Cum Club

Published on Feb 26, 2012


Cum Club, Part 7


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

A week later, Larry and I happened to be in the apartment, and we quickly undressed. The outline of Larry's bell-shaped glans was very visibly through his foreskin, and I gave it a quick squeeze, as I knew this would make the root of his penis throb.

"Oh, that's nice," he affirmed as he grasped the end of my prick and gently tugged on my foreskin to stretch the nerve endings within. "I'm glad you still have your skin. How did you escape getting clipped?"

"My father wasn't cut, and he didn't let the doctor clip me," I replied.

"Same here," Larry said. "My parents didn't like the idea of circumcision, and didn't allow it either. Ever have any problems with doctors wanting to clip you wile you were growing up? When I had my appendix out, the doctor wanted to remove my foreskin as well, since I was going to be under general anesthesia. My parents didn't let him."

"I remember that when I was maybe six or seven, my mother took me to the doctor for a school physical," I told him. "and he told her my foreskin was too long. I know it was about as long as my prick back then, and he said it had to be shortened or removed entirely or I'd have trouble with it later. My mother said she'd discuss it with my father."

"What did your father say?"

"He said his foreskin was the same way when he was my age, and that he'd never had any problems. He took me to the doctor next year, and the doctor told him the same thing he'd told my mother. My father told him that he still had his foreskin and intended for me to keep mine."

"My cousin must have been taken to the same doctor," Larry told me. "The doctor said all little boys have a long prepuce, and that it often tightens down and prevents them from urinating. Although my aunt knew that he was peeing normally, what the doctor said scared her, and she asked him if he could just take off the tight part. The doctor said it was better to do a complete job, and she allowed him to circumcised my cousin right there in his office that day."

"That really sucks," I responded.

"Doesn't it, though," Larry continued. "The doctor had his nurse take him into the treatment room and give him general anesthesia right away, and then he clipped him. It was really traumatic for my cousin, because one moment he was intact, and then they put the mask over his face and told him to breathe deeply. When he woke up, his dick was sore and had a bandage around the end. My uncle was pissed, but there was nothing he could do."

"Your aunt should have waited and discussed it with your uncle," I said.

"I know it, but she didn't and my cousin got the chop," Larry replied. "That doctor was really brutal because he took off his gee-string too." As we'd been talking, we'd worked each other up to full hards, and now our minds turned to physical gratification.

"Your foreskin's a lot like mine," I told him as I manipulated it in long slow strokes, covering and uncovering the glorious convexity of his purple bell-shaped glans. Every couple of up-strokes, I interrupted the stroking and gave his tip a couple of gentle squeezes through the hood. Then I skinned him back and tickled the lips of his slit with my thumb.

"What you're doing feels good," he said. "My cock-root throbs every time you squeeze me. I might even be able to come if you keep it up." As he spoke I noticed a large clear drop parting the lips of his long slit.

"You're juicing already," I said as I used my index finger to spread the clear lubricant around the long lips of his slit. "Let me have a little of that, since I don't have as much lube." We shifted our positions so that we were now lying facing each other, and as we skinned each other back, Larry pushed forward and rubbed the front dome of his glans against mine.

"It feels so good, when our smooth tips are sliding against each other," he said as I cupped his scrotum with my other hand.

"I really wish you or I had enough foreskin to dock," I sighed. "That would be heavenly."

"Ah, Jack, you know that very few guys have enough length to take two heads inside their hoods."

"I know, Larry," I told him. "Still, feeling our big tips rubbing against each other fires up my imagination. Maybe we could use the buddy sleeve, if you're willing." Larry smiled at my suggestion and said:

"Why not? I've never tried that, and I really like the feel of your big tip against mine." His bell-shaped glans throbbed against mine as he said this, evidence of his enthusiasm. We'd been sitting on the couch, and now I got up and led the way to a bedroom, where a buddy sleeve and a bottle of Astroglide awaited us on a bedside table. Larry spread a towel in the middle of the bed and we lay down facing each other. Larry said:

"We may not need any Astroglide because I'm lubing so much." I held the buddy sleeve between us and we slipped our tips into each end, working our way in slowly until the turgid front domes touched.

"That feels really nice," I said. "Your glans feels so hot against mine." I felt Larry press in farther, and his front dome compressed the front of my helmet.

"Yeah, that's really sexy," he said as I began a rhythmic back and forth movement of the buddy sleeve. "It's good that our skins lock back behind our big rims. That way, we get full stimulation." I saw a blissful expression on Larry's face as I continued to stroke the sleeve back and forth along our swollen pricks.

"I'm really aroused, Larry," I told him. "I don't know how long I'll last. Those studs rubbing against my rim are really hot."

"So am I, Jack," he responded. "They're doing the same thing to my rim. I can see your balls are already tight against your body, and so are mine." Our breathing had deepened, and each stroke fueled our fires higher.

"I think your tip's gotten harder against mine," I commented. "I can feel the tension in mine. My rim's swollen even more now, and more sensitive."

"Oh, yeah, Jack," he murmured. "I can feel your tip hard against mine, and I know mine's really swollen." I looked down and noted that the vein along the right side of his shaft was more prominent as well. So was mine.

"This is so hot we don't need a vibrator or anything else to really blast off," I said. "Any second now, I'll be feeling that tickle in my tip. A few seconds after that, I'll be gone." As I spoke, my eyes closed and I began withdrawing from the world outside my body, my mind focusing on the delicious sensations in my prick.

"I've already got that tickle in the rim," Larry said. "I'll probably start shooting before you."

"I hope you do, and your first stream shoots right down my hole," I muttered. "If it does I'll be shooting right behind you."

"I noticed how your slit pouts when you get hard. That makes a good target for a jet of come. Our tips are the same size, and I think our holes are aligned," he said. "I really hope I do shoot my cream into you if it makes you come hotter." Now I was stroking the sleeve faster, an automatic response of my body to the erotic arousal and the thought that any moment I'd be feeling his hot sperm searing the inside of my urethra.

"I'm so close....." I muttered, and then I felt the hard throb of his bell-shaped glans against mine as he ejaculated right into my orifice. Larry was crying out helplessly, lost in his sensations, as his hot stream triggered my orgasm. My body convulsed and my hips thrust forward as my first hot jet poured into my urethra, rushing up my tube to splash against his throbbing front dome.

"AH-AH-AH" he vocalized as I joined him in my grunts and groans, our pricks throbbing hard and filling the sleeve with hot juices that swirled around and behind our tips, leaking into the grooves behind our swollen coronas and heightening our sensations. By this time I'd stopped stroking but we were both thrusting our pricks against each other as we unloaded stream after stream of hot sperm into the sleeve. Our foreskins, bunched up behind our rims, were slippery with hot cream, which filled in the spaces between the studs and leaked along our throbbing shafts.

Our orgasms quickly faded as we drained ourselves, and after a few more seconds we lay still, sinking into the daze that follows a hot orgasm. I felt my prick softening and even though we were still pressing ourselves tightly into the buddy sleeve, there no longer was the hard pressure of his turgid glans against mine.

"Good thing I spread that towel under us," he said. "Our cream's leaking out both ends of the sleeve."

"There's a lot of juice in there," I pointed out. "When we pull out that towel's going to get soaked." We began to withdraw slowly, our tips still very sensitive from our climaxes, and we watched the cream drool out of both ends of the tube. I rolled up the towel and stood up.

"I guess we'll take a shower now," he said. "I always like to shower after sex."

"The hot water makes me pee," I told him. "You're probably the same way."

"You're right, Jack. That flushes the residue out of my cock."

"That's one reason I like to take a shower after," I confirmed. "I'm going to keep my prick skinned back for a total rinse." We went into the bathroom and stepped into the shower, facing each other as the shower spray washed over the front of our bodies. Looking down, I saw Larry's yellow stream flowing out of his glans even before mine had started.

"That hot water on my tip always gets me going fast," he said as my stream started, mixing with his at the bottom of the shower. We stood under the hot water, relaxing as it sluiced down the front of our bodies, rinsing the residue of sperm and lubricant from our dangling pricks. Larry grasped his prick, turning it up to face the shower spray, and I saw a jet shooting through the long lips of his slit, rinsing out the inside as well. My teardrop orifice had shrunk into a slit once more, and I followed his example, letting a jet drill into it to flush out my urethra.

"I don't think we need to soap up," I said. "We didn't get dirty. We just have to rinse the sweat and cream off our bodies." Larry nodded agreement, and after a few more seconds I turned off the shower. We grabbed towels and dried each other slowly and lovingly, paying special attention to our pricks. I kept him skinned back and wiped the moisture off his glans and retracted foreskin, and he did the same to my prick. Our hoods were still bunched up behind our rims, and after we'd stepped out of the shower I took a bottle of Astroglide off the counter and squirted a couple of drops behind my corona.

"I always use a little of this after a shower," I explained. "I feel more comfortable if my foreskin's lubed and free to slide around, instead of being dry."

"I like it too," Larry admitted as he squirted a couple of drops onto his bunched-up hood. "Normally, my cock will secrete its own lube after a couple of hours, but I like it wet from the start."

"Let's get together tomorrow," Larry said as we parted that day. "I'll give Walter a call, since he loves natural cocks so much. He'll get a thrill playing with our skins." I nodded assent and we left after agreeing to meet at 10 in the morning.

Continued in Part 8

Next: Chapter 8

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