Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Nov 6, 2000


Disclaimer: OK here it goes kids, this story contains themes of a sexual nature between men (well it doesn't yet, but that is the whole point!) if this sort of story is illegal where you live, move somewhere else, or don't read it! If you are under 18 you can't be here so go away! (Get someone older to print it out and give it to you, can I encourage this? Probably not!) This story is (quite obviously) about the guys from N*SYNC, but it is just a story and implies nothing about the actual sexuality of any of the members, no matter how much you hope. I am not a member of NSYNC, nor do I know any of them, so I don't pretend to know their sexual orientation.

OK, now that that is done with, I will tell you that this is my first attempt at writing, not that this matters 'cause if it's shit I fully expect to be told so. Secondly I know very little about the group NSYNC as I am a recent convert to their stuff, but I have done a fair bit of research before writing this story. The story will develop slowly, that is the way it was intended, I didn't want to write about a one night stand, I wanted to develop actual characters and story lines, so if you want quick sex, sorry you won't find it here. Lastly I'm Australian, but I have tried to keep to American slang rather than using words or terms which mean nothing to the majority of the nifty audience, if I write something which constantly throws people, call me a dickhead and I'll fix it for you. Please Enjoy!

Justin slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes, the sound of the new Jennifer Lopez song "Let's get loud" filled his ears, this was what had woken him up. He looked around the hotel room and remembered where he was, he was in on tour in London with the rest on N*SYNC, and more specifically he was in JC's hotel room. He often stayed with JC when they were on tour, because he didn't like to be alone in strange places, it scared him a little bit. The other band members thought it was a little bit weird for the two of them to share a room, but they had been friends for so long that it bothered neither of them.

"Josh" he called out angrily

"Yeah" JC replied brightly as he stuck his head in from the small living room.

"Does that have to be quite so loud?"

"Um..well..yeah it does actually, I had it lower but you wouldn't wake up, so I turned it up full."

"Of course you did. And why was that again?" Justin enquired sarcastically.

" 'cause its 11:30am and our flight for Orlando leaves at 3pm, two whole weeks of vacation, it'll be fantastic Just." JC exclaimed happily.

"Oh yeah." Justin replied flatly

"Try not to sound so excited Curly." JC said sarcastically.

"My enthusiasm glands don't work very well at this hour of the morning, maybe you should try containing some of your excitement until normal people are ready to hear it." Justin retorted before sticking his head under his pillow and going back to sleep.

"Oh no you don't Grumpy!" JC laughed as he pulled the blankets and sheets off Justin, leaving him laying there in only his boxer shorts.

"Aww come on Josh, just another half an hour." Justin whined.

JC couldn't help but laugh at his friend, who still acted as though he was a kid. He threw the blanket back over the boy and went to turn down the TV where he was watching music videos. He had already packed up his own bags for the trip back, but set about packing for Justin who he knew would wake up grumpy and not feel like packing. The other guys often lost patience with Justin's morning moods, but JC allowed for them. He left Justin enough clothes to wear then took their bags out to the corridor, then went to check on the others.

He knocked on Chris's door and let himself in.

"You decent Christopher?" he called out as he walked in.

"Yeah JC, in here." Chris called back.

JC walked into the living room and saw Chris laying on the couch and Lance sitting in a lounge chair with his feet on the coffee table. They were watching the same music video show that JC had been watching so he sat down in the chair next to Lance and began watching. He noticed Chris's bags piled neatly against the wall, and for the first time ever Chris's hotel room was tidy.

"Don't tell me you're ready to go?" JC asked sarcastically

"Yup all packed." Chris beamed

"Me too, my bags are in my room." Lance responded casually

JC clutched at his heart in mock surprise. "Wonders will never cease." He laughed "By the way, have you seen Joey this morning?"

"Nope" the two guys chorused.

JC got up to check on Joey, but when he knocked on Joey's door he got no reply.

"You had better be up Joseph!" JC warned through the door "It's almost 12:00 and we leave for the airport at 1:30pm"

Joey eventually answered to door, yawning and rubbing his eyes, he wore only a tee shirt and boxer shorts, he said nothing but motioned JC inside.

"Jesus, Joe." JC exclaimed as he looked around the room. Cloths, shoes, papers, pizza boxes and other assorted rubbish adorned every available surface. "We've only been here 2 days, and there's about a months worth of mess in here. We've gotta be out of here in an hour and a half, good-luck." JC laughed as he stepped out of the room, leaving Joey with a stunned look on his face.

He headed back to his own room to wake Justin, and ordered them both brunch from room service while Justin showered and dressed. 30 minutes later JC sat drinking coffee and reading the newspaper when Justin emerged from the bathroom. "Exactly what do you do in there for that long?" JC queried.

Justin sneered at him and flipped him the bird.

"My, my, aren't we snotty? Ya know it's only gonna be me and the other guys on the plane today so you needn't have bothered putting your face on, you may have saved some time." JC teased.

"Bite me." Justin replied with faux anger.

"Whatever, Grumpy just eat your cereal." JC said good-naturedly.

At 2:45pm they were all seated on their charter plane and awaiting take-off. Justin and JC sat together, as did Lance and Joey, Chris sat by himself listening to his Discman.

"So what's everyone up to on their break?" Lance enquired.

"For the first few days I'll be catching up on sleep in my own bed, and visiting the family. After that I dunno, I hadn't really planned anything." JC responded

"Yeah, catching up with the family, and Brit and Christina, they're both off for a month, and I haven't seen them in ages." Justin said.

"I just need to chill out for a few days, just get out of routine and center myself for a bit." Joey replied "How 'bout you Lansten?"

"I'm goin' back to Mississippi to do the family thing for a few days, but I'll be back in Orlando next week."

"Cool, we should all meet up next week after we've recovered and just chill out together." Justin said excitedly

"OK cool" the guys all responded, even though they had just toured together for 6 solid months they were still not sick of each other.

"What do you think Chris?" JC asked. Chris couldn't hear and was busy playing air- drums on the seat in front of him, in time with the music in his headphones.

"Don't worry, he'll be cool Josh." Justin replied "He's staying in Orlando to do a promo for FuMan Skeeto and catch up with Yoko."

"OK" JC said laughing "But I'd stop calling her that if I was you, her name is Sarah." He continued, acknowledging Justin's reference to Yoko Ono. "Anyway she hasn't tried to break us up, so I don't see why you keep calling her that."

"Give her time, Josh, first she'll occupy all his time, then she'll have him believing that we're a destructive influence on their relationship, and then she'll make him leave the group!" Justin said with mock seriousness. "Yeah, then they'll form a break-away group called 'Sarah and the plastic Kirkpatrick band' and start spreading rumors about JC being a satanic leader, and sing odd-ball protest songs in an attempt to over-throw the government." Lance laughed continuing the John Lennon/Yoko Ono reference.

Perhaps it was the exhaustion from the long tour, or the excitement about going home, but by the end of Justin and Lance's far-fetched diatribe the 4 guys were in fits of laughter, prompting Chris to remove his headphones and ask what was so amusing.

"Nothing Chris, we were talking about you, not to you!" Joey said through fits of laughter.

"Yeah, don't worry Chris, you wouldn't get it anyway." Justin responded, "You OK to meet up with us next week?"

"Um..OK then..Yeah that's cool, I've got a bit of promo to do for FuMan and I've gotta catch up with Sarah, but yeah, no problem."

The rest of the flight was fairly uneventful, Justin fell asleep of JC's shoulder, which was usual for a flight, JC slept fitfully, and the others slept, talked and read magazines until they landed back in Orlando. The guys were met by Lynn, Justin's Mum, and after saying goodbye to Lance, who caught a connecting flight immediately, they all piled into Justin's red Mercedes and Lynn drove them home. Joey and Chris were staying together so Lynn dropped them home first, and invited them around for a meal later in the evening. Then took JC home to their house for a meal before his connecting flight later that night.

OK, I'm done. I know it sounds fairly boring at the moment, but like I said I'm trying to form a relationship here, not just a quick screw. Anyway let me know what you think, give me suggestions for further stories and I promise I'll reply and try to include all ideas. If I get enough feedback I'll continue the story at an episode per week (time permitting) if I don't then I'll crawl into a corner and die! Well maybe not but you get the picture, if I suck then I'll stop, If I don't I'll keep going. Love and stuff AKW.

Next: Chapter 2

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