Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on May 29, 2001


Hi all, I know I promised that this would be out quickly, but I had other stuff to do and this had to take a backseat for a bit. I got a heap of responses to the last chapter and I have to say thanks to everyone who sent me something (even if most of you did call me unpleasant names for leaving you all hanging), I've especially gotta thank Dawn for her constant harassment, you are ace and I love you and I'm gonna tell everyone you love Lance, Miss Erin (my fave Silverchair girl) for your awesome emails that make me laugh, Dusty, although I don't know if I should because you made me panic you little bugger, The ever lovely Red for being my island girl, Ashley for constantly hurting my head with weird email words, Derek for causing a total brain overload with his "Yoda" email, and everyone else who wrote to me, Corey and Mel for constantly tolerating my mood swings, you are all ace.

Just a quick note to Annika: I rang the astronomers at the Livermore observatory in California just to confirm what you told me, and apparently it is true, you are the centre of the observable universe. This is apparently supported by evidence from the Hubble telescope, which says that you do, indeed, spend most of your time at a point exactly equidistant between the averaged distances of all quasars mapped to date. So tell all those bastards who didn't believe you, that the world is definitely Annika-centric. The phenomenon is called "Annika's law" and is documented in most astronomy texts. The world does revolve around you Sweetie.


  1. Secret Emotion -- The lovely Erin has just updated 2) Not until you love me -- Penelope is always updating 3) Lances search (it's a Lance/Justin thing) 4) My Surprise Romance -- Miss Gab (the harlot) is teasing me by not updating, but it's an awesome story anyway.

OK on with the disclaimer:

Don't, won't, shouldn't, wouldn't, can't, mustn't, didn't, and if I did it would be entirely accidental and inadmissible as evidence in a court of law. On the off-chance that it did make it to court, I would deny all knowledge of NSYNC and their sexual preferences, I wouldn't say that I know for a fact that at least 3 members of the band are gay, one of them is suspect and the other is total straight and undesirable, because I will deny ever having been told this, even though they said it to me over coffee at a cafe in the gay district of Melbourne just the other day. Then we all went to the Hellfire club, where Mel and I stood and watched as the 3 gay ones and the one suspect one dripped hot wax all over each other and the undesirable straight one had his pubes set alight by a well intention, but near sighted, leather-clad mistress, who then called an ambulance and put an end to the entire outing, Your honour. Other than that I know nothing, Sir.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Justin knew he was dreaming, but he couldn't force himself from that dream. He had been in the playground at his Elementary School and all the kids were teasing him because of his curly hair, they had pushed him to the ground and were all laughing at him and calling him names. This was a common occurrence all throughout his school life, because of his tendency toward acting and singing, and his slightly effeminate looks and mannerisms. What happened next was what made him sure that this was a dream, JC pushed through the crowd of children to where Justin lay on the ground, and although Justin appeared to be 8 years old again, and the kids around him were all the same age, JC was his current age. He pushed through the crowd causing all the other kids to scatter "Thanks JC" he heard the childlike Justin say. "Don't thank me Justin, it's your fault any of this happened" JC replied and walked off in the other direction, leaving young Justin on the ground, confused and crying, calling out his name.

"Justin! Justin can you hear me? Wake up" Justin heard through the tight veil of black that had surrounded him at the conclusion of his dream. At first he thought it was JC, but the voice was not JC's, it was a female voice, almost singing his name repeatedly.

Pain brought Justin out of his dream featuring real people in imaginary situations. His entire body was wracked with pain, but the throbbing in his head and the calling of the female voice was what woke him from his artificial sleep. When he opened his eyes the setting sun caused pain to refract through his head.

"Oh thank Christ for that" The attractive, dark-skinned Goddess with the heavenly voice breathed, "I thought I was going to have to carry both of you". She continued, trying to sound light-hearted despite their worsening predicament.

"Oh shit, Red, are you OK? How's Josh?" Justin asked with concern, remembering where he was suddenly. As he looked through the open door of the 4X4, where Red stood, he could see Josh lying on the ground, and could hear the running water of the river as it sloshed against the car.

"I don't think he's any worse than he was before, and I'm fine, I'm a bit worried about you though. You've been out of it for a couple of hours now and that gash on your forehead looks nasty. We actually floated so far up the river that my camp is only on the other side of it now, but even if we were the strongest of swimmers it would be impossible to cross, and with you in this condition and JC not even with us we'd be nuts to even try."

"I'm OK, and I'm a good swimmer, I can carry JC" Justin said, stepping from the car onto the bank of the river, then being overcome by dizziness and falling. Red quickly jumped to his aid and caught him before he hit the ground.

"Yeah sure you are tough-guy, now that's a really nasty bump and you're not in any state to go anywhere. There is a way across the river about a kilometre that way, so what you can do is help me get JC as close to that crossing as we can, then wherever you have to stop I can continue the rest of the way to the camp and bring the first-aid stuff to you both. But don't over stress yourself, you'll just do more damage."

"I'm fine" Justin repeated, gaining a wobbly footing before standing by himself. He took one look at JC and remembered his dream, sinking into despair at the realisation that it was once again his fault they were in this situation. "I'm sorry Josh" he whispered.

"What's that?" Red asked

"Oh nothing" Justin lied "Hey sorry about your car…..I mean I'll pay for it." He continued in a monotonous tone.

"Eh, I wouldn't worry about the car, it belonged to the company not me, and they've got more. They may be a little bit more worried about the equipment in the back though" Red laughed.

"Oh God, I'm such a loser, I'll pay for it I promise."

"No Honey, I was joking." Red explained, pulling the boy into a hug as he burst into tears. "It will be OK, lets just get you two back to where we can get some help."

# # # # # #

After repeatedly refusing her offers for help Red allowed Justin to pick JC up and carry him by himself. She could tell that Justin blamed himself for their situation and didn't want to burden her or JC any further. Justin was in no condition to walk, much less carry a man, but Red was no psychologist and had no time to reason with the boy, JC needed help and soon.

They persevered for 2 hours and it had become dark, but Justin and Red struggled on in strained silence, Red quietly angry with Justin for his attitude and Justin mad at himself and unwilling to talk. Soon Red began to sing to alleviate the tension, Justin soon joined in despite his sour mood.

"You opened up your door I couldn't believe my luck You in your new blue jeans Taking away my breath

The cradle is soft and warm It couldn't do me no harm You're showing me how to give Into temptation Knowing full well the earth will rebel"

The song reminded Justin of his own predicament, how he had struggled to come to terms with his love of JC and how he felt that once he had come to terms with that love, the hard part would be over. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

"A muddle of nervous words could never amount to betrayal the sentence is all my own the price is to watch it fail

as I turn to go You look at me for half a second With an open invitation For me to go Into temptation Knowing full well the Earth will rebel Into Temptation Safe in the wide open arms of hell"

"How Appropriate" Justin thought bitterly. "I gave into my love for JC and now look, I was delivered into the waiting arms of Hell. And I thought Sunday school was bullshit!" He knew he was being melodramatic, but he was absorbed in his own world and sang to release his stress.

"We can go sailing in climb down, lose yourself when you linger long Into Temptation Right where you belong."

Justin stopped, realising that he had been singing alone for some time.

"What's wrong?"


"Then why did you stop singing?"

"I was listening to you, you have a beautiful voice."

"Uh...Thanks, so do you."

"Kinda makes me wish I'd brought your albums."


"I'm not stupid Justin, I'm from Singapore, not the moon. I knew who you were when I first saw you. You seemed more comfortable with the anonymity so I played along."

" must think I'm weird huh?"

"No." She replied simply

"Thanks, but I know I've been a bit strange, no need to be polite."

"Not strange, just an ordinary person under extraordinary pressure. You make it worse for yourself by putting the blame on yourself for all of this. I'm sure JC isn't going to blame you for all of this, I mean if he loves you half as much as you obviously love him, he will see that you were responsible for none of this."

Justin was shocked. He considered denying that there was anything between him and JC, but Red had been too good to him, she deserved the truth.

"You don't let on, but there isn't much you miss is there?" He asked with a small laugh.

"Nope!" She replied smugly.

"Well he doesn't know yet."

"He's a lucky guy Justin. I wish I could find someone who would drag me half way around the world and not complain once."

"You'd have to find a guy who would get you into a plane crash, a car accident, knock you unconscious and bruise you all over first." Justin replied sardonically.

"OK, that's it, I've had enough of your crap." Red yelled, catching Justin off guard. "First thing, you didn't cause the plane crash, you didn't force him onto the damn thing either. The car wreck was just bad bloody luck and you feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help any. You have been extraordinary considering the circumstances and you don't deserve the punishment you're giving yourself."

Justin was at a loss for words. Usually once people knew who he was they walked on eggshells around him, treating him like royalty. Red's "no holds barred" diagnosis was refreshing and, the more he thought about it, accurate. She was right, he was making himself a victim, giving into his self-pity and he didn't like it at all.

"Sorry." Red said after a long silence "I just think..."

"Nothing to apologise for, you're right." Justin interrupted.

After a treacherous nighttime crossing of the river, using a shallow rock shelf, they arrived at Red's makeshift home. It wasn't quite what Justin had expected, with 2 large tents, one an equipment tent and the other a sleeping quarters with an inflatable bed, a portable camp shower, a small fridge, a microwave, a stereo and a supply of food. The entire place was run off a generator and as Red switched the lights on around the camp Justin saw how well prepared she was.

"All the comforts of home?" Justin marvelled, as Red returned from the other tent with a first aid bag. He was standing in the doorway of the tent still supporting JC.

"Yup" Red replied, rushing past him and removing a pile of clothes from the mattress "Put him down over here."

Justin staggered in and lay JC down on the bed. "Now we need to get his clothes off him so I can dress his wounds and get his temperature down."

Justin had shared a dressing room with JC since they began touring, but he'd never seen the older man totally naked and wasn't comfortable with the prospect. Red noticed his discomfort and smiled. "It's Ok, I'll do this, I put a pot of water on the camp stove outside, when it boils make us some tea. There is food in the corner and unspoiled milk in the fridge, I'm sure you can whip us up something magnificent. I'll be finished here soon then we can eat, you must be starving.

# # #

Pain. Pain in his head. "Ouch" JC said groggily

"Be Still" Came a beautiful voice through the haze.

He opened his eyes as another sharp pain lanced across his scalp. He realised he his head rested in the lap of an unknown woman.

"What are you doing?"

"Sewing up a laceration"

"Are you a doctor?"

"A geologist"

"You can't do that"

"It keeps breaking open and bleeding."

"I'm not a blanket"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It hurts"


"I'll get an infection"

"I shaved the area first, then sterilised it"

"You shaved my head?"

"Just one little spot around the gash"

"Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

"In terms of hair styling or medicine?"

"Either one"



"If you're going to be such a baby I'll spray it with some anaesthetic"

"You've got that? Why didn't you use it before?"

"You were already unconscious"

He passed out once more and when he woke the mystery woman was giving him an injection.

"What's that?"

"Are you allergic to anything?"

"Cabbage gives me gas"

"Are you allergic to any drugs? Justin told me you weren't"

"Beer gives me a headache"

"Are you delirious or just difficult?"

"Both, what is that?" he said motioning toward the needle.

"Liquefied cabbage" she laughed, as he passed out once more. Withdrawing the antibiotic filled needle from his arm she placed everything back in the medical bag and covered JC with a blanket.

"Will he be OK?" Justin asked entering the tent.

"If difficult and argumentative is normal, then he'll be fine." She replied.

# # #

OK, so what did you think? JC is going to be OK, Justin is recovering from his ordeal and Red is as excellent as ever. I hope this issue makes you a little bit happier. The final part of this chapter may or may not have been borrowed from a book I read a long time ago. I can't recall a title, or even if the conversation was similar, I may have imagined the entire thing, but just in case, I may owe someone a reference here, so if it's you, then send me an email and I'll tell everyone that a top selling novelist reads my story, then I'll put your reference in the next chapter. As usual, any ideas or thought don't hesitate to send them to me, I'm open to any suggestions (unless it involves whipped cream, it makes too much mess). Bye for now, love and stuff, AKW.

Next: Chapter 13

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