Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Aug 29, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment.This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your opioion. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Thank you all for your emails. Thankfully "mattvt18" has taken my nifty virginity, which I am extremely happy for! Hope you enjoy the second chapter!

" Alec open up. I forgot my key. " Justin called throught the door.

" No..." Ryan said shaking his head. "But he has Britney."

Ignoring him I walked to the door and unlocked it.

" Alec why did you leave without me? I was worried about you." Justin said coming in and seeing Ryan . "You have company."

Chapter 2

"No Justin. Ryan was just leaving." I said looking at Ryan.


"Goodbye" I said firmly.

Just standing there for a second, Ryan finally walked to the door and with one more glance he was gone.

"What was that all about?" Justin asked.

"Nothing." I said as I closed the door.

"Alec." Justin said as he followed me into the kitchen. "Ryan is your ex-boyfriend. Right?"

"What tipped you off?" I asked taking out a pitcher of kool-aid.

"Britney told me." he said sitting down.

"You know, I think I am so starting not to like her." I told him as I sat down now drained from the argument with Ryan.

"So what was he doing here?"

"He claimed that he was worried about me. So he felt the need to come check on me."

"Well that was decent of him." Justin said pouring him a glass also.

"No it aint. We broke up. I don't need him still trying to act like the caring boyfriend." I said seriously.

"I think you still like him." Justin said.

"Ofcourse I still love him." I corrected. " Which is why I don't want him around. How am I suppose to get over him if he is still trying to act like we are together? He has a wife and a kid. He should be taking care of them."

"So what was the purpose of you putting him out of here so fast? He looked like he couldn't believe you were making him leave."

"Well that I owe to you." I said.

"Excuse me?"

"Well he started saying that I shouldn't be pushing him away becuase I had no one else to look after me. I asked if he was sure and then all of a sudden you knocked on the door and called through for me. He was like 'No, but he has Britney.' I opened the door and you came in asking why I had left and that you were worried. And he just started to believe that you and I were now seeing each other. His face was priceless."

"Wait, so first you used me, and second now he thinks that we go out? That I am...... gay?"

"I didn't use you for anything. And you know you are not gay so don't trip about it."

"No. Don't tell me not to trip about it. He thinks I am..."

"Look Justin. Go home. I don't have anywhere else to go. I thikn I'm just going to call over a friend and go to the movies." I said.

"I wish like hell I could, but I have to be with you everytime you go out." he said still looking upset that Ryan thought he was gay.

"Well look. I'll stay in all day." I said.

"You sure?" he asked eagerly.

"Yeah. See you later okay?" I asked trying to rush him out.

"What's your schedule for tommorw?" he asked.

"Check with my agent." I said closing the door in his face.

I couldn't believe this. Alec was already dating again. And Justin Timberlake of all people. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I couldn't help myself. I was insanely jealous. I had broken up with him because I couldn't be his protector anymore. I couldn't take people staring oogling his body. I'd always hated that he was a model. But to hear that Justin now had him made me go crazy. I thought I'd made the right secision. But now I wasn't so sure.Did I want Alec back or did I just not want anyone to have him? I looked up at Alec's apartment as Justin came out. Damn him.

Okay what is the deal here? I've only been trying to help Alec and make sure that nothing bad happened to him. But now Ryan Phillippe though I was dating his ex- boyfriend. That I was gay? How could Alec even hint that to Ryan? This shit was just too uncool. I thought as we walked through the doors of my mom's office.

"Hi Justin! What are you doing here baby?" My mom asked as she saw me.

"Hi Mom. I guess I figured I'd come see how the search was going." I said.

"Not good. I can't find the perfect one. The one I need to watch over him with trying to take advantage." she said "I can't be responsible for something like this again."

"Well where are you looking?" I asked strained.

For a second she was quiet as she spoke up. " Justin ... is something going on?"

"No! What would be going on?" I asked her.

"Well the fact that you are here and Alec should be leaving to go to the Lord of the Rings premiere , I'd say something was wrong." she said.

"What? He told me that he was just staying home tonight. He didn't even mention a premiere. Damn it." I said slipping.

"Justin!" my mom snapped.


"Well you should be. You are not too grown to get punished young man."

"Sorry mom I'm just stressed. I'll talk to you later."

"What did you think about the movie?" Terika asked .

"It was cool . Long, but okay." I said. " And that elf guy didn't look too bad."

"Look at you. Already on the prowl." Terika said.

Terika was one of my best friends. Standing at 5'4 brown skinned and the attiude to match a pissed of house wife we instanly hit it off.

"Shut up." I said laughing.

"He standing over there now. Go talk to him." She said looking across the room as we caught him talking to Access Hollywood.

"Umm I think he is busy at the momment." I said laughing at her sad expression.

"Jesus I don't think I've ever seen this many famous people" she said finally noticing the stars around her.

"Okay take a deep breath. I don't need you fainting and causing a scene onme here." I joked.

"Shut it up!" she said." I can't believe he came. And he had the nerve to bring her."

"Who?" I asked looking in the direction that she was." What the hell is going on? He's not suppose to be here."

We both watched as Ryan and Reese came in holding hands. Not that I had anything against Reese. But for Ryan to be here too. I knoew I should have stayed home.

"Look, don't worry about them. Ignore him and go talk to Legolas" She said referring to the guys character name.

"It would probally help if I knew his real name don't you think?" I asked looking at her.

"Orlando Bloom." An english accent said behind me.

I turned around and there he was minus the blond wig.

"Hi! Alec Castil." I said shaking his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you." he said still holding my hand.

"Likewise. I love the movie. And your character for better words was cool." I said really at a loss for words.

We both looked a Terika as she gave a fake cough.

"And this is Terika." I said as he released my hand to shake hers.

For a moment everyone was silent.

"This is really wierd." I said softly.

"I'm sorry. Look I saw you from across the room. I only planned on getting here. I don't know what to do now."He said honestly.His accent heavy in his words.

"Your accent is real? I thought is was only for the movie." I said as I started into his eyes like some lust filled fan.

"No.. it's real."

"Where are you from?" I asked.

"England." he said staring back at me.

"Cool. So how long..." I started before I head and angry voice form behind me.

"We need to talk." he said.

Oh Damn. Fuck,fuck,fuck. I'd told him that I was staying at home.How did he even know I was here? Finally I turned around to face him.

"Justin, don't you see that I am talking." I said only now realizing that his sudden appearance had caught everyones attention including the news crews and Ryan.

"I don't care. We need to talk now." he said as he grabbed my hand and started to pulling me outside of the large room andthrough the hallways. Once we had reached a safe distance he dropped my hand and turned on me." You lied."

"So" I said stubbornly.

"Man Alec what happened? I thought we were cool with each other? Friends?

"In a day? I don't think so. It's not a big deal.I just didn't want you tagging along. You have a life." I said.

"Don't try to turn this on me as if you were doing me a favor." he snapped. " The truth."

"Fine. You want the truth? I didn't want you here. I didn't want to be babysat. And I sure as hell didn't want to hear how you didn't want to be here with me because you were straight and Ryan thinking you were gay. I just didn't feel like it." I said.

"So... you two don't go out?" Ryan asked smiling.

"Do you mind?" Justin asked angrily.

"Were all friends here." Ryan said stressing the friends part.

"Yea... well I am trying to have a converation ........ with my boyfriend." Justin said.

I looked up at him as he tried to stare Ryan down.

"Look cut the game. I know that you two don't date." Ryan said looking at me." Why did you lie?"

"He didn't lie about anything. Justin said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him then starting to to kiss my lips.At first his kisses were pecks on my lips as I raised my arms to push him away but as he grew more confident he parted my lips and stuck his tongue in my mouth. Not fighting it anymore I wrapped my arms around his neck.

" Alec...." Ryan said.

As I started to pull away from Justin his grip on got tighter. As he moaned in my mouth.

"Fine Alec. You win." Ryan said walking away.

Finally pulling away Justin looked at me." I need to take you home."

I don't know why I kissed him. I don't know why I lied. But as I rode home in silence we were both quiet.

"I'm sorry." I muttered as we were almost to his house.

"Why?" he asked after a moment.

"Because I kissed you." I said looking over at him.

"No. Why did you lie for me?"

"I don't know. Maybe because of the smug grin on his face. Or it could have been the way you got scared. I just don't know." I said gripping the wheel.

It was quiet the rest of the way as I made it to the street his apartment was on. I looked over to see Alec staring out of his window. How did someone so vulnerable at times get into this position?

"What are you thinking about?" I asked as instantly regretted it. Biting my tongue, waited on his smart ass comment.

"I feel lost Justin." he wisperd. " I don't know what I'm suppose to do. Ryan was.... is .... I don't know. I just feel like I am stuck in rewind. Going home to an empty apartment.

I slowed the car down and turned on the freeway exist.

"Where are you going?" he asked sounding as if he only half cared. He was giving up. He was cracking going into emotional shock."

"I'm taking you home with me. To my mom's house." I said picking up speed.

"Just take me home. I've troubled your night enough." he said in self pity.

"Close your eyes and rest you crazy model." I said doing my best to radiate confidence.

Giving in he closed his eyes and within minutes he was asleep. What was I doing? I asked myself.I kissed Alec. A kiss that I'd kissed Britney with. I wasn't gay. Or bisexual. Yet I did kiss a guy. What was going on? On top pf that I kissed him in a room full of people. A room full of people with cameras. Well they were in the next room. That is too close right there. And the whole we need to talk now had caught some attention. Why did I feel so protective over Alec? Maybe.... maybe is was a brother thing? But I would have never kissed Jonathan like that.

"What have you done to me Alec Castil?" I asked as he drew into his body. His hair was falling into his face and feeling the need to touch him I reached over and gentley pushed it away.

"Time to go home."


"Britney Spears?"

"Who's calling please?"

"Access Hollywood."

"I'm sorry no...."

"Mrs Spears if you'll please turn on your tv to your FOX station please."

"Who is this?" she asked again.

"Fox. It should be coming up right after this. Goodbye."

Line terminated, I grinned. Just how easy would this be?

Turning down my bedsheets I gently laid Alec down. He was surpriseingly light. I unlaced and pulled off his boots then coving him with the comforter and went into my mom's study. Looking at the clock I saw that it was 12:20 am. Already knowing that my mom was alseep, I went into her study closet and searched for Alec's file. Finding it I pulled it out and sitting behind her desk I opened it.

His name was Alec Christopher Castil.His birthday was March 23, 1983. Making him 18. Next month he would be 19. Going to more detalied information I read on. His mom died during child birth and he lieved with his dad until he moved out. His dad worked for a prestigious firm in New York as I District Attorney. Now he was all the way across the country. Why? He's been modleing since the age of 12. At 16 he worked for a temp for Manhatten Model search as a line lifter. A person who escourted the people fromthe waiting area to the lines. He'd went in making $6.11 an hour and walked out with with a dozen offers from six different companies. Turning down every offer he finally accepted one from Circles and Stripes. My mom's new talent agency. What made him choose my mom out of everyone elses? Suddenly I heard a moan and instinctively knew it was Alec. Closing the file I rushed to my room. Leaving him he had been deeply asleep with the covers wrapped around snuggly around his body. Now as I returned the covers were on the floor and Alec was fighting a nightmare.

"Alec....Alec!" I called rushing to the bed.

He seemed to only get worse as I reached out and stroked his arm." Alec calm down. Its only a nightmare."

"Cold" he moaned.

I picked up the covers from the floor and pulled them onto the bed.Alec was still asleep and still inside the nightmare.

"Ryan hold me." he begged. "Please."

Knowing it was useless for me to try to wake him up and tell him it wasn't Ryan and not wanting him to freak out. I slipped out of my shoes and crawled in bed behind him. Instantly Alec rolled his body into mine and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Go to sleep crazy cajun." I muttered drifting off myself.

Sorry guys for the short chapter. It was suppose to be a lot longer but my computer shut down before I could save it and this is all I had. So instead this is Chapter 2 a and Chapter 2 b will go out either tommorw night or Saturday morning. Thanks for understanding.Also if there are any good beta's out there (People who read a authors chapter first and then correct any mistakes) please email me with a list of other stories you have beta'ed. Thank you---Rondrecus *****************************

Next: Chapter 3

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