Cum Club

Published on Feb 29, 2012


Cum Club, Part 8


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

When we arrived Walter was already there. As we left the foyer, we saw that he was already naked, sitting on the couch and viewing a Czech-made video that showed uncut guys stroking their pricks. Walter was lightly fingering his glans, and Larry and I hurried to get naked with him.

"I was thinking of vibrators this morning," Walter said to us as we spread a couple of towels and sat on either side of him.

"Sounds good," I said. "I know a vibrator does a lot for you." At this Larry got up and went into one of the bedrooms, where there was a slim, battery-powered vibrator and a 110-volt Wahl vibrator with glans cup in the bedside table.

"I want to run the battery-powered job inside your skins," Walter explained. "I know how turned on you get when you're docking a vibrator." He was right in that regard. The battery-powered model was about half an inch in diameter and ran on two "AA" batteries. There was no problem in accommodating its slender shape inside our hoods, as we knew from previous sessions with this type of vibrator.

"Meanwhile, I can work on your cock," Larry told him. "I'll get you worked up and keep you there while you do Jack here." Larry began by giving Walter's glans a few gentle squeezes to stimulate his buldo-cavernal reflex, and his prick responded by filling out. Walter grasped my soft prick and gently pushed the nose of the small vibrator into my foreskin nipple. I squeezed Larry's prick to get him hard.

Walter pressed the vibrator deeper into my foreskin, and I felt its buzzing nose touch my meatus, sending a thrill down my prick. The vibrations were irresistible, and my prick began filling out. Now he pushed the vibrator deeper, searching for my corona, and then he swept it around the circumference, hitting all the nerve endings there as well as those in the enveloping foreskin. My hood was distended from the vibrator, and this stretched its nerve endings, adding to my excitement. Then he probed underneath, making my frenulum come alive with the insistent buzzing, and I felt a throb at the root of my prick. A drop of natural lubricant began crawling up my urethra.

Walter's prick was fully hard now, and Larry squirted a few drops of lubricant onto his naked glans and began massaging the clear fluid into the tissues. He stroked his thumb across Walter's meatus, provoking a gasp of excitement. Larry's prick was fully engorged too, and I began sliding his long foreskin up and down, baring and then covering his bell-shaped glans completely with each stroke the way I knew he enjoyed.

"This is really reaching you," Walter commented as he continued to swipe the magic buzzer around my tip. "I can see your balls tightening." A few drops oozed from my meatus, easing the passage of the vibrator's nose around my helmet.

"Oh, it is, Walter," I responded. "I just love that sensation." He continued to run the vibrator around my glans, heightening my sensations with each second. Although I was trying to stay relaxed I felt the tension building inside me. Now Walter removed the vibrator and drew my foreskin down, lapping at my meatus, swallowing the viscous fluid.

"Your lube tastes good," he said. "Both of you do." Now he drilled his tongue-tip into my pouting orifice, reaching for all he could find. I knew Larry was oozing fluid as well, and knew that Walter would get to him soon.

"Your come-hole gapes open," he said to me. "That makes it easy to stick my tongue inside." Now he turned to Larry and I stopped stroking on the down-stroke, leaving his bell-shaped glans bared for Walter's gaze and touch.

"Your hole has long lips, Larry," he said, and began to lick the lube from the swollen, straining tip. Then he pushed his tongue-tip deep between Larry's meatus lips, probing for the tasty fluid as Larry sighed in delight. I saw his scrotum tighten, drawing up against his body, responding to the stimulation of his prick.

"That feels good, having your tongue in there," Larry whispered as he threw his head back, enjoying the sensations. Walter pushed my hand away and grasped Larry's turgid prick at the base, squeezing and running his index finger up the underside, pushing out every possible drop of natural lubricant. Then he turned to me again, as I'd produced more clear viscous fluid, and he milked my prick in the same delightful way, forcing out several large drops of juice onto his waiting tongue. He drilled my pouting orifice again and then said to Larry:

"Okay, thanks. Now I'm ready for the vibrator." As he spoke he pulled my hood up and probed its depths with the vibrator again, giving me another thrill.

Larry plugged the Wahl in and squirted a couple of drops of Astroglide into its cup before gently placing it over the end of Walter's fat glans. When he slid the switch to LOW, Walter's prick jerked and he let out a moan of pleasure. As the sensations flooded into his swollen tip, a blissful look came over his face. He kept his grasp on my shaft and ran the vibrator's nose around the circumference of my swollen helmet, distorting my foreskin as he swept it around. I resumed slowly working Larry's long hood up and down his big bell, caressing it lovingly but carefully, so as not to draw the orgasm from him too soon.

The combination of the vibrator, then Walter's tongue in my meatus, and the vibrator again had its effect. I felt the tension building deep inside me, although I tried to remain relaxed, and I knew he'd be pulling the orgasm from my tortured prick any second.

"Feeling the tickle yet?" Walter asked me. His timing was perfect, for as he ran the vibrator around deep inside my foreskin, its buzzing nose stimulated my flaring corona and produced a mild tickle that I knew would only intensify.

"Yeah, Walt," I murmured. "You'll have my load soon."

"Good," he said. "I just love making an uncut cock shoot, and today I've got two of them." The vibrations seemed to grow stronger as my shaft and glans went into their final swelling, the rim becoming more sensitive as it hardened even more.

"I can see your helmet's getting darker purple," Larry commented. I slowed my strokes on his prick, as I knew he was almost up there with me, and wanted his orgasm to follow mine.

"My tip's tingling," I whispered as my eyes closed involuntarily, shutting out the world as I focused on my tingling helmet.

"Go for it," Walter urged me as he continued to send sparks of sensation into my swollen helmet with the magic vibrator. Suddenly, something in my glans seemed to explode, and the root of my prick convulsed, shooting a thick jet of hot cream into my urethra. The gush seared its way up my tube as I cried out helplessly, and I felt it slam through the distended lips of my meatus. Another spasm seized me, and I grunted loudly as the second jet exploded from my throbbing tip. The vibrations continued to pump jet after jet from my prick, but gradually they weakened, and then all I felt was an oozing.

"That was quite a load," Walter commented as he removed the vibrator and began licking the warm sperm from my foreskin orifice and where it had run down my shaft. Now he drew down my foreskin and began licking the mixture of lubricant and sperm from my still swollen helmet, going gently because he knew my glans became super-sensitive after orgasm. I felt myself sinking into the daze that inevitably follows a powerful orgasm, and my body relaxed. My hand fell away from Larry's prick, but I knew he'd remain hard until I resumed stroking him.

"Now it's your turn, Walt." I opened my eyes to see Larry working the vibrator's cup over the front of Walter's swollen glans. Walter had a dreamy look on his face, as he was excited from having made me come and the vibrator's stimulation. I came out of my daze to see Walter's tip become darker. His balls were already tight against his body, and I knew that when Larry would slide the switch to HIGH, he'd release his cream.

"How are you doing, Walt?" I asked. "Is it reaching you?" Walter turned his head and said:

"Yeah, yeah, it's so hot. Larry's going to have my load soon." The big vein on the right side of Walter's shaft was swollen with blood.

"Your tip's turning darker now," I advised him. "That tells me you're close," I continued as his eyes closed. Larry and I exchanged glances and he slid the power switch to HIGH, provoking a loud yelp from Walter. I saw his entire body tighten as his legs kicked out straight, the sensations so intense as to be almost unbearable. He threw his head back and grunted loudly:

"HUNH, HUNH, HUNH" he grunted as his hips bucked and he thrust his prick into the vibrator's cup, and a moment later I saw white cream oozing out from under the cup's edge. His hips jerked up again as he dug his heels into the carpet, forcing the end of his helmet harder into the vibrator's cup, searching for more of the the maddening sensations that had driven him over the edge. His grunts continued as more thick cream leaked from the edge of the cup, running down his throbbing glans and shaft and pooling in his pubic hairs.

"He's really into it now," Larry commented as Walter's throbbing prick continued to gush the viscous white liquid that flowed down his prick. Walter's lips were drawn back from his teeth as his body convulsed in joyful spasms. He grunted and moaned continually as the orgasm swept through his body, totally captivated by the sensations.

"I think he's had it," Larry said as he removed the vibrator cup from Walter's helmet, letting the turgid prick flop down on his abdomen while still oozing cream that slowly formed a pool below the helmet. My hand crept up to Larry's still-hard prick and I resumed sliding his slick foreskin up and down the glans in the slow strokes I knew he enjoyed.

"I'll keep you going until Walter's fully recovered," I told him as we watched Walter's body relax as the tension left it. A couple of minutes passed as I continued to slide Larry's foreskin along the full length of his large glans, completely covering it so that the hood formed a pucker at the top, and then gradually stretching it back to bare the sexy corona and put tension on his frenulum. The tension made the glans dip down, and I was very careful not to pull too hard because I knew that this stretching of his nerve endings was enough to launch his orgasm if I overdid it.

"Okay, Larry, your turn now," Walter said as he opened his eyes and reached for the slim battery-powered vibrator. I was still holding Larry's prick, with the end of the foreskin bunched up in a pucker at the tip, and I saw Walter slowly ease the end of the vibrator into the sleeve. I slowly removed my hand and Walter's fingers wrapped around Larry's shaft, stabilizing it and holding it vertical.

"This getting' you hot?" Walter asked unnecessarily as he pushed the vibrator deeper into Larry's hood to press against his meatus. We both knew Larry was really into it now, and eager to come and blast his cream into the air.

"You're pushing right into my slit," Larry whispered as he gazed straight into Walter's eyes. I knew Larry's meatus lips were long enough so that the vibrator's nose could work between them to tickle the inside, and I wondered if this might be intense enough to draw the orgasm from his body. However, Walter backed off slightly and I saw Larry's foreskin bulge as Walter pushed the vibrator deeper into it, along the broad upper surface of Larry's bell-shaped tip.

"I'm gonna work around your rim," he told Larry as he slowly swept the slim vibrator around, caressing the corona with the buzzing tube. Larry sighed loudly as the sensations poured into his rim, and I saw his scrotum draw up even more tightly. I cupped his balls to let him know I was with him, very gently kneading them with my fingertips.

"Now for the underside," Walter announced as he swept the vibrator down under Larry's big bell, where the gee-string anchored his foreskin between the twin lobes. I saw Larry's prick jerk as the vibrator eased into the gap, and a drop of clear fluid seeped out of the pucker at the end of his foreskin. Walter immediately lowered his head to lick it up, savoring its taste as he'd savored mine.

"Salty," he commented as he began to slip Larry's hood down off the glans, revealing its convex purple beauty. He rolled the vibrator around the body of the glans, working his way around until it once more pressed into the frenulum.

"You've got a beautiful purple bell on top of your cock, and it's getting darker purple," Walter told him as he continued to move the vibrator, hitting a different spot every second. Now he worked the tip around Larry's groove, drawing the foreskin all the way down to keep it clear. Larry's meatus kept leaking clear fluid, and Walter wrapped his lips around the end of Larry's glans to suck the juice as it oozed out.

Oooooohhhh," Larry began to moan as the sensations heightened. I saw the big vein on top of his shaft become even more distended as his prick went into its final swelling. Walter had raised his head to enjoy the view, but his hand still kept the foreskin drawn back sharply, with enough tension to make his big bell-shaped glans dip down, and I knew that the combination of frenular nerve stretching plus the vibrator would overwhelm him and make him shoot momentarily. Larry's eyes closed with the intense sensations, and I knew it was only a matter of a couple of seconds. His flaring corona, naked to our gaze, flared out even more, and his body tensed for orgasm.

"HAH! HAH! HAH!" he bellowed as his prick jerked hard and the first jet erupted from his long slit. Walter's lips wre there to catch it, and he slurped it down as another shot from the parted lips. Now Walter had his lips tightly around the end of the throbbing purple bell, catching every eruption as it poured out. Larry was writhing, lost in sensation, enjoying the delicious agony of orgasm.

Walter kept the vibrator's nose against Larry's frenulum, but he was working the glans with his lips, drawing every jet from Larry's straining prick. The combination of sensations kept the orgasm going intensely, and as I cupped his scrotum and my fingertips pressed into the flesh behind it, I felt every throb.

The throbs weakened, and I knew he wasn't shooting as forcefully now. Finally they stopped but Walter kept his lips tightly wrapped around the glans to suck out every drop. I pressed a fingertip into Larry's urethra to milk his creamy residue upward towards Walter's waiting lips and tongue.

"That was tasty," Walter said when he finally removed his mouth from Larry's softening prick. "I liked sucking it as much as he liked shooting it." Larry's wet glossy glans drooped as his shaft lost its rigidity and I saw him open his eyes.

"That was really hot, Walt," he said. "I didn't know if I was coming or going for awhile."

"Your tip was really throbbing in my mouth," Walter replied. "I swallowed every load."

"Thanks, Walt," Larry said. "You too, Jack. I felt your fingeers around my balls and that helped." He was recovering from his daze and we got up to head for the bathroom.

"We all need showers but you especially, Walter," I commented. "You've got your cream all in your pubic hairs." Inside the large shower enclosure we stood under the hot water silently for a few seconds, feeling the streams sluicing down over our bodies and our naked tips. Walter had left my glans bared after licking it clean, and my foreskin was still bunched up behind the head, as was Larry's. Walter's tip was always exposed, as all he had was a circular scar ring behind his corona.

My sphincter was the first to relax under the hot flow, and now I felt a strong stream surging through my prick to fall down on the shower floor. Larry's prick was next and then Walter let go. We watched our streams mixing as they swirled down the drain.

"I'd better soap up," Walter said. "I've got to get this come out of my hairs." He grasped a bar of soap and began to lather his pubic area while we watched. With vigorous rubbing, he managed to get the bulk of it out, although there was probably a slight residue still clinging to his hairs. He rinsed himself and we dried each other.

"Well, it's noon now," Walter told us. I'd better get dressed and go to the office. I've got a divorce case I've got to see this afternoon." Walter practiced family law, which included wills, trusts, and of course, divorces and custody cases. We got dressed and left, as we all has business to attend to that afternoon.

Continued in Part 9

Next: Chapter 9

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