Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Jul 8, 2001


Hey Everyone, How are you all? Don't all answer at once! WOW. OK, best response ever to a chapter! Should have got them together sooner. I've gotta thank everybody who wrote to me, I love all of you. I've had some suggestions that the chapters have been really too short, so now that you all have what you wanted (J & J doin' stuff) I will start making the chapters longer and posting them a bit less often (If that's possible, LOL). Thanks especially to Raven (who is as mad as me!), Laurence, Ian, Erin, Derek (drink more Vodka, and keep you're filthy mitts off Lancey!), Ashley (our little secret 'kay?), Linn (you impatient royal!), Sarah, Dawn, Rich (where are you dude?), Isaac, Corman, Tay-bear (sorry Corey, but that name's just so God damn cute!), Gab, Dusty-one, Casper, Jill, Red, Lizzy D and Jason, Dear God this list goes on and on, you know who you are, I have no patience.


Good luck to Patrick Rafter in the Grand Final at Wimbledon, you may not have been my first choice Patty, but you're still hot and Australian so that's good enough for me!

If you're Australian and have been keeping up with the (sad but addictive) phenomenon of Big Brother then you must (for the sake of my sanity) phone up and vote off Ben! The phone number is 1902555010. I urge you! PLEASE! If Blair or Sarah-Maree don't win I think I'll have a heart attack and die! Blair is too cute and Sarah Maree is way too sweet and funny and I would gladly be her toy-boy (sorry Mel!). One of them has to win because they are gonna marry and live happily ever after when the whole thing is over!


I just watched as JC tucked Justin into bed and read him a story, then climbed in the other side. Lance and Chris are in my hot tub as we speak (they're a bit older so I let them stay up later, but Justin needs to go to bed early, it's a school night!) they're naked and touching each other. They told me to tell you that this stuff never happened, and that they are all straight until proven otherwise (proven, game set and match to me!) Joey is at his remedial reading class, but he really is straight...and ugly, so he doesn't matter! Other than that, enjoy the story!


Lance in shining armour (it's finished but it's still awesome and I just found it.)

Secret Emotion (I have it on good authority that Erin will get off her lazy ass and update soon, LOL)

Lances Search.

The more you ignore me (The author, Tay-bear, is just too cute too.) Anything by Happy Penelope (Happy? When? Oh well, let's just call her "easily agitated Penelope")

On with the story...

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"You might think I'm crazy To hang around with you You might think I'm crazy But all I want is you You might think it's hysterical But I know when you're weak You think you're in the movies And everything's so deep But I think that you're wild When you flash that fragile smile You might think it's foolish This crazy rendezvous You might think I'm crazy But all I want is you"

Justin awoke to the morning sun streaming through the window of the hotel room, which was covered with an insufficient opaque curtain. He could still feel the warmth of JC's body against his back. The older man's arms around his waist. But the soft snoring that had soothed him back to sleep when he had woken in the middle of the night was now missing.

"Good Morning." Justin said, without turning around.

"It is, isn't it?" JC agreed cheerfully. "How did my baby sleep?" He asked, kissing the back of Justin's neck.

"Your baby slept fine." Justin replied, turning around to face JC. "I think his new Teddy bear had a lot to do with that though." He chuckled.

"I love you." JC said, pulling him into a bear hug.

"I love you too." Justin responded, then frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, It's just...nah it's silly."

"It can't be silly if it's bothering you, now tell me." JC commanded softly.

"Well it's just that...I love you because you've always been like my brother and my best friend since I was young. You've always watched out for me and looked after me and treated me like an equal, when most other people treat me like a kid. You're kind and patient and you do everything for me. The only thing I don't understand is, what do you get out of this? I mean even I think I'm a pain in the ass, how could you possibly love me? You must me mad." Justin queried jokingly.

"Yeah, actually I never thought about it that way. Perhaps on second thought you are a bit too high maintenance." JC replied, dodging a pillow as Justin struck out with it. "No seriously J' I do love you. There are too many reasons to pinpoint and it can't really be explained in words, but you're caring, sensitive, smart and have a wicked sense of humour. Also you don't judge me, which is really special. Besides those things you're good to cuddle and you're freakishly handsome, so I can't lose. Please don't ever doubt my love for you Baby, or I'll kick your ass!" JC replied, smiling.

Justin gave him a look that could have been a mix of surprise and adoration. He lifted his head off the pillow and leaned across the bed, placing his hand behind JC's head and his mouth against the other mans. JC hadn't expected the kiss and was shocked at first, then he came to his senses and grew accustomed to the feeling. Although it was their first real kiss, and he didn't want to rush Justin, he became bolder and allowed his tongue to explore Justin's mouth. The kiss seemed to last forever and it took JC all of his strength not to let his hands explore the rest of Justin's body. Justin said he wanted slow and he was quite prepared to allow the younger boy to be the initiator. Finally they broke the kiss.

"WOW" Justin whispered.

"I'll say." JC agreed, pulling Justin into a hug.

Hating to ruin the mood but knowing their time together alone was short, JC said "I should go and grab a shower." They had lay in each other's arms for some time and Justin was dozing in a light sleep. "the plane leaves at 5 and we wanna see a bit of this place before we leave." He explained to the napping boy.

"Oh, Ok then." Justin yawned, preferring to spend all day in each JC's arms.

"Cheer up Baby, we'll be home soon and we can spend all of our time cuddling together." JC laughed. "Oh and there's another reason I love you." He continued devilishly.

"What's that?" Justin asked, stifling another yawn.

"Your kisses. I've never really kissed a guy before, unless you count relatives and they're all old and horrible, you're sweet."

"Old guys don't do it for you?" Justin asked, laughing.

"Nope" JC replied. "Young boys are my weakness." He sang happily.

"You're on crack, aren't you?" Justin asked with mock seriousness.

Ignoring Justin's question, JC kept singing.

"I just like their sweetness Hey boy lets mess around I wanna party with you on the town Young boys really make me swing There ain't nothing like a pretty young thing Young boys are really mellow If you don't believe me just try this fellow"

He accentuated the last line by placing his hand on Justin's chest. Justin covered his mouth with his hand and whispered "Go and have your shower"

JC got out of bed and Justin noticed the tent in the front of his boxers before he turned away.

"I did that." He thought to himself. He was astonished at the feelings that came with that thought. Pleasure. Amusement. Even slight smugness. Justin lay back in the bed, their bed, and listened to JC singing while he showered. Content.

"Young boys are my weakness I just like their sweetness Pretty young thing what ya gonna do? I just wanna get my hands on you."

"You already did." Justin yelled through the open bathroom door.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Mr Timberlake. I'm a Gentleman." JC called back.

"I thought that was just a nasty rumour spread by teeny mags and you were really a cradle-robbing old perv."

"I'm a good, wholesome country-boy." JC replied, returning from the bathroom wrapped in a white towel. "And any insinuation to the contrary is slanderous."

"Yeah, whatever Cletus." Justin retorted, climbing out of the bed and kissing JC on the forehead "I'm going for a shower, "

When Justin returned from the shower JC was being mysterious and urging the young man to hurry.

"What the big rush Jayce?" Justin asked, confused.

"I could tell you." JC began

"But then you'd have to kill me?" Justin wondered, as he sat on the edge of the bed to put on his socks.

"No Baby." JC smiled "I just don't have to." He continued smugly.

Once Justin was dressed JC basically dragged him from the room. It wasn't as if they had anything to pack. JC rushed into an empty lift and pulled Justin in after him. As the doors closed JC pulled the taller boy to his chest and kissed the back of his neck, hugging him from behind.

"You really are on crack this morning, aren't you?"


"Then what is with you?"

"I'm in love!"

"Coincidence! Me too." Justin said happily, before reaching behind JC and pinching his ass. He then pulled away from the older man and stepped off the lift at the floor JC had selected. "Where to now?" he asked as JC recovered from Justin's actions.

"A spot of shopping I think." JC whispered, in his best haughty voice. "A new outfit for our first date."

"Our what?"

"Well it occurred to me that we're in a relationship now and we haven't even dated yet, so I'm taking you out to lunch as a celebration before we have to fly out. I didn't have much time to plan it, but I wanted it to be special." JC said, blushing.

"That's too sweet." Justin smiled at him "But you've already made me the happiest I've ever been, you don't need to do this."

"I know I don't need to, I want to. I mean you already let me sleep with you, so I know you're easy, it's not like I need to impress." He cackled maniacally, before sprinting off up the mall that was contained inside the resort, Justin in hot pursuit. JC arrived at a store he liked the look of and he stopped running. Justin caught up soon after, pouncing on JC and knocking him through the doorway.

"Can I help you?" A snotty sales assistant in her mid 40's asked.

"No thanks, just looking." The boys chimed together, trying to suppress laughter.

"Well this is a very expensive store." The woman replied, obviously not recognising them.

JC was offended that she was trying to brush them off, but he was more worried that she was going to upset Justin and ruin their day. "That's fine." JC replied, giving her a death stare "Like I said, we're just looking."

The woman reluctantly left them to browse, and went back to the counter.

"What am I looking for Jayce? Casual, formal or what?" Justin asked.

"How about this?" JC asked, holding up a pair of white cargo's and a grey, body-hugging sweater.

"Perv" Justin whispered, referring to the tight sweater. "OK then, but I get to choose yours."

"'Kay" JC agreed easily.

After they had chosen each other's outfits and charged them to the record company (as neither of them had escaped the island with their wallet) the once argumentative sales lady became quite helpful (the beauty of spending $800 on 4 articles of clothing) and matched some shoes to each outfit. She even helped them choose a restaurant for their meal, and after using the fitting rooms to change into their new outfits, they left for their date.

# # #

Hey, what did you all think? I tell you what I think. I think that the picture of Justin in this months "Smash Hits" mag is way too yummy (probably because I brought an identical t-shirt about 3 weeks ago from DJ's and it looks awesome on him). Not only that, but it's a full sized poster too. JC in leather is yummy (even with the "fuck knots" he calls hair) And Lancey looks hot with facial hair (even if he is wearing red alligator skin jacket and a denim shirt that's been attacked with a Demtel Bedazzler). These guys are hot! That's what I think, but that has very little to do with the story. Write to me at the usual address. Thanks heaps, love and stuff, AKW

Next: Chapter 16

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