Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Feb 9, 2004


Disclaimer and Copyright:

This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment.This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your opioion. My email address is:

Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

I know I know. Go ahead and throw stones at me. It has been a long time. And I have to be honest. I slacked offed. Mainly because I didn't think anyone was reading anymore. So I just started other projects in my life. Imagine my surprise when a fan told me I had won some awards on nifty's boyband awards. I had no idea. No one had told me and I never thought to look. Here is what I have won which has spurred me to finish this out.

Won Awards:

Category 1 -- Best Use of a Boy Band -- Short Story Winner: Crazy Cajun

Category 2 -- Most Innovative/Creative Author -- Short Story Winner: Justin Scott -- Crazy Cajun

Category 3 -- Best Couple -- Short Story Winner: Justin and Alec -- Crazy Cajun

Category 4 -- Worst Couple -- Short Story Winner: Alec and Ryan Phillippe -- Crazy Cajun

Category 9 -- Most Dramatic Story -- Short Story Winner: Crazy Cajun

Category 15 -- Up and Coming Author -- Short Story Winner: Justin Scott -- Crazy Cajun

Category 16 -- The Justin Case Story of the Year Award -- Short Story Winner: Crazy Cajun

Category 18 -- Author's Choice -- Short Story Winner: Crazy Cajun

Can I have a moment to be sappy? I do want to take this time to thank everone who has voted for me in these awards. I have never wanted money, I have never wanted any type of fame or even recongition. All I have ever wanted was to give people a chance to read a story that told a story from ever point of view. A story that was not too sappy that is was not believeable but also something that was not so different that a person got lost. I wanted to give people a chance to read a story that is not just about sex, but also story that doesn't avoid it.(As you will see in my later chapters.) I also wanted to give people a chance to have imput on my story. A way to have a say. To be my first story that I have put on the internet 7 awards in not bad. Hell, not bad by along shot. And for that last award..... I did not know Justin Case nor have I had the pleasure to read a story by him, but to be a winner of someone who is so obviously loved even after life is a very big honor. That's if the award is mine. But even if it is not.... the fact that they even have an award in his name.... shows that they care. With that out of the way, I must say that I no longer have a beta. One day he just stopped coming on. I don't know if I ran him away or what but the job is now open. Perferably a girl,lady,woman. I just find that I end up cyber dating every male beta that I have and I don't want that lol. This chapter will be unbetaed but I will make sure I proof-read it first. If you are reading this still I want to thank you for taking the time to even read my soap when you could be doing something else. So thank you. Will you also make sure you read the note at the end please.. that is real important to me. And this is on with the show!

On the last chapter of Crazy Cajun:

Alec's father goes out of his way to find Alec, stooping so low that he calls and then threaten's both Alec and Justin. Alec, who must have gone to Walmart and bought some balls, stands up to his dad on the phone. Justin lets Alec know that he intends to bring J.C. and Ian , and Alec calls Ryan to get the tickets. We see that there is still a little love between Ryan and Alec as the talk on the phone. Alec does his best to discourge Ian and J.C. from coming, even going to the point of showing what kind of damage his dad can inflict. Before they can go into 20 questions Alec plays his part as the drama princess and leaves the room where we pick up this weeks eposide........


"Did you see that? Fuck me!" I said my hands shaking.

"My God is right. I can't believe that. What kind of person could hurt there child tlike that?" Ian asked.

"A sick person that's who. Someone who is sick perverse and twisted." I said angrily.

"Justin? Don't you think you should be going to bed now? I mean Alec needs you. He is probally in your room crying his eyes out right now." Ian said.

"Yeah... you're right. I'll see you guys in the morning." I said standing up."Goodnight."

Taking a deep breath I walked down the hall and into my room. Well for tonight our room.

"Baby?" I wisperd into the dark room. "Sweetie are you okay?"

Not getting any answers I walked over to the bed and slipped off my shoes and took off my shirt before slipping in the bed. I knew that Ian was right. I also knew Alec wasn't asleep. He was silently crying. Afraid.

"Baby come here." I wisperd to him again whike reaching out to him and touching his hair.

"No. Don't touch me. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone better than me. Someone who isn't as fucked up as I am." he moaned.

"I got who I want you stupid cajun. I want you. And I have you. Now please come here and let me hold you." I asked. "Please."

Still Alec didn't move. I moved towards the middle of the bed.

"Meet me halfway." I said hopefully.

Finally Alec rolled into my body and I closed my arms around him.

"Please don't leave me Justin. That would be so hard for me and right now I don't think I could take it." Alec said softly.

"No. You're mine. Bet your ass. Remember?" I asked searching for his lips. I gave him a soft kiss on his lips gently biting on his bottom lip.

"I don't disgust you? Now that you know the truth?" he asked doubtfully.

"You don't disgust me at all. I believe your dad is a very sick man, but no you don't disgust me. I truely love you. And I'll do anything to keep you. Anything."


"I love you." Justin said as I started to drift off.

"Not as much as I love you. You scare me sometimes because I have never fallen this quickly. It's just unreal. And I am always afraid that you will leave me." I said softly.

"No.. I wont leave you baby. You're my cajun. And I want to spend the rest of my...... week with you." Justin said joking.

I rolled over in his arms as he instintly tighted his grip on me.

"It was a joke." He sais fast.

"I know. I just want you to spoon with me. To feel your body against mine." I said slowly. Softly. "I'm scared."

"I know baby. But everything will be okay." he said.

***********************************************(End of Chapter)

I know I know.. This has been a very short chapter.. But I have been going through a few things and I haven't been able to keep up. The story writes itself.. It is already written. I just have To sit down and type it up.. But I have been going through a lot and I thought I would send this interlude in to show that Justin and Alec are slowly but surely falling for each other. Please don't give up on me and thank you for being patient with me. Also thank you for your emails espressing gratitude for me writing my story. My prayers to All Eric Draven's family and fans.. He was a great friend to me.. and he helped me out at the beginning of my troubles. He is deeply loved and even more missed. I can honestly say I loved him. If anyone would like to talk to me you can often find me in nifty's chat room (nifty'swriters) under the same name...(crazy_cajun). But I often change the crazy to how I feel so if it has _cajun at the end it is me. Come by and talk to me and ask questions and I can tell you some of the things to come and what to expect and basically give you alot of secrets.. So come stop by and enjoy yourself. There are alot of great people.. Thank you.. Scott

Next: Chapter 10

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