Cum Club

Published on Feb 22, 2012


Cum Club, Part 3


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

One of our most active and colorful members was Albert, a physician's assistant who was not only a charter member but who made himself available for any health problems other members might have. He worked for a urologist and therefore was very familiar with male genital health. One afternoon we happened to be there together and he observed to me:

"All the time I've been here we haven't had a single case of STD. That tells us something."


"Yeah, I'd say it's because all the members have followed the rule of no outside sex, except with their wives."

"Even the gay guys we have seemed to have walked the straight and narrow, no pun intended," Albert replied. Albert was married, with one child, a boy. He explained to me why he was a member:

"I have sex with my wife, and it's pretty good. Still, since I was cut at birth, I can't get as much out of it was normal guys with foreskins." Even though he was part of the American medical establishment, Albert was firmly opposed to the practice of circumcision.

"Than I'm sure your boy is normal, not cut," I replied.

"Hell, yes. When he was born I made sure he wasn't cut so that he could grow up with a foreskin. I knew the different doctors, and their attitudes on circumcision, and I made sure that Barbara went to an obstetrician who wasn't one of those fanatical choppers. His little penis has a long prepuce that forms a nipple as long as the body of the penis and glans, but he'll need it for growth. Chopping it off would have been a real mutilation."

'Then your boy was lucky to have a father like you," I said.

"Well, I know what I'm talking about when I say circumcision is harmful. I lost a lot of foreskin nerve endings and I know my penis isn't as sensitive as yours."

"I guess that's why you use a vibrator and electro so much," I commented.

"Right. A vibrator is pretty good for cut guys, because it stimulates the deep-seated nerve endings as well as those on the surface. I'll never have my foreskin's nerve endings back, and my glans is less sensitive than it would have been if I hadn't been cut, but the deep-seated nerve endings are still there." He was right. I recalled one mutual session we'd had together. He had retracted my long hood to bare my helmet totally, and had applied a bit of water-soluble gel to the underside of my glans.

"You have to have lube with this, or it might cause irritation," he explained. He'd had a powerful Wahl vibrator, and had used the wedge-shaped attachment, pressing it into my frenulum, and I'd felt the intense vibrations deep in my glans and shaft.

"You'd better lie down on the bed," he'd warned before we'd started. "This orgasm will make your knees buckle so you're better off lying down. I'll put this towel on your stomach to catch the discharges." He'd picked up my hard prick with one had, stripped the foreskin back to give him unobstructed access to my glans, and had touched the vibrator's wedge to my frenulum. The sensations had been startling:

"WOW," I exclaimed. That's really hot." He continued to press the vibrator into my frenulum, and replied:

"It's going to be even hotter than you're feeling now. I can see your scrotum tightening, and your big helmet's getting darker with blood. I've got it on low speed. In a few seconds I'll switch it to high speed and you'll really feel the thrill. Nobody can last more than a few seconds of high-speed stimulation. You'll be blowing a load you won't believe." I felt the increasing tension as my shaft and glans went into their final swelling, and I was sure I'd reach orgasm even without high-speed stimulation. Then he flicked the switch to high. My eyes closed involuntarily at the sudden jolt of intense sensations.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHH," I groaned as hot sparks of sensation stabbed deeply into my turgid helmet, reaching down my shaft to the root. I felt a hot tingle in my entire prick and a couple of seconds later I felt the first hard contraction in the root. The first hot jet erupted into my urethra and burned its way up my prick, slamming through the lips of my pouting orifice to land on my abdomen.

"Hot, isn't it?" he asked as he continued to press the vibrator against the underside of my glans. A second spasm wracked my body as another gush hurtled up my tube and shot out of my helmet. I was moaning helplessly as the intense vibrations continued, extracting more jets from my shuddering body. When it was over, I lay very still while he turned off the vibrator and lay down next to me. It took me a couple of minutes to recover fully, during which I held on to his prick, which had begun to harden as he'd been working me up to orgasm. Most members had straight shafts, but Albert's curved upward slightly, giving his prick an even more attractive appearance because of the difference. His prick was half an inch longer than my six inches, and his corona had a sexy upward flare, like mine, adding to the effect.

"Now that you're fully hard, let me do you," I said, taking the vibrator from his hand. I put some of my cream on the underside of his glans, and laid a fresh towel over his abdomen. Holding his prick at a 45-degree angle, I turned the vibrator on low speed and touched it to the vee-shaped groove under his glans. Albert either had been born with a small frenulum or the doctor who'd circumcised him had snipped some of it away, leaving a groove where the two halves of his corona swept down to meet underneath.

"Your hole doesn't pout like mine does," I remarked. I felt the vibrations in my fingers as I held his prick to stabilize it.

"No, your meatus really pouts, Jack. I don't see that often. Most guys have slits, even with erection. That feels good the way you're doing it. Try running the wedge over the front of my glans, touching my meatus." I did as he'd said, and I heard him draw in his breath sharply as the buzzing wedge of the vibrator caressed his long slit.

"Sensitive there, aren't you?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, it's almost as sensitive as the hot spot under my glans."

"You've got a big glans," I commented. "You've got that blunt nose and flaring rim, just like mine. I like that. Looks sexy." As I spoke I noticed his scrotum tightening, as mine had when he'd done me.

"Oh, that feels so good," he said. "Now come back down to the underside and sink that wedge into my groove." I did so and flicked the switch to the high position. His body jerked and he began moaning softly as his eyes closed. He was withdrawing into himself, losing awareness of the world outside his body as his excitement mounted.

"Your tip's getting darker," I told him as I squeezed the base of his shaft between my encircling fingers to constrict the veins and help him to his final hardness. His lips were pulled back in the start of an orgastic rictus, and now he was moaning louder. His glans was dark purple, and the rim was almost black. The texture had been leathery, but now that his big helmet was fully distended, it had become glossy.

"HAH! HAH! HAH!" he cried out helplessly as I felt his shaft throb hard between my fingers. The first thick jet pulsed out of his long slit, slamming through the lips and following a trajectory onto the towel. His prick throbbed again as he grunted hard, and another thick white jet followed the first. Albert was writhing as the sensations flooded his body, and I knew he was having a "full-body" orgasm as I'd had. He shot another jet, and then a fourth, but the fifth eruption was weaker as his tanks were emptying.

"You're just going to dribble now," I told him as I maintained the stimulation, pressing the vibrator into the sweet spot under his engorged helmet. Sperm oozed from his slit, dropping down onto the towel, as he finished his orgasm.

I'd kept the vibrator running while he'd been coming, but now I turned it off and laid it on the bed. I lay down next to him and felt the tension leave his warm body as I hugged him.

"I see why you like the vibrator," I told him. It made your orgasm as intense as mine, and I'm not cut."

"Yeah, the vibrations reached deep inside my penis," he replied softly.

"It was really intense for me too," I added. "You were so right when you said guys couldn't last more than a few seconds when you turned it to high. I tried to stay relaxed, but that intense vibration went all the way down to the root of my prick." I leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

Albert also enjoyed electro-stimulation a lot. He'd brought his own equipment and allowed other members to use it. If they needed coaching in its use, he'd take the time to help them. Some members shied away from it, afraid of electricity applied to their bodies. I remembered the time he'd demonstrated its use to me.

"E-stim is really good for cut guys like me," he began. "I'm missing nerve endings in my foreskin and my glans is dry and less sensitive from having been exposed all these years. E-stim works well in this situation because it acts directly on the penile nerves, whether the nerve endings are there or not." He showed me the ET-312 power box and assorted electrodes he used.

"Now this has a rechargeable battery. You don't use it when it's plugged in, so there's no chance of getting a jolt of house current in your body. There are two channels, A and B. I use a tri-phase lead so that one wire from each channel is connected to one wire from the other channel. This provides a common lead. Now I'm going to use a conductive rubber loop from the A channel behind my corona. It takes longer to set up than using a vibrator, but the effect is very powerful." He looped conductive rubber in the deep groove behind his rim, and attached it to the A lead. The deep groove held it in place.

"I use some Astroglide or conductive jelly to get a good contact with my skin." He dropped a couple of drops of Astroglide into the groove behind his rim, wetting and lubricating the tissues and the rubber loop.

"Next, I'll put the elastic conductive band around the base of my shaft and connect the common lead to it." The elastic band was blue cloth with fine wires running through it. Once it was tightly in place he applied Astroglide to it as well. The band had a buckle to adjust tightness, and he adjusted it to act like a cock-ring. The band was flexible, so there was no danger of excessive constriction, just a moderate tightness to constrict his veins slightly and firm up his erection more quickly.

"The final electrode, an adhesive TENS pad, goes next to my anus, so that I get a flow between the base of my penis, through my prostate, and to my anus. This goes with the B channel. So you see, the A channel flows through my penis and the B channel towards the rear, giving me two sources of stimulation." He turned the power switch on, and I saw "WAVES" appear n the window.

"Now I can turn the power up on each channel independently. I usually don't feel anything unless I use 30 percent power at least." He adjusted the power knobs until I saw "30" on each channel in the display.

"I'll turn it up more, to get my erection started. I have to increase the power slowly, otherwise it will feel like stinging, and that's unpleasant." He rotated the knobs slowly until each channel read "50." I saw his prick begin to swell. Albert was a "grower" like me, and although his prick was slightly over three inches when soft, it filled out to over six with erection.

"I guess your prick has to get used to the increased stimulation," I commented.

"You're right, Jack. After a few seconds or a minute, I can increase the power without it stinging."

"That really seems to be doing it for you," I said.

"It gets me hard, but isn't as exciting as some other programs. Now I'm going to go to INTENSE. He pressed the selector button, scrolling through the programs, until the display read INTENSE. I saw that the A channel LED was constantly lit, while the B channel indicator blinked steadily.

"INTENSE gives me a steady current through my penis, and pulses through my prostate. This will easily get me to orgasm. Now I'll just turn the power up a bit and adjust the frequency. The knob here to the left controls the frequency so that I can select the one most stimulating to me." He turned the knobs and I saw the power levels on both channels go to "60."

"Your balls are tightening," I commented, noting the physical evidence of his mounting excitement.

"That shows you how it's working for me," he replied. His scrotum was now tight against his body, as if his balls had gone back into the inguinal canals. I saw him turn the power knobs so that both channels were now at "67."

The veins are bulging on your shaft," I commented. "Is that band too tight?"

"No, it's just right. I like it on the tight side instead of loose because that way I get a maximum erection very quickly." I knew exactly what he meant, as the sensations in my prick are stronger and more intense when my shaft and glans are fully distended, with my corona even more prominent. A drop of clear lubricant appeared, parting the lips of his long slit.

"Your helmet's really glossy now," I said. "I think you're really close to blasting off." His circumcised glans, normally dry and leathery in texture, had taken on a sheen that appeared only when the tissues were totally distended. I knew that his nerve endings were also more sensitive now.

"I know I'm close," he said. "Just a little more." He turned the power knobs so that the display showed "71" on both channels. His eyes closed as the magic pulses coursed through his prick and prostate, and I knew that his hot jets would erupt from his slit any second.

"I'll have to try that after you," I said. "That looks so hot." As I spoke Albert cried out:

"HO-HO-HO" and a thick white jet shot into the air as his straining prick jerked in orgasm. The thick white jet dropped onto the towel as his prick jerked again and disgorged another stream of cream. His hips bucked as he thrust his prick upward in response to the magic pulses. Albert was crying out helplessly, caught up and overwhelmed by the intense sensations flowing through his body. He shuddered as a third gush erupted from his long slit and he cried out again, eyes closed and lips drawn back. He was having the most intense orgasm I'd ever seen him undergo, and now I noticed perspiration pouring off his body as his hips continued to buck. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft to feel the pulses of his orgasm.

"AAAAAAHHHH," he cried out as his fourth eruption shot through the slit in his bulging helmet as his shaft throbbed hard between my encircling fingers. This jet was weaker, though, and the next one more like a weak flow. Now his prick was just oozing sperm, although it still throbbed in my hand. He reached out to press the ON/OFF button on the power box and then lay still, still breathing hard.

It took a couple of minutes for his body to relax and his breathing to return to normal, and I felt his prick become soft in my hand as it shrank. His glans was glossy with a coating of sperm, which ran around the electrodes behind his rim and the base of his shaft. I began milking the residue from his urethra, from behind his scrotum right to the glans.

"See how hot it gets with electro?" he asked me.

"Oh, I saw it, Albert," I replied. "I had a ringside seat. You had a really intense orgasm, more powerful than others you'd had, even with the vibrator."

"I think you said you wanted to try it," he suggested. "Want to try it now?

"I'd love to, since I saw what it did for you," I told him. He pulled my foreskin back to expose my glans, which was already partly swollen from the excitement of watching him enjoying e-stim. Then he removed the conductive rubber ring from behind his shrunken corona and slipped it on to my prick, sliding it along my glans until it rested in the groove behind my flaring rim. My foreskin was bunched up behind the conductive rubber loop and covering part of it. The next step was to wrap the blue band around the base of my shaft pulling it tightly to compress my veins. His handling of my prick, combined with the constriction, made my prick swell to full erection.

"This is the last step," he said as he reached behind him to remove the TENS adhesive pad. I rolled away from him so that he could place it next to my anus.

"That does it," he said as he spread a small towel over my abdomen. "You're good to go. Now I'll turn on the power and start you off with WAVES at 30 percent." He made some adjustments on the power box and felt an electric thrill course through my prick and prostate. The thrill seemed to peak and then fade, like waves n the ocean.

"Can I increase the power?" I asked. "I want to feel what it's like at a higher setting."

"Of course. From now on you choose the power level because you're the only one who can feel it. If it gets too high and you feel distress, you can back off quickly."

I brought the power levels up to "40" on each channel and the sensations increased. A pleasant tingle ran through my prick and prostate and I relaxed to enjoy the sensation.

"See? It's working for you too," he commented. "Your penis is pretty hard now, and your meatus is pouting like a teardrop. You can stay on WAVES for awhile but if you want to come soon we can change it to INTENSE."

"Yeah, change it," I said. I was very curious as to how the pulses would bring on my orgasm without any friction on my prick. Albert pressed the program button until INTENSE appeared in the display. He didn't touch the power knobs, and the power level remained at "40." The sensations, though, were very different. A steady tingle ran through my prick, while an urgent series of hot pulses massaged my prostate.

"That really feels good, Al. I can see why this made you come so fast. It can really pull the orgasm out of your body."

"It will, Jack. Now you just inch up the power knobs, but go carefully. It takes time for your body to adjust to the higher power levels. At first you can jump to "30" or "40" but now you have to go in smaller increments." I did as he'd explained and turned both knobs up to "45." The sensations became more intense, a hot tingle running through my prick and rapid spasms contracting my prostate.

"Yeah, it's more intense now," I said, and slowly eased the power knobs up to "48." "I'm glad you're coaching me. I'd hate to turn up the power too quickly. This could become unpleasant if I went too far." I pushed the power gradually up to "50" and enjoyed the more powerful pulses going through my prostate. I reached for Albert's limp prick.

"I get more excited if I'm handling your prick," I explained. "I know you had your thrill and you're down for awhile, but it's pleasant for me." His scrotum had loosened after his climax, and was sagging on the bed.

"Just take your time, Jack. Whatever turns you on." At his words I turned the power knobs again, bringing the level up to "55." The pulses between the base of my shaft and my anus became more intense, and the thrill running through my prick increased.

"Gee, it feels very nice, but I think I'll need more power to bring me over the edge," I said. "Right now I could go on forever at this level, and stay hard for hours."

"You could, which is why I'm telling you to go slowly," he explained. "You'll get there, but I want you to enjoy the ride." I edged up the power another increment to "60," feeling the pulses getting hotter as they coursed through my prostate.

"Your scrotum's tightening," he observed. "You're getting there. My guess is that you'll let go around "70." I pushed the power level to "65" and enjoyed the increased sensations flowing through my lower body. I knew I was well on my way to orgasm, and the climb up to the point of no return was very thrilling. After several minutes I slowly nudged the power to "70" on both channels. Now I felt Albert's prick harden between my fingers, although he'd had a shattering orgasm only minutes ago.

"Jack, your glans is normally glossy but now it's gotten bigger and darker purple. You're in your final swelling and your corona's really flaring out." I looked down and saw that my helmet was bigger than before and that the crest of my rim was very dark purple, almost black. I felt my crotch muscles begin to tense, although I was trying to stay relaxed to enjoy the ride, as Albert had put it. I reached out and put the power up slightly, to "71." The tingling in my glans and shaft was intense, multiplied by the pulses shooting through my prostate, and my eyes closed. I knew that a few seconds more would hurtle me over the edge into the free-fall of orgasm.

"My tip's tingling hard," I murmured, not sure if he'd heard me. I knew that the nerves in my prick and root were at their peak, and would launch my orgasm any second. My crotch muscles tightened even more, and suddenly a hot spark seemed to shoot from my helmet right down through my shaft all the way to my prostate. I felt a burning sensation as the first hot jet erupted into my urethra and shot up my shaft to blast through the pouting lips of my orifice. My hips bucked the way his had, thrusting my prick into the air. I cried out, loudly and helplessly, as the orgasm roared through my body. My breathing was labored from the exertion of ejaculation.

I was writhing in joyful agony as the second jet of hot sperm seared its way up my prick. My moans filled the room as my prick and prostate throbbed in hard, sharp spasms that sent thrills through the rest of my body. My hips bucked again as another burning jet launched into my tube, and my prick throbbed again as I yelped uncontrollably.

I lost count of the contractions in my groin, but became aware that they were much weaker now, and realized that my prick must be only oozing its creamy residue. I opened my eyes and turned the power off reluctantly, because the pulses streaming through my prick and prostate were so pleasant, seeming to prolong the sensations of orgasm. My breathing slowed to normal and I felt my body relax.

"I'm going to take off the electrodes," I heard Albert say as he began removing the conductive rubber loop from behind my rim. Then he took off the blue band electrode from the base of my shaft. After removing the TENS pad from between my cheeks, he ran his fingertip along my urethra, working gently all the way to the helmet, to push out the residual fluid. My glans was lying in a pool of sperm on my abdomen, and he picked it up and wiped the orifice gently with a corner of the towel. Then he skillfully eased my foreskin forward to engulf my helmet completely, with the nipple forming ahead of my shrunken glans.

"You're pretty aroused," I said. I was still holing on to his prick, which had been rock-hard through most of the session.

"Oh, I really am," he replied. "Watching you getting excited by the electro, knowing that you were experiencing exactly what I'd been experiencing just minutes before, had to be arousing. Then I saw your penis swell even more, the glans turning darker, and then watching you shoot, really made it hot for me." I knew he had to have relief, so I reached for the bottle of Astroglide and dribbled some onto his prick, moving my fist up and down to ensure it wa thoroughly lubricated from base to head.

"Now you just relax," I urged. "I know you drained yourself just a few minutes ago, but I can see you're ready for another climax, and I'll give it to you," I said tenderly as I kissed him on the lips. Albert lay down beside me and I pulled myself up to a sitting position, placing the towel on his abdomen. I cupped his balls with my left hand as my right flew up and down his prick, giving him long hard strokes, as I wanted to bring him to orgasm quickly. As I stroked him, I kneaded his balls gently, adding to the effect. I tugged on them gently, stretching the many nerve endings in his scrotal skin, and this provoked a low moan.

"Oh, that feels good, Jack," he muttered softly as I continued to work on his prick.

"I can feel your balls pulling up against your body," I said as I gave his corona a few twists on the up-stroke. My grip was so tight that I was forcing forward the drops of lubricant that had begun to gather in his urethra, and now I saw the first one parting the lips of his long slit. It flowed down the broad upper surface of his glans, blending perfectly with the water-based Astroglide lubricant. Now Albert had begun to moan more loudly, caught up in the sensations I was pouring into his engorged prick.

"Oooooohhhhhhh," he moaned as I felt his swollen glans harden between my encircling fingers. More lube poured from his slit, much more than I secrete, making his prick more slippery, and I knew this had to be masking the sensations somewhat. The friction would be somewhat less, and it would take him a few more seconds to reach the peak, but he'd enjoy the ride and in the end his orgasm would be more intense.

I was now twisting my fist tightly around his glans, focusing on his corona, with each stroke. I twisted counter-clockwise with each up-stroke, and in the other direction on the down-stroke, listening to his increasing moans. Now Albert's eyes closed and I knew he was withdrawing into himself, ignoring the world outside his body, as the intense sensations captured most of his attention. His fists clenched, his lips draw back, and I sensed his entire body tensing in anticipation of the explosion to come.

I felt a powerful throb and his glans and shaft jerked between my fingers. A long watery white jet shot from his slit, slamming through the lips and describing a trajectory that ended on the towel on his stomach. He grunted loudly as he shot. His hips lifted as he thrust mindlessly and reflexively into my tight fist. He grunted with each upward thrust and cried out in the throes of his orgasm. His prick felt hot in my hand from the friction and when the next hot jet landed on my fingers it felt cool by comparison. His head rocked from side to side, and I knew he was having a full-body orgasm despite his having come only minutes before. His jets were thinner, though.

Two more powerful jets spurted from his long slit before they weakened and turned into dribbles. I bent over and pushed my tongue-tip into the slit, probing as deeply as I could and tasting his salty fluids. Now his prick stopped throbbing and I knew he was about to sink into the daze that always follows a hot climax. I felt his prick softening in my hand as I stopped stroking and just held it, feeling it shrinking as the blood drained from it. I lay beside him to share the tender moments and waited for his return to full consciousness.

"Ready to take a shower?" I asked as he opened his eyes.

"Okay, let's go," he said as he slowly pushed himself upright and scrambled to his feet. We walked slowly to the bathroom, holding each other's pricks and got into the shower. I turned on the water and we luxuriated as the warm streams sluiced over our bodies. Albert skinned me back to let the water rinse the residue off my helmet, and the hot stream stimulated my bladder. My sphincter relaxed at about the same moment his did, and we watched our yellow stream pouring down onto the shower floor, swirling down the drain.

"I always like to rinse off in a hot shower afterward," I remarked. Pissing really flushes me out, and I feel lot more comfortable now." I gazed into his eyes as I spoke, and then pulled him to me for a long hug.

"Thanks so much for a wonderful experience," he said, then kissed me tenderly on the lips.

"No, thank you for showing me electro," I replied. "That was a new set of sensations for me."

"Watching you blow your cream as the pulses rushed through your penis and prostate was a real turn-on for me," he explained. "I saw you raising your hips the way I do and this was really hot to watch. Doing it to myself is hot enough, but then watching you getting off the same way got me hot again, especially since you were squeezing my penis all the way through it. I felt your squeezes getting harder the more excited you got.

"Holding on to your prick added to my excitement," I told him. "That gave the whole experience an extra dimension for me."

"I know it," he said. "You were squeezing my dick in time with the pulses. Every time the LED for Channel B came on, I felt you squeeze my cock."

"I guess you're right. It was a whole-body experience for me. It felt at least as good as docking."

"Lucky you," he said. "You've still got your foreskin, so you can dock a guy."

"Well, yes, but I can only dock a guy with a small tip, like Chet," I explained. "Chet's glans is small enough so that I can cover it fully with my skin while I'm fully hard. I really enjoy docking when we both come at the same moment, and I feel his tip pulsing against mine."

"You and I never docked," he remarked. "What do you do with a guy with a head as big as yours?"

"I can do it two ways," I explained. "If he strokes me so that I come first, then my glans shrinks and stays small while I dock him. The other way is to use a buddy sleeve, which serves as an artificial foreskin so that both our swollen tips can fit into it, and we get the sensation of going head to head."

"That sounds really hot," Albert commented. "I'd really like to dock that way with a guy and feel his hot come shooting against my glans."

"Sometimes it gets even better," I said. "You've noticed my slit pouts when I get hard."

"I did, really, while we were doing it with the vibrator and then with the electro. Your meatus pouts into a teardrop shape every time."

"Well, if we're going head to head, docking or using the buddy sleeve, sometimes the other guy's hole is pressed tightly against mine when we come, and his first jet shoots right down my hole. That's really exciting."

"I can imagine," Albert said. "I can even imagine that sensation triggering your orgasm."

"Exactly," I agreed. "Feeling his head throbbing against mine, and then his hot cream shooting down my hole almost always launches my orgasm. If he comes first, that hot stream shooting into my prick makes me come. Getting a hot shot down my prick doesn't happen often enough," I added ruefully.

"We'll have to meet again," he said. "We had a really hot time together today that I want more. Do you feel the same way?"

"Oh, I do," I assured him. "I just don't know when we'll be here together again, with our strange schedules." I pulled him to me and we kissed again.

"We'll take it as it comes," he said.

Continued in Part 4

Next: Chapter 4

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