Cum Club

Published on Feb 20, 2012


Cum Club, Part 1


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

Paul and Ray were lying face to face, their pricks in a buddy sleeve, as I worked the sleeve first towards Ray, and then Paul, giving them a delicious friction on their pricks. The buddy sleeve was to simulate docking, because both had been circumcised, and without foreskins it was impossible. The sleeve's inside surface was heavily textured, with hundreds of little studs that provided pressure points against their pricks' nerve endings as well as friction. They kept their big tips pressed together as I stroked them.

"Remember to keep your helmets pressed together," I'd admonished them as they'd pushed their pricks into the sleeve. "That way, you've got a good chance of shooting down each other's hole." Although Paul had about 5 1/2, and Ray's prick was about an inch longer erect, their helmets were the same size and shape, with big slits that would be exactly opposite each other as they shared the sleeve. Also, Ray's slit pouted when his helmet swelled in erection, giving him a better chance of capturing Paul's jets when Paul began gushing. Paul's long slit stayed closed, but with Ray's hole pressed against his, there was still a chance that one or more of Ray's hot jets would force its way through the lips to plunge into his urethra. I knew from my own experience that hot cream shooting down the meatus produced a pulse-pounding thrill for me, and several times had launched my orgasm.

"We'll be sure to press them together," Paul said. "I love to feel the other guy's tip pounding against mine when I come, and I'm sure Ray feels the same way." I knew the feeling when a partner's beautifully sculpted helmet pressed against my front dome.

Ray was on my left and his fist was wrapped around my prick, stroking it gently to maintain my erection. When I'd had him spread K-Y Warming Lotion over both their pricks I'd asked him to lubricate mine as well. The pressure of his fingers had pushed my long foreskin back to lock behind the high flaring ridge of my helmet, and it stayed there as he continued to apply delicious friction to my now bared and lube-coated head. The warming lotion made the experience more exciting, as it produced a warm sensation in my glans and surrounding foreskin.

Both were now breathing heavily and had started to moan lightly, evidence that their excitement was well advanced, and I knew that they'd be releasing their loads soon. I was consciously staying relaxed, not wanting to come until they were finished. They were staring fixedly into each other's eyes, captivated by the mounting sensations and anticipation of their orgasms.

"I'll finish you off after they come," I heard a voice say next to me. I turned my head and saw Jerry, another club member, sliding in to sit next to me on the bed. He wasn't hard because he was just joining the action, and his prick drooped in front of him, the long foreskin nipple extending an inch beyond the head. I felt his fingers encircle my prick, displacing Ray's fingers.

"Thanks, Jerry," I said as I reached for his prick with my left hand as my right continued to stroke Ray and Paul. I rolled his foreskin nipple between my thumb and index finger, and then pulled it out away from his body, stretching it to put tension on the nerve endings. Jerry's helmet bulged through the thin foreskin, clearly defining its outline, and I gave it a few squeezes to make the root of his prick contract reflexively. Even when Jerry is dressed you can clearly see the outline of his corona through the fabric, and some guys had thought he was circumcised because of this.

Paul had begun grunting, and this told me that he was further along than Ray, who was breathing hard. I saw Paul's eyes close, and a few seconds later Ray's did too.

"They're on the brink," Jerry observed. Paul's mouth opened wide as he gasped, and his stomach muscles contracted as I heard him cry out. I looked down and saw that his tip was still pressed firmly against Ray's and a moment later heard Ray's agonized cry as his orgasm launched. I kept stroking, and saw their bodies shuddering with the overwhelming spasms of their climaxes. Their cries of agonized joy filled the air, and I felt their pricks throbbing through the sleeve.

Jerry had stopped stroking my prick and I'd let go of his, as all of our attention had been captured by Ray and Paul going through their erotic spasms. We watched their white cream filling the buddy sleeve between their straining helmets, and heard their cries and moans.

We were in an apartment in mid-Manhattan which we used for sexual get-togethers such as this one. We informally called ourselves the "Cum Club," because although most of us were married, we still enjoyed guy-to-guy encounters for various reasons. Some wives had lost interest in sex, while some members really preferred man-man encounters while maintaining a front of married respectability. We needed a permanent base of operations, and a Manhattan apartment was the perfect locale because of Manhattan residents' passion for minding their own business. Nobody came knocking at our door and no neighbors tried to start conversations with us in the hallway or the elevator.

Walter, a member who was a lawyer, had arranged the lease for us, and we all chipped in to pay the rent. We'd also chipped in for the furniture, mainly couches and beds, and we shared the task of keeping the place clean. We paid monthly dues to cover the cost of rent, utilities, and food. We also had a small array of sex toys, such as the buddy sleeve, a vibrator, and an ET-312 e-stimulation set, contributed by members. Several members had brought their favorite porn videos as well, and we sometimes viewed them on the big LED set in the main room.

We had over a dozen members, all between ages 30 and 50, and we came from varied backgrounds. Jerry, a CPA, kept the books for us, keeping track of our expenses and collected dues. Paul, who was in construction, had installed a couple of extra bathrooms with oversize showers for our six-room apartment, and they came in handy when we were all here. He'd also removed the wall-to-wall carpet and replaced it with tiles, easier to clean when sperm shot onto it. Ray, who managed an upscale supermarket, kept the pantry stocked, as he could procure food at a discount.

One important feature Paul had built for the apartment was an enclosed foyer about four feet square, next to the door. Once inside, another door led into the apartment. An electric interlock prevented opening both doors at the same time. This was like an air-lock, and the purpose was to prevent anyone passing in the hallway from seeing inside, as members usually walked around naked and we didn't want any sensational gossip starting.

We had few rules, the most important of which was a pledge to keep our male-male sex between members only, as we were all aware of the various sexually transmitted diseases that flourished, especially in New York City. We also banned anal sex, knowing that this was the most dangerous sexual activity. Following this rule was not a problem, as none of us had a taste for it anyway.

Jerry and I were very aroused now, not only from mutual stroking but from having watched Ray and Paul's bodies struggling in climax. Our pricks were almost twins, both uncut, both with big helmets, and both about six inches long erect. We worked each other's pricks avidly, racing towards the hot release of orgasm. Jerry continued to caress my bare helmet with a spiraling stroke, twisting his fingers as he moved his hand up and down, and I worked his foreskin in long strokes, completely baring the head and then bringing the long hood up to totally envelop his glans. On the down-stroke, I gave an extra tug to put tension on his frenulum and stretch the many nerve endings within it. This not only enhanced the sensations for him, but it pulled the front of his glans down towards his feet.

"Only a guy knows how to touch another guy's cock," Jerry told me. "Women don't really have the feel for it because they haven't experienced the sensations a guy has."

"I think you're right, Jerry," I said softly. "Also, I think an uncut guy can handle another uncut prick better because he knows how sensitive it is. Cut guys have stroked me too hard and fast, because they don't realize that a lighter touch does it for me." As I spoke I felt hi change his touch to stroking my foreskin up and over my glans.

"I've found that too," Jerry agreed. "I've had to tell cut guys who were stroking me to take it easy, not to squeeze so hard or pump it so fast." He emphasized his words with long slow strokes on my foreskin, drawing it all the way down to expose the sulcus and then bringing it up all the way to engulf my engorged helmet and form a pucker at the end.

"You're doing it perfectly for me," I told him. "Those long slow strokes are going to push me over the edge soon." Jerry gazed into my eyes as he caressed my prick and said:

"You're doing it fine for me too. Maybe it's because our pricks are a lot alike in shape too, as well as being uncut. Our skins are about the same too." As I continued to work on Jerry's prick I felt his excitement mounting.

Ray and Paul had now recovered from the daze that follows orgasm, and got up to take showers. Ray turned to me before following Paul:

"You were right. His first shot went right down my tube, and that hot jet triggered me." I just barely understood him because my mind was focused on the enthralling sensations in my prick.

Our scrotums were tight against our bodies now, and our tips were fully engorged and darker in color that when we'd begun. We looked into each other's eyes and wordlessly understood that we were right on the brink. A tickling sensation began in my corona, and I felt his glans harden and go into its final swelling through his foreskin. It was only a matter of seconds until our pricks would explode in release.

The tickle turned into a hot tingle and I felt my crotch muscles tightening inside me. A hot spark of sensation flowed through my helmet and shot down my shaft to launch my ejaculation. My prick throbbed hard as the sudden surge of sperm shot into my urethra. My first discharge was burning its way up my tube when Jerry cried out and a second after the first load of sperm had burst from my pouting orifice, Jerry's slit parted to release a thick gush of cream. We shuddered, crying out helplessly as the hot sensations overwhelmed us, lost in the free-fall of our orgasms.

After several spasms, our jets weakened and finally we were merely oozing a residue of cream. I milked Jerry's prick, starting back behind his tight scrotum, running a finger along his urethra to draw forward any residue, and he did the same to me. The last drops fell onto the towel beneath us, and we brought each other's foreskins forward to completely cover our shrinking but still sensitive helmets.

"We're really lucky, Jack, that we didn't have our foreskins removed when we were babies," Jerry said.

"You're so right," I agreed. "Guys who've been cut don't get the same sensations we do. They're missing all those nerve endings, especially if the frenulum's been amputated too."

"Their tips dry out and get leathery," Jerry added. "That's another reason their cocks are less sensitive."

To be continued in Part 2

Next: Chapter 2

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