Cum Fantasy

By Anonymous

Published on Mar 12, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This story and the characters within it are entirely fictional. Phizer Pharmaceuticals and Viagra, while being a real company and a real product, are only used for reference.

Cum Fantasy Part 1: The Discovery

Jake Thompson had many reasons to be happy with his life: by his 36th birthday, he'd made it through many hard years of biomedical schooling, landed a great job out of school with Phizer Pharmaceuticals, and had worked his way up the ranks there. Jake had been part of the team that developed the revolutionary anti-impotence drug, Viagra, and thus had earned his fair share of financial and professional rewards. Not bad for an attractive, single gay male. In his free time, Jake donated his time as an assistant coach to the local Division 3 college swimming team, having been an avid swimmer himself back in college.

However, there were two parts of Jake's life that felt empty: like some men, his sexual drive seemed to be decreasing rapidly as his 30's wore on. He had been in several short-term relationships, and now had a fear of getting involved with anyone, fearing that he'd never be able to meet the sexual needs of a partner. Funny thought coming from a man who'd been on the development team for Viagra. His passion for that work had come directly from this part of his life. The result had been less than what he'd hoped for. This was the second empty part of Jake's life: what he felt like was unfinished business on the Viagra project. Sure, it gives you an erection that won't quit for a while, and thus you a bit randy, but it never seemed to last nor really increase your libido for any great length of time. While Jake had proposed further work in this area, it was met with harsh criticism: already Phizer was taking enough heat from some for creating "a sex drug". If they went any farther, they felt, they could cross the border into psychotropics, and stand to lose everything. This did not stop Jake's passion to take the work further. In recent weeks, Jake had begun returning to the lab late at night after the college swim practices, and under the guise of doing a little extra research (something Phizer never frowned upon), Jake began to develop a new drug. One more powerful than even he could ever have imagined.

It would require too much time to delve into the biochemistry involved in the work Jake set out on. He began with the same chemistry used in Viagra, but from there began synthesizing drugs that stimulated the areas of the brain that not only control sexual desire, but also some that even were thought to contribute to sexual preference and those that are triggered during orgasm. In the course of this work, Jake discovered many links to the body's reproductive systems, and through some initial testing on the laboratory rats Phizer kept by the thousands, was able to produce REMARKABLE results.

After 6 weeks, Jake had developed a fine powder, easily made into a pill format, that made male rats attempt to mate with one another, and in the process, ejaculate 6-8 times the normal amount of semen. This left the rats dehydrated to the point where they began to develop a behavior where they always attempted this mating by the cage water bottles, consuming vast amounts of liquid during the intercourse. When this occurred, the rats seemed to be able to ejaculate...endlessly. In one experiment, a single rat produced over a cup of semen over a 30 minute period, drinking almost constantly over that period. Slowly, the effect would wear off and the rats would resume their normal behavior. To avoid detection of his work, Jake would often need to wash the cages AND the rats at the end of the night.

With every week that went by, Jake became more an more impatient to try the drug himself. He actually found himself getting turned on during the experiments, imagining all the things that could happen if this drug were not given to a cage full of rats, but a room full of men. When he felt that there had been enough testing, he vowed one evening to take the drug himself. One the way home from the lab, he bought 12 one gallon jugs of spring water, getting very strange looks from the staff of the store. He had synthesized several pills, each a scaled-up version of what he'd been giving the rats, but a bit weaker so he could control the dosage of the drug.

When Jake got home, he was too excited to do anything else, and immediately popped the first pill into his mouth and chased it with a glass of water. He sat down on his living room couch, and waited. Within minutes, his pulse began to race a bit and his vision seemed to come in and out of focus. He started to panic, realizing that this whole project was an EXTREME risk, and he had pushed the time envelope way to quickly. He should have done more testing, he should have tested on other animal, he should have...suddenly, he broke out into a feverish sweat, and was immediately filled with...LUST. But a directed lust, for cock, for ass, for MEN. Visions of naked men, men having sex with men, men cumming filled his head. In 10 seconds, his cock had grown to it's full modest seven inches, and did not have any indication of quitting. This had happened with the Viagra before, but never with this sexualized emotional reeling. Almost immediately after his cock reached full length and girth, he felt a slowly approaching orgasm. Holy shit, he thought, it's w-w-working. His legs started to buckle, and he dropped to the floor, trying desperately to open his pants and pull out his cock before it was...too late. His cock began spurting powerful jets of semen inside of his boxer briefs, filling the soft cotton with semen, as his mind reeled with the most powerful orgasm he'd ever felt. Stuggling to the kitchen to avoid making a mess of his carpeted living room, Jake collapsed on the floor as he pulled off his pants and underwear. Spunk spilled out onto the floor, what Jake estimated was probably 1/2 cup already, and his cock was still going. He grabbed it and began to pump it like he'd done when he was 13 and used to masturbate 4-5 times a day. It felt great, just like those days, only this time it wasn't stopping. The semen was coming faster now, soaking his shirt (he thought later, it would have been a good idea to have gotten naked and in the bathtub first...oh well) with several jets hitting his face. After about 2 minutes of this endless orgasm, it subsided, leaving Jake a sticky heap of cum-drenched man on his kitchen floor. His mouth felt unbelievably parched, but overall, he felt fine. He reached up to the counter and pulled down one of the gallon jugs of water, and in seconds, had drained half of it. Suddenly, the feelings began again, this time a bit stronger. Jake finished the jug just in time for the next wave of orgasm to hit, this one stronger than the first. His balls ached as he reached down and felt them churning, semen this time shooting directly into his face and over his shoulders in mighty spurts. Unable to resist, Jake began lapping at the sweet juice, aiming his raging cock directly at his face and directing the stream of jizz straight into his mouth. The great thirst returning, Jake found that swallowing his own semen was satisfying it. This time, the orgasm lasted 5 minutes, and didn't really subside until Jake had finally decided he'd had enough and stopped drinking the load that seemed to never stop coming. Once he did this, his orgasm and ejaculation continued for several minutes, continuing to drench him from head to toe. As the last bits of spunk finally dribbled out of his cock, Jake assessed the scene. His entire kitchen floor was covered in his jizz, as were all over the lower cabinets he had leaned up against for support. Jake could only guess that this was about a gallon of semen, as that was exactly how much water he'd consumed. While he'd been drinking his own cum, the ejaculation must literally have been "recycled." Amazing, he thought. Of course the rats would never have shown this, as they were not really adept at fellatio, or even aiming their ejaculations in any direction. There were many random flecks here and there on the counters. The thirst had returned once more, but this time, much subsided. Jake drank a quarter of the next jug of water, and within minutes was ejaculating again, this time only for about 30 seconds and with a bit weaker emotional stimulus, but still enough to produce a mind-blowing orgasm and a healthy few cups of cum. This cycle continued until the 2nd gallon jug had been emptied, and Jake could drink water without it triggering an orgasm. He was left a bit exhausted, but absolutely ecstatic. He'd realized his dream. Sure, there was some more refinement to be done, but this would work.

Jake showered, removing the rest of the cum from his hair and clothes, and as he mopped up his kitchen, he thought of the other pills. Like any good scientist, Jake wanted to do more testing, but this time, on real men. Thinking where the safest place to do this was, Jake immediately came up with the local city bathhouse. Shit, men went there to get off: certainly none of them would complain if they found themselves getting off like they'd never gotten off before. As much as he wanted to test this out tonight, he was too tired to go through what he did on his kitchen floor this evening. It could wait until tomorrow. After cleaning, Jake passed out in his bed, more satisfied than he'd been in many years.

Next: Chapter 2

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