Cum Club

Published on Feb 21, 2012


Cum Club, Part 2


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

Walter and Gary walked in a couple of minutes after Jerry and I had finished. We were just getting ready to take a shower when Walter and Gary stripped down. Jerry turned on the shower and we shared the spray of hot water. We skinned back to enjoy the delicious sensation of hot water sluicing over our bared helmets. This forced the urge to pee, and we let go, watching the yellow streams mixing in the bottom of the shower stall. As we weren't really dirty, just sweaty, a quick hot rinse was enough for us, and we dried ourselves and joined Walter and Gary, sitting on a couch across from theirs.

Walter was slipping Gary's foreskin up and down his arrow-head shaped glans, while Gary was sliding his fist slowly up and down Walter's lubricated circumcised prick. Erect, Walter was about 7" long. Walter's helmet was exactly the same size as mine, but appeared bigger, with a larger corona, because he didn't have a bunched foreskin filling the neck of his shaft. Instead there was a deep groove that made his rim stand out. His tip was pink, not purple like mine, and instead of a pouting orifice he had a long slit, like Jerry had. Without lubricant, his tip was dry and leathery, not glossy the way the glans is on an intact penis. He had a deep vee-groove on the underside of his glans, as the doctor who'd removed his foreskin at birth had not been satisfied merely amputating his hood, but had totally excised his frenulum as well.

"I love the taste of his lube," Walter said. Gary's pointed glans was seeping lubricant, and as this wasn't essential because Gary's foreskin slid up and down easily, Walter paused several times on the down-stroke so that he could lick the excess.

The differences in glans shape and size had always fascinated me, and I saw a variety in the Cum Club. Some had helmets like mine. Gary had an arrow-head, a conical glans with a large corona tapering markedly toward the front, almost coming to a point. This is also sometimes called the "strawberry" type.

Another member, James, had a mushroom shaped head, much like mine but without a flare to the corona. Some people say that circumcision, by removing the constricting foreskin, allows the corona to blossom out fully, but James had been circumcised as a newborn baby, judging by the thick brown Gomco ring behind his glans, and his corona had no flare at all. By contrast, my glans, covered by a long thick and tight foreskin, had a corona that blossomed out in an attractive flare once I drew back my hood. Even with my foreskin forward, my rim showed through prominently.

Fred, another member whose prick had been left natural, had a round, "plum-shaped" glans fully covered by a thin foreskin when he was limp, but which retracted as soon as his prick started to become erect, because his prick was a "grower." When he was hard, I could just bring the foreskin up over his corona, rubbing and compressing it, but not over the entire glans.

"I remember that when I was just a kid," he'd told me once, "that my cock had a long nipple on it. The nipple was as long as the body of my cock. Then, when I hit puberty and my cock started developing, it grew almost of out of its skin. Now I have just enough to cover the tip, but you see when it gets hard it folds right back. I sometimes wish I had enough skin to cover the tip when hard, like you do. You have a lot more fun stroking it because you can take a really long stroke, from rim right to the end."

Oliver, circumcised at birth, had an elongated, narrow, "almond-shaped" glans, His corona had the barest flare, and his tip came almost to a point, with a small slit that formed a perfect circle when distended by a stream of urine or sperm. His circumcision scar was not the usual ring, but vee-shaped, suggesting that the doctor had done a free-hand job on him instead of using a clamp, because of the extreme rake of his corona. Because his glans isn't very wide, and his corona isn't prominent, some take him for uncircumcised when the outline of his prick showed through tight clothing.

Larry, one of our intact members, had a "bell-shaped" glans hiding under his foreskin. His corona flared, like my helmet-shaped tip, but the flare went all around it almost to where the two halves met underneath. His corona was almost vertical, instead of slanted like mine.

While we all had pricks that measured between five and seven inches overall erect, glans size varied as well as shape. Chet, circumcised at birth, had a shaft somewhat thicker than mine, but a small glans only about 3/4 the width of the shaft. His tip was what some would call an "acorn." Because of this, the outline of his glans never showed through clothing, and some took him for uncircumcised as well.

Some coronas, such as mine, had little studs of nerve endings that protruded slightly when soft and engorged with erection. I suspected that those with those little nerve buds were more sensitive than those without.

I'd had a chance to study all of the members' pricks, and I'd noted that the meatus varied as well. Most of us had orifices that were just slits when we were soft, except for John, whose meatus was open and round. When he got hard, it remained open and round, but somewhat larger. Slits varied in length from about 1/4" to over 1/2", and some slits, such as mine, pouted with erection. Mine was about 1/4" soft, and with erection lengthened to form a 3/8" teardrop. Ray's slit also pouted when his glans swelled.

Just as there were variations in the glans, the foreskins also varied. Some were long and others were short. Some were tight like mine, and others looser, like Jerry's. They also varied in thickness. Mine was thick and Jerry's was thin. There were also variations in those who did not have foreskins, because some circumcision scars were perfect circles, and others were jagged. Some were exactly perpendicular to the shaft, and others angled. Location also varied, some high on the shaft and others just behind the corona, and all points in between. Our consensus was that it was better to leave the foreskin on because the penis needed it to accommodate growth during puberty. Comparing pricks, we'd all seen that some circumcisions allowed little room for growth, leaving the owner with a drum-tight shaft-skin that allowed no movement at all.

Jerry and I watched as Walter's and Gary's scrotums drew up against their bodies with excitement. We knew that part of Walter's excitement came from handling a foreskin, which he had lacked since a few days after birth. He pumped Gary's hood with fervor, forgetting that the natural penis is more sensitive than the one that has been trimmed, and seemed surprised when Gary began grunting and his prick began spurting long thick ropes of cream. Gary threw his head back, eyes closed, enjoying the sublime sensations of orgasm. He'd stopped stroking Walter's prick as soon as he'd begun shooting.

All through Gary's orgasm, Walter had been avidly lapping up the jets that shot from his throbbing glans. Near the end, he'd put his mouth directly on the front of his tip to suck the last of the sperm. Then he milked the shaft to force the residue forward, and lapped it up as it emerged from Gary's slit.

As soon as Gary's body has stopped shuddering, he began his descent into the afterglow, the pleasant daze that follows orgasm. Walter was sitting there unsatisfied, and I moved to his side and took his lubricated prick in my fist. I'd jacked him before, and knew he loved a long twisting stroke that massaged his corona thoroughly. I began working his prick this way, squeezing tighter than I'd squeezed Jerry's because I knew Walter's prick needed more stimulation. His eyes locked with mine, and he began his climb to the peak, moaning softly.

I felt his glans expand and harden further between my fingers as it went into its final swelling. A drop of clear fluid parted the lips of his slit as he began grunting hard. The sensations were overtaking him, and his eyes closed as he withdrew into himself, losing interest in the world outside his body. He drew in a deep breath and I felt his prick pulse in my hand as a thick jet of hot cream shot from his orifice. Walter grunted loudly and then began going "HAH-HAH-HAH" as more spasms wracked his body, making his prick jerk between my encircling fingers.

I kept stroking him hard during his orgasm because I knew this gave him pleasure. Some pricks, especially intact ones, become overly sensitive at the onset of orgasm, and any friction causes distress instead of pleasure. Now Walter's orgasm was subsiding, and his orifice only seeped sperm. I milked his urethra to force out the residue, starting behind the scrotum and continuing right to the end of the glans. Then I blotted his prick with the towel that had caught his streams as he lay back to rest.

New members are required to masturbate in front of the rest of us as an initiation rite. The reason for this ritual is to show the rest of us how they like their pricks handled. Do they use lubricant or not? Do they like fast or slow strokes? How much pressure do they enjoy? Do they like a twisting action? Do they stop stroking when they start coming, or do they stroke all the way through?

Not all cut guys used lubricant. Those with loose cuts tended to pull the remaining shaft skin up onto the glans, bumping and compressing the corona. James, for example, had enough loose skin to cover half his glans when he stretched it forward upon erection. Chet's glans was so small that he was able to cover it completely with the remaining skin when masturbating.

Some intact guys just stroked the shaft, leaving the glans covered, and this was enough to make them come. I liked long strokes that covered and uncovered my glans, as did Jerry. Jerry and I also liked pulling on the foreskin, stretching it forward as far as it would go. This was foreplay before we got down to serious stroking. I enjoyed stroking using the foreskin and bare-headed as well, as long as my prick was well-lubricated to avoid friction burns. Walter's cut cock always needed lubrication, as did Ray's and Paul's.

The "sweet spot" varied with individuals. For most of us the glans was the hot spot, but even there some said that the corona was most sensitive, while others said the frenulum, if they had one, was the hottest spot. The front of the glans was often very sensitive, especially when two guys went head-to-head, pressing their tips together. For Paul, his circumcision scar was almost as hot as his glans.

Fred, although uncut, did not have enough foreskin length to dock another guy. His hood retracted completely with erection, so the only way he could enjoy docking was when a natural guy with enough foreskin docked him. Most natural guys don't have enough length to accept an adult glans inside their hoods when they're hard, so the expedient method is to come first, and then accept the other guy's glans when the erection subsides. This is the technique Jerry and I used to dock guys, except for Chet's tip, which was small enough so that we could cover it with our hoods while we were hard. Chet really enjoyed this, because one of the thrills of docking is to feel the other guy's tip pulsing hard against yours while you're coming.

One day James, who is fascinated by foreskin since he had not had one since he was about two days old, came over to me. He sat on the couch beside me, and gently fingered the end of my prick, at first just lightly touching the end of my foreskin nipple.

"Don't do anything," he said. "Just let me play with it. You know how I get off on foreskin." I relaxed as much as I could and let his fingers explore my prick and its fleshy covering. His light touches were exciting, and I felt my prick stir as it responded to the stimulation.

"That feels good," I said. The warmth of his fingers was very exciting, and produced a response in my prick.

"I know it does," he replied. "I see your cock's already swelling a little." Now he began gently pulling my foreskin nipple forward, stretching it out to put tension on the nerve endings. He knew that tension can be as erotic as friction, and he was giving me a variety of sensations to arouse me.

"You're getting bigger too, and I haven't even touched you," I pointed out to him. His prick was a "shower," about five inches when limp, and grew only slightly with erection to about 6 1/4".

"Just touching your uncut cock gets me excited," he said. You don't have to touch me at all. I'll be hard in a minute or two." His prick continued to swell as he gently squeezed my glans through its fleshy covering. I sighed, as the sensations, although light, were becoming more intense.

"I like the way your skin still covers the head, even though you're hard now," he said. "You sure have a lot of skin."

"More fun to play with," I replied.

"I like playing with your cock more than Fred's," he said. "As soon as he gets hard, his skin pulls all the way back and he looks circumcised."

"That's because he's a grower," I said.

"Oh, Jack, you're a grower too, but you still have enough skin to keep that big head covered." As he spoke, he began easing my foreskin down, a millimeter at a time, and then pulling it forward again. After several such strokes, he had pulled it back enough so that the front dome of my helmet showed through the dime-sized opening.

"You're stretching my foreskin out," I told him. "That stretchy feeling is really hot." I felt a drop of prostate lubricant begin crawling up my urethra.

"I like the see the front of your big tip," he said. "Now you're hard all the way and your hole's pouting like a tear-drop. That looks really hot." I knew what he meant. I was glad my orifice pouted, like Ray's, because I think it's more attractive than a slit. He ran a finger up the underside of my shaft, pressing into my urethra, until a clear drop of lube appeared in my pouting orifice.

"Now you're lubing," he said. "That'll keep your big tip wet and slippery while I stroke your skin over it." He pulled back harder on my foreskin, uncovering a nickel-sized area of my front dome, and then pulled it right up to enclose my glans completely, including the drop of lubricant. Now he pulled back farther, until the edge of my foreskin was poised on my corona. I saw that the surface was wetter and glossier than before because of the clear viscous fluid that had spread inside my foreskin.

"You've got a drop on the end of your tip too," I pointed out to him. I grasped his shaft lightly and began spreading the clear lubricant in small circles around his slit. He sighed in delight and said:

"I get a lot of lube. That's really good for jacking off. Some guys are pretty dry, and they have to use artificial lube." I'd seen him stroking his prick while watching a porn video on the flat-screen set we have in the club's main room. He continued to seep lubricant as he slowly stroked my foreskin and I kept spreading it over his large mushroom shaped glans.

"You're really getting worked up, James," I said. "Your balls are tight against your body."

"You too, Jack. Your balls are tight too." Now he was stroking my foreskin with really long strokes, bringing it down far enough to expose the corona and the deep groove behind it, and putting tension on my frenulum. His prick had seeped enough lubrication so that I now encircled it with my fingers and was massaging it in up-and-down strokes, my fingers riding over his corona and compressing it.

"I want it in my mouth," he said suddenly. "I love the taste of your uncut cock." His head came down and his lips engulfed my helmet right to the rim. The hot sensation made me gasp and I rearranged myself so that I took his big mushroom into my mouth, tasting the salty lubricating fluid that covered it. We slipped from the couch on to the carpeted floor, where we got into a full "69" position. He continued to keep my hood retracted, bunched up behid my flaring corona.

We didn't speak any longer, as our mouths were otherwise occupied. We'd done this before, and we both enjoyed the mutual oral. I felt his rough tongue caressing the broad upper surface of my helmet, working all the way back to the corona and dipping down into my groove. I did the same to him, enveloping his corona with my lips while my tongue lapped at his glans and probed his slit. I gripped the base of his shaft between thumb and index finger and squeezed hard to constrict his veins and stiffen his erection even more. He reacted by doing the same to me and I felt my helmet swelling fully, the rim flaring out even more.

I twisted my head so that my lips gave his corona sideways friction, which I knew excites many guys more than straight up-and-down friction. He responded with a gush of salty lubricant that coated my tongue. Suddenly I felt him remove his mouth from my prick. He said:

"I know you're more sensitive than I am, Jack. You come first and then you can make me come" We both knew that simultaneous orgasms were not as pleasurable as one after the other, when we could watch and feel the other's orgasm fully. If we came together, we'd each be withdrawn into ourselves, our senses overwhelmed by our own orgasms, and less aware of the other guy. I felt his mouth engulf my helmet again, but this time his lips moved past my corona to caress the drawn-back foreskin and some of my shaft skin. I slowed my efforts on his prick so that I could concentrate on my own sensations.

I felt James' tongue-tip drilling my pouting meatus, giving me an additional sensation, and I knew he was tasting my lube too. His lips worked up and down my prick, twisting with each stroke to maximize my sensations. Now I felt a tickle in my rim, and another tickle at the front dome of my helmet where his tongue was still drilling into my orifice. I removed my mouth from his prick, in case my jaw clenched during the coming storm.

Suddenly, I felt his teeth scrape down the broad upper surface of my engorged helmet, starting at the crest of the corona and following the taper down to the front dome. Hot sparks of sensation shot into my glans, turning the tickle into an intense tingle, and now I felt a spasm deep inside me as my first ejaculation surged into my urethra. I cried out helplessly as the storm of orgasm washed over me and the cream seared its way up my tube. My eyes were closed, so I didn't see his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed my sperm.

Another convulsion wracked the root of my prick and another burning stream hurtled up my urethra to gush into his waiting mouth. I was moaning mindlessly, withdrawn into myself, my awareness of the world outside my body dimmed as I focused on the glorious sensations filling my prick.

The root of my prick underwent another jolt as the third gush shot up through my penis. James' lips continued twisting around my helmet, as he knew that I enjoyed stimulation all through my orgasm. Two weaker spasms followed and then it was over. I felt my body relax as the tension left it, and I opened my eyes. James was milking my prick carefully, drawing forward the residue of my climax, and I smelled the odor of chlorine. Some guys, including myself, have sperm that smells like chlorine. James does not.

"It was nice to feel your big helmet throbbing in my mouth when you came," he said as he lovingly drew the foreskin forward over my shrinking glans.

"Scraping your teeth over it set me off," I replied.

"I know you enjoy having your tip lightly scraped," he said. "I figured that would trigger you because your tip was so hard and swollen at that point," he continued. "I like it when you do it to me, too, because you don't scrape hard, just enough to make me bust my nut." I grasped his shaft to stabilize it and wrapped my lips around his hot mushroom, twisting my head to give him that delicious sideways friction that feels so good around the corona.

"Oh, Jack, that feels sooooo good," he moaned as I took more of his prick into my mouth, working my lips into the groove behind the rim. I felt him shudder slightly and worked my way farther along his prick, my lips now working on his circumcision scar, which I knew to be the most sensitive area on his shaft. I felt the ring of rough flesh against my lips and I twisted my head several times to enhance his sensations as my tongue drilled into his piss slit.

His tip was now very hard, because of the prolonged excitement of handling my foreskin as well as the stimulation I'd been giving him. I took my head away for a moment to say:

"I can feel you're in your final stage. Want to go for it now, or want me to slow down a bit to prolong it?"

"No, Jack, I need it now. I'm afraid I'll get blue balls if I don't drop my load soon." I returned to his prick, massaging the big glans and surrounding tissues with my lips. I twisted my head several times to give him that super-exciting sideways stroke, and then scraped my teeth along the broad upper surface of his tip. I heard him cry out and felt his glans throb in my mouth. A second later a salty jet flooded my mouth. Unlike my cream, his did not have a chlorine smell, but was merely salty, like caviar. His big glans throbbed again, hammering against my palate and tongue, and another jet followed as I was swallowing the first one. James was crying out helplessly, overwhelmed by the tremendous sensations flowing through his straining body, and I felt him shudder hard with each contraction in his groin.

His pulses were weaker now as he was draining himself rapidly, and his jets had turned into dribbles. Finally they stopped and I felt him relax as his erection began to soften. Now he was sinking into the daze that follows orgasm, and I began milking his urethra the way he'd milked mine. I began at the back behind his scrotum, pressing my index finger forward to force out the residue, and then worked up along the underside of the shaft, tasting every drop that seeped from his slit.

When he was fully revived we sat up, kissed lightly on the lips, and headed for the shower. Inside, we relaxed under the hot water stream, feeling the water sluicing down our bodies.

"A hot shower always makes me want to pee," he said. "I know the same happens to you"

"It's a good way to flush out the rest of the cream in case there's any left inside my prick," I replied. "I have to skin back to get the full effect, though." I pulled back my thick hood, hooking it behind my flaring rim, and felt the hot water flowing deliciously over my exposed glans. His yellow stream had already started, and mine joined his on the floor of the shower, swirling down into the drain. When our streams stopped, we milked our pricks and I slid my long foreskin forward fully over the glans, letting the front taper down into the nipple James found so fascinating.

Continued in Part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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