

Published on Feb 16, 2019


Coworking by RJ

This is a multi-part story about the relationship between two male coworkers. It is a work of fiction vaguely inspired by a similar situation I was in. Though it's not set in a particular time period, for the sake of the story, it takes place before people were knowledgeable about the spread of HIV, so condoms will not be used. Be safe out there in the real world.

Please note that this chapter contains bisexual content. If that's not your thing, skip over it.

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After that night, we keep our hands to ourselves for the most part. At least, there's no more kissing, sucking, fucking... Though we do jack off together again one night. Maybe Jay was right. Maybe I really did just need to get it out of my system. And after getting fucked not once but twice that night before Tracey got home, I feel like I got my fill. Even though we went all the way, I don't feel that awkward around him for the next couple of days. The thought of him still gets me horny but no longer in an aggressive, anxiety-inducing way. I finally feel calm again. Like I just went over a hurdle. And We start to act like fairly normal buddies, or housemates. I even get the toys back from Ash's. I just tell Tracey that I was paranoid for no reason, but she doesn't really need an explanation. She's just happy they're back in our possession.

Jay soon figures everything out with insurance and starts making plans for moving out, looking at new places in the area (with better fire protection, he adds with a smirk). When he makes that announcement, I find myself feeling a little sad that he's planning on leaving. I'd gotten used to having him around -- not just sexually, but as a friend. Even Tracey has taken a liking to him. After all, she's the one who suggests we go out to dinner to celebrate Jay "surviving American insurance companies."

So the three of us go out to one of the more high-end sushi places in town -- one of Tracey's favorites, because we have to dress up a bit and make sure we look good. She knows one of the bartenders, too, so we have her flirt it with him to get us free/discounted drinks. It works, of course, since she's wearing the hottest little cocktail dress she owns, and after finally deciding what sushi we want, the three of us are each a couple drinks in.

"Oh my God," Tracey says, grabbing my arm and interrupting Jay, who was in the middle of talking about his ex-boyfriend that recently reached out to him. She turns to me with a wide smile on her face, already much tipsier than both Jay and myself. "We should set Jay up with Terrence."

I snort a bit. "Terrence? Really?" Terrence is my closest friend. He'd be like a brother if I didn't have one already. But I don't know if I can see the two of them together.

"He's a dancer and he's fabulous," Tracey says to Jay, clearly ready to sell this idea to him.

He laughs, looking at the both of us from his side of the table. "My type usually isn't 'fabulous'," he says.

"He likes butch guys," I tell her, resting my hand on her thigh under the table.

"Terrence isn't, like, fem or anything, though," she says.

I shrug. "He is a little bit."

"Okay, well, so what?" She's clearly all about this idea. "At least meet him," she asks Jay. "You'd be a hot couple. Wouldn't they be a hot couple, babe?" she asks me, but before I can even respond, she keeps talking. "Honestly, Jay, you're sexy."

He just laughs. If a girl was flat-out calling me sexy, I'd probably be blushing a bit. But he's just being his normal, unbothered self. "Says the bombshell," he says, gesturing to her.

"Mmm, bombshell, huh?" she says with a little giggle. She runs her fingers through her hair as she takes another sip of her vodka tonic. "Have you ever fucked a girl?" she asked.

I feel a sudden need to defend Tracey's bluntness, which comes out even more after she's been drinking. But Jay clearly doesn't care. "Tried to once. Wasn't super into it," he says with a laugh.

"That's a shame," she says. "We'd make a hot threesome." Then she giggles before a thought comes to mind, and she blurts it out before I can even imagine what she's about to say. "We should have a threesome."

I close my eyes slightly. "Trace--"

"What? It'd be hot," she says. "And he can get it up because you'd be there." My whole body tenses as Jay and I glance at each other. Damn it, Tracey. I'm blushing out of nervousness, but he seems to find this amusing. "He's more your type, right?" she asks him.

Jay smirks, glancing at me again and saying "Yeah."

"Perfect then!" she says cheerily. Then, she pauses, her lips at her drink as another thought comes to her mind. "Oh my God," she says softly. "You two should fuck." Her mouth opens in a wide smile as she looks between us in a "Isn't this a great idea?!" kind of way. "I'd kill to watch you fuck him," she tells Jay.

My face is so hot that I'm starting to sweat. Jay just grins a bit. "I heard he's a good bottom."

"Jay!" I say, shocked. Why would he tell her that?

But I realize what he means when Tracey speaks up. "Oh! Did you finally tell someone about your strap-on fetish?" she asks me. Jesus Christ, she's so loud right now. She must notice how red my face is (since I sure as hell feel red) because she laughs and strokes my arm. "Aww, baby, are you embarrassed still?" she says.

"Nothing to be ashamed of," Jay says with a chuckle. "I like bottoming, too. But, of course, I'm gay."

"Yeah, and you're a top, aren't you?" Tracey says simply.

Jay laughs. "How do you know?"

Tracey just shrugs, sipping her martini. "It's a gift," she says, setting her drink down and putting an arm over my shoulders. "And I know Lukey," she teases. "He'd make a good gay guy. I mean, honestly, you should see some of the toys we--"

"Can you stop?" I say, feeling incredibly embarrassed. I don't know why, either. It's not like Jay's dick hasn't been up my ass already. And he already knows about the toys. But Tracey doesn't know that he knows, and her bringing these things up... It's too much.

Tracey rolls her eyes, removing her arm from around me. "You're no fun."

"I'd just prefer you didn't talk about my sex life so cavalierly," I say bitterly, annoyed that they both find my irritation so amusing.

"It's just a little ass play, Luke," she says. "God."

"A little?" Dildos and strap-ons hardly count as "little."

"Yes, a little. Stop being so dramatic. Lots of straight men like it. It's not a big deal."

"Yeah, B, it's not a big deal," Jay chimes in, but he's grinning at me. I want to kick him under the table.

I ignore him, focusing on Tracey. "I just don't need everyone knowing, okay?"

She snorts. "Too late," she mutters.

Jay bursts out laughing, but I'm staring at Tracey. "The fuck does that mean?" When she just shrugs, I lean into her a bit, grabbing her arm. "What does--?"

"First of all," she says, snatching her arm away and pointing her finger at me with a harsh glare, "don't ever grab me like that again." Then, her sudden anger from me getting physical disappears almost instantly, and she gets playful again. "Secondly, I've only told a couple girlfriends, so relax."

"Who?" I demand. She lists off five of her friends. All girls that I've met and interacted. "Jesus fucking Christ," I murmur, resting my forehead in my hand.

"What?" she says, smiling at Jay, who's just laughing to himself. "Girls talk about their boyfriends."

"We're married," I spit out, grabbing my drink. I haven't touched it in a while, and I gulp a substantial amount down.

"And I love you so much, hubbie," she teases, leaning in and kissing my cheek with a laugh before patting my thigh. "Lighten up. It's all in good fun."

"At my expense."

She rolls her eyes, looking at Jay. "See how much of a drama queen he is? God, he's worse than my female friends."

"He just wants to keep certain things private," he says casually.

"Thank you," I say.

"But," he adds, looking at me with a smile, "I do think you're overreacting a little bit."

"Thank you," Tracey quips, grinning at me. I just sigh heavily. Fuck the both of them. "It's not a big deal, right?"

"Right," Jay says. "Plus... And not that my opinion matters, but... I think it's hot," Jay says, swirling his drink around.

"Right?" Tracey says. "So do most of my girlfriends. Honestly, he should be more open about these things. But between you and me--"

"I'm right here," I interrupt, but she ignores me.

"Between you and me, I think he's just scared of not looking, I don't know, masculine all the time."


"But like, why is certain aspects of sexual exploration not masculine?" she continues, and Jay just nods. "It's totally silly. And archaic!" She rests her hand on my thigh again as she speaks. "And we all know he's masculine. It's painfully obvious. The only thing he's lacking is confidence."

"I AM confident," I say.

She turns to me with a grin. "Confident enough to let Jay fuck you?"

For an instant, I freeze. Does she know? Panic courses through me after she gives me that strange look, but that feeling is quickly expunged when I realize what she's talking about. Security. She wants me to be secure in my sexuality, and own up to my interests. The thing is... I'm not that secure. THAT'S painfully obvious.

Jay speaks up, still amused. "Has this always been a fantasy of yours?" he asks Tracey.

"No, not always," she says, turning her attention back to Jay. "Luke mentioned his brother wanted to fuck me once. Ever since then, I've been thinking about it."

I blink. "Seriously?" This is news to me.

"Yeah. Just kind of a fleeting fantasy." Then she turns to Jay. "Have you met Ash?"

Jay nods. He has, once, when Ash came over briefly. The interaction was a little awkward because Ash is not subtle about anything and just smirked at the sight of me and Jay being in the same room. I hope Jay didn't pick up on that. "Yeah, I have," he says.

"He's cute, right?"

"Yeah. Good looking family," he adds with a wink towards me.

"I'm saying! That'd be a hot threesome, too," she says distractedly. God, this is getting way out of hand. She's really laying it all out there. I make a mental note to never let her drink again. "I'd almost let it happen if I wasn't convinced he's in love with me, of course," she says.

"He's not in love with you," I find myself saying. What the hell? Why am I defending him? With a partial lie, no less?

"Yeah?" she says, smiling. "Well, good."

"No strings attached, then," Jay says.

"Exactly," she says, and they both share a laugh together as if they're sharing a private joke. What the fuck is going on?

"So you're actually entertaining the idea of having a threesome with me and my brother?" I say incredulously.

She just shrugs. "Yeah, why not?" She looks at me and laughs at the shocked expression I'm making. "What? Like you two haven't talked about it before." She makes a discreet jerking-off hand-motion.

I swallow thickly. "That's not the point--"

"Of course that's the point," she says. "Why's it okay that you and Ash can have your little fantasies but I can't have mine?" She turns to Jay instead. "I don't know if I'd actually do it but... you know, getting fucked by a pair of brothers? That's hot, right?"

"Oh for sure," Jay says with a grin. "Brothers are always sexy. But the question is," Jay starts to add dramatically, "would Ash fuck Luke?" I need this night to end. I need them to stop spewing fantasies back and forth, and talking about me in the third person, and tip-toeing around actual things that have happened. I'm so fucking anxious. I make sure not to drink anymore. I don't need my tongue getting loose enough for me to admit something I don't want them to know about. "I'd watch that," Jay says with a grin.

"Oh honey, me too," Tracey says, and they both cheer to that before guzzling down their drinks and ordering another round.

Eventually conversation shifts, and when our sushi arrives, we focus mostly on the food and sharing laughs. Tracey and Jay are getting along famously as usual, but I'm still feeling strangely tense from everything that was said. I feel exposed, in a weird way. Vulnerable. And don't I have a right to be? She nearly aired out all my dirty laundry in front of someone -- someone she assumed knew nothing. First there was the stuff about the ass play, and how all of her friends apparently know. What do they think of me now? Do they even care? And then the stuff concerning Jay... Thank God he didn't say anything. But I'm pissed at him for basically egging Tracey on. They even brought Ash into it. Tracey knows we masturbate together sometimes, but she doesn't know how often, and she doesn't know our past. All I've told her is that we "experimented" when we were kids. In a general sense. And it was enough for her at the time for me to not go into specifics. But now it turns out she's been fantasizing about the two of us? Jesus. I know she's right in that things would be easier if I was just open about everything. But I'm not. I'm just not. And now I have a headache. Though Ash is right. I worry too fucking much.

I drive us all back to the house, mostly silent as the two of them chat endlessly and animatedly and fluidly. This is how it's been all night. Me mostly watching the two of them talk. There hasn't been much of a lull in their conversations since the food arrived. I'm so drained by this whole evening that, by the time we pull into the driveway, I'm already considering just going to bed.

But Tracey pulls us into the kitchen instead. "One more drink," she says.

I immediately am against the idea. "Don't you think you drank enough?"

"Sure, but you sure as hell didn't," she says with a little smile, rummaging through the fridge for alcohol. She finds a fresh bottle of tequila on one of the shelves and then pulls it out, grabbing three glasses.

"I think I'm good," I say. Even if it was alcohol that I liked.

"Nonsense." She starts pouring a shot's worth of alcohol in each glass, and I wince. Shots? Really? Jay just rests his hip against the counter next to me, crossing his arms and chuckling.

"Where's your celebratory spirit?" he asks, though he's just teasing me. Bastard.

"I think I left it at the restaurant," I mutter as Tracey hands us each a glass before holding up her own.

"Cheers, boys," she says, swinging her hair over her shoulder. "To insurance."

Jay laughs. "And to B's promotion," he adds, nudging me with his elbow.

"Oh my God, that's right!" she says excitedly, grabbing my arm. "More to celebrate!"

I smile slightly. I officially accepted the job yesterday after discussing it (briefly) with Tracey. Honestly, there wasn't much to debate. Higher pay, more flexible hours, excellent opportunities... There are no cons to this. So I guess that's worth celebrating. I raise my glass too and say a measly "Cheers" before the three of us each gulp down our shots.

I gag a little, glancing at the glass when I'm finished. I've never been much for tequila, at all. Always makes me nauseous if I have more than one drink with it. But I feel that familiar warmth flow through my body after downing that shot, and I sigh a bit, feeling a little more relaxed.

Before I can set my glass down, though, Tracey steps in front of me, puts a hand on my chest, and starts kissing me. With Jay standing right there. And they're not soft, cutesy kisses. They're intimate. Sensual. She's drawing me in with her soft hums and her slow but eager lips, and I find myself half-kissing back. "What's going on?" I say with a nervous laugh against her lips.

"Kiss me," she whispers, still going at it. And then I feel her hand slide down to my hip and take an abrupt turn, right to my crotch.

I jump slightly, setting my glass down and then holding her forearms. "What are you doing?"

"What?" she asks innocently, still groping me. I glance at Jay, but he's just watching her hand and holding his glass (now empty) still against his lips. When I look back at Tracey, she's just smiling. "Don't worry about him," she says before kissing me tongue-first.

I hate that I'm getting hard right now, but I can't deny that if I tried. Did they plan this or something? Or is Tracey just horny and hoping something will happen between the three of us? Whatever's going on, unfortunately, it's working on me. I'm torn between wanting to pull away and retire for the night and staying to see where things lead. After all, my cock is responding very well to her touch. And with Jay watching...

Tracey moves her lips to my neck and I moan slightly, letting my eyes shift towards Jay. I see him lightly touching himself from outside his pants, grabbing tenderly at his bulge, and when I move my eyes up to meet his, he just smiles and shrugs. Guess this is happening. This is actually happening. Tracey was serious about that threesome. Otherwise she would have waited until we got upstairs, regardless of how much she had been drinking. Wait... But does that mean that she actually wants Jay to fuck me?

She moves her lips up to my ear, biting my ear lobe once (one of my biggest weaknesses, and she knows it) and then whispers "Can I kiss Jay?"

"Seriously?" I ask, my hand on her ass.

"It'll be fun," she says softly, biting my lobe again. "Trust me." I bite my lip a bit, glancing at Jay for a brief second before nodding. Tracey giggles before pulling away from me and putting her hands together as she looks at Jay. "You fine with at least kissing a girl?"

He arches his eyebrow, looking at me with a slight grin, clearly asking for the okay. I just nod a bit. "I've made out with a few chicks," he says, looking at Tracey with a smile. "None as hot as you though."

She laughs. "I doubt that," she says before beckoning him down with her finger. He grins as he sets his glass on the counter and then leans down, and I watch intently as they're lips connect. It's sort of... hot, watching people make out in front of me. Especially because I know how good both of them are at kissing. I lick my lips slightly, feeling warm. I need to get out of these somewhat-dressy clothes to cool off.

"Mmm," Tracey says, pulling back with a laugh. "You're a really good kisser."

"Thank you," Jay says with a laugh, licking his lips slightly.

Tracey looks between us before taking both our hands and saying "Time to take this upstairs, yeah?" And we let her drag us up to the master bedroom. She has us both sit on the edge of the bed as she shuts the door (as if someone's going to walk in on us). Then, she does one of her little strip-teases. It's quick, since she's just wearing that short little black dress of hers, but her long limbs moving so sexily transfixes me. I doubt it's doing much for Jay, though, but whatever. She slides the dress down, pushing it to the floor and stepping out of it until she's just in this intricately lacey set of lingerie. My mouth waters a bit at the sight of her, and she knows it because she grins and slowly steps closer to me. Then, she climbs into my lap, straddles me, and kisses me slowly. All tongue, all sensual touches, just a hint of grinding. I almost forget Jay is there.

Until she pulls back to kiss him, that is. She breaks our kiss but stays in my lap as she reaches over to tug on Jay's tie. He leans in and kisses her too, so close to me that I can almost feel their breath. I gulp a bit, wanting to throw my own lips into the mix too, but I resist.

Seems Tracey has been thinking along a similar vein though. She pulls back from Jay and says "I wanna see you two kiss."

I probably blush immediately, and Jay just smirks. "Us?" I ask.

"Please?" she says, stroking my jaw. "It'd be so so hot." I'm afraid I'm going to get TOO into it. That's the problem. But I'm thinking about it too much, and Tracey's getting impatient. "C'mon, babe," she says, her hands on my chest. "Jay's gay and he kissed me. It's only fair." She giggles slightly.

I roll my eyes but sigh through my nose. "Fine."

"'Fine'," she says, mocking me with a laugh. "As if it's the worst thing ever."

"Yeah, I'm a little hurt," Jay says with a grin.

"Just shut up and kiss me," I tell him. And he doesn't waste a second. He leans right in and plants his lips on mine. And it clicks. We're right back to where we were, where we have been before, sharing passionate, heat-of-the-moment kisses when no one was looking. I remember the living room. The car. The kitchen. This very bedroom. All those feelings are flooding back to me. God, I'm so hard.

"Oh fuck," I hear Tracey say, and I can feel her eyes on us. I'm sure it's a sight to behold. We seem to kiss so naturally, anticipating each tilt of the head or tongue movement. They're deeply erotic kisses, and I resist every urge to reach over and fish Jay's cock out of his pants.

I feel Tracey kiss at my neck and whisper "You have no idea how much you're turning me on right now" before she starts unbuttoning my shirt. Once it's fully open and untucked, she slides her fingers down my torso until she gets to my belt. Jay and I keep at it slowly, our lips smacking loudly against each other, until I feel Tracey pull my exceptionally hard cock out of my pants and wrap her lips around it. I gasp, breaking the kiss to look down, but she immediately pulls off. "Don't stop," she says. If you insist... I go right back to kissing Jay.

It's a lot at once, feeling Jay's lips on mine and Tracey's on my cock. But the blowjob mixed with the kissing almost gets me high. I feel like the center of attention in the very best way. As we kiss, Jay starts undoing his tie and shirt too, just unbuttoning the top few buttons before he pulls back to take his shirt off over his head. I even watch him take his belt fully off and then slide off his slacks until he's just in his underwear. I lick my lips slightly at the sight of the tent appearing in his boxers, and I moan a tad when Tracey takes me in a little deeper. All that's next is for my clothes to come off.

Seems these two have other ideas. Tracey puts a hand on my chest and pushes me down on the bed so that I'm resting on my back with my legs dangling off the side. Tracey grips the base of my cock and lets the head pop out of her mouth with a lewd wet noise as she looks at Jay. It's like a signal. Without a word, he leans in towards her, and my jaw practically drops as he first kisses Tracey and then my shaft. He moves slowly up higher and higher until she tilts my cock towards his mouth and lets him take me in.

This is insane. Crazy. Amazing. Wonderful. I feel Jay's expert mouth working the top half of my cock while Tracey strokes the base and teases my balls with little licks and kisses. Then they swap. I could tell without even looking -- they both just have different styles. Tracey is a little more tender than Jay, and Jay prefers sucking on my balls instead of just kissing them. I moan deeply as I watch them. I don't think my cock has ever felt this... worshipped. The way they're both kissing and licking and sucking on my manhood (and even making out with each other over it) is an incredibly erotic sight to witness. And to feel. Fuck, I could cum like this.

Tracey looks up at me after a while and sees me watching. She smiles a bit and then lets go of my cock, crawling onto the bed to straddle me and kiss me deeply while Jay still bobs his head. I hold her hair back as we kiss, tasting myself on her tongue. Now I want to return the favor. As a thank you for her giving me what I didn't know I wanted. I keep a good grip on her as I roll us both over, away from Jay, getting her onto her back. She lets out a little squeal of delight, giggling slightly as I sit up to pull my shirt off from my arms. Then I lean back down. I kiss softly just above her chest as I reach between her back and the mattress to unclasp her bra. Once undone, I gently pull it off, revealing her perfect breasts. I slide both hands over them, massaging them lightly and causing her to moan a bit before I have my hands move down her smooth, tight body. All that's left is that pretty pair of panties.

I shift myself so that I'm on my stomach, my face between her legs. I run my hand over the front of her panties and she mewls when I massage her with a few fingers. She's already wet, and I lick my lips slightly. I feel a weight shifting next to me and I look to see Jay is naked and hard, lying down nearby to watch. Guess I have to put on a show. I kiss the fabric lightly as I grab at the waistline and slowly start to pull down. I get her panties off of her legs and toss them to the floor, my eyes fixed on that smooth pussy of hers. I lean down and, without wasting any time, eat my girl out.

She moans immediately, one hand on one of her breasts and the other grabbing my hair. I let her tug as I spread her lips and let my tongue explore, working its way up from her cunt to her clit. I feel Jay's eyes on me as I work, teasing my wife with both rapid flicks and long strides of my tongue. And once I get my thumb to slowly massage her clit, she's a mess, arching her back and tugging on my hair as if it's her only support. I love eating her pussy. It's one of my favorite things to do in bed, and it's always heightened by her reaction. But now, with Jay watching and slowly stroking himself... it's even better.

I give her her first orgasm of the night with my mouth. Her breathing hitches and she clamps her thighs on either side of my head. I couldn't move away even if I wanted to. I just stay in place and coax her to cum. She cries out and trembles but quickly relaxes, her breathing labored but a pleased smile on her face. I kiss up her body and simultaneously smoothly slip out of my pants and underwear as she recovers, and once I get to her lips, I immediately push my cock into her. She gasps, clutching onto me in surprise, but I just moan from that wet, silky feeling of her pussy totally encompassing me.

"You could have warned me," she says, but she has a smile on her lips.

"Where's the fun in that?" I say, kissing her neck and listening to her moans as I start to rut my hips. We find a good rhythm and stick to it as I pump back and forth, smoothly giving her nearly every inch of my cock. I sit back up on my heels so that I can look down on her as I fuck her. As I grab hold of her hips, I watch how nicely her cunt looks accepting my cock, especially when I go deep. I lick my lips, admiring the sheer eroticism of coitus. I wonder what it looks like when I get fucked. What did it look like to Jay when he slid his dick into me?

I forgot about Jay for a bit, and when the thought of him crosses my mind, I turn my head to look at him. He's stroking his cock slowly, his eyes scanning the full scene in front of him. He looks like he's enjoying himself, but does he want in? "Do you want to try?" I ask him.

But he shakes his head. "I'm content with watching," he says. "You guys are sexy."

"You sure?"

"Yeah," he says, smiling.

"Aww. I feel bad you're all left out," Tracey says. Then she puts a hand on my arm. "Babe, let him."

"Let him... what?" I ask, though I know damn well what she's talking about.

"That thing I'm not allowed to speak about anymore," she teases.

"I'm good, guys," Jay says. "Really."

The thing is, he does seem fine watching this porn unfold before his very eyes. But I don't want him to feel left out. Even more so, I want him to be included. So I do what I didn't expect myself to do: I initiate. Fuck it. We've already gone this far. Might as well continue the fun. I reach over and grab Jay's cock, taking over stroking for him. I hear Tracey gasp and then her hand immediately goes to her clit, masturbating herself while she watches. "C'mere," I tell him. He bites his lip as he gets up on his knees, my hand still on his cock. I tug him closer until I can lean in enough to kiss him. They're slow, deep tongue filled kisses, but they're hard to keep up with since I'm both fucking Tracey and jerking Jay off. It's a lot at once. And then, to make matters worse, I feel Jay's hand at my ass. At first he just rests it on my cheeks. Then, he grabs one. Then, his fingers ease their way between them. And then, finally, he grazes my hole with just the tip of his finger. I moan against his lips, and he takes that as a sign to continue -- especially since I don't stop him.

In fact, I encourage him by saying "Get the lube." I direct him towards the nightstand and he grins before hurriedly grabbing the bottle. He squirts some lube onto his fingers as he gets back onto the bed behind me. I feel his wet finger against my hole again, rubbing in circles before he eases one right into me. I moan out, leaning over Tracey a bit.

She looks up at me. "Is he gonna...?"

"Yeah," I say, biting my lip as his finger gets deep in me.

A smile crosses her face. "God, I'm in heaven right now," she says softly.

Jay adds a second finger, stretching me out. "You should've-- hmpf!" I grunt, hating how good his fingers feel. "You should've told me this is such a fantasy of yours. I had no idea."

She sighs. "Luke, no offense, but you clammed up any time I mentioned the thought of you and Terrence doing stuff."

"Yeah, but..." I don't know. I don't have an explanation for her. "He's my friend."

"People fuck their friends all the time," she says. "Exhibit A." She gestures towards Jay, who leans over and puts his chin on my shoulder.

"Can I?" he asks me.

I glance at Tracey, whose eyes are directly on mine. "Yeah," I say simply, and she immediately pulls me down for a deep, heavy, appreciative but passionate kiss. And as we kiss, I feel Jay position himself behind me, press his cock against my hole, and push forward.

Now this is something I haven't experienced. Being penetrated (by a real cock, no less) while also balls-deep in pussy. My mouth opens as Jay eases himself in inch by thick inch, and Tracey holds onto my face. Holy shit. Holy fuck. My eyes roll when Jay pulls back a bit, and I gasp and grunt and wince slightly when he pushes back forward, causing me to push forward into Tracey a bit. "That's it, baby," she says, stroking my cheek with her thumb. And then, Jay grips both of my hips and sinks in the last few inches. There it is. All of him is in me, and all of me is in Tracey.

I can't help but laugh slightly. "This is crazy," I say, and Tracey giggles.

"I love you," she tells me, and I smile at her.

"I love you too." I kiss her once before lifting myself back up and pressing my back against Jay's front. He responds by wrapping his arms around me a bit as he starts working his hips, and I moan out, not holding back now. I start to thrust into Tracey a bit too. It takes a few moments, but we find a steady rhythm where I push into Tracey on his pull-back and we meet hard when he thrusts forward. It's blissful. It's intense. His hands roam my torso, even teasing my nipples, and I'm beside myself with sexual pleasure. I won't last much longer. There's no way I could last that much longer.

Jay won't either. He leans into my ear and says "I'm gonna cum." That alone gives me chills. Wanting to time our orgasms right, I close my eyes and focus on the dual sensations -- Tracey's pussy and Jay's manhood, both gradually bringing me to climax. I bite my lip, breathing heavily through my nose as I stay totally focused on this moment. And then, I practically go blind. I arch my back slightly as I thrust my cock into my wife as deep as I can possibly get and cum. I can't breathe for a moment there, and can only feel the heat inside Tracey as well as my hole clamping hard onto Jay's dick. All I can do is cum.

Then, after a few seconds, I come back to reality, panting heavily and holding onto Jay as if for dear life. He's still in the midst of his orgasm, giving me a few sharp thrusts as he pumps his load into me. Both of us become just panting messes, trying to catch our breath, but Tracey merely starts clapping her hands together slowly. "That was amazing," she says, laughing.

Jay laughs softly behind me, and I smile a bit, my body exhausted but in the best way. He pulls out of me and collapses on the bed with a heavy sigh, and I run my hands along Tracey's thighs. "Happy now?" I say.

"Almost," she says, biting her lip. "Lie down."

I pull out of her and lie down right next to Jay, grunting when my head hits the pillow. Tracey gets up, crawling over me all sexy-like and then kissing me softly on the lips -- just barely. She has other intentions. I lick my lips slightly as she straddles my chest and then grips my hair as she brings her freshly-fucked, cum-filled pussy to my face. I don't hesitate. I grip her thighs and go to town, letting her sit and grind on my face. She moans out, swiveling her hips in slow, smooth circles as I lap at and tongue her. I can taste myself on her. In her. I have to swallow my cum as I eat her out. But she's loving it. And I'm loving it too. She tightens her grip on my hair more, her breathing gradually getting heavier after several minutes, and finally, she gets her second orgasm. She trembles heavily, and I hold onto her tightly until she calms down.

"Christ, babe," she says, shifting off of me to let me get some proper air. I take slow, deep breaths as she lies on top of me, moving her hair out of the way. She smiles at both me and Jay. "Well this has been fun."

Jay laughs. "I've never had a threesome like this."

"Consider it a moving-out gift," she says, giggling slightly. She gives my chest a little kiss before asking "How you feeling?"

"Good," I say simply, not wanting to give too much away. "Tired," I add with a laugh.

Both of them chuckle too. "I'm beat," Jay says.

"I guess we can sleep soon," Tracey says, though that idea seems boring to her. She kisses my chest again before quickly hopping off the bed and says "Bathroom" as she heads into the master bathroom.

I turn my head towards Jay, who indeed looks pretty sleepy. "Did you two plan this?" There was a moment at the restaurant where I left them alone to use the restroom.

He laughs. "Not entirely."

"I feel like you planned it," I mutter, sighing and resting my hands on my chest.

"Are you saying you didn't have a good time?" he asks, smiling and propping himself up by his elbow.

"I had a great time," I say with a slight smile. "That's the problem."

Jay grins. "That doesn't sound like a problem to me." He pats my arm before swinging himself out of bed. "I'm gonna grab water. You want anything?"

I shake my head, but then decide "Maybe some water for Trace."

"On it," he says, and I watch him walk out of the room nude and disappear around the doorway. I bite my lip a bit before looking up at the ceiling. A couple breaths, in and out. Nice and steady. And I smile. All that weird stress and anxiety I was feeling at dinner seems to have disappeared. I'm relaxed. Satiated. Relishing in the afterglow. I took my brother's advice for once and "lived a little". And boy, did it pay off.

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