Cumming in Cumbria

By gro.xobliamnepo@ddot.kram

Published on Jul 19, 2017


Cumming in Cumbria - part two by Mark Todd

After my unexpected fuck with Tony I was on a bit of a high for the rest of the day. Me, Ben and Dan walked up Skiddaw mountain in glorious sunshine, me with a constant hardon as thoughts about the morning flickered into my mind. I was a bit disappointed though that I'd not been fucked by Tony in those pine woods too. I wondered what he was doing now with his girlfriend and kids, wondered if she had a clue her boyfriend took cock up his arse. I kept grinning like an idiot -- Ben noticed and started getting suspicious about what was up with me -- he knows me so well.

Embarrassingly in the night I was having a really dirty dream when I was woken up by Ben and told sharply to move to the other side of the bed. To my horror my boxers were down at my ankles and I had a stonking erection and I realised I'd probably been humping him in my sleep. Luckily Rob in the single camp bed was snoring away and missed it all.

That next morning I was pottering about in the kitchen aking breakfast when I got a text:

"GF taken kids for boat trip. Got about 3 hrs can you get here quick. Tony"

Fuck. I was gonna get that cock up my arse for real. I finished my breakfast and went to grab my lube and condoms and thought about what to tell the others. We'd not made any plans for the day, so I decided to tell them I was going to nip into Keswick to do some shopping and would catch them later. And it'd be mostly true because I'd do that after the shag anyway.

As I found the condoms in my backpack I had a bit of momentary indecision about whether to go and see Tony at all. After fucking him bareback he was obviously going to want the same thing, especially given his latex allergy. If I went to see him I was going to get his spunk fired inside me. Was it worth the risk? Fuck. My head said no but my cock was resoundingly saying yes and I'm ashamed to say I grabbed the lube and put the condoms back.

Back in the kitchen everyone was now up. "Err, I'm gonna nip into town and have a look for some new boots... I'll catch you all later."

Various hungover grunts greeted the news, then Rob piped up. "Yeah, I need some stuff from Keswick too. I'll come with you."

Fuck. This I had not expected. "I'm going right now, there's a bus in 15 minutes. Shall I meet you there?"

"No, it's ok. I'm ready. I'll just grab my coat."

We walked down the road towards the village in silence. I wasn't sure what to say to Rob at all. I didn't know him very well, he was a friend of Dan's and to be honest I thought he was a bit of a dick. He was tall and thin with a brown quiff, big ears and a sort of goofy face that reminded me of Wallace from the Wallce and Grommit animations. He tended to turn everything into a big joke, thought himself a big comedian, and had a broad Lancashire accent that could make him sound pretty dumb. He had been getting on my nerves right from the start of the holiday and on the second day had really pissed me off.

I'd woken up with morning wood, desperate for a wank and thought I'd crack one off in the shower. The shower was above the bath, with one of those see through glass partitions between that and the toilet. The lock was broken on the bathroom but I had a bit of an expectation of privacy while I was showering -- and anyway, if someone accidentally came into the room, the way the shower was positioned all they'd see was my bare arse.

So I was in the shower, my cock at full mast and pumping away, lost in thoughts of Ben's arse which had been so close to me all night, when Rob burst in. And rather than just leave, he stomped up to the toilet.

"Sorry mate, I'm fucking desperate for a piss..."

I tried to sort of turn away from the glass partition but my cock was sticking straight out.

"You don't mind do you...", he said noisily pissing. "Not having a wank or anything... oh fuck, you've got a boner!" He laughed. "You ARE having a wank!"

"No I'm fucking well not" I said angrily.

"Well something's got you excited and I hope it's not my cock". I couldn't help but have a surreptitious glance over at his dick, which was, umm, pretty nice actually. Longer than I expected. He waggled it up and down. "Get a load of that!"

"Fuck's sake Rob, can you just give me some privacy?" I snapped, trying to hide my erection as best as I could.

"OK, OK, calm down, calm down. Don't blow your top. Or your load, haha."

He zipped up and left, leaving the door open. "Hey everyone, watch yourself in the shower, Mark's having a wank in there, dirty bastard..." I heard him shouting to the rest of the group.

Thankfully the rest of my friends were pretty uptight about talking about sex in general, so didn't grill me about it when I came out of the shower. But I was pissed off at Rob, not least because I didn't get to finish my wank.

Walking along the street with him, I racked my brains for excuses to leave. There were none. I decided it was best to just front up with it.

"Look Rob... I've got something to do before I go to Keswick. I'll meet you there. I'm sort of meeting someone."

He looked mystified. "What do you mean, meeting someone?"

I thought about saying I was scoring some drugs but it seemed so unlikely in this pretty little village, and he'd want to come with me anyway.

"Y'know. For a shag."

He stopped dead. "You're meeting someone for a shag? How the fuck? You've copped off, here?" He laughed. "Hey, has she got a sister?"

Shit. Awkward. He didn't even know I was gay. I'd expected that one of the others would have told him. I'd known him a while but only as an acquaintance, and sometimes people gossip much less than you expect.

"Err, I can ask... Him. It's a bloke."

He put his hand over his mouth in involuntary shock. "A bloke. You're a poof? Jesus!"

"Yeah... didn't you know?"

"No... shit. Oh look I'm sorry about the shower and taking the piss and that. And anything else I've said. I sometimes say homophobic things, but I don't really mean it..."

He asked me about how I'd met Tony, and I lied, pretending it was on the internet. This was before apps like Grindr, but I had a phone that could do internet and it was perfectly feasible we'd met that way, rather than in a toilet.

We came to the bus stop, conveniently almost opposite the entrance to Tony's caravan park, and next to the toilet block where we'd stood wanking yesterday.

"Shall I meet you in Keswick then?"

Rob was scanning the timetable. "No bus for nearly an hour!". I'd forgotten I'd completely made up the 20 minute figure.

"I'll have to wait then. How long are you gonna be?". He laughed. "How long does it take? Does it depend how long it is?" He sniggered.

"Ha ha. I dunno, he hasn't got long, probably won't be more than half an hour."

"So what, it's like a quickie? Suck and go?"

"Something like that. Hopefully more than that..."

"What? Up the arse? Really?" He seemed oddly excited by the whole thing. "You met this guy yesterday and you're doing him up the arse already?"

"I already did him up the arse" I admitted, my cock starting to rise. "This might be his turn"

"You do that?" He looked a bit stunned. "I sort of thought... you'd be like the top, or whatever."

"Both ways is good for me." I said, not really wanting to talk about this. "Look, you won't discuss this with the others?"

"Scout's honour. Honestly won't."

He looked serious for a minute. "Is this... you know, safe?"

I thought he meant safe sex at first. "I've got condoms".

"No, I mean, what if he's a nutter. What if he's a serial killer?"

I laughed. "I don't think so."

"I really think you should tell me the caravan number, just in case."

With some grumbling I wrote it down on a piece of paper and strode across the road, leaving Rob in the bus shelter.

When I got to the caravan I felt a bit awkward -- at the caravan next door some kids were out playing, and it felt like I was trespassing in a family-friendly place. I knocked on the door and Tony ushered me in quickly. He was bare chested, just wearing trackie bottoms. I'd not really appreciated his body before, but he clearly worked out a bit -- lean and broad shouldered, a little bit of hair on his chest and defined pecs, though not overly muscly.

"Glad you came mate. Look, I'd offer you a drink but I'm not sure we've got a lot of time..."

He pulled down his trackies a couple of inches and his already half-hard cock popped out. I grabbed it with my right hand, marvelling at its length and thickness. I wanked him up and down and ran my fingers over his chest.

"Come on, let's go into the bedroom" Tony said, leading the way. The room was strewn with women's clothes and a few toys. I put my canister of lube down on the bedside table and sat down and undid my shoes, while Tony pulled off his trackies and laid on the bed. I stripped the rest of my clothes off and knelt between his legs, sucking on his cock and feeling his balls which were tight against his body.

"You gonna sit on it then?" asked Tony. He really wasn't up for foreplay it seemed. My cock was achingly stiff. I stopped sucking and looked him in the eyes "Maybe I'll fuck you again"

Tony laughed. "Absolutely not. My arse is wrecked from yesterday. You're gonna sit on it."

I manoevered myself into a squatting position over Tony's cock and reached over for the lube. Tony poked his cock into my crack, teasing my hole as I squirted some lube out. I reached back and did my arse first, smearing lube around the entrance and then plunging two fingers inside. I willed myself to open and tried to stretch my ring a bit. This was gonna be a challenge. Then I lubed up Tony's dick, pulling his foreskin right back as I did so. God it was fat.

Then I pressed my hole to his helmet and started to sit down. At first it felt like it wouldn't even go in a millimetre. I pulled my cheeks apart and pushed again, trying to relax my sphincter and push like I was taking the biggest shit in the world. It popped in, just an inch or so. And that was all, and it just felt really awkward and painful. I hate the first part of taking a cock, although I know in the end it will be worth it. Eventually after a bit more pushing it slid in another inch but I cried out in pain and had to yank it out of my arse.

"Sorry mate... this is a big one for me."

"You're really tight. You need to relax more."

That was easy for him to say. I squirted on more lube and had another go. A few inches... then suddenly everything seemed to open like a valve being released and his whole cock slid effortlessly deep into my rectum, stretching and filling it up completely.

"Ohhhh..." I let out an involuntary sigh, holding onto Tony's arms as I bottomed out, feeling his pubes mash against my arse cheeks.

Tony had his eyes shut tight, in ecstasy. "Fuck... oh that's good. That's what I've been missing..."

Slowly I raised my arse so his cock slowly slid out, almost to the tip. My hole was so tight around his arse it felt like there was an enormous amount of friction. Then I sat down again, feeling that joyful feeling of being filled right up, completed by having another penis inside of me. My cock had gone soft with all the straining of getting him inside me, but now it stiffened up in seconds.

Then I started going quicker and quicker, bouncing up and down. I don't really like this position with my boyfriend, because although his cock is a nice size it's not really long enough and it slips out too easily when you're bouncing. But with Tony's long fat cock it worked so well, and it felt so nice.

"Feel good?" he asked me as he began to thrust too to meet my bounces.

"Yeah... fucking perfect" I told him, leaning forward onto my knees so he could fuck me harder. He jackhammered into me, making my cry little gasps every time he reached a certain point inside. Then he pushed me forward, tipped me backward so my legs were in the air and he was on top. He smiled at me and then reached forward and tongued my mouth. It was the first time we'd kissed -- I'd sort of assumed he probably didn't want to as straight-ish men can be funny about that, I've found, but now he really went for it, a sloppy snog with strings of saliva hanging between our faces.

Then Tony started to fuck again, slowly at first, then faster, all the time trying slightly diffeent angles, then stirring my arse one way with his cock, then the other, all the time reaching new places and prodding my arse walls in different ways. Whenever a guy fucks me like this I feel like he's playing my arse like it's a musical instrument, coaxing it to reach a crescendo of an orgasm. I was making all sorts of noises, throwing my head back lost in utter sensation, my cock hard against my belly and my bum loosening and tightening against Tony's bulbous prick as he shafted me expertly.

Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw something at the window. Someone was watching us through the gap between the net curtain and edge of the window. With rising panic, I thought it might be one of the kids from outside, then recognised the red coat. It was Rob, watching me get buggered and writhing in pleasure. I looked away from the window. It was a bit embarrassing, knowing he was watching me doing this. Much as I love getting fucked, I've always been a bit ashamed of it too -- never quite got over teenage hangups about it being unmasculine, pansyish and just plain perverted to let another guy stick his willy up your bum. The thought flashed through my mind of him telling Ben in great detail about what he'd seen.

But it was also sort of thrilling, knowing he was watching Tony's big cock slide in and out of my arse. If he was watching, he must be enjoying watching?

Tony pushed my legs right back over my shoulders and pushed his cock in deeper than it had gone before. "I'm gonna cum in a sec" he told me breathlessly, starting to speed up again. I wanked my cock furiously as he fucked hard... and then suddenly he said "What the FUCK?" and pulled out of me leaping over to the window. He'd seen Rob.

"Someone's out there watching us." He pulled on his trackie bottoms. "Fucking peeping tom".

I tried to tell him it was a friend of mine but he'd gone, running out of the caravan after Rob. I pulled on my jeans and t shirt as quick as I could and went after him. When I got out of the caravan Rob was on the ground, about thirty metres across the field from the caravan and Tony was on top of him.

I ran over and confirmed Rob's story that we were mates and Tony dragged him back to the caravan. An old man at a neighbouring caravan looked on, frowning. Tony's cock was still tenting his trackies as he pushed Rob into the caravan with some force.

"So why were you watching?" Tony asked angrily, pushing Rob onto the sofa in the small living area.

"I dunno" said Rob, his head in his hands. "I just thought you'd been a while... I just wanted to see if he was alright."

"That's bullshit!" I said. I didn't want to hear any more of Rob's shit, this was really the final straw.

"OK I suppose I was curious... look I'm sorry. I didn't want to spoil your shag. I'll go..."

"No." said Tony. "You can wait there now till we're done. Or you can watch if you want, I don't give a shit, just don't fucking freak out my neighbours any more. Dunno what I'm gonna say to Karen if any of them say anything about some lanky guy peering in the windows. Fuck!"

"OK, OK, I'm sorry OK." Rob did seem quite upset. "I just... just wanted to see how it works."

"There's a cock and an arse Rob, it's not rocket science" I said, pissed off that the best shag I'd had for years had been spoiled like this.

"Come on" said Tony, "let's finish off". We went back into the bedroom, leaving Rob on the sofa. I went to close the door but Tony stopped me, leaving it partly open. "Let him see if he wants" he said, raising his eyebrows at me. "Could be interesting..."

We both quickly stripped off. My cock was now completely flaccid but amazingly Tony still had a stonking hardon.

"We'd really better be really quick now mate" he said, squirting some more lube onto his cock. "You wanna bend over for me now?"

"Cool I said, kneeling on the bed. Tony pulled my legs so I was at the edge of the bed and he could fuck me standing up. He swiped another gob of lube over my hole and I felt his cock push in to the hilt. I let out an involuntary moan as he filled me again, and my cock lengthened quickly as if his dick was somehow filling it from the inside. He started fucking, slowly at first, holding onto my hips tightly as he pulled me back and forth onto his swollen prick.

Then the door creaked, and Rob stood there. "Err, you said it was ok to watch..."

I looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed again that was watching me in this position -- the classic gay from behind bumming. "Fine by me" said Tony, not even stopping his stroke. "Mark?"

I buried my head into the duvet, not meeting Rob's stare. "Yeah, I guess..." I said quietly. Tony started fucking faster, his cock jabbing my prostate with every stroke. Then he slowed, pulling right out completely then filling me with a single thrust. I turned to look at Rob. He had his cock out and was wanking furiously, staring at Tony's cock. Watching him repeatedly opening my arse and filling it with a full fat eight inches. It was like Tony was performing for him.

"Fucking hell this is nice" said Tony, picking up the speed again. "Don't you wanna have a go?"

I looked over at Rob. This was beyond surreal. His face was bright red, as was the end of his cock, gripped tightly in his fist. He had really low hanging balls, flopping around as he wanked, superman boxer shorts around his knees.

"Err.. fuck, really? you mean me?" he asked. "Yeah. I guess I wouldn't mind..."

Tony pulled out quickly and my arse made a sort of slurping, farting sound.

"Here, you might want some lube" I heard Tony say as Rob positioned himself behind me. Nobody asked if I wanted him to fuck me. Perhaps I thought, bent over like this with my arse presented it was pretty obvious any cock was welcome. I wasn't sure whether to be pissed off at the assumption being made or excited that I was going to have Rob's cock up me. As I felt his cock hesitantly press into my crack, any momentary doubt was gone. He jabbed a bit low at first -- I guess that's a typical straight guy mistake -- so I reached back and guided him to the target. I was pleasantly surprised -- I'd not really got a good look at his dick, and while this wasn't quite up to Tony's monster it was a going to be a nice arseful. Pretty long, thinner than Tony's, and pointing straight out. His bellend met my loosened hole, and slid in easily.

"Fuck..." said Rob, sighing as he slid all the way inside. "Shit... can't believe I'm doing this", he muttered, pushing right in and then out, slowly, as if he was getting the hang of a new toy. I tightened my arse around his dick, wanting him to enjoy his first bum. He felt bonier than Tony, his pelvis banging awkwardly against me.

Tony clambered onto the bed in front of me. "Fucking nice innit mate?" he asked, slapping his cock on my face. "Yeah" replied Rob, "Just please tell me I'm not gonna get covered in shit!" He started giggling. "You know my mates are always saying I'll fuck anything, I just never thought I'd go this far..."

"No shit on mine" Tony said, pushing his cock into my mouth. It was really hot and smelled of my arse, tasted kinda tangy and bitter. I let Tony start fucking my mouth, as Rob also started to really bang my bum hard. He fucked without much refinement, not a bit like Tony's expert rogering, but god he fucked hard. I felt pre-cum leak from my dick as his cock filled my rectum and poked my prostate. Each stroke sent Tony's cock deeper into my throat, making me gag again. In the end I couldn't breathe and had to push Tony away, fearing I'd puke onto the bed or something. "Need a breather!" I gasped.

Tony had other ideas and inside he turned around and bent over, parting his cheeks showing that tight little sphincter. It didn't look at all like it had had a dick up it less than 24 hours before. I licked up his crack and over his hole, then went in for a full on snog of his anus.

"Can't believe you're doing that" said Rob, as I sucked on Tony's arsehole, probing his ring with the tip of my tongue. "Fucking hell, you guys are fucking ANIMALS!" he shouted, really ramming his prick into my arse now. "Fuck... oh shit... fuck I'm gonna cum..."

He made some weird noises as he reached orgasm, strange whimpering grunts. He stopped fucking as he came, and I could feel his cock quivering inside me, pumping spunk deep into my bowels. I tongued Tony's arse deeply, savoring the pleasure of pleasing another arse while mine was splattered in cum.

Shortly after he came Rob pulled out abruptly and pulled up his boxers. Tony dived off the bed saying "Quick, let me get back in there" and I soon felt his bigger knob punch through my sphincter. It felt impossibly bigger than before, perhaps it was a sensory trick caused by the amount of spunk slopping about inside me. He started to fuck me again, urgently and with some force. I knew he was going to cum soon so I started wanking myself, determined to shoot at the same time. My arse felt so fucking loose now, slutty and open. He thrust in and out, my bum now making osbscene squelching noises as Rob's cum was stirred deep inside me.

"Can I clean my cock?" Rob said suddenly. "Yeah -- bathroom's through there" Tony gestured, holding my hips tightly and slamming his prick deep inside me. He must have lasted about another twenty seconds after Rob left the room, pushing me down on the bed as he came, his arms around my sides as he blasted spunk inside me. I managed to give my cock a couple of final tugs and I was cumming myself, a wild orgasm centred on the massive log in my arse. Strangely, perhaps because of the position I was in the spunk just seemed to flow in one continuous stream from my dick. We lay in that position for perhaps two minutes, our dicks pulsing, my arse on fire, feeling Tony's heartbeat against my back and his hairy legs entwined in mine.

When Tony pulled his dick out I felt like some of my organs might fall out after him. Shit, that was a good fuck. Tony found some tissues for me to wipe my spunky arse with and we started to get dressed.

"Where's your mate?" asked Tony, but when I went to find Rob he wasn't in the bathroom, in fact he wasn't in the caravan at all.

I stuck to my original plan of going into Keswick, hoping I'd find Rob. I tried calling him but he didn't answer. Walking around the town with a sticky arse wasn't much fun -- it was a hot day and I felt pretty gross. I could smell the spunk on me, I just hoped the people on the bus home wouldn't notice.

When I got back the cottage Rob had gone. He'd told the others his mum was ill and packed up and gone home. They were a bit surprised he'd not told me though, as we'd supposedly been together when he got the phone call. Clearly Rob's cock had told him one thing when presented with my arse but his brain had freaked out once he'd reached orgasm. Reminded me a bit of when I was 14 and really angry with myself after I'd wanked thinking about boys, yet again.

There was one silver lining though -- with Rob gone from the room, me and Ben had separate beds.

As we were getting undressed Ben admitted he was glad Rob had gone. "Can't believe you didn't deck him for walking in on you in the shower."

"Yeah, maybe I should have. Spoiled my wank!"

Ben laughed. "Mine too, I've not dared have one in case he walked in. This must be the longest I've gone without a wank since school, my balls will burst soon!"

I pulled off my boxers and walked over to turn off the main light. Ben and I were pretty cool with being naked together. "Yeah, pretty desperate for one myself mate".

"We could have one now if you want... I'd be cool with that" Ben said as I got under the duvet. "It would have been a bit weird in the same bed though"

"Yeah, that would be weird... yeah I'm up for it if you are!"

So we both masturbated at the same time, our duvets banging out in time with each other. We giggled a bit, it was like horny naughty schoolboys.

I was aware that Ben had suddenly speeded up, and a satisfied grunt let me know that he was shooting. "Ahhh... that's me done... shit... rather a lot!" he said. That set me off immediately, a really strong orgasm spurting watery spunk over my belly.

"That was good" I said, getting my breath back. Ben turned on the bedside light and we both wiped up. I got a quick flash of his deflating cock as he wiped himself with a dirty t-shirt.

"It's cool we're such good mates and can do that without getting freaked out" said Ben as we smoked a spliff afterwards.

"Yeah" I said "Dunno if Rob would have coped."

"No way" said Ben, "He'd go mental. He's really homophobic. I was expecting a fight to break out between you and him but I don't think he cottoned on that you're gay at all!"

"No, he didn't have a clue!" I agreed. "A bit slow, our Rob."

But, I thought, remembering his prick inside me, a fast learner.

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Next: Chapter 3

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