Crossing Paths

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Aug 5, 2016



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Crossing Paths

Did it start with the fathers falling in love, or were the sons first? If pressed to answer that question, I'd say that it happened almost simultaneously, and under practically the same incredible, unbelievable circumstances. Let me start this little narrative, by telling you first about the fathers.

Roger Montgomery got married to his lovely wife when he was twenty-two, and his son Craig was born a year later. Roger had a great job in an ad agency as an account executive, and the family lived in luxury on the east side of Manhattan. You may wonder how such a young man attained such a high position at such a young age. The answer is simple. His father owned the agency, and Roger had worked there every summer since he was fourteen. But do not think for one moment that it was nepotism. He was very good at his job.

Roger had a problem. Well, maybe it was a problem for his wife, but not for him. He couldn't keep his fly zippered up. Two factors contributed to his delinquency. First of all, he was surrounded all day by beautiful models. Second of all, he was a handsome hunk of man, and those models really wanted him to fuck them.

In college, he played on both the football team and the baseball team. He grew to six feet two inches. As a kid he was a freckled faced, red-head. Now his hair was a light auburn. It waved slightly, so he kept it short to eliminate a child-like look. His eyes were a dark, sensuous brown. Word got around among the models that he was cut, and at least six flaccid inches. When he was aroused, he stretched out to an awesome nine inches.

Between his physical endowments, and all those willing, beautiful women, it was a wonder that he had anything left for his wife. Perhaps, if he hadn't married so young, and had sown his wild oats before marriage, things would have been different. Long story short: His wife kicked him out when Craig was six years old. She'd had enough.

Their divorce was amicable. Roger was quite generous to his wife, Janet, and she was equally inclined to be generous to him. In spite of his almost insatiable sexual activity, Roger was a good father, and he was awarded custody of Craig every other weekend, and all school holidays, even summer vacation. Janet had no objection. To make life easier for Craig, Roger rented an apartment in the same building as Janet, two stories up. Craig did not miss a beat playing with his friends, or attending the same school. Very little changed for him. His father wasn't home a lot anyway. He now saw him more than he had before the divorce, and that suited him just fine. He loved both his parents, but he adored his father.

By the time he was fourteen, Craig was well aware of his father's proclivity to sex. His dad often brought home a beautiful woman on a Saturday night when Craig was in his father's home. When Roger thought his son was asleep, he would go into his bedroom with his date, and have sex. Craig could hear the moaning and groaning. He knew full well what was going on, and he would masturbate, fantasizing that he was fucking the girl, and not Roger.

When Roger drove his eighteen- year-old son, Craig, up to Syracuse to begin his college career, his sex drive had not diminished one iota. At the same time, Craig could still not stop fantasizing that he was doing the fucking.

It had actually happened once for real, when he was seventeen. Craig answered the door, and a beautiful raven-haired model stood in the doorway. She couldn't have been much older than he was.

"I'm Natalie," she smiled at him. "You must be Roger's son. You look just like him."

"I'll take that as a compliment," the boy said. "My father is very handsome."

"Where is he?" she asked, looking around the apartment.

"I'm really sorry, but he was called out of town on business. He gave me his credit card, and told me to take you out to dinner, and whatever."

"I'd love to have dinner with you," she said, "but the `whatever' sounds like more fun." She eyed Craig up and down. He was fully mature, and a clone of his father, right down to his cock size. The only difference was that Craig was uncut. She had come to get laid, and she had no trouble bedding either the son or the father.

After dinner they returned to Roger's apartment. They sat down on the sofa together, and Natalie's hand found its way to Craig's crotch. She began to kiss him, and to try to undress him at the same time. He responded to her kisses, and helped her undress him. She was undressing herself, while undressing him. He marveled at her skill.

All the nights Craig had listened to his father fucking, were about to pay off. He had imagined this moment for so long he knew just what to do. When they were both naked, he led Natalie to his bedroom. She lay prone on the bed, waiting for him, and he went right down on her. She hadn't expected that, but she responded immediately. She was writhing and twisting, and she had two successive orgasms. When she had enough, and he hadn't, she stopped him.

"Let me do that to you," she said. It sounded like a plea.

She didn't fool around, but went right to his cock without foreplay. Craig, the virgin, came after less than a dozen swipes of her tongue. She swallowed everything.

They lay side by side. When they caught their breaths, Craig said, "I'm hard again. I know where my dad keeps his condoms. I'll go get them, and then let's fuck."

Natalie was pleased with his recovery time. The (not much) older men she had been with, would be done by now, but Craig was still raring to go. They fucked several times that night, and Craig came each time. He also brought Natalie to orgasm along with him. When he confessed that he was a virgin until this night, Natalie refused to believe him. Apparently, Craig was going to be as big a stud as his father, even though he wasn't going to get laid again until he got to college.

James Reid was a totally different person than Roger Montgomery. They were born the same day, and James was just as handsome as Roger, but the resemblance stopped there. James was a devoted husband and father, and faithful to his wife, Sandra. They had one son, James, Jr., who was always called Jamie. He and Craig were born on the same day, like their fathers. Roger and his wife, Sandra, tried to have more children, but it just didn't happen. Nevertheless, they never stopped trying.

At about the same time as Janet and Roger Montgomery split up, Sandra was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Her ovaries were quickly removed, but the cancer had spread, and she was gone before Jamie's eighth birthday.

The Reid family lived in Whitestone, NY, where James had a busy law practice. From the day Sandra died, until the day he drove Jamie up to Syracuse University, his fist was his primary lover. His young son, who was as handsome as his father, started his college career as a very reluctant virgin.

But James was human after all. When he needed relief, he drove into Manhattan, and cruised those streets where he knew that prostitutes solicited their tricks. As long as they were young and appeared to be clean, he purchased their services. He knew of a nearby hotel that rented by the hour, and that's where he took his prostitute du jour.

One evening, a young boy approached his car. He was so pretty, that James did not realize at first that he was a boy, and probably jail bait at that. It never occurred to James that this might be police entrapment. Fortunately, it wasn't. But James was curious, so he engaged the boy, and took him to the hotel.

The blow job the boy gave him was more intense than any he had ever had from a woman. Later, when he fucked the boy, he was blown away by the tightness, warmth and lubrication of the boy's bum hole. After he came, he stayed hard and he fucked him again. While he was recuperating, he asked the boy, whose name was Billy, to fuck him. Billy was glad to oblige, and James was amazed at how good the boy made him feel. His prostate was being massaged, and he came again. James was in disbelief at the number of orgasms he had achieved that night.

He made a standing date with Billy for every Friday evening. He would pick him up at 7 PM, and spend until midnight in the hotel. He would even drive the youngster home. One evening, just a few days before Jamie was due to leave for college, Billy was not at his usual corner. James was sad, but at the same time, he knew it could not last forever.

Now let me tell you about the sons. They were in the same dorm, but several rooms apart. During the time the fathers dropped their kids off, helped them get settled in, and took them out to a farewell dinner, they never met. It was too late, and too long a drive, for the fathers to leave after dinner for their journey home, so they even stayed overnight at the same motel.

Jamie and Craig met when they each tried out for the football team. They both made the cut, and they became instant inseparable friends. They also became known on the campus as real studs. They were very successful with the women, who delighted in advertising the men's endowments.

Most of their conquests were coeds with eyes on the football team. The women had roommates also, so Jamie and Craig had to rent a hotel room in order to have a place to fuck them. They always made sure that the room had two beds. Both their fathers were very successful in their professions, and they each received generous allowances, so renting a room was not a financial burden. Everything they did, they did together. They never even thought about renting two separate rooms, and the women didn't seem to mind either. It was a turn on, for all four of them, to see the other couple fucking.

Being in a hotel was fine with them. In the dorms, the bathrooms were down the hall. In the hotel, the bathroom was right there, available for cleaning up afterward. The two guys had seen each other naked a hundred times in the locker room, so it was nothing for them to be fucking at the same time in different beds.

About three months after they met, they were in a hotel room, waiting for two women to arrive. There was a knock on the door, and Melanie, Craig's date, came in. They all got naked and made small talk, but after a half hour, Jamie's date was a no-show. He tried to call her, but he was unsuccessful.

"I'll leave you two alone," Jamie said, and he started to dress.

"Where are you going?" Melanie asked. "I'm woman enough to take on both of you."

The men looked at each other as if to see if it was all right with the other. They nodded in agreement. Craig and Melanie were already in bed together. Jamie jumped in with Melanie in the center, between him and Craig. She turned her face back and forth to kiss them both. After a little while, she took Craig's hand and laid it on her crotch. Then she took Jamie's hand and laid it on her breast. Melanie seemed to be no stranger to a threesome with two men.

Craig's finger found her clitoris. He began to stroke gently. At the same time Jamie began to suck her nipples. Melanie's groans were so guttural, she sounded like a man. She surprised both men. Most women they had been with took forever to cum. In no time at all, Melanie yelled, "I'm cumming."

Craig went right on massaging her clit, and Jamie want right on sucking her nipples, and they brought her to rapture three times.

When she caught her breath, she told her bed partners to lie on their backs and spread their legs. They readily complied. Melanie placed one of her knees between Craig's legs, and her other knee between Jamie's. She began to play with their balls, and when she got them both moaning, she leaned over and started to give Craig a blow job.

She didn't want either one of them to cum too quickly, so she didn't linger very long, and she switched over to Jamie. As the men grew more and more excited, they turned their heads and smiled at each other. Their lips were so close they could feel each other's breaths. The closer they got to orgasm, the less rational they became. When Melanie was sucking Craig's cock, he reached down and started stroking Jamie's. When she was sucking Jamie's cock, he fondled Craig's. They were totally unaware of what they were doing.

As they were approaching orgasm, sexual instinct took over. They turned toward each other, and began to kiss. It wasn't an everyday kiss. Their tongues were trying to get all the way into the other's mouth. When they came, their tongues pushed harder against each other. Craig came in Melanie's mouth, and Jamie came in Craig's fist. They came simultaneously, and all three fell on their backs, thoroughly exhausted.

"Two guys are so much better than one," she said. "Let's rest, and then I want one of you to fuck me in the ass, while the other fucks me in my vagina." Both their cocks resumed an upright position.

When they told her that they were ready, she put a condom on Craig, and straddled him, guiding his cock inter her dripping wet vagina. She leaned forward and told Jamie to fuck her from the rear. In a nano second he put on a condom and lubed it. When he entered her, both he and Melanie screamed in delight. All three of them came again in too short a time.

When Melanie caught her breath, she got out of bed and started to dress.

"Where are you going?" Craig asked. "We have the room for all night."

"Sorry." She said. "I can't stay." It appeared that Melanie was a "slam-bam-thank-you-Ma'am" kind of gal. "Do yourselves," she said, and left Jamie and Craig lying naked in the same bed.

They knew that one of them should jump out of bed and get into the other one, but neither moved. It didn't even occur to them that when Craig put his arm around Jamie's shoulder that there was even a hint of homosexuality. They were comfortable with themselves, and were just being brotherly.

Jamie woke up a few hours later. The room was dark. Craig was still holding him, and his head was resting on Craig's chest. He was still half asleep, and he hunkered closer to Craig. It made him feel like he was back in the womb. His lips were on Craig's nipple, and he was licking it. He realized that his hand was on Craig's cock. It was erect, and Jamie was stroking it lightly. He froze. He stopped sucking, and he stopped stroking, but he was afraid that if he released Craig's cock, Craig might wake up.

From out of the dark, he heard, "Please Jamie, don't stop. It feels so good."

"You don't mind what we're doing?" Jamie asked. "We're acting like we're gay."

"I don't care. Who's going to know except you and me? The only thing I know for sure is that we are giving each other great pleasure."

Jamie crept up to lie side by side with Craig. "You know what I enjoyed most about last night?" Jamie asked.


"This," Jamie answered. He leaned into Craig, and began to kiss him.

When they stopped for a moment to breathe, Jamie asked, "If it's strictly between us, what do you say we go all the way? Until you've fucked an ass like I just did, you'll never know what true fucking is all about."

"I just figured something out," Craig whispered. "Until now I never loved anyone in the world except my father, not even my mother, but I think I love you. I mean, I really love you. It struck me when you kissed me. Kiss me again, so I can be sure."

The boys did go all the way. They sucked each other and fucked each other without protection. Afterward they threw their arms around each other, and proclaimed their love. They were happy, and they fell asleep again.

Both fathers came out to Syracuse for the first home football game of the season. They started out right after work on Friday, and arrived just before midnight at the same motel. They were checking in at the same time, and there was a problem. They had Roger's reservation, but no record of James's, and no room available.

James lost his temper. "I made the reservation a couple of weeks ago," he vented.

"I'm sorry, sir, but there's a football game tomorrow, and we have no rooms."

"My son is on the team, and you better find me a room. I have my confirmation number at home. I'm a lawyer, and I'll sue this fucking motel for every cent it's got, and then every fucking room in this flea trap will be mine."

Roger was amused at how angry this guy was, but he had to admire him for standing up for his rights. He started to laugh. "Hey Pal," he said, "my son's on the team also. I think we can solve this amicably. My room has two queen-sized beds. Bunk in with me, and we can share the cost and screw the motel. C'mon. Let's go."

James agreed and off they went. They entered the room and dropped their bags. Roger held out his hand. "I'm Roger Montgomery," he said.

"I'm sorry I made such a scene out there, but I'm really angry," James said. He took Craig's hand. "I'm James Reid."

"Reid," Roger said. "You're Jamie's dad."

"Yeah. Do you know him?"

"Not yet, but I will real soon. Our boys are best friends. When Craig calls home, Jamie is all he talks about; how much fun they have together, the girls they screw in the same room, helping each other with homework, and on and on and on."

"Did you say Craig? My son, Jamie, talks about him ad infinitum. He gives me the same routine. Craig is a great friend.' We want to room together next year,' etc."

The men gave each other a hug.

"Is this one mad coincidence, or what?" James asked.

Roger smiled at James. "You know," he said. "I have a feeling that the screw up in your reservation was fate. I think we are going to be great friends also."

They didn't see their boys until after the football game. The fathers were going to pick them up in front of the dorm, and take them to a highly recommended restaurant for dinner. The boys were all excited about introducing their fathers, so imagine their surprise when their fathers drove up in one car.

"You know each other?" Craig gasped.

"Oh yes," Roger said, "We're old friends."

Jamie started to stutter, "How? What? When? Where."

The fathers just laughed, and James said, "We'll tell you all about it at dinner."

"By the way," Roger exclaimed, "Congratulations on winning the game."

When the fathers dropped their sons off at the dorm after dinner, James said, "We'll pick you up at nine for breakfast, so be ready. We want to get going for home right after we eat."

They headed the car back to the motel. "Nice evening, wasn't it?" Roger asked.

"It sure was," James answered, "but I gotta tell you something. I don't know how you'll take this, but I think our boys are having sex together."

"Good God, man. What makes you think so?"

"Well, aside from the fact that every time Jamie calls home, all he talks about is Craig, I noticed some things at dinner. Whenever one of them was reciting some little story about what they did together, the other put his hand on the narrator's arm. Then, once, Craig actually started to call James, honey. He stopped himself just in time. He got as far as, ho,' and he changed it to, Whoa Bro. We shouldn't be telling our dads all these raunchy stories about our women.' Didn't you notice, Rog?"

"Of course, I did, James, but I didn't want to say anything to you. I didn't know how you would take it. Frankly, I don't give a damn. Another thing I noticed is that they are very much in love. If I'm right about that, they're lucky to have each other. Assuming we are correct, what's your take on it, James?"

"I have mixed feelings. I'm shocked that two hunky jocks like them could be gay, but I recognize the power of love. Gender doesn't always enter into the equation. I loved my wife very much, so much so, that I haven't been with another woman since she died," he lied.

"Wow," Roger commented. That's a fucking long time."

"It sure is, and by the way, I haven't been with a man either," he lied again.

"Did you ever wonder what makes two men so hot to have sex together?" Roger asked.

"Oh sure. One of my law clerks is gay. He just got married, and I was at the wedding. I never saw two guys so happy, and obviously so much in love. I often find Lou, my clerk, day dreaming about his husband at work, and what's waiting for him at home. I have to snap him out of it."

"I'm curious also. Maybe we could ask our sons to tell us about it." Roger began to laugh from the pit of his belly.

"I've got a better idea," James said, thinking back to his boy toy, Billy. "Why don't you and I find out for ourselves tonight. Label it scientific inquiry." His thoughts were all on Billy, and how wonderful it had been.

"I'll have to think about that," Roger said. A nanosecond later he said, "Okay, I've thought about it. Let's go for it."

Roger and James stripped quickly. It hadn't occurred to them to kiss or indulge in any foreplay. They had agreed merely to experiment with fellatio. Anal hadn't even been up for discussion.

"I think we should play sixty-nine," James said.


"Because when I was a teeny bopper, I had a close friend. We wanted to experiment like we are doing now, but neither of us wanted to go first. We were afraid that the one who got the blow job would chicken out, and refuse to reciprocate, so we never did it."

"Shit," Roger said. "We aren't kids. I don't think either of us would do such a foolish thing. Even so, sixty-nine makes sense."

"I want to shower," James announced. "I want to smell good for you."

"That's a good idea. Let's break the ice by showering together."

In the shower they were both reticent to the nth degree. Each one was afraid to touch the other's genitals. James decided to make the first move. He reached down and held Roger's cock in the palm of his hand. Roger was hard, and James took that as a good sign. Now Roger reached down and took James's hard cock into his palm. They both began to stroke gently.

James stopped abruptly. "Let's not forget what we came here for. He grabbed the soap and started to wash Roger's cock and balls. For good measure, he washed Roger's crack. Somehow that triggered a beast in Roger. He took the soap from James, and proceeded to scrub James. He didn't confine himself to James's genitals. He began to soap James's entire body. When he reached James's asshole, he started to finger fuck him.

James screamed once, and Roger got frightened until he heard James say, "Please don't stop, or else, give me the real thing. You have no idea how good that feels."

Roger didn't think twice about protection, or about fucking a man instead of a woman. In a near frenzy, he turned James to the wall, soaped up his cock, and entered James's asshole. Billy's cock was half the size of Roger's. James's first reaction was of great pain mixed with unbearable ecstasy.

"Shoot up my ass," he begged Roger, who happily obliged. Billy always wore a condom. When it was done, Roger stood numb in the shower. His body was wrapped around James, and they were rocking back and forth"

"That was the most intense sexual experience of my life," James said. "If you want to back out, I'll understand, but if you don't let me fuck you, you won't get to experience what I just did.

"Let's dry up and get into bed. I think we should taste cock first, and then you can fuck me," Roger sighed.

They went at it for three hours, sucking their cocks, and fucking their asses. They both thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and weren't shy to let each other know what fun they were having.

When their fathers drove off after dinner on Saturday evening, Jamie and Craig waited until they were out of sight. Then they walked to a park about three blocks from the main gate of the campus. One corner of the park, was heavily treed, and had a good supply of shrubbery. It was a well-known trysting place. Craig and Jamie wended their way through heavy bushes to a small clearing. When they arrived at their destination, they faced each other, and began to kiss with passion.

They undressed quickly and fell to the grass. At first, they just cuddled and fondled each other. "It's chilly tonight," Jamie said. "Pretty soon, we'll have to find another place to make love."

"No problem. We'll just go back to the hotel. I'll have to ask for a raise in my allowance," Craig laughed. He leaned over and started to knead Jamie's balls. He took Jamie's thick, hard dick into his mouth, and started to lick up and down the shaft very gently.

Jamie began to cry. "I love you so much," he whimpered. "I can't wait until we live together off campus next year. It's too bad we're not roommates this year."

"I brought lube," Craig said. "Please fuck me. You're ready to blow now, so it won't take long. Remember, we have to get back to the dorm at a decent hour. We have to meet our dads at nine tomorrow morning."

He lay down on his back, took a glob of lube and shoved it up his ass. Melanie had enjoyed being fucked in the ass so much, that he and Jamie couldn't wait to try it. They silently thanked her for bringing them together.

Craig handed the tube to Jamie, who lubed his cock generously. Craig raised his knees to his chest, and Jamie lined up his cock with its target. He entered slowly and very gently. Craig wrapped his legs around Jamie's waist, and pulled him to his own lustful body.

Jamie leaned forward and started to kiss Craig. They loved kissing. He started to pump involuntarily, and Craig whispered, "This feels so fucking good. Don't cum too soon."

Obviously, they wished to experience the joys of ass fucking, thanks to Melanie, and they loved giving and receiving.

Craig and Jamie decided to come out to their fathers at breakfast the next morning. They had neither lied nor deceived them before, and they didn't want to start now. They waited until their breakfast order was delivered, to spring it on their fathers.

Somehow Jamie felt that his father and Roger were glowing with happiness, instead of being sad about leaving their precious sons, even for a short time. He was compelled to ask why these two were so happy this morning.

Before they could answer, the waiter came over with their food. As soon as he left, Craig said, "Guys, we have something to tell you."

"Save your breaths," Roger said. "Did you think we wouldn't be able to tell that you're a couple, and happier than we've ever seen either one of you? All we want to know is how it happened."

When he got over his shock, Jamie related the story about the threesome with Melanie, and how all their bodies got intertwined, and how, suddenly, they both realized that they'd rather be making love to each other than any girl.

"And what's it like, making love to a man?" James asked teasingly.

"It's wonderful, Dad. It's indescribable," Jamie said. "I can't explain it in words. You just have to experience it for yourselves."

James and Roger broke our laughing. "What's so funny?" Jamie asked. He was a little hurt. He thought that they were laughing at him.

The fathers looked at each other, and Roger said, "James, you're the mouthpiece. Tell them."

"Last night, on our way back to the motel, we discussed the fact that you two were so happy. You couldn't fool us. You were acting like two men in love. You kept touching each other during dinner. That raised the question in our minds. What was so wonderful about male sex, that you both switched teams? We concluded that it was mixture of love and great sexual chemistry. As you said, Jamie, we'd never know, if we didn't experience it for ourselves, so we did."

The boys were very silent while all this was penetrating their neural sensors.

Finally, with bulging eyes, and a chin fallen to his chest, Jamie asked, "You mean......?" He couldn't finish the sentence.

"That's exactly what we mean, guys," Roger said. "James and I will be seeing a lot of each other when we get home. I also asked him to do all our legal work, Craig. I hate those bloodsuckers we have now."

The boys jumped up and embraced their fathers, first one and then the other. When they got their breaths back, and sat down again, Craig said, "Now I know the meaning of one big happy family."

"Never mind that," Jamie said. "Now I know the meaning of `like father, like son.' Ain't it a hoot?"

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