Cumming in Cumbria

By gro.xobliamnepo@ddot.kram

Published on Jul 11, 2017


'Cumming in Cumbria' (part 1) By Mark Todd

It was mid-morning on a beautiful Spring day. The sun shone and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, which is pretty rare in England's Lake District, my home for a week on holiday with a group of mates. The mountains loomed above as I walked out of the little village shop and down the street, and I could just make out tiny figures of hikers walking slowly up the ridge. I loved walking the fells, and today was a fine day for it - but I was also nursing a hangover and was supposed to be out shopping for breakfast.

I'd left my mates back at the cottage, three of them still fast asleep and my best mate Ben groggily walking around the kitchen in his boxers clutching a cup of coffee. We'd had a big night of drinking for Dan's 35th birthday, the reason why we'd booked this week away. I'd hoped to do lots of walking but my mates, lazy and stoned most of the time, were as likely to get up Grisedale Pike as I was to get up Scarlett Johansson, or any woman for that matter.

Apart from Dan and Ben, there was Joe (we'd all been at university together) and Rob, a guy I didn't know very well who was a mate of Dan's from work. We were all in our early 30s and Dan was the first to reach the milestone of 35. Middle age was calling but we were all still pretty young at heart.

My friends were all straight, but thankfully they had no problem with me being gay. Well, as long as I didn't go on about it. Even the most liberal straight guy often gets freaked if you talk about actual gay sex. Not that my mates were the type of men who talked about their conquests all the time or leered at women in the street - we didn't really talk about sex much anyway.

I thought about sex a lot though. I'd left my long-term boyfriend Luke back in Manchester, because this was a boys' week away and partners weren't really welcome. Not that I really wanted to bring him anyway - we weren't getting on and this was a welcome break from bickering. I'd not had a wank since I got here a few days ago and I'd found myself yesterday constantly staring at the crotches and arses of hot young guys in Keswick. I'd tried to get on my phone to see if I could find any local cruising areas but I had a terrible signal. But on the bus on the way back I'd clocked a small toilet here in the village and my dick was telling me urgently today to go and check it out.

I've never been a big cottager - too terrified of getting caught and suffering the humilation of being known as one of those sorts of people who wank at urinals. But I've done it from time to time, usually being careful to zip up quickly if anyone comes in just to piss. I doubted there would be any action here, but at least I could have a quick wank.

The toilet was up a stone shingle path. A small white building, it was pretty basic inside - just one cubicle with a metal door, and a small urinal - one of the basic sheets of metal types, with just enough room for two people to stand. It was empty, no cottagers - not that I really expected any - and a quick peer inside the cubicle didn't even reveal any graffiti. I needed a piss, so went over to the urinal, though I'd more or less decided the best thing to do would just be to have a quick wank in the cubicle. I really needed to release my spunk. I'd been sleeping in the same bed as Ben for three days and it felt disrespectful to have a wank while he was asleep. I'd spent the previous night lying there with an erection for what seemed like hours, wishing we could just have a wank together and forget the taboo that mates have about that sort of thing. I'd always fancied Ben - his floppy dark hair, his incredibly hairy legs, his cute little cock with a really long foreskin I'd seen in the gym showers - but despite a couple of sexually charged moments in the past nothing had really happened between us. He was married now with two little kids, but I couldn't stop fantasising about him.

I pulled out my cock and started to piss. As soon as I started to piss, I heard someone come up the path. I expected them to go straight into the cubicle but instead they came over to the urinal so I moved up and let them squeeze into the narrow space. I had a brief glimpse of the guy - early 30s, short cropped brown hair, wearing a blue polo shirt and jeans. Looking down, he had big feet in chunky white trainers.

I heard him pull his zip down. I looked straight ahead at the white tiles, trying to resist the temptation to peer down at his cock. I'd wait until I turned to go at least, rather than being obvious about it. I had almost finished pissing, just the final dribble barely hitting the steel of the urinal.

There was still no sound of piss. I'd expected him to piss fast and noisily, a strong stream hitting the stainless steel. Maybe a bit of splashback on my hands I could lick off on the way out (I can be a dirty fucker at times) But nothing. Perhaps he was piss shy. I glanced across and got a quick glimpse of the end of his cock. He was just holding it and staring down, but nothing was happening. As I glanced I briefly caught his eye and looked away. No way - was this really going to happen? He didn't look the type.

I decided to be bolder, so I took my time shaking off the piss, pulling my foreskin back too. Very few straight guys do that at the urinal so it always feels like a bit of an obvious hint to make. I felt blood rushing into my dick as I started to get a semi. I massaged my cock a bit more. I glanced across and he was copying me, squeezing his cock which was growing rapidly. We looked each other in the eyes and he grinned. Now I could see his face properly - a wide, expressive face, really good looking, a twinkle in his eye. He had a gold chain around his neck and smelled faintly of some cheap deodorant - he looked like a bit of a lad basically. Straight, I'd have assumed if I'd seen him walking along the road.

I turned slightly to face him, wanking properly now, my cock stiff. I'm not huge - about 6.5 inches - but I've got a really nice girth, especially at the base. This guy was bigger than me though - at least an inch or two longer, with a nice curve up to a bright red helmet.

"Nice" he said, reaching over and stroking my cock. I touched his too - it was so hard, like steel, rigid and hot to the touch. We wanked each other, both looking down at our dicks.

"Got anywhere to go?" I asked nervously.

"Err... not right now... you?"

"Not really..."

I had to get a quick suck of his dick if this was just going to be a quick toilet thing. I quickly knelt down and took him into my mouth. He tasted of soap, then as I licked a peal of precum oozed out. I tried to get as much into my mouth as I could but gagged as he thrust. I stood back up and started wanking, keen to cum with this gorgeous guy.

"Let me see your arse" he whispered. I turned away from him, pulling up my hoodie so he could see my bum.

"No, pull down your jeans."

Quickly I undid my belt and dropped my jeans and pants, feeling the cold air on my cheeks.

"Oh nice" he said, "V-er-y nice indeed"

He was wanking hard now behind me, and he pressed his cock into my crack as he did so. It was just an inch or so from my hole, banging me on the tail bone as he wanked. This felt very dangerous, but I needed to feel it in the right place, on my anus. I reached behind and guided it to the target.

He stopped wanking and instead just began to push gently in and out, the end of his dick lodged in my sphincter but not quite penetrating. My hands pressed on the cold tiled walls, I began to push back, willing myself to open.

Then crunch-crunch-crunch... and voices - people were coming up the path outside. Quickly I pulled up my jeans, stuffing my stiff cock inside, my heart beating like mad. I turned around and just squeezed past a young guy with dreadlocks who looked at me strangely - my panic must have been visible on my face. His mate had gone into the cubicle and had already started pissing, and he took my place at the urinal where Tony was stood nonchalantly, facing slightly into the corner. I washed my hands in the tiny sink. Another person, an old guy, came into the toilets. Sighing, I realised this wasn't going to work out and walked out down the path, wondering if Tony would follow.

He quickly caught me up as I walked up the road. "Alright. Got a bit busy in there eh? I'm Tony by the way."

"Hi mate. I'm Mark. So you don't know anywhere we can go?"

"Nah, sorry mate, staying in a caravan with the missus and the kids. Do you not have anywhere?"

I thought about taking Tony back to the cottage I was staying in, letting him fuck me in the room I was sharing with Ben while my mates all sat in the kitchen giggling, hearing me take it up the arse. No way was that happening. Luckily I did have an idea.

"People at mine too, but I reckon we could find somewhere in the woods up there."

On a previous walk just out of the village I'd noticed a pine wood just off the path over a small stone wall. There's something about conifer plantations that are great for a shag - once inside a few metres you're completely invisible.

"Yeah, sounds good to me" said Tony. "Lead the way!"

We walked in awkward silence down the road and eventually came to a stile into a field. As stepped over the stile I felt a hand on my bum. Tony got his hand into my waistband and pulled me back so my arse was right in front of his face. He playfully bit into my arse cheek, then slapped me.

"You have got the most amazing arse, mate, do you know that?"

"I've been told before - glad you like it."

My arse was my best asset - I worked out a lot, and it was full, muscled and rounded. And I walk everywhere, so my glutes get a lot of action.

"Fucking gorgeous. I tell you what I hope you've got some lube because I really want to get my cock up that."

I looked back at Tony and smiled. His hand was on his crotch, squeezing his cock. "Don't worry, I've got lube" I said, my heart beating fast as I realised I was definitely going to get fucked. I was going to feel that perfect cock slide up inside my hole.

We walked up the hill towards the woods. Clambering over a stone wall, we were soon in the darkness of the trees. It was densely packed, and took us a few attempts to find a route inside. We clambered up the hill in the trees and found a flat area between some trees, a few shafts of sunlight glinting through from the world outside.

"This'll do" said Tony. He pulled me to him, feeling my arse cheeks. He was slightly taller than me so I could feel his stiff cock pressing against the bottom of my stomach. I massaged it through his jeans, feeling it grow ever more rigid.

Tony unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out, pushing me down onto my knees. I held his cock between two fingers, licking the end, then taking more and more into my mouth. It was much bigger than I'd thought, at least eight inches, and the upwards curve made it quite difficult for me to suck more than half of it, but I did my best. He held my head, thrusting in and out of my mouth, while I undid my belt and pulled out my own dick, wanking as his cock slipped between my lips.

"What else do you like?" Tony asked, pulling me towards him so our cocks pressed together, his hands greedily pawing my arse cheeks. A finger slipped into my crack and teased my hole.

"Lots of things..." I hated this question, I was a bit shy about admitting what I liked do to, never sure what to admit.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Well I like sucking, like fucking, getting fucked... oh rimming, I love rimming..."

"Yeah?" he grinned, "Well you can rim my arse, I love getting rimmed. I don't do it back mind."

"That's not fair is it?" I said, squeezing our dicks together in my palm.

He wrinkled up his nose in disgust. "I'm not licking no bloke's shitter!"

I laughed. "You don't know what you're missing mate"

"No way! I mean, I love licking out pussy, can do it for hours, but can't get my head around licking arseholes. It does feel fucking amazing getting it done to you though."

"You'd better turn around then" I said, holding his waist and turning him around. His arse was really white compared to the rest of him, with a few spots. It was quite flat, not rounded like mine, but I love arses of all shapes and sizes.

I squatted down and pulled open his cheeks. His tight little pink rosebud was surrounded by wispy brown hairs. I moved close and I could smell it - a sweaty, ripe anal smell - he definitely hadn't showered today - a musky scent that made my cock even harder. A shred of toilet paper stuck to the hairs to the left of his hole, which I quickly pulled off.

It was intoxicating. I moved in with my mouth, making a seal over his sweaty anus, and I probed with my tongue, then I sucked, sucked hard. I snogged his arsehole, licking, sucking, tasting and smelling. I closed my eyes so for a few minutes my whole world was Tony's dirty bum, all of my senses focused on tonguing out his most intimate place.

"Oh jeez! Oh fuck!" Tony was sighing as I tongued his bum. I am a pretty good rimmer, my tongue is short but very pointy, and I doubted he'd ever been rimmed so enthusiastically. Every time I sucked on his arsehole he seemed to go weak at the knees, almost falling forward.

He tasted amazing. Salty, bitter, masculine - I don't know how to describe the taste and smell. I wished I could get deeper, get right inside him.

"Fucking hell... fuck... you are fucking good at this!"

I reached round and felt his cock, hard and throbbing. And at that moment I slipped the middle finger of my left hand up his hole, probing inside as far as I could go.

"Ahhhh... ahhh yeah..." his arse backed onto my finger enthusiastically. I'd been worried he might be an exit-only type but instead he wanked himself furiously while my finger explored his silky soft, blazingly hot passage. I pulled my finger out and tasted it briefly, sticking my tongue up him again, wiggling around, trying to get past the ring.

I pushed two fingers inside him this time, with difficulty - he was tight!

"Oww! Lube mate, I thought you had lube?"

I pulled my fingers out and grabbed the sachet from my jacket pocket. I tried not to use too much as I knew I'd need quite a bit to take his cock. I gently rubbed lube around his entrance and then slipped the two fingers inside again, this time with ease.

"Ahhh... that's better... that's fucking nice actually..."

Tony was bent right over now, his arse open to me and my fingers. He was wanking furiously, almost in a trance as I pushed a third finger inside, pushing and gently twisting, curling upwards to find his prostate. Deep inside I could feel the tiniest nugget of shit. Now I'm really not into full-on scat, but I'm not scared of shit either, and I found its presence quite erotic. I pulled my fingers out and instead inserted my two thumbs,stretching him. And it occurred to me at that moment: he's done this before, and he's had a cock or two up there.

"I'm gonna cum if you carry on doing that" said Tony, letting go of his cock. "Shit! Shit, I nearly came."

"I reckon I know how to make you cum" I said, pulling out my thumbs and poking my cock into his crack."

"You dirty fucker... I was gonna fuck you! You've really got my arse going though now mate"

"I aim to please" I said, reaching into my pocket for a condom. I ripped open the packet with my teeth and was about to roll it on but Tony had other ideas.

"Nah. No condom mate. You're not going up there with a condom, I get a bad reaction to the latex."

"Seriously? I only do safe sex"

That was at least half true. I rarely did unsafe sex but it did happen from time to time.

"Yeah, no condoms. You've not got AIDS have you?"

"No, course not" I said - though really the truth was that I didn't really know for definite what my HIV status was. My unsafe encounters were relatively few, I was healthy, I put my head in the sand like a lot of gay men of my generation. I was shocked at Tony's naivety though, and the fact that he was willing to get fucked bare and go back to his wife. Not enough to stop what I was doing though, I felt I was on autopilot, I needed to fuck his arse.

I slathered up my dick with the rest of the lube and pushed against his hole. It took a few attempts - everything was slippery and I kept missing the target - but eventually Tony reached back and guided me in. Suddenly my glans broke through his ring into the space behind. I pulled back slightly and pushed again, and gradually inch by inch my penis sank into his rectum.

Tony was moaning. "Can't believe I've let you do this... fuck... ahh fuck." I pushed in all the way, my pubes mashed into his arsecrack. "God! I'm gonna cum any second, just fuck me hard..."

My hands on his hips, I began to fuck him in earnest. His arse was so hot, so tight, so slimy. I started slowly, pulling out almost to the tip and pushing back in, feeling his tight ring around my shaft and then the velvet walls of his inner cavern slide against my helmet. A couple more slow thrusts and then I really let go, short stabs into his arse as fast as I could, my thighs slapping against his buttocks. It felt so nice, so fucking nice - I knew I'd not last long either. As I fucked, I got a whiff of his arse, pungent and manly and the smell mixed with our sweat and the scent of the pine forest into an intoxicating erotic aroma.

Tony was wanking furiously, his arse backing up against my thrusts. He leaned back and half turned around, smiling. "Fucking hell mate, ahhh, this is so fucking good..."

I reached down and started wanking him, and for a while let him take control, backing his arse onto my dick. His dick felt enormous in my hand, fat and solid and hot. A real piece of meat - I started to think about pulling out and letting him spear my arse with it. But on the other hand, there was something so cool about seeing my dick slide in and out of Tony's bum, and each time he bounced his arse back against me, my dick seemed to slide through his ring into a warm but loose interior and then finally graze against the wall of his rectum, giving me jolts of pleasure so strong I was afraid I'd lose my balance.

Tony had his eyes shut tight and a proper happy look on his face as we fucked in rhythm. "So fucking good... Jesus! Ah fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum..."

Quickly I let go of his cock and pushed him down, bending him over further to get my cock inside him further. I fucked hard, my cock squelching in his loosened hole, and I was overpowered by my own orgasm, pure pleasure taking hold of my cock, my whole body as I felt my spunk race down my cock and bam - bam - bam - shoot right inside his silky hole, splattering the walls of his arse, filling him up. Tony was coming too, his back arching, spunk landing on the forest floor, moaning and swearing as he orgasmed. I continued to thrust in and out as my orgasm died down, enjoying the sloppy feeling of my spunk swimming around my dick in his bowels.

Gradually my breathing got back to normal and I slowly pulled out of his now loose arse. A gob of white spunk dripped out as I withdrew, contrasting with the redness of his newly fucked sphincter. Tony stood up, pulling up his briefs and jeans.

"Bloody hell. I fucking came buckets." he grinned, pointing at the floor.

"Me too" I said, smiling. "That was fucking great."

"Yeah, nice one mate, best fuck I've had for ages. You bastard though, I thought I was gonna fuck you?"

I kinda regretted that a bit myself. "Yeah, I got a bit carried away... you got any time tomorrow?"

"Dunno mate. Depends what Karen's doing with the kids. I'll see what I can do though. I really want your arse!"

He smacked me on the arse and grinned.

We got ourselves decent and wound our way back through the conifers to the field and the path back down to the village. I was a bit stunned I'd got to fuck this gorgeous guy. Tony kept farting as we walked down the path, wet spunky farts. "Jesus, how much have you shot up there?" he asked at one point, "I've wrecked these boxers by now. And fucking hell my arse is sore..."

"You can get your own back tomorrow" I promised him. And as we came back down into the village we swapped numbers. Remembering the size of his cock, I hoped I'd not live to regret that...

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Next: Chapter 2

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