

Published on Jan 7, 2019


Coworking by RJ

This is a multi-part story about the relationship between two male coworkers. This story also alludes to sexual contact between brothers, so if you are offended by such material, do not read. If you have any comments about my work, or even just want to chat, please don't hesitate to message me. As always, please support Nifty in any way that you can.

Side note: My apologies for the confusion in the last chapter. The wife's name is Tracey, not Tanya. As a few fans pointed out, I got the names mixed up with another story I'm writing.


I can't focus that well at work. After last night, I can barely go a few minutes without remembering the feel and taste of Jay in my mouth. Even while I'm on the phone with a customer, I have to ask her to repeat things multiple times, blaming the quality of the connection rather than my inattentiveness. Jay didn't mention anything this morning either -- not when we had some coffee together or drove to work. He was his just his normal, laid back, unconcerned self. Maybe because it's much less of a concern for him as it is for me. I doubt he doesn't remember, though. We weren't drunk enough for a memory lapse.

On my lunch break, Ash and I meet up like we do every Monday (sometimes other days too, but Mondays are definite). We go to his favorite little sandwich shop, which is within walking distance to both of us. When I get there, he has already ordered our food and smiles at the sight of me.

"I considered ordering you something you don't usually get," he says, "but I figured you'd be mad."

"You figured correctly," I say, sitting down with a sigh. I always get the same thing when I come here. Their special chicken salad wrap.

"Busy day so far?" he asks, setting his phone down.

"Eh. Not really," I say, shrugging and running my fingers through my hair. On my way here, I had been considering telling Ash. I know he wouldn't judge me for it being a guy, nor for me cheating, since he's the least faithful person I know. But I don't know. Admitting it out loud is a nerve-racking thought.

"Something up?" he asks.

When I look at him, he's glancing at me curiously. "Just tired," I tell him.

"That wasn't your tired sigh," he says, leaning back and crossing his arms. "That was your 'I'm stressed!' sigh."

So perceptive of him. "Remind me to stop hanging around you so often," I say with a laugh.

"You'd miss me too much." He smiles a little, still looking at me. "So?"

I bite my lip a bit. "It's... Never mind."

He rolls his eyes. "If this isn't juicy, I'm gonna punch you," he says with a laugh. "Spill."

I hesitate before I take a deep breath, looking around slightly. "Remember Jay? The guy from work I told you about?"

He looks confused. "The dude staying at your house?"

"Yeah, him."


"Well... Uh..." I bite my lip a bit before lowering my voice, messing with my hair a bit. "Something happened."

There's the faintest sense of a smirk on his lips. "Something... happened..."

"Yeah," I say, clearing my throat. "We kinda... fooled around."

"What?" Ash looks amused more than shocked. "You and him?" He laughs, leaning in a bit. "No way. No way, I don't believe you."

He doesn't believe me? Why would I lie about this? "Why don't you believe me?"

"I don't know. Because you're all..." Then he stops, shaking his head and switching his tone. "How did this happen?"

I shrug. "It just happened," I say.


"We had a few too many drinks," I say, and Ash chuckles, "and fooled around a bit."

"Yeah, but what does that mean? A bit? What did you do?"

"Does it matter?" I ask, a little irritated.

"I just like to know the details," he says.

"We sucked each other off," I say, half-snapping at him. "Happy?"

"Relax, bro," he says with a laugh, holding his hands up. "It's not a big deal."

I glare at him. How is he so casual about this? "Seriously?"

"Seriously," he says mockingly. "You freak out over the littlest things. It's just a little dick sucking," he says, waving me off. "I thought you were gonna say he fucked you or something."

"Keep it down," I say, especially since our food has just arrived. The waitress sets our plates down in front of us, and we both give her a smile. I thank her as she leaves, and as she does, I check her out. Would I cheat on my wife with her too? Probably not. I've had plenty of opportunities before, but no one has made me want to before. Except for Jay.

We both take a bite out of our respective sandwiches. Mid-chew, Ash looks at me and says "I wonder what kind of gay guy you are."

I swallow, looking at him with a confused expression. "Huh?"

"You know," he says, chewing and swallowing. "Top, bottom, submissive, dom daddy--"

"Stop," I say, rolling my eyes and continuing to eat.

"I bet you're, like, a muscle bottom, or whatever. Power bottom? I can't remember the term."

"Why can't I just be a normal person?" I ask, squinting my eyes. "Also, I'm not gay," I add quickly.

"I'm just teasing," he says with a chuckle, taking another bite of his sandwich. "Why are you so stressed about this anyway? You were drunk."

"Because," I say, sighing slightly, "I probably would have done it even if I wasn't drunk."

"Ah," he says, nodding. "That makes more sense." He wipes a little mayo off his lip with his thumb. "But also," he adds, sucking his thumb quickly, "what about this is bugging you out, really?"

"Are you really asking me that?" I ask him, squinting slightly.

"I'm just curious if you're upset that you cheated on your beautiful and sexy wife, whom I love, by the way," he starts to says with a grin.

I try to interrupt. "Ash--"

"OR," he adds, holding up his finger, "if you're upset that he's a dude."

I blink. "I don't get it."

"I'm asking if this is a gay thing."

"I just told you I'm not gay," I snap at him. Why am I getting so defensive? It's like this weird, automated response.

"But you did a kind of gay thing," he says, clearly enjoying my distress. Fuck him.

"Fuck off, Ash," I say, trying to focus on my sandwich.

"That's totally it, isn't it?" he asks with a slightly smug grin. "You're upset that you hooked up with a dude." Then his expression becomes more inquisitive than anything else. "Haven't you hooked up with another guy before?"

"I mean..." I pause, looking at him to make sure I realize what he's referring to. "No," I say.


"Why are you so surprised?"

He shrugs. "I think I had just assumed you would've. Doesn't matter though," he adds, taking a sip of water. Just as I'm wondering why he would have assumed, he says "You know, you're the only guy I've had sex with, too."

I nearly choke on my sandwich, looking around to make sure that no one heard him say that. He said it pretty fucking loudly. "Can you maybe keep it down like I asked?"

"What?" he asks, looking confused at my reaction. "Who cares?"

"Lots of people care," I say.

"Lots of people should mind their own business," he says, pointing at me before picking up his sandwich again. Then he chuckles slightly. "Man, we used to do shit all the damn time."

"We were kids," I say, sipping on my drink nervously.


"So? It's different."

He pauses before nodding. "Hm. Guess you're right." He keeps chewing slowly, mulling something over before he asks "Why'd we stop, anyway?"

I swallow. "Because you joined the military. And then went off to college."

"Oh yeah," he says, nodding, looking right at me.

Growing up, we had always shared a room, and because we were so close (and curious), we experimented together. We were as horny as two boys could possibly get and tried plenty of sexual things on the regular. It may have been a mildly confusing time for us, but in the end, I think we both silently agree that it was just a fun way to get off. Because, hey, it all felt good. And I know we've never been interested in other guys "in that way." It was always just something we kept between us. We were separated for a while when he joined the military and then moved across the country for college. In the meantime, I had met Tracey and veered off onto a separate life path with her. When he moved back closer to me, the closeness was still there, and eventually, we picked up on our love for porn and mutual masturbation. The fucking phase is not something we've ever talked about, so I'm surprised that he brought it up now. But now that I'm thinking about it, maybe that whole phase is the reason I like Tracey fucking my ass every now and again. It may even be the reason I'm thinking about Jay doing the same.

I change the subject and Ash and I finish up our lunch talking about his latest sexual target. We hug and say goodbye, and I head back to work, nervous still. Ash made it seem like it's not the biggest deal in the world, but it didn't make me feel any better. Mostly because, for me, it wasn't a one-time thing. I want to do it again.

As I pass Jay's cubicle, I see that he's chatting with one of our other coworkers, Carlos. He sees me and then stops me. "Hey, big guy," he says, beckoning me over. "I think a congratulations is in order."

I blink, pausing. "Huh?"

"Congrats?" he says before Carlos slaps his shoulder.

"I don't think he knows yet," Carlos says in a low voice.

"For real?" Jay glances at me before laughing. "Um. Never mind. Ignore me."

"What's going on?" I ask, confused.

I don't have to wait long. Debbie, my boss, rounds the corner and says "THERE you are! Can you come to my office for a sec?" I glance at Jay and Carlos but both of them are smiling, and not in my direction. It must be good news. Happy that it's at least nothing bad, I follow Debbie through the aisle of cubicles towards the back, where she has me step into her office and shut the door. I sit across from her desk and she folds her hands across her keyboard (which irks me, but I ignore it). "So..."

I wait for her to continue, but she's a bit dramatic. "Yes?"

"How do you see your future, BJ?"

Not this speech again. I'm feeling particularly antsy today, so I try to cut this short. "What's this about?"

She sighs, clearly wanting to continue with her little wannabe-inspirational monologue about my future (that I've had numerous times), but she just leans back in her chair. "You do good work here. Great work, even. I think you'd be good in a managerial position."

I raise my eyebrows. "Really?"

She nods, smiling. "You'd have more responsibility, of course, but between you and me, the pay almost doubles," she says with a chuckle. "Plus, I'm old. I don't plan on being here much longer, and would need time to show you the ropes." I always forget Debbie's planning on retiring at the end of the year. So, if I'm understanding what she is saying, I would be the new Debbie. She'd train me, to be not just a manager, but THE manager. If I'm honest, I'm not terribly attached to this job, but double the pay? Hell fucking yes. "Are you even somewhat interested?" she asks.

"Uh... Yeah," I say, laughing.

She beams. "I figured you would be." She pulls out a file folder from her desk and hands me a packet and some other sheets of paper. Probably forms. "Roles and rules and responsibilities, pay rate, privileges, holidays, increased benefits... It should all be here so you can review it at your leisure," she says, sliding everything over to me. "Let me know what you think as soon as you can."

Once I get back to my desk I call Tracey to let her know the good news, and she responds excitedly (especially when I tell her how much I'll be making). "We should celebrate tonight," she says happily.

"Yeah? Celebrate, or... celebrate?" I ask with a sensual tone to my voice.

She laughs. "I'm thinking dinner, you ape," she says. "I just don't know what time I'll be home."

"Take your time, babe, I'm not in any rush."

"I'll call you later, then," she says, and when we say goodbye, she does those smooch-noises she always does when ending a call. I set my phone down and smile. I love that woman so much. Which just makes this whole situation with Jay harder. Or maybe I'm just making it difficult when it's really simple: I want to have sex with Jay. That's really the whole story. What's difficult is trying to bury that desire and do what's right.

The good news about the promotion, though, is enough for me to put Jay out of my mind for the rest of the work day. I bury myself in my job and allow only customers to give me added grief until finally, the day is over and I have to take Jay back to my place.

Our drive back to the house is mainly Jay talking and me responding with short little quips: "Mhm. Yeah. Haha. Damn, really?" Now that he's so physically close to me, I'm weirdly tense and nervous, and eventually, he takes notice.

"You okay, mate?" he asks me after a moment.

I glance at him. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

"'Cause you're being all weird today." I notice him staring. "You feeling ill or something?"

"No, I'm fine." I offer up a smile to try and reinforce that lie.

But he's not buying it. "Thought you would have at least been hyped about your promotion," he says. "Congratulations for real this time," he adds with a laugh.

I chuckle a little. "Guess I'll be your boss soon."

"Being friends with the boss man? Definitely a good perk," he says cheerfully.

"Don't take advantage of me," I say with a laugh.

"Honestly there's not much I could do at this job to take advantage of you."

I snort. "True." Jay's quiet for a few moments, and when I turn to look at him, he's looking right back at me. "What?"

"You sure you're good?"

"Yeah," I say, nodding.

"You don't have to bullshit me, you know," he says. "Is this about... y'know," he says, pausing. Then he adds "Last night?"

I bite my lip, my fingers gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. Guess the time to talk is now. No sense putting it off. "Kinda," I mutter before sighing through my nose. "Yes."

"Sorry if I made shit weird," Jay starts to say. "Alcohol and me don't mix that well. I get too impulsive."

Always the alcohol. "Yeah. Same," I say, glancing at him. Seems a safe excuse at this point. "I don't really know what came over me either."

"Shit happens, B," he says, shrugging. "But maybe keep the drinks in the cabinet from now on," he says with a grin.

"Probably smart." I laugh a little, relaxing slightly. I wish he wasn't so cool about all of this. In a weird way, it only makes me want him more.

But then he says "I had fun though."

My body tenses up a bit, and I bite my lip. I stare ahead at the road, saying "I love my wife" almost as an automatic response.

"I know," he says. "I know."

"Can't happen again," I tell him.

"I know, B."


We ride in silence the rest of the way, but it's only for another minute. I pull into the driveway, park, and cut the ignition, resting my hands in my lap. Both of us stay seated in the quiet. The tension is almost too intense for me to handle. I can't move. I can't look at him. I'm afraid I'll want to... what's that expression? Jump his bones? That's exactly what I wanna fucking do.

Then Jay moves to unbuckle his seatbelt. As soon as I hear that click, something snaps in me. Within a flash I'm leaning over and pulling Jay into a kiss. If he's surprised at all, he's not showing it one bit because he's moving against me just like I want him to. The passion starts off at 100%. I grab onto his hair and he starts pulling at my shirt. I want to get closer to him. I reach down only to push the button on my seatbelt and quickly unfasten myself, and he pulls on me harder in response. We're making out hard in my car. I don't even do this with Tracey. Hair is being pulled, shirts are being grabbed, tongues are being tasted, lips are working lustfully hard... I almost forget to breathe.

Jay pulls back, panting heavily, his eyes on my lips. "We doing this?" he asks.

I just nod.

He licks his lips, lightly grabbing my shirt. "When does your wife get home?"

"Not for a few hours," I tell him.

"Good," he says, leaning in to kiss me again. "I don't want to get interrupted again."

I can't help but laugh. Neither do I. Last time we didn't finish. Nor did we get to do what I really wanted to do. But now's my chance. "C'mon," I tell him, grabbing my keys and hopping out of the car. I head right up to the house without looking back, sensing his presence close behind. I wonder if he's checking me out. My shirt is still tucked in, and my ass looks pretty good in these slacks. I hope he's looking. I hope he wants it.

I unlock the door and head straight for the kitchen, grabbing the first bit of liquor I can find. Jay chuckles when he sees me opening a bottle of scotch. "What's going on?"

"I need a drink," I say, taking a hefty swig straight from the bottle. I sigh, shaking my head a little from the strength of the alcohol before looking at him. "Want some?"

"I'm good," he says, smirking a little and leaning against the counter. "We don't have to if you don't--"

"Shut up," I tell him, and he bites his lip as he laughs quietly. I take a second swig before capping the bottle and leaving it on the counter, close to his arm. I let my fingers slide across the granite until they touch his bare arm, since his sleeves are rolled up. He looks down and watches my fingers slide down his tatted forearm and across his inked fingers. I bite my lip a bit, my cock already getting hard. Why is this guy so attractive to me... His clothes aren't even off yet.

I glance up at him, my eyes focusing on his lips before I lean in to kiss him again, taking it a little slower this time (though not by too much). My other hand finds its way between Jay's legs, and I cup his bulge with his palm, making him groan and chuckle against my lips. "Gettin' handsy," he says.

"Sorry," I say, pulling my hand away, but he stops me, bring my hand right back. I smile slightly, feeling him up a little more just as he starts to reciprocate. I'm sure he notices that I'm harder than he is already, but he doesn't mention anything. Just kisses me as we feel each other up. My heart pounds against my chest as his tongue slides so nicely into my mouth just as his hand snakes its way into my pants. I rise up on my toes automatically, moaning against his lips as his fingers feel up my length.

"Can I?" he asks me, giving my dick a squeeze.

What the hell do you think I'm gonna say, dude? No? I just nod, and he grins before looking down as he uses both hands to undo my belt and fly. He doesn't pull my pants down. He just grabs at my underwear through the opening and pulls it down enough to let my cock swing out. Within seconds, his mouth is on my manhood. My eyes roll a bit as I try and get used to the sensations. I don't know if it's a girl versus guy thing. It must be. It's not that one is better than the other. It's that there's a distinct difference in how Jay's mouth feels versus my wife's. But damn, it feels good. He bobs back and forth, taking it much deeper than Tracey can handle without the extra whiney moans. I can't stop watching him either. He strokes the base with one hand and works smoothly back and forth, sometimes taking a quick break to breathe or swallow spit. Soon, he looks up at me, and fuck if my cock doesn't throb as soon as we make eye contact... It's fucking hot to watch.

He pulls off slowly, licking his lips as he stands up. "You mind if I shower before we keep going?" he asks.

"No, I don't mind," I say. "Um. Let's go upstairs."

When we get to the master bedroom though, we're right back on each other, kissing near the bed. Guess this is where we'll strip, because he starts undoing my shirt buttons. As he works on those, I undo his pants, pulling his belt open all the way. Once he gets my shirt fully open and takes it off me, I work on his pants. I squat down, pulling them off his legs (along with his underwear). I let my hands slide up his thighs as I press my face into his crotch so that his cock is standing up straight, sandwiched between my face and his lower torso. I breathe him in. Fucking musky. I love it. I stick my tongue out and slide it up from his balls all the way to the tip of his cock as I start to slide his sweater up. He gets the signal and lifts his arms, letting me slide it over his head before I toss it to the floor. Now he's fully naked and I'm getting a good look at him. And that cock... I reach out and grab it.

He chuckles a bit. "Let me get cleaned up," he says, rubbing my abs with his knuckles. "Then you can... What's the expression? Fuck me like you fuck your wife?" he says with a grin.

I arch my eyebrow. "Actually... I was hoping you'd fuck ME."

Now both of his eyebrows raise. "Really?"

"Yeah," I say, my face feeling red. He just grins at me as if he loves the idea, his eyes scanning my body once more. "Actually... You stay here," I say, nudging him towards the bed. "I'll get cleaned up and... Yeah... Just... Stay here," I say.

Jay laughs, resting on his back and giving his cock a few tugs. "Not going anywhere, stud."

I give him a look over before practically fleeing to the bathroom. I head to the sink first, looking at my face in the mirror. This is happening, isn't it? I'm about to do this. I haven't done it since I was a teenager, and that was under wholly different circumstances. I take a breath and then turn towards the shower. I don't want to take too long -- Jay is out there, on my bed, waiting for me. I can't believe I'm about to get dicked like Jimmy was. Fuck. I hope Jay doesn't tell him.

I make sure I'm clean before stepping out, drying off, and then heading back into the bedroom, my heart thudding wildly. Jay's still on the bed. He's checking and biting at his nails a bit until he notices me. Then he smiles. "Welcome back," he says with a chuckle, sitting up.

But I move onto the bed and have him lie back down while I glance at his crotch. His cock is only half hard now, closer to soft. I lick my lips and reach down to wrap my fingers around it, touching him for the second time. His eyes close as soon as I start stroking him, and he bites his lip slightly. I feel him getting hard in my grip, and fast. It makes me feel, in a weird way, honored? Is that the right word? Regardless, I smile slightly at feeling him get fully stiff so quickly because of me.

In my head, I'm debating whether or not I should go down on him. It's the "courteous" thing to do, probably. But now that he's in my hand, and now that my head is sober, and now that the hurriedness of our movements has passed, it looks intimidating. How did I do this last time?

Jay has ideas of his own, though. Soon he sits up and reels me into a kiss as he rolls over me. I end up on my back with him on top, and he grinds our cocks together gently. I hum a bit, my hands on his hips as he ruts against me. He grinds into me with deep, smooth strides as if teasing me for what's to come. Like it's his way of saying "This is what I'm going to do to you. Get ready."

He pulls back from my lips and continues to grind but at a slower pace. "What position are you most comfortable in?" he asks me.

Usually, I'd say my back. Way easier for penetration. But I don't want to face him. Rather, I don't want him to see my face when he's inside me. I'm willing to bet that I'll feel way too vulnerable, so I go with something classic. "Hands and knees."

He grins a bit. "Nice." Then, he kisses my collarbone, slowly working his way down my body until he gets to my crotch. I'm totally anticipating him going down on me again, but then he grabs my hips and motions for me to flip over. So I do. He lifts my ass up for him slightly, and then I feel his hands on my cheeks, spreading them apart. Fuck. I feel an intense bout of nervousness overcome me -- but just as quickly as it comes, it disappears once I feel his tongue against my hole.

"Oh fuck," I groan out loud, and I hear Jay chuckle slightly before he continues. It is the strangest sensation. I mean, yeah, I've been rimmed before, but Tracey is always so... gentle with it. Hesitant, even. Jay is all in. His tongue is a force, a silky, warm, moist force that is giving me an intimate pleasure I didn't know I could experience. It's like it tickles in the way that makes me squirm but also makes my cock throb. More. Give me more, Jay.

He pulls back slightly, and I feel him practically petting my hole with a couple of his fingers. "You have like, lube, right?" he asks me before giving my hole a little lick.

I bite my lip, nodding. "Yeah," I say softly. "In the nightstand." I point to the top drawer to the right of us. He crawls over me to reach into the nightstand, rummaging around for the lube. He first pulls out one of Tracey's vibrators, saying "Whoops" before continuing to look. For an instant, I'm jealous. I must have forgot to box whatever's in the nightstand. Now she has a toy and I don't. Then I have to remember that I have a flesh-and-blood male about to fuck me.

He finds the lube and then gets behind me again, kneeling between my legs. "I gotta say, mate," he says, "you have a great ass." He emphasizes his point by giving it a slap.

I laugh slightly in surprise. "Thanks."

I hear him unstop the bottle before working it into his cock. I'd recognize those noises anywhere. Then, he lifts my ass a little more, having me arch my back a bit as he pours some lube between my cheeks. I hiss slightly at the feeling of the cool liquid against my skin, but he rubs it in nicely with his fingers before easing one in. My mouth opens slightly. I think it's his middle finger, but I can't quite tell. He slowly pushes it in all the way before rocking it back and forth. Gently. He's testing me out. Do I feel as tight as he'd expect me to be, I wonder?

And then, I feel him get behind me. He rubs his cock right against my hole. God, I hate the teasing. Just fucking plug me. I push back a little so that he can get the signal, but he doesn't say or do anything different. Just keeps rubbing against me. After a full, agonizing minute, he finally says "Ready, B?"

"Yes. Come on," I say in a slightly impatient tone.

Jay just chuckles. "Yes sir." He targets the tip of his cock against my hole and then finally pushes forward. My mouth opens slightly again, and I'm absolutely still as he eases into me. Holy shit. Jay's inside me. The shape and the size, yes, that's familiar. But the sensation is totally different. Having a real cock in me is so much more... I don't know. I don't know how to describe it. But God, I'm practically high.

I don't let out a sound until he's all the way in. Once his crotch hits my ass, I let out a breathy moan. "You good?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I say, trying not to smile.

"Really?" he asks, clearly surprised. "You're fuckin' tight, B."

I like that it still feels good for him. But I want him to get to it. Show me how good I feel, Jay. "Open me up," I tell him.

I bet he's grinning right now. I can picture it so clearly. But once he starts pumping his hips, I can't focus on anything except his dick. I close my eyes, grabbing a pillow and pushing my face into it as I moan. Jay's got a firm handle on my hips and is taking me at his own pace. I feel his balls slapping against my taint and I listen to his infrequent grunts and moans and God, it feels so good. His dick is hitting me in a way that the toy never does. Maybe it's the fact that he's attached to it. When it comes to strap-ons, it doesn't do much pleasure-wise for Tracey. Sure, she finds it hot, but she can't get off from fucking me. Jay, though -- I know what his dick is feeling like. He's getting direct pleasure from me. And that's... well, that's fucking hot.

Jay spreads my legs a little more and then leans over me, kissing my neck. I moan out, feeling him grind deep in me as his hands roam over my body. I'm on fire right now. Fucking fire. And then I feel him reach around and grab my dick. I nearly cum as soon as his hand makes contact -- that's how hard my dick throbs.

And then, to kill the mood, my phone rings. We both pause when we hear the sound, and then I swear. "Fuck."

"What?" he asks, moving his hand from my dick.

"That's Tracey's ringtone," I tell him.

"Ignore it," he says, slowly working his hips again.

I bite my lip, looking back at him a bit. "What if she's coming home? She said she'd call me."

"Then you better hurry up and make me cum," he says with a grin. He's half-joking, I can tell. But he's also right. My eyes flicker down to his lips, and as soon as they do, he kisses me. We kiss hard and sloppily as he moves his hips in deep strides, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing off the walls of my bedroom. He's really doing me in now. Fuck, this is too good. This is dangerous.

I hear his breathing start to get heavy. "You close?" I ask.

"Y-yeah," he says with a grunt, gripping my side more tightly. "Can I cum in you?"

"Yeah," I say before I even think about it. It's an automatic response, and I don't even realize what he meant until he's actually cumming inside of me. He moans in my ear and presses in deep, filling me with his load, and I moan a bit too. Fuck, that's hot. He grinds a bit, biting down on my shoulder slightly as he comes down from the height of his orgasm. Then, he kisses my skin softly and tenderly.

"Damn," I hear Jay whisper to himself.

"You okay?" I ask with a slight chuckle.

"Oh yeah, I'm great," he says with a laugh against the back of my head.

I smile slightly. "You gonna... get off of me now?"

"Nuh uh," he says before sitting up slightly. I feel him pull out of me, but before I can do much, he has me flip over onto my stomach. He then slides his cock right back inside me so sharply that I let out an "Ah!" "It's your turn," he says with a smirk.

My turn? I look down and realize what he's talking about. I'm still hard. I had almost forgotten that I haven't cum yet. I blush slightly, feeling weirdly exposed like this. But I reach down and grip my cock, very aware of Jay's eyes on me. I close my eyes, focusing on what I feel: one of my legs up on Jay's shoulders; his dick buried inside me, pulsing and stretching me open; my own cock damp with precum. I lick my lips and start to stroke. Jay reciprocates with a few gentle thrusts of his own, and it turns out it's just what I need to elevate the pleasure. My cock throbs as I jerk myself off, and I moan a bit, willing my eyes to open. I get an eyeful of his lower body between my legs, his stomach muscles working as he thrusts gently into me. I let my eyes trail up and I look at his face. His eyes are roaming my body, soaking me in, until finally our eyes connect. And then he smiles. It's a strangely inappropriate smile -- it's this sweet, kind, "Hey man!" kind of smile, not something I'd expect in the bedroom. But it's kind of comforting.

Once I get close, Jay runs a hand up and down my torso slowly. The extra sense of contact drives me over the edge and I grunt, holding my breath as I finally bust my load. I start laughing slightly as I cum because I get a sudden flashback to Jay saying "You're a violent cummer, mate" the first time he saw me nut. My load sprays high and in multiple directions, although most of it gets on me (and Jay's arm). I'm half-moaning and half-laughing, feeling light and pleased once I finish as I loosely hold my cock.

"Do you always cum like that?" Jay asks me.

I smile. "Kinda."

"Wild," he says with a little laugh, slowly pulling out of me. He falls onto his side, looking like he has a bit of energy in him. "So?" he asks, looking at me with a little smile.

I glance at him. "So... what?"

"What's the verdict?" he asks. "Did you get it out of your system?"

It's like he can read my mind. The bastard. "I think so," I say.

"Good." He chuckles a bit, patting my shin. "You took it well, B," he says. "I'm genuinely impressed."

"I've had practice," I murmur, running my fingers through my hair. He raises his eyebrows, and I find myself spilling my secret. "Strap-ons," I say simply.

"Shit, really?" he says, eyes opened a little more. "You and Tracey?" When I nod, he laughs. "That's hot, mate."

I snort a little, shaking my head. To me, it's hot that he thinks it's hot. But before I can think about it more, I remember that Tracey called. "I should probably call her back," I say, sitting up slightly, but Jay is already hopping off the bed and grabbing my pants. He pulls my phone out and tosses it towards me.

"So do you and Tracey have any sex tapes lying around?" he asks with a grin as he climbs back onto the bed. "Also, follow-up question: can I watch?"

I roll my eyes as I open my phone. She didn't leave me a message or text me, so I call her back, biting my lip as I glance at Jay. She picks up pretty quickly. "Hey!"

"Hey, beautiful," I say, and Jay just chuckles slightly.

"I'm running super late," she says, and she sounds pretty busy. "I don't think I can do dinner tonight. Can we take a raincheck?"

"Stuck at work?"

"Yeah," she says in that exhausted tone of hers. "It's insane, I'll tell you about it later."


"I'm sorry I can't make it," she says, sounding both tired and apologetic.

"No, no, it's okay," I tell her. "Really. I'll probably just grab a bite with Jay or something." At the mention of his name, he looks over at me and grins.

"I'll take you out tomorrow," she says. "My treat." Jay starts to crawl over to me, moving my legs apart. "Anyway," Tracey continues, "gotta get back to work. Have fun with Jay. Tell him I said hey."

Jay rests his hands on my thighs as he leans down and licks the head of my sensitive cock, a small drop of cum hanging from the tip. I grunt a bit, feeling it twitch at the contact. "I will," I tell her, and as Jay takes me into his mouth, I hang up.

Next: Chapter 4

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