Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Jun 18, 2001


Hi All, Yes I know this is late, yes I know I promised it like ages ago, yes I miss all my deadlines and no, contrary to popular opinion, I don't care at all. Not only did I have trouble writing this chapter due to total mental block (and no I don't just mean with the story, I mean my brain just ceased to function) then I got on to post the bloody thing and my ISP informs me that, due to complete management incompetence, the company has gone broke and I will have to find another provided, fuck! (Don't say fuck, it's a cunt of a word!) So now here is the long awaited chapter of C&J which actually contains some Josh and Justin interaction (although not much and not in the dirty way y'all are thinking) for the first time in like 4 or 5 chapters (or something like that). I know this is the slowest moving story on the face of the (Annika- centric) planet but I promise more action in the next chapter or 2.

Stories to read:

Miss Penelope's newie -- How do you like them apples? (Fun and quirky) Lances search -- Just for my beautiful Lance. My Surprise Romance -- Just 'cause it's ace. The More You Ignore Me -- By the shy and retiring Corey, who picks on me relentlessly and must die! Secret Emotions -- The ever-fabulous Erin, my Silver-chair girl.

Thanks to all the usual people, Erin, Dawn, Dusty, Red, Derek, Annika, Jill, Casper, Corey, Ashley, Nicky H, Evan, Nate, Freakyteen (who's name is..?), Lizzy, My Mellie and the wonderful Ian who makes my head swell.! Read the following statements to see if they apply to you, I'm too tired to dedicate each separately, if they ain't for you they won't make sense!

  1. You will always be my #1 Harlot 2) I want a lunch update 3) Thanks for the virus, it was handy 4) You're still a grumpy bitch! (but I love you anyway) 5) Without grass skirt I see naked island girl! 6) You tell anyone about my secret obsession and I'll hit you with a


Disclaimer: I'm clinically insane and forgot to take my medication, disregard anything I say as a complete and total fabrication, NSYNC don't exist!

# # #

"Can I see him?" Justin asked, as Red stood from the bed and walked toward him.

"Of course you can Honey, he's your man isn't he?" She replied laughing. "He's out of it again though, so he won't be doing much talking back."

"Oh" Justin replied mournfully "Is he going to be OK though?"

Taking his hands in hers, Red assured him "He'll be fine Sweetie, I've just given him the antibiotics in case the infection doesn't heal and once we get his temperature down he should come around. Now go and see your man and let me see what you've started for dinner."

"Thankyou so much. I mean that too. Without you being know." Justin said, afraid to vocalise the rest of the sentence lest it jinx JC's recovery. "Thanks" he repeated sheepishly, before wrapping her in a bear hug and disappearing into the tent.

Justin sat beside the inflatable bed holding JC's hand, as Red busied herself with the remainder of the meal. Justin could hear her fiddling with the stereo then, as the music started, he could feel the longing he had for JC bubble to the surface. He realised that he had loved JC for a long time without being aware of it and now he was so close to becoming a part of JC and having JC become a part of him that his emotions caught up with him all at once.

"I've been looking so long at these pictures of you that I almost believe that they're real I've been living so long with these pictures of you That I almost believe that the pictures are all I can feel"

Justin joined in with the CD and released the tension that had been building up in his body. Tears streamed down his face as he sang softly.

"Remembering you Standing quiet in the rain As I ran to your heart to be near And we kissed as the sky fell in Holding you close How I always held close to your fear Remembering you Running soft through the night You were bigger and brighter and whiter than snow And screamed at the make believe Screamed at the sky And you finally found all your courage To let it all go."

Justin could see Red watching him and as he turned around he saw her standing in the doorway of the tent.

"what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I was listening. You have a beautiful voice."

"Uh...thanks" he responded awkwardly

"Oh, dinner's ready too." She continued, before turning on her heel and walking back outside.

The two of them ate a huge meal, which Justin cherished due to the fact that he'd starved for days. After dinner Red contacted the emergency services and organised for the boys to be collected, then they built a campfire and Red took out a bottle of vodka she had stashed in the tent. They sat around the fire all night drinking and talking.

"The rescue boat should be here around midday, they'll take you to where JC can get some real help."

"I think he's already had good help, thankyou again."

"Honey stop thanking me, truth be known I was glad of the company, I just wish it had been under better circumstances, but I'm still glad I met you."

"Me too, I don't know too many people who would do what you've done for us. You are a wonderful person."

"Stop it, you'll make me blush. You're pretty damned amazing yourself." She chuckled.

After they had drunk the remainder of the vodka Red sat up from her position lying in Justin's lap and excused herself.

"Sorry Justin, but I think I'll be off to the little girls room, then to bed, I'm exhausted after that walk and the vodka has done me no good at all." As if to punctuate the point she stumbled forward and grabbed the tent to support herself. "I'm going to take the extra blanket and sleep in the other tent, you can sleep with JC...I mean sleep next to...not...well you know what I meant," She giggled.

Justin argued that he should sleep elsewhere and that Red should have her own bed, but Red wouldn't allow it, so after cleaning up and slipping out of his, now dry but still dirty, pants and shirt, Justin lay down on the bed and pulled a separate blanket over him, preferring not to sleep under the covers with JC, although not sure why. The combination of exhaustion, relief that JC was OK, elation that they were being rescued and the glasses of vodka ensured that sleep came easily and continuously through the night.

"Morning Sleepy"

Justin thought he was dreaming again, he had opened his eyes to daylight, JC lying beside him, hair tousled, small bags under his eyes and a scratch healing on his head, but otherwise OK.

"You're awake." Justin questioned warily, afraid that the dream was going to end and that talking JC was going to vanish in favour of the mute comatose one he went to sleep next to.

"Yeah, I feel like crap though, where are we?"

"We had a crash and you got hurt, we washed up on an island and...I'll explain another time...I'm just glad you're OK." Justin babbled, tears of happiness springing to his eyes. He grabbed JC in a bear hug and squeezed him tight, emotional at hearing JC speak.

"Easy there big man." JC laughed "Are you trying to squash me? Hey why the tears?" he asked, wiping Justin's eyes with his thumbs.

Red entered the tent after hearing the talking, interrupting the conversation.

"Ah Sleeping Beauty awakens" She laughed "how do you feel?"

"Like shit"

"Hmm, is that a medical opinion? Do you want some water?"

"How about some bacon and eggs?"

"Yeah right, we gave you water and you spit it up."


"You apologised"

"I'm a Gentleman"

"No doubt"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Red"

"She made you better." Justin interrupted

"Then thankyou, I guess" JC offered, totally confused.

"Don't thank me, the big boy dragged your lazy ass across the island, I just stitched you up when you got here." Red laughed

Red left the 2 boys alone while Justin explained the edited version of events, playing down his part in the entire thing. He was reluctant to leave JC but went to shower while Red gave him water and helped him dress, all the while filling JC in with the details Justin had left out of the story. By the time Justin returned from the shower JC was sitting up in the bed, dressed. He was weak and unable to stand, but otherwise reasonably OK. He watched Justin intently as he dried his hair with Reds towel. As Justin turned around he noticed JC watching him.

"What?" Justin asked defensively


"Josh, you're freaking me out, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just wondering what I did to deserve such a cool guy as my best bud"


"Red told me everything"


"Thanks Juz...I don't know what to say...I mean if you hadn't helped me...I might not..."

"Don't even think it!" Justin warned

"Come here" JC commanded softly, patting the bed beside him. Justin walked over and sat next to JC, who put an arm around him and hugged him as tight as his reduced strength would allow.

"Juzzy, I've got something I need to tell you."

"Josh, I need to talk to you too."

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Hope you enjoyed it, we're moving at a frantic pace now aren't we, LOL. Oh well I warned it was gonna go slow. I promise a bit more 'movement' in the next chapter. What did you think? Email me at the usual address to let me know what I did wrong, what I did right, and what could be added. Love and stuff, AKW.

Next: Chapter 14

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