Cumming in Cumbria

By gro.xobliamnepo@ddot.kram

Published on Apr 3, 2018


Cumming in Cumbria -- Part 3 by Mark Todd

It was about three years until I saw Rob again. Dan was getting married -- he'd been with his girlfriend Megan for years and they had a son already, and finally they'd decided to make it legal, to please her parents and to take advantage of the legal framework marriage provides. Neither were especially excited about it so I was a bit surprised when Dan organised a stag do -- but he made clear it wasn't going to be some drunken trip to Ibiza, instead he wanted us all to revisit the Lake District where we'd had so much fun a few years before. I'd tried to wriggle out of it -- I knew Rob was going and was concerned about the awkwardness of meeting him again. But I couldn't let Dan down either.

This time there were going to be more of us -- about a dozen in total -- and so it was impossible to book a single place for everyone. Plus Dan had left it a bit late in the season. So he managed to get a cottage in a little village at the base of the Blencathra mountain for him and Joe and his cousins, while the rest of us booked separate rooms in hotels and B&Bs around Keswick. I was sharing a room with Ben again, which he'd booked, in a slightly chintzy bed and breakfast that had seen better days.

We arrived after a long train journey at nearly ten o'clock on the Friday night, checked in and traipsed up three flights of stairs with our bags to a room tucked under the eaves. When we walked in I was surprised to find a double bed -- and a pretty small one at that.

"Yeah, I know it's not ideal" said Ben as I dumped my bags down. "But it's really all I could get. Not without paying silly money anyway."

Ben earned more money than me but nowhere near as much as Dan who coined it in writing software. We were both a bit resentful at the effort in keeping up with our wealthier mates, and rooms like this were how we managed to cut costs.

We'd originally planned to meet up with the others and have a few drinks, but it was late now, and Dan wanted us all to walk up Blencathra in the morning, so we decided to have a couple of cans in the room and have an early night instead. We chatted about this and that for a while, then started to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, and came back into the room to find Ben stripping off for bed, stood in a blue t-shirt and baggy grey boxers. I pulled off my jeans as Ben took off his t-shirt, bringing his hairy chest into view. We'd been working out together for years, and while neither of us were exactly muscle boys, Ben had developed a nice broad chest. He'd got a bit of a middle aged belly, while I was proud of still almost having a six pack, but generally he was still looking good.

There was a split second of hesitation, then to my surprise Ben pulled off his boxers too. We were used to being naked around each other, but I'd expected him to keep them on when we were sharing the bed. His wrinkled cock, darker than the rest of his body, protruded from his unruly thatch of pubes. Ben's cock always made me smile -- his long foreskin came to a slanting point, with a bit of overhanging skin and it always made him look as though he was dripping. I glanced away quickly, not wanting him to notice me looking at his genitals.

I followed suit, stripping naked as he got under the covers and turned out the light. Not that it made a lot of difference -- there was a street lamp right outside and the thin curtains didn't block out a lot of light. I set my alarm and got into bed, both of us lying on our sides facing away from each other. Our bums touched briefly and we readjusted our position..

A couple of minutes of silence then Ben sighed and rolled over on his back. "Err... do you fancy a wank then or what?" he whispered.

Since our wank together in the cottage just a few miles away, we'd done it again a few times, and it had become a bit of a ritual if we were staying together. When Ben stayed at mine he'd be in the spare room, but we could hear each other tossing off at the same time through the wall. On a couple of weekends away we'd shared rooms with twin beds and beat our pricks while chatting and giggling. We joked about being a right pair of wankers, and it had just become a thing we did together sometimes. This felt a bit different though, we were in the same bed and barely millimetres apart.

"Yeah, I spose so, if you want to..."

"Well, it'd probably get us to sleep quicker..."

I reached down and started massaging my penis, feeling it lengthen rapidly in my hand. Ben started to wank first, making a tent in the duvet. Soon we were both pulling away, and a few contented sighs and gasps came from Ben as he jerked just inches from me. I felt so stiff, this was so horny -- especially the way Ben's hairy leg kept touching mine as we wanked.

"God... this reminds me of being a teenager, me and James Richardson..." said Ben suddenly.

Ben had talked about James before, a wild character who he'd hung around with smoking pot and taking mushrooms.

"What, you used to wank together?"

"All the fucking time, couldn't keep our hands off our cocks. Like all teenagers, I guess."

I laughed. "Well I'm glad I'm helping you relive your youth"

"Yeah. Well almost..." said Ben. "We... err, you know... we gave each other a hand sometimes."

"Really?" I asked. "You never told me that!"

"Yeah, you know, horny teenage lads. I kind of miss it sometimes..."

I didn't really know what to say. Was Ben coming on to me?

"Well -- don't take this the wrong way -- but if you want me to give you a hand..."

Ben went silent for a second. "Yeah, well I'll give you a hand too... just wanking though yeah. Not, like gay stuff..."

"Look we're mates, I wouldn't want to spoil that by trying something on with you..."

"OK... sorry... just don't want to give you the wrong idea... "

I felt Ben's right hand touch my thigh, then my penis. Wrapping his fingers around it.

"Whoah, fuck, you're really thick..." he said, squeezing my cock. I moved my left hand over to his furry belly, sweeping down until I felt the hard hotness of his shaft against my palm. I ran my hand up and down his penis, feeling its shape. A similar length to mine, but thinner on the shaft, with a very large bulbous helmet. No wonder he had such a long floppy foreskin, it had to contain this quite remarkable bellend.

I held him lightly, gently wanking him up and down, him doing the same to me. "That's good" I said encouragingly, as he started to speed up and hold me a bit tighter.

"Great" agreed Ben. Feels weird... you know, a different cock..."

"Good though?"

"Yeah... don't stop or anything!"

Our legs and bodies were pressed tightly together as we wanked, and I could feel Ben squirming in pleasure as I tossed him off -- first slowly, then faster, alternating pressure and speed. Ben was a bit more traditional, pulling on my cock in a businesslike fashion, but it was just incredible having him hold my knob, his skin on mine. I must admit I spent most of the wank trying not to cum too quickly. But after a few minutes of trying to focus my mind on the most unsexy thoughts I had to give up.

"Ben... I think I'm gonna cum..."

"Go for it... I won't be long either"

I relaxed and let my orgasm happen, my toes curling around Ben's right foot. I've always had a thing for feet, and our bare feet pressed together like this seemed powerfully erotic. "Ohhh fuck" I was cumming, and cumming hard -- I felt the first load of spunk rush down my penis and ejaculate powerfully over Ben's hand -- and further, some hit my chest, I think some hit his chest too. And again, and again, gloopy thick spunk.

"Shit, that's a lot" said Ben, still holding my dick as it did its final pulses. I'd expected him to pull well clear before he got messy, but he seemed cool with being covered with my jism.

"Your turn" I said leaning over and taking over with my right hand, which was much easier. Ben leaned back as I wanked, bucking his hips up into my hand like it was an artificial vagina.

"Squeeze it harder... Oh! Yeah... Ahhh... Yep that's it! Fuck!". Ben was shooting too, I felt my hand wetten as his spunk spurted and oozed out. As his orgasm subsided I let go and lent back, sticky with his spunk and mine. Surreptitiously I licked my hand, tasting his salty spunk, and immediately hoped he didn't notice.

"Well that was a bit unexpected." said Ben. "Good though, I've missed doing that, you know. Daft we've never done it before really. Not that I plan on making a habit of it or anything!"

"No worries" I said smiling, feeling happy our friendship had evolved another step. Not that I wanted to push it too far -- I know it's often a mistake to mix friendship and sex -- but this seemed a good balance. And a wank didn't make me feel guilty. I was really trying my best to be monogamous with Luke, although our relationship was still difficult, him often moody and oppressive.

We wiped ourselves down and I reckon I was asleep in thirty seconds.

The next morning I woke as Ben got out of bed, my first sight his hairy full arse. He walked to the bathroom, his cock sticking straight out hard in front of him, foreskin unretracted.

"Morning" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, hiya" Ben responded, looking embarrassed, putting his hands over his cock. "Bit of, err, morning wood."

"No worries. Me too."

Ben stood at the toilet for about a minute, cursing. "Really need a piss but it won't go down... oh, here it comes..."

He pissed noisily into the toilet. I got up and waited for him to finish, my own dick achingly hard.

Ben smiled as I replaced him at the toilet.

"I'd suggest a morning wank, but we really haven't got time. I enjoyed that last night, by the way..."

"Me too" I said, pushing my hard cock down as I pissed.

"Looking forward to the next one anyway... great to be able to spend time just us two like this..."

I wondered if this was going to move beyond two mates wanking. Despite my reservations, I hoped it would.

The rest of the day was pretty full-on. We climbed Blencathra mountain, had a couple of beers at the top, then made the trek down to the pub at the bottom. Lots more beer, then back to Dan's cottage for more booze and a few lines of cocaine. A messy night, and we missed the last bus back to the town, Ben and I sleeping on the floor in the living room, along with Rob and a couple of other guys I didn't really know. Rob had ignored me all day apart from a grunt when I arrived, but no-one had noticed -- we'd never exactly been best mates or anything.

I felt rough as fuck when I woke up, fully dressed in the corner of the room. Ben had vanished, and Rob was sat on the sofa smoking a cigarette and drinking coffee.

"He's woken up!" he said excitedly. "We've been throwing stuff at your for ages and you haven't moved an inch."

Blearily, I looked around and realised I was surrounded by empty cans and cushions. I clutched my head. This was going to be an unpleasant hangover, and I'd got to spend it with Rob, who had generally avoided me all day yesterday.

It was nearly half past ten. It seemed that Ben had gone back to the B&B much earlier -- in fact pretty much everyone had left apart from Rob and Dan. Rob and I agreed to get the bus together to our respective accommodation, have a shower and a rest and meet up with everyone else in a pub in town for a late lunch.

We waited for the bus at the little bus stop in awkward silence. Then eventually Rob broached the subject of the last time we'd met.

"Look... I'm sorry about running off that time... I was just a bit freaked out." he mumbled, not really looking me in the eye.

"No worries mate. It was a bit insane. I was a bit freaked out myself."

He seemed to relax and smiled. "It was the most insane thing I have ever done. Fucking hell... here, do you want hair of the dog?"

Rob passed me a can of lager which I took gratefully. It was a bit early in the day for me but it was likely the only thing that would make my head feel better.

"Really don't know what got into me to be honest. Proper did my head in afterwards you know..."

I interrupted. "One shag doesn't make you gay Rob. I don't think you'll be the first straight man to give it a go."

"Yeah... I know... not planning on seconds or anything... but, well -- I've come to terms with it now I think... 'Any hole's a goal' and all that!"

He laughed.

"Well you definitely scored!" I said. "It was good fun for me, anyway..."

"Yeah... don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it... there's no denying it... just afterwards, you know, kinda dented my masculinity a bit. And I went for a HIV test and all that. Don't worry -- all clear... But I had to tell Helen -- not that I shagged you, told her that I slept with another woman. Gave me a bit of a big black mark as you can imagine..."

"Fuck." I said. "Must have been stressful I guess. But I don't think you need to worry about your masculinity, I mean Tony was pretty masculine, surely?"

"Yeah... well that's what I started thinking. He was married with kids and definitely one of the lads... helped me realise I've not gone all poofy. Did you really do him up the arse?"

I nodded. "Most definitely."

"Well every day's a school day." laughed Rob. "Especially that one. Fucking hell. It was mental. Mental. A moment of madness!"

He downed his can just as the bus pulled up. Twenty minutes later we were walking through the busy town centre towards our hotels when suddenly Rob stopped dead in his tracks, fumbling through his pockets.

"Shit! Oh for fuck's sake. I've left my fucking keys back there."

I waited while he went through pockets again, having a proper meltdown. Then he got on the phone to Dan, who found the keys and agreed to bring them to the pub for lunch.

"Can't believe I've done that" said Rob, running his hands through his hair, which was pretty lank and greasy looking. He was covered in stubble, his eyes a bit bloodshot, and I smell the stale sweat on him. We were both pretty rank from the long day walking and drinking and sleeping on a floor.

"You can come to mine for a shower if you want" I offered. "I can probably lend you a shirt too."

"Oh yeah, cool. You're a lifesaver. I am fucking stinking". He sniffed his armpits. "Lead the way!"

When we arrived at the little attic room it was empty, and shortly after I discovered that Ben had texted me with the name of a bar he was already drinking in.

"This is cosy" remarked Rob, sitting down on the double bed. "So, you and Ben... is something going on there then?"

"Absolutely not." I said. "I don't think Ben's up for that kind of thing"

"Really?" First time I met him I was convinced he was a bender. No offence..."

I pulled off my shoes, wondering what was going on here. Was Rob up for another fuck? I usually feel really horny when I'm hungover and today was no exception. He'd made that comment about not wanting seconds though. I couldn't read him at all.

"Better have that shower" I said, pulling off my trainers and then my t-shirt over my head. I decided to be as obvious as I could without actually making the first move. So I dropped my jeans, then my boxer briefs and casually walked naked into the bathroom, leaving the door wide open. I half expected Rob to make some jokey comment like `nice arse' or something, but he was silent, staring at his phone. There was a tension in the air, or was I imagining it?

I turned on the shower and stepped behind the glass screen, wondering if Rob remembered catching me wanking in the shower on our last trip to the Lakes. Quickly, I pumped my dick to full mast. I desperately wanted him to come in, to see it. Minutes went by, I soaped myself up and rinsed myself off, willing him to walk in and see my erection. I had just about given up when there was a hesitant voice at the doorway.

"Err.. I just need a piss, yeah?"

"Cool" I said, my heart beating fast. I gave myself a couple of quick strokes as he walked up to the bog, next to me. Glancing across I was surprised to see he was only wearing boxer shorts. I stood facing forward, my cock hard, feeling suddenly a bit embarrassed. Rob pulled his prick out of his boxers, and coughed. He was aiming, but not pissing. An excruciating thirty seconds passed with neither of us making the first move.

I started wanking myself, looking down at Rob's cock. And he started doing the same. Quickly, he became erect, looking over at me furtively as I wanked. He wouldn't look me in the eye. I realised I was going to have to take control. I turned off the shower and stepped out. Rob still stood at the toilet, clearly not sure what to do and perhaps fighting his conscience.

"Turn round" I said, dropping to my knees. He looked half shocked as his cock entered my mouth, then as I swirled my tongue around his bellend he almost buckled at the knees, groaning. His cock tasted strong -- of sweat, and piss. I grabbed his hairy low hanging balls with my left hand and pulled him into my throat, taking all 7.5 inches to the hilt. I nearly gagged, I'm not really at expert at oral -- anal is really my thing -- but Rob seemed to be enjoying it. His doubts seemed to vanish, and he gripped my head and enthusiastically began to fuck my mouth.

"Fucking hell Mark... shit you're good at this..."

That was a surprise to me, because I really don't think I am that great at cocksucking, but I did my best to allow him to go as deep as I could manage. After a couple of minutes though my jaw had had enough so I disengaged and pulled him through onto the bed. He laid on his back with his head on the pillows, his cock sticking up to the ceiling. It was a pretty nice cock really -- a good seven inches or so, not that much girth and a small helmet compared to mine, but easy to get your gob round. He'd put his hands behind his head, revealing hairy and very smelly pits. The rest of his body wasn't a lot to write home about to be honest -- he was pretty skinny, especially for a guy in his thirties, but he also lacked much in the way of definition. A pale flat chest, with a few spots and two small nipples, and a thick thatch of unruly pubes around his dick.

I think he expected me to just continue sucking his cock, but instead I knelt between his legs and lay on top of him, our cocks pressed together. He almost jumped out of his skin when our dicks touched the first time. I ground my dick into his, feeling the two fleshy tubes wrestle, and gripped them tightly together in my hand.

"Woah... fuck that's weird..."

"Weird?" I asked spitting in my hand to add some lubrication. I wanked our cocks together, feeling his throb against mine.

"Just... I dunno, different. I've never even touched another cock and now there's one touching mine... feels cool though..."

A pearl of pre-cum oozed from the end of his penis. Rob was definitely enjoying this.

I grabbed his hand and guided it to my cock. "Have a go" I said, as he gingerly felt my shaft.

He began to wank me, up and down. "You're fucking big, you bastard... much thicker than mine"

I smiled. "Yours is pretty cool too"

Rob smiled and squeezed our dicks together again, "You know this is a dead good buzz... Fuck, I'm like a dog with two dicks..." He laughed again, wanking our cocks, our bellends rubbing against each other sending jolts of pleasure down my spine.

I got off Rob and manoeuvered around into a sixty-nine position. "Shift down the bed a bit" I told him. Suddenly it dawned on him what I was attempting.

"Shit... look, I dunno if I can suck your cock. No offence. Just dunno if I can do that."

"You'll fuck me up the arse but you won't suck a cock? Which is gayer?"

He looked confused. "I just don't know if I can. Shit, what am I doing?"

He put his hands over his face. His cock was wilting. Quickly, I grabbed it and gave the end a gentle suck.

"You don't need to. Just wank me off while I suck you."

That seemed to calm him down. We lay on our sides. Me positioned so that Rob could thrust happily into my mouth. He wanked me slowly as he thrust in and out, first slowly, then faster and faster.

"Fucking hell... fuck this is nice..."

I was expecting him to cum down my throat any minute, and was wandering if I should quickly change tack and see if he was up for fucking me properly instead, when I felt a wetness on my cock. He'd taken the first couple of inches into his mouth.

He pulled off, then took some more, and gagged, laughing.

"Not actually that bad I suppose" he said. "Takes a bit of practice though I bet"

"Reckon you're a fast learner" I said, licking a bead of pre-cum off the end of his cock then taking it all the way into my throat again. We sucked each other's cocks up and down, Rob getting increasingly enthusiastic about it. He wasn't fantastic -- there were a few teeth scrapes along the way -- but he was really trying his best, like as if he'd decided `in for a penny, in for a pound' and was giving it his best shot.

My jaw was aching though so I moved off his cock and gave his balls some attention. They really were very impressive, big bollocks, with a ludicrous amount of loose skin. I sucked one into my mouth, forcing my head between Rob's thighs so I could get better access. Then I sucked on the other, then the space behind them. In this position, Rob's bumcrack was splayed open. I smelt it before I saw it, a pungent whiff of unwashed arse. As I nibbled on the bridge between his balls and hole, I saw the pinkness of his anus, nestled in within a few wispy brown hairs. Rob was still sucking on my cock, but I was forced to pull my cock from his mouth as I craned my neck around to get a good look at his hole.

Like the rest of Rob, it wasn't especially attractive in a classical way. It looked strangely wonky, a bit of a blue vein on one side, an odd bump on the other. Some of the hairs were stuck together greasily and the smell was really overpowering. Stale sweat, a hint of shit, a really dirty arse. I wished I'd asked him to shower first. But, despite that, at the same time, it was fucking irresistable.

I pulled my arms through his thighs and parted his crack wide and planted my tongue on target, wriggling around right on dead centre of his hole. Rob made a sound that was almost girly as I first tongued his anus, a high pitched squeal.

"Jeez! Fucking hell... fuck you are such a perve..."

I buried my nose and face into his crack, snogging his arse, trying to force his ring with my tongue. His crack was hot and clammy against my face, the smell and flavour raw and intoxicating. He tasted salty, bitter, ripe and I sucked on his arsehole like a man possessed.

I felt Rob's hands on my own arse, exploring down my crack, rubbing over my anus, pushing in but not going far. Then the sound of spit, and wetness on my ring, and slowly a finger was sliding up inside me. I groaned, my face buried in Rob's arse, relaxing my ring to allow him full access.

"Fuck that's nice Rob" I said, letting him know I was ok with this. I toyed with his arse with my finger too, wet already from my slobbering mouth. It wasn't as tight as I'd have expected for a straight guy, and quickly I pushed inside, his sphincter spasming around my finger as it slid into the velvet depths.

I've never felt someone move so quickly. He physically jumped, yanking my finger from his arse.

"Whoah! Not that! Exit only mate!"

"Sorry... thought you might like it"

"Well I don't."

He looked angry. Fuck's sake, I thought, straight guys and their fear of their own bums. Ridiculous.

"I'll just lick it. No fingering, ok?"

"It's just... one step too far..."

I I went back to tonguing his anus, going a bit deeper each time. Rob forced up another finger, then another, probing inside me. We were both groaning and sighing as we played with each other's arse.

"This is so fucking good" Rob said, reaching down to wank his cock. "So different to with girls."

His cock was banging against my chest, engorged to the max.

He suddenly looked worried. "

"You wanna fuck me?" I asked, pulling off his arse.

"Course I do" he said, still three fingers inside me, pushing in deep. "I really want to get inside there. Feels fucking amazing."

I grinned. "Bums are fucking ace" I said.

He laughed. "I'm starting to get converted to `em."

He pulled his fingers from my arse and held them up to my nose. "Smell that."

I sniffed his fingers deeply, taking in the ripe smell of my arse. "Hot" I said, grinning.

He looked surprised and sniffed it himself. "Yeah... guess it kinda is..." he said, before plunging back inside my rectum, causing me to groan with pleasure.

"Let me have your cock then" I said, pushing him onto his back and straddling him so his cock pressed into my crack.

"Yeah... look have you got a condom? Really can't do it without a condom."

I got off the bed and rummaged in my bag and found my packet of condoms and my emergency sachets of lube. I passed Rob a condom and waited while he rolled it down his cock, tearing open the lube packet with my teeth and squeezing a bit out onto my fingers. Lifting my leg up onto the bed I smeared a dollop of lube around my anus, pushing some in with my fingers.

Rob started to get up -- I guess he assumed I was going to bend over like last time.

"No, stay there -- let me sit on it for a bit" I said, stretching my arse with my lubed fingers.

"Whatever floats your boat" grinned Rob, lying back, holding his dick.

I squatted over him, reaching back and lining his hard cock up with my arsehole. I pushed hard, willing myself to open and a few inches slid in suddenly and surprisingly painfully, causing my to gasp and screw my face up.

"Owww... shit..."

I bobbed back up off his dick as the wave of pain passed through me. Then I went for a second entry, and this time, millimetre by millimetre it glided in painlessly until I had sat down all the way, Rob's pubes mashed against my buttocks.

"Fuck..." said Rob as I flexed my ring around his penis. "Wow... I was worried it would be shit with a condom... but fucking hell..."

Slowly I raised my arse, pulling off his dick, feeling it slide out of me almost to the tip, then sat down again, letting Rob's shaft plunge deep into my bowels. It felt glorious, as usual, and my dick was so stiff and throbbing in response to my bum being nicely filled I was worried I would spurt over Rob's face without even touching it.

"Oh, that's nice..." I said, starting to build up a rhythm. Rob's eyes were wide, his face gurning as my arse massaged his dick up and down.

"Fuck... I'm not gonna last long..." he said, breathing heavily.

That was fine with me -- I wasn't going to either -- but I wanted him properly thrusting inside me first.

"Sit up" I said urgently, pulling him upwards and leaning backwards. He looked confused, not understanding what I was trying to do.

"Fuck me on my back..."

"Oh. OK... I didn't know that was even possible..."

We shifted ourselves into position, me with my legs high in the air. Rob's penis had almost slipped out of my bum as we moved but now he quickly slipped it back in to the hilt, giving me a jolt of pleasure as it hit my prostate differently. He held my thighs back towards my chest and fucked quickly, little staccato thrusts, his face dripping with sweat. He kept looking down, clearly mesmerised by the sight of his penis penetrating my arsehole.

Suddenly he pushed forward, pushing my legs back more and really began to fuck me hard. "Gonna cum... shit, gonna cum!" he moaned, his face screwed up. I reached down and wanked my dick as he thrust -- just a few strokes was all it took to set off my own orgasm. My arse felt on fire, holding Rob's penis firmly as he unloaded his cum, his face in a grimace that looked more like grief than pleasure. I was lost for a few seconds in ecstasy as my cock exploded, spraying cum over me, Rob still thrusting in and out but slowly now, his whole body quivering on top of me.

Gradually as we got our breath back I felt his cock slip out of my arse, first his shaft and then the loose end of the condom. He pulled it off and held it up -- a really big load -- before throwing it on the floor the other side of the bed.

"Fucking hell!" he said, scratching his balls. His deflating penis was bright red, contrasting with the paleness of his chest.

"Nice one!" I said "Better have that shower then?"

We smoked a spliff first out of the window then Rob got in the shower. He didn't seem to have any regrets this time. When it was my turn in the shower, my own doubts started up. I had fucked another bloke again. After a few months of managing monogamy, I'd let someone screw me. My arse throbbed accusingly as the guilt hit me as I thought of Luke back at home, oblivious to my antics. And Rob -- for fuck's sake, I didn't even really fancy him. He was a dick, and not really my type.

Five minutes later I walked back into the bedroom. Rob was in his boxers, his cock erect and poking up to the right.

"Have we got time for another?" he asked, tweaking his cock.

"You serious? I dunno..."

But then Rob came and stood behind me, grinding his cock into my bum and I realised I was going to relent. He pulled his boxers down, pressing his dick into my crack, nearly touching my sore hole. I felt myself bending over almost by instinct, wanting to be filled again..

"OK.. but we'll have to be quick."

"I can be quick!"

I passed him the lube and a condom and bent over the bed. He smeared some lube over my arse and was in me in seconds. This time reminded me of the first time, with Tony. I remembered how Tony had cheered Rob on, encouraging him to enjoy his first arse.

"This is so good... I think I'm fucking addicted to this now" Rob said, hand on my hips, pulling me back and forth onto his dick. My arse felt really open, all resistance gone, just a glove for dick. My cock had stiffened as Rob poked deep inside and I kind of just purred as he entered me repeatedly. The whole thing lasted about two minutes. Two more orgasms, another condom with a surprising amount of spunk, my own squirted in thick lines across the brown duvet like cream on a chocolate eclair.

Then I got an urgent text from Ben. "Where the fuck are you? We need to order!"

We got dressed and ran to the pub. We decided to arrive separately, I'm not sure why, I think we both just got over-paranoid about being found out. I said I'd fallen asleep, Rob that he lost track of time browsing the outdoor shops. As I downed my first pint, I reminded myself that I really needed to go back sometime mid afternoon and tidy the room up...

Sorry it's taken so long for this third part!

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Next: Chapter 4

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