
By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jul 21, 2002



Viscount Simon Lefebvre brandished the pistol before the face of the startled young man who'd just slipped from the boudoir of the Viscount's wife...clothes and boots in hand, but otherwise nude.

"I presume, sir, you have just fornicated with my wife?"

"Why, uh, I fear you have caught me in a position of undeniable guilt and acute embarrassment, sir."

"Indeed," Simon snarled at his horse trainer. "Shame to simply snuff the life from one so young and promising, Louis. Especially since I feel the sentence would be too swift and more than you deserve. My growing suspicions in this matter have given me ample time to develop an intense anger that must be mollified. I've vowed to deal out terrible vengeance should I discover the culprit."

"Oh, please! I assure you--if you'd only temper your desire for retribution upon me I'm sure we could devise a satisfactory compromise that might spare my life."

"I think not, young sir. I'll prolong your agony until the moment you beg me to dispatch you." He gazed downward. "There, lay aside those garments and let me see what so infatuates my frigid wench. Aha, so that is the organ! Little surprise, I suppose, that she'd pick a well-measured, sturdy prick such as yours to risk betraying me. Tell me, does she derive pleasure from it enough to experience the elusive delirium she's unable to have with me?"

"I...I fear she does, Sir Simon. I find it hard to imagine her being described as cold in nature."

"Oh? With you she is more lusty?"

"Well, yes. Quite lusty, to be frank. I apologize for compounding your grief with such tidings, but truth will perhaps help my standing with you."

"Hardly. I now think I shall simply sever that object from your groin and present it to her in a ribboned box. Then we shall see how ebullient she feels about future assignations."

"By the angels, sir! Can a man possibly inflict such cruelty as that upon another?"

"With the flick of the wrist, you rogue!" The Viscount flared his nostrils. "Damned familiar stench in the air. Hold that thing aloft whilst I sniff it a bit. Ease of movement is in order, as I nestle some cold metal against your gonads while in my vulnerable position." He pressed the pistol against the fellow's large hanging ballsack, then bent to inhale along the sticky manhood. "Meticulous everywhere but there, as usual," he snorted. "Her cunt reeks so!"

He slowly circled the young man, studying the firm nakedness. "Yes, a pretty youth, alright. Were she not my spouse I most likely would find it hard to blame her for relenting to such temptation. But, here, do you sweat so profusely out of fear?"


"The crease up your bottom. Why is it so abundantly moist? Near dripping, by the looks."

"Uh, your wife, sir."

"How now?"

"She...she laps it, sir...with her tongue. A most pleasurable diver- sion she delights in performing. Quite avidly and often. Have you not experienced her talent at that?"

"Never. By god, that lascivious cunt shall soon initiate me to it. That I can promise!"

"You will be quite impressed at her ability. It is most arousing!"

"So I see. The recollection alone has your prick on the rise. Good, then I shall not be obliged to handle it to operate the detachment."

"Oh, please, sir. I beg your mercy!"

"Licking you there...does she complain of its stench or residue?"

"Nay. More than once, upon first contact, she has gasped sensuously about my spicy headiness threatening to cause a swoon. `So gloriously ripe and intoxicating!' she's even declared."

"Hmm. Perhaps another approach to this matter may be more rewarding. I've long been denied ready outlet for my natural lubricity. And maybe some clandestined voyeur-istic games...with your total submission to my demands, of course."

"Yes, oh yes, sir. Any way I can assist in your revenge and carnal pleasure. Perhaps a peep hole?"

"Splendid. But first, my cuckolding assistant, I'll have you kneel before me and lower my britches so you can lick my balls."


"Now, my big-cocked lackey..." he ripped the remaining garments from the fellow, leaving him fully naked, "if you wish to retain that thing you're so fondly attached to. Weigh the thought of losing it and you'll find joy in my every command. I also cannot bear the wait to undergo that other act you so easily come erect over, so a thorough bottom-tonguing is also in order. And be advised, I shall present to you a quite large, pungent anus--and will expect you to easily outdo my sluttish wife's most inflamed feverish moment thus engaged."

"Gad!" Louis muttered in shame and humiliation. "Oh, you wish, sir." He obediently went to his knees and proceeded to lick the man's balls.

"Say, does she penetrate the orifice with her tongue? No matter, I expect to feel you probing so deep up my rear hole I'll be aghast at your repeated attempts to tongue out the contents therein." The Duke chuckled lecherously.

"And that lavish indecency will leave you more than eager to change position for your first, I presume, of many engagements as a sucker of pricks. Think how delicious a large mouthful of warm spunk will be to wash away the bitter tang of my..." he reaches back a moment, then brings the finger to his nose, "...yes, soiled arsehole! By Jupiter, I think my whorish wife might enjoy a large turd bolted into her ass-licking mouth. Definitely, yes. Yours and mine both, fellow."

"Sir, you are absolutely dastardly in your revenge!"

"I'm sure I'll come up with a few more in due time." He bent his bottom in the young man's face, leaning down and grabbing the fellow's prick, resting the cold weapon against it. "Now before you lick it, I want you to stick your nose up my behind and smell it. Rub your nose on it. That's it, all around. Just smell it." He smelled his own finger once again. "Do you favor that ambrosia? Is it not slovenly and more odorous than my dear wife's?"

"It definitely is that, sir! But you are mistaken about my knowing how your wife smells back here. She alone committed this vile act."

"Well, now you know why she enjoys it so. Pull it open with your fingers and smell it where it's sure to be quite ripe. Now lick it clean! Up inside the hole. Stab your tongue in and wash it out. Ah, that is a splendid sensation. Deeper. As I stated, lick out the contents therein. Tell me, do you encounter a buttery cheese taste, or simply the taste of my shit?"

"What I first encountered is not what I'd call buttery, milord. Foul and rancid would be my best description. Alas, with my tongue fully imbedded, I did indeed taste what must surely be your sour it was!"

"Before you get back to that deepest spot, lick the outside. Up and down my crease. Tongue the old crust off then suck on my arsehole!"

Distainfully, the young man obeyed. He cleaned the older man's hairy valley, licked around his bulbous rim, then sucked on it. Simon was thoroughly enjoying it, and bade him continue for quite a while before ordering that tongue re-inserted.

"Deeper, man, deeper! Probe my shithole! Lick the filth out and swallow it, or by damn I'll give you a hefty turd to suck on!"

It was all so stimulating Simon became extremely hard of prick and began to feel very adventurous. Declaring he simply must try it, he had the young man bend over. He knelt behind him and sniffed his arsehole. Then he licked the entire area and suckered the wrinkled hole.

"Damnation! That whorish wife of mine has left this place so well- bathed a blind man would be unable to discern it as a turdhole!"

Louis felt the aristocrat should get what he obviously desired. "She does not stick her tongue inside, sir. If you wish the taste of my shit, I'm sure you'll find it as I did."

"What? Is the bitch only half demented?" He plunged his tongue up the fellow's rearend and dug around. He moaned as the taste of shit sparked his senses. Quickly, he finished disrobing and sprawled on the floor. He pointed to his mouth. "Have a seat, Louis. I find the flavor of your inner shithole rather intriguing. I believe I'd like to wallow between your buttocks for a spell. Suck on my prick whilst I engage in this marvelous vulgarity."

The Viscount ate the young man's ass out thoroughly. Whether wishing to be done with the foul episode, or discovering that sucking a prick is not so horrendous when having your nether hole raped so lustily by a salacious tongue, Louis carried out his duty with outstanding execution. He even gulped down the massive dose of spunk that squirted into his mouth, not willing to jeopardize having endured it all only to anger the man by being incomplete.

"Very proficient, Louis! Even gobbled down my spunk, I see. You've earned several credits toward pacifying my anger. So much so at the moment, I feel the greatest urge to take your prick into my mouth and see what there is about it that can thrill a ladies man like yourself to the point of such avidness."

"I hesitate to say, sir. Though I felt it unwise to not follow your commands, your tongue probing my back hole was an overpowering incentive."

"Aha! And I see why you hesitate to be truthful. While I do appre- ciate that gesture, I would not be holding faith with my brother cuckholds should I not press my advantage. Lay down. You shall plunder my arsehole whilst I suck your prick. No doubt you will get a headier dose of my shit flavor in that position, but knowing that will spur me on even more."

Simon found the position quite erotic the way Louis was able to better explore his turdhole, but sucking the fellow's prick was so incomparable on its own he needed no further stimulus. It was wonderfully lecherous sucking another man's prick and he intended to repeat the act at every opportunity. He interrupted his cocksucking to duck down and lick the young man's balls. "Yes, balls are nice, too! Why did I never explore these possibilities before now?"

Reassessing his priorities, Simon decided against subjecting his wife to atrocities. In fact, he instructed Louis to say nothing to her about his knowledge of their assignations. Instead, he was free to fornicate with her twice a week, provided he fornicate with Simon three times a week.

Rather than flee the countryside without funds or a position, Louis accepted the man's proposal. His own lusty nature overrided any sense of humiliation he would have to endure. On their fourth liaison, in the open out by the stables, he knew he'd made the wrong decision. After suckering his arsehole to a pliant mush, Simon decided he was going to bugger him. Though not as large as his own, Simon's prick was formidable enough to engender terrible fright. And, indeed, once on his hands and knees with that hard manhood penetrating his virginity, the pain was even more excruciating than he'd imagined. Simon was not being overly insensitive in his thrusts, but he was persistent, of course. After several treacherous minutes, with Louis' masculine pride the only thing keeping him from screaming aloud, came the secret marvel of buggery. His arsehole began to relax and accept the intrusion. Then it went beyond acceptance to voracious! He found himself groaning in pleasure, slamming back to meet each thrust, and even begging for more. Before it was concluded, Simon had raised to his feet, drubbing him their mutual delight.

Needless to say, Simon had to experience it himself. Louis was quite insistent that he do so, professing what a wonder it is. He eagerly tongued out the man's shithole in preparation for his lengthy prick. He was quite amenable to being buggered, but also wanted to be on the giving end, so he did everything possible to make it a joyous experience for Simon.

It was. The older man became even more delirious over being fucked up the arse. He was totally shameless in his wanton craving for more and more of that big weapon. And though he'd spent while being buggered, the moment they were disconnected he immediately turned and took Louis' filthy prick into his mouth and sucked it! Simon's obscene action outraged them both, but the lewdness was so depraved it gave them renewed erections. Simon performed that bit of lasciviousness every time he was Louis or one of the many men who followed him.

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