Crash with Fame

By moc.loa@1133XIRTAM

Published on Oct 17, 1999


Legalities-This story is purely fiction and has nothing to do with the real Backstreet Boys. If you are under the age of 18 do not continue or if you are offended by m/m relationships. If you like the story please e-mail me at or ICQ me at 33110864 or Yahoo at

Authors note-I know that it has been a long time since I last posted. The day of my last posting my life went to hell. My boyfriend of four years was murdered and his parents are causing a lot of shit. The police have been hounding me forever since it happened even though they have caught the person. I am sorry that this chapter took so long.

Crash with Fame

Chapter 8

Written by Neo

I did not want Howie to snap at his father. I pulled Howie closer to me and gave him a soft kiss on the neck. He calmed down a little bit and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Management called and said that they want us to have some meeting tomorrow," Kevin said rolling his eyes. This remark caused everyone to roll their eyes. "And guys, I think that we should get going now," Kevin said smiling at Howie and myself. The guys soon left.

"Howie, we are leaving now," his mother said with a suitcase in her hand. Howie was trying to stifle a smile. He got up to give his mother a kiss goodbye and after about fifteen minutes worth of good-byes Howie sat down next to me.

"Listen," I said to Howie.

"What, I don't hear anything," he said confused.

"Exactly, we are alone...." I started. Howie soon understood what I meant and pushed me down on the couch. The pressure from his body pushing on mine felt great. Howie was slowly pulling on my shirt I squirmed out of it and was sitting there and was lying there with Howie on top of me. I pulled Howie's shirt off of him and started on his pants. I got them down to his ankles and pulled down his boxers. Howie did the same to me and we were both kissing, stark naked. I turned Howie onto his back and grabbed his semi-hard cock. I wrapped my lips around it and started to suck him off. He pulled me around and wrapped his lips around my raging erection. I felt myself tense up and shoot my load into Howie's mouth. It seemed like it never stopped but Howie was able to take all of it. I was still working on Howie's cock when he pulled out of me. I gave him a puzzled look but he ran upstairs with his still hard cock bouncing between his legs. He soon returned with a bottle of lube.

I knew what he had in mind. He squeezed some of the lube on his hand and rubbed it on his hard cock. He turned me over onto my hands and knees. I felt the head of his cock on my hole. He slowly pushed and I was in pain. He sensed that and stopped. Once the pain died down he continued. He soon had his full cock in my ass. He started to pump and I felt my cock starting to harden again. Howie's pounding of my ass started to get harder and faster. I soon heard him starting to moan and felt his cum shoot into my ass. I felt it seep out. Howie collapsed on top of me knocking us both onto the couch. Howie had just pulled out of my ass when the phone rang. He reluctantly got up to answer it. I watched him as he walked towards it.

"Hello?" I heard him say. His face dropped lower and lower with every word the person he was talking to spoke. He soon slammed down the phone and headed back over to me. He started to get dressed.

"What was that?" I asked him as he finished getting dressed.

"Management, they can't have the meeting tomorrow so they want me to be their in half an hour, alone, and those were their exact words," Howie said to me.

"Then go, just hurry home, I'll be fine," I told him.

"You already are," Howie said leaning down to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"No more than you," I said kissing him deeply on the lips. I felt his hands roam around my back so I quickly pulled away. "You have a meeting to get to, and the sooner you leave, the sooner that you will get home," I said.

"Goodbye," Howie said running for the door. I sat up and headed after him. I stopped him just as he was reaching for the door handle.

"What, no kiss?" I asked him. He instantly kissed me and headed out the door. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already four o'clock. I assumed that his meeting would take about two hours. I went downstairs and sat down on the weight bench. I grabbed bar and started repetitions. I felt myself starting to feel better and better. By the time I felt like I could not move I realized that it was already five thirty. I drug myself up to the kitchen and started dinner. While the food was cooking I ran upstairs to the attic. I knew it was time I asked Howie. I found a light switch and flipped it on. I searched the floor for the ring that I dropped. I found it and ran back downstairs. I took the food out of the oven and went into the dining room. I set the table along with two candles. I took the plates into the kitchen and filled them up with food. I had just finished when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Chris, this is Kevin, has Howie made it home yet?" he asked.

"No, I figured that he was still with you guys," I said.

"Fuck," Kevin said under his breath.

"Why, what is wrong?" I asked.

"Howie left the meeting early, he was pretty pissed off, and when I tried calling his cell he does not answer it," Kevin said.

"What time did he leave?" I asked.

"About four-thirty. The instant he got there they started bitching at him..." Kevin's voice trailed off.

"And.?" I asked.

"They gave him an ultimatum." Kevin started. I heard him take a deep breath. It was you or the group. He chose you." Kevin said. My stomach knotted up. I was worried about Howie and the group.

"Kevin, come pick me up and we will go looking for him," I told him.

"Okay, I will be over in about fifteen minutes," he said and hung up the phone. I collapsed into a chair and started to cry. The knot in my stomach tightened until I could barely breath. I heard the gates opening and stood up. I quickly wiped my face and ran out to greet Kevin. I shut the door and ran down the steps. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door. I sat down and waited for Kevin to move.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Why aren't we going anywhere?"

"Chris, right after I hung up with you, I got another phone call. It was the hospital. Howie was in an accident." Kevin said. My stomach dropped. I felt myself start to shake and my skin go clammy. My head dropped to my knees and I started to cry. I felt Kevin's hand slowly rub my back. I kept crying as Kevin drove to the hospital. He parked and we headed into the hospital. I had stopped crying since I had nothing left to cry. Kevin took me to Howie's room. I stepped in and walked over to the bed. Nick, Brian, and AJ were already there. I looked down at Howie and started to cry again. I saw him lying there. He was unconscious and pale. His eyes were set back into his head and his breathing sounded labored. The beeping of his heart monitor was steady. It was too much for me. I hit the floor like a rock. I woke up lying on the couch across from Howie's bed. I got up and sat down in the chair right next to his bed. The guys were gone and Howie and I were alone. I grabbed his hand into mine. I still don't know why I did it but I took the ring out of my pocket and slipped it on his finger. I guess I was afraid of losing him. I sat there staring at him. I was thinking of how little our time together was. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I was suddenly snapped back into reality as the guys came back into the room.

"Hey Chris," they said almost simultaneously. I just looked up at them and mumbled.

"Chris, the doctor said that we are going to have to be going." Kevin sighed.

"I am not leaving!" I said firmly.

"I will talk to the doctor and see what he says, but if he says no, you will have to leave." Kevin said. I just kept sitting there. There was no way that I was going to leave Howie alone. "Chris, the doctor said that only immediate family is allowed to stay." Kevin said somewhat in fear. I turned and looked at him. I knew that I had a pissed look on my face. Kevin was about to say something when Brian intervened.

"And we don't want the world to know about you and Howie," Brian said. I was not quite sure what he meant by his remark but I snapped.

"Brian, is that all you are worried about. Whether or not the fans will still give you money? Well I got news for you. A person that should be one of your best friends is lying in a hospital bed. For all anyone knows he could end up dying and then there would be no Backstreet Boys. SO I think that you have bigger worries than the world knowing about us!" I screamed at him. He looked at me for a minute then turned and walked out of the room slamming the door behind me. The words that I spoke had more effect on me than it did on Brian. I felt my knees go out and fall onto the floor. I started crying again and I felt my entire body go cold and start to shake. I felt sick, I did not realize how bad off Howie really was. I felt a hand pull me up and lead me over to the couch. I sat down, still shaking and crying, when the doctor walked in the room. I looked over and saw Kevin talking to him. The expression on Kevin's face went from bad to worse. He stormed out of the room almost as Brian had. Nick and AJ looked around like they did not know what was going on. The doctor said something to AJ. He slumped his shoulders and walked over to me. He pulled me up off of the couch and led me out the door. I was allowing myself to be led. I had given up any will that I may have had left. I was thinking about what would happen if Howie did die. It was not long before I felt myself being led again. I finally took notice of my surroundings and realized that I was in an elevator with AJ and Nick. The elevator stopped and we got out. AJ opened his door and led me in. I sat down on the couch and fell fast asleep.

I awoke at sunrise the next morning. The first set of visiting hours was from eight to ten. I saw that it was six thirty nearly seven so I went about making myself presentable. Since I had slept in my clothes they did not look to good but I did not care. I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up. It was seven thirty when I finally finished. I walked around waiting for AJ to get up. It was seven fifty when he emerged from his bedroom.

"G'morning," AJ said to me.

"Morning," I said half-heartedly. AJ grabbed his keys off of the counter and headed for the door. I was close behind him. We headed into the elevator and went down. We headed to AJ's car and went to the hospital. It was just eight when we walked in the doors. I headed straight for Howie's room. I looked at him and felt sick again. He was paler this morning than he was last night and his breathing sounded more and more forced. I wanted to cry but I could not. I walked over to the chair and sat down. I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I sat there staring at him. I did not say anything or think of anything. I just sat there staring trying to be strong with a strength I knew I did not have. I did not realize how long it had been but the three soft beeps over the PA system announcing that visiting time was over soon sounded. I kept sitting there not wanting to leave. I felt a hand on my shoulder and stood up. I was led out the door again.

At one o'clock I was back in the hospital this time I was there until four. I never said a word. I just stared. Howie was even paler than this morning. Every time I went to see him I felt sicker and sicker. That day passed, then another, and another. Everyday Howie looked worse and worse. It was about three o'clock in the morning when I made up my mind. I did not sleep that night. For once I did not want to go to the hospital but I knew that I had to. AJ walked out of his bedroom and we both headed for his car without word. We drove to the hospital in silence. I just did not feel like speaking. It was exactly eight when we arrived and I walked directly to Howie's room. AJ was a few paces behind me. I wanted to be alone, the instant I walked into the room I shut the door. AJ took the hint and sat in a chair by Howie's room. I walked over to the bed and grabbed Howie's hand. I sat there for a minute waiting for the words. They came and I knew that it needed to be said. I took a deep breath and started.

"Howie, baby, I love you. I want you to know that right now. The short time that we have spent together was the best time I ever had. No matter what happened I knew that you really loved me. I know that you are having those feelings right now. I don't want you too. I love you too much to see you like this. Please Howie stop feeling like you have to stay for me. I love you baby," I said not knowing whether or not he could hear me. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and heard a low sounding screech. I felt the tears swell in my eyes as I broke the kiss. "I love you Howie," I whispered as I backed away. I walked out into the hall. I could not hold back my tears. AJ stood as I walked out. i grabbed hin and started to bawl. I heard nothing, felt nothing, and saw nothing. The memories of the life Howie and I had together flashed through my head. That first night we spent with Nick in the hospital. The hotel, the plane, the beach, every little moment we spent together. I knew I had to hold onto the memories. They were all I had left.

The end ICQ 33110864

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