Cum Club

Published on Feb 24, 2012


Cum Club, Part 5


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

I did run into Albert a week later. When I let myself in he was sitting on the couch in the main room, watching a European video and stroking his prick with a lubricated condom to simulate a foreskin. He was using a "form-fitting" condom, with a bulge at the front end to accommodate his large flaring glans. Most condoms are made that way these days because manufacturers now recognize that they should fit the male anatomy and many guys have a glans larger than the shaft. Those with a small glans have to use condoms imported from Japan or India, which suggests that in those countries a large glans is less common.

"Hi, Al," I greeted him. "I'll be with you in a moment." I hurriedly stripped down, placing my clothes on a chair on the other side of the room, and joined him. He'd already spread a towel on the couch, although he didn't need it because his discharge would be caught by the condom.

"Glad you're here, Jack. I was hoping you'd drop by, or somebody else, so I put a towel down." As he spoke, he kept stroking his prick, sliding the condom up and down languidly, taking his time.

"It looks like you're in for a long session, Al," I told him. "You're going so slowly I think you're stretching it out as long as you can."

"You're right, Jack," he affirmed. "You know that the longer the build-up, the more intense it is when you finally come." I knew this well. A "quickie" was satisfying but a prolonged session produced a more intense orgasm. As he spoke, his left hand dropped to my crotch and he began squeezing my helmet through the thick covering flesh, and my glans bulge became larger. I reached over to cup his scrotum, which had not yet begun to contract.

"I can feel your balls contracting," I observed. "This is doing something for you." He smiled at me.

"It's better when you're with me, Jack. Having you next to me makes it more exciting than just watching a video. Feeling your foreskin and the way it slides over your glans is much more vivid than watching guys working their foreskins on the screen."

"Al, last time we were together you said you'd be interested in docking with me. Would you like me to get a buddy sleeve for us?" His eyes opened wide and he nodded in agreement. I let go of him and got up to fetch the buddy sleeve and a bottle of K-Y Warming Lotion as he took off the condom. When I came back he said:

"I think this would work better on the bed." I nodded agreement and we moved to one of the bedrooms, our pricks swinging as we walked. We were both was looking down, and he commented:

"I always enjoy the sight of our heavy-ended cocks swinging when we move. It's so erotic." As he spoke he lightly grasped my prick, toying with the foreskin, and I squeezed his big tip several times in return. He was carrying the towel and spread it in the middle of the bed before we lay down facing each other. We were both hard now, and I squirted a stream of warming lotion into the buddy sleeve. The sleeve was about six inches long, enough to cover the front halves of our pricks.

"I'm using K-Y Warming Lotion," I explained to him. "It's thinner than Astro and gives a very pleasant warm feeling."

"I've used it before, Jack. I think that will make it hotter for us both." I held the sleeve between our pricks and we carefully slid forward, pushing our pricks into the sleeve. Al's big glans slid in, and I felt the sleeve pushing my foreskin back as I entered.

"I like the way your foreskin locks behind the corona," he observed. "Once back, it stays bunched up behind your corona, leaving your glans exposed to stimulation." Now we both thrust forward gently, inching our way in until I felt his hot glans pressing against mine in the middle of the sleeve.

"This feels really good," he said. "Feeling another guy's glans pressing against mine, compressing the front dome, is really hot." We lay still for a moment, savoring the erotic sensations, the intimate contact.

"We could do this several ways," I explained. "We could both thrust in and out, either together or you could pull out while I thrust forward and I would pull out while you thrust, but we'd really have to be synchronized to avoid slipping out. Since this is our first time, I think the best way is for us to lie still keeping our tips touching, while I stroke the sleeve back and forth."

"Let's do it your way," he suggested. "That sleeve's long enough to give us a long stroke. I'm sure we'll have intense orgasms this way. We can always experiment later." I began working the buddy sleeve back and forth slowly over our pricks, enjoying the sensations of friction plus the pressure of his front dome against mine.

"I'm going slowly because you were stroking yourself slowly inside the condom," I explained. "We'll go for a long build-up, so that when we explode, it'll be very intense."

"Yeah, Jack, I like that idea. We can enjoy the ride while we're getting there." Albert's scrotum had dropped while we'd been getting ready, and was still down. I thought it would be a couple of minutes at least before he experienced scrotal contraction again.

"I'm not going to cup your balls, Al," I said. "I don't want you getting too excited too fast."

"Is it important if we come together this time, or one after the other?"

"Most of the time, it's best if one of us comes first, so we can each enjoy the show," I told him. "This time, it'll be hard to time our orgasms because I'll be stroking both of us the same way. We'll have to let nature take it's course."

"It's pretty hot now, even though we're not going very fast," he said. "Just being here with you, feeling your hot glans against mine, is a real turn-on. I can feel the heat from your helmet and that adds to it. I'm glad the sleeve is transparent, because I can see both our dicks together, and that adds to my excitement."

"I can feel the heat from your tip too, Al," I added. "That's exciting for me too." I continued to stroke the sleeve slowly, taking long strokes that brought the end of the sleeve almost against my abdomen in one direction, and almost to his in the other. I had to be careful not to stroke so far that the glans slipped out either way.

"Those little studs inside the sleeve are really erotic," he said. "They're doing wonders with my nerve endings."

"Yes, you're getting friction and compression at the same time, especially against your big rim," I said.

"Oh, yes! My corona's really getting the full treatment," he agreed. "Yours must be getting the same as mine is."

"Oh Al, my rim's so hot, so sensitive, when those studs ride over it." Our intimacy was enthralling, and I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"It feels good on my frenulum too," he added. "I'm sure it feels the same for you." Now I saw his balls begin to contract. He pulled my head to him and kissed me tenderly.

"You're tightening up down there," I observed.

"You, too, Jack. I've been watching for that." I gave the sleeve a twist as I stroked, and felt his tip throbbing against mine in response. As I reversed direction towards him, I felt him thrust his tip against mine.

"You're starting to thrust, Al. That means you're getting close." Now I pulled the sleeve back toward me, and I felt my prick throb.

"I felt your big helmet throb against mine just now, Jack. Your scrotum's really tight now. Even with that slow stroking, we're not going to last much longer."

"Want to take a break, Al, so that we stretch this out?" I asked.

"No, Jack, now I'm so hot I just want to go on. I really need that orgasm. I need to feel your glans throbbing hard against mine. I can't help it." I wondered when he'd had his last discharge, and whether too long a build-up would give him blue balls. Although I'd never had blue balls, I knew some guys were prone to that.

"I feel the same way, Al. My prick's going to burst if I don't shoot my load soon." I again kissed him on the lips after saying this, and I saw his hot eyes feverishly boring into mine. His breath was hot on my cheek.

"We're both really into it now," he said. "I think our tips are darkening with excitement. I can see that through the sleeve. I know mine's totally swollen now." I saw that Al's coronal band had flared and darkened even more, as had mine.

"Feels the same way to me," I said. "I know I'm secreting lube. I can feel the drops crawling up my tube."

"I'm feeling the same thing, Jack. A few drops are coming up my urethra, and that feels so sensual, so hot."

"It's getting more slippery in there," I observed. "That's the extra lube we're oozing."

"I'm starting to feel a tickle in my corona, Jack. That's the signal that I'm really close."

"I don't have that yet, although my helmet's really swollen now. I think you'll start coming before I do."

"Probably, Jack. My penis isn't as sensitive as yours but I've been at it longer than you have." I remembered he'd been stroking his prick inside the condom when I'd arrived. I hadn't asked him how long he'd been at it, but apparently it was long enough to give him a head start over me.

"With that warming lotion and the studs, your tip's really sensitive now," I said.

"That tickle's stronger now," he said. "I hope I can keep my meatus locked against yours so that my ejaculation shoots right down your hole. I'd love to trigger your orgasm with my jets, as we'd discussed before." As he spoke, his eyes closed in withdrawal from the world outside his body. He began breathing heavily, and I felt his tip thrust against mine as I continued to stroke him.

"I'm getting a tickle too," I muttered as the sensations built up inside me. My eyes closed as my rim flared out in its final swelling, and I knew it was only a matter of a second or two......

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" I heard him cry as his big helmet throbbed hard against mine, and a stream of hot liquid shot from his slit into my urethra, searing the mucous membrane and triggering my orgasm. A hard contraction gripped the root of my prick and my sperm poured out, shooting up my tube to displace his. The liquid heat enveloped the front dome of my prick as Albert cried out again, shooting another jet into me. We were both thrusting mindlessly against each other's helmets as we unloaded another gush of hot sperm that flowed along our tips. I felt the hot liquid flowing around my rim and this triggered another hot spasm deep inside me.

"OH-OH-OH!" I cried out helplessly as the sensations overwhelmed me and I shuddered in joyous agony. Albert's straining body pressed against mine and I felt his full-body orgasm enhancing my own. I was still stroking with the sleeve, but more forcefully now, to extract the last bit of sensation as our pricks throbbed against each other. Our throbs weakened as our orgasms played out, and now we were only oozing sperm, although the delicious sensations continued to keep us captivated. We were joined together, prick to prick, an intimacy that heightened our pleasure.

Now we lay still, totally spent, enjoying the delicious afterglow, dazed by our biological storms. I took my hand from the sleeve and wrapped my arm around him, pulling him closer to me as our pricks shrank inside the sleeve, steeping in each other's juices. Our eyes were still closed, as there was no need to open them to enjoy the closeness and the heat of each other's body.

"That was really hot, Jack," he murmured. "Feeling your big glans throbbing against mine made it even more exciting, but tell me, did I shoot down your urethra?" I kissed him before replying:

"You did, Al, right with your first jet, and then the second. It felt like hot lava pouring down my tube. That made me come right away because there was no way I could resist losing my load right then," I assured him. "Then my cream shot up my tube, and they mixed right inside before shooting out and soaking both our tips. I felt the cream all over my helmet, even washing around behind my rim."

"I felt that too, Jack. Our sperm went all over, behind my corona too, and that made it even more exciting for me, as it did you." Now we opened our eyes, and I kissed him again, a long, loving, lingering kiss, the touching of lips, as we clung to each other. Now our pricks had softened markedly and were beginning to slip out of the buddy sleeve, our cream spilling onto the towel beneath us. I felt Al's hand slipping between us to grasp my prick, easing the foreskin forward over my glans.

"We have to keep your helmet covered, Jack, so it'll stay moist and sensitive," he explained. "You're lucky to still have your foreskin."

"I'm happy to share it with you, Al, especially since it excites you so much," I said. "It makes your orgasm hotter, and that increases my excitement. This trip we had it all, contact head to head, feeling each other's throbs, your shooting down my hole, and our coming together." I kissed him again, relishing the moment, the delightful intimacy.

"Yes, Jack, that was beautiful from start to finish," he affirmed.

"I just wish I had enough foreskin to take your big helmet while we're both hard," I told him. "That would be the ultimate."

"Well, don't worry about that, Jack. In my work I've seen lots of men, even intact ones, and very few of the intact ones have foreskins long enough to take another full-size glans. Only babies have super-long prepuces, and with growth the penis fills them, so that only a lucky few have real overhangs an inch or more long."

"You're right, Al. Nobody here has that long an overhang," I pointed out. "Only Jerry and I have any overhang, and our foreskin nipples aren't all that long."

"You and Jerry are the only intact guys here who have more than just a tight pucker at the end. Nobody has a foreskin loose or wide enough to let another guy slip his glans alongside."

"The only exception is Chet because his tip's so small that it fits inside my hood even when we're both hard," I told him.

"Yes, I'd noticed that Chet has a really small glans, perfectly shaped, but small," Al agreed. "Did you ever dock him?"

"Both Jerry and I did," I admitted. "That was a nice experience for us, but we never were able to get Chet's hole aligned with ours so that he could shoot inside. Anyway, Jerry's hole's just a slit. Even if Chet were lined up with him, the jet wouldn't go inside."

"I'd noticed that too," Al affirmed. "Your meatus has such a nice pout when your glans swells fully. That makes a nice target for a stream of hot sperm, and I've seen what that does for you."

"Well, Ray and I are really lucky that our helmets match so that the holes line up pretty well, and our slits open up when we're hard. John's hole is always open, soft or hard," I said.

Continued in Part 6

Next: Chapter 6

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