

Published on Oct 9, 2018


Coworking by RJ

This is a multi-part story about the relationship between two male coworkers. It is a work of fiction vaguely inspired by a similar situation I was in. Though it's not set in a particular time period, for the sake of the story, it takes place before people were knowledgeable about the spread of HIV, so condoms will not be used. Be safe out there in the real world. This story also contains sexual contact between brothers, so if you are offended by such material, do not read. If you have any comments about my work, or even just want to chat, please don't hesitate to message me.

As always, please support Nifty in any way that you can.


When I wake up in the morning, my ass has that nice sore feeling from a good fuck the previous night. I turn on my side to kiss Tracey, but she's not in bed. Then I remembered, she's going to be out all day. One of her girlfriends is in town or something and she has this whole weekend planned. I sigh a bit, sitting up and stretching before I hop out of bed, immediately tripping over our box of toys. I wince, picking it up and setting it on the bed. I look inside. Suddenly, I'm nervous again. If Jay is staying for the foreseeable future, I should probably hide things I don't want him to find. Not that I think he'd go snooping around. But there's always a chance. And God forbid he finds out about the strap-ons. I wonder if he'd look at that one dildo and think "Hey, this looks just like me!"

It's in the back of my mind all day, but since I'm home the whole time, I can keep an eye on Jay. We do some work separately at times, but otherwise, we kind of just lounge around for the entire day, only leaving to get dinner (including Tracey when she gets home). On Sunday, though, when I wake up (Tracey is out for the day again), the box is the first thing on my mind. I check under the bed to make sure nothing was messed with, and realize, I've got to hide it. I've got to hide everything if I want to stop feeling stressed out about it. And there's nowhere to hide a box of sex toys in this house, so I think of the next best place.

I give my brother Asher a call as I get dressed, but he doesn't pick up, so I shoot him a text asking what he's up to and if I can swing by. I could leave the stuff with him no problem. I pull on some sweatpants over my underwear and the first t-shirt I find before heading downstairs. I start to get nervous again. What was Jay thinking concerning last night? Would it make things weird between us?

But when I get into the living room, he turns from the TV to me and smiles, a bowl of cereal in his hand. "Rise `n shine, big guy," he says brightly.

"'Morning," I say, scratching my head. "You sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I slept great," he says, nodding and shoveling a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "Your wife said I could help myself. Hope that's cool."

"Yeah, absolutely," I say, waving him off.

"She's the best, dude. Even gave me all these spa coupons." He points to a bunch of little coupons scattered across the coffee table. "Said it'd help me relax."

"She just likes gay guys," I tease, and he laughs. I look at him. He's still in his boxers and a t-shirt from last night. I can't help but glance at his crotch, but I quickly catch myself and look away. "You want any coffee or anything?"

"Tracey already made some. Oh, and she left you a note," he says. "By the machine."

I head into the kitchen to pour myself a cup, seeing her note that tells me to make sure to pick up the dry cleaning today. She doesn't have time, and (so she thinks) it's the last day before they stop holding her two dresses. I know the place she uses closes early afternoon. It'd be a good time to swing by Ash's.

I drink a little of my coffee and then head into the living room, joining Jay on the couch but keeping distance. We chat for a while, and not once does he mention last night. In fact, he seems positively unbothered by it, still being his normal self around me. Maybe I'm the one making it weird. And of course I am. I feel like I'm being thrown for a loop. I've always identified as straight, and comfortably so. I've never really thought about a guy too deeply. So why can't I get the image of his cock out of my head?

We hang out for a bit, mostly quiet as we watch through a few of the news channels before I decide to take care of the box as well as the dry cleaning. I excuse myself to head upstairs to get dressed, just throwing on some nice jeans, a short sleeved shirt, and a jacket. I cover the box up and then look around the room to make sure all the toys are accounted for before heading downstairs. "I'll be back in a bit," I say as I get downstairs. "You good here on your own?"

"I mean, I'll be lonely," he says with a little laugh.

I smirk slightly. "I won't be gone long, don't worry. Just some dry cleaning and stuff," I say.

"How long do you think you'll be out?" he asks.

"Uh... Not sure. Maybe an hour?"

"Okay, cool," he says, nodding and smiling. "Have fun with your dry cleaning." I nod and smile back before heading out the door.

I pick up Tracey's dresses first before (even though he didn't answer me again) I head over to Asher's apartment, box in hand. I knock a few times before I notice music playing in the background. I knock louder. "Ash!" I call out, getting mildly irritated. I hear movement, then someone saying "Ow!" before the music shuts off. Then, a moment later, unlocks and then swings open. And there he is, my older brother, tall and strong, standing in the doorway completely naked save for a necklace. Even with the toothbrush in his mouth he smiles broadly at the sight of me.

"Luke! What are you doing here?"

"Why don't you ever answer your phone?" I say, sighing slightly.

"Did you call or something?" he asks, looking at me confused before shaking his head. "Whatever. Come in, man."

He holds the door open for me as I step inside, looking around his roomy studio apartment. It's a bit of a mess, which I've always told him would put most people off, especially women he's trying to get with. But he's assured me that he's not the settle-down type of guy. At 34, he's the perpetual bachelor, and he seems happy about it. And I'm at least happy he's happy. Even though he's a bit of an idiot, he's always been sweet, fun-loving, confident without being cocky, and irritatingly charming. Therefore, he's been exceedingly popular with the ladies. I even think his average body fits his personality -- it makes him seem a little more real than the rest of us.

As I set the box down on the dining table, he locks up again before coming over and standing next to me. "What's in the box?" he asks, continuing to brush his teeth.

"All the sex toys Tracey and I have."

His eyes go wide and he looks from me to the box. "This is the infamous collection?" he says, grinning a bit as he scrubs. He lifts the cover off to look before holding his finger up for me to wait. He heads to the bathroom to spit and rinse his mouth before coming back, rubbing his hands together with a laugh. He looks back into the box, whistling. "A small fortune, right here. Wait..." He pauses, looking at me. "Why did you bring it here?"

"Can I keep this stuff here?" I ask.

"Uh. Well, yeah, if you want to, but why?"

"I have a guest and I'm paranoid he'll find this stuff."

Ash chuckles a bit. "You mean you're paranoid he'll find your strap-ons."

"Pretty much." Asher is the only person (besides Tracey, obviously) that knows about the pegging thing. We've always been close and open with each other.

"Who's the guest?" he asks, pulling out some of the straps and inspecting them curiously.

"Just a friend from work." I explain the situation with the fire and everything.

"So you've graduated from coworking to cohabitating," he says with a cheeky grin. Then his face softens again. "Is he snoopy or something?"

"No. Well, I don't think so. I don't know. I'm just nervous," I say, running my fingers through my hair. "You know how I get."

"It's not the worst thing in the world," he says, pulling out a couple of the different vibrators and dildos. "I think you're making a big deal out of this." Then he gasps a bit, reaching in to pull out a Fleshlight. "I've always wanted one of these," he says.

"You've never used one?" I'm surprised. If it's one thing I know about my brother, it's that he's sex crazed. And if he's not bedding women, he's most certainly masturbating his life away.

"Never," he says, unscrewing the cap to look at the fake pussy. "Jesus," he says with a laugh, teasing the lips with his fingers. "That's so weird." Then he looks at me. "Can I borrow it?"

I shrug. "I guess so."

"Sweet." He plays with it a little before looking around in the box more, holding onto the Fleshlight with one hand. "You guys have quite the fucking collection, I gotta say." He pulls out one of the larger dildos on the bottom. "Have you really used all of these?"

I laugh. "The bigger ones are for her."

"I was gonna say..." he says with a laugh. "I'd probably die on your behalf." He shakes the dildo, chuckling like a kid. "I wonder if I would be able to feel it if this thing was up your ass," he says. "Like when you know your brother is in trouble."

"That's with twins," I say.

He shrugs. "Well, regardless, you guys are freaks."

"Says the exhibitionist," I fire back.

"Hey, don't get me wrong. I love that you guys are freaks," he says, hitting me with the dildo before tossing it back in the box. "I'm just waiting for my invitation, is all."

"Here we go again," I say, laughing a bit. Every now and then, he'll hint that he wants a threesome.

"Oh come on, bro," he says, looking at me. "You know I think Trace is hot."

"Everyone thinks that."

"Because she fuckin' is," he says. "And I'm hot, and you're hot. It'd be a hot time," he says with a grin.

I just roll my eyes. "Enough."

"At least mention it to her. Wouldn't it be wild?" I actually had mentioned it to her one time. She laughed a bit but she did not shoot down the idea. But of course, I'm not going to tell that to Ash.

"I guess," I say, shrugging.

"What, are you afraid of me?" he asks teasingly.

"No," I say, leaning against one of the chairs. "You might get around, but I can lock it down way better than you."

"Oh ho ho," he says with a hearty laugh. "Low blow, my guy."

"Anyway," I say with a chuckle, "thanks for letting me keep this shit here."

"Of course, of course," he says, nodding a bit before looking at the Fleshlight still in his hand. He rotates it, glancing at it from a few different angles. "Kinda wanna give this thing a whirl," he says before looking at me. "You gonna stick around for a bit?"

I shake my head. "No, I should probably get back. Jay's alone at my house."

"Oh come on," he says, smiling. "He's not gonna find anything incriminating, right? All your shit is right here."

"Yeah, but--"

"When's the last time we hung out?" I almost laugh. Ash saying "Let's hang out" is code for "Let's watch porn and beat off." I look at him, tempted to join him. This is something we've done since we discovered masturbation. Growing up sharing a room meant it was a shared discovery. It had been a while since we stroked one out together (a while being maybe a few weeks) and I've been irrepressibly horny since my encounter with Jay. Oh, Jay. Maybe a quick nut will calm me down.

"Fine," I say, and Ash cheers, patting my shoulder.

"Step into my office," he says, heading over to where his bed is situated in front of a large television. He tosses the Fleshlight onto his bed and then opens his laptop, which he has hooked up to the TV specifically for viewing porn. I take off my jacket and leave it at the table before coming over, sitting on the edge of the front of his bed as he pulls up something to watch. I lean back on my elbow, feet resting on the floor, and grab the Fleshlight, feeling it a bit. Then I remember -- we'll need lube for this thing. He always keeps some in his nightstand, so I climb onto the bed, reach inside, and grab the bottle before sitting back against the wall.

Soon he pulls up an orgy scene before coming to sit next to me on the . "Jesus," I say, laughing. "How many people is that?"

He shrugs, leaning across me to grab the lube. "I don't know. I tried counting once but lost track." He sort of lays down next to me, propped up by one elbow, half-tilted on his side.

"So you've seen this?" I ask, watching as he pops the cap off and pouring a bit of lube onto his semi-hard cock.

"I can never seem to finish the whole video." Then he grabs his, working the lube in until he's coated evenly. Slowly, he gets harder as he strokes himself. "But it's hot as fuck. I promise."

I grab myself through my jeans, noticing I'm pretty hard already. I take off my shirt first, tossing it to the floor before undoing my pants and removing them (along with my underwear) altogether. My dick is as solid as can be, and I let out a little hum when I grab myself. "I need the lube," I say, glancing down at him.

"Hm? Oh, sorry," he says, pausing his stroking to grab the lube. He opens the bottle again before holding it above my cock and squeezing some of the cool liquid onto my shaft.

"Thanks," I say, working it in. I sigh heavily, listening to the slick sounds of our stroking while we watch the orgy unfold on screen. It doesn't waste time getting into action -- already, dicks are being sucked and holes are being eaten and fucked. We watch in silence for a bit before I speak up. "Can I ask you something?"

"What?" Ash asks, not looking up at me.

"Do you do this with any other guy?"

"Do what? Jerk off?" He tilts his head towards the ceiling a bit as if in thought. "No, not really."

I'm not sure what "not really" means. Maybe he used to in the military or something. "Why not?" I ask.

He shrugs. "I don't know. I guess it's a comfort thing." Then he turns and looks at me. "Why? Do you?"

I shake my head. "No," I say simply before looking back at the screen. He doesn't question me further and merely watches as well.

Another few minutes go by before Ash sits up with a grunt, leaning forward to pick up the Fleshlight. "Time to test this baby out," he says, sitting up on his knees and grinning. He lubes it up a bit, using his fingers to coat the inside as well before holding it out and targeting his cock. He grips his cock steady as he slides the toy onto him. Immediately he moans. "Holy... Wow..."

We both laugh, and I stroke as I watch him. "You like it?"

"Oh, daddy likes," he says with a laugh. "Fuck, man." He grips the toy with two hands and pulls back on it before thrusting back in slowly, really feeling it out. "I need to get one of these."

"You can keep it," I say.

"Seriously?" He looks at me with a smile like a kid on Christmas.

I laugh. "Yeah. I have others. You saw them."

"Fucking sweet." He pumps the toy a little faster, closing his eyes as the sensations seem to really take over. It's sort of humorous watching him because he's so into it. I can only imagine how much use that thing is going to get over the course of its lifetime. He looks down, watching his cock sink into the toy over and over before he pulls it off with a lewd pop. "This thing is incredible," he says, fingering the fake pussy again.

"I know," I say, stroking myself at a steady pace. I glance at the TV. Seems everyone is mid-fuck on screen.

Ash glances at me. "You think we could DP this thing?"

I look at him, and then the toy in his hand, and then his cock. Admittedly, the thought had never crossed my mind. "I don't know," I say, biting my lip. "Would we even fit?" He may be older, but our cocks are practically twins.

He shrugs but smiles. "Only one way to find out." He doesn't wait for a response and comes over to me, nudging my legs for me to open them a little more. He gets in between, slapping his cock against mine before lubing up the toy a little more. "You need more?" he asks, looking at me as he holds up the lube.

"Maybe a little," I say.

He nods, pouring a little on the head of my cock before tossing the lube on the bed. Then, he reaches down and grabs my dick, working the lube in enough for me to let him take over. I grunt slightly at the contact, and then, he holds my cock as he slides the toy down on me. I moan out now, closing my eyes for a moment. I hear Ash chuckle slightly as he works it slowly up and down on me for a bit before positioning himself a little better. He holds the toy still and nudges his cock head against my balls before it slides up my shaft and tries to push into the toy. It's not easy trying to get a good angle on it. We're both pretty above average. But somehow, he manages to squeeze his cock in with mine, and both of us moan and laugh at the same time.

"Fuck yes," Ash moans, licking his lips. He holds the toy tight as he thrusts slowly forward, both of us deep in the toy now.

"That's so fucking tight," I say, gripping his leg a bit as he starts to rock his hips back and forth. It's warm and slick and extremely tight, and something about feeling his cock pulsing against mine makes it even hotter. It's positively milking my dick for all it's worth, and I close my eyes for a bit, my toes curling, swearing and laughing with my brother.

"I'm totally picturing Tracey right now," he says, chuckling as he works a little faster.

"Keep dreaming, Ash," I say with a laugh. I moan out when he gets a little deeper, constricting our cocks even more. I reach in between us, giving my balls a tug and even giving his a little squeeze, which makes him moan out.

"I'm gonna fucking cum, dude," he says suddenly, getting that intent look in his eye. That didn't take long.

"Okay," I say, biting my lip.

"Let me just--" But he stops speaking, still working his hips a bit before he throws his head back and groans loudly. He holds the toy and his cock still as he cums, and I can feel his warm load all around my dick. His hips twitch slightly but he, for the most part, keeps still until he's finished. "Goddamn," he says, laughing and making a "Whew!" noise. He slowly pulls the toy off of us and as soon as our slick cocks slide out (mine still hard and his semi), most of his load spills out from the toy and all over my cock and crotch.

"Nice," I say sarcastically, laughing a bit. I'm about to reach down and finish myself off but Ash graciously takes over, using his cum as lube for me. He knows the way I like my hand jobs -- slow and deep, lots of teasing the head, with varied speeds. We're both practically experts in each other and it shows when he takes over. I moan immediately, my hips raising slightly, but he pushes me back down, holding me down with a hand on my stomach.

"Easy, tiger," he says with a laugh.

I just keep moaning softly, his hand working me closer and closer. I watch him for a bit before I close my eyes. Then suddenly, a thought pops into my head. I picture Jay's tattooed fingers around my cock, working me over just like this. Slowly. Methodically. Working every inch of my cock, and his thumb teasing the head when he goes down. And then, I can practically see Jay's handsome face, hitting me with that little half-smile he does before slowly leaning in and--

"Fuck!" I grunt, panting as I cum hard. I thrust up into Ash's fist, shooting my load high enough for him to flinch, moving his face out of the way and laughing.

"Trying to blind me?" he asks with a laugh, stroking out the last of my load as I pant, feeling winded, my heart racing. I keep my eyes open because every time I close them, I'm picturing Jay.

"Sorry," I breathe out. Ash eventually lets go and then, seemingly full of energy, hops out of the bed. He grabs a towel and wipes off his hands before tossing it to me to clean myself up. I wipe up the mess, feeling weird. Is it shame? I'm not sure. It's a strange mixture between feeling put-off and eerily aroused. I sigh heavily. Damn it, Jay.

Ash is washing his hands as I get up and start putting on my clothes. He whistles a tune a bit before noticing that I'm getting dressed. "Leaving already?"

"Yeah. There's a guy in my house, remember?"

"Oh right," he says, nodding and running his fingers through his hair. He's still naked. Then again, I feel like he's rarely dressed when I see him. "Well, come over again soon."

"Maybe if you ever clean up," I say, pulling on my shirt.

"Fat chance," he says, chuckling slightly before watching me dress. Once I get everything on, he walks me to the door so that he can lock up behind me. "Thanks for the pussy, by the way," he adds.

"Sure." I run my fingers through my hair to make sure it's not messy. "Just don't mess with the other stuff."

"No offense, but I don't want your dildos," he teases before giving me a quick hug. "See ya!"

As I'm heading down back to my car and then driving back to my house, I can't stop thinking about what I had pictured. The thought of Jay stroking me and then going down on me had been the tipping point. That's what really made me cum, and cum hard. Even my cock is starting to twitch now thinking about it and I swear, getting a little irritated. I have a pretty high sex drive, sure, but this is ridiculous. I try to think of something else. And I do, but the "something else" is just a different part of Jay: his cock. I notice my mouth is actually watering at the thought of it, and I have to swallow it down. And when I swallow spit, I imagine I'm gulping down his cum. I grip the wheel tightly, feeling tense. What is happening? Maybe I'm not so straight after all. Sure, Ash and I push boundaries, but it's nothing crazy. Nothing lustful, at least. But with Jay, it's different. I want his cock. I want his hands on me. I want him. And as much as I want to, I can't ignore the fact that I'm craving this guy. Fuck.

As I pull into the driveway, I notice another car is there. It looks familiar somehow, but I can't place it. It's not Tracey's, that's for sure. I step out of my car and head up to the house with Tracey's dry cleaning in hand, pausing when I hear noises. At first I think someone's fighting inside my house. But, even though it's faint, I realize what it sounds like: sex. Jay's having (what seems to be intense) sex with somebody in the living area. I swallow. Should I wait? But then I think, I want to see. If I sneak in through the side kitchen door, I can peer into the living room from the back without him noticing.

Time to be a voyeur. I leave the dry cleaning outside for a moment as I unlock the side door as quietly as possible and then slip inside, half-shutting it behind me. As soon as I open the door, the sounds increase in volume dramatically. Lots of swearing, dirty talk, what sounds like hips against ass, and of course, the moaning. Someone says "Shit, you've got the best fuckin' dick, Jay." Even though it comes out almost in a whine, I recognize that voice. And then, suddenly, I connect the voice to the car outside. My heart races and I quietly make my way to the corner before peering around.

It's Jimmy. Jimmy fucking Moran. Jay is standing up behind Jimmy, who's bent over the couch getting rammed. At first I'm confused. Why is Jay fucking Jimmy? Better yet, why is Jimmy enjoying getting fucked by Jay? What happened to the whole "He's been on my case ever since I got here" and Jimmy calling Jay a fag right in front of me? But the most I do is address these questions. Because I'm turned the fuck on. Jay looks like he's in his element. His body is facing more towards me, and I can see a light film of sweat covering his tatted torso. He looks... well, hot. Sexy, even. I feel my dick straining my jeans a bit but I don't dare take it out. I just watch. Jimmy screws up his face and moans loudly, clutching the couch hard as Jay completely takes over. They must have been going for a while because only a few minutes later, they both cum. Jay pulls out and turns Jimmy around before pushing him to his knees. Jimmy mutters something, but I hear the word "fag" ironically come out of his mouth. In response, Jay holds Jimmy's hair tight and Jimmy whimpers, biting his lip and jerking himself off vigorously as he waits for Jay's load. They both cum, Jay all over Jimmy's face, and Jimmy on himself. My cock throbs hard as I watch them pant and finish.

Jimmy soon stands up, wiping his face off. He looks like he's about to say something but Jay cuts him off. "Hurry up and get dressed," he says, picking up his clothes. "Before Luke gets back."

Shit. My car. I gotta move my car. They both scramble to dress themselves, which I take as my cue to get the fuck out quick. I slip back outside to move my car, sitting idle a few houses down. I make good timing because soon I see Jimmy rushing out of the house, looking around as he tries to straighten out his clothes and hair, before getting in his car, backing out quickly, and speeding away. I take a few moments to myself to process what I saw before driving back into my driveway and parking the car. I take my time in case Jay still has to make himself decent.

When I head in (through the side door to grab the dry cleaning), Jay's in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. Still in boxers, but he changed his shirt. He turns at hearing me and then smiles broadly. "There he is."

"Hey," I say, forcing a smile. Although the smile isn't really forced. That comes automatically, but I have to ensure that I don't look like I know what just went on in here. I shut the door and set her dresses on the coat hanger for now. "Doing okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Actually, I checked out the guest room while you were out."


"Definitely needs work," he says with a grin. Tracey and I tore up the entire room when we moved in. I got as far as replacing the sheetrock, but it needs electric hookups, closets, trim, shelving... the works. I have all the materials out back. It's just a matter of getting it done.

"I've been so busy," I say. And lazy.

"You busy right now?" he asks.

"Uh... Not particularly."

"Then let's get to it."


He laughs. "Really. Wasn't that part of our agreement?"

And so we get to work. I let Jay play some music on the stereo as we bring in all the wood and tools in from the backyard. It takes us until late evening to knock out the basics of the room, leaving just a few things to do -- carpet, paint, and any finishing touches I want to put on the room. All of which I can do myself. When we finish, we look around, smiling at the progress we made. I glance at Jay, thinking about how smoothly this went with an extra set of hands. And it was also nice because we got to spend more time together. And, since we were occupied with work and conversation, I didn't think about him sexually once. But now I'm idle. Now those thoughts can take over, accompanied by that weird nervousness I've been feeling. I clear my throat a bit. Maybe alcohol will help calm me down. "I think we deserve a drink or two."

Jay looks at me and grins. "Maybe three."

We head into the kitchen and I pull out a few things from my stock: some scotch, some gin, and some vodka. I let him choose what he wants and I grab some glasses. We cheer to a "happy home" (per Jay's recommendation) and I laugh before taking a decent sip of my drink. Already, the warm liquid calms whatever nerves I have.

We make some leftovers and eat and drink before retiring to the living room. The TV's on with the volume low as mostly background noise while we chat and talk over the bottle of scotch. As the conversation continues, I feel myself getting drunker and drunker, noticing how much of the gin we actually drank. But I'm happy.

"I don't think I actually thanked you for your help today," I say eventually.

He laughs, taking a sip of his gin. "It's no problem."

"Thank you," I say before falling into a slight fit of laughter. "But yeah. I appreciate the extra hands."

"Hey, it's the least I could do," he says, setting his drink down. "You're letting me stay here and all."

"I'm happy to," I say with a smile. Then I look down at his lips. My head says "Kiss him" and I actually feel my body lean in before I stop myself. His lips move and I'm just staring at them. I miss what he says.

"Sorry, what?" I ask, wanting him to repeat himself.

"Never mind." He laughs a bit. "Is there something on my face?" Jay reaches a hand up to touch his chin.

"Huh?" I blink before laughing. "No. Sorry." I shake my head a bit, setting my drink down. Time to lay off for tonight.

"You okay, big guy?" he asks, looking at me. Am I okay? I'm pretty warm, and I'm just beyond that sweet spot of drunkenness where I may impulsively do something I regret. Plus, I hate to admit, I'm horny. But I don't respond quickly, and Jay says my name, putting his hand on my knee as if to get my attention. "B?"

I run my fingers through my hair. "Sorry. I'm just distracted," I say.

"What's on your mind?" By his expression and his tone, he seems to think it's something serious. That makes me laugh.

"Nothing like that," I say, chuckling. "I'm just fucking horny." I'd probably feel myself blushing if I wasn't overheating already. Did I really just say that out loud?

But Jay just laughs. "Thought you were having a moment, there."

"Actually, I have a weird question," I say, and then I pause. What question? Jay waits patiently for me to spin something up -- something besides what I really want to ask: Can I see your cock again? "I saw Jimmy was here," I say, biting my lip.

Jay looks surprised but not taken aback. "Oh." Then, "What's your question?"

"I don't know," I say. "I guess I'm just surprised that you and him are... or... I don't know."



He chuckles slightly. "He's a dick," he says, shrugging. "A confused dick, clearly. I don't really know what's up with him. But I don't really turn down a good opportunity," he adds with a smile. I lick my lips slightly. A good opportunity? What if I provided a good opportunity? Do I really want him to fuck me? Of course I do. All I've been thinking about is that for the entire day. "Sorry if it weirded you out. I tried to be quick about it."

"No, it doesn't weird me out," I say quickly.

Jay rests against the couch a bit, looking at me. "You're a cool guy, B, you know that?"

I can't help but smile. "I'm alright."

"Seriously though," he insists. "I shouldn't be giving you a cookie for being a decent human being, but..." He laughs slightly. "It's just nice when someone isn't judge-y or anything. Especially a straight guy."

Maybe I'm not so straight after all, Jay. "My best friend is gay," I say.

He raises his eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yeah," I say. "You might like him. He's a bottom," I blurt out.

Jay bursts into laughter. "Maybe I will, then," he says, composing himself after a bit. "You ever fool around with a guy?" he asks me suddenly. I must have a weird expression on my face because he quickly says "I don't mean anything by it, B. I'm just curious, is all. Making conversation."

"I know," I say, clearing my throat. "Um." How much should I divulge to him? "I mean, I did when I was younger."

Jay nods. "The experimental phase?"


"I tried the whole girl thing at the beginning of college, just to see if maybe I was secretly bi."

I smile slightly. "And?"

"My body said no," he says, and we both laugh. "I don't know. I'm not really into feminine guys either. At least sexually," he says, clarifying. "I've always been into masculinity. Masculine dudes, particularly. Kinda like you." He says it casually, and I know it wasn't a flirtatious move. More so an observation, or an acknowledgement of a coincidence. But still, my body twitches at hearing that I'm his type. It's interesting, too, since he's not necessarily "my type" either. "But I usually get involved with the douche-y ones. Hence Jimmy," he says, laughing.

"I hate that guy," I say, rolling my eyes.

"He's not so bad."

"Are you joking?"

Jay cracks up. "Okay, he's pretty bad," he says with a laugh. "But we can't all me like you, now can we?" he adds with a sarcastic tone and a cheeky little grin, looking at me.

I smirk back. "Unfortunately not," I tease. My eyes flicker back down to his lips again. Fuck, they look so kissable. I'm getting that antsy feeling one gets when they're horny. I'm not necessarily pitching a tent in my jeans, but I have that strange little ache between my legs that I want Jay to satisfy.

"Hey, big guy," he says in a teasing voice. "Up here." He points to his eyes and when I look up, he laughs. Clearly he noticed me staring at his lips. What was he thinking about? "You good?" he asks me.

"You're taller than I am," I say. That's the first thing I can think of saying without dwelling on his lips.


I blink. Obviously that makes no sense to him. "You call me "big guy", but you're taller than me."

"Yeah, but you're more built and stuff," he says. "And now that I know you have a big dick, the name fits," he adds casually.

I clear my throat, to which he chuckles slightly to himself. "I guess so."

"You guess so," he says, still looking at me. "Do you not know that you have a big dick?"

"I mean--"

"'Cause I've seen a lot of dicks, B. You're hung."

"Yours is perfect, though," I say, and I immediately want to take it back.

He, thankfully, doesn't find my comment that weird. "You think so?" he asks curiously. "I'd kill to have a cock like yours, mate." I guess I'm biased because of his twin dildo. And still, standing at a solid seven inches, he's comfortably above average. But that's how it is with guys. They always want to be bigger. "Are you still horny?" he asks me.

I almost laugh. "You're really asking me that?"

He laughs too. "Right. Stupid question." He scratches his chest, looking me over slightly. "Get your laptop."

My crotch throbs a little. I want to jerk off with him. But it's not a good idea, because I would only want to try more. "You're gonna make me get up?" I say, playing it off coolly.

"Absolutely," he says with a little chuckle.

"I think I drank too much," I say as an excuse. Although, that's not exactly a lie.

"You okay?" he asks, looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm just... really feeling it," I say with a laugh.

"Me too," he says with a slight grin, glancing at me. I watch his eyes slide up from my torso to my eyes, and then, we're locked in each other's sights. I can't look away. He doesn't really change his expression. He's still wearing that slight little smile. Maybe it feels like we're locking eyes for a long time because I'm drunk. Maybe I'm reading into his expression when he breaks eye contact and looks at my body again. As I glance down at his lips, and I come so close to leaning right in. But he speaks again. "Well someone needs to get that laptop."

I chuckle. "Just use your phone."

"I hate using my phone," he says, slouching slightly. "Plus, I want to see more of your collection."

"You'll need weeks to sort through it all, my friend," I say.

"Or a nice long night," he says with a grin, and I laugh. "Please? The alcohol is getting to me," he adds. I see him reach between his legs and adjust himself a bit.

"Was Jimmy boy not enough for you?" I say, standing up with a groan.

"Jimmy's okay," Jay says with a shrug. "A nice quickie, but nothing that fun. He doesn't like foreplay. Wouldn't even kiss me."

"I'd kiss you," I say, looking down at him. It takes me a few moments to realize I just said that out loud, mostly because he looks up at me with an amused smile.

"Yeah?" he says. "Come here then." He beckons me back down with his finger and makes a kissy face.

I realize it's a playful challenge -- and it's one that I surprise myself by accepting. "Fine," I say, playing it off before I lean down. I take his face in my hands and kiss him full on the mouth, holding it, moving my lips against his deeply. There's a hint of tongue before I pull back, taking a breath and grinning slightly.

"Damn," Jay says with a laugh. "I'm impressed."

"You were alright," I tease, hoping he'll take the bait and lean in for round two.

"Thanks, B," he says sarcastically before laughing and tapping my cheek. "Laptop."

"Right." I pull away, giving him one more look before I head upstairs, totally breathless. I'm a little dizzy (both from the kiss and the alcohol) but I manage to grab the laptop from the bedroom and bring it downstairs. I half expect Jay to be naked and ready but he looks like he hasn't moved. I plop down next to him with a sigh and say "Let's see here," but before I can open the laptop, Jay gently tilts my face towards his and then kisses me again. It catches me so off-guard that I do little more than let him press his lips against mine. When he pulls away, we look at each other before he starts falling into a fit of laughter. I laugh too, but only for a short period of time before I lean in hard and kiss him again.

He immediately stops laughing, humming slightly against my lips. This kiss is more intense. We're pushing against each other as we move our mouths together. I can sense it. All that playfulness from before is gone and has been replaced by something more primal. I feel his hand at my side, grabbing my shirt as we kiss back and forth, almost like passionate lovers would. But it's just the neediness. We're both drunk, and horny, and want this. I put my hand on his upper thigh, squeezing slightly. I feel his tongue slide against mine just as his hand runs across my chest, down my stomach, towards my crotch. My cock throbs in anticipation but then, his hand stops. He also breaks the kiss and looks down, but it's because the laptop is still in my lap. He grabs it and sets it on the floor before leaning right back into me to continue our make out session.

We start shifting. He leans into me more and more and I get the hint, lying back on the couch while he gets on top of me. I moan against his lips as his groin grinds against mine. He's just in sweatpants, so I can easily tell that he's hard. My hands are around him, running up and down his back and sides as we kiss and rut against each other. Soon, my fingers are itching to touch his cock, but he beats me to the punch. I feel his hand slide between us and rub right over my bulge, giving it a squeeze. I cock my head back, breaking the kiss by accident as I mutter "Fuck" and moan. Jay just keeps kissing me, but focuses on my chin and then my neck instead as he gropes me.

Then, he pulls away, sliding down. I should stop him, I realize. This would be the spot to stop. But I don't. I breathe a little heavier as he undoes my jeans and then pulls them off my hips slightly -- just enough for my cock to spring free. I see him lick his lips before he takes a hold of my cock and immediately goes down on me. I see his fingers, inked and slim, wrapping around the base of my manhood as his lips overtake me. I moan louder, my hand going right to his hair, stroking and gripping. He sucks loudly on my cock, working me up and down and making me throb. I pant a bit. This is happening. This is actually happening. He takes me deeper, right into his throat, before gagging and pulling off, licking his own hips and panting while he strokes me.

He laps at the head a few times before he looks up and sees me watching him. Then he slides back up to kiss me. I sit up on my elbows to meet him halfway, kissing him back, his breath smelling of cock and alcohol. My dick throbs in his grip, but now I want to make him feel good. I sit up more, breaking the kiss and then saying "Sit back." He sits like normal on the couch and I hop off, kneeling between his legs. He slouches for me as he starts to pull his sweatpants and underwear down mid-thigh. I help him a bit, eager to see his cock, and when I do, I swear. His beautiful cock springs free, rock hard and already dripping precum. I don't hesitate to reach out and grab it. It's so warm. So strange having another cock in my hand. Asher's is one thing, but this? This feels so different. I'm in lust. I lean forward, lapping up the precum with one long swipe of my tongue. I swallow it as Jay moans softly before I get to work. I suck on just the head and work my way lower. I blow him as instinctively as possible. I've done it on toys before, but it's different with the real deal. However, I'm encouraged by his moans. Maybe I'm not doing such a bad job. I feel his hand on the back of my neck, guiding me lower, and so I take him into my throat. Surprisingly, I don't gag so soon. I hold it there and then slide back up before going back down and taking him deep again. Only when he starts trying to fuck my mouth do I gag. I pull back up and focus on just the top half before I let his cock fall from my lips, needing to catch my breath.

I barely get a moment though because he pulls me back up onto the couch with him and kisses me. We lie against each other, touching and grinding and kissing fiercely. I have his cock in my hand and he reaches around to grab my ass. I moan out against his lips, which I guess he takes as encouragement, because he grips my ass tighter, squeezes it, even teases closer to my hole. I arch my back slightly as a way to give him the hint. Whether or not he got it, he slides his finger against my hole, and I moan. I stroke him fast, trying to stay focused, but with the alcohol, and the kissing, and his fingers at my ass, and my own cock throbbing, it's hard for me to take it all in.

And then, I faintly hear keys and the front door unlocking before it swings open. We pry ourselves apart from each other quickly, my heart fucking pounding as I shove my dick back in my jeans. Jay fixes his sweatpants and sits up straight as I stay standing, running my fingers through my hair just as Tracey walks in.

She smiles at me tiredly. "Hey, handsome."

"Hey babe," I say, biting my lip. I look at her, then at Jay, before walking over to Tracey and kissing her, hoping my breath doesn't smell like cock. I make sure not to breathe out much. "How was your day?"

"Ugh. Fun, but exhausting," she says with a sigh, stroking my chest a bit. "I need a nice long bath." She sets down her purse before looking at me. "Wanna join me?" she asks quietly, smirking a bit.

"Y-yeah," I say, nodding. "I'll be up in a bit."

"Okay," she says happily before looking at me curiously. "You okay?" she asks. "You're all red."

"Yeah..." I say, biting my lip. "Jay and I had a couple drinks. We finished up a lot of the guest room."

She perks up at that. "Really? Fucking finally," she says, laughing.

"Just needs to be painted and all that."

"Well I can help you with that," she says, kissing me before pulling away. "Meet me upstairs," she says softly before turning towards the couch. "Thanks for your help, Jay."

He looks back and smiles. "Any time!"

Tracey heads upstairs, humming to herself and leaving us alone together. There's an awkward silence for a few moments before I clear my throat. "So. I should probably head upstairs. She's waiting on me."

"Okay," he says, chewing on his bottom lip slightly, looking me up and down.

"So... yeah." I sigh, not sure what to say. "Oh. You still, um, want the laptop?"

Jay chuckles slightly. "Might as well."

"Okay." I come over, picking up the laptop off the floor and logging in for him. I open up the main folder before passing it to him to peruse at his leisure. "Here ya go."

"Thanks, B," he says, smiling at me as he takes it, setting it on his lap. He looks up at me, staring, probably because I'm just looming over him without saying a word. "Goodnight, I guess?"

I clear my throat, nodding. "Yeah. Goodnight. See you in the morning."

"Bright `n early," he says.

I breathe out heavily as I walk away, licking my lips, my mind reeling. That was a close call. A very close call. And part of me feels guilty for succumbing to it, especially behind my wife's back. But the other, stronger part of me is asking one thing: "When will it happen again?"

~ To be continued... ~

Next: Chapter 3

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