Crash with Fame

By moc.loa@1133XIRTAM

Published on Aug 8, 1999


Legal formalities: This is a complete work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preferences of the BSB. If you are underage or it is illegal for you to read stuff like this in your area (like Zimbabwe. But if you lived in Zimbabwe you would not have a computer) do not continue on. After all you do not want to break any laws.

Authors note: This is the second installment of Crash with fame. Read the first part and it will help you understand this part much better. I know that these are short chapters but they will get longer as the story progresses right now I am just trying to get the plot and stuff explained. All comments will be greatly appreciated good or bad. E-mail me at (I use instant messenger at that one too) or ICQ me at 33110864 or YAHOO PAGE me at matrix3311.

Crash with fame

Part five

Written by


"Chris," Howie yelled after me. I did not stop. I wanted to get away from all those people that I thought liked me. I kept thinking about Brian's words. I kept hearing people call my name but I kept running. I do not know how far I ran before the voices stopped. I finally wore myself out and slowed down to a brisk walk. I soon found myself back at the hotel. I looked for the Limo and it was not there. I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the guy's floor. I hoped that they were not there.

"You are going to get your suitcases and that is it," I kept saying to myself. The elevator finally stopped and I went down the hall. I still had the key Howie gave me and cautiously opened the door. I opened it a crack and looked in. The guys were not in there. I opened the door the rest of the way and walked into Howie's room. I quickly threw all of my clothes into the suitcase. And slammed them shut. I gathered them up in my arms and headed out the door. I set my key down by the telephone and headed for the elevator. I pressed the button then noticed that it was already coming up. "Shit, they are coming back," I thought to myself. I turned and ran to the stairs. I had just closed the door when I heard voices.

"Howie, I did not know he..." I heard Brian stammer.

"Fuck off, Brian," Howie yelled at him.

"I'm sorry," Brian cried once more.

"Brian. Leave Howie alone, you fucked up admit it," Kevin yelled at him. I heard the door close so I started down the stairs. I started to cry. I wanted to stay but I couldn't. I did not want to cause any more problems between the guys. Lord knows I caused enough. I had just opened the door to the parking garage when I heard the door to the stairs slam open and someone yell my name.

"Chris, stop," I heard someone yell. I took of towards my car then I looked at the Durango but kept heading for my car. I got to it and dropped my bags. I opened the trunk and threw my bags in. I walked back to the driver's side door when I saw Howie come barging out of the stairwell. He headed for the Durango. I hurried in and started the car. I pulled out and headed for the exit ramp when suddenly Howie run out about 20 feet a head of me. I slammed on my brakes to avoid hitting him. The car squealed to a stop no more than an inch away from Howie. He ran right to the driver's side door and yanked it open. I was taken by surprise. I just stared at him and he threw himself on me. His lips met with mine and he kissed me. I was to surprise to respond. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever. He finally broke gasping for air.

"Howie, we...people..." I stammered.

"I don't care, I was so afraid of losing you," he cried.

"Howie, I can't stay," I told him.

"Why?" he sobbed,

"I just can't, look what I am doing to you guys. Brian was right," I told him. I was staying remarkably calm.

"Fuck the rest of the guys," Howie said to me, "I need you...I love you,"

"I love you too Howie, that is why I can not stay." I told him.

"You have to stay, I need you, you have to stay," he cried.

"I can't...." I started.

"Chris, you have to stay, Brian did not mean what he said," Kevin said walking towards us.

"Kevin, I can't, I obviously am not wanted here," I cried.

"Chris, look, Howie needs you, just look at him," Kevin urged. I sat contemplating what was going on. I looked at Howie. Had fallen to his knees leaning against my door crying. I sat there for a while longer just staring. At Howie at Kevin and out into space. I was about to say something when Howie suddenly jumped up.

"Kevin, I am leaving the group," he said sternly.

"What," Kevin yelled.

"Kevin, Chris is right, he is not wanted here, and if he is not wanted here then I am not wanted here," he said to Kevin.

"Howie, you can't we need you," Kevin pleaded.

"Kevin, I need Chris more than you need me," he cried.

"No, Howie you can't leave," I piped up. "I'll stay." Howie just looked at me. I stepped out of the car and smiled at him. He once again threw himself on me.

"So does that mean you are staying?" Kevin asked.

"I will as long as Chris is happy," Howie said to him.

"I am happy," I said.

"Brian is sorry for what he said," Kevin reassured me.

"I don't care, just as long as I have Howie," I said.

"Kevin nearly threw him out of the group," Howie said to me. I looked at Kevin he was beet red.

"Your own cousin?" I asked him.

"When he acts like an ass he is not my cousin," Kevin said. I was about to say something when a car blared its horn.

"I think that I better move," I said out loud. I got back into my car and pulled into the first available space. I pressed the button for the trunk, and got out of the car. I walked around to the trunk and grabbed my suitcases. Howie came running up next to me and grabbed two of my suitcases. Kevin grabbed the other. "I can carry my own luggage," I laughed.

"We know," Howie grinned. They still did not give any of it back to me. We walked to the elevator and got in. "You know there are a lot of stairs in this building,"

"Tell me about it," I laughed.

"You really would have left the group for me?" I asked him.

"Yes, I would, I know that we have known each other for only a short time but I would do anything for you," he told me. I felt myself getting wispy so I threw myself on Howie. Kevin turned his head and started to study the control box. We kissed until we reached the guys floor. The doors opened and Kevin ran out of the elevator and into the suite. Howie and I continued to kiss until the doors started to close.

"Umm, I think that we need to go now," I said to him.

"Oh, yeah, right," he smiled. We pressed the door open button and walked out. We slowly walked hand in hand to the door. I let go of his hand so that he could open the door. We walked in and he immediatley snatched my hand. I looked at him then remebered that they already knew. I wrapped my fingers into his. We kissed one last time before walking into the living area. I looked around and everyone was tense. I sat down on the couch and Howie sat right next to me. We were still holding hands. I looked over at Brian and he was staring at the ground. No one said anything for a while. Finally Brian broke the silence.

"Chris, I am really sorry about what I said. I was just made at Nick and at AJ and at myself. You were just there and I took it out on you," he said still looking at the floor.

"I understand, I forgive you," I said solemnly.

"I will never forgive myself," Brian said.

"Yes you will, I want you too," I said to him. This seemed to have made him perk up a little bit.

"You know, we nearly lost Howie," Kevin said diverting the attention from Brian.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"He was going to leave," Kevin said sharply. I started to feel guilty.

"Hey, what's say we get something to eat," Howie said. Diverting the attention from himself.

"Good idea," Kevin agreed. I guessed he sensed all the diversions.

"Do we go out or stay in?" Nick asked. I was not expecting much of a response to come from the room because no one wanted to talk but I was wrong. Everyone yelled 'stay in!'

"Then I guess I will call room service," Kevin said. He got up and walked to the phone.

"So how long has this been going on?" Nick asked looking at Howie and me.

"A couple of days," Howie answered. Nick did not say anything about last night. I hoped that he would not. I did not want anything else to happen.

"Cool, so Kevin was right then," Nick joked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well the first day that Kevin saw you two together he said that you two were going to be going out," Brian finally spoke.

"Damn, you can read me like a book, can't you Kev?" Howie asked.

"Damn straight," he growled. Nick looked at Brian and Howie looked at me. Kevin realized what he said and we all burst out laughing. "God, I am the only hetero in this room," Kevin groaned rolling his eyes.

"We need to get you a woman," Brian said. I could tell that he was feeling much better.

"I think that I can find my own mate," Kevin lauged.

"Then find one damnit," Nick yelled at him.

"In all due time," he shot back. We talked for a little while longer until the room service guy knocked on the door. Kevin got up and answered it. This time there was only one cart. Kevin brought that in and set it down in front of us. We made our plates and sat back down. Nick got up to get everyone something to drink. He brought me a rum and coke and the rest of the guys a beer.

"Can I swallow this one?" I asked him.

"You should, I don't try to get people drunk on one drink," he laughed. I took a drink of my drink, and coughed again.

"Better than AJ's but you guys use way too much alcohol," I told him. I was about to get up and fix it when Howie grabbed it out of my hand.

"I'll get it," he said looking me in the eyes. I watched him walk away,

"So, what are your future plans?" Kevin asked me.

"Well, I was planning on going to college, but well, as you know things came up," I said to him

"Yeah, we know," Brian said.

"So now I am going to find an apartment and hope to get a descent job," I told him. I once again thought about me and Howie. I knew that he said that he would take care of me but I just did not know how he would do it. Just then Howie came back with my drink.

"Thank-you," I said to him. he handed me my drink then sat down next to me. I took a drink. "Much better."

"Your welcome," he said kissing me on the cheek.

"Ahem..." Kevin said to us. I turned red.

"Sorry," I said.

"Maybe Nick is right," Kevin stated.

"What do you mean?" Brian asked.

"I mean, Howie has Chris and you and Nick are over here making out, and I have nothing to do," he said acting like he was hurt,

"You could come and join us," Howie said to him.

"You wish," Kevin yelled throwing a pillow at Howie just as I was taking a drink. He missed and hit me making me spill my drink all over my lap.

"I want to know if I am going to have any clean clothes before this week is over," I yelled jumping up.

"Living with us, probably not," Nick yelled to me as I went into the bedroom to change my clothes. I walked into the bedroom and saw that my present was still on Howie's bed. I quickly grabbed it and put it back in its hiding spot. I grabbed a baggy pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt. I quickly got dressed and walked back out to the living room. I went to sit down on the couch but stopped when I realized that it was still wet.

"So where am I going to sit?" I asked.

"On the floor," Howie said smugly.

"No I am not," I said sitting down on his lap.

"I guess you aren't," he said kissing me on top of the head.

"Okay, this is sickening," Kevin said.

"You're just jealous," I said turning and kissing Howie.

"Anyway, let's get a movie or something," he said changing the subject.

"Yeah, fine," Nick said. He and Brian were also busy making out on the love seat.

"Okay, I guess that I am going to pick it to," he said.

"Yeah," Howie mumbled. Kevin got on the phone and said something. He then sat back in his chair and turned on the television. Howie and I sat there making out for quite a while. "Wait, I have to use the bathroom," he said to me.

"I really needed to know that," I joked with him. He got up and walked toward our room I stared at his ass until he turned and went in the room. I got up and walked to the bar. I made my drink and sat back down on the couch. I reached over and flipped the two wet cushions. I set my drink down on the table and lay out on the couch. I was reaching for my drink when Howie came back into the room. I started to sit back up but he pushed me down. He then lay on top of me and started to kiss my neck. My hands roamed all over his back. He kept kissing my neck. I started to moan. He put his lips to mine and kissed me passionately. I soon felt his tongue pressing against my lips. I quickly opened them and met his tongue with mine. We continued like this until Howie suddenly jumped up.

"Who the hell?" he yelled. I was wondering what was going on until I saw Kevin standing there holding the ice bucket. I soon put two and two together and started to laugh.

"We figured we needed to cool you two down," he said taking a step back.

"Why the hell down my pants?" he yelled.

"Because Chris would not let go of your shirt," Kevin laughed. Howie looked down at me and gave me a dirty look. I looked back at him and he soon laughed.

"Howie, can you get off me and change your pants, your getting me all wet," I asked.

"Nope," he smiled, then laid back down on top of me.

"Fine," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"This," I said while throwing him off of me. He landed on the ground and stared up at me acting like he was hurt.

"Wow," he cried.

"Ha, did little Howie get hurt?" Kevin asked.

"Yes I did, now I am going in to take a shower, then I am going to bed," he said while jumping up and running to the room. I started after him but was too late he slammed the door and locked it.

"Howie," I said. There was no response. "Howie?" I asked again. Still no response. "Howie, open this door now, or else,"

"Or else what?" he finally asked.

"Or else..." I started I was trying to think of something to say, "Or else I am sleeping with Kevin tonight."

"Howie, OPEN THE DOOR!" Kevin yelled. He finally opened the door.

"Thank-you," I said as he was pulling me in the room. I entered the room and noticed that Howie already had the bed turned down. "Tired?" I asked him.

"Very," he replied.

"What was with not letting me in?" I asked accusingly.

"Just getting even," he said maliciously.

"Fine I see how you are," I laughed. I quickly got undressed and jumped into bed. Howie followed right after me. We were asleep before our heads hit the pillow.

"Guys, you awake yet?" Kevin asked banging on the door snapping us awake.

"Yeah, we'll be right there," Howie yelled. We jumped out of bed and ran over to the dresser we grabbed our clothes and started to get dressed. Just as I was pulling my pants on I heard a beeping. Kevin instinctively reached for his cell phone and beeper. I did the same. It was mine. I looked at it and threw it down. Howie picked it up. He read it out loud as it scrolled across the screen. C-know where at. Coming to get you-M.

"What does that mean?" he asked.

"It means that my mother knows I am here and she is coming to get me." I yelled.

"Calm down, it will be okay," Howie whispered.

"I'm sorry, I guess your right. Security will keep her out, won't they?" I asked.

"No, they keep the stray girl or mob of fans out but not a single woman," Howie said looking down.

"Shit," I yelled again.

"Don't worry about it baby, you just won't be here when she comes and gets you." He said calmly.

"Good idea, we have to go get AJ anyway," I said cheering up.

"Come on. Let's go get something to eat before they guys finish it all," he said pushing me out of the room. We walked into the living area and sat down.

"Where's the food?" I asked.

"I just ordered it, it's on its way," Kevin said. Soon there was a knocking on the door. "That must be it now," Kevin got up and went to the door. Howie looked at me and kissed me on the cheek. "Chris, someone here to see you," Kevin yelled from the hall.

"Shit," I said jumping up from the couch. I knew who it was already.

"Hello Christopher," my mother said pushing her way past Kevin.

"Mother," I replied.

"You are coming home right now," she said to me.

"No, I am not," I replied.

"This is all his doing? Isn't it?" she demanded looking at Howie.

"Yes it is mother, I love Howie and I am not leaving him," I screamed. This caught her off guard.

"Mrs. Sams..." Howie started.

"Don't you speak to me, you little cock sucking faggot," she screamed at him.

"Mother," I screamed back.

"Get your suitcases," she screamed. "You are not staying with this urchins."

"Yes I am mother, I am not going home," I screamed back.

"Then where are you going to stay, come home now or never," she screamed back.

"I am going to live with Howie," I said putting my arm around his waist.

" stole my son away from Me." she screamed at Howie.

"Ma'am..." he started. He did not get any farther for my mother punched him in the jaw.

"Kevin call the police," I yelled at him. He ran over to the phone and dialed. "Now mother, don't speak, I love Howie, I am moving to Florida with him, I am never going home again, and you are never to call me, track me down, or even look for me in the phone book!" I screamed at her. I had just finished my speech when two armed police officers came into the room.

"What's the problem, Mr. Richardson?" one of them asked. Kevin looked at me. I looked at the policeman and told him what happened.

"This woman has verbally and physically assaulted Mr. Dorough and myself," I explained.

"What would you like us to do?" the cop asked,

"Take her to jail, we will be down after breakfast and file a formal complaint," I told him.

"Yes sir," the cop said. He took my moms arms and handcuffed her. Then the three of them headed out the door

"I'm sorry you had to see that," I told the guys.

"I'm sorry that she is your mother," Kevin said to me.

"So am I," I said to him. I looked down and saw that Howie was still sitting on the floor rubbing his jaw. "Are you okay, babe?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so," he said standing up.

"I'm so sorry she hit you," I told him.

"Don't be, you have no control over her," he said.

"I love you," I said kissing him deeply.

"I love you too," he replied kissing my cheek. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kevin answered it and the room service cart wheeled in. Everyone went and sat down. I sat in the chair and Howie sat on my lap. We kissed one more time before he got some food. "Don't you want some?"

"No, I can't eat right now," I said solemnly.

"Okay," he responded kissing my nose. All of us made some small talk while they finished breakfast. We all finished and Kevin went and called the Limo. Howie and I sat there just staring at each other. We reluctantly got up and headed for the elevator. I grabbed my sweatshirt on the way out. Once in we were kissing. The elevator made its way to the garage. The doors opened just as the Limo was pulling up. - We stepped out of the elevator into the Limo. Kevin sat on one side and Nick, Brian, Howie and I sat on the other. I grabbed his hands and pressed them between mine. I looked him straight in the eyes and knew that he was definitely the one for me. We just stared at each other on the way to the police station. When we got there nick, Brian, and Kevin went to get AJ out while Howie and I stayed to file the complaint.

"You are really going to do this?" he asked.

"Yes, it was not until she struck you that I knew I had to do something." I replied lovingly. We finished writing the complaint, signed it, and had the desk sergeant notarize it. We had just finished everything when the guys walked out with AJ.

"All set?" Kevin asked us.

"Yeah, let's go," Howie said to him. We walked out of the police station and got into the Limo. We took the same seats except AJ sat next to Kevin.

"So what now?" AJ asked.

"I dun, how about we do a little more shopping," AJ suggested.

"You could go shopping forever, couldn't you," I asked.

"Hell yeah," he replied happily.

"Then if no one objects we will go shopping," Kevin said.

"No one best, or I will kick your asses," AJ said. No one objected so we went back to the mall. Once again we separated. Howie and I stayed together so did Nick and Brian. AJ and Kevin also went off together.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked me.

"Well, let's go to the third floor, we did not get there last time," I said to him.

"Okay," he replied heading for the escalator. We went up and started to look around. I had just started to go into a store when I started to ring. Howie looked at his phone and beeper and I looked at my beeper, it was neither. Then I remembered that I still had Nick's telephone in my pocket. I pulled it out and pressed talk.

"Um, hello," I asked.

"Nick, its me, Aaron," the guy said.

"Sorry, Nick is not here right now," I said quickly.

"Oh, sorry, please have him call Aaron when he gets in, it's important," Aaron asked.

"Okay, I will," I said. He hung up so did I.

"Who was that?" Howie asked.

"I think that it was Aaron Carter," I said.

"What did he need?" Howie asked.

"I don't know, he said it was important," I told him.

"I'll call Brian and tell Nick to call him," Howie said pulling out his phone. I looked around and something caught my eye. I walked into J.B. Robinson Jewelers and went over to the display case. I asked an assistant about what I wanted.

"Yes, that particular piece is $485.00," she told me.

"I'll take it," I told her handing her my credit card. I would have to remember to have my dad forward all my mail. I signed the receipt and she handed me the box. I walked out of the store just as Howie was hanging up with Brian.

"What did you get?" he asked me.

"Something for you that you are not going to get right now," I told him.

"Fine, be that way," he replied.

"Let's go," I said. We walked off and started to look through all the stores. I did not get anything else but Howie got some new clothes and shoes. Soon it was time to meet up with the guys. We headed downstairs to the food court. We found the guys sitting at the table. Bags surrounded the whole table.

"Any of you ever hear of overkill?" Howie asked.

"Look who's talking," AJ said pointing at Howie's 6 bags.

"Ehh, shut up" Howie said.

"Don't wanna," AJ said sticking his tongue out at Howie.

"Children, children," Kevin interrupted.

Howie and I sat down and ordered something to eat, the waitress brought all of our food at once. I really felt sorry for her. She had to wheel some of it out on cart and carry a tray also. We quickly ate our food and headed out to the Limo. We got in and sat down I sat next to Howie and went to give him a kiss when he pushed me away.

"What?" I asked.

"I am NOT going to get ice down my pants again," he laughed.

"Gee, thanks Kevin," I said giving him a dirty look.

"Ah, so the two love birds finally hooked up," AJ laughed.

"Yeah we did," Howie said to him finally giving me a kiss.

"Thank you." I said kissing him back.

"All four of you are making me sick," AJ joked.

"Thank you," Kevin exclaimed. "I tried to tell them that all last night,"

"So what are we going to do now?" Howie asked still looking at me.

"Well it is now 6:00, how about we go get something to eat," AJ asked looking at his watch. We all agreed and found a restaurant. We walked in and were instantly greeted by the hostess.

"How many?" the cheery faced girl asked.

"6," Kevin answered.

"Can I have your name, there will be a 15 minute wait," she replied.

"Umm, yeah, Richardson," he said sheepishly.

"Very good, you can take a seat over there," she said pointing to a waiting area.

"That was close," Nick said to him. "Yeah, I am surpassed that she did not recognize the name," Kevin said. We continued to talk while a family walked in. They talked to the hostess and she told them to sit where we were. They had just sat down when the girl screamed.

"It's.... Mom.... Look.... It's the Backstreet Boys," she screamed.

"Looks like we spoke to soon," AJ laughed.

"Don't scream again and we will give you and autographed picture," Kevin said to her but it was too late. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at us. A small mob of teens came running right at us. We all jumped up and ran out the door. We had just reached the Limo when the girls reached us. We were trapped.

"Looks like were signing again," Howie said sighing.

"Guess so, I'm just glad that is a small mob," Nick said. Kevin opened the door of the Limo and grabbed a couple small boxes. He handed one to each of the guys. Inside were pictures of each of the guys. They started to talk to the girls and got them to quiet down. While they were getting names and signing pictures I sat down in the Limo. I just watched as the guys kept signing autographs. I noticed that the mob kept growing and growing. I sat there and started to doze off when the guys finally finished.

"I swear that those girls multiply," AJ whined.

"They did," I said waking up. "I watched them walk up from everywhere."

"Two-hours, we can never go anywhere without getting mobbed," Brian complained.

"Well, it is now 8:30, where are we going to eat now?" Howie asked.

"Someplace secluded," Kevin said rubbing his arm.

"Writers cramp?" I asked,

"I went through my entire box. There are one hundred pictures in each box," he laughed.

"Don't you love being famous?" I asked him.

"Would never give it up," AJ added. We drove around a little while longer until we found a small-secluded whole in the wall restaurant. We walked in and luckily no one was in there. We saw a seat you sign and found a large table in the corner. We sat down and soon a waiter came and handed us our menus and left. We looked over our menus for a couple of minutes before the waiter came back. We gave him our orders and he left again.

"Man, we leave tomorrow, it is going to be great to sleep in my own bed again," AJ laughed.

"Hell yeah, I can't wait," Brian added looking at Nick. The guys continued to talk about their upcoming trip. I was really feeling depressed. Howie still had not told me what was going to happen with us. I hoped for the best but feared the worst. Their conversation was interrupted when the waiter came back with our food. He handed it all out and we started to eat. The guys started to strike up another conversation while I ate in silence.

"Chris, what's wrong?" Howie asked.

"Huh, oh, I guess that I am just tired," I lied.

"Oh, you just seem worried," Howie continued.

"I'm sorry, I am just tired," I sighed. We finished our dinner and once again Kevin paid. We headed out for the Limo and got in. Nick and Brian sat next to each other, Kevin and AJ sat next to each other and Howie and I sat next to each other. I looked down at the floor and Howie leaned in for a kiss. I took it but did not give it back. He sat back dejectedly.

The ride back to the hotel was a short one. We stepped out and grabbed our bags that were still in the Limo and got into the elevator and rode it up to the room. Kevin opened the door and we all headed in.

"I think that I am just going to go to bed," I announced.

"So am I," Howie said sternly ushering me into our room.

"Chris, what's wrong?" he demanded.

"Howie, it is just that, well, I am afraid that tonight will be the last night that we have together," I cried.

"Chris, baby, calm down," Howie started. "Everything is going to be okay,"

"You keep telling me that but I am still worried," I cried again.

"Chris, sit down." Howie ordered. I did as I was told. He came and sat down next to me with a small box in his hand. "Chris, I know that you have been worried about us so I want to ask you a question."

"What?" I asked.

"Chris, I want us to stay together. I want you to move in with me in Florida," he said opening the box revealing a single silver key. I looked at him and started to cry.

"Yes, I will," I said. He pushed me down on the bed and kissed me. I felt his tongue pushing on my lips and eagerly accepted it. We continued to kiss for a little while before Howie finally climbed off of me. He slipped out o his clothes and hopped into bed. I did the same and snuggled up close to him.

"I love you, Chris," he said.

"I love you too," I replied kissing him on the neck. We lay there enjoying each other until we both fell asleep. Morning came too soon and I awoke to Howie stroking my head. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. I stretched my neck to give him a kiss but could only reach to his chin so I gave him a kiss on his chin. He returned it on the top of my head.

"Guys, wake up, we have to catch the plane in 3 hours," Kevin yelled banging on the door.

"Stay right there, I need to get a shower," I said jumping up. I ran into the bathroom before he could say anything. I turned on the water and stepped in. It felt great having the water run down my body. I stood there for a minute or two then grabbed the bar of soap. I quickly soaped up my body and rinsed off. I then washed my hair and got out. I was just toweling off when Howie walked in the room.

"Was just coming to see if you got sucked down the drain. You have been in there half an hour," Howie joked.

"Damn, it was just so relaxing," I sighed. I finished toweling off when Howie leaned in a kissed me. I kissed him back and we headed out to the bedroom. I threw my towel on the dresser and grabbed my clothes out of my suitcase. I started to put them on when Howie came up and smacked my ass. "What the hell was that for?" I yelled turning around. I saw Howie take a couple steps backwards.

"Revenge," he yelled. I then remembered when I did that to him. I grabbed my towel off of the dresser and threw it at him. He caught it awkwardly and stumbled backwards. I ran up to him to steady him but I was too late. He took one too many steps backwards and fell into the Jacuzzi fully dressed.

"Howie?" I yelled.

"Damn you," he yelled sitting up.

"I'm sorry," I said smiling.

"Sure you are," he replied. I walked over to him to help him out. I stuck my hand down and he took it. The next thing that I knew I was sitting on his lap.

"Gee, thanks," I said giving him a kiss. I stepped out and headed over to the dresser. I took off my wet clothes and put dry ones on then finished getting dressed. Howie was just getting out of the Jacuzzi. I left the room and headed for the living area. Everyone else was already in there eating.

"Where's Howie?" Kevin asked.

"Last I saw he was going for a swim," I said laughing. Everyone looked at me puzzled until Howie came out of the bedroom. "Have a nice swim?"

"Yeah, lovely," he replied.

"Is someone going to fill us in?" AJ asked.

"Howie here decided that he was going to enjoy the Jacuzzi fully dressed," I said laughing.

"You pushed me," he added accusingly.

"Did not," I defended.

"Did to," he accused. We continued to argue for a couple of minutes until Kevin and AJ came up and grabbed Howie and me.

"What the..." I started. Kevin laughingly threw me down in a chair across from the couch while AJ threw Howie down on the couch.

"We had to separate you two," Kevin said. "Yeah, you two sounded like you were married school children," AJ laughed.

"So what if we did?" I asked.

"You guys were boring us. Now get something to eat and then get packed." Kevin answered while walking off. The rest of the guys were leaving too. I got up and sat down next to Howie, he had already made us each a plate and we ate quickly.

"Do they know about me going to Florida with you?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was Kevin's idea," he laughed. We finished eating and ran into the bedroom. My clothes were already packed so I started to pull Howie's out and put them in his suitcases. He took the closet while I took the dresser. I started to put his clothes into the suitcase when Kevin came in the room.

"15 minutes so hurry up,' he said then left. I finished putting his clothes in his suitcases before he was done clearing out the closet.

"Aren't you finished yet?" I asked.

"Nope, I figured that you would finish there and them come here with me," he said smugly.

"Well then you were wrong," I said taking the suitcases out In the hall.

"Thanks for the help," Howie yelled as I was stepping out into the hallway.

"No problem," I laughed walking back into the room and grabbing two more suitcases. I was just setting them down in the hall when Kevin came in with a luggage cart. I put the two suitcases that I was holding and set them on the cart and put the other two on the cart. I went back into the room and saw that Howie was just finishing with the closet. I grabbed the hang-up bag and another suitcase and put them on the cart. I walked back into the room and went to grab another suitcase when I noticed that Howie was spread out on the bed. "Aren't you going to help?" I asked.

"Nope," he replied smugly.

"That's it," I yelled jumping on top of him and pinning him down. I started to kiss him all over his face.

"Hey, come on, give me a break, will ya?" Howie gasped.

"Nope," I said and continued to kiss him.

"Come on, I will help carry the suitcases," he gasped.

"Okay," I said jumping off of him.

"Just promise that you will never kiss me again," he laughed.

"Oh, so that is how you feel," I said faking hurt.

"No, I meant," he started but I stopped him by turning my back on him. "I did not mean that," he said. I just kept my back turned to him until he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down on the bed. He started to smother me in kisses like I did to him.

"Okay...I see what you mean..." I gasped.

"Forgive me?" he asked.

"Could I stay mad at you?" I asked back laughing.

"With my looks, I doubt it," he laughed.

"Cocky," I stated turning and tackling him down to the bed. I started to kiss him and he kissed me back.

"Okay, enough," Howie gasped. I kept kissing him until he started to tickle my back. I moved my hands to his stomach and started to tickle him. We kept up like this rolling on the bed, kissing and tickling each other until we heard someone yell to us.

"Hey, come on, we have to leave for the airport," Kevin yelled snapping Howie and I back to reality.

"Oh, yeah, I guess we should get going then," Howie said blushing we jumped off the bed and grabbed the last couple of suitcases and put them on the luggage cart. I bellboy was waiting in the hall and took the cart. We walked past him and headed for the elevator. I was expecting him to get in but with 6 people in the elevator a luggage cart was not going to fit. We rode the elevator down and saw it go back up as soon as we got out and the doors shut. I was looking for the Limo but I remembered about the cars.

"Nick usually brings his Durango so that we have an alternate car. So we are going to take your car." Kevin announced to me walking towards my Durango. The bellboy was right behind us. We got to my car and I unlocked it. The bellboy started to put out luggage in the back. All of it barely fit. Kevin tipped the bellboy and we got into the car. Howie and I took the front two seats and the rest of the guys took the back. We headed out of the garage and I headed for the airport.

"Wait, there is a small private air port that we use," Kevin told me and then told me how to get there. The drive there was a short one and we quickly made it. We got out of my car and I gave the key to the mechanic that was in charge of loading the plane. We grabbed our luggage out of the back and went into the terminal. It was a small airport and only had two gates. I saw the boys private plane on the runway and my stomach jumped. We set our luggage on another cart and sat down in the waiting area. We still had 15 minutes before our plane was scheduled to leave and the loading gates were being used. One of the planes on the gate took off and we saw the boy's plane pulling up towards the gate.

"I guess that I should tell you now that I can not stand to fly," I said sheepishly.

"That is a real good thing to tell us now," Nick laughed."

"Hey, last I checked you do not like to fly either," Brian told Nick elbowing him on his side.

"True," he said sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it, everything is going to be okay," Howie reassured me interrupting Brian and Nick.

"I hope," I said quietly.

"Hey, haven't I been taking care of you?" Howie asked.

"You're right," I said. I wanted to kiss him right then and there but knew that I couldn't.

"Your plane is ready," a lady came over and told us.

"Thank you," Kevin said while we were getting up. We walked towards the loading gate. When we got there an attendant opened the door and we walked in. Just as we walked in the long hallway he shut the door again. I looked out one of the small porthole windows and saw them shutting the cargo hold on our plane. We down the hallway and soon reached the plane. The door was open and we stepped in. The first thing that I noticed was that it was one giant room. All of the normal seats were taken out and some of them were put back in two rows surrounding a table. The back of the plane had 6 beds and a kitchenette and a few leisure seating took up the rest of the plane. There was a small hallway that led to the bathrooms. We went to the seats and I quickly took a count 10 seats. We sat down and fastened our seatbelts. I sat next to Howie and Brian sat next to Nick. Kevin and AJ sat across from each other one seat next to each couple.

"I jut realized what is missing in this plane," I started.

"No flight attendants?" AJ asked.

"Yeah," I responded.

"Nope, the only other people besides us are the pilot and co-pilot," Brian said giving Nick a kiss.

"Good morning, please fasten your seatbelts we are now taking off," a voice said from a loud speaker. I felt the plane lurch forward and my stomach did the same. I started to sweat and look around the room. I glanced over at Nick but he seemed to be doing okay. I turned my head and looked at Howie. He was looking down at me.

"Just relax, it is going to be okay," he said smiling down at me. I just stared up at him and clenched my teeth; I soon felt the nose of the plane pull upward. I shut my eyes and clenched my teeth until I felt Howie grabbing my waist.

"Huh?" I asked snapping back to reality.

"The pilot said that we could take off our seatbelts 10 minutes ago," Howie said smiling down at me.

"Oh, I guess that I was just a little nervous," I laughed.

"It's okay, here drink this," he said handing me a Pepsi. I took it and downed it.

"So how long is this flight?" I asked.

"About 5 or 6 hours," AJ said.

"Damn," I said suppressing a yawn.

"Tired?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, for some reason I am," I responded.

"Why don't you go lie down. Maybe you can sleep the whole flight," Howie suggested. I took his advice and got up to go to the sleeping area. I went to the first berth and quickly got in. Before my head even hit the pillow I was asleep. "Chris, wake up, we are about to land," Howie said shaking me.

"Huh, damn I slept the whole flight," I said sitting up. I got out of the berth and headed out to the seats. I noticed that Nick also looked like he has just woken up. I sat down in a seat next to Howie and fastened my seatbelt. "Why did I sleep so much?" I asked. The rest of the guys looked down at the floor.

"Well, I gave you a sleeping pill," Howie said looking me straight in the eye.

"You know, I would have taken it voluntarily," I said.

"You were to scared, you would have fought it off," Nick chimed in.

"Yeah, trust him, he knows," Brian said elbowing him in the side. I felt the plane lurch forward and jumped.

"Calm down, we are only landing," Howie said reassuringly. I did not calm down. I felt the plane hit the ground and bounce then do it again. Then I felt it level out and start to slow down. I opened my eyes and gave Howie a kiss.

"I love you," I said sighing.

"Me too," he said. The plane came to a stop and we undid our seatbelts. This time I noticed that we were at a large airport. A stewardess quickly came aboard and ushered us out of the plane and into a small private waiting area. We sat down and I wondered what was going on.

"They will unload the plane, load your car, then tell us when it is ready. It usually takes about 15 minutes," Kevin explained to me.

"Kevin, can I ask you a question?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure," he replied.

"How do you do it?" I asked.

"How the hell do you read everyone's minds?" I asked. Everyone in the room burst out laughing. I started to laugh to.

"Everyone that has been with us has asked him that," AJ laughed.

"I don't know, it's just a talent," Brian said along with Kevin. Kevin shot him a dirty look.

"...And Brian always answers with him," AJ added.

"I guess you do go through this a lot," I laughed.

"Your car is ready," a lady said handing Nick the keys to my car.

"Thank you," he said tossing me the keys.

"I guess you guys do a lot of repetitive stuff," I laughed catching the keys.

"No not at all," Nick said sarcastically. We headed out of the room and into the main part of the airport. Another attendant ushered us behind the desk and out a fire door right to my car. We all jumped in and I started the car. I was just pulling out when it hit me.

"Where am I going?" I said completely serious. For some reason the looked at each other and burst our laughing.

"Good point, I'll drive," Kevin said getting out of the back. I opened the door and got out. I noticed Howie doing the same and getting in the back. He argued with AJ for a minute to give up his seat and sit in the front. I knew that AJ was seeing how long it would take to finally annoy Howie. He finally gave up and got out. I quickly took his seat right next to Howie. "You guys situated yet?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah," we all yelled at him. We soon pulled out of the airport and started heading wherever it was we were going. I looked out the window and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Howie asked.

"Well I was just thinking about how fast everything has been going, and now I have traveled across the entire USA leaving everything behind," I sighed.

"I'm sorry," he started.

"Don't be sorry, I love it," it yelled kissing him passionately Howie returned the kiss.

"I love you," he said in a daze.

"I love you too," I said kissing him again then sat back in my seat.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Over to Nick's parents house. They are the closest. We are going to crash there tonight and head on home tomorrow morning," Kevin answered.

"Okay," I said. Kevin went back to driving and I went back to Howie. We continued to make out until Kevin pulled into a large estate home.

"We're here," Kevin said turning off the engine. We got out of the car and walked up to the house. Nick was in the lead and inserted his key in the lock and pushed open the double doors. We stepped into a foyer that had two rooms leading from both sides and a large staircase that branched off in the middle. Nick walked into one of the adjoining rooms but quickly walked back. He then walked into the other room and quickly walked back. He then darted up the stairs and ran to the second level and did a quick search. I saw him run back down to the landing where the stairs part and run up to the third floor. He quickly came back down to the foyer.

"What's wrong?" AJ asked.

"Nothing, I just expected someone to be here," he said deflated.

"They probably just went out somewhere, after all, they did not know that we were coming and it is your fault you wanted to keep it a secret," Kevin chided.

"I guess it..." Nick started. He stopped when the door started to open.

"Nick..." a little kid screamed.

"Aaron!" Nick yelled back pushing through us and grabbing the kid in his arms.

"Loving family," I joked. Howie just rolled his eyes at me. I noticed that two more kids, a lady and a man had come into the room.

"Nick," the lady yelled throwing herself on him.

"Hi mom, dad, angel, BJ," Nick said eagerly.

"When did you guys get in?" Nick's mom asked.

"We just got in," Nick answered as his mom ushered us into one of the adjoining rooms. We quickly sat down and Nick's mom started to talk a mile a minute. She went on and on about new social affairs and the usual gossip. She finally noticed me.

"So Nick, dump Brian and get a new boyfriend?" she joked gesturing at me. Everyone looked at the floor then started to laugh. "Did I miss something?" Nick's mom asked.

"Umm, well, yeah," Nick started.

"Mrs. Carter..." I started.

"Call me mom, everyone else does," Mrs. Carter interrupted.

"Yeah, or else she beats you up," AJ said rubbing his upper arm.

"Hey, that was your own fault, anyway, who is your friend?" mom asked.

"Well, this is Chris," Kevin told her.

"Okay, and he would be?" mom continued.

"He would be with me," Howie said proudly.

"Oh, well congratulations," mom said to Howie and me.

"Thank you," Howie and I replied in unison.

"Well how did you two meet?" she asked. We all looked over at Nick. I could not believe that he did not tell her.

"You did not tell her?" Brian asked.

"I thought that it would be better to do in person," he said sheepishly.

"What? What happened?" mom asked.

"Well, mom, I was in an accident and Chris there saved my life," Nick admitted. Mom, dad, BJ, and Angel all gasped.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I am fine, it was no big deal," Nick said.

"What happened?" Robert, Nicks dad asked.

"Well I was driving too fast, lost control and crashed," Nick said flatly.

"How badly did you come out of it?" Bob asked.

"Well pretty bad, he has stitches from his chest to his thigh, and fractured ribs," Kevin said when Nick did not answer.

"He would have died if it were not for Chris," AJ added. I just looked at the floor and blushed.

"I don't know what to say," mom said.

"don't worry about it, I had enough trouble stopping these five, I do not need four more thank you's," I told her.

"So how about we get something to eat?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, good idea," Bob said.

"What do you guys want?" mom asked.

"Something fast," we all agreed.

"Then pizza it is," mom laughed picking up the phone. She called for delivery and we continued to sit around and talk until the doorbell rang. Nick got up and answered it. He soon came back with 9 large pizzas.

"Let's eat," Aaron said. We all dug in and within half an hour had devoured all nine of the pizzas.

"I would like to see what would happen if these five could not eat for a day," I joked.

"They would starve to death, you ever see how much they eat?" mom answered.

"Oh yeah, they never stop," I answered back. I got some dirty looks from the guys and a laugh from Aaron.

"Wow, it is 11:30 already," Bob said looking at his watch.

"Wow, I guess that we should be heading off to bed," Kevin said.

"Go right ahead, you guys know where your rooms are, Aaron, BJ, and Angel will bring your bags in," mom said.

"Okay, then good night everyone," Nick said heading up the stairs. The rest of the guys soon said goodnight and I gave my keys to Aaron the followed Howie up to bed. We walked up to the third floor and down a long narrow hall. Howie opened the last door on the left and went in. I followed behind him.. I looked around the room and saw that it had a twin-size bed in it.

"Um, hun, I do not think that we are both going to fit," I said looking at him.

"I know, but the only room with a larger bed is Nick and Brian's, this room used to be Nick's" he said kissing me.

"Then what are we going to do?" I asked.

"I guess that we will flip for it,' he laughed but still pulled a coin out of his pocket.

"Forget it, I can't sleep without you," I told him.

"Then I guess that we will both sleep on the floor," he said kissing me again.

"Okay, but there is only one pillow," I said.

"You have to complain about everything don't you?" Howie joked.

"Yes I do," I said smugly.

"Well, there is a linen closet on the second floor, I guess that I will just have to get you a pillow," he shot back. He walked out of the room and I lay down on the bed. The next thing I knew, sun was shining in the room. I sat up and looked at the bedside clock. It was 6:30 am. I looked down at the floor and saw Howie laying there curled up in the fetal position. I stepped over him and headed out looking for the bathroom. I walked down the hall trying to find the bathroom. I did not find one on the third floor so I went down to the second one. I walked down the second floor hall and found a bathroom at the very end. I used the facilities and walked back up to the third floor I was just turning into Howie's room when I noticed that there was a bathroom directly across from it.

"Damn it," I thought to myself. I went back into the room that Howie and I slept in and saw my suitcases sitting by the dresser. I picked them up and set them on the bed. I opened them and grabbed some clean clothes out. I set them down on the bed and walked to the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I looked for a towel and found some under the counter. I noticed that there were only five towels. "Guess I will have to tell someone that they need to find another towel," I chuckled. I quickly stripped down and set my clothes on the sink. I then jumped into the shower. The water felt great and I did not think that I ever wanted to get out. I looked around for some soap but there was none. I found a bottle of shampoo and then washed my hair. I was just rinsing the shampoo out of my hair when I heard a knocking at the door.

"Chris, is that you?" a voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm just about done," I yelled back. I quickly rinsed the rest of the shampoo out of my hair and jumped out of the shower. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. I looked in the mirror and combed my hair. Then I grabbed my dirty clothes and walked out of the bathroom. When I got out into the hall I noticed that a line had formed.

"Took you long enough," AJ said.

"Sorry about that," I answered while walking into the bedroom. I got in and saw that Howie was not in there. I got dressed and went back out to the hall. The line for the bathroom was gone. I heard the shower running in the bathroom. I walked for the stair well and headed down to the first floor. I found the dining room and saw everyone but Kevin sitting around the table. I figured that he was the one in the shower. I took an open chair next to Howie and mom soon brought a tray of waffles out. She was just setting it down when Kevin walked in.

"Next," he bellowed while Nick was jumping up. Kevin sat down in Nick's place and mom soon passed out plate after plate of waffles. We all dug in and started to eat. Sometime in the middle of breakfast Nick came down and Brian ran upstairs. We were just finishing breakfast when he came back down and AJ ran upstairs.

"That was great," Kevin said stretching. We all agreed with him and soon mom came out with two pots of coffee. She quickly poured everyone a glass.

"So what are we doing today?" AJ asked coming down the stairs. When Howie heard him he jumped up and ran upstairs.

"Well we are all going home," Kevin said happily.

"Great," AJ answered. We sat around talking and AJ got a cup of coffee. We continued to talk until we heard a shout come from upstairs.

"He ran out of hot water," mom laughed.

"No, I think he ran out of towels," AJ chuckled.

"What do you mean?" mom asked back.

"Well, you always keep five towels in that bathroom. Today we had six people taking showers," AJ continued to laugh. Everyone looked around the table then at me. I just blushed.

"Oops," I laughed. Everyone burst out laughing.

"There are more towels in the linen closet on the second floor, will someone take him one?" mom asked. I jumped up and ran up the stairs. I went to the linen closet on the second floor and grabbed a towel. I then ran up to the third floor and ran to the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in. I was quickly met with a shower of steam.

"Need a towel?" I asked searching for Howie.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Well there are some on the second floor," I laughed.

"Fuck you," he laughed back at me.

"Well if you are going to be like that.." I started heading for the door. I stopped when I felt a hand grab me on the shoulder.

"Give me that," Howie ordered grabbing the towel out of my hand.

"What this?" I asked kissing him on the lips.

"That works too," he answered kissing me back. I felt his hands start to ram around my body.

"Hey, you're getting me all wet," I said pushing him off of me.

"Then give me that damn towel," he said pushing him self on me farther.

"Here take it," I said throwing the towel at him.

"Thank you," he sighed. I turned and left the room. I ran back down to the dining room and sat down.

"I thought that Howie was taking the shower?" AJ joked.

"Yeah, well I sort of became his towel," I answered back just as Howie was coming down the stairs. He came over and sat down giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So when are you guys leaving?" mom asked. I looked around the table and noticed that everyone else had come down.

"I guess in about an hour," Kevin answered.

"So soon?" Aaron pleaded.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so, we still have to drop everyone off," Nick said in a big brother tone. Aaron looked hurt but he quickly cheered up. We sat around and talked for about a half an hour before Kevin told us to go up and pack our bags again. We all headed up the stairs and went into our separate bedrooms.

"I love you," Howie said wrapping him self around my waist.

"I love you too," I said kissing him deeply on the lips.

"So what do you think of Florida?" he asked me.

"Since I am here with you, I love it," I said to him. Howie just blushed. "I think that we should clean up here and head on down."

"You're right," he said throwing his clothes into the suitcase. I did the same with mine and then slammed them all shut. I picked all three of them up and headed downstairs with Howie right behind me. when we got downstairs I noticed that everyone else had gotten down already. We stepped into the foyer just as Nick was opening the door.

"Well let's go," Kevin said. We headed out to my car and threw all the suitcases in. We were just heading back to the house when Nick's family came running out to say their good-byes. When all that was done I threw my keys to Kevin and we all piled into the car. Kevin pulled out of the driveway and headed to his, AJ's, Brian's, and Nick's apartment building. It was a longer drive this time so we made small talk the whole way there. I just kept looking out the window at all the sights. Kevin finally puled into the main gates of a large building. He pulled into a parking space on the side of the building and everyone got out. He went around and opened the back. Everyone got their suitcases out.

"Hey, meet for lunch tomorrow?" Kevin asked. This got a unanimous round of sure and great. We said our good-byes and Howie got into the driver's seat of my Durango and I got into the passenger.

"So, I guess that we are going home now," I said.

"What's wrong baby?" Howie asked.

"Nothing, I just still can't believe that this is happening," I sighed. Howie leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek then started the car and headed out. We drove for a short while until we came up to a small two-story house surrounded by a 9-foot tall wrought iron fence.

"We're here," Howie said leaning out the window and beating up a bush. He bought himself back in as the gates were slowly opening.

"Is that to keep people out or in?" I asked.

"I guess that you will have to find out, won't ya?" he answered.

"So I am I going to be able to open these things?" I asked.

"Perhaps, how strong are you?" he shot back.

"Enough already, just drive," I shot back slumping down in my seat.

"Yes sir," he answered back pulling past the gates, then stopping and pressing another bush.

"Have many fans come here?" I asked.

"Why do you think I have the gates?" he shot back just as we were pulling up to the house. The driveway circled around in front of the house and met back up with itself. Howie pulled up right in front of the house. He shut off the engine and looked at me. I smiled at him and hopped out of the car grabbing my keys from the ignition. I ran up the steps to the house and quickly tried out my new key. I inserted it in the lock and turned. It clicked and I pushed the door open to reveal a spiral staircase right in front of me.

I looked to the left and saw the dining slash kitchen area and to the right there was the living room. I walked over to the stairs and looked up. I could see a long hallway. I then noticed that the stairs also went down to an exercise slash recreation room. I started to go down the stairs when I noticed Howie standing in the doorway grinning at me. I ran over to him and threw myself on him. I started to kiss him deeply when he pushed me off. I looked at him and saw him smiling. He grabbed my hand a started to run up the stairwell. He pulled me all the way to the second floor and into a large bedroom. I looked around the room and noticed that it was elegant in a quaint sort of way. There was a Jacuzzi in one corner in front of a large bay window that had heavy draperies covering it. The bed was a king size directly in the center of the room. There was a night table on both sides and a mirror on the ceiling.

"Kinky," I laughed pointing at the ceiling. Howie just blushed. I leaned in and kissed him passionately on the lips. I then threw myself on the bed and stared up at myself. I saw Howie's reflection lay down next to me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his lips push against mine. My hands started to roam around the small of his back and to the bottom of his shirt. I started to pull it up and he broke the kiss so that I could get it off. He was doing the same to me. I leaned back in for another kiss and was soon met by Howie's eager lips. I felt his hands start to roam around my ass. I reached in front of him and undid his belt. He was about to do the same to me when a buzzer rang all through out the house. "Damnit," Howie yelled grabbing the phone and pressing a button. He said a few words and then pressed a couple more buttons on the phone. He then hung it up and grabbed his shirt and started to put it on.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We got suitcases screwed up and the guys are here to straighten it out," he sighed tossing me my shirt. I quickly put it on and jumped up next to him. We started out the door and down the stairs.

"Don't the guys have access codes?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it was Nick on the intercom and he does not use his," he answered.

"Why is that?" I asked stepping to the first floor.

"Because Howie made my code 5483-5433-86-843-3855378-367-843-388873-47-722723, and no one will tell me theirs," Nick answered walking into the house.

"That's Howie for you," I said.

"Hey, I wanted to make sure one of two things. 1. That Nick would get a code that if he told someone no one would remember it, or 2. That Nick himself would not remember it and then I would not be bugged by him," Howie answered chuckling.

"I think that he wanted the latter more," AJ said punching Nick in the arm.

"I bet he did," Nick replied.

"Hey, can we get this suitcase thing worked out some time today?" Kevin asked from behind everyone.

"Why, you know perfectly well that we go through this every time that we come back from a trip, I mean you were even the one that started it," Brian said.

"Hey, that happened once and that was for real," Kevin defended.

"Sure it was, I know that y'all just missed me," Howie said.

"Oh yeah, we are just so heartbroken when we have to leave you," AJ said throwing himself on Howie. Howie looked shocked.

"Umm, AJ, Howie's taken," I said pulling AJ off of him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," AJ said looking at the ground.

"Since y'all is going to be here for a while, why don't we go sit down?" Howie asked leading everyone into the living room. We all sat down AJ sat in one chair and Kevin in another. Howie and I sat in the couch and Brian and Nick sat together on the floor.

"Does anyone want anything to drink?" I asked. Everyone said that they wanted something so I stood up to go get them. Howie stood also. "Sit down, I am sure that I can find everything. I'll get them." I reassured him. I was just walking out of the room when Brian spoke.

"Yeah, you go get them like the good little wench that you are," he said under his breath but loud enough for everyone to hear. I turned and stared at him. I noticed that everyone else was staring too. I was about to say something when Howie snapped. He leapt from the couch right onto Brian. He took us all by surprise and had Brian pinned down beating the shit out of him. I finally realized what was happening and ran over to him. I grabbed him by the shoulders and tried to pull him off. It was no use. He was acting like he was possessed. I continued to try to pull him off until I felt an elbow hit me square in the stomach. I doubled over in pain and went down to the floor. I saw AJ and Kevin start to pull Howie off of Brian. They had better luck at it then I did and soon had pulled Howie off of him and was holding him back. I could tell that Howie still wanted to fight.

"What the hell? " Brian yelled propping himself up on his arms.

"Shut the fuck up Brian," Kevin yelled at him. I looked at him and noticed that his nose was bleeding as well as his lip and his cheek. His eye was also already turning black and blue. I looked over at Howie and saw that he was fighting AJ and Kevin. He was trying to get out of their grip. I was afraid that if he did he was going to pounce on Brian again. He continued to fight Kevin and AJ until he broke free. He jumped to his feet and looked like he was going to jump on Brian again, instead he turned and ran out the front door. I was starting to run after him when I stopped. I had to ask Brian a question.

"Brian? Why the hell are you trying to get Howie pissed off by making all these comments about me?" I asked him calmly. He looked at me for a minute thinking about what he was going to say. "Because, before you came into the picture, I had him too," Brian said bluntly.

To be continued...

Note" Hey, sorry to leave ya hanging like that but oh well. Please e-mail me about the story or if anyone can tell me why the hell Nick choose those numbers for his thank you letter in Millenium. I appreciate all the feedback...but I crave more.... Send it to, or you can use instant messenger for AOL or yahoo pager for those too. Or ICQ me at 33110864. Tell me what you think....

Next: Chapter 5

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