Cum Club

Published on Mar 9, 2012


Cum Club, Part 10


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

I got a phone call from Albert that evening, saying that he'd like to try "Princeton" with me. We agreed to meet in two days at the apartment.

"I think we're perfect partners for 'Princeton,'" he said as I walked in. He was already naked, idly stroking his prick on the couch, not having attained full erection yet. "I'll use a condom between your thighs and stroke your foreskin as I pump into you. That thrusting feeling gives me a tremendous orgasm and we can come simultaneously." I quickly stripped down and said:

"I like that idea, Al. Let's get into that bedroom," nodding my head towards the nearest doorway. Albert followed me, holding a lubricated condom in his hand. The condom was essential for avoiding hair burns. I rolled the condom down over his glans and shaft, which became fully hard under my touches. Then I lay on the bed on my left side and felt Albert slide in behind me. I lifted my right leg to allow him to place his condom-covered prick up against my perineum, the glans touching my scrotum. I'd done Princeton before with others, and knew it was superbly gratifying, whether one took the active or passive roles.

"Now I'll start stroking you," I heard him say as his warm fingers wrapped around my foreskin-covered prick. I felt him thrusting gently between my thighs, sliding back and forth inside the condom as he worked me up to full hardness. He was using short strokes on my prick, jiggling the foreskin back and forth without uncovering my glans. The insistent slow stroking was in time with Albert's slow sliding thrusts, which I knew would become more urgent as his excitement mounted.

"I think we'll come together," I told him. "If I sense I'm going to come before you, I'll put a couple of fingers against the bottom of your prick and squeeze you between my thighs. That should bring on your orgasm."

"You've go it exactly right, Jack. Meanwhile, let's go slowly and enjoy the ride." I felt his prick sliding between my thighs and his abdomen pressing against my butt as he worked his prick in and out. Now he increased the length of his thrusts and began taking longer strokes on my prick. He kept up the rhythm for several minutes while we enjoyed the sensations. I felt him kiss my ears and the back of my neck as he worked my prick with his skilled fingers.

"I feel my balls tightening," I told him. "Each time your tip touches them they get a little tighter." I felt him pick up the pace and his fingers drew my foreskin back farther than before, putting tension on my gee-string and making the helmet dip.

"I know you like it when I pull hard on your frenulum," he said. "Then I bring your hood all the way up to envelop your glans right to the end. I can always get you off with that stroke."

"You're doing a terrific job, Al. You know how to handle my prick better than the other cut guys here."

"That's because I've had so much experience with your penis, Jack. I know what turns you on, how fast you like it, and how tugging on your frenulum stretches the nerve endings as it makes your glans dip down." My excitement was definitely rising, and I felt the tension increasing in his body as well.

"You're thrusting faster now," I commented. "How close do you think you are?"

"Maybe a minute, I think," he replied, looking down over my shoulder. "I know you're getting closer too because your glans is turning darker purple. By the way, looking at your engorged penis is a powerful turn-on for me. That flaring helmet of yours, all big and glossy, is real eye candy." I felt his thrusts increase, piston-like, between my thighs, and his fingers tightened on my prick. His breathing had deepened and became more rapid, as mine had.

"You'll have my load soon," I murmured. "I hope we come together." I slipped my left hand down, reaching between my thighs, where I felt his prick thrusting and withdrawing inside the slick condom.

"Are you feeling the tickle in your glans yet?" he asked. "I don't have it yet."

"It's just starting, Al," I informed him as I pressed a couple of fingers into the bottom of his hard, thrusting prick, feeling the grooved glans riding over them. "How are you doing now?"

"Your fingertips are doing it for me, Jack. I'm getting that tightness in my groin," he said as my eyes closed involuntarily. I knew he'd be closing his eyes soon.

"My tip's tingling now," I whispered, the last words I'd say as I was withdrawing into myself, the hot sensations in my prick forcing out all other perceptions. Albert also fell silent, concentrating on his thrusting.

The hot tingle filled my glans for several seconds, beginning at the rim and then spreading all over. Suddenly, I had an explosive feeling in my tip, hot sparks that shot down to the root of my shaft and launched my orgasm. I cried out as I felt his prick throb between my thighs, and I heard his scream of joyful agony as he shot his first stream.

Albert was thrusting wildly, his body straining against mine, as he tumbled into the free-fall of orgasm. I felt his tip pushing against my tight scrotum as he gushed into the condom. My hot streams were burning their way up my tube and erupting from my helmet as he continued to stroke my hood in the long, erotic strokes he knew I loved. I felt each hot throb of his prick in both my thighs and my fingertips.

Now he'd stopped stroking me, although he was still thrusting, but not as hard as before. He knew that my prick tended to become overly sensitive near the end of my orgasm, and he let it gush its last drops. I felt him stop thrusting, instead cuddling up tightly against me, sharing his warmth as we descended from our highs. I know that our pricks were merely oozing now, the main rush of sensations over. We remained that way for over a minute, eyes still closed, until a familiar voice said:

"That was a hot sight, you guys." I recognized Ray's voice and wondered how long he'd been watching. Now I aw him kneeling in front of my groin, eyes fixed on my prick.

"Like what you see?" Albert asked him, pleased that we'd entertained him. We were all a bit exhibitionistic, and enjoyed displaying our sexuality to others who appreciated it.

"Loved it," Ray replied. "I saw the tip of your cock shooting inside that rubber when he massaged the underside of your dick with his fingers, and I saw Jack's big purple tip shooting too. The two of you were perfect together." Now I saw him stand up, nursing an erection, and realized that we'd inspired him to stroke his prick to orgasm. Ray reached for the Astroglide and lubricated his hard prick to make his fingers slide more easily, and then he began serious stroking, sitting on the foot of the bed, holding his prick with one hand and a towel in the other. Albert and I shifted our positions and I cupped Ray's balls while Albert caressed the insides of his thighs.

Ray was very aroused, his orifice pouting in a teardrop shape much like mine, and I felt his scrotum contract as my fingers enveloped it. Albert asked him:

"Now that you're on your way, want me to finish you off?" We all knew that having another guy stroking our pricks was more exciting than just doing it ourselves. Ray's hand dropped away from his prick in silent response, and Albert's eager fingers wrapped around it, continuing the strokes. Albert was an expert, and he gave Ray's prick a fast twist with each upward stroke, making Ray gasp in surprise.

"He won't last long," I commented as I saw Ray's swollen tip turn darker, and I knew it felt harder in Albert's encircling fingers. Ray had begun moaning loudly as Albert's fingers continued their relentless caresses, and his legs had developed a tremor, which I knew was a sign of impending release.

"His glans is really hard now," Albert reported. "There's no sponginess at all." As he spoke, Ray's hips shuddered and he threw his head back.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" he cried out as a powerful jet slammed through his pouting hole, shooting hard into the towel that he held in front of his straining prick. Albert gave his corona another hard twist, bringing forth another hot jet that made him howl in ecstasy. We avidly watched the cream gush from Ray's purple glans, knowing the sensations he was feeling, and happy to be contributing to his pleasure.

"He's having a really hot one, thanks to you," I said to Albert. "He's loving it, more than if he'd had to bring himself off." Albert was still working Ray's prick vigorously, squeezing every last drop out of it, as Ray grunted and moaned in the sublime agony of orgasm.

"I think that's it," Albert commented. "His throbs are weaker now." We watched Ray's swollen glans oozing its last drops onto the towel, and now Albert began milking his urethra to force the residue toward the tip.

"Well, let's get into the shower," I suggested when Ray had recovered from his afterglow, the beautiful daze into which he'd sunk after his orgasm. We trooped into the adjacent bathroom and enjoyed the hot water running over our bodies, flushing our urethras with the yellow streams. We rinsed ourselves, dried off, and got dressed, as we had other things to do that day.

Continued in Part 11

Next: Chapter 11

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