Crushed by Tim

By Grapple Lad

Published on Dec 31, 2023


The last time I saw Tim was on the return bus journey following our away match with UCI. It was a good under-21s match for me because despite being a reserve I executed a smart tackle on the UCI winger and planted him hard on the grass. It was even better for Tim who had dominated the game but the team heralded my achievement, my fearless tackle had prevented and win by the other team! Tim joked I had stolen his prize 'he was mine I wanted to put him down and make him eat mud'. The team laughed at Tim's depiction of this red-haired muscular rugby stud face planted in the wet mud with Tim's boot on his ass. We all knew Tim would have humiliated him given any opportunity, he always did so and it served his reputation as a ruthless rugby domination machine.

It was only when we boarded the bus I noticed my opponent's black eye. He was about to board his own team bus. My teammates taunted him and congratulated me on delivering the injury. He stared back at me and challenged me to fight him. We were face to face for at least two minutes our respective teams holding us back. Despite the adrenalin pumping through me I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was even more so with his blackened eye.

Prized away from him and back on the bus the team cheered me on again much to Tim's annoyance. I was the man of the match, not him. Determined to reset the balance of power and become the center of attention he started to 'play fight' me. Normally he would have had me headlocked in seconds but this time he missed and I reversed him. Somehow I had Tim in a side headlock with his face planted into my knee. He was beside the window and had no room to escape and I used all my weight and height advantage to keep him wedged in there.

The gasps were loud followed by friendly taunts directed at Tim 'he's got you now Tim, it's bitch time...' Everyone expected Tim to break my headlock and submit me but I had him locked hard. I knew If I let him out he would humiliate me for the rest of the journey and the team would label me a bitch. I offered Tim a choice 'Submit or stay in a choke hold until we reach our destination'. His response was 'fuck you' so I choked him harder.

The lads lost interest in our fight after twenty minutes. Tim was stuck in a headlock and because of the tight corner I had him in he couldn't escape without a massive effort. My job was to keep him weakened and deprive him of fuel to launch an escape. He fought hard but was weakened under the warm thin air between his mouth and my thigh. I choked him harder still but he wouldn't submit so I relaxed my grip just enough to keep things safe. If I gave him any opportunity at all to revive he would escape and punish me.

His face shifted off my knee and landed on my crotch. Luckily no one else could see. His breath wetted my track bottoms around my cock. I could feel him slobbering on it. I choked him hard again so he would feel my power. I felt his tongue through the fabric of my joggers. I'm certain he was jabbing at my cock provoking it to cum. Things were so warm and wet down there it felt like he was sucking me off.

Most of the lads were asleep when I broke. I felt a sharp orgasm just beneath my shaft. Tim's chin had set it off and then his tongue was back owning me. My entire body fell apart into an intense orgasm. Cum spurted through my joggers warming my crotch and delivering more pleasure than I thought possible. In that state of ecstasy, I lost control. Tim was out and in charge, I was headlock now, face-planted on his crotch, and still cumming! 'Submit...' he whispered. His stranglehold was so intense I obeyed as he emptied me of breath and cum. He held me in a deep sleeper hold offering just enough mercy to keep me awake.

David woke and turned around 'Fuck sake lads...still fighting were home in ten minutes'. The coach announced our imminent arrival Tim had no choice but to release me. He wasn't satisfied though 'I'm not finished with you!' Only David had witnessed Tim dominate me as far as the rest of the team knew I had dominated him for the entire journey. Tim's revenge would be brutal.

If it weren't for the fact he was collected at the bus station by his brother I'm certain Tim would have wrestled me straight away back into that sleeper hold. I had never experienced such deep orgasm such a contrast between the high of orgasm and the feeling of his strength and power over me. I was a mess luckily no one had seen my cum stained joggers or my cock still bursting beneath, raging with desire for him.

He messaged me later that night with a date and time at which he would 'finish what I started'. That day is tomorrow!

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