Curly and Josh

By moc.liamtoh@hsoj_dna_ylruc

Published on Dec 31, 2001


Okay, hey everybody, I'm sooooo sorry this took so long, and I know you all hate me for promising it earlier and not delivering, but trust me when I say, I'm paying for my mistake now, LOL. When I say I'm paying for my mistake, what I mean is, it's hot and sunny in Australia at the moment, beautiful weather for surfing and laying on the beach and getting a tan (which is part of the reason I didn't get this chapter done sooner, hee hee) but instead of laying on the beach, or surfing during my Christmas vacation I'm in Birmingham, England, where it is currently -1C degree and freaking cold! Not only that, but I'm visiting family, most of whom I dislike, so the painful 24 hour flight from Melbourne to London, the crap weather and even worse family is pay-back for the lateness of this chapter. It did give me some time to type it though, LOL.

I really have to thank everybody who wrote to me since the last chapter, not all of you got a reply because my Hotmail account has been all bolloxed-up, but it's better now so please write to me, LOL. I have to apologise to a certain person for picking on him, Todd you know what I mean, or rather what I didn't mean (to hurt your feelings). And to my new Quasi-boyfriend, Den, I love you, even if Mel will get pissed at me, LOL, you are the best, and I don't deserve you (in the good way). So I hope everybody had a fantastic Christmas, and all the best for the New Year. On with the story:

Oh, actually, not yet. If you haven't read Den's story, Alone/Together you really should go now and read it, it's awesome. Not only that, but Mel and I feature in it, hee hee. We also feature in Corey's story, The more you ignore me, but I refuse to recommend it until Corey gets off his lazy ass and updates, LOL.

# # # #

Chapter 18: The sound of breaking up.

I close my eyes (This is the sound) I voice my fears (This is the sound of breaking up) I close my heart (This is the sound) So open your ears (This is the sound of Breaking up)

# # # # #

"Lance, It's Justin, hows it going man?" Justin spoke into the receiver of his mobile phone, as he wandered along a busy New York street.

"Yeah, okay, how are you guys coping with all the interviews?"

"They're all over, finished yesterday" Justin replied absently, pushing open the door to a small bakery. "We'll be heading out tonight and coming back to Bowie, everybody's still at JC's parents place, right?"

"Yeah, we're all still here, except Brit, but she's gonna try to get back by tomorrow because she wants to spend some time with you guys before we start touring again. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, Just checking 'cause we want to spend a few days together with you guys too. Then Jayce and I were thinking we'd go away for a bit of a break before we start back" Justin replied, pointing at custard filled Danish in the display cabinet and signalling to the young woman behind the counter that he would take 2 of them. "That's actually why I rang man, we were kinda wondering if we could use your place at the beach for a few days?"

"Aw man, you know I'd love to say yes, but my sister and her husband are using it for a couple of weeks." Lance said, as Justin paid for his purchases and stepped back onto the street.

"Oh" Justin replied, racking his brain for another alternative.

"Well Joey has his place in Cali, but I don't suppose you want to go there." Lance mused

"Oh, hey Scoop, don't sweat it, I just had another idea." Justin responded, excitedly "We'll see you guys tonight."

"Uh, okay then Just, see you later." Lance replied, surprised at Justin's sudden enthusiasm.

# # # # #

Justin stepped back into the suite just as JC wandered from the bathroom in just a pair of cargo's, his hair damp from the shower.

"Morning." JC beamed, as Justin wolf-whistled him and eyed his naked torso seductively.

"Feeling better?" Justin asked, as he dropped his key, mobile phone and the paper bakery bag into one of the overstuffed lounge chairs and sauntered toward his boyfriend.

"Yeah, heaps better" JC replied, taking Justin's face in his hands and kissing him passionately.

"I brought breakfast." Justin replied, wrapping his arms around JC's warm body and pulling him close "And just in time by the feel of things." Justin continued, worriedly "You've lost lots of weight, you need to see a doctor."

"Nah, I'm fine now." JC replied, as Justin pulled away from the cuddle "It must have passed"

"Yeah, you do look better." Justin admitted, but still sounded unconvinced.

"I'm starving, what did you get?" JC asked, changing the subject.

"Huh? Oh, I got Danish." Justin replied "How do you feel about camping?"

"What? Where did that come from?" JC laughed.

"Well" Justin began, as he picked up the bag and walked toward the kitchenette, raising his voice as he got further away from JC "Lances house is being used, but I figured if we want to get away from everything then we could rough it and go camping."

"Sounds great" JC replied enthusiastically as he came into the kitchen behind Justin.

# # # # #

They had made it back to Bowie in the late afternoon, as the sun was disappearing. JC had slept almost the entire trip, only waking to de-board the plane and get into a cab. Justin was still worried that JC was sleeping too much, but JC's assurances that he felt fine, combined with the comfortable feeling of his head on Justin's shoulder, caused the blonde superstar to push the troublesome thoughts to the back of his mind.

"Hey guys" JC called as they stepped from the cab and onto the gravel driveway.

Lance, Chris, Erin and Roy had appeared on the deep front porch, and Joey and Christina appeared shortly after, both of them bounding down the porch steps, Joey grabbing the boys' bags from the cab, and Christina running to Justin and JC and pulling them into a hug.

"Welcome back" She squealed.

"Thanks" JC laughed

"Uh, we were only gone a week Chrissie" Justin stated with confusion.

"Yeah I know, but I missed you guys."

"Don't worry about those two." Chris explained "they've been into Roy's liquor cabinet."

Both giggled and Joey retorted in defence "Well it was offered, and we couldn't be rude."

"Yeah, and it was yummy too." Christina chimed in, breathing sour, alcohol tainted air into Justins' face, causing him to turn away from her.

"What did you do, drink it all?" JC laughed

# # # #

After they had unpacked they sat in the spacious living room, with the entire group of family and friends, talking about their week of interviews.

"We saw you on Letterman." Lynn said "and you were looking a bit pale, Joshua"

"Yeah, I had a bit of a cold and we didn't get much sleep the night before" JC explained

"Oh well, as long as you're okay now." Lynn replied sternly "but you should take better care of yourself." Justin gave JC a look of agreement and JC rolled his eyes in mock frustration.

"I suppose we should think about feeding this hungry hoard, Karen" Lynn continued, switching focus from JC to his mother.

"Yes." Karen replied, happily "what does everybody feel like?"

"We'll cook" JC replied eagerly "Won't we Justin?"

"Will we?" Justin asked, laughing with surprise.

"Yeah, it'll be fun, come on" he said, standing up and dragging Justin out of his chair.

"Don't be silly" Karen protested "You two have had a tough week, we can do it."

"Nah, let them go" Roy disagreed "they're at home now, not on tour, they can do their own cooking."

"You're gonna regret that." Joey laughed "you've gotta eat it remember?"

"That's okay, I've got the pizza shop on speed dial." Roy returned

"Oh, so that's how it going to be is it?" JC asked "I expected more from you, Dad." He continued with faux hurt.

# # # # #

After a filling meal everybody looked toward JC and Justin as Roy addressed them.

"I've got to say, I'm amazed boys." Roy began "that was delicious"

"Thanks" Justin replied, but was quickly silenced by JC who smiled deviously at him.

"Your praise is too little, too late." JC replied, still acting hurt by his fathers earlier comments.

"Oh, I see, this is leading somewhere isn't it?" Roy asked, laughing.

"Well, after offending your eldest son I think a tiny little favour is the least you could do."

"Uh huh, I knew it. What do you want?"

"Justin and I were thinking we'd go camping later in the week, because we really want a good break before we begin touring again."

"And...?" Roy encouraged, smirking, causing everybody else at the table to laugh.

"Well my Jeep is back in Orlando and we really need a 4X4 if we want to get into the woods at Deep creek lake."

"Son, I love you, but not that much." Roy joked.

"Aw, come on Dad." JC nagged, sounding like a child.

"No." Roy repeated "I've driven with you a number of times, I know how bad you are, the answer is no." he continued smugly.

"First you insult my cooking abilities, then my driving skill." JC moaned, before taking a long swallow from his glass.

"Why don't you borrow Lance's 4-runner?" Chris questioned.

"Because it's in Orlando with mine." JC mocked.

"No it's not." Lance interjected, pausing for the first time since the conversation began, a forkful of pasta raised in front of him. "I had to go back to Florida while you guys were in NY and I drove back here a few days ago."

"Don't you feel like a fool now?" Chris asked, a self-satisfied look on his face.

"Better than looking like one I suppose." Justin replied, getting out of his chair.

"You didn't just diss me did you?" Chris asked, astonished "What were you told about respecting your elders? Now I'll give you the customary chance to apologise."

"Nope" Justin responded, walking toward the kitchen door, laughing.

Suddenly Chris sprang from his chair and ran toward Justin, tackling him to the floor "I'd really like an apology." Chris warned mockingly.

"You should really look after your frail old self Christopher." Justin replied, standing up and causing Chris to fall onto the floor "You could throw a hip at your age."

Chris was momentarily stunned, and looked toward Sarah for sympathy

"Don't play all pitiful now, Christopher" She warned, stifling a laugh "You're a big boy now, you play rough, you deal with the consequences."

"So, Lance" Justin continued, ignoring the commotion he and Chris had just caused "Can we borrow your car or what?"

"Sure" Lance replied amiably, still feeding pasta into his mouth.

# # # # # #

After dinner Justin and JC's parents decided to go to a late movie, leaving the group of friends to their own devices. They had decided to watch videos and have a night in, but after gathering up junk food from the kitchen, and a pile of bottles of liquor, they ended up sitting around the living room listening to music and talking. It was the first time in weeks that Justin had felt completely relaxed, he had the feeling that this was the way a relationship was supposed to be, they were both comfortable and happy.

# # # # #

"Ha" Justin laughed to himself bitterly, the sound echoing off the cold walls of the hospital corridor. "It was all bullshit, how can happiness exist in this god forsaken world?"

The young singer wracked his brain, attempting to pinpoint the exact moment in the past week where the illusion of happiness had been irreparably shattered for him.

# # # # #

After spending 3 days with their family and friends both boys had seemed to recharge, and were full of enthusiasm. They had continued to hide their affection during the time they spent around other people, but that had little impact on their nocturnal declarations of love for each other.

At 5am on Thursday they had been awake for an hour, preparing breakfast and showering. They had said their good-byes to everybody, and packed up the car the night before so they wouldn't wake everybody up when they left. So in the pre-dawn silence that anticipated the onset of day, they were in the car and ready to go with a minimum of fuss.

JC had pulled into a gas station to fill-up, and as he wandered into the counter to pay for the fuel Justin walked back toward the car with a pile of newspapers and magazines, and bags full of sweets. He spent the next hour with his feet on the dashboard of the car, the newspaper spread across his lap, reading aloud the days news to JC as he drove.

"What's wrong?" JC asked, as Justin stuffed his mouth full of sweets and suddenly stopped speaking.

Rather than respond, Justin held up one finger indicating for JC to wait. After a few seconds he pulled 2 jelly snakes out of his mouth, the snakes were wet and tangled.

"I did it." Justin stated proudly.

"Did what?"

"Tied them with my tongue, I've been trying to do that since I was a kid."

"Than congratulations Baby." JC replied with a laugh "that's a talent you can put on your CV."

"Do you want some?" Justin asked

" thanks Babe, I'll be fine." JC replied, looking at the half-sucked mess in Justin's hand.

"No, not these ones." Justin laughed "you can have some from the pack"

"No thanks." JC repeated "I don't know how you eat that rubbish at this time of the morning."

"Like my stomach knows what time it is."

JC had laughed at his logic, and taken his eyes off the road just long enough to look at Justin with what he had assumed was love.

# # # #

"How could I get it so wrong?" Justin whispered to himself, as an orderly dressed in blue pushed a trolley past where he sat.

"Would you like something to eat Mr Timberlake?" The young orderly asked timidly, stopping in front of Justin.

"I'm sorry, what?" Justin asked, shaken from his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry I recognised you as you came in." She replied meekly "If you'd like something to eat I can probably arrange something for you."

"No thanks" Justin replied, managing a kind smile.

The orderly flashed him a sincere smile and continued along the corridor with customary slam-band efficiency.

Just then a Doctor, who appeared to be no older than Justin, emerged from behind the opaque plastic doors of the emergency room. He had a goatee beard and a pierced nose, reminding Justin more of a motorcycle mechanic than a Doctor, and the look of bewilderment on his face worried Justin. He thought about asking if he had to remove his nose ring when he was operating, but his worry for JC soon overcame that urge.

"Doctor." He croaked, before clearing his throat "how is he?"

"Uh, he's still unconscious." The man replied nervously "and he had a pretty high fever, but he doesn't seem to be getting any worse, which is a good sign."

"But what's wrong with him?" Justin urged. He was considering throwing a Hollywood super-brat style tantrum and declaring the doctors incompetent, insisting that JC be transferred to a better equipped hospital, but he decided not to. He instead waited for the perpetually confused-looking Doctor to reply.

"Well, we aren't exactly sure." He began, but rushed to finish before Justin could jump in "but we have narrowed it down to some kind of viral infection. We've drawn blood and sent it for analysis, but at this hour the results probably won't be known until morning.

Justin began to worry, he had been amazed that a town the size of this one actually had an emergency room, but if JC had to wait until the morning, potentially risking his life, then Justin's crusade to get medical help would all have been in vain.

"It may help if you could tell me a little bit about his behaviour before the seizure you witnessed." The doctor instructed "Was he acting oddly at all?"

# # # #

Justin had noticed some odd behaviour, but it was less related with his illness, than it was with their relationship. Everything had been fine when they got to the campsite JC chose. They had driven for miles along various dirt tracks, muddying Lances truck beyond belief, until they had come to a natural clearing between masses of gigantic oak trees. The location was so far from civilisation that nobody could possibly have disturbed them. They set up the tent and unrolled their sleeping bags. As the weather had fined up, Justin changed into basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt. The younger man grabbed a saw from the back of the car and wandered over to where JC was attempting to connect a gas bottle to a portable burner.

"Hey sexy" Justin cooed seductively, pinching JC arse "I'm going to cut some wood for a fire, I'll be back soon."

"I'll be there in a minute to help, I'll just finish here."

After a few minutes JC followed the sound of sawing, and found Justin hunched over a large log, his t-shirt now off and tucked into the back of his shorts, one trainer-clad foot atop the log holding in place as he cut. He snuck up behind the muscular man and slipped his arms around his sweaty waist, kissing the back of his neck , beaming as Justin turned around with a look of surprise on his face.

"Did I scare you?"

"Yup, but it was worth it."

Suddenly JC's look of happiness turned to a look of horror as he noticed the log Justin was cutting.

"You didn't cut that down did you?" he asked worriedly.

"No, Sexy" Justin replied kindly "It had already fallen, I know how you feel about that kind of thing."

"Thanks Jup" JC replied, suddenly embarrassed by his accusation.

"No problem, hey I'm hungry."

"What a surprise."

"Well this is hard work."

"With the amount of sugar you ate on the way here, this should be a cinch"

"I'm a growing boy, I need to keep up my energy."

"Well why don't I take these back to the camp, and see if I can find you something to eat." JC replied, picking up a pile of small logs Justin had cut.

When Justin returned with the remainder of the wood JC had made sandwiches for lunch. After they ate they worked into the late afternoon to set the fire and then placed a roast dinner and potatoes on the fire to cook. Eventually they lay down on a blanket in the sun, JC hugging Justin close and nibbling on his ear, and both of them drifted off to sleep. Both men woke as the sun was setting, the skyline, barely visible through the trees, was a magnificent amber. The dying glow hadn't taken with it the heat of the day, it was still a balmy evening. Justin was laying on his side in front of JC, but even without even seeing his face he could tell that the older man was awake.

"Feeling relaxed yet Sexy?" he asked, his voice taking on a deep, dry quality.

"Uh huh" JC replied, removing his arms temporarily to allow Justin to turn and face him "And I'm with my favourite boy, we're all alone, and we don't have to worry about being caught." He continued, kissing Justin on the end of the nose. "But don't hug me too tight, I have to pee like a racehorse" he finished, before bursting out laughing.

"You're so romantic Josh, You know how to make a guy feel special." Justin replied sarcastically, before laughing himself, standing up and straightening his clothes.

"You didn't have to get up, Baby, I can pee solo now."

"And trust me when I say that solo is the only way you're gonna be doing it, I'm going to check on dinner."

"So you worry more about burning your food than about your boyfriend all alone in the big scary forest huh? I could be molested or anything out here." JC called, as he wandered away from the camp site.

"Half your luck." Justin called back, chuckling to himself, and smiling broadly. It was the first time he had heard JC use the term "boyfriend" referring to him, and he felt as though their relationship was beginning to take shape.

# # # #

Tears began to sting his eyes as he thought of the words that JC had said to him the following night. One night everything was perfect, the next night his world was falling apart.

"I can't think of anything, but if I do I'll let you know" Justin told the Doctor, barely maintaining a level key, before he excused himself and walked briskly back past the nurses station. He hoped that none of the nurses attempted to talk to him because the tears that were stinging his eyes were seconds away from spilling over. A lump formed in the back of his throat as he gained momentum and broke out into the night air. He took a deep breath and attempted to gather his feelings. As he breathed out a gut-wrenching sob escaped him, and was shortly followed by a torrent of tears. He steadied himself by sitting on the lowest in a series of brick retaining walls that made up the front of the hospital, and he allowed himself to cry.

# # # # #

Just an hour earlier Justins hands shook as the 4-Runner bounced and rattled it's way across the pitted and pot-holed surface of the unsealed road. He was driving too fast, especially considering the total blanket darkness that enveloped the vehicle. The night was broken only where the powerful headlamps cast a bluish/white light, spearing off into areas of dense scrub. He found himself wishing that they hadn't chosen such an out of the way location.

"Hang in there Josh." He muttered, his knuckles white where he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

'If you hold the wheel too tight the tension will build up in your arms and spread throughout your body, making you a tense driver' His licence instructor had explained when he was learning to drive.

"I am fucking tense" Justin cursed. It was the first time he had driven a car since he had banged-up the Jeep on the island. Although he hadn't given a second thought to driving when he knew JC needed help, now that he was behind the wheel all he could think about was the way Erin had looked in the hospital bed after he smashed Heathers car. By the time the gravel road once again became tarmac he was a sweaty, nervous wreck. He had no idea where he was going and as he approached an intersection, travelling too fast to stop even if there had been other traffic on the road, he noticed a group of men standing on the corner outside a pub that had obviously just closed. Jamming on the brakes and skidding to a stop he slipped the Toyota into reverse and pulled up next to the group. After struggling to find the switch to activate the electric window he threw the drivers door open, startling the man closest to the curb.

"Is there an emergency room nearby?" He asked frantically.

"About a mile and a half that way." The startled man replied, hooking his thumb to the right of the intersection.

"Thanks" Justin replied, slamming the door and taking off as quickly as he'd stopped, all four wheels barking on the bitumen as he accelerated away.

# # # #

After they had eaten the meal Justin had served, JC climbed into the tent and re-emerged a few seconds later with a small black back-pack.

"What's in there?" Justin asked.

"You'll have to wait and see, Nosey" JC replied secretively. He slung the bag over his shoulder and walked to the pile of wood, choosing the two biggest logs and throwing them onto the already roaring fire.

"It doesn't need more yet." Justin objected.

"I know." JC replied "But I want it to still be burning when we get back."

"Back from where."

"You'll see, just hop in the car."

"A surprise?" Justin replied eagerly, climbing into the passenger seat.

Despite earlier denying he had any idea where they were, JC followed a hastily beaten track for about 5 kilometres until they stopped at a sandy clearing.

"Where are we?" Justin asked

Flicking on the high-beam lights, JC revealed a huge lake, with a sandy bank around it that seemed to stretch forever. He jumped out of the car, grabbing the back pack, and ran quickly to the other side of the car. Opening the door and taking Justin by the hand, he helped him out and led him to the edge of the water.

"Feeling brave Mr Timberlake?" JC asked, opening the bag and removing 2 large beach towels, smoothing them on the ground and placing the bag on one of them.

"What?" Justin returned, still stunned that JC had known how to find the lake in the dark.

"Come swimming with me?" JC asked, pulling his t-shirt over his head and tossing it on the towel,

"Can we swim here?"

"Yeah, my Dad used to bring us here all the time when we were kids."

"I...uh." Justin stammered, staring at JC's body, which was now naked except for his boxers.

"It's okay, I'm leaving them on." JC chuckled, wrapping his arms around Justin's neck.

"'Kay" Justin replied, sliding out of the embrace, and quickly removing his top and shorts and kicking his trainers into the sand.

JC ran straight into the water and dived under, laying on his back and treading water. Justin waded in slowly, and when the water was at chest height JC swam up behind him, stood up and wrapped his arms around the younger man. The water from JC's arms was cold on his skin and, mixed with the warmth of JC's body, provided an erotic coupling. Justin was surprised and slightly embarrassed to feel JC's hard shaft pressing hotly against the small of his back, and suddenly JC bear hugged him and lifted him off the bottom of the lake, pressing his back harder against the chest of the wiry singer, before JC intentionally fell backward, dragging Justins dry upper torso and head under the water with him.

"You think you're very funny don't you Mr Chasez?" Justin quizzed sarcastically, as he struggled to stand.

"Moi?" JC replied innocently "What did I do?"

Rather than respond, Justin launched himself off the bottom of the lake and made a lunge for JC, who was illuminated in the glow from the headlights. Catching Justin in his outstretched arms, in the manner of a ballet routine, JC pulled him into a tight hug and buried his head in the crook of Justins neck.

"I love you Jup" He said as he began biting the skin on Justins neck.

As JC progressed from biting his neck to kissing his lips passionately Justin began walking backward toward the shore. As his feet touched one of the large beach towels he sat down and dragged JC atop him. JC pushed his tongue into Justin's mouth where Justin hungrily sucked on it. Pulling away from the kiss JC moved down Justins body, pausing momentarily at his neck, then continuing on to his nipples that were standing erect from his muscular chest. As he sucked on the right one Justin moaned with obvious pleasure, the moans increased as he circled it with his tongue than moved onto his left nipple, leaving a wet trail across the young mans chest, which had dried with the heat of his body. He continued kissing across Justin's stomach, and the light tickling of JC's lips on his taut belly would have made Justin laugh had he not been so incredibly horny. As JC reached the damp waist band of Justins satin boxers the young man tensed-up and his entire body went rigid.

"It's okay, I'm only going as far as you want me to." JC soothed, and he made his way back up to Justin's face.

Justin grabbed hold of JC ass and pulled him closer, massaging the muscular globes as he did so. "I love you Josh." He moaned, and he had meant it.

After they had kissed and bitten each other into a frenzy, and both men were sufficiently randy and turned on, JC had pulled away and retrieved a bottle of champagne and a set of metal picnic cups in a leather case from the car cooler, rested his back against the front of the car and beckoned Justin to sit between his legs. JC's skin had felt blisteringly hot, and comforting against his back, and they had toasted each other and their relationship, before clinking the metal cups together and swallowing greedily, as if to try and satisfy an unreleased sexual urge.

Justin had been so happy that night. They had driven back to the camp, and snuggled into the one big sleeping bag JC had created by zipping the two together. They drifted off to sleep facing each other, and Justin could smell champagne on JC's breath as he quietly slept.

# # # #

The car-park at the front of the hospital was in a large horse-shoe arrangement around a huge semi-circular garden. Justin noticed that a few cars pulled up within a few seconds of each other, pulling in close to the garden to park. Looking at his watch he noticed that it was close to 3am, and assumed that it was the nurses change of shift. He didn't want to risk being noticed crying outside a hospital, by a nurse who had nothing better to do with her time but report to the newspapers, so he stood from the cold bricks and wandered out into the dark car-park toward the road. He passed a young nurse as she stepped from her car, and she gave him a smile and continued on her way, either unable to see his tears in the dark, or choosing to mind her own business. Either way Justin was glad.

Out on the road he looked in one direction and saw nothing but dark expanses of vacant land, that was the direction he had come from and he knew there was nothing for about a mile until you hit the main centre of town, so he chose to walk in the other direction. A chilling wind caught him as he walked, causing him to cross his arms over his chest and huddle to keep warm. He was still dressed in shorts and t-shirt, which seemed grossly inappropriate.

As he came to the crest of hill in the road, walking as close to the edge as he could due to the lack of sidewalk, he saw a large gas station which was illuminated by what looked like thousands of fluorescent bulbs. He wandered into the convenience store that was vacant except for a pimple-faced teenaged boy behind the counter, who only looked up briefly from the magazine he had resting on the counter. Justin walked to the coffee machine, and made his selection, waiting for the coffee cup to drop.

Thinking about the Doctors words he suddenly had a bright ray of hope. "What if..." He wondered aloud, before dismissing the thought and taking the cup to the counter.

"Is that the lot?" The kid asked

"Yeah..." Justin began "Ah, actually no, I'll have a pack of Camel and a lighter"

Handing the kid the money Justin was afraid that he had been recognised, but the flash of sudden interest that had appeared in the kids' eyes disappeared as quickly as it came, and Justin left the store.

As soon as he got outside he tore open the packet of cigarettes and put on between his lips, fumbling with the lighter he inhaled deeply and coughed. Inhaling not quite as deep next time he managed to get the smoke to his lungs without spluttering. He hadn't smoked since he was in the 9th grade, but he remembered how it had relaxed him then, and it did the same for him now.

# # # #

The next day began oddly, with Justin waking alone, and finding JC had gone walking by himself without leaving a note. He was a little bit worried that something may happen to JC while he was off by himself, and nobody would be with him to report it. But aside from that, he was a bit upset that JC hadn't woken him to see if he wanted to come too. He decided that maybe JC needed some time alone and thought no more about it. JC returned about half an hour later, while Justin was flicking through a copy of Rolling Stone he brought the morning before. Although JC wasn't in a bad mood, he didn't seem to be his usual happy, outgoing self. But after breakfast everything had returned to normal and Justin forgot about the episode altogether.

After they spent the day hiking and exploring the Allegheny Highlands JC was tired when they returned to the camp he lay down in the sun and slept until around 9pm, when Justin woke him to eat dinner. JC didn't speak much, but whenever Justin attempted to go near him or touch him JC pulled away, almost as though he was disgusted by Justin's mere presence. Justin had been upset, but he had decided to leave JC alone to think about whatever it was that was troubling him. When Justin had told JC that he was heading off to bed, JC had looked at him as though he wondered why Justin would feel the need to tell him that. Justin asked if JC was going to come with him, and JC exploded. He had told Justin that he was going to sleep in the car because he didn't want to be anywhere near him, then he stood up and began walking as though he was drunk, then he had fallen on the ground and began convulsing.

Justin had assumed that somehow the guilt and stress of the relationship had given JC some kind of break- down, and on the drive to the hospital, and ever since he had assumed that JC wanted to end the relationship before it had officially started. He hated himself for doing that to JC, even though JC had participated willingly. Mulling over the events he began to rethink the avenue he had visited while he was at the coffee machine. The Doctor had said that all symptoms pointed to a viral infection, so it couldn't have been a breakdown. Maybe JC's behaviour could all be attributed to a virus, maybe he didn't want to break-up after all. Justin nearly allowed himself the luxury of happiness, before his negative side over-took him.

"You couldn't be that lucky Timberlake." He chastised himself. But he found himself dropping the cigarette and quickening his pace toward the hospital anyway. As he walked through the dark car-park he noticed the young Doctor standing at the entrance, huddled against the cold, also smoking a cigarette.

"Doctor" Justin called, as he walked to the door. The doctor turned around, startled that he'd been caught partaking in the same self-destructive habit Justin had just enjoyed, he attempted to hide the cigarette by holding it behind his back.

"Don't worry about it." Justin smiled, flashing the packet he'd just brought "I won't tell anybody if you don't.


"I just remembered a few things JC's been doing that are totally out of character."

"Let me guess, he's been moody, snappy, he's been eating next to nothing and he sleeps more than usual?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"We got the test results back."

"So what is it?"

"It's pretty rare actually, and he can't have picked it up around here. It's called Ross River Virus, and it's spread by mosquitos, but it's not prevalent in America, and it's fairly advanced so I'm guessing he contracted it over a week ago." The doctor continued, before dragging heavily on the cigarette and throwing the remainder into the garden.

"Is it bad? I mean can it be treated?" Justin asked, watching with amazement as the smoke he had just inhaled remained somewhere inside his body, even as he began to talk.

"Oh sure it can, but he could have it for months." He said, before exhaling the smoke "so he will really have to take care of himself. He will feel run-down a lot, and will sleep more than normal, but he will be on strong anti-biotics and he will be fine if he rests. What does he do for a job?"

"Uh, actually we're in a band, and we're supposed to be starting a tour of Europe next week."

"Seriously?" The Doctor questioned "What band?"

"Uh...NSYNC" Justin replied shyly

"Ha, my Missus loves you guys."

"Really?" Justin asked suspiciously, in case the Doctor was making a joke.

"Yeah really, she has all of your albums." He laughed "And I'm not going to bear her wrath if I stop you touring, but he might not be able to keep up."

"Ah, that's alright, if we have to cancel a few appearances then so be it." Justin stated simply. "Uh, now you know how you said he might be a bit snappy and moody?" he continued cautiously.

"Yeah, that's right, he's probably been like it for a while right?"

"Well, no. I mean he's been sleepy, but not nasty. Not until tonight anyway."

"Did he growl at you or something? Is that what you want to know, could that be because of the virus?"

"Well yeah."

"The answer is most likely. See when you have Ross river virus you get a fever, and usually a headache to go with it. Sometimes the headaches get that bad that you can sometimes get hallucinations, paranoia isn't uncommon, but really bad moods and a complete lack of tolerance is normal."

"Oh, that's good...I think.:" Justin said absently. "When will he be conscious?"

"You should be able to talk to him by the morning."


# # # #

Was it worth the wait? If you have any comments about the story, or, indeed, about the growing unrest about the introduction of the Euro in various parts of Europe, the appropriate topping for pavlova, or anything else you feel like, write to me at Love and stuff, AKW.

Next: Chapter 19

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