. I opened my eyes to see Dallas staring into my eyes with a grin across his face. It was some moments before I looked down at my cock and saw that the pleasure he was giving me came from the gentle tug he was giving to the thick ring he had inserted laterally through my cock head. I could see dried blood where the metal went through my flesh but it still felt glorious. He moved the toe of his boot to that sweet spot behind my balls and massaged that and my cock in a slow gentle rhythm. I knew that if he kept it up I would come. But he judged it well and stopped when I got near. Many times I begged him to let me climax. Each time he said nothing. He just stopped for a while before restarting my ascent. Then he said "Are you sure you want to come?" I nodded vigorously. He increased the pace slightly and I could feel the juices rise. The climax when it came was not the release I was expecting. My body felt as if it had been dropped in boiling oil. I screamed and screamed.

When I came to again Dallas was holding a cold damp cloth against my forehead. I think I might have thanked him. But I am not sure. He held up the water bottle to my lips. I turned my head away. "This is just water. If I want to give you the stimulant again I can inject it into you if you refuse to drink it. So drink." I took several short sucks of the cooling water. Dallas put the bottle down and sat back looking at me.

"You may have noticed that you no longer have an erection. I am not sure why, but the fact that you ejaculated flushes the chemical from your body. I am not going to give you any more tonight. I will rest you and in the morning you will be that much more receptive. But I urge you while you rest to think of one thing. How many times will you have to come in that terrible pain before you realise that never again will you be able to get pleasure from a climax? You will tell me what I want to know tomorrow.

He then unfastened the chains from the wall and led me to a large bed. He helped me lay down - I was feeling too weak to do much myself - and he attached the chains to rings in the wall, so that my arms were above my head. He then manacled my feet to the wall at the foot of the bed. I could not move very much. I watched him take off his clothes. As he took off his shirt, revealing a broad chest with juicy nipples and matted with dark blond hair, I could feel my cock rising. Dallas noticed and smiled. He sat on a chair facing the bed and lifted his left leg to remove his boot. The sight of the pointed toe which he had used so expertly to cause me both pleasure and pain made a thrill go through my whole body. Again he noticed and again he smiled. Soon he was naked. I was surprised to see that he had a thick steel ring going laterally through his cut cock head. He climbed in beside me and put his head on my shoulder. "The drug was tested on me. That is why I know exactly how to use it. He kissed my neck and gently played with the ring through my cock. But soon he turned over and went to sleep.

I do not think I slept much, although I cannot be sure. I remember at one point Dallas must have turned as his arm was across my chest and I could feel his erect penis pressing into my side. Both made me feel quite elated. We were in that position when his eyes opened. He lay there completely still, just looking at me with those brown eyes. I was no fool. So I knew what was happening. I was becoming attached to - maybe even falling in love with - the man who had tortured me yesterday and would do so again today. Or was I only in love with the man who had given my body so much pleasure?

"I need to piss," he said. Should I go to the toilet or do you want it?" I still do not really know why, but I just opened my mouth. He straddled my prone body and put his long fat cock in my mouth and began to piss. He controlled it so that I was able to swallow it all over the next couple of minutes. It tasted strong and glorious. I got a warm glow from thinking of my cowboys piss being in my stomach. What was happening to me? This time I did thank him. He must have gone for a shower as he came back drying himself. He dressed right in front of me. First a white jock strap and then his tight blue jeans. He sat and pulled on his long thick white socks and then his fancy brown boots whose long pointed toes I was completely enchanted by. He put on a white tee-shirt and then a tight denim shirt. He threaded the thick leather belt through the belt loops and did up the large brass belt fastening.

By now my cock was solid again and I began to cry. "What are you doing to me?" I sobbed.

Dallas came over to me and stroked my forehead." It can only get worse. I am the source of pain and pleasure. I control you. At the moment you probably love me. Then as I hurt you you will hate me. And then love me and hate me over and over again. Until all you have left is passion for me. Neither love nor hate. Then you will not be able to hold anything back from me. You will be like a rabid dog. But I don't need a dog. And as by then you will be dangerous to me, I will have to put you down to stop you infecting others. " He picked up a water bottle. "Drink this. It has got the stimulant in, but you know you will have to take it one way or the other."

I took several sips until he took the bottle away.

He sat on the chair again and we both watched as my penis swelled even more to a painful erection. Then he came and lay alongside me again and played with the rings through my nipples. I was in heaven once more. He moved his head to my neck and with his tongue licked me. My body shuddered in sheer delight. He whispered "You know the tongue has more nerve endings per square inch than any other part of your body." He then put his lips over mine and massaged my tongue with his. It felt glorious until he bit my tongue and I cried out.

He waited while the pain subsided. "Is there anything you would like me to do?" he asked.

"Your boot. Your boot. I need your boot. What is wrong with me?"

"It is quite normal. You now associate my boot with great pleasure and great pain. A strong pathway has been created in your brain. You cannot help it. " He moved his leg and slowly rubbed his boot up my legs until the tip was massaging my sweet spot again. "It is strange. But when I now use my boot to hurt you, it will only reinforce the strong pathway I have created." He kept massaging my crotch with his boot. I knew what was coming but still needed the pleasure. It was some minutes, I think, before he used his heel to give my balls a viscous kick. I passed out.

I was sobbing as I came to."I didn't mean any harm," I said. "It started as a game." It took me a moment to realise that I had just admitted my crime. I am sure I had not meant to. I was really enjoying both the pleasure and, curiously, the pain that this man was inflicting on me. I did not want either to end. But, I guess, above all that, I wanted to please Dallas so that he would please me. He lay alongside me again and gently played with my cock and balls with his hand.

"Tell me," he whispered.

"No. I can't."

"You know you must," he replied while making my body purr with pleasure.

"My bank bounced a cheque and then charged me £25 to write and tell me. I was so angry that I determined to get the money back. That's all I did the first time. I wrote a program to divert small sums of money into my account. I found a way in through the system that allows you to send messages to the bank. They are never well protected. The program works until the bank replies to the message and then the rogue program is extracted with the reply and returned to my computer. That is why you found no trace. What are you going to do with me. I need you," I pleaded.

Dallas kept playing with my cock and balls. "Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I will look after you. But just tell me everything."

"I only took the £25 back the first time. But then I ran short of money and took some more. Not huge sums. But I did not want to use the same bank twice as I felt it more likely that what I had done would be spotted. Soon I ran out of British banks to milk. So I started on US banks. The first one I tried took nearly a month to reply to my message. By that time I had extracted over a million dollars. I did not mean to take so much and I expected that I would be found out. But nothing happened. And I guess it became like a drug. I just kept taking more and more to prove I could do it. I am sorry."

"Don't be. You will give me the code so that we can neutralise the problem, and prevent anything like it happening again. Your scheme was really very inventive. You should feel proud of yourself." I positively glowed at his praise. And all the time he kept massaging my body and causing ripples of pleasure to run through me. "Where is the money? How much is there?" he said.

"$35 million dollars approximately. In Switzerland," I replied.

He stopped massaging me and rolled onto his back. After a few moments he turned his head and looked at me. "We only found out about less than $4 million. If you return say $8 million, we could keep the rest. No one need never know."


"I would like to be rich and the people you took those few cents from have not missed the money and would not notice if it was given back."

"But you could take it all from me and be even richer?"

"That would be difficult. I would then have to kill you. My employers would not approve of that. And, whatever you think of me, I am not a cold blooded killer."

"That's not what we hear about the US government." I thought for a moment. "You don't work for the Government do you?"

"No I work for a banking organisation. They want to keep your crime hidden from everyone including the Government. If it became public, confidence in their businesses would suffer, maybe catastrophically. That is why you won't be prosecuted if you cooperate." He turned back and started stroking me again. "And anyway I want to look after you. I told you the drug I have used on you has laid down deep paths in your brain. They are paths that cannot be removed. They are so strong, that the water I gave you this morning was just that, water. But as I know how you feel, I was still able to reawaken in you the same strong sexual reactions when I wanted to. You have been permanently changed. And you want me as no one else ever could. You also now know, as I do, how to find those deep hidden paths in a man's brain that crave that mixture of pain and pleasure and how to use them to maximum effect. And only such extremes will ever satisfy you sexually again. I told you the drug was tested on me. They did not know then that the effects would be permanent. I am as damaged as you are. What I did here was not only to make you answer my questions but also to make myself the type of lover I crave. We both need someone who knows how to take us to the heights and down to the depths. Yes there will be pain as well as pleasure. But you now need both, just as I do, if you are to have any satisfaction. We are, I suppose, an ideally matched couple. We need each other. And now, at least, we are a rich couple." With that he moved his boot up and down my leg and I squirmed at the joy it gave me.

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