Croatian World Cup Team

By J. G.

Published on Dec 28, 2022



Croatian World Cup Team chapter 1 Gay, athletics, celebrities

Warnings and disclaimers:

Please remember that Nifty is a free site, but still requires funds to continue operating. Please provide a donation at to keep these great stories coming. I really appreciate any comments at

This story is based on real people and real athletes but is primarily based on fantasy shared by me and a close friend, and is not meant to reflect the actual sexuality of any characters mentioned. This story contains explicit male-male consensual, adult sex. If you don't enjoy reading this sort of material or are under the age of 21 or it is not legal to read this sort of material where you live, PLEASE DO NOT CONTINUE READING. Please practice safer sex.


  • Marc, marketing executive, Croatian-American soccer fan. Engaged, straight, 6 foot 7, muscular stud, aged 35 but with wavy silver hair, bright blue eyes, prominent bulge.

  • Jay, marketing employee of Marc's, 6'1", homoflexible, 50, bear, bright green eyes, shaved head and brown and silver beard.

  • Andrew, microbrewpub server, ginger muscle cub, early 30s

  • Nikola Vlasic, Marc's favorite player. Bearded, dark brown hair, handsome, great smile, hairy, hung

  • Josip Sutalo. Black taller slicked-back hair, short beard, slightly looks like young Colin Farrell. A bit mischievous, likes to start circle jerks and gangbangs.

  • Marko Livaja. Extremely handsome, bearded dark brown-haired stud, pansexual and popular with all female and male fans.

  • Bruno Petkovic. Handsome brown-haired, bearded stud, a muscular cub. Hairy. Loves nipple play, kissing, very sensuous and masculine.

  • Luka Sucic. The youngest, cleanshaven and boyish "pretty boy" of the team. Used by many of the team members for his pretty mouth and tight hole, always filled with multiple loads because he is not allowed to refuse to service any of the older team members or coaches or visiting VIPs.

  • Mislav Orsic. Handsome, almost pretty, young, brown hair, stubble, slender and muscular. Constantly chased by young female fans

  • Josko Gvardiol. Dark brown-haired, bearded cub. Hairy. Thick dick and hairy ass

  • Mateo Kovacic. Black short hair and beard, great smile, big ears, broad nose, big dick.

  • Josip Stanisic. Lighter brown hair, clean-shaven, boyishly handsome, tall. Long dick, tight ass.

  • Andrej Kramaric. Handsome dark brown haired, bearded, blue eyes. A bit dopey, easily pushed into any sort of team activities.

"Hey Jay!!! You'll never believe this!!" Marc yelled to me excitedly across the aisle in the marketing agency where I work. Marc is one of the owners of the agency, a very charismatic, cocky, extremely handsome 6'7" tall. muscular, built Croatian-American guy. He's only 35 but has beautifully silver, wavy hair that looks amazing with his bright blue eyes and square jaw.

Marc is kind of hyper, so he could have been yelling about some funny video, or about some major life event. It turns out it was kind of the latter that he wanted to talk to me about.

He said, "I wanna take you out to this brewpub after work and tell you about what happened at the World Cup, OK, buddy? I know you followed some of the matches and that you grew up as a soccer fan... but you're not going to believe what happened with the Croatian team."

Of course, I said yes. I had not had the chance to go out for drinks alone with Marc since starting at the agency, and even if I weren't intrigued about his trip to the World Cup, I would still have gone out to socialize with my boss. But I was intrigued by the sparkle in his eye as he said, "you'll never believe this."

I had been envious that as part of our work at the marketing firm, with some of our clients being big brands involved in sponsorships with FIFA, Marc had the opportunity to go to part of the World Cup in Qatar. On the other hand, as an out gay man, I wouldn't have gone to that homophobic country where same-sex activities can result in legal action and much worse. The Qataris would have no problem with Marc: he's a straight guy and gives off very clear former-frat-boy Catholic school vibes. He's engaged to a beautiful, young modern-hippie woman, after what he has hinted were some wild years of sowing his oats around our city.

We arranged to leave the office a bit early and go to a small, cool microbrewery pub downtown, knowing we would beat the happy hour rush and be able to hear each other at a small table. I was happy with the choice of venue too, because this trendy pub is low-key kind of a bisexual bar, where I've previously been picked up by bi or heteroflexible men, and even a few male-female couples who wanted a homoflexible guy like me to join them.

I don't know if Marc knew of the pub's reputation, and it didn't matter. We got there and were quickly seated by a cute hostess who tried really hard to flirt with Marc. I was relieved when our server turned out to be a sexy, ginger cub that I had never seen before – late 20s, stocky and muscular in a tight shirt which was unbuttoned enough to show off a thick ginger pelt of fur poking out from the neckline. He had some cool tattoos on his forearms that both Marc and I commented on, and the rapport we established with him meant for a nice steady stream of great, but not interruptive, service throughout our evening at the bar.

I asked my boss, "So, what got you so extra-hyped to tell me about your trip to the World Cup?"

Marc answered, "Dude, I'm kinda nervous to tell you what happened over there, because I don't want the other partners or my fiancée to know all about it. You gotta swear you are not going to tell anyone some of what I want to tell you, OK?" I nodded agreement, intrigued. He continued, "I just know you've told me you grew up watching soccer with your favorite uncle – wasn't he a semi-pro player in England?" I nodded, and smiled to myself, as I hadn't told my boss that not only was he my favorite uncle, but I also had a huge crush on the man – he was a total stud, blond hair, blue eyes, tall and well-built with a beautiful high round ass, great package, great furry blond hair on his arms and chest and legs. I would literally sneak into his room when he and my mom's sister would visit us, and rifle through their suitcases so I could steal his sweaty jock straps.

But I digress. I said to Marc, "Yeah! I don't know nearly as much about soccer as you do, but I was psyched for you that you got to go represent our clients at the World Cup."

Marc flashed his beautiful white smile at me and said, "Thanks man, but not only did I get to represent our clients, but I also got up to some totally unexpectedly wild shit over there. And since you're a gay guy, you're the only one who I would tell some of this stuff to."

I was confused. Was he really about to tell me about some gay sex adventures in Qatar, of all places? This totally masculine, arrogantly cocky macho sporty and imposing guy?

I was like, "Cross my heart, whatever you say sticks between us. I'm super curious now, what the heck happened over there?"

Just then, the sexy ginger cub waiter – whose name was Andrew -- dropped off our first round of Belgian witbiers, and we ordered some appetizers. He was clearly attracted to both of us and poured on the charm as he was serving us. I'm not sure if he thought we were a couple or knew we were colleagues, or what. For all I know, he thought Marc was my freakishly tall younger brother or something, because I'm about 15 years older than him, and only 6'1", bearish, with a shaved head, reddish-brown and grey beard.

"OK, here goes, man, I can't believe I'm going to tell you this," said Marc after the server walked away. "The matches were incredible. I was so lucky to be able to watch so many great games mostly from the luxury boxes of those 2 clients of ours who were sponsors. The stadiums were incredible – weird architectural wonders, cooling systems, people from all over the world. It was really cool. And you know Croatia is by far my favorite team because my dad immigrated when he was like 30, and I grew up in the Croatian-American community here. So obviously I was psyched that they made it so far in the Cup. I went to as many of their matches as I could, of course."

I said, "Yeah, I bet that was amazing. It was so awesome to watch them beat Canada, draw Belgium, Japan, and Brazil! I am sure you were pissed when Argentina beat them!!"

Marc said, "Yeah, but you know Argentina was freaking amazing, and I'm loyal to Croatia, but I also support great teams wherever they are from. They played better. Man, I bet you were creaming your jeans watching those sexy Croatians playing those sexy Brazilians and Argentineans, right?" He laughed and looked pleased with his open-mindedness of hanging out with a gay employee talking about sexy guys and accidentally violating our HR code by talking to me about "creaming my jeans."

I merely laughed and said, "You know it, that's a major reason I watch soccer, and rugby for that matter, all those fucking sexy players, all that athletic power and getting to imagine what goes on in the locker room after the games."

Marc had an interesting, mysterious smile in his eyes when I said that. "Funny you should say that, Jay. Because, shockingly, our client was able to get us invited into a tour of the Croatian locker room after the defeat against Argentina. They told me that it was common for these huge corporate sponsors to get a few opportunities to mingle with the coaches and players of the teams. And they knew I'm Croatian-American, so they wanted to do something nice for me. It was awesome."

I said, "That's really cool. So how was it?"

My boss said, "Well... you would have expected the team to be really downbeat after that defeat, or pissed off or something, right?" I nodded. But he continued, "But, by the time we were touring the team area and had gotten to meet a couple of the team's PR handlers and such, they brough us into the main locker room. The players were all sitting around in their shorts but mostly shirtless, a couple had already showered and were in towels. And their head coach was giving them a consoling pep talk; I could understand most of the Croatian and it was pretty cool to hear how he was telling them that he was so proud that they were still going to go to the playoffs vs Morocco for third place four days later."

I said, "Yeah, that's cool."

Marc continued, "So, the coach was like, `guys, you were clearly outplayed today and exhausted and just not having as much fun as you should have been having. I need you to get some of this tension out of your system. Do whatever you need to do to relax and recuperate because we have to beat Morocco in a few days."

"The players all agreed and appreciated their coach's encouragement. And that's when the PR guys decided to go ahead and introduce our client and me to some said of the players. It was such an honor to meet some of my heroes: I don't know if you remember this guy but Nikola Vlacsic is my favorite player. He's such a stud, man. You'd definitely like him – he has dark brown hair, a beard, he's really handsome. Almost as handsome as me with this killer smile." I laughed and, "Yes I definitely remember that guy, I was drooling when he ripped his jersey off and you could see how sweaty and hairy he is."

Marc laughed and said, "Yeah, even I gotta admit the dude is sexy as fuck and you know I'm straight. But there are so many good guys on the squad. I also got to meet that one that looks kind of like a young Colin Farrell – Josip Sutalo. He's really tall, with black hair and a short beard, and he looks mischievous, right?" I agreed. He said, "And then there was Marko Livaja – man that dude is amazing! You could literally see a lot of female and male fans chasing him around before and after matches, because he came out as pansexual last year – and that's literally not something that happens in Croatia. Everyone's gotta be so strictly macho and straight." I was happy that Marc felt so comfortable with me and talking about LGBTQ stuff in a way I wasn't sure he really knew anything about. He continued, "Then I got to meet Bruno Petkovic, he's this shorter brown-haired, bearded guy I think you would call a cub, right?" I smirked at Marc's unexpected knowledge of terminology, and said, "Yup, he's a muscle cub alright, like our server Andrew"

Just then Andrew brought our appetizers and he jokily said, "You handsome gents think I'm a muscle cub? Thanks so much! My husband says I'm a ginger bear now because I'm getting older and a bit heavier." We laughed and then Marc surprised me by playing along. He said, "You tell your husband that this young silver daddy will gladly borrow his muscular young CUB and treat him to a real lesson in service." I arched my eyebrow at the sexy ginger: you could see that he was getting aroused by the attention of my extremely sexy boss flirting with him aggressively. "What do you mean, a real lesson in service, sir?" asked the waiter. Marc answered with his deepest, sexiest voice, "I think we both know that you want to be on all fours on that little platform over there right now, man, getting spitroasted by my buddy Jay here in the front and me just ramming my big straight man cock into that bubble butt."

I was as shocked as the server by Marc's vulgar and blatant statement. The ginger cub was at a loss for words, but you could see his package straining to a maximum level in his tight pants. He said, "If you're serious, my shift ends in about 2 hours, and I'll gladly feed you guys my sweet holes for dessert. I think my husband would love to watch that and join in – I can tell you right now that both of you are his type, older handsome gentlemen. And he likes to see me submit to older guys."

Marc said, "Well... I'll have to think up some excuse to tell my fiancée why I'm not coming home til much later on a work night, but she's kind of used to it from me running the business and entertaining clients. So let's see how we are all feeling in a few hours, alright?"

The server was blushing and readjusting as he walked away to go take care of more of his many other tables. And I turned my attention back to my surprisingly bi-wild-sounding boss, whom I had previously thought was 100% straight. I was like, "What the heck has gotten into you, Marc? Did the World Cup open up some kind of pandora's box? You left as this very macho straight guy and now you're thinking of having a fourway with me and a waiter and his husband?"

Marc said, "Well, let me continue telling you about the Croatian team and you'll understand what opened up my mind to new experiences."

He returned to his story of meeting the team in the locker room. "Then Mislav Orsic comes out of the shower area in just a towel, looking like a total stud. You know he's always got at least four women chasing him around because he's that handsome, almost pretty, young guy – brown hair, stubble, muscular. Anyway, he's got Luka Sucic in his grips and is basically pushing that pretty-boy young player into the main part of the locker room where we are. I don't think he realized that there were corporate guests at first because I caught him saying to a few other players, "OK, guys, I got this little slut boy's hole opened up in the shower, he's ready for the usual."

I asked Marc, "What did Orsic mean by that?" Luka Sucic was, I know, one of the younger guys on the team – cleanshaven, boyish, almost "pretty."

Marc said, "Well, I found out, because Josko Gvardiol [a dark, brown-haired bearded cub, obviously hairy, with a big muscular butt] and Mateo Kovacic [a player with black short hair and beard, a great smile, big ears and a broad nose, and one that I kept my eye on because he always had something big swinging around his shorts] kind of grabbed Luka out of Orsic's grip and yanked him over to the bench right near where our clients and I had been meeting players. They gruffly told him, "Boy, you're going to have some extra men to serve today. We know you can't get enough of the finest Croatian cream in your mouth and your ass... well, now you're going to mix in some American, Canadian, and German [naming off the nationalities of my boss and a couple of our clients." Luka Sucic just looked excited, not scared, by this gruff threat' and when he tried to say something like Bring it on,' my favorite player Nikola Vlasic, covered his pretty mouth and spanked him at the same time. He growled, `Your mouth is not meant for speaking, boy, your mouth is supposed to be full of cock and cream to help you grow into a real man like the rest of us.'"

I was hanging on Marc's words, my big dick straining my pants as I couldn't believe what he was telling me. I said, "So you're saying that these macho guys started to act like they were going to offer up their pretty youngest team mate to you and our clients and that it seemed like they often use him as their fuckboy?"

Marc said, "Yeah, that's pretty much it! The PR guy made two last quick introductions – Josip Stanisic [lighter brown hair, clean-shaven, boyishly handsome, tall with a tight ass] and Andrej Kramaric [handsome, dark brown haired, bearded guy with blue eyes. A bit dopey.]"

"But then the PR guy and other team handlers said to us visitors, `Well, gentlemen, we know that you'll enjoy this opportunity to get to know the amazing Croatian team, and we want you to feel welcome. Anything that goes on this room can stay between us, yes?' And of course we agreed. All of us were married, hetero guys, but you couldn't help but be intrigued and turned on by the electric feel of testosterone, team-bonding, and the palpable feeling that all these guys who had just lost a major game needed to relax with some bonding."

Marc continued, "So my guy Vlasic can tell that I really want to bond with him – I told him he had been my favorite player for a while, and he was really engaging. He still has the pretty boy Luka Sucic by the arm – the kid's just wearing a towel – and he pushes him over toward me. That aggressive guy Mislav Orsic who had come out of the shower with Luka, grabs the corner of Luka's towel so it falls off when he gets pushed toward me, and several of the guys laugh when Luka's totally hard boner springs up and hits his stomach."

"Vlasic kinda just pushes Luka's shoulders down and suddenly this beautiful naked player is kneeling right in front of me. Vlasic and Orsic simultaneously command him to take care of our esteemed guest' and apparently that was the signal for Luka to start rubbing my crotch through my lightweight dress pants. Now you know, Jay, I think, that I had never been attracted to a guy before, never did anything with anyone, even though in college I would get propositioned sometimes by other dudes. But there was something so fucking hot about this beautiful young man being pushed down in front of me and how he was eagerly looking up at me while he rubbed my crotch into a full-on hard on. It was starting to feel really pent-up in my pants so I unzipped and unbuttoned and Luka quickly pulled my pants down to my knees. He looked up at me with such hunger in his eyes and he started to lick and sniff my totally bulging boxer briefs... you could hear him moaning with this kind of insatiable desire as he kept licking at the fabric and making me harder and harder. Vlasic grabs Sucic's hair and pushes his head against my crotch and barks in Croatian, Come on kid, get that American stick out and treat our guest to a proper welcome.'"

"Luka obeyed and pulled my boxer briefs down, and my big old schlong almost knocked him over as it sprang out at full mast. There was a circle of teammates around us watching as Luka just went wild with these ridiculously talented lips and tongue on my cock. So wet and hot and just literally the best blow job I had ever gotten from any woman. He wanted to inhale and devour my big cock, and I was amazed that I was so turned on by the oral attention by a man for the first time. It actually turned me on so much to see all these other straight dudes in a circle around us, rubbing their bulges, getting turned on watching their little cockwhore teammate servicing one of their visiting `dignitaries.'"

Marc continued, "So it didn't take long for more stuff to start happening. Luka kept licking and sucking me, but then I caught Josip Sutalo, that Colin Farrell-looking player, grabbing Marko Livaja, the pansexual guy, by the face and kissing him deep and passionately. It was really unexpectedly hot to see these bearded studs making out. Bruno Petkovic, the muscle cub, was right near them and he wanted to get involved, so he smoothly got Sutalo and Livaja's jerseys over their heads and pulled their shorts down revealing just these well-filled jocks and these perfectly framed hairy muscular asses. I was stunned by how huge Vlasic's package looked... I thought I was maybe gonna be the biggest guy in this orgy but I could tell Vlasic was going to beat me."

I was hanging on every word, squirming in my seat listening to this unexpected homoerotic tale by my straight boss, and my dick was leaking so much precum in my jeans. Andrew, the ginger cub server stopped by to ask how we were doing and he said, "I called my husband during my break and he said he's down for anything if you guys are free later tonight, otherwise we could have you over on Saturday." We told him that was awesome news, and that we were unfortunately still not quite sure if we would make it that night, but that Saturday could definitely work out. I was so impressed that my straight boss was so into the notion of getting together with me, this server and the guy's husband – and got extra excited when the server showed us a few photos on his phone. Of course in addition to some G-rated face pics of the husband and the two of them together, he "accidentally" swiped to some X-rated photos of him and his husband. Both looked incredibly sexy, hairy, muscular-but-stocky, and both were impressively well hung with great, furry asses. Andrew was naturally covered in red hair on his chest, stomach, pubes and ass. His husband appeared to be about 5 years older, with greying black hair, a pointy longer beard with some fun streaks of silvery grey. His cock was kind of gigantic with a very pronounced upward curve that looked like it would be a perfect fit for fucking. I must admit I was suddenly even more interested in seeing if Marc and I could go to their place that night. But even though you could see Marc was also really impressed by the photos of these handsome men – sizing them up against his own muscularity, no doubt, and perhaps against his own endowment – I could understand when he said, "That's totally awesome, buddy, can't wait to hang out with you guys when you're not at work. But again I told my fiancée I wouldn't stay out super-late tonight, I'm already pushing it hanging out with this dude here...' And he flashed me his killer, sexy smile. Our server said, `I totally understand, I'll let my man know that we'll plan on Saturday. Will give me more time to prepare anyway – If I have a proper amount of time to prep, I am definitely going to want all 3 of you guys to use me as hard and deep as you can and just fill me up with as many loads as you can." With that, he walked away to serve more tables, again, with a very prominently bulging package clearly on display.

So with the server gone, I asked Marc to continue where he'd left off. He happily obliged. "So, there I am still feeding my dick to Luka, the team's bottom bitch, and watching Sutalo and Livaja make out, and Bruno Petkovic just starts going wild with his tongue – no, his whole face, up first Sutalo's asscrack, just licking and pounding at his hole with this long firm wet tongue... and then moving over to Livaja to give him the same rimming treatment. Meanwhile, I see Vlasic is just getting huger and harder and I'm in awe of his entire physique. He catches my eye and moves over to where I'm standing with my big cock buried deep in Luka's hot wet mouth, and he gives me an unexpectedly passionate tongue kiss. He says to me in English, "Welcome to the Croatian team post-game workout, sir, we are glad you are enjoying our hospitality. You know that we Croatian men are very stoic and do you say `macho'? All of these guys have hot wives or girlfriends or groupies, and other than our pansexual, Livaja, they're all totally straight. But as you can see, we like to blow off steam and keep our team bond tight!'

"It was then that I noticed," continued Marc, "That several of the other players had grouped up in pairs or trios and were making out, stroking each other's dicks, and a few were spitting on their fingers or thumbs and using them to toy with another player's ass. It was such a crazy scene to me, I've definitely never been around that kind of thing before."

I said, "That sounds so incredible, Marc, I'm so jealous!" and he smiled and said, "You would have loved it, man, all of these masculine Croatian men just going at it. It's making me so hard, too, telling you about it, because it obviously awakened some unknown desires in me. I would never have even touched a guy before or looked at him sexually really – well, maybe sizing up the competition in the shower at the gym, that kind of thing. But there was something so primal about the intense energy in that locker room. And of course, Luka's still working my cock better than any woman ever did, while I'm getting Frenched by my idol, Vlasic. He starts rubbing my nipples and pecs, sizing up my muscles with his big strong hands, puts his hand down to cup and stroke my balls and pulls my dick out of Luka's mouth to slap his face pretty intensely with my wet 9-incher."

I didn't miss that detail and filed it away in my dirty mind.

Marc continued, "Then Vlasic takes my shoulders and uses them to hoist himself up on a bench next to us, so that his crotch is pretty much in my face. His package is gigantic in this tight white jockstrap, it's throwing off heat and this manly scent, and he starts rubbing it against my lips. I have never once touched another guy's cock and here my soccer hero is pushing his boner into my mouth separated only by thin fabric. And I'm fascinated, I'm actually interested in the idea of getting it into my mouth. Which is a good thing, because Vlasic doesn't seem like he's going to take no for an answer. He soon pulls that jock down and out swings this mega thick 10 inch veiny monster cock sticking straight out from these giant, hairy balls. He just smirks at me with his handsome smile and watches as I unthinkingly part my lips to engulf the head and the first few inches of his monster dick in my inexperienced mouth. I almost started gagging already and it wasn't even all the way into my throat – I just wasn't prepared to feel that stretched open wide by the girth of his cock and to be tasting cock for the first time."

"That's so hot, boss," I said, "I don't know if you know this about me but sucking cock Is my favorite thing to do, and you're driving me crazy with this story. I literally can't keep my hard-on inside these pants anymore, I'm gonna have to unzip under this table and hope no other customers can see."

Marc laughed and said, "Wow, dude, you just go right ahead, I think I'll do the same because thinking about this locker room full of hot fuckers jerking, stroking, fingering, rimming, and sucking is driving me pretty wild too. I'm glad you like my story so far."

So with a little maneuvering and trying to not look too obvious to any nearby tables, I swiveled my hips and resettled myself so that I actually got my raging hard on out of my pants and underwear, and was able to start playing with the head and top of the shaft discreetly while I watched Marc clearly do the same across the table from me. "What the hell?" I thought, "This is not how I expected to spend the evening with my sexy boss, both of us lightly jerking off in a public bar while he tells me about a soccer team orgy!"

I said to Marc, "Much better, I was probably going to explode in my pants, dude." And he nodded like he was thinking the same thing.

Andrew came back with yet another round of witbiers and he just kinda shook his head and laughed when Marc motioned him over to his side of the table and gave him a flash of what was going on. The server said, "Um, what the fuck is that? Is that for real?" Marc proudly said, "All me, man, having a nice long thick dick runs in my entire family, it seems to be a Croatian thing." I was desperate for a view but since I had my cock out, too, I couldn't stand up and go over there or crawl under the table. The server fanned himself dramatically and said, "Um, Saturday is going to be amazing," and he came over to my side of the table, where I promptly flashed him a good long view of my big dick, too. He was sweating and looked so turned on. "Damn. I can't wait to bring my two new favorite regulars home to my husband, he's going to love sharing my holes with you big boys, but watch out, he'll probably want to ride one or both of you too. That guy's insatiable."

Marc looked scared and said, "Um. I'm actually straight and have never had anything up there except my fiancee's finger, well, two fingers, and tongue. So I don't think I'll be riding any cocks on Saturday, thanks." The server laughed and said, `We'll see how the mood strikes you in the moment, how about that?" Marc grinned at him and he left us alone again.

I continued to secretly stroke myself under the bar table while Marc went on with his story. "So, Vlasic starts just rhythmically pumping his big thick dick into my inexperienced mouth, and I'm struggling to keep up, but he doesn't seem to care that I'm kind of gagging the deeper and wider he goes. It's almost a game for him because obviously my spit is getting slicker and coating his big shaft. And I'm just in heaven with Luka's talented mouth still working my stick. And just then, Josip Sutalo wanders over and he starts patting and kneading my ass, trying to pry my muscular cheeks apart. I got kind of scared that he was going to try to fuck me while my defenses were down, haha. But it turns out he actually just wanted to massage my ass and then he knelt down behind me. I've got my mouth full, my dick in a hot mouth, and now I have sexy Sutalo flicking his tongue at my virgin hole. By that point, I hadn't even let my fiancée go here, even though she had told me all her other boyfriends liked to get rimmed and even pegged."

I asked, "So let me guess, having Sutalo rim you is why you have let your lady lick your hole since you've been back from Qatar?"

Marc responded, "Yeah, it's been hilariously difficult to not tell her about my experiences over there, because she can tell that I'm even more riled up and horny than usual, and I've been asking her to do some unusual things... Like I told her I was finally ready for her to lick and finger my hole."

"So you liked it?" I asked. "It does feel amazing, right? I have a weird feeling you're going to be an open-minded enough guy that soon enough you're going to realize that toys, dildos, buttplugs and even a real cock feel so great up your hole. We men have so much to enjoy with anal play."

Marc nodded, "Yeah, I suspect you're right, sounds like you would know, Jay. And I think I'd love to fuck your cute little ass one of these days, too."

I blushed and said, "So, what happened next?" and he answered, `Well, there was so much groaning and grunting and stuff going on around me. Petkovic and Gvardiol had come over to where I had all my senses going off with my mouth full, my ass and cock being serviced. I saw them both starting to stroke Luka's tight-looking ass, and watched Petkovic pour this big glob of lube out of a bottle onto Luka's crack. He and Gvardiol were soon taking turns pushing the lube into Luka's tight hole, and pulling his ass cheeks further and further apart. They were both salivating and talking so filthy in Croatian about how tight Luka's man-pussy still manages to be even though apparently the whole team uses him regularly as a cum-dump."

I almost spit out my beer and said, "Um, boss, you know the term `cum-dump?'" And he turned kind of red for the first time that night. He said, "OK, Jay I have to admit something. When we hired you here, I asked a few friends of us partners about you, and I ended up running into this guy Mike that we both know in common?"

Mike had been one of my former bosses at another agency, and I had indeed been a total cum dump for him and his buddies while I worked for him.

Marc said, "Mike told me that I should hire you because you're amazing at your job, but then he said, `as a bonus, he's kind of a slut and if you ever decide you want to fool around with guys, he'll be able to take your big straight cock in all his holes.'"

I laughed, and my cock let out yet another big spurt of pre-cum as I stroked it under the bar table. I said, "Well, he is not wrong. I can't wait to get my mouth around your Croatian cock, Marc, and service you as well or better than Luka. And then I think I'm going to have both you and this ginger cub's husband in my ass this Saturday!"

I heard Marc let out a kind of guttural groan and could see he was definitely still working his cock under the table, too. I said, "I sure wish I could taste that in the men's room here." His gorgeous blue eyes sparked with a flame of interest. He said, "Seriously, you think we could get away with that?" and I said, "Um, dude, if nobody has busted us for stroking right out here in the main bar, I think we could have a quick suck in the men's room."

He said, "Let's tell Andrew to watch our stuff and that we have to make a quick work call together," and motioned our server over. He happily agreed, "Anything you need, sirs, I'm at your service."

Marc and I discreetly tucked ourselves back into our pants and I followed him shortly after he walked toward the men's room in the rear of the bar. Fortunately there were several large "one-holer" bathrooms back there, so it wasn't going to be too challenging to fit 2 of us into one semi-private space.

I immediately got down on my knees and said, "Marc, finish telling me about the Croatians while I suck you, I love hearing about it, it's been driving me wild." He agreed and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants to give me access to his boxer-brief-covered, hugely bulging package. I grabbed the gigantic snaking bulge and just marveled at how thick and long he was hung. I started to lick at the silky fabric, and Marc said, "Wow man, that feels so good, keep going. Meanwhile, I don't have much more to tell you. Luka had had me so close to coming for so long, and Marko Vlasic had settled into a rhythm of face-fucking me so well that I was no longer gagging and was actually enjoying the feeling of making him feel great. And it was so cool to see Petkovic and Gvardiol so smoothly work Luka's hole wide open and just whip their own nice dicks out. Petkovic took his turn first, and without any resistance, he just knelt behind Luka and slid that cock into Luka's ass. My first time watching another guy fuck another guy, and I was weirdly turned on by it – partly because it seemed to make Luka even more horny to swallow my dick."

He was saying all this while I started to lick up and down my boss's beautiful 9-inch shaft, marveling at how thick and beautiful and long it is. I looked up at him admiringly and he flashed that smile at me and said, "Suck my dick now, ya little cum-hungry slut," in his deepest most masculine voice. I took on a more aggressive style too in response, and just started working his entire shaft with my expert mouth and two hands. He was involuntarily grinding his hips and moaning and groaning from my oral attention. With my mouth full of cock I said, "Keep going."

Marc said, "So I watched Petkovic just start railing and piledriving Luka with his cock while Gvardiol tweaked and pinched his nipples and rubbed his shoulders and biceps, and Luka kept getting driven forward into sucking my cock even deeper. Vlasic was grunting and groaning and I could feel his dick getting even harder so I could tell he was getting pretty close to cumming. I was so not sure about if I'd be able to handle swallowing semen for the first time. But I was also turned on by the idea of drinking from the tap of soccer greatness. My senses were in overload and I barely even noticed that Gvardiol was now taking a turn plowing Luka's ass while Petkovic was playfully smacking and slapping his ass and cheering him on to fuck him harder and deeper. It was hot to see."

"Soon enough, Vlasic grabbed my ears and held my face still, and he was basically yelling as he pumped one gigantic load of hot cum that hit my throat... then another one, then another one. I wanted to gag and back off but he woudn't let me. He was possessed and he just wouldn't stop cumming in my mouth, so I gave in and just started to swallow that cream, and it was surprisingly not bad at all, in fact I kind of weirdly liked how it tasted."

"Luka then resumed suctioning my dick and both Gvardiol and Petkovic were rubbing my balls, my stomach, my pecs, one of them was flicking my nipples pretty hard, and Petkovic said to me, `Feed him your load, give Luka that American protein, he needs it. He has only eaten like 6 loads today and he usually gets 15!' I was shocked, but it pushed me over the edge, I started to have one of the deepest and strongest orgasms I've ever had in my life!'

I was so turned on I was just working Marc's cock as intensely as possible with my mouth and hand, and stroking my own big hardon while kneeling there on the bathroom floor.

"Gvardiol gave me this intensely strong high-five while I was loudly cumming in Luka's mouth, and I realized that he must be unloading in Luka's ass at the same time. Sure enough, he's like, `I'm breeding you, slut boy, take a real man's load and I'll knock you up with my powerful seed.' Petkovic kissed my cum-soaked mouth and took some of Vlasic's load from me, then he kissed Gvardiol to share it with him too."

Marc was clearly getting really close to cumming for me, he started to kind of buck his hips and knees and was uncaring about the fact that I was kind of gagging on the gigantic length and thickness of his cock.

"Gvardiol shoved his cock back into Luka's load-filled ass and didn't take too long to start yelling that he was giving Luka his sprays of cum, too," Marc continued, between groans and grunts as he involuntarily grabbed my cheeks and ears so that I couldn't pull my mouth off his dick all the way. "And then I watched as Luka literally sprayed all over the floor without even touching himself, because he had gotten so turned on by sucking me and getting fucked by two of his teammates." Right after he said that, Marc commanded, "Don't fucking stop, Jay, don't stop, you're gonna swallow my entire load, I need you to take all of this man seed and eat it, it's going to fill you up."

And with that, I felt the first of about 10 huge volleys of hot, sweet cum fill my mouth. I don't usually like the taste and feeling of a guy cumming directly in my mouth – I'd prefer to have it sprayed on my face, head and chest. But Marc's was actually pretty delicious and it felt perverse to be drinking my boss's cum in a bar restroom while his fiancée waited for him at home.

I slurped it all up but kept a little bit on my tongue. I then got to my feet and kissed Marc, giving him a surprise taste of his own semen. He laughed at my little trick and kissed me back surprisingly passionately, and said, "Wow, thanks man, you really are an amazing cock sucker. I'd have to have you and Luka at the same time to decide who was better."

I was complimented and said, "Thank you, stud, what an honor to hear about your adventures and I'm so impressed that it opened your mind so much to the joys of man-sex." Marc nodded and said, "You bet, honestly I realized that it's pretty damn great. No fear about unexpected pregnancy, a pretty cool variety of experiences, and it feels great. I am actually really curious too about how it's going to feel to fuck a guy – tighter than a pussy I assume?"

I said "Yeah, you'll find out on Saturday when you fuck our ginger cub and me... Just watch out for the husband or he'll be plowing your ass too and then you'll never return to straight life again, hahah."

He said, "yeah, you never know. Let's go settle up so we can get out of here, and make a plan with Andrew. I gotta get home to the lady, she's probably pissed that I've been out this late."

We settled up with the waiter and agreed to meet him at his house about 3pm on Saturday, and all hugged goodbye like we were old buddies. Marc walked me to my nearby car and gave me a big bear hug. "Thanks man, I really enjoyed that, and I'm going to enjoy having you around as not just a great art director but also as the office cum-dump," he said with a chuckle, "I think the other 2 partners are going to have to try you out too, if you're open to it?"

I was surprised, and was like, "Would they be into that?" And Marc said, "Well, Kev was definitely pretty experimental back in college and I know he's done stuff with women and men together. I even think he's been fucked by a guy before. And Steve was pumping me for info about what happened with the World Cup when we went out drinking right after I got back, and I ended up telling him select parts of what I just told you. He was kind of shocked but he also looked really pretty turned on and he kept shaking his head and saying stuff like, `Only you, Marc, I wish I had been there too.' So I can tell he's probably into the adventure!"

So stay tuned for the next chapter, where Marc and I go to meet the ginger cub and his husband.

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