Cum Fantasy

By Anonymous

Published on Mar 12, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This story and the characters within it are entirely fictional. Phizer Pharmaceuticals and Viagra, while being a real company and a real product, are only used for reference.

Cum Fantasy Part 3: The Swim Team

Our story continues: Jake Thompson, a bioengineer from Phizer Pharmaceuticals, had taken it upon himself to take the revolutionary drug Viagra, which he'd helped develop, to the next "level." Unsupported by his peers in this endeavor, Jake secretly developed a new drug based on the old Viagra in Phizer's labs. After extensive testing on rats, Jake emerged having developed a drug that not only triggered overwhelming gay male sexual desire, but produced mind-bending orgasms. What was truly remarkable about his creation is that depending on the dosage, these orgasms could be drawn out for many minutes, perhaps even hours, so long as the taker of the drug continued to retake liquid, in the form of water or semen. After having quite a successful, sticky test on himself, Jake vowed to take his drug out into the world to test in as many different places as he could find.

The local college swim team was like any other Division III swimming program: basically, a mix of excellent athletes who chose the school for it's academic programs instead of its sports teams, and some less-than stellar swimmers just out to have fun. This resulted in a healthy mix of body types on the team, from ripped hunks to pudgy but in shape chubs. The team also had representatives from several different ethnic groups, as it touted a significant international student population.

Jake's job with the swimming team was strictly volunteer. He enjoyed working with Phil, the head coach, who he'd met at a local gay bar years back and shared his swimming past. Phil was a short stocky guy that Jake had not really felt much physical attraction to ever, but really enjoyed his company. They each got a healthy kick out of the fact that many other gay men considered that they had "dream jobs": working a bunch of nearly naked 18-22 year old bodies into shape for 8 months out of the year. Both remained closeted to the team, fearing a loss of respect from the swimmers, who tended to be overly homophobic. Strange for a bunch of guys who spend a good deal of time with next to nothing on, showering with one another sometimes 6 days a week. Ah, yes, the showers. Always a strange place when the swim team occupied them. After practice, they all marched into the open shower room (there were no dividing partition, just one rectangular room with 25 shower heads on 3 walls) and washed down their exhausted bodies, but always leaving on their suits. Occasionally, Jake and Phil would shower with the team after a practice to get the smell of the chlorine off their bodies that hung around the pool, but they were always naked. Most of the guys didn't seem to ever take notice, but it seemed to make quite a few uncomfortable. Specifically this year, two freshmen, Martin and Jordan, always seemed to steal what they believed to be hidden glances at the coach's soaped up naked bodies. Jake caught each of them on separate occasions peering over and him and Phil from time to time. Once he even smiled back at Martin during one of these furtive staring sessions, which completely embarrassed the boy, so much that he immediately left the shower area, blushing and immediately wrapping a towel around what appeared to be a growing erection. Speedo swimming suits never did leave much to the imagination. Jake had felt bad for these two boys, remembering how impossible it was to come out of the closet when he was a swimmer (he had waited until he was 24 and well out of college before he told anyone.) They both looked the part, too. Thin, hair cropped short and pushed forward in a Caesar-style rave-boy look, and spoke with somewhat effeminate voices. Even others on the team had picked up on it, as Jake overhead several of them asking eachother whether they thought "those two freshmen were homos." Helping them come out of the closet was not what spurned his interest in using the swim team as his next test subjects for his new drug, but he secretly hoped this would edge those two out, and maybe even make the team a little more tolerant of homosexuality. Heck, if the component of the drug that stimulated homosexuality really worked (this didn't get much of a test in a bathhouse full of gay men), the team would have a new level of "appreciation" for gays and man-on-man sex.

The only way he could figure that he could get the drug to the boys was to lace the team's supply of Gatorade right at the end of practice. He and Phil had long ago made it a requirement for everyone at the end of practice to "rehydrate" after practice: it is a bit of a myth that swimming doesn't take moisture from your body like sport in which you sweat. Everyone took to the rule well, and religiously, at the end of every practice, they all chugged a couple of cups of the stuff before heading to the showers. Phil and Jake usually joined them, just to make the point.

Jake chose a Friday afternoon practice to run his test. Rather than making pills, he'd measured out what appeared to be a heavy dose of the drug, but only because it was in powder form so that it would easily dissolve in any liquid. Jake figured that he could easily slip this into the Gatorade, which he made from a powder each practice and was kept in a large vat (like you see teams pouring over their football coaches after winning games) at poolside. He figured all the boys would have a chance to make it to the showers before the effects would kick in, and at that point, their own thirst would be enough to get them to drink all the available water they'd need to keep the drug's potency going. His plan worked like a charm. Just before the end of the practice, while Phil was wrapping up the final warmdown with the guys, Jake mixed his "special batch" of Gatorade. 22 exhausted boys got out of the pool, grabbed cups, drank, and headed immediately for the showers. It was no accident that Jake had chosen Friday night to run his test, and nobody tended to linger as there were frat parties and movies to go to. Many of the guys had steady girlfriends that they were eager to get to, and hopefully score with that evening. Jake and Phil grabbed cups of their own and drank some of the Gatorade too, and headed into the showers as well. Jake made sure he poured out any leftover drink before they left the pool area, for fear that someone might accidentally discover it.

The shower routine started off just as it always did, but didn't take long to change...and change it did. All 22 guys were showering, all still wearing their black Speedo suits, none daring to take them off. Martin and Jordan had taken their usual spot in the corner, sort of out of the way of the bigger juniors and seniors, who were chatting it up about their plans for the weekend. As usual, the conversation was usually about sex.

"Dude, I can't wait to get out of here, I need to get myself laid like nobodies business," yelled Chet, a 6 foot tall senior from Theta Kappa Delta fraternity. One of the captains of the team, Chet was every woman's and gay man's physical dream. A blond crew-cut Adonis with large pectorals gracing his chest, which tapered down to an 8-pack abdomen ripped across a 32 inch waist. Though none of them would admit it, all the guys secretly wished they had his body. Chet didn't date anyone specifically, but never seemed to be out of a chance to get pussy, given his physique and the never-ending flow of drunk, loose sorority women who flowed through his frat house. Chet tended to be a bit of an arrogant asshole, and frequently picked on the freshmen, often singling out Martin and Jordan as "the team homos." Jake and Phil always told him to knock off the language and the , but never disciplined him beyond that for fear of exposing themselves.

"Man, I'll be you just go home and spank it every night, all these stories are just trash!" jeered Tony, another senior and co-captain of the team. Chet and Tony frequently had this banter, and though great friends, seemed to always have a rivalry in and out of the pool. Tony was similarly build, only was about 4 inches shorter and had dark, olive Italian skin covered with a fairly thick carpet of hair. At the end of the season when all the boys shaved down for the final meet, Tony always looked a bit like a naked mole rat without his soft coat of man-fur.

Ray and Carter broke into peals of laughter at this retort from Tony. Both were Juniors on the team, definitely primed to be captains in the fall. While Ray was a good swimmer, also well built and tall at 6" 2', Carter was definitely usually taking up the last position in races. A bit on the heavy side and shorter, Carter stood at 5" 5' and weighed in just shy of 200 pounds. During the season, a lot of his baby fat seemed a little more muscular, but he still sported a bit of a gut, which during the summers often grew as his weight swelled to about 215. Still, he stuck with the team, and was always cheering everyone else on.

"What the fuck are you laughing at, Chubs?" Chet hollered over at Carter, calling him by the nickname that he'd had since day one on the team. He didn't seem to mind it, even joking about his own weight from time to time. "I don't see your fat ass getting a lot of action! And for you information, Tonyboy, I get a lot more play in a week than you're Dago ass will see in a lifetime."

Brushing off the onslaught of insults, Tony simply retorted, "Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it."

"Yeah, me too!" chimed in Ray, along with a bunch of the other guys

some of whom had been dying to have a chance to put Chet in his place a bit, a little weary of his posturing, arrogance, and bullying.

Chet began to take this all a little more seriously feeling the pressure of being ganged up on. He also started to feel a little feverish, and noticed his own cock seemed to be getting hard. Fuck, he thought, all this chick talk's giving me a woody, I'd better cool it. "Yeah, I bet y'all are just jealous. Heck, I bet even some of you envy the chicks I sleep with...yeah, that's right. Maybe you two homos over there go home and jerk off thinking about me, huh?" Chet then immediately found himself thinking about that, and found the thought incredibly erotic and exciting. What the fuck is happening to me, he thought. I'm no homo, but damn the idea of those two jerking eachother off is really hot...shit, what's going on?

Meanwhile, Jordan and Martin were cowering in the corner, trying desperately to cover their own growing erections. Both had the same thought: shit, he knows. And now the whole team is going to know. Here I am getting a hard on as he's asking me if I jerk off thinking about him. Of course, at different times, both boys had worked up their own sexual fantasies about Chet. Martin had developed an elaborate on where he was fucking Chet in the shower after practice one day after Jake kept them late. Suspecting Jake was gay, he also fantasized that Jake came in, discovered them, and stripped, jamming his cock deep into Chet's throat while Martin fucked his ass. Jordan had developed his own fantasy where Chet AND Tony both cornered him in the steam room at the gym and took turns fucking him in the face and ass, in the end spewing their pent up loads all over his body as he jerked himself off. Memories of these fantasies were now ALL Martin and Jordan could think about, and their cocks strained in their Speedo's in response.

Martin, sensing that something fucked up was going on by his own mind beginning to reel with sexual desire, decided to be a bold for the first time. "Looks like you're getting turned on by that thought, judging from the rod you're sprouting in your own suit there."

Chet blushed the deepest shade of red anyone had ever seen a guy turn. Jake was looking over the entire scene with great interest now, staring at all the boys in the shower stalls. As much as he was trying to control his own erection, it was quickly growing as well. He looked over at Phil, who seemed a little shocked at his own cock rising up on its own to its full 6 inches. As Phil made attempts to cover it with his hands, he found his fingers wrapping around it instead and slowly beginning to pump. He too noticed now that all the boys in the shower had raging erections, and all seemed to be consciously or unconsciously rubbing them, all while quietly standing back witnessing the altercation between Chet and Martin. Chet started to stutter as he tried to come up with a come back, and all he could think about was fucking Martin, fucking Jordan, fucking any of the other boys in the shower, heck even Jake and Phil looked pretty hot right now, and DAMN, they were hard too. All the guys were blushing now as they realized they were all hard, but unable to make any attempts to hide their tented Speedos.

"Aww....f-f-f-fuck, what's going on? I n-n-eed it bad, holy shit...." Chet cried as he leaned against the shower wall and whipped down his suit, revealing a dripping 11 inch whopper of a cock. ALL of the boys in the shower gasped at the sight of it and were filled with their own lust watching Chet grab his meat and pound it up and down with fury. Just as an army follows their leader, the rest of the team started removing their suits too, some not in enough time for what followed. One by one, all of them started to ejaculate constant streams of cum. Tony was actually first, having taken down his suit seconds after Chet revealed his mammoth rod. His respectable 8 inch Italian sausage sprang out and almost immediately began shooting cream straight across the shower, hitting Chet's well built chest, and then spraying over the teammates to his left and right. Chet almost immediately followed, his own cock spraying back across to Tony, sometimes hitting him in the crotch, soaking his crotch of thick black fur with white sticky fratboy jism, while at other points nailing him in the chest too. Ray, who was standing next to Tony, got hit with Chet's load, but didn't seem to notice as he was preoccupied staring at the 3 foot arc of cum streaming from his own dick. He'd whipped out of his suit moments before, his mind filled with images of going down on any guy there. Carter, continuing his role as the slow one, had not even gotten the chance to pull down his suit, and instead just stared down over his chubby belly at the black fabric now seeping white cream out over the elastic and through the material. His suit, usually stretch to it's limits by his large buttocks, now ballooned out in even further with cum. Seeing this, Ray felt an overwhelming need to help his corpulent friend, and dropped to his knees while pulling the boy's cum-filled suit down over his large ass. A cascade of cum flowed out over Ray's hands and down his arms, as well as down Carter's thick legs, as his 4 inch erection sprang forward and began shooting Ray straight in the face. Carter had always been able to hide the true size of his small cock, and despite not being ashamed of his weight, always felt a self-conscious about his dick being too tiny. He didn't seem to care, nor did Ray who, seeing no other solution to stop getting hit in the face with Carter's cum, simply dove into his fat crotch and took the entirety of his shooting cock into his mouth.

Jake was watching all of this, dumbfounded and also lost in the realm of his own incredible orgasm, shooting his spunk 4 feet in the air to rain down on himself and Phil, who was standing next to him, doing the same thing. At the sight of Ray going down on Carter, Jake figured the show had started, and pulled Phil to the already cum soaked floor. "Fuck me," he commanded, and Phil needed no more encouragement. Propping Jake's legs up on his shoulders, he drove his 6 incher straight into Jake's twitching asshole. No need for lube when all the he needed was shooting out of his own cock at an alarming rate. He no longer questioned what was happening or why, all he needed now was cock, ass, anything related to sex and men. As he bent Jake further and further onto his back, Jake was able to better aim his own cock into his mouth, drinking up the precious fluid. Not that there was any shortage of cum or water in the place. All the showers were still on, and every boy in the place was shooting semen at a rate of a quart a minute. Through the massive orgy that had ensued, Jake looked down the shower room to see what he had hoped to see: Martin and Jordan locked in a passionate kiss. Their own young 5 inch cocks shot endlessly between their pressed bodies, coating their hairless chests with a slick coat of jism.

Jake had not anticipated the extended duration of the potency of the drug when mixed with Gatorade, along with the fact that the boys never left the showers and pretty much endlessly quenched their thirsts. For 3 hours straight, the scene continued, all the boys, Jake and Phil totally without any sense of time passing. All their focus was aimed at fucking and getting fucked. Over the course of the night, both Martin and Jordan got to live out their fantasies with Chet. About 15 minutes into the cum-soaked orgy, Martin left Jordan and stumbled over to Chet, who was busy sucking on Jake's spurting rod. "Got any orafices open for a faggot like me?" he asked grinning from ear to ear. Chet sheepishly looked up, wiping the cum from his eyes that dripped out of his jism soaked crew cut hair, and simple gurgled, "Fuck my ass, stud" before returning to slathering Jake's cock. Martin was the first to take the frat-boy's cherry, and Chet loved every moment of it. Martin slid his 5 inches all at once into the muscled asshole, and felt its tight warmth encase his spouting cock. He, Jake, and Chet stayed locked in this fuck for a good 10 minutes before Jordan came over, and grabbing Tony on the way, asked the two captains, "Which one of you want's my ass first?" Tony, who had been getting his own ass fucked by two other freshmen simultaneously while having his face pounded by Chester's tiny spewing prong for what seemed like hours, was certainly ready to play top. Slipping to the floor with a splash into the inch deep swill of cum and water mixed there, he pulled Jordan down with him and right onto his raging, shooting cock with a THUD. Chet pulled himself free from Jake and Martin, and forced as much of his 11 inch ejaculating rod into Jordan's mouth as would fit. Jordan soaked his fingers with his own come, as well as Chet's load spilling out of his mouth, and drove them deep into Chet's ass, only causing Chet to howl with pleasure and increase the power and volume of his cum stream.

By the time the drug wore off, 22 completely spent boys all lay on their backs or leaned up against the walls of the shower room, sitting in 5 inches of their own warm spunk. The drains had backed up during the last hour, thankfully, there was a 6 inch ledge that normally kept the water in, now serving as a dam for what must have been nearly 1,000 gallons of cum that swirled on the floor. Several of the boys continued to suck one another off, getting the final bits of fresh cream from each other's softening dicks, while others just lazily jerked the last spurts of cum out of their own dicks as their bodies occasionally convulsed with short jags of orgasmic pleasure. Martin and Jordan were passed out in the corner, Martin's now-flaccid dick firmly embedded in Jordan's still-convulsing ass. Chester was lying flat on his back, slowly massaging the cum swirling all around him all over his huge body, while Ray fed him the last bits of his cum standing over him, spilling spurt after spurt in his open mouth. Chet and Tony sat in another corner, having a small "cum battle", splashing each other with the deep accumulated load on the floor, occasionally stopping to jam their own fingers into their cum filled asses to force any last remains of jism from their spent rods. Jake surveyed the scene as he and Phil slowly rubbed each other's now flaccid cocks and thought how his latest test had gone far beyond his expectations. It would be interesting to see how the team reacted to one another in the days that followed, now having all had sex with one another. But what more was on his mind was the next experiment he would do. There seemed to be no end to the possibilities. He grinned wildly on the thought that Phizer really never knew how close they had come to making a REALLY good drug.

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