Cum Club

Published on Mar 5, 2012


Cum Club, Part 9


This story is dedicated to my most devoted fan, "Tim."

Cast of characters: CUT UNCUT Paul Jerry Ray Me Walter Gary James Fred Oliver Larry Chet Albert John

A couple of days later John and I were there at the same time. I'd arrived first and was sipping coffee in the kitchen when he'd arrived. I was already naked, and when he saw me he immediately went into one of the bedrooms to strip down before joining me.

"Want an English Muffin with your coffee?" I asked as he walked in. When he nodded affirmatively I put one in the toaster. I'd already had breakfast so I did not put one in for myself. John was a grower, as I was, and his prick dangled over his scrotum as he sat. As he lacked a foreskin I saw that his orifice gaped in a neat circle, unlike mine, when he was soft. He took a drink of coffee and then leaned forward, reaching for my prick.

"I like cocks in general," he said, "but uncut ones really interest me because they're different from mine." He tweaked my foreskin, alternately pinching and pulling it, and my prick began to swell in response. I reached over to give his large mushroom several gentle squeezes, and I heard him sigh in pleasure.

"Yours is nice too," I answered. "Let's see how big it gets. Mine is exactly six inches, measured along the top." His prick began to fill out, and within a minute we were both fully erect.

"I measured mine once, along the top like you did, and it's about six and a half inches." I could see that John's prick was somewhat longer than mine, although mine was slightly thicker.

"Your shaft is longer, because your head is the same size as mine," I told him. Even with full erection, I had enough foreskin to cover my glans right to the end, and as I spoke he began to slip my hood back.

"Your hole gapes like mine," he commented, as his warm fingers moved slowly and sensually, pushing my foreskin back and then pulling it forward again. Each cycle he pushed my hood back a little more, and after several more strokes he had the edge of my foreskin poised on my rim.

"You've got a teardrop hole," he observed. "Mine's a circle. I like the differences in our cocks. Makes it more interesting." He pushed my foreskin back into the deep groove behind my corona to bare my helmet completely. "I like the way your rim flares out," he continued. "Very sexy."

"Your big mushroom's very attractive," I countered. "I'd like it in my mouth." Our eyes locked momentarily. As I spoke I began to stand up, and he followed me. I led the way to a bedroom and we worked ourselves into a "69" position.

"I'm really horny today," he informed me as he grasped my shaft around the base and wrapped his hot lips around my swollen glans. My hood was still all the way back, as he kept up the tension on my shaft-skin, and he engulfed my helmet completely, right to the corona. I held his shaft to stabilize it and engulfed his big purple mushroom with my mouth, tasting the salty lubricant that had begun to ooze from his orifice.

My other hand cupped his balls, kneading them gently to add to his excitement. He caressed the insides of my thighs, and I sighed softly. John began to rotate his head, giving me sideways friction around the glans, and I did the same for him, as I was sure he'd enjoy it. I felt the tip of his tongue drill into my pouting meatus, and I followed suit, tasting more of his juice as it oozed from the orifice.

His scrotum contracted, bringing his balls up tight against his body, and I knew that he was as hot and horny as he'd said he was. His turgid glans was hot in my mouth, engorged with blood, and I surmised that he'd be blowing his load momentarily. A sudden throb in his shaft and mushroom head confirmed my feeling, and he removed his mouth from my helmet to howl loudly as the first spasm of climax poured through him.

A gush of hot salty liquid filled my mouth and I swallowed hard as I heard him howl in his helpless frenzy. His prick throbbed hard, gushing another torrent of juice, and his body stained against mine, thrusting hard into my mouth. Now he grunted with his third ejaculation, his hips bucking to push his prick deeper as it poured another load of cream into my throat. I swallowed hard, breathing through my nose, so that I wouldn't gag.

His fourth spasm was weaker, but still a heavy stream poured from his gaping orifice onto my tongue and palate. The next jet was less forceful, but he was still grunting and thrusting. I swallowed again, but no more jets came.

Now his hot hard glans was merely oozing, and his thrusting had stopped. His breathing slowed, and I felt him start to relax.

"Man, I needed that," he murmured. "I hadn't come in a month. I've been spending so much time at the office I've hardly had time to sleep. Big project." I knew he was an architect, and often worked sixty-hour weeks.

John lay still for a minute, dazed by the after-shock of his eruption, and I waited for him to recover. I milked his urethra, pushing the residue out and as it dribbled from his meatus I licked it off. His fingers were still wrapped around the base of my shaft, and now he cupped my balls with his other hand, keeping me aroused.

"I really shot fast," he said as he recovered. "I know your cock's more sensitive than mine, but I had such a load built up.... Well, now it's your turn." His mouth returned to engulf my helmet, and he began a slow back and forth movement of my shaft-skin, pulling back to put tension on my tightly-stretched gee-string and making my glans dip.

"I'm glad you got relief," I said. "You really needed it." His prick was now limp in front of my eyes, and his scrotum had begun to loosen.

"Now I'm going to give you relief," he promised, momentarily removing his mouth from my prick-head but keeping up the back-and-forth stroking that was making my glans dip so delightfully. Each time he stretched the nerve endings in my frenulum, making them sing, I felt a hot tingle in my glans.

His tongue resumed drilling my pouting orifice, and then he swiped it across the broad upper surface of my helmet. Now he ran it around my high flaring corona, and I felt my excitement mount uncontrollably. The combination of friction from his tongue and tension on the nerve endings in my frenulum fueled my fire.

"You're going to make me come soon," I muttered as I felt the tension building up in my body. "You're really good at this." My balls contracted between his warm fingers, and I felt more blood flowing into my helmet.

Now he resumed rotating his lips around my engorged corona, working the cusp and the back-face, hitting all the nerve endings as his tongue drilled into my hole. I felt a tickle building up in my rim, and I wrapped my arms around his hips and held him tightly, his now soft penis against my cheek.

He sensed my rising excitement, for now his tongue began a rapid side to side swiping across the lips of my pouting orifice, sending shocks of sensation into my glans. I moaned and my eyes closed as I withdrew into myself, focused on the hot sensations pouring into my prick. I knew my corona was fully swollen and flaring, hard against his warm lips. My breathing became ragged as I slipped through the final seconds before the explosion.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I grunted as hot sparks of sensation stabbed deeply into my helmet, sending a shick wave down to the root to launch my first gush. A heavy stream poured into my urethra, the hot sperm searing the tissues as it rushed up to the glans. I felt it pour through my dilated orifice into his mouth, and then he twisted his head to give me a sideways caress around my corona, triggering another spasm that sent the second jet erupting from my throbbing helmet into his mouth.

I was grunting and moaning in joyful agony as the sensations continued to make my prick throb with release. My third blast erupted from my distended meatus into his mouth, and my hips thrust involuntarily, forcing my prick deeper, pursuing the thrills that had turned me on so powerfully. Now my prick throbbed again as the fourth gush shot from my glans to fill his mouth. I dimly heard him grunting as he struggled to swallow my loads, and this sent another thrill through me.

The next convulsion was weaker and the one following was weaker still, as my orgasm played itself out. My prick was still tingling right down to the root, but I knew it was almost over. Now my helmet suddenly became super-sensitive, and I pulled quickly out of his mouth. He sensed what had happened, and released my prick, but now his finger pressed into my urethra behind my still-tight balls, probing to force out the residue.

My body began to relax as the tension left it, and I felt dazed, as always happens after an intense climax. Now his finger was running up the underside of my shaft, and I felt his tongue touch my leaking meatus momentarily to lap up the final drops oozing from it. As my prick softened John pulled my foreskin forward to cover the precious helmet. I became aware of another presence in the room and opened my eyes to see Oliver sitting on a chair in the corner, watching us as he stroked his lubricated prick.

"Man, I love to watch a scene like this," Oliver said as a big smile spread over his face. "A cut guy and an uncut guy doing "69" is a real turn-on for me. Watching John pull your skin up over your big tip is an extra." Oliver's hand moved up and down his prick with slow, sensual strokes, his fist going down far enough to reveal the circumcision scar, and then moving up to engulf the narrow, almond-shaped glans totally. At that moment, Gary walked in. He was already naked, having stripped down in another bedroom, and his pointed prick hung in front of his scrotum.

"Hey, Oliver," John said. "Now you've got a nice uncut cock to play with." Gary stood next to Oliver, whose eyes became fixed on the pointy foreskin that covered the pointy glans. Oliver kept stroking his prick slowly with his right hand, but his left moved to Gary's prick, gently squeezing the foreskin pucker. Gary's prick was a "grower," abouth three inches when limp and enlarging to slightly over six inches wit erection.

"I like that," Gary murmured as John and I watched Oliver stretching and pulling at his foreskin. Gary's prick started to swell, responding to the stimulation, and was hard and erect within 30 seconds. Oliver pushed Gary's hood back along the shaft to reveal Gary's long pointy glans.

"I like the way that skin slides back and forth," Oliver affirmed. "I know it feels good for you, Gary."

"Oh, yes," Gary agreed. He sighed deeply and continued: "Keep doing that. I like a guy who likes foreskin." Oliver began a slow back-and-forth stroking on Gary's penis, taking long strokes that completely bared the thick corona and then pulling forward to enshroud the glans completely. John and I watched, fascinated by the scene, although our pricks remained limp because of our recent orgasms.

"Gary's tip looks a lot like an arrowhead or a strawberry," John commented. "Big rim at the back and a pointy tip." With these words he got up and brought another chair, setting it down next to Oliver so that Gary might sit.

"It's really red like a strawberry," Oliver contributed as Gary sat next to him. "I like that. It's so sexy. Of course, I also like others too, like Jack's big purple helmet." Oliver continued to stroke his well-lubed prick and to slide Gary's foreskin to cover and bare the pointy glans. Each time he pulled Gary's foreskin back I saw a drop of clear lubricant parting the lips of Gary's meatus, and as Oliver brought his hood forward, it would vanish under the foreskin. Gary's tip was now deep glossy red, evidence of his excitement resulting from Oliver's ardent manipulations.

"Gary's really wet," John observed. "That makes the tip slick so you can slide the skin better."

"Oh, I do wet a lot," Gary said. "It feels really good when I feel those drops crawling up my cock." Oliver leaned over to lick at Gary's glans when he pulled the foreskin down.

"Tastes good, too," Oliver complimented him. "If you slit were big enough I'd love to push my tongue in there." Now he held Gary's foreskin all the way down and lapped his tongue all the way around his big corona.

"You've got a genuine admirer, Gary," I told him. Now Oliver pulled Gary's foreskin all the way up and slipped his tongue inside it, working around the glans. Gary seemed to shiver at the contact.

"Gary's tip's really sensitive," John said. "You keep this up you'll have his load in no time." I saw Gary's body tensing up from the stimulation, and realized he'd probably shoot his sperm before Oliver did, although Oliver had been at it longer.

"This is really hot," Gary said as his scrotum drew up tightly against his body. "You'll have my load soon."

"Well, when you shoot I'll be here to taste it," Oliver told him. "If your pre-cum tastes so good, your load should be even tastier." He put his mouth back on the end of Gary's prick, working his tongue around the arrowhead glans inside the foreskin. Gary's hand dropped to Oliver's sac, cupping it between his fingers.

John and I held hands as we watched Gary's excitement build, vicariously enjoyed his sensations. I imagined myself in Gary's place, enjoying a hot tongue probing inside my foreskin, and I think John was imagining himself in Oliver's place.

"Gary's eyes just closed," John whispered to me. I knew the symptom, that Gary was beginning to withdraw inside himself, becoming oblivious to the world outside his body because he was focusing totally on the delicious sensations in his prick. Oliver hadn't stopped stroking himself, and I knew he'd release his load soon after he'd launched Gary's orgasm.

"My tip's tingling," Gary muttered, and a second later he let out a cry as his hips bucked. I saw Oliver's Adam's apple working as he struggled to swallow Gary's ejaculation, and then his prick began to spurt too, shooting sperm all over the tile floor. Oliver was grunting as he continued to suck the semen from Gary's prick, and his jets spewed out as Gary howled loudly in the throes of his orgasm. John's hand squeezed mine hard as we watched avidly. I wrapped my fingers around John's prick.

"Want to go another round?" I whispered to him as Oliver's and Gary's cries filled the room.

"No, Jack, I'm all drained, but this is hot to watch anyway." As his prick wasn't swelling between my encircling fingers, it was clear that he was out of it for now. So was I, because my orgasm had been just as draining as John's had.

Gary and Oliver had quieted as their orgasms had begun to run down. Oliver's tip was just oozing now, and he wasn't swallowing as hard, which indicated that Gary's gushes had moderated. He removed his mouth from Gary's glans but still held the shaft, gently milking the residue. Both were relaxing now that the storm was over, and their pricks lost their congested looks. Oliver pulled Gary's long foreskin up to cover the strawberry shaped glans.

"I think we're all ready for the shower," I said. At my words John got up to lead the way to the nearest bathroom. The shower booth was large enough for four, and we all got in as I turned on the water. I skinned back to let the hot water run over my helmet, and within seconds both John as I were pouring out our yellow streams, flushing our urethras thoroughly. Oliver and Gary weren't at that stage yet, as their erections hadn't subsided completely, but as John and I finished, I saw Oliver's prick pouring out its stream. Gary skinned back to get the full effect on his red glans, and a second later had joined Oliver.

The shower had become an after-sex ritual with all of us, and the consensus was that rinsing off and urinating after sex flushed us out, leaving us ready to dry off and get dressed.

Continued in Part 10

Next: Chapter 10

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