Crimson Love

By Steven Mathis

Published on Feb 9, 2000


Well, here's the disclaimer. If you are under eighteen or it is illegal for you to read this for any reason, then don't. And I don't know any of the Backstreet Boys (dammit) and as far as I know, none of them are gay (dammit). And with that, read and enjoy.

Crimson Love

Grammy night, 2000

Daniel walked around the post awards party with a flute of champagne in his hands. This was his fifth one and he hand't slowed down yet. He wandered among the luminaries of the music industry bored to tears. His admittedly limited exposure to musicians had convinced him that they fell into one of three categories, vapid annoying teenyboppers, serious and potentially deadly rappers, and pretentious angst-ridden howl rockers. He continued to remind himself why he stayed in Hollywood. Everyone out there fell into one category, pretentious and vapid.

So he continued to wander aimlessly, nodding greetings at people who's faces he dimly recognized from channel surfing past MTV or VH1. Then, he saw the bar. There wasn't hardly anyone mingling at the bar. That was kind of surprising given the number of alcoholics in the business.

He moved to the bar and ordered a bloody mary from the bartender. Daniel payed attention to the bartender. He was a cute number probably 21 or 22 and no doubt working this party carrying his demo tape in his pocket, hoping and praying he'd get discovered. Daniel chuckled at his cynicism and picked his drink up and turned back, surveying the crowd. He leaned against the bar and lit a cigarette.

"A drinker and a smoker." a voice said, "Well you certainly are in the business."

Daniel turned to see who had been so forward and rude and looked right into the face of a remarkably attractive young man. He had short blondish brown hair, beautiful sculpted cheekbones, and the most hypnotic blue eyes Daniel had ever seen. The face looked vaguely familiar, but like everyone else he'd seen at this party, Daniel had no idea who it was.

"Not all of us can grow into adulthood living out Adam Ant's 'Goody-Two-Shoes.'" Daniel snapped back and stood up to leave.

"Pretty good comeback." the young man said, holding out his hand.

Daniel felt his anger fading as he looked into the face of this glorious young man. He reached out and took the offered hand.

"Brian Littrell." the young man said, "And you are?"

"Daniel Murray." Daniel replied.

"The screenwriter?" Brian asked, obviously very excited.

"You know my work?" Daniel said, immediately embarassed that this young man knew who he was, but Daniel still had no idea who Brian was.

"Yeah, I love your films. You have a great wry sardonic wit."

"Comes with the gay membership card." Daniel said. He was a little more open than usual due to the fact that he was buzzing pretty hard.

"Oh." Brian said, apparently at a loss for a response.

"I'm sorry." Daniel said, "I'm not normally this confrontational. I'm just a little uncomfortable out of my element, and the music industry is definitely out of my element."

"I guess I understand." Brian said, "I've been to a few Hollywood parties, and I felt the same way."

"I really hate to say this, seeing as how I've been such a gentleman up until now, but I know that I should know who you are, but I honestly don't. Please tell me."

"Actually that's the nicest thing you've said so far." Brian said, "At least you were honest about it. That's pretty rare. I'm in the Backstreet Boys."

"Oh, of course. I knew I'd seen you on television, I just couldn't remember the context."

"It's nice to meet someone cool and intelligent at one of these things for a change." Brian said, smiling.

Daniel just looked at him for a moment, caught up in the infectiousness of that smile. Then, he recovered enough to agree, "Yeah. Entertainment parties are usually just schmoozefests, and being just a writer I'm at the lowest rung of the Hollywood ladder. No one has to impress me. I usually end up alone or with a group of other writers as we watch everyone else jockying for some kind of attention."

"That sucks." Brian said, earnestly.

"The price you pay I suppose. I like the anonymity that comes with simply being a writer. I suppose when you are anonymous, you get ignored."

"Not always" Brian said, "There have been lots of important writers who people knew. Usually they clustered together, but some of them were pretty famous. Look at the Algonquin Round Table."

"I'm impressed." Daniel said.

"Why? That a teenybopper boyband singer knows who Dorothy Parker and Robert Benchley are?"

Daniel was truly shocked to hear that and it must have shown in his face, because Brian said, "Close your mouth or flies are going to get in."

Brian turned and looked at someone who was beckoning to him. "I have to go. It's been a real honor meeting you. I'll look forward to your next film."

He turned to leave and Daniel said, "Wait, how long are you in town?"

Brian turned back and looked Daniel dead in the eye, "Another two days. Why?"

"Would you like to get together over lunch and talk some more? I'd like to get to know you better."

"Why Mr. Murray! Are you asking me on a date." When he said that, his southern accent poured out of him.

"Well, I don't think so. I suppose it's possible seeing as I'm practically drunk. I hope I didn't offend you."

"Not at all." Brian said, a michievous grin curling up on his face, "Where are you staying?"

"The Plaza." Daniel answered.

"So are we." Brian said, "Call me when you drag yourself out of bed and recover from your hangover. I'm in Suite 1030."

With that, Brian turned and walked away to meet his bandmates. Daniel just watched him walk away with a mixture of awe and lust. As Brian joined his group, one of them, a tall guy with dark hair and a goatee just eyed him nervously.

Daniel turned away and looked at the drink in front of him. He pulled the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. As he did this, Brian's gentle reproach popped into his head. He pushed the drink away and closed the pack of cigarettes and put them back into his pocket. He stood up and turned to leave the party.

He woke up the next day, only the slightest traces of a hangover. He had left fairly early, so he didn't do any real hardcore drinking the way he usually did. He sat up in bed and looked around the hotel room. He stretched and his thoughts went back to the night before. He remembered the way Brian looked standing in front of him and heard his voice, that gentle drawl when he spoke. Daniel just sighed as he thought back.

He looked over at the phone on the table beside the bed. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearly noon. He picked the phone up and held it for just a minute. Then, he replaced the receiver in the cradle. He did this three more times before he finally decided, 'Fuck it. I'll call. What'll it hurt?'

He pushed the "0" button on the phone and waited for the switchboard to pick up. When they did, he said,"Suite 1030, please."

He was put on hold as the phone started ringing. He sat there, his leg twitching nervously. Moments later, the phone was answered and a young voice said, "Hello?"

Daniel sighed and went for broke, "Is Brian there?"

"Just a second." the young man said, "May I ask who's calling?"

"Tell him it's Daniel...from last night."

"Hold on." the voice said. He must have turned his head away from the phone, because Daniel could hear him yelling across the suite. "Hey Brian, pick up the phone! It's some guy named Daniel. Says he met you last night."

"Thanks Nicky!" then one of the extensions was picked up. "I got it! Hello? Daniel?'

"Yeah, hi." Daniel said, "I hope I'm not bothering you."

"No, not at all. Nick and I just got up. We actually had a late call today and were able to sleep in. That never happens."

"Well now you're Grammy winners." Daniel said, "They'll have to treat you better."

"I doubt it." Brian said, sighing, "Just some more publicity to wring out of us. So, does that offer for lunch still stand?

"Sure." Daniel said, "I never welch on a deal. Especially when it means spending time in public with a beautiful young man. I'd be a fool."

Brian laughed, "So, when did you want to do it?"

Daniel's head just spun on that turn of phrase and he forced his mind back out of the gutter. "Well, I have to take a shower and get dressed. How about...say...forty-five minutes."

"Cool." Brian said, "I'll meet you in the lobby."

"Sounds like a plan. Well, bye."

"Later." Brian said, hanging the phone up.

Daniel just sat looking at the receiver in his hand. He shook his head as he hung the phone up. He stood up and moved toward the closet. 'Amazing' he thought to himself, 'I came out here for a short vacation and maybe to gather some material for a script and meet one of the most beautiful and famous people in show business."

Twenty minutes later, he was showered and dressed and standing in front of the mirror brushing his hair. When he was finished with his hair, he leaned in close to the mirror and looked at his face. He was two months past his thirtieth birthday and the thought of it hadn't gotten any easier. Thirty!

What's that line, "I'd have a better chance of being killed by a psychopath than getting into a relationship at this point." He sighed and finished getting ready.

He walked over to the night stand and picked up his cigarettes and lit one.

He might have been able to taper off for this slight crush, but it would take a lot to make him stop. He sat down on the bed, swung his legs up and leaned back against the headboard.

"What the hell am I doing?" he asked to no one, "This is silly. I'm going to end up infatuated with this boy, who's probably straight, and drive myself crazy. This cycle is going to get real old very soon."

When he was done with his cigarette, he looked at the clock and saw he had a little under ten minutes. He stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He strode down the hall and pressed the button for the elevator.

When the door opened, he saw two young men in the car. They were talking when the door opened, but they stopped when he stepped on. As soon as the car started moving again, one of the young men, an attractive blond started talking, "Man A.J. it's crazy. He's going to meet some strange guy. And a writer no less. Talk about indiscrete."

"Shh Nicky. Don't get so upset. Bri knows what he's doing. He's a big boy."

"Hurumph." Nick said, turning away, "He's acting like a child. He's risking a lot."

"You know how he's been lately." A.J. said, "I'd be happy to see him do anything that might help his mood. With everything he's been through lately, if this makes him happy, I'm all for it."

Just then, the elevator opened and Nick and A.J. both stepped off and walked quickly out of the hotel.

Daniel had held back and as they moved away, he stepped furtively out of the elevator and watched them leave. It hadn't taken him long to recognize that they were two of the young men that Brian had left with the previous night, and that they were talking about Brian and his lunch date. This little tidbit put a new spin on the whole situation.

Daniel walked around and saw Brian sitting on the huge round couch in the center of the lobby. Daniel walked over to him. As he approached, Brian stood up to greet him.

They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. Then, Brian said, "So, where do you want to go for lunch?"

"I don't care." Daniel said, "I'm easy. Nothing too ostentatious. Let's not act like celebrities today."

"Sounds good to me." Brian said, "I know of a little Italian place a few blocks from here."

"That'll work." Daniel said.

The two men turned and walked out of the hotel together, chatting and getting to know one another.

Well, that's the beginning of what I hope is a long saga. If you enjoy it, you are welcome to e-mail me at If you don't enjoy it, you are still welcome to e-mail me. Luckily, I'm pretty thick-skinned. By the way, I wanted to throw in a little plug for a story that I enjoy, "Studio in the Country." Read it if you get the chance.

Next: Chapter 2

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