Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Apr 13, 2004


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment.This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your opioion. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Hi ladies and Gentlemen. I wont waste your time with an excuse of why it has been so long since I have posted..although I have a good one. I simply want to thank the readers who have continued to read this story and think that it is worth their time. I am humble. There are millions of other things you could be doing right now. So thank you. To the people who email me praises thank you also. Your praise means more to me than you may know. I treasure them. And I save every single last one. To those who read my story and don't write.. I wish I knew who you were so I could thank you. But to those unknown.. thank you anyways. To the few who have contacted me on Yahoo messenger hi! And to the one who pretended to be my friend just to try and find out information on my life. Shame on you. You are cruel and I am glad that I got wise before I fell into your trap. And if you allow me to take a page from Alec... I hope your story fails. It takes more than a few of my lines to make you a good author. Hopefully one day you will find your own voice. Stand on your own two feet. Anyways thanks again everyone. This chapter is full of beta yet. And also there is no summary of the last chapter. And yes.. I have lied. I have still not reached the point in where I am able to introduce Nick into the story. For those who voted him in when I do write him in he will stay for more than one chapter. So if you have any ideas on the type of character he should play please email me and let me know. I will give full credit to you. Now on with the show! ****************************************(Ian)-2:30 am "Joshy what have we gotten ourselves into?" I asked my boyfriend as he lay back against the couch.

"Ian I don't know. Justin is trying to be strong for Alec and he asked me and you to come along for his sake." J.C. said.

"That kid has been through so much." I said at a lost for words.

"I know baby.... I know." ********************************************(J.C.)-6:35am

"They look too cute to wake up" Ian wispered as we watched Justin and Alec sleep.

We'd ended up staying up the entire night talking and cuddling with each other which is exactly how Alec and Justin slept. They were a comfortable tangle of arms and legs which held each other in place.

"This is dangerous Ian. I want you to know know right now. So you can't say I didn't warn you." I said as seriously as I could to Ian.

"Josh we stayed up all night talking about this. I understand." he said looking at me wierd.

"No baby.. I'm talking about waking up Justin." I said smirking.

"Ha ha funny. How hard could it be?" Ian asked as he reached over and gently shook Justin's shoulder.

Getting no reaction he shook Justin a little harder. Justin's eyes popped open fixed on Ian and with a look so deadly and a voice so calmly said "Fuck off bitch." With that he pulled Alec even closer to him and ducked his head under Alec's head.

"Okay, I see what you mean." Ian said shocked.

"Lemme try." I said this time going for Alec. "Alec... it's 6:36." I said shaking his shoulder.

"6:36?" he asked sleeply.

"Yea. We have to get ready to go." I said.

"Okay," he said trying to move. "Justin?"

"Careful." I warned.

"Justin baby. Justin.." he said trying to move.

"Come on baby just 10 more minutes." Justin moaned.

"We're gonna be late. I'll let you shower with me." he said softly.

"I'm awake." he said opening his eyes.

"Really? So you want to let me go already?" Alec asked.

"No. Not really but I guess so." Justin said softly as he gave Alec a long and slow kiss.

"Umm guys? How about that shower?" I asked.

"Lets go." Justin said getting out of bed wearing only a pair of sheer black boxers. He pulled Alec up by his hands letting us unintentionally see the skin tight blue football boxers that he had on.

"That was easy." Ian said.

"Looks like Justin had the right kind of motivation." I said giving Ian a quick kiss.


"Cajun stop hogging all the water." I said pulling Alec's body into mine. It hadn't been as weird as I had expected seeing a guy naked. And the fact that it was Alec made it even easier. I was fighting off a major boner. I would prove to him that I wasn't in this for body or because I wanted to have sex with him. His body was better than I thought it would be. He really did give Britney a run for her money. Damn.

"Will you wash my back?" Alec asked his hair in a bun.

"Sure. Give me the soap." I siad reaching across his back as he handed me the Dove soap.

Taking the bar I started rubbing it across his back. I'd have to be blind to not notice how sexy he was.

"Okay. I'm turning around." Alec said.

"No." I said fast. Too fast.

"What? Why not?" he asked.

"Umm.. I don't know." I said lamly.

"Justin, I'm turning around." Alec said firmly as he twisted in my arms and looked in my eyes. "Now what's wrong? What's the matter?"

"I have.... I'm.." I tried to get out before I fainted. Alec was not making it any easier to tell hom now that he had taken the soap from me and was rubbing it across my shoulders.

"Hard?" Alec said as he gently scratched my torso.

"Yeah look Alec, I'm really sorry" I said closing my eyes and leaning against the back of the shower wall.

"Why?" he asked pressing his body against my own.

"Cause I want you to know that I am not in this for the sex."

"Yes... but that doesn't mean that I don't want you to be attracted to me. It's okay to have an erection. Actually I would be put off if you didn't." he said.

"Yeah?" I asked. "You must kow that you are beautiful. Because you are." I said looking him in the eyes. "I really mean it."

Alec placed his forhead against my chest hiding his face from view.

"What? What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked feeling a hot wetness on my chest where his face was pressed.

"Nothing. Need me to..."

"No huh. No lies. You can tell me anything. Come on." I proded.

"Well.. I just don't understand. You left Britney who was like everything you ever wanted in a person in a lover to be with me. Why?" he asked seriously.

"I don't know, maybe because you are everything I ever wanted. Maybe I because I love you. Maybe because we are meant to be together." I said.

"What about marriage Justin? And babies? I read somewhere that you wanted a wife and kids. That that was very important to you."

"Well it is." I said after a second. "I always wanted kids."

"And a wife." he said.

"Before... yes I wanted a wife. but now I have what I want." I said trying to make him understand.

"And I can't give you everything you want. I can't have kids." he started.

"Cajun.. are you listening to a word I am saying? Stop being stubborn and listen to the words coming out of my mouth. Depression doesn't suit you. I have you. I love you. I'm going to be with you. You're just having second thoughts and that is why you're trying to find a resaon to break up with me. But I wont give you one. I wont let you push me away." I said firmly. "Now cut the water off... it's freezing."


"How was the trip?" My mother asked standing up.

"It was okay. How is everybody?" I asked back.

"How are they suppose to be? Jr is in a fucking shock..."

"Bad as ever." I said

"Trish and Betty are constantly going from people's houses..."

"Nosey and messy as they always were.."

"And Roger acts like he doesn't care....."

"When did he ever?" I asked.

"Look, did you come here just to talk shit? Your grandmother just died. And all you can do is be sarcastic." she said angryly.

"And all you can do is be in denial. I didn't come here to shoot the shit with you. I came here to go to my granny's funeral. And after that I am on the first flight out of here, ticket all ready."

"The funeral is tommorw. You're saying you leaving as soon as the funeral is over. As in the day after tommorw?"

"No. The funeral is over at 4:00pm. My flight is at 6:32pm. I told her.

Now I started walking in hopes that she would get the point and just follow instead of causeing drama here in the airport. I could tell something was up. Something else was on her mind besides the funeral, but I spead up so she couldn't get it out.

"Danielle called." she blurted. That made me stop in my tracks.

"When?" I asked simply.

"This morning. Yesterday. Two days before that. Everytime she calls I tell her you live in California now. She wants me to give her your number. I didn't know whether or not to do it. I don't know whether or not to give it to her or not." my mom's said.

"Don't worry about it. I'll talk to her." I said moving again.

"So what kind of friend is she if she doesn't have your California number?" my mother asked quickly.

"Don't do this." I snapped in frustration. Why of all places would she bring this up now? In the airport. "Don't ask me questions that you already know."

"Just because you live in California, I am still your mother. Treat me with respect." she snapped back.

"Well no disrespect mother." I said face whipping towards her. "But you haven't been a mother for a long time. And it started before I moved to California."

Walking the rest of the way in silence, we eventually picked up my bags and then just leaving. On the ride to my mother's house, my old childhood house before I moved away, all I could do was think about was the fact that Danielle had been calling me like crazy. Let me take the moment to describe Danille for you. She was 5'11, thick like a female basketball player, dark like lightly toasted pecans, and eyes that pierced through a persons defenses to the heart and soul. Eyes that made my kness go weak. Her hair always kept in cornrows going straight back down her neck. We'd been friends. Yes people, only friends. That is it. No... don't get it twisted. I'd wanted more. She'd wanted more. But.. well lets just say that too many people where between us. I couldn't talk to her without AJ trying to get in the middle. Whether she was trying to stop me from talking to Danielle or stop Danielle from talking to me I don't know. Maybe she was doing both. Maybe she wanted Danielle for herself.

"Damn, is the whole family here?" I asked annoyed.

"Terika what has gotten into you? You know better than to talk to me with those words. You need to watch your mouth. And yes, they are all here." she said as she pulled up behind a bright green Pontaic Sunfire.

Not even wanting to get into another argument I just shut my mouth and stepped out of the car. I reached into my backpack for my cell phone and dialed Alec's home number. After a minute of getting his answer machine I dialed his cellphone number. Ringing only once I heard his family and much needed voice.

"Hello?" Where you been girl?" he asked his fake country accent working over time.

"I just got here in Texas." I said as I nodded to my mother that I would meet her nosey ass inside.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm on a plane on my way too..... getting ready to land in Dallas for a layover before I fly to New York." he said the cheer dropping dramtically from his voice.

"What? They wanted you for a photo shoot right?" I asked my own blood getting icy.

"No.. I'm going to visit my father." he replied.

"Who are you talking to?" I heard someone in the background ask.

"My friend," I heard him say. "The one you never gave me the phone message from."


"Anyway," he said loudly.

"Ummm who is that with you?" I asked already knowing that it was Justin.

"My boyfriend." he said again.

"Excuse me?" I asked stumped. My mind literally blank.

"You heard me. He asked me last night. Now he, J.C., Ian, J.c's boyfriend, and Ryan are all on our way to see my father." he said.

"Shiiiiiiiit!" I said stretching it out.

"So how has your mother been? How long did it take before she started in on you this time?" he asked.

"2.2 seconds. A new world record. I mean I thought she was gonna blow up the first second. Longest ass second in her life. She better watch her ass before this turns out to be a double funeral. I swear I will bury her ass in a bunk bed with my grandmother." I said mentally picturing it.

"Tanika you are so going to hell. I just thought I would let you know that. Now you better quit. You're gonna go to hell with gasoline draws on." he said laughing.

"First of all I wear panties and second I'll save you a seat right next to me!" I said leaning against the car. The famliarity relaxing me.

"Why thanks you hon." he said so polite it was all I could do from pissing myself.

"Hey...let me talk to Justin." I said knowing he would object with a why.

"Why?" he asked. Just like a book.

"I just want to talk to him. Give him the phone." I said.

There was a shuffle of voices before I heard Justin speak.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hi Justin? This is Terika, Alec's best friend. Actually I am the bestest best friend. You may not remember me but I was the one that Alec left at the movie premire. And then when I called and left and left a message on his cellphone you picked up. Anyway I just want to ask you... Don't hurt my friend. He's been hurt so many times.. and well you get the picture. Help him in New York. Don't let him fall to pieces. He's not as tough as he trys to let on." I said finsihing my little speech.

"You have my word Ta.... Talea?" he asked pronoucing my name totally wrong.

"Terika." I corrected him.

"Terika.. Got it. Here's Alec." he said handing over the phone.

"Girl what did you say?" he asked as soon as he had the phone back.

"Nothing much. Look I'll talk to you later. I have to get this shit over... wish me luck and call me later." I said.

"Goodluck... bye..."he said softly.



"She's really protective of you." Justin said as I got off the phone.

"Yeah. We've been through a lot." I said looking up at him.

"I love you." Justin wisperd staring at me intentionally.

"I love you too." I said smiling at him.

"So how about we.... answer the phone." he said as my cell went off again.

"I'm sorry." I saod giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"One day I will get you all to myself." he winked.

"Hello?" I answered.

"You are a hard man to track down Mr. I'm starting to think you are dodging my calls." Gale said from the other end.

"Hey! What's going on? I've been out like so much. I said looking at Justin who was quietly asking who I was on the phone with.

"Mouthing Gale's name I tuned in to listen to him talk.

"I've been missing you like crazy. I heard about what happended from Ryan and then I gave him my number to give to you but I should have known he wouldn't have givin it to you." he said.

"No! He did give it to me. I've just been so busy that I just.. I couldn't get a chance to talk to you." I said. "I'm sorry."

"Oh... it's okay. I guess we'll have to find away to make up for the lost time." he said sneakly.

"What have you cooked up now?" I asked as I glanced at Justin who looked royally pissed.

"I don't know.... maybe you'll have dinner with me again? Tonight?" he asked.

"Dinner? Tonight? Gale I am on a flight to New York right now for a photo shoot." I said.

"New York? Well when do you get back?"

"In about 2 days." I said.

"So then have dinner with me then. Friday night."

"Friday night?" I repeated.

"Great it's a date." Gale said.

"Wait.... Gale???" I called. It was a deadline. Gale had hung up. Trapping me into a dinner date.

"Why didn't you tell him that you wouldn't be going on any dates? You're taking already." Justin asked looking pissed.

"When did I have time to tell him anything?" I asked looking at him.

"Maybe between dinner and Friday." he said looking ahead now his face tight with frustrations.

"Gale is just a friend Justin. You are my boyfriend. I love you." I said softly grabbing his hand.

"Just promise me that you'll tell him the next time you talk to him." Justin said now looking at me.

"It's a promise Justin." I sighed.

"I remember the night that you had the panic attack. I was so scared. I can honestly say that I had never been that afraid in my life. That is when I knew I loved you." Justin said fingers caressing my arm. "I remember taking you inside the hospital and screaming that I needed help. When they took you from me I felt so helpless. So crummy. Because I am then one that did that to you. I put you there. I hated myself."

"You shouldn't have. It wasn't your fault." I said to Justin although I felt that he has atleast had a major hand in it.

"It was my fault. I know that I pushed you into the bathroom stall causing you to panic and have a relapse into your childhood." he said closing his eyes and remembering.

"Well you made a promise to me when I first woke up to never put your hands on me again. That you would never hit me. And that means alot to me. You mean alot to me." I said.

"Well I am glad. You mean alot to me too."

(End of Chapter)

Next: Chapter 11

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