Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Jul 4, 2001


Hey Guys and Girls, I'm back with another long overdue chapter of C&J. Happy 4th of July to all the lovely American readers. I hope you all enjoy your long weekend this weekend (right? Or was it last weekend?).

I've got to thank everyone who has written to me since the last chapter, I'm getting more and more mail the closer they get to being a couple. Well this time I expect heaps of mail! Big thanks to Miss Sarah, The lovely Dawn, Her Royal Highness Linn, Ashley, Annika (the smut is on the way honey), Rich (is this a bit more cheerful dude?), Isaac "smurf-boy" (are you up to date yet?), Corey (the new one and the old one, he he he), Gerri, Casper, Ian, Dusty-one, Jill, Erin, Red, Derek, My Mellie and everyone else (you know who you are) who wrote to me. Good luck to Patrick Rafter who has just made it to the next round at Wimbledon and will be playing either Agassi or Escude (I'm watching the match now!). Bad luck to the cute (but bad tempered) Lleyton Hewitt who is now out of the competition, I miss your sexy ass already!

As usual I recommend:

  1. My Surprise Romance, Gabriella you will never get another email from me as long as I live (but I will keep reading MSR cuz it's cool!) LOL 2) Secret Emotion, it will be updated...when was that again Miss Erin? 3) Lances Search 4) The more you ignore me 5) Anything by Miss Penelope (especially doggy style)

Just a quick bitch: I don't like it when people post stuff on notice boards telling people I said nasty stuff about one of my "guest writers". The person who posted this crap (on EZBoard,com) is a liar and not to be trusted. I don't know who posted the totally bullshit statement, but I assure everyone that I had nothing to do with the statement (or it's author, they are obviously a complete dickhead and I don't associate with fuckwits) and I don't make it a habit of bagging the people who help me out. Just for the record I never (ever) contemplated quitting writing for any reason, so obviously you (and you know who you are) are on drugs. I also use normal lines of communication to convey my feelings to people, I don't tell them to people I don't know and ask them to put them on Bulletin boards for me. Enough said!

Disclaimer: I'm Lance Bass and I felt that this story should be told, the people have a right to know. It was covered up for a long time by publicists who felt it would ruin the group, but I feel I should tell everyone. Just kidding, I'm not Lance. I'm JC. Justin and I are writing this from our big bed in a hotel room in Fiji, we decided that we'd really like to share this with all of you because you're all just so God damn nice!

Chapter 14:

Justin was having flashbacks to the dream in the hospital, where he had admitted everything to JC only to wake up and find it was all in his head. Even though it had been a heart-breaking experience he pressed-on with the conversation.

"Josh, I've been doing some thinking" Justin said, staring at his bare feet while JC hugged him.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" JC asked childishly

"Sorry Josh" Justin returned, turning to face the older man "This is just a, I think is the word I'm looking for. I'm not used to being embarrassed around you."

"Embarrassed? Look J' if you wanna tell me something it's OK. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me. You're my best friend." JC soothed

"Well that's what I wanted to talk about, us as friends."


"No, oh God, not in a bad way." Justin quickly covered. "It's just spoke to Heather and that's why Erin and I came to see you. Heather told me that you were upset because of me. Because you...well...maybe she got it wrong." Justin babbled, then frowned.

"Did she tell you that I love you?" JC asked, no hint of discomfort or upset in his voice. But inside he was falling apart, did Justin want to not see him anymore? Did he feel weird being friends with him, knowing what he knew?

"Yeah" Justin replied

"And you came to find out if it was true, because you felt weird, then you saw Scott and thought that he and I know...and you got freaked out and left, then you had the accident right? JC questioned, then without waiting for an answer he continued "There's just one thing that I don't understand, Jus', if you felt so uncomfortable with me, then why did you agree to the holiday?"

"Huh?" Justin asked, shaking his head as though to digest what JC had just said. "That bump on the head must have really got to you, either that or Red gave you some damn fine drugs." Justin joked

"Well what then?" JC pleaded, again resembling a frightened child, "Because this has been really difficult for me, Jus'"

"I know Jayce, and I haven't made it much easier. But it hasn't been easy for me either buddy, I've never felt like this about a guy before and once I worked out that I love you it was so much of a shock to me that..."

"You what?" JC interrupted "You love me too? Oh hell Justin" JC prattled, turning away from the younger man to hide the tears welling in his eyes. "Justin do you have any idea how good it feels to hear you say that?"

Justin reached a hand under JC's chin and turned his face back toward him. Gently kissing the end of his nose he replied "Yeah Josh, I think I do."

# # # #

The boys sat on the bed, Justin cradling JC's upper body in his arms as JC lay against his chest. They didn't move or speak, as they felt no need to, until Red came in to inform them that they had to begin the short walk to where the rescue boat would come in. Justin held JC around the waist the entire way so that he wouldn't fall, and because he felt safe. By the time they arrived at the secluded beach, the imposing naval rescue boat was anchored in the distance and a small rubber dingy waited on the shoreline to take them to it. Justin helped JC into the dingy and made room for Red on the seat beside him.

"Here you go" he said to Red, patting the vacant seat.

"Ah...I'm not going Sweetie. I have to stay and finish up here, then I have to go back home." Red replied as though it was obvious.

"Oh" Justin replied, with apparent disappointment "Yeah, I suppose you do. But will we ever see you again?"

"Honey, I swear to you that I will keep in touch." Red assured him, before reaching into the boat and hugging them both good-bye. Once they were aboard the rescue ship the boys were ushered to a well- stocked medical room, where a nurse handed them each a change of clothes and assigned them a bed. The ship was manned by civilians rather than Navy officers and shortly after slipping into their respective beds, 2 medics arrived to treat them.

"Hi I'm Dawn" stated a short, slender woman in her mid-20's, as she strapped a blood pressure cuff to Justin's arm.

"I'm Justin" the boy replied, smiling at the woman's bubbly demeanour. "I'm not the sick one, he is" Justin informed the young woman, hooking a thumb in JC's direction.

"How long have been practising medicine?" Dawn asked him, furrowing her brow.

"I haven't" Justin replied clueless.

"So you're not a Doctor then?" Dawn asked sarcastically.

"Hmm, point taken." Justin laughed "Just my luck to get the doctor with the bedside manner of Roseanne. Do they teach that in medical school or is that something you added yourself?"

"She's always been bitter and twisted" Replied the other medic, a young, good-looking man.

"Corey I'm not bitter or twisted Honey, I'm just honest." Dawn retorted, before sticking a thermometer into Justin's mouth, ending his conversation.

As Dawn inspected Justin's cuts and abrasions, Corey did the same to JC. "I think you might need some sutures in this one" Dawn said, referring to the cut Justin had received when the car had hit the tree on it's way down the river. "Now I'll have a needle to your head, do you regret those wise cracks yet?" she laughed.

"I think this one will be OK" Corey announced, of JC's cut that Red had stitched. "It may need a rinse with some antiseptic but it should heal nicely"

"Yeah the cut should heal, but my hair won't" JC whined.

"I don't know, it might start a new trend" Corey enthused.

"You can hardly notice it's even missing, sheesh and they say girls are vain." Dawn joked.

"Where are we going, by the way?" JC asked "Are we going home or what?"

"Eventually, yes" Corey replied "But first your record company wants you checked out at the nearest hospital, so you're going there now."

As it turned out, the nearest hospital was in Noumea in New Caledonia. After spending the entire day in hospital having a myriad of tests ordered by the record company, JC and Justin were taken to a hotel, where they were to spend the night before a private plane would take them back to Orlando the next day.

"You'd think someone at the record company actually cared about us" Justin joked as he helped a still weak JC to take a seat on one of the hotel beds.

"Well they do care" JC stated "They care that a group called "SYN" wouldn't make them as much money." They both laughed at this before Justin got serious.

"Josh can I ask you something?"

"Sure Buddy, you can ask me anything." JC replied, dragging himself into a sitting position at the head of the bed and pulling Justin down next to him.

" are going to give a relationship a try aren't we?"

"That was the plan. Why? Have you changed your mind?" JC asked worriedly "Because if you don't want to...that's OK...but I thought..."

"Josh, I love you, nothing has changed. I want to give 'us' a try. It's just that...I um...don't know what you expect from me, but I want to take this a bit slow...if that's OK."

"Jus' I don't 'expect' anything from you, we'll play this anyway you feel like it." JC replied, grabbing him playfully around the waist and rocking him from side to side. "I want you to be comfortable with me, baby boy"

Justin smiled as JC called him that. It felt weird because he was both taller and broader than the older man, but if JC wanted him to be his baby he was willing to do that. The change in their relationship was making Justin feel more and more comfortable. "I like it when you cuddle me, I like being with you, I just don't think I'm ready to 'be with you' at the moment" Justin told him sheepishly.

"Well that's OK, I'll cuddle you whenever you want. I mean it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it." JC laughed. "I don't wanna rush this either."

"Thanks Josh" Justin said, kissing him on the cheek and getting off the bed. "I'm going to have a shower."

Justin returned from the shower and both boys made a phone call to their families, who were all gathered at JC's parents place, along with the rest of the band. They spoke for some time and after they hung up JC turned to Justin "I'm exhausted, I think I'll grab a shower and we can go to bed"

"Good idea" Justin replied.

After returning from his shower JC found Justin in one of the hotel beds, curled up in his tee shirt and boxers. "Are you hungry? Wanna order something?" JC asked.

"Nah, I just need sleep." Justin replied.

"Me too" JC replied, heading for the bed on the other side of the room.

"Are you sleeping there?" Justin asked

"Well yeah, where else do you want me to sleep?"

"Here" Justin said, patting the bed.

"But you said..."

"I said I wasn't ready for anything more, but we can share a bed can't we?"

"Hell yeah" JC replied enthusiastically, climbing into the bed beside Justin and turning off the light.

Justin made himself comfortable, by snuggling back into JC's warm body. JC wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and kissed the back of his neck. "I love you big man" JC whispered.

"I love you too Josh" Justin replied dreamily before both men fell asleep.

# # # #

OK, at the moment Agassi is leading Escude 2 sets to 1 so it looks like Sexy Pat will be playing Andre, hopefully Pat kicks his ass! Did you like the story, by the way? Considering that's why I'm here, to type the story not to watch tennis. I hope you're all happy now that they are together. If you all stop reading because they got together I will get really mad and throw a big tantrum. That's not a pretty thing either, I stamp my feet and kick my legs and yell a lot. Ooh 5-2 in the fourth set. Everybody write to me, 'cause I'll feel all lonely if you don't, and you don't want that do you? Alright, enough from me, I have tennis to watch. Love and Stuff, AKW.

Next: Chapter 15

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