Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on May 2, 2001


Hi again, I know I said that this chapter would be out sooner, and I got mail from everyone saying "When the hell are you gonna update?" But I had a total block and I wrote boring crap (some would debate that I've been writing boring crap for 6 months, and they may be right!) and didn't want to post anything until I got it right. I still didn't get it right however, but thought I should give you all something, so here it is.

Gotta thank Ashley and Dawn for giving me such honest feedback on the shit I've been writing. Dusty for just being Dusty, Miss Gab for being a hilariously outspoken harlot, Corey who told me not to put his name in this bit ever, but I just wanna piss you off Matey, Erin as always as sweet as can be, and if I still owe anyone email, sorry but you'll have to write back. I've been having problems with Hotmail deleting files from my account for being over-full, because I never clean it out. I'm a lazy Twat and proud of it!


  1. "Secret Emotion" because its fantastic, and Erin is too sweet.

  2. "My Surprise Romance" because it has Lance in it and Gab writes about sex a lot! (Harlot!) and has awesome taste in music!

  3. "Not until you love me" It's a top story by Penelope, who happens to be a cranky bitch and will tear off my head and spit down my throat if I don't recommend it!

  4. "Temptations" By Miss Willow, it's ace!

  5. "Josh and Just" By AJ, because it just took an interesting turn and I'm intrigued to see where he takes it.

  6. "Yellow" by Seth

and a shitload of others I can't think of at the moment.


OK, NSYNC are not ALL gay, just the majority of them, I won't admit to Joey because he's ugly and obviously the hetero one. The rest of them I'm claiming on behalf of the bisexual/homosexual community.

They love man-to-man sex and engage in it often. OK, so I don't know that for sure, but I had this dream and Lance and Justin were...Oh never mind...You'll find out one day when they get caught in a hotel room with a stash of illegal drugs, exotic sex toys and rubber bed sheets...until then we'll just play along with the hetero sham...OKAY? Enjoy, AKW.

# # # # # # #

As Justin drove on he noticed the road getting narrower and bumpier, until it appeared to stop dead with only a narrow, fast moving stream ahead of it. He stopped the Toyota and looked quizzically across his shoulder at Red.

"Just go slow across it Sweetie." She stated, then, noting his nervousness, added assuringly "I've done it thousands of times, you'll be fine."

As the car waded into the water Justin panicked as it struck a hole with the front wheel, submerging the front of the vehicle in the murky water. He hit the brakes suddenly, causing the car to skid on the fast eroding wall of soft sand.

"Don't stop Honey" Red urged him, but it was too late, the waterlogged engine stalled and Justin felt the front of the car being dragged by the strong current.

"SONOFABITCH" Justin cried as he desperately tried to restart the engine. After several attempts the strong motor gave up entirely, and nothing could be heard when Justin turned the key.

"Put your seatbelt on" Red warned as the rest of the car was pulled from the bank, and carried sideways along the stream. The Toyota was dragged along the shallow but unstable part of the stream, until it gave way to a wider and deeper part. They bobbed along in the rushing water in silence until Red noticed her feet sloshing in 2 inches of water. She mumbled a string of expletives and something about the water weighing the car down until they sank to the bottom. But her bad tidings went unnoticed by Justin who was fixated on a smattering of large trees, which grew across the width of the stream.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Justin mumbled

Red looked up from the floor and noticed the trees, noting that the gaps between them were probably wide enough to allow 2 or 3 cars to pass abreast if correctly aligned, but also judging that with the speed of the water impact with one of them would be deadly.

Justin heard a soft mumbling, like a mantra "Miss the trees, miss the trees" and realised that it was coming from his lips.

The truck passed close to the first tree, and bumped a second, tossing it clear of a third.

"Yes!" Justin cheered triumphantly. But his brief flicker of hope was mocked by Mother Nature and the current picked the truck up and slammed it, drivers side first, into the next tree. The crash was like a bomb going off inside the roofless car, metal twisted and screeched and Justin moaned loudly as the door crumpled inward against his skull.

"Are you OK honey?" Red yelled with concern, over the roaring of the water.

Sitting upright in the seat once again Justin noticed that the truck continued along the stream rapidly. He touched a hand to his scalp, bright flashes of pain were the unwelcome response. "I'm not sure" he replied more to himself than to Red. He was alarmed to hear that his speech was slurred.

The car slammed into the bank of the stream where it verged off sharply, it remained stationary, and Red breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

Justin's vision darkened and he saw only black, he panicked momentarily until he realised he was passing out and not going blind. He welcomed the escape...

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

The Chasez house looked inviting at first glimpse, Victorian, gabled, roomy, with a deep porch around the entire perimeter. It stood about half a mile back from the main road in Bowie Maryland, at the end of a gravel driveway, surrounded by large oak trees and vast expanses of lush lawn.

Karen Chasez appeared on the porch as she heard the rental car approaching. She came quickly down the steps and across the loose stones to greet Lynn and Paul Harliss and Erin as they stepped out of the car.

Erin had just been released from hospital, and Lynn had been staying at a hotel near the hospital until Erin was well enough to go home. Paul had returned to Orlando the day before Justin was released from hospital, but had flown back upon receiving news of the plane crash. Karen and Lynn had decided that it would be better if the families were together during the crisis and Erin's condition prevented travel back to Orlando, so arrangements had been made and Randall and Lisa were also on their way.

Karen was a slim woman, in her mid to late 40's with her light-brown hair cut in a stylish bob, and looking fashionable even dressed in ordinary jeans and a maroon silk blouse. As soon as Lynn stepped out of the car Karen gave her a warm smile, signifying her understanding of Lynn's feelings at that present moment, causing Lynn to burst instantly into tears.

"Karen...My Baby..." Lynn wailed

"I know Honey, I know" Karen responded, wrapping her arms around Lynn in a comforting hug.

"Are you OK to help Erin?" Karen asked Paul "I'll take Lynn inside and put the kettle on."

"Yeah sure." Paul replied kindly, noticing tears welling in Karen's eyes, and feeling grateful that they had each other. He had felt out of place ever since hearing the news because, although he loved Justin like his own son, he wasn't Justin's father and couldn't really put himself totally in Lynn's place.

# # # # # #

After helping Erin into the kitchen, Paul brought in the overnight bags and placed them in the guest bedrooms. He then returned to the kitchen where Karen and Lynn were busying themselves making coffee and Erin was sitting in one of the comfortable wicker dining chairs, lost in her own thoughts.

"Where's Roy?" Paul asked Karen

"He's in his study, Honey, I'll bring you both some coffee in a minute." Karen responded softly, pointing down a hallway off the kitchen.

Erin watched as the two women went about preparing coffee, and slicing cake and marvelled at how Lynn's mood had changed just by being in the company of somebody who was in the same situation as her. She was still visibly upset, but she was not the tightly wound spring of tension she had been from the time she received the call the previous night, until they arrived at the house moments earlier. Neither of them spoke, but their seemed to be a telepathic communication comforting both women as they went about their tasks, Benny Goodman music playing softly from the adjoining sitting room.

# # # #

As Paul approached the study he could hear Roy yelling. As he stepped into the room he saw Roy staring out the window that overlooked a huge fountain in the centre of a perfectly manicured lawn, phone pressed tightly to his ear.

"What do you mean you can't tell me anything? I'm his father for Christs sake!"

He stopped and took a deep breath as he listened to the person on the other end of the line.

"The record company said what? Those are MY boys out there and the record company has no right to stop me finding out what's going on."

Paul knew that Justin thought of Roy and Karen as his surrogate parents, but until he heard Roy's outburst he didn't realise that the feeling was mutual. He walked across the room and placed a hand on Roys shoulder, alerting him to his presence. Roy acknowledged him with a tired smile, then rolled his eyes as the person on the other end of the line spoke again.

"Well we'll see about that!" He yelled into the phone, then slammed the receiver back into its cradle.

"How have you been?" Roy asked, offering Paul a seat in one of the chesterfield tub chairs beside the roaring open fire.

"Well..." Paul shrugged his shoulders, at a loss for words.

"I know what you mean!" Roy laughed bitterly. "Want a drink?" he continued, motioning toward the array of decanters set out on the sideboard.

"Oh, just a nip then, Karen's bringing coffee in a minute."

"Can you believe that?" Paul asked, while pouring the scotch "The record company has told search and rescue not to give out any information unless it's to them."

"You're kidding me?" Paul asked rhetorically "I knew they were heartless bastards but that's really low. Maybe we should ring the company and find out what the hell is going on, I mean Lynn is going out of her mind not knowing, and I'm sure Karen is the same."

"Yeah." Roy admitted "But I spoke to the guys before and Chris and Sarah will be down tonight, and Lance and Joey will be on the first flight in the morning so maybe one of them will have more luck." He continued, handing Paul a crystal tumbler.

# # # #

TBC. OK, I know I'm gonna get heaps of mail saying "this is moving way too slow" but I did warn you all at the start of the story that it wasn't gonna be an easily formed relationship. I want some substance (as questionably written as that substance may be) to the story and not just smut (although smut is good and WILL feature prominently in future chapters) I hope it wasn't too boring for everyone.

Next: Chapter 12

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