Cowboy Tail

By moc.loa@ehcatSgalF

Published on Jul 9, 2002


Copyright 2002, All Rights Reserved. No copies of this document may be made without the expressed permission of the author. Submit comments to

Warning: This story contains homo-erotic content! If this is objectionable to you or the state laws in which you abide, read no further!

{This latest installment as well as other remaining parts, are dedicated to, he knows that time places no limitations upon love and desire between men, be it yesterday, today or the future - whatever it might bring! Thanks for your friendship Bobby!}

Cowboy Tail (Part IX)

Smokey's thoughts continued to linger within the realms of reminiscence and yet, the image of the tall naked Sheriff standing enticingly before him, dearly beckoned and quickly brought him back to the present. The sounds of two men chuckling reached his ears and Smokey's bearded lips spread themselves out into a wide toothy grin. He watched as the storeowner struggled to remove the Sheriff's one remaining boot while the Sheriff, hopping on one foot, steadied himself by holding onto the storeowner's broad bare shoulders!

With a mighty tug, Mangum pulled the boot free but the momentum created, caused to him to fall backwards and he landed flat on his back with the Sheriff's boot still securely held in his grasp. Tipton laughed at the absurd way that his friend looked, still hugging his boot to his chest like he was nursing a babe in his arms. Mangum smiled back at his friend, joining in the mirth of the moment and all the while remaining on his back with his knees highly raised and widely spread so that Tipton could see everything, including his furry winking hole! Tipton's laughter died quickly as he took in the sights of Mangum's open crotch and he didn't miss the tender look in his buddy's eyes either.

Smokey chuckled lightly at the comedic performance and as well, lewdly eyed every detail of the Sheriff's masculine figure. The way the man's burly toes curled and then relaxed against the hard wooden slats of the oaken floor, the high arch, the callused heels and the sparse growth of crisp hairs growing out from the tops of each "little piggy." Smokey took note of the coating of hairs on the insteps of each huge foot and he found himself wanting to lick them! Strong, thickly structured ankles rose up to be met with well developed calves, each richly covered with hair and his eye's took in the rugged nature of the Sheriff's knobby knees as well as the sweet musculature of each widely placed thigh. Smokey smiled with delight as he took sudden notice of the unspoken words being communicated between the two naked men as they continued to look upon each other. Smokey finally realized the fateful meaning of this moment and the part that he was to play in it. With wise resolve, he knew that if anything was going to 'happen' between these two men, he was going to have to coach them!

"Mmm..., go on now..., play it out with yer buddy theyah Sheriff..., can't ya see how much he wants ya..., look at that stiff pickle wavin up at the wide blue yonder and that sweet gaping bullhole..., evah feel a tight bunghole wrapped roun ya pecker befo Sheriff..., it's warm 'n wet 'n and jes bout the best damn feelin ya could evah sperience!" Taking his cue from Smokey, Mangum flung the boot he was still clinging to, swiftly away and opening his arms towards Tipton, he gave his buddy an invitation that he hoped he would accept. Tipton looked questioningly over at Smokey who gave him a smile and an approving nod.

Tipton looked again upon his friend Mangum and without much hesitation he slumped down on the floor, resting his full weight down upon his loving buddy and settled himself between the storeowner's widley spread beefy legs, he never thought it could feel so good to be this close to a man before. Tipton soon found himself going cock to cock and belly to belly with the man who fought with him during the war and whose pledge of friendship had never left him. Almost immediately he felt Rog wrap his long muscular legs firmly around his waist, gripping him in a tight involving embrace. Brazenly Mangum raked his hands all over the massive expanses of his buddy's arching back. The craven wanton need of a man in love was clearly displayed here and this was a unique experience for Tipton, being that the passion and hunger that Rog was easily showing for him was certainly more than any proper woman of the times would have dared to express, even when getting poked and this brought out the animal in Tipton, he needed to be desired! Their lips crushed together in a chaotic flurry of nibbles, sucks, probing tongues and gripping teeth. Soon Mangum's hands traveled further down to grope at Tipton's hard flexing buns, "Oh Yea Rog, dally with my hunkies..., they're all yers pard and ONLY yers!" Tipton let it all go as he felt the diligent pressure of exploring fingers, the desperate tuggings upon his buttcheeks brought about feelings of forbidden lust that he could not control and he let his buddy part the beefy mounds to tenderly explore his musky depths with probing fingers, he eagerly raised his ass higher to accommodate his friend's tender ministrations. Mangum worked his middle finger teasingly and slowly and finally drilled it deeply inside of the man's hot gripping rectal tissues and when it found the source of pleasure that sent canon-ball fire blasting him throughout with unrelenting waves of pleasure, the Sheriff could hold out no longer, he bellowed out his joy, his richly goatee'd lips filled Mangum's bushy mustashioed mouth with ardent moans of ecstatic delight and total submission to the idea of sharing his body fully with another man and he ground his throbbing penis roughly against his buddy's own pulsing boner. Suddenly the desire to give himself completely to Mangum gnawed at the center of Tipton's being - most certainly a goal to be achieved in time but he thought to himself, that at least for the moment, there wasn't a better place that he could think of to be, than in Rog's arms right now and just like this. Mangum knew that this was only the start of a whole new beginning for him and Sam and what might eventually come to pass. One thing he knew and without a doubt, Sam would stand by his side through the worst of it, if such happened to be the case. Thinking all of this through, the realization that it was the handsome bearded stranger who was responsible for all of this, caused Mangum to turn his head slightly, taking great care not to break the passion filled kiss that Sam refused to relinquish. Rog meant to give Smokey an appreciative wink but he soon discovered that the stranger was no where in sight! A crisp "tender note" was placed neatly upon the floor as payment for the supplies taken and the only proof available that the infamous Smokey Joe Carlson had ever been there at all. Lust took over and grasping Sam's huge throbbing pecker tightly within his large callused hand, wedged it deeply between his ass cheeks and relaxed as his friend's meaty prod slowly slid inside of his open and accepting hole, "...aaaah, after all of these years, it was finally home where it belonged!" Mangum thought.

With all of the supplies needed for the Winter carefully packed upon his travois, Smokey and his mare Rosebud had just made it halfway through town and had barely passed the local Sheriff's office when the door abruptly swung open. A tall, lanky red haired young man with a light, neatly trimmed moustache and 'french goatee' growing out from the bottom of his thin lower lip stepped out. Hailing Smokey over he spoke. "Aftahnoon, suh..., did yuh jes come from Mangum's mercantile?" "Indeed I did..., jes loaded up with supplies befo makin muh long journeh homewud." "Did yuh happen ta run inta the Sheriff whilst ya was theyah?" "Oh..., yes ah did..., lef him with the proprietah of the store, they wuz laughin and re-tellin old war stories ah believe." "Well, that ain't uhnooshul, Rog 'n Sam were buddy's durin the war with the confederacy..., yer news is greatly appreciated as I was sorely worried bout the Sheriff, he's been gone quite a long while and he wanted meh ta hold down the fort whilst he wuz gone..., ah spect he'll be back anytime now. By the way, muh name is Caleb Jones, I'm the Sheriff's Deputy." Saying this Caleb held out his hand to Smokey and they shook hands, Smokey found himself taken by the firm self assured grasp of the young man's handshake, the gritty appeal of his appearance as well as the nice way that he seemed to filled out his clothing! "Well, I was jes goin ta head over to the saloon fo a draft 'o refreshment befo I make muh way homewud, care ta join meh Deputy Jones?" "Well, the prisoners eh've all bedded down for the evenin, guess ah could do with a small break, ah'll meet ya theyah uh..., uh...," "the names Joe Carlson, but muh friends call meh Smokey Joe," presenting himself thusly and smiling warmly, Smokey tipped his hat at the young Deputy before making his way for the saloon. "See ya theyah Smokey Joe!" The seemingly precocious Deputy cried out. "Hmmmmm..., been a long time since ah had me a good sweet piece 'o young Deputy ass" Smokey thought to himself. And licking his lips and grinning wickedly at the thought, Smokey stealthily rubbed at his swelling crotch while giving Rosebud a gentle nudge that brought her earlier slower place to that of a faster trot...

End Part IX

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