Cum Club

Published on Mar 13, 2012


Cum Club, Part 12 By

This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Clark Albert John

One day we were having our annual organizational meeting to decide what, if any, new projects we might undertake the next year. Almost all members were present, and Walter brought up an idea that had nt been broached before:

"How about bringing in a professional masseur? I knw I'd enjoy a massage by one, and even having him massage me while someone else jacked my cock.?"

"I think that's a good idea," added Albert. "Anyone know how much this would cost? Would he charge by the hour, or piecework, or what?" Walter answered him:

"I did a little research before bring up this idea," he began. "I know a guy who'd be willing to do it for a free membership. It wouldn't cost us a cent, except for maybe buying massage oil."

"How do you know this guy?" Fred asked. "Is he discreet and reliable?"

"I met him when I first went to him for a massage after work," Walter answered. "I just needed to get the tension and crams worked out after a long day in court, and he did a really good job on me. I might add that as part of the service he stroked me to orgasm with massage oil after the egular muscle job. He was very good."

"What else do you know about him?" I asked. "Even if we let him in for free I think he should meet the same standards as a regular member."

'Well, I know that he's married, has two kids, and he's Bi. He does massage as his main job, as it pays pretty well, and it gives him another outlet besides his wife." That sounded like a good beginning to me, and I suggested that we vote on whether Walter should bring him in for an interview. The vote was a unanimous "yes," and Walter said he'd contact the masseur and let us know when he'd be available.

The next Monday Walter told me that Clark, the masseur, would be available at three P. M. on Wednesday. I notified the others by e-mail, asking that anyone with that time slot free should come in to participate.

On Wednesday Albert, Jerry, and I waited for Walter to bring Clark in for the initial meeting. We were all naked, as we wanted to be sure that our prospective masseur absorbed the atmosphere and tone of the club at the first meeting. Walter and Clark came through the foyer on the dot of three, and Clark eagerly disrobed along with Walter.

Clark appeared to be about 40, six feet tall, and with an athletic build. He wasn't particularly hairy, but did have a blond pubic bush. His penis was large, a "shower" type, and I guessed that it would grow another inch in length with erection. He sat on the couch facing us, and Walter explained the rules and conditions of membership to him.

"That sounds good to me," Clark told us. "I think I'll enjoy myself here, and I hope you guys enjoy having me here."

"I like that foreskin," Albert remarked. "How did you escape being clipped?" he asked Clark.

"My father wasn't cut and he didn't let the doctor cut me," Clark explained. "I like having a foreskin, and my two boys weren't cut either. I see that two of you are like me," he said, pointing to me and Jerry.

"You seem to have a big helmet under that hood," I said. "Can you skin it back for us?" Clark complied, revealing a large wet and shapely glans with a flaring corona.

"Before you demonstrate your massage technique, can you stroke yourself to orgasm? Use this towel to catch your sperm," Albert said. Clark began slipping his long ample hood up and down his helmet, and his prick quickly swelled to about 6 1/2 inches. The glossy helmet gleamed in the room's bright lights, and we watched avidly as he pleasured himself. I was not the only one who began fingering his prick as we witnessed Clark's mounting excitement, and soon we were all erect.

Clark's breathing deepened as he rose to the heights, and it was obvious that he was making no effort to prolong his ride to orgasm. He pumped his prick at a steady pace and we saw his glossy helmet turn a darker shade of purple. The big vein on the right side of his shaft bulged, swollen with blood.

"He's using a long stroke, from the rim all the way up to cover the slit," Jerry remarked. "Just like Jack and I do."

"His balls are getting tight," Walter said. "It won't be long now." As he spoke we saw Clark's lips draw back from his teeth, and his legs shot out straight, muscles trembling with the mounting tension. Drops of lubricant parted the lips of his slit, easing the pssage of his long thick foreskin over the engorged helmet.

"UH-UH-UH" he blurted as the first stream erupted from his engorged helmet, shooting in a trajectory onto the tiled floor. He grunted again as another gush slammed through the lips of his slit to fall upon the floor. His strokes continued, but now he was twisting his foreskin at the top to heighten his sensations, bring forth another ejaculation. Now he skinned all the way back to bare his flaring rim and usher another creamy white jet from his straining prick.

The next stream was much weaker, dropping on the towel he'd spread in front of him on the couch, and the following one was just a dribble. Clark slowed his strokes, milking the last drops from his prick, before stopping and sitting back on the couch.

Jerry and I had been stroking our pricks, and then each other's, while watching the show. Jerry wasn't giving me the long fast strokes that would rapidly bring on orgasm, instead jiggling my foreskin over the helmet in slow strokes. I was doing the same to him, as we were interested in a long build-up, not shooting our loads before it was all over. Given our long practice and the fact that we both had foreskns, we know how to handle each other's prick.

Walter had sat down next to Clark and was now milking him carefully, running one finger along his urethra behind his scrotum, and then along the bulge on the underside of his softening penis, to force out the residue. A few drops oozed from Clark's long slit, which Walter was dabbing with a towel to absorb the liquid. Now satisfied that Clark was totally drained, he gently slipped his foreskin forward to re-cover the precious head.

"Want me to give you a massage?" Clark asked Walter. He was now completely recovered from the trance that has overcome him after his orgasm.

"That would be nice," Walter answered. "Did you bring the portable massage table, or do you want to do it on one of the beds?" In reply, Clark got up and opened the door to the foyer, reached inside, and brought out his folding massage table, which he set up in about 10 seconds. He opened a small leather bag to extract a bottle of massage oil.

"Okay, Walter, lie on your stomach first," he suggested, and Walter obeyed, climbing onto the table. Clark poured a stream of oil into his hand and began working it int Walter's back, kneading the muscle groups. Now he rubbed and squeezed Walter's butt cheeks, helping him to relax as the tension worked out of his body. He massaged the big muscles of his thighs, working down to the claves and feet. Jerry and I continued to stimulate each other's pricks gently, and I reached next t me to stimulate Albert's prick. I squeezed the big helmet rhythmically, enough to maintain his erection, but insufficient to bring on orgasm.

"You can turn over now, Clark said, and Walter turned over to lie on his back. While Walter seemed more relaxed, his prick was fully erect, and Clark gave the head a few squeezes to maintain his excitement.

"That feels nice," Walter commented at the sensations. Clark poured more oil into his hands and began working them around Walter's chest.

"I know how to stroke both cut guys and those with foreskins," he informed us. "I've had lots of experience with both kinds in my line of work." Now he palpated the abdomen, pressing in rhythmically, before moving on to the thighs. Walter's prick was still hard, lying flat on his belly, not softening at all despite Clark's not having touched it for several minutes.

Using more oil, Clark moved down to the calves, doing them one at a time, and then the feet. The contacts, although not in erogenous zones, kept Walter's excitement going.

"Now we get into the home stretch, and I know this is the best art for you," he told Walter as he began caressing the insides of his thighs. "Spread your legs a little," he instructed Walter as he worked a couple of fingers between his thighs, reaching for the perineum. This sensual massage had its effect on Walter, and we saw his scrotum tighten against his body.

Now Clark put a few more drops of oil on his right hand, wrapping it around Walter's prick, while his left cupped his balls, kneading them lightly. He used long slow straight strokes at first, caressing him from the base to the glans, working the oil into the flesh thoroughly.

I saw Albert reaching for the bottle of oil, and when I looked at him I saw that his scrotum was tight against his body. He noticed my glance and said:

"Oh, I really need an orgasm right now. This is so exciting and I can't hold back any more. Shall I stroke myself or will you finish me off?" I looked at Jerry and said:

"Want to help me finish him off? He really needs it." Jerry moved to Albert's other side and grasped his scrotum, kneading it gently, while I began to slide my hand up and down Albert's prick, spreading the oil to cover it from base to glans. Clark looked at us and smiled.

"Walter, look at Albert," Clark told him. "He's really hot and you can watch each other getting off." Walter turned his head, and I felt Albert's hand closing around my prick, gently stroking my hood in long sensual strokes and covering and uncovering my swollen helmet.

"It's even hotter if I can stroke your penis while you're doing me," Albert explained. His other hand sought Jerry's engorged prick, and began stroking it as well. Jerry sighed deeply in delight, enraptured by Albert's touch, and I saw his balls coming up tightly.

"The four of you might come together," Clark said. "This seems to be a fantastic turn-on for you all." He increased his pace on Walter's prick, twisting on each up-stroke, and I saw Walter's finger close around Clark's limp organ, manipulating the foreskin back and forth.

Walter's breathing deepened and his body tensed, as his climax approached. His breathing deepened and his big tip darkened, glossy with the film of oil. I was sure he'd come first as he had a head start on the rest of us.

"He's ready," Clark announced. "I feel his cock getting stiffer and the head's swelled even more. That rim's really hard and standing out." Walter's breathing became rapid, and his lips drew back.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" he cried out as the first spasm shook him, and a long white jet erupted from his straining glans. Clark kept up his rapid strokes, twisting his fist hard as he worked around the helmet. Walter's hips bucked, thrusting his prick upward deeper into Clark's encircling fingers, as he cried out again with the second release. Another gush jetted upward from his swollen tip, falling onto his abdomen, as Clark worked frantically to keep his orgasm going. The next jet was weaker, and the fifth one just dribbled, although Walter was still bucking his hips.

Meanwhile, Jerry and I were having an effect on Albert, who cried out helplessly as his straining prick throbbed between my stroking fingers. A thick white stream erupted from his tip and landed on the tiles. Jerry and I locked gazes for a moment, vicariously enjoying Albert's orgasm, as a second hot jet shot through the lips of his meatus. Walter's orgasm was almost over except for the oozing, but Albert's third shot poured out as he grunted hard. I noticed Clark watching avidly as we drew the orgasm from Albert's straining body.

After two weaker gushes, Albert became still, his body relaxing and his breathing slowing. Jerry and I removed our hands and let Albert sink into the daze that follows orgasm. Clark spoke up:

"I'd like to finish you off, both of you. I've had my orgasm and my cock's limp. There's a lot of room inside my foreskin since my glans is shrunken. One of you want to dock with me first?" Jerry and I exchanged glances, and he nodded, suggesting that I go first. I lay down facing Clark and he grasped my prick, pulling it toward his, and when they touched he stripped my foreskin all the way back to lock behind my flaring rim.

"Now I'll pull my foreskin over that big helmet," he said as he slipped his hood fully over my glans, giving me a delicious sensation. I felt Jerry's fingers cupping my already-tight scrotum as Clark began stroking. I was already so worked up that I was ready to pop.

"I'm getting that tickle," I said as Clark continued to stroke his long thick hood over my swollen helmet. The tickling feeling quickly changed to a hot tingle when he twisted his foreskin over my corona, and I yelped out:

"I'm coming, any second now," as my eyes closed. Hot sparks of sensation shot through my straining glans and down my shaft, triggering my first spasm. I cried out helplessly as the first hot torrent seared its way up my tube, erupting into Clark's enveloping foreskin. Another burning gush came, filling the space between our tips and swirling around my engorged glans and corona. I gritted my teeth as I shot again, waves of pleasure coursing through my body. I was having a "full-body" orgasm, my legs trembling and my toes curling, as the overpowering sensations dulled my consciousness. A weaker gush erupted from my orifice, and then I was just dribbling. My mind was numb, and I lay there in a trance until I heard Albert speak:

"That looked wonderful." I saw that Albert had roused from his daze and was watching us intently as he spoke. It was clear that the scene was arousing, but Albert was too exhausted from his thunderous orgasm to become aroused again so quickly.

Clark's fingers were still wrapped tightly around his foreskin and my prick as I began to rouse from my daze. I opened my eyes to see his foreskin stretched out like a balloon, filled with my sperm, which was starting to leak from the edge of his hood. Now Clark addressed Jerry:

"Want to slide in on his juices? My foreskin's pretty well lubricated and that will soften the sensations, otherwise I think you'd pop as soon as I touched you." I moved back to let Jerry slide in between me and Clark, looking over his shoulder as Clark made sure Jerry's glans was totally unhooded. A copious amount of my sperm was flowing from his preputial orifice, lubricating the end of Jerry's glans as Clark pulled his foreskin forward to envelop it right to the corona.

"Oh, that feels so nice," Jerry exclaimed as Jerry began stroking his long thick foreskin over Jerry's engorged helmet. "I'm already getting that tickle," he added as I reached down to cup his tight scrotum. I pressed myself tightly against Jerry's back, molding my body to his because I wanted to feel his spasms when he went into his final frenzy.

"HAH-HAH-HAH!" Jerry cried out as the orgasm overpowered him. I was pressed hard against his straining body as his first contraction burst through him.

"His sperm's so hot," Clark commented as Jerry unloaded into the long thick hood. Jerry's body shuddered again as I watched Clark's long foreskin swelling, ballooning out as it filled with Jerry's cream. Like I had, Jerry was crying out helplessly as the waves of sensation shook him, and I pressed tightly against him as his straining body shuddered against mine. As my hand was still cupping his balls, I felt every spasm as he shot his streams, filling Clark's foreskin to overflowing.

Now the tension left Jerry' body and I saw that Clark had stopped stroking him through his stretched foreskin. I reached for a towel to catch the viscous liquid as their pricks separated. Clark skinned back and I wiped the thick layer of sperm from his soft glans, which was coated all the way back to the sulcus, the groove behind his rim. I didn't want to wipe Jerry's helmet because I knew that he'd still be super-sensitive so soon after his eruptions. Jerry's prick was still bare-headed, and when I handed him the towel he sleepily wiped the sperm off his shrinking glans.

The four of us cuddled together on the queen-size bed, enjoying each other's warmth and the tranquility that follows orgasm. I knew that there would be many more encounters for all of us in the Cum Club.

The End

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